Hi, my name is Judy Seils.
Thank you for visiting the Pawfect Manners website. I hope you'll take a few moments to look around and maybe learn something you didn't know. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
I have always loved animals and growing up my aspiration was to be a veterinarian. I ended up working in the veterinary industry as a technician and office manager for over 20 years. In 1998, I was introduced to a dog trainer who took me under her wing. I found animal behavior and training was my real passion. I apprenticed with Barbara West of WestOak DTC and then took over her classes after health issues made it difficult for Barb to teach. I started Pawfect Manners in 2006.
During my time as a vet tech, I was able to see the great need people have for dog and cat training. There are many situations that are stressful for us and our pets, like vet visits, that don't have to be. A little training can make a big difference.
My goal is to give you the tools and skills you need to teach basic manners as well as work with your pet to allow things like nail trims and grooming. I use conditioned reinforcement techniques, like clicker training, in my classes because this scientific approach is 45% faster than 'traditional' training methods.
My three dogs have each taught me so much. My first, Dreamer was the one who brought me to dog training, introducing me to Barb, clicker training, flyball and freestyle. Shiloh continued that training and assisted me in my classes for many years. My last dog, Pecos, was not a puppy when I adopted him and gave me experience dealing with changing existing behaviors. They were all wonderful dogs and I miss them.
Although I started as a dog trainer, I've always felt that cats could benefit from classes as well. My own cats have taught me how beneficial it is to teach them to have nails trimmed, to take pills and baths from a young age, but it it possible to teach adult cats to allow these things as well. Plus you can teach them fun tricks, just like dogs!
My current, only-child, is a calico cat, Ruby who found me at the end of 2020. She was only a couple months old. We have been doing the usual training that I do with my cats, handling, nail trims, regular baths, and basic manners (bite and scratching control). I've also been clicker training various tricks with her, and it's been a lot of fun.
I keep up-to-date on the latest animal training and behavior theory through various courses and seminars. You can check out what I've been up to here.
I would love to help you with your pet's training needs. Please drop me a note if you enjoyed this site or if you have any questions about classes or any other pet related questions. Check out our classes!
Thank you,
Judy Seils and Ruby

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Shouldn't Your Pet Have Pawfect Manners?
You can have a well-behaved pet, let me show you how.
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