Six Week Classes
Puppy Manners - For puppies 2 to 4 months old. There will be a slight difference in classes depending on the age of the puppy. We will cover potty training, body handling, socialization, crate training, boundaries, preventing problems, sit, down, come, leash work, and more.
Kitten Manners - For kittens 2 to 4 months old. We will cover body handling, appropriate play, socialization, crate training, boundaries, sit, down, come, and more.
Canine Manners - For dogs 5 months and older. We will cover any specific problems you need help with as well as the basics. Sit, down, stand, come, leash work, 'off', 'leave it', socialization, and more.
Feline Manners - For cats 5 months and older. We will cover any specific problems you need help with as well as body handling, socialization, crate training, sit, come, boundaries, and more.
Focus Sessions
Whether you already have the basics or just want to deal with one thing at at time, you can choose a Focus class that best fits your needs.
New Puppy/Kitten - HELP! - For new pet owners who need a little help getting started. We will discuss feeding, potty/litter training, handling, enrichment, socialization, and appropriate play. If you need more than one session, consider the Puppy or Kitten Manners class.
Potty Training - For dogs or cats. One to four sessions specifically addressing housetraining issues. If this is a long-term problem, please take your pet to the vet first for an exam and any tests recommended, then send me a copy of the vet's record to show there are no health issues causing the behavior problem.
Stop Destructive Behaviors - For dogs and cats. Is your pet chewing up things? Scratching at the door, window sills, furniture? One to four sessions to work on managing and changing the behavior. Pre-class vet visit may be required depending on the issue.
Socialization - For dogs and cats. May require pre-class vet vist. Dissuss and work on managing and changing behavior in shy, skittish, and anxious pets. Initial session may be rolled over to 6 week session. Socialization is not a quick fix.
Crate Training - For dogs and cats. Discuss and work on how to teach your pet to like their crate.
Come When Called - For dogs and cats. Learn how to get your pet to come to you reliably.
Jumping/Barking - For dogs and cats. Learn how to handle attention-getting and annoying, but normal, pet behaviors like jumping up or barking/meowing for attention.
Biting/Scratching - For dogs and cats. This is not a class for aggressive animals. This class is a minimum of four weeks and meant for pets that play too rough with their mouths and/or paws. Also applies to ones that take food too roughly from your hands, etc. If you aren't sure if the class fits your needs, contact me and I'll be glad to discuss your options.
Sit/Down/Stand - For dogs and cats. Having trouble getting your small dog to lay down? Want your cat to sit on cue? Maybe your dog has a perfect sit at home, but you can't get him to sit anywhere else. This class can help.
Leash Manners - For dogs. (May be available for cats... talk to me.) Getting a good loose leash walk from your dog is one of the hardest things to do. This class is a minimum of four sessions. We will start with what you have and go from there.
Grooming/Nail Trims - For dogs and cats. Have trouble trimming your pet's nails? Can't get a brush near them? We will work on teaching your pet to allow basic husbandry and handling.
Fun Tricks - For dogs and cats. Learn how to teach your pet some fun tricks
I would love to help you with your pet's training needs. Please drop me a note if you enjoyed this site or if you have any questions about classes or any other pet related questions. E-mail
Thank you,
Judy Seils and Ruby

Shouldn't your pet have Pawfect Manners? Sign up now!
Shouldn't Your Pet Have Pawfect Manners?
You can have a well-behaved pet, let me show you how.
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