Are We There, Yet?

By SasseyJ

DISCLAIMER: No profit is made in any way shape or form from this fan fic. All of the Magnificent Seven characters are the property of Mirisch, Trilogy, MGM, CBS, and now TNN. The twins, however, are mine. Captain McNelly was an actual Texas Ranger during this time period. Sam Crockett is just a name.

Part Two

Chapter 6

Two very subdued little girls stood waiting with a woman neither Vin nor Ezra recognized. They even looked a bit sad, and both men reacted to that immediately.

"Why ya lookin' like ya just lost your best friend?" Vin was trying not to frown at the pinched looking woman who returned his look with extreme disapproval.

"You there, don't you dare touch those girls!" Vin paused as he reached for the twins. They looked like they were ready to cry. That made him angry and did nothing for Ezra's disposition either.

"And who the hell are you?" The voice was a low growl that made the woman take a step backwards. Ezra had moved to Vin's left side, putting the twins behind them. The Terrells would never deny them access to the twins, so Ezra was more than curious as to what position of power this woman held in the Terrell household. Henderson noticed the twins' distress and unobtrusively tapped Alexandra on the shoulder.

As she walked over, Vin and Ezra watched the pinched looking woman transform into a sweet-tempered woman whose soul purpose in life was the happiness of her charges.

"Oh, Mrs. Terrell, the twins were frightened by this rough looking man. I was trying to protect them, but he made a threatening movement toward me. I think we must have Mr. Terrell send for the law."

Alexandra raised an eyebrow and looked at the woman. Someone had upset her daughters, and she didn't think the source was either man behind her. Lilith Jones had come highly recommended from her previous post, but Alexandra hadn't liked her from the start. The woman was firm with her daughters, and they hadn't complained so Alexandra had allowed her husband to talk her into giving the woman a chance. She saw Henderson step behind Miss Jones and look directly at her. They understood one another. Henderson would keep a close eye on Miss Jones when Alexandra couldn't. Her husband had a fierce loyalty to those who worked for him, but his first loyalty was to his family. No one hurt his family unless they wanted to unleash a totally ruthless entity in their midst.

"I doubt very seriously, Miss Jones, that the twins were upset by Mr. Tanner. He is after all responsible for saving their lives as well as mine and the baby." Miss Jones' face reflected her chagrin at her blunder, but Alexandra was no longer looking at her. "Twins?" Two pairs of blue eyes peaked out from behind Ezra Standish and Vin Tanner. They were large with distress and unshed tears. "Why are you hiding from Ours and Our Ezra when you have done nothing but talk about them for the last two days?"

The twins looked at one another and then back at their mother. You couldn't lie to Mommy or Daddy. "Miss Jones said we couldn't pounce."

"Pounce?" Even Henderson was confused, but he used this opportunity to check out the man called Vin Tanner. If this young man was not Miss Annabelle's son, Henderson would quit his job and join a monastery. The resemblance was uncanny. The same startling blue eyes, the same wavy brown hair, the same stubborn set of the jaw, Henderson now knew why Mrs. Alex and Dr. Neil were convinced that this was the one they had been searching for. His attention was reclaimed by laughter as Vin Tanner knelt down and grabbed both girls in a bear hug.

"Well, iffen you can't pounce on us, we'll just pounce on you. How's that?" He swept the now giggling twins up and swung them around before passing them to Ezra, who did the same. Alexandra laughed at the transformation in her twins. No one noticed the look of disapproval on the face of Miss Jones.

None of her charges were ever allowed to act in such an unladylike manner. They would have to be taught, and this, this heathen's influence ended. Miss Jones didn't mind the gentleman with this Tanner person associating with her charges. He was so obvious the gentleman just as this other man was so obviously some ruffian off the street. One could always tell breeding, and Miss Jones doubted Tanner was even this man's real name, at least not legitimately. Miss Jones had heard nothing but good about the Terrells, but the sad fact was that this family was in dire need of her services. These two young girls needed to learn to be submissive just as all young ladies needed to learn that they were to be submissive to their father or their husbands.

Obviously, no one had ever taught their mother that fact, but Mr. Terrell had hired her as governess to his daughters. It was Miss Jones' duty to rid these two girls of their high spirits else they might turn out to be one of those forward young ladies like their mother. It just proved the point that wealth and looks could mask even the worst negative quality. Miss Jones had never failed in her duty, and she didn't intend to start now. She would speak to Mr. Terrell about denying this Tanner person's influence. She would have Mrs. Terrell banned from her children if necessary. Miss Jones was convinced that Mr. Terrell would be just the man to ensure his daughters' future. Truth be told, she was infatuated with her employer and was smart enough to pretend to be the loving governess interested only in John Terrell's twin daughters.

Miss Jones was, in short, a fool if she thought John Terrell would allow anyone to turn his daughters into one of the sniveling spiritless things society deemed an acceptable young lady. Oblivious to her own short comings, Miss Jones made her plans as she watched her charges being passed from one ruffian to another. She nearly had palpitations when they were handed to and hugged and kissed by that colored man. Yes, this family really needed her guidance. Just listen to those girls. She would have to deny them supper tonight if they continued acting with such abandon.

"Did you miss us?"

"We missed you this much." Lison threw her arms as wide as they would go. Ezra had hold of Alison by now and kept her from falling. She giggled. Alicia nodded, but decided she liked hugging Ours more than telling him how much she had missed him. Jamie was smiling as Chris Larabee made sure he received his fair share of attention. Lisha saw that mean lady frown and had a moment of fear. Miss Jones was mean. She didn't like her, but Miss Jones had told Lisha and Lison that their mommy and daddy had hired her because the twins were bad girls and needed to learn to be good. Jamie said they should tell Mommy and Daddy, but the twins were too afraid of Miss Jones to complain. They had decided to get rid of the woman, and the one person they knew would help them was Ours. He would know what to do to get rid of that mean old lady. Ours knew all sorts of things and always explained things to the twins. And if Ours didn't know what to do, Our Ezra would, or Our Chris or Our Buck or Our Josiah, or Our Nathan, or Our JD. It was time to get rid of Miss Jones. Alicia looked at Vin and hugged him again. As she did so, she looked at her twin. Silent communication passed between them. As soon as they could, they were telling Ours all about Miss Jones.

Miss Jones wouldn't let them play with Jamie and Henderson, slide down the banister, pounce on Daddy when he got home, or play with bugs. They weren't allowed to have pillow fights or chase each other in the conservatory or yell and laugh any more. The twins had decided that Miss Jones had to go. They would tell Ours and Ezra all about that mean Miss Jones, and it was their beloved daddy who made it possible.

Not even Miss Jones could interfere when John Terrell suggested that he and Alexandra and the children ride out in the open air with the seven. That way Nanny Davis and Henderson could take the baby with them and Miss Jones in the coach with all their belongings. He had no idea that a war was threatening to disrupt his whole household, else he might have sent Miss Jones packing right there on the spot. Then again, he might have just settled back to enjoy the show. One could never tell what would tickle the fancy of a brilliant man.

Chapter 7

Ezra and Vin were getting an earful on the ride to Four Corners as was Alexandra Terrell. JD and Buck were showing her the sights as they traveled. This was where they had stopped the Dolen gang from robbing the stage, and this was where Chris had been shot helping Vin escape from bounty hunters. Over to the right just over that mountain was the Seminole village the seven had defended their first time working together. And, finally, over to the east was where they had dug through a hill of rocks searching for the bodies of their friends only to discover they had freed themselves. Alexandra didn't know whether to laugh or cry. She chose laughter since both men were alive and well. She laughed even harder when she heard what had transpired afterwards when they were discovered in the bathhouse trying to hide their bruises and come up with a plausible story to tell Chris.

John had to know the reason for the laughter, and he too looked at the men with whom his twins were besotted. If anyone could teach his girls to read a person's character on the spot and save themselves from heartache, it was those two men. Vin Tanner and Ezra Standish could size up a man or a woman in a split second, and he knew they were going to teach his extremely wealthy daughters how to spot a con artist or an adventurer before they reached that vulnerable age. The twins would listen to Vin and Ezra better than they would their mommy and daddy anyway. It was the way of the world.

Neither Vin nor Ezra heard any of the comments or the stories about their adventure with dynamite. They were too engrossed with the con the twins were trying to pull on them. After five minutes listening to how mean Miss Jones was, the two had taken one look at one another and had pulled their horses along side one another. The others had no idea what was going on, at least no one but Chris who was getting his own earful about Miss Jones and the twins from Jamie. He had promised his sisters that he wouldn't say anything to upset their mother and father, but he knew Chris Larabee would know just what to do. He almost thought he'd made a mistake when he saw that vein throbbing in the middle of Chris's forehead.

Then, his hero had smiled at him and told him to let Vin and Ezra handle the twins and Miss Jones. Chris wasn't going to miss this sideshow for all the money in the world. It was just too good to pass up as he wondered what the two men would cook up together. Miss Jones was in a heap of trouble if the Terrell Two and his two were making mischief together. He could almost pity the woman. Almost, but he loved those two little girls and liked them just the way they were. No way in hell was he going to let some pinched face know it all try to break the spirits of those two little hellions. Besides, it would keep Vin and Ezra busy while John Terrell instigated the attempt to remove the bounty on Vin Tanner.

Judge Travis had sent Chris a letter detailing John's plans, and they sounded like they would be successful. So, instead of torturing everyone while they worried if the plan would succeed, Chris decided that silence would be the best course. If only he knew, then no one could inadvertently spill the beans and get Vin's hopes up if it failed. So Chris decide to sacrifice Miss Jones. It would be the best way to keep the two most likely to figure out what was going on busy. If they were focused on ridding their twins of Miss Jones, they wouldn't be focused on the activities of John Terrell. It was a good plan and one that promised a great source of amusement for Chris Larabee. He might even let the others in on it sooner or later, sooner if the looks on the faces of Vin and Ezra were any indication.

Vin was doing a slow burn. You couldn't tell by looking at him unless you knew Vin as well as Chris did. Even Ezra was close to losing his very cool façade.

"She sent us to bed without supper just because Lison didn't beg her pardon when she yawned. What's beggin yer pardon?"

Vin decided Ezra had better handle this one, so when he looked at Ezra for an answer, Lisha did, too. Lison leaned her head back against Ezra's chest to get a look at him, too. He shot a look at Vin that promised retribution, but he had to answer the twins.

"When one is in polite society, one should never yawn, and if one must, they should cover their mouths and excuse themselves to the people present."

"Huh?" was the twin response.

"He said ya shouldn't yawn in someone's face an' if ya do, ya gotta say yer sorry."

"Why? You can't stop a yawn, Ours." Lisha was truly puzzled. So was Lison.

"I didn't mean to yawn, but I was real tired, Our Ezra. Miss Jones made me and Lisha stand in the corner all afternoon cause we pounced on daddy when he came home." The twins were close to tears. True to form, their heroes came to their rescue.

"Well, if Miss Jones is so mean she made you stand in the corner all afternoon for pouncing, I think she deserved to be yawned at."

Ours nodded his head in agreement. Lisha decided it was time to ask Ours something that had been bothering her since Miss Jones had descended upon them.

"Why is Miss Jones so mean?" Ezra had a coughing fit that resulted in Lison pulling his handkerchief from his pocket and handing it to him.

"You ok?"

Stifling the laughter that was threatening to explode, Ezra managed a very weak, "Yes." Vin hoped he choked when the gambler winked at him over the handkerchief spread across his face to hide his smile from the twins. One should never laugh at a serious question from a child, and the twins were very serious about this question.

"Some people are just plain mean, darlin's. They like to make other people feel bad so they can feel good."

"Is it cause they were bad when they were little? Miss Jones says if Mommies and Daddies don't beat their children every day, they will turn out bad and go to hell."

"Aw h___, gosh. That ain't true. Don't have to get beat every day to be good. You ain't bad an' nobody hits you, or do they?" Vin's growl made the twins grin. They both shook their heads that no one had hit them, and that made the really mean look on Ours' and Our Ezra's faces go away. Ours knew everything, and Our Ezra did, too.

"Your Mr. Tanner is correct. No one should beat children. Sometimes a parent might spank you for doing something that might get you hurt, but that is in no way like a beating. Neither of your parents would allow anyone to beat you." The twins had them now.

"Miss Jones says me an' Lisha should get beat every hour." She turned big blue eyes full of tears on Ezra. She saw Our Ezra's jaw tighten and knew she had him. She peaked over at Lisha and Ours. Ours looked like he would shoot Miss Jones. Lisha and Lison traded yet another silent communication. Miss Jones would be lucky if she left Four Corners alive. They knew their adopted uncles very well, and they knew that soon Miss Jones would be leaving by her own choice. Then Mommy and Daddy would never know that Lisha and Lison had planned to get rid of Miss Jones the day she had called them bad. Miss Jones didn't know what bad meant, yet.

Chapter 8

Miss Jones did not approve of her charges riding astride with those two men, especially that ruffian who had growled at her. 'How dare he?' She didn't care if they were little girls or not; ladies did not ride astride. That one man with the long hair was no better than a common laborer, and she was the daughter of a very respectable family. It was her mother's fault that her father had lost all of their money on a business deal. Miss Jones had heard her father complain of it long after her mother's death. He had declared that she was of no use to him and had sent her to earn her own living as a governess. Miss Jones had done as her father had ordered her without question. It was a woman's duty to do as her father commanded or her husband when she was lucky enough to find one.

It was no wonder Mr. Terrell had hired her to rein in those horrible twins. Their mother was too forward, especially with that man. She was so lost in her anger she missed the first part of the conversation between old Dr. Connors and Henderson. She had ignored Nanny Davis knowing the woman was partially responsible for the wayward twins. Miss Jones made a note to inform Mr. Terrell that Nanny Davis needed to leave the baby in her care. That way Miss Jones could ensure the child's proper rearing. Then something Henderson said made her perk up and listen instead of gazing out the window. In house gossip could be very interesting and useful.

"I saw the resemblance immediately, Sir."

"Yes, we told you it was him, Miss Annabelle's son. There was no doubt after we had been so close to him for all those weeks."

"I can't believe after all these years that we have found him, but I don't understand why he doesn't say anything about it."

"He has no idea, Henderson. And we want it that way until my niece chooses to tell him."

"Excuse me, Dr. Connors?" Miss Jones always behaved her best around the old doctor and Henderson. These two held too much influence over the Terrells, and it would not do to make them angry. "Is this something I should know about?" She paused when Dr. Connors raised an eyebrow at her question. Before either man could accuse her of impertinence, she quickly explained. "I would hate to say or do anything that would upset Mrs. Terrell. Is this a subject I should make certain the twins do not bring up?" She felt a moment of triumph when the two men looked disconcerted. It seemed no one had bothered to warn the twins there was a secret to be kept. Miss Jones loved a good family secret.

Henderson looked at Dr. Connors and waited for his nod of consent before he continued. As he explained, he didn't notice that Ezra and Vin had switched the twins. Lisha was now riding with Ezra in order to share Ours and Our Ezra evenly with Lison.

"We have every reason to believe that the gentleman on whose lap Miss Lisha is riding is in fact Mrs. Terrell's long lost nephew." Miss Jones hand flew to her mouth in shock. She looked out the same window Henderson had looked to see Lisha riding with the gentleman in the red coat. "The family has been searching for him for the last seventeen years, and finally we feel we have found him. Mrs. Terrell has only been waiting for all the proof to be gathered before she spoke to him about it. This must not get out to anyone until Madame deems it is time to tell him. Do you understand?"

Lilith Jones had heard some rumors that Mrs. Terrell had had a wild older sister who had run off with some Texan. Well Texas was part of the South, and that handsome gentleman was a true Southern gentleman. Miss Jones could forgive a man of such obvious breeding many things if he was also wealthy and single. It might be in her best interests to allow that Mr. Standish and his oaf of a friend to have access to the twins.

"Rest assured, I shall make certain the twins do not let the gentleman know until Mrs. Terrell says something to him. Is that satisfactory?" The gentlemen were satisfied, and Miss Jones began to weave new plans. Only Nanny Davis noticed the predatory gleam in the eyes of Miss Jones. She made a note to watch this woman more closely. Her twins hadn't been their happy carefree selves ever since this woman walked into their lives. Now she was looking like the cat that had not only caught the canary but had eaten it right under the owner's nose. Nanny Davis didn't feel right about this new governess. Then, the baby began to fuss and Nanny no longer had time for Miss Jones. Nanny Davis should have spoken to Henderson or Mrs. Terrell the first time she felt something was amiss with the apparently perfect Miss Lilith Jones. It would have saved everyone needless worry and grief.

It did not take long to get to Four Corners. None of the seven realized that a pending storm that could doom their burgeoning family had just entered in the form of a very straight-laced governess with her own agenda and bag full of resentment.

Chapter 9

Chris was a little worried when he didn't hear any noise from Vin, Ezra, and the twins. They were too quiet, and years of being a good father had left him with a sixth sense where children brewing mischief were concerned. He knew they were plotting and feeding the two terrors with all sorts of tricks they could play upon Miss Jones. He had finally figured out that Vin was their ringleader from their last visit. How the sneaky tracker had found ways for the twins to drive the other six out of their minds without anyone, especially Ezra who should have spotted the con Vin was running, he didn't know. All he knew was that once the twins were gone and he had time to think about it, the two little girls had always seemed to know the exact thing that would drive each of the men crazy. They weren't old enough to pull some of the pranks they had without someone feeding them ideas. It had to have been their adored Ours.

Vin had to be the instigator in most of the twins' adventures, and he was about to ride up and tell them to go easy on the woman when Jamie spilled the latest outrage Miss Jones had committed. Jamie explained how Miss Jones made the twins stand in the corner all day without talking or moving and then sent them to bed without anything to eat just because they jumped from the third step into their father's arms. Jamie knew when the vein started throbbing in Chris's forehead again, that if Vin and Ezra didn't get rid of Miss Jones, Chris Larabee just might shoot her. Jamie relaxed knowing that he had just saved his sisters from the wicked witch. Chris had no desire to ward off any pranks pulled on Miss Jones after that little tidbit of information. The woman deserved whatever she got for punishing two little girls for loving their father.

Chris looked over and caught Vin's eye. Vin punched Ezra in the arm, and then both men knew Chris knew what they were up to. They waited for his silent no, but it never came. Instead they got the infamous Larabee grin and a nod of the head. Both men reacted by matching his grin with ones of their own. Then they touched their forefingers to the brims of their hats. The twins looked over at Chris and Jamie and waved. Vin said something to both girls and they both bestowed their trademark smiles on Larabee. He started laughing. He could almost feel sorry for that witch. He spurred his horse forward to join John Terrell all the while feeling that there was something very familiar about those smiles he had just witnessed. Maybe they reminded him of Adam when the boy was full of mischief and looking for his partner in crime, Buck.

Meanwhile, Vin and Ezra were planning Miss Jones' departure.

"It is my experience that women such as Miss Jones must always feel like they are correct and everyone else is wrong." Lison tugged on Vin's elbow.

"She's a know it all."

"I believe I have already expounded upon that fact, Mr. Tanner."

"What's x-pounded?" Lisha wanted to know. So did Vin and Lison for that matter.

"It means that I just said that."

Lison and Lisha both sighed and shook their heads. Then, they turned big blue eyes on Ezra Standish. Vin looked up suddenly interested in the clouds as the gambler crumbled beneath the onslaught. 'This is better 'n when we switched the number on Buck's room with that old battle ax Miz Murphy.' was all Vin could think of at the moment. He turned an expressionless face on Ezra when he was assured he had regained control of himself. He sure had missed these two little girls.

"Our Ezra," Lison began in a voice that dripped with little girl disdain, "we ain't big 'nough to know what all those big words are you use so much."

"And Ours says it gives him a headache to 'splain 'em all to us." Lisha was patient but not about to be left out. Vin snorted and started laughing at the look the Southerner gave him. He couldn't help it, and then Ezra and the twins were all laughing with him.

When he could talk again, Ezra didn't say anything Vin didn't expect. "Well, we can't keep giving Ours headaches, can we? I suppose I must modify my vocabulary to include very young ladies and their ruffian friend."

"He said he'd talk more like us." Vin was happy to explain, since Ezra downgrading his vocabulary was bound to cause the Southerner more distress than Vin thought he could handle.

"Thank you, Vin."

"Happy to help, Ezra."


"Our Ezra!"

"What're we gonna to do to make her leave?" They were trying to whisper, but Ours and Our Ezra were sharing some joke that didn't include them, and they were desperate to send Miss Jones packing.

Called back to the task at hand, Ezra continued as if he had never stopped his discourse on their subject. "This type of woman is also one for whom a man's word is the law. They will do whatever someone like their daddy or their employer tells them to without question." The twins were listening now, and they knew Our Ezra was right because Ours was nodding his head in agreement.

"She is first and foremost a woman who expects her charges to behave in the same ladylike manner in which she comports herself."

"She's a know it all with a stick up her bustle an' she wants y'all just as stiff as she is." Vin was happy to change the word he was going to use to one that could be said in front of the twins. Apparently, the twins already knew what that phrase meant, and he couldn't use the word bustle either.

"Oooooo, Ours, Mommy would make you wash your mouth out with soap." It was Ezra's turn to laugh. Vin was just happy that he had never had to learn all that lady and gentleman stuff rich folks always felt their kids had to know. Give him honest words and actions any day.

"Not iffen ya don't tell on me."

They were affronted. "We never told nobody you told us how to make that vein in the middle of Our Chris's head throb or. . . " Vin leaned over and put his hand over Lisha's mouth. Both girls looked up to see Ezra's eyes widening as he finally realized the truth that Chris Larabee had stumbled onto shortly after the twins departure. Vin frowned at the guilty girls.

"Well, why don't ya just stand up an' shout it so's everyone can hear?" his anger didn't last, as he was pounced on by the twins. Ezra had barely caught Lisha's legs to balance her as she leapt up and threw her arms around Vin's neck to join her sister in hugging the anger right out of him. He caught Ezra's look of unholy glee and appreciation.

"Rest assured, ladies, Ours' secret is safe with me." Ezra was astounded. It was Vin who had been setting up everyone using the twins to do his bidding. He couldn't find it in him to do anything but admire the cunning of his friend. Maude was right. There was more to Vin Tanner than most folks thought. Still waters and all, not that Ezra was surprised. He knew Vin could be as cunning and ruthless where his friends' safety and even happiness were concerned. He just hadn't realized that Vin's sense of humor was not above the simple tricks to amuse himself at his friends' expense. This was information Ezra planned to keep and use when it suited him. Ezra really did feel fortunate that he had found Four Corners. Life with his six friends was certainly never dull. That he now knew Vin could run a successful con just made life all the more delicious. He smiled a very self-satisfied smirk at his guilty friend as Vin passed Lison back to him.

"Ya never guessed did ya?" It was Vin's turn to be proud of himself. Ezra would have never known if the twins hadn't spilled the beans, but he also knew that Ezra would save this knowledge to use at a later date. He figured Chris knew, but he didn't think any of the others knew he had been siccing the twins on them. They never should have laughed at him when the twins showed their preference for him. Vin Tanner never took his turn being laughed out without getting his own back.

"And you called me an amiable snake. Ladies, I believe we shall allow Ours to lead the way in our endeavors." He paused and then before the twins could ask, he explained. "What do you think we should do first?"

Vin looked ahead and thought a moment. The he blinked several times and licked his lips. The girls knew that meant Ours had an idea. When he smiled, they knew Ours had an idea. He looked at his three accomplices and spoke the words signaling the war had begun.

"Ladies don't like bugs much, do they?"

Lisha and Lison smiled and nodded their heads in agreement.

"Now, Vin, you are not suggesting the twins put bugs in Miss Jones's things. They will be the first ones she suspects."

"No, they ain't gonna do nuthin' but scream as loud as she does."

"But we aren't scared of bugs," Lisha felt she had to be honest with Ours. He had obviously forgotten.

"An you said we couldn't touch no bugs less you said it was okay. We kept our promise." Lison wanted them to know they had been good girls.

"I now you ain't scared of 'em, but no one but Chris, Ezra, and Buck know that. Me an' Ezra will get the bugs on Miss Jones. All y'all gotta do is act scared with her. She'll never know it was any of us iffen you don't let on. Got it?"

"Got it."


"And how do you suggest we pull this off?" Ezra was intrigued as well as a little appalled. He had never resorted to sticking bugs on a lady, much less carrying them around until he did so. And for some reason, he felt like Vin was going to expect him to pull this prank off. He looked over at Vin and knew he had guessed correctly. Ezra sighed. "Well?"

"Relax, Ezra. I got a plan." Vin's smile delighted the girls, but it only made Ezra feel nervous. He'd heard that before, and he didn't even want to remember what he had been talked into then. Tanner really was a sneaky man.

"All right. I'm your man. Tell me what the plan is." The twins were delighted, and after Ezra heard the plan so was he. Vin Tanner was indeed a worthy strategist. He would have to remember that the next time he needed a partner in crime. Miss Jones would never know what hit her. Ezra was delighted. By the time they arrived in Four Corners, the twins were asleep, and the conning of Miss Jones had begun. Poor Ezra had no idea that Lilith Jones had made time to plan her own con of Ezra Standish, the only living heir of Annabelle Connors Standish.

Chapter 10

Miss Jones rushed over to supervise her charges as Vin dismounted. Lisha's head was resting in the crook of his neck. Lison had assumed the same perch on Ezra's shoulder. Thankfully, they had stopped snoring as both men had shifted their weight to dismount and carry them.

"If you'll just wake them up, I. . . ."

"Miss Jones, is it?" Ezra smiled at the woman and watched her react with pleasure. She would never know that he and Vin were going to make her rue the day she had ever descended with her stuffy ways on their twins. "I wouldn't dream of burdening you with the arduous task of carrying and putting your lovely charges to bed. Why a delicate lady such as you would never be able to carry them. Mr. Tanner and I will be honored to take them to their rooms, under your supervision, of course."

Miss Jones reddened with pleasure. Marrying this man would be just perfect. She could rid him of his scruffy friend after they were married. For the moment, however, she would force herself to put up with that Tanner person.

"Why certainly, Mr.?"

"Standish, Ezra Standish at your service." He bowed over her extended hand. She tittered in response. Vin rolled his eyes at Chris. Chris looked anywhere but at his two friends. Buck nodded to the others. Vin and Ezra were up to something and Chris knew what it was. The silent decision to play along with whatever was going on warned Alexandra and John Terrell. They watched with growing suspicion. Something was definitely up. They exchanged a look that said, 'Keep your eyes open.'

"I think that would be an excellent idea, don't you, Miss Jones?" Alexandra walked over and put her hand on Lisha's head. Vin gave her his best innocent look. Now she knew for certain. Buck punched JD in the arm at the look on Vin's face. He tried that on them before. Josiah and Nathan pulled them off and away before they alerted anyone else to whatever the con Vin and Ezra were pulling. They would know soon enough, and if Chris wasn't saying anything it had to be really good.

"Oh yes, ma'am." Lilith's infatuation and dreams of John Terrell floated away on the breeze. Ezra Standish was single and childless (she'd already learned that information from Henderson), and he was an easier catch than a married man with children. He would most assuredly have an inheritance. Why else would the family have been looking for him for seventeen years if not because they needed to get to his money?

"Here's our host, Miss Jones. I am sure he has someone to show you to our suite of rooms." Alexandra winked at Vin as she stepped back to allow him to pass by her. He felt five years old all of a sudden. It was like the time his ma had caught him sneaking a cookie before supper. Why was it every time he got near Alexandra Terrell he remembered something about his mother that he thought he had forgotten? Alexandra's laugh really reminded him of his mother. They both had that same lilting, musical quality to it. He didn't realize how much he missed his mother until he heard that laugh that reminded him so much of her.

Mr. Parker was pleased to escort Miss Jones, the men, and the sleeping twins to the floor the Terrells had occupied the last time they had stayed in Four Corners. Chris followed with Jamie. Having found out that Billy would be arriving from his visit with his grandparents at the end of the week, Jamie had succumbed to sleep as well.

As they entered the room, Vin looked over at Ezra. There was one large bed with a crib next to it and another double bed closer to the door of the adjoining room. So far things were working according to plan. "You wanta check the beds an' let me hold Lison?"

Miss Jones swung around and looked from Vin to Ezra. Surly they didn't expect fleas or something? That man might look like a ruffian, but he was actually rather clean for someone who had ridden most of the day on horseback in the dust and wind. She watched as Vin took Lison in his other arm. Ezra walked over to the bed and made a show of turning down the covers and shaking them. As if on cue, the twins woke up.

"Is Our Ezra gonna check for snakes?"

"An' spiders, too?"

Miss Jones looked like she was about to succumb to palpitations. Chris and Jamie, whose eyes had popped open after the twins questions, became fascinated with the carpet on the floor. They took the opportunity to walk into the adjoining room Jamie would share with Henderson. Chris winked at Jamie, and the young boy buried his head in the pillows to muffle his laughter. Chris stood outside the door listening to the four begin their reign of terror on Miss Jones. It was mean, but mean could be fun.

"Now don't fret, ladies. I will ascertain if there are any poisonous snakes or spiders that have made their way into this room. Mr. Tanner, would you help me, so that we may put these ladies' minds at rest?"

"Sure, Ezra. Don't want happenin' to Miss Jones what happened to that school teacher lady last month."

Miss Jones managed to get out a strangled question. "What happened to the school teacher?" She looked to Ezra for reassurance, but he had a look on his face that bespoke nothing but regret and sorrow. He took her hand in his.

"I'm afraid that the poor misguided woman did not choose to adhere to Mr. Tanner's very noble warnings. We found her one morning, quite dead. She had been bitten by a rattle snake." A coughing noise came from near the door of the adjoining room. Vin kicked it shut as he walked past the twins standing on the middle of the bed as the tracker made a show of searching all the nooks and crannies of the room. He was holding a big knife in one hand, just in case. Things were going too well to have Chris spoil it all by laughing. It was all Vin could do to keep a straight face. Finally, he turned to face the very frightened Miss Jones and two very quiet and intense little girls.

"Room's safe. Y'all can get down now."

The twins got off the bed and walked over to a chair and sat down without being told to by Miss Jones. She was too busy clinging to Ezra to notice. This was great. Ours and Our Ezra were the very smartest people they knew next to Daddy and Our Chris.

"How often should we search the room?" Miss Jones gulped out as Vin put the big knife up.

"Mr. Terrell won't like the twins searching. Rattler could bite them quicker 'n lightning. You'll have to do it every night, and sometimes during the day. Can't be too careful with the Terrell children, but I'm sure that Henderson fella can handle it iffen ya find any varmints in here."

"Varmints?" Miss Jones hand was at her throat and her eyes large with fright.

"Yeah, never can tell when somethin' small will sneak in lookin' for easy food."

"Oh my." Miss Jones reeled, and Ezra caught her. He gently led her to a chair and helped her sit down. Vin was nice enough to hand her a glass of water. She actually nodded her head in thanks.

"There, there, my dear. Rest assured any of us will be happy to ensure your safety. You must not, under any circumstances stray from your bed at all during the night. No matter what you hear, you will be safe in bed. These vermin will not be able to crawl up the bedposts. Mr. Tanner, would you check Miss Jones' room to set her mind at ease?"

"Be glad to ma'am." Vin walked to the door. He nearly ran into a very entertained Chris Larabee who was leaning out of sight right outside the door. Vin quickly pulled the door shut and pushed Chris ahead of him as he walked over to the room Mr. Parker had indicated was Miss Jones. He opened the door, and Chris practically pushed him inside. The gunslinger had replaced his wide grin with one of his trademark glares. Tanner wasn't impressed at all.

"Proud of yourself?" Chris couldn't hold the glare when he saw Vin's face light up in unholy glee.

"Oh yeah, cowboy. That woman won't last the week." Then, they collapsed in laughter using pillows from the chairs to stifle their laughter much as Jamie had done in his room. After a few minutes Vin put his pillow down, straightened his shoulders, and moved some stuff around in Miss Jones's room to make it appear as if someone had searched it. He shot the still grinning Larabee a warning glare and opened the door.

Ezra was standing there with Miss Jones. "It's all clear, but it's best if ya get her a stick or somethin' just to be on the safe side." The twins were standing behind Miss Jones at the door silently blowing kisses to their heroes. Miss Jones turned round to see two yawning young ladies. Each held a hand over her mouth and begged everyone's pardon. Miss Jones was too upset to notice.

"Why aren't the children napping?" Alexandra Terrell could be just as formidable as her husband when she wanted to be. Miss Jones jumped at the rebuke in her voice.

"Yes, ma'am." She scurried off to get the twins in bed. Alexandra looked from Vin to Ezra to Chris.

"I'll wait until you have found a suitable explanation. Then, you can tell John and me all about this at dinner. You will all be here sharply at eight, will you not?" Not even Chris could think of a reason not to be there. As they walked off together he shot a disgruntled look at Ezra and Vin.

"How the hell did I get roped into this?"

"That'll teach ya to laugh while we're working a con."

"That noise coming from the other room, that was without exception the weakest excuse for a cough I have ever yet to witness. Vin, remind me never to let big brother join in any of our endeavors until he has improved his skills in the fine art of deception."

"Sure, Ez." Vin glared at Chris. "What he said."

Larabee threw back his head and laughed. "I'll be happy to stay out of it, but I got enough trouble with women right now. I sure as hell don't need Alexandra Terrell grindin' my ears cause of you two."

"She sure does like to get her way, don't she?"

"With her looks and money and position, I would hazard there are few things that exceed Alexandra Terrell's grasp."

"You got that right. Don't hurt her husband makes sure she always gets what she wants, too. Best have a real good reason for all this, Chris. Else Ezra an' me might have to tell the twins you won't let us help 'em."

Vin stood unrepentant under the Larabee glare that pinned him to the spot. Even Ezra smiled at Chris.

"He does have a point, Mr. Larabee. The twins would be shocked and very disappointed if that harridan was allowed to continue to torture them. However, I am certain," Ezra sighed, "that they will still love and respect you anyway."

Chris was caught and he knew it. "Hell, I'll go talk to John now. Best let them know what you two are up to anyway. I sure as hell don't want that woman messing with those two girls any more than you do. Now both of you, get out of my sight before I give in to that urge to shoot one of you." He tried not to smile as he heard them walk off laughing. When had he lost control?

Continued in Part Three

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