Are We There, Yet?

By SasseyJ

DISCLAIMER: No profit is made in any way shape or form from this fan fic. All of the Magnificent Seven characters are the property of Mirisch, Trilogy, MGM, CBS, and now TNN. The twins, however, are mine. Captain McNelly was an actual Texas Ranger during this time period. Sam Crockett is just a name.

Part Three

Chapter 11

Buck was waiting impatiently outside the hotel for any one of the three. He knew something was up; he could feel it in his bones. The look on Chris's face when Ezra had poured on the charm to that pinched-faced brunette had reminded Buck of the Chris before Sarah, the devil may care Larabee. Whatever it was, it had to be really good. He didn't have long to wait as Vin and Ezra made their way onto the street. Buck caught the information that Chris had stayed behind to talk to John Terrell. He fell into step beside Vin.


"Deep subject."

"Extremely, depending upon the depth. Mr. Wilmington, may we assist you in any way?"

"Don't give me any of those fancy words of yours." Buck frowned at Ezra and then at Vin. "And you, don't encourage him."

Vin laughed. "What ya wanta know, Bucklin?"

"I want to know why Mr. Fancypants here is sparking that pinched faced woman."

"Aw, that. I think he likes her."

"The hell he does. Maude would kill him for one, an' Chris had that look that somethin' was up. Now tell me or am I gonna have ta shake it outa both a ya?"

Vin sighed a long-suffering sigh. "Best tell him, Ezra. He'll just wrinkle yer coat up, an' keep at us till we cave."

Buck scuffed Vin on the back of his head with his hat. Vin laughed and jumped up the boardwalk in front of the saloon. He swung around before Buck could grab Ezra and winked. "Buy me a drink an' I'll tell ya."

"Buy us both a drink, and I will expound on our latest quest to rid princesses of onerous witches."

Buck stopped and looked at both men. Then, his face lit up. "Oh, I knew this was gonna be good. Drinks are on me boys." He pushed both men through the batwing doors in front of him. "Inez, I need a bottle and some glasses over here."

They sat down with Nathan, Josiah, and JD. Josiah raised an eyebrow. "The twins decide to keep Chris this time?" The laughter started and didn't end until every last word of what they had done to Miss Jones had been told and described in great detail.

"Aw, I wish I'd been there. What ya want me to do?" Buck was just loving this. He had that woman pegged as trouble the first time he laid eyes on her, and he knew women. JD's offer to help wasn't a surprise either. A few more days of scaring her witless with all the things that could go wrong would have her on the stage out of town by week's end. However, Josiah and Nathan were above playing tricks on Miss Jones. They felt the twins should explain to their parents how miserable the woman was making them.

"Probably won't have to. Miz Alexandra caught us scarin' the biddy an' Chris went to tell John what and why we're doin' it." He looked and saw Nathan and Josiah nodding their approval. "Aw c'mon. The twins are desperate. The old hag had 'em standin' all day in the corner just for pouncin' on their daddy."

"And not only did the harridan torture those adorable young ladies in such a fashion, she also sent them to bed without sustenance because they yawned. Can you believe that?" Ezra and Vin were founts of righteous indignation. Even JD and Buck were getting riled up. Josiah and Nathan were swayed by their anger. Miss Jones would receive no solace from any of the seven.

"That's not fair at all. We gotta stop her before she ruins the twins." JD had forgotten that the twins had tried their best to kill him on their last visit.

"You're absolutely right, JD." John Terrell had come in with Chris. He sat down at the table and made room for Chris as he returned with two more glasses. John looked across at Vin and Ezra. "However, I can't believe two grown men who should know better are aiding and abetting my two baby girls in such deplorable behavior." Vin and Ezra grinned at him. Terrell kept his face neutral and continued, "Especially without letting me in on it."

Chris was the first to start laughing. "John wants to know who's idea this was to scare her out of her job." Ezra pointed his now empty glass at Vin. The tracker filled it again for him.

"I thought you were the con artist of this group."

"I have that honor. However, Mr. Tanner appears to be a man of many talents. An excellent shot, an even better tracker, a poet, and now a player in the fine art of. . . "

"Subterfuge." JD looked at the astonished faces surrounding. "I can learn new words, too."

"Well hell, JD, that's a four dollar word if I ever heard one." Buck wasn't sure what subterfuge meant, but it sounded sneaky enough. He grinned at the proud father of the two most precocious twins he had ever met in his life. "So, you gonna fire this woman, or let the darlin's think they run 'er off on their own."

"I think I am going to allow the twins to solve their own problems. I am going to sit back and enjoy the show and see just how far my little girls will go to get their way."

"What about Miz Alexandra? She gonna let us do it? She was looking mighty put out a while ago." Vin waited to see what John would say.

"My wife is not going to be happy that some woman deceived her by punishing her children without permission for the crime of loving their father. Miss Jones will be fortunate if my wife does not teach the twins some of the stunts she was known to pull on her own governess."

"Your exquisite wife was guilty of crimes against her governess?" Ezra was intrigued. So were the rest of the men.

"Alexandra was notorious. She ran off seven until Henderson's mother stepped in and took charge of her. That's one reason why Henderson came with us when we married. He said he had to make certain someone was around who could protect me from my wife."

The men roared with laughter. Now Vin knew why he liked Alexandra so much. It wasn't because she was a beautiful woman, but because she always treated everyone she spoke to as if they were no different from her. Her loyalty was unshakable once she decided you were worthy of her friendship. John Terrell was a lucky man. Vin wanted to make certain that his twins would have the opportunity to grow up just like their mother.

Chapter 12

John Terrell left the men an hour later planning their next move against Miss Jones. John left stating he wanted to be surprised, but he really wanted to get back and explain the situation to his wife. It would give them more time to perfect their own plans. The news from his lawyers and the Pinkertons he had hired to investigate the charges against Vin Tanner had been very encouraging. Even Chris had agreed with that assessment when they had discussed all the information John Terrell had told him of in their meeting.

It seemed that the only people in Texas who believed Vin Tanner was guilty of murder were the citizens of Tascosa. There had been no investigation, no trial, no chance for the accused to state his case. The only evidence was the fact that Vin Tanner had brought a body into Tascosa claiming it was Eli Joe. Only, someone had recognized that the dead man was Jess Kincaid and not Eli Joe. Tascosa justice was swift, and Vin Tanner had nearly been lynched.

The governor of Texas was made aware of the case by a visit from a former Texas Ranger, Sheriff Frank Johnson of Brecken. He carried with him letters of character from men like Judge Travis and John Terrell. The judge spoke of the times Tanner had risked his life protecting the citizens of Four Corners. Terrell had written the details of Tanner's rescue of his nephew, his twin daughters, and his near death in saving Alexandra Terrell's life. Several other powerful railroad barons had also dropped a hint in the ears of the governor's campaign officials that they were pleased with Tanner's performance in his duties as a peacekeeper in Four Corners. Citizens who had been protected by Tanner had written in such glowing terms of the former bounty hunter, that the governor of Texas was intrigued. The governor himself had asked to read the information on the murder charge against Tanner.

The evidence was circumstantial. Vin Tanner had shown up with the body claiming he had found the man dead. That was the only thing that the people of Tascosa had used to proclaim Vin Tanner guilty. Subsequent investigations by Pinkertons had provided enough violations of the law that the governor of Texas had been convinced to ask the Texas Rangers to investigate the three-year old crime. The Rangers, led by none other than Captain McNelly himself, had found witnesses in a nearby town who had seen a man they had at first mistaken for Jess Kincaid leave with the farmer several days before Vin Tanner turned up with the body in Tascosa. That was enough to get the governor to call in a state judge to review the case.

The governor had promised that this man would look at all the evidence accumulated, speak to the same people McNelly and his men had, and interview the law in Tascosa. Then, at Terrell's expense, he would travel to Four Corners and hear Tanner's side of the story. If the judge was convinced the man was innocent, the governor was fully prepared to grant a pardon. Information that Tanner was the son of a Texas Ranger who had been killed in the line of duty and was also the long lost nephew of Alexandra Terrell proved a powerful incentive for the governor. He would stand to gain some very powerful and wealthy friends if the judge ruled in Tanner's favor, but he could lose much of his political clout and votes if he made it look like he was granting the pardon as a favor to the railroad. The governor had major political plans, and he wanted Terrell's friendship. A United States Senator from Texas had to have a reputation untarnished by scandal, at least any scandal that could be proven.

So, the governor had chosen Justice Sam Crockett of the Texas Supreme Court to personally handle the matter. Crockett was a hard-nosed stickler for the law and had been referred to in his younger days as the hanging judge for his swift and merciless judgments meted out to various felons. If Tanner could convince the old man he was innocent, not even the people in Tascosa could complain. There was really no way the governor could lose, and he had everything to gain. John Terrell was very optimistic that he would succeed in getting the bounty on Tanner removed. He only needed a little more time to set things in place before he told Vin Tanner all they had prepared, and Tanner's involvement with the twins would give his wife time to tell him of their relationship before the judge descended on him.

John Terrell had shared his one doubt only with Chris Larabee. He wanted to know how Vin would react to all that had been done for him behind his back without his consent. Chris had voiced the same worry that John had contemplated. Vin would rather be exonerated completely rather than receive a pardon for a crime he hadn't committed. John had felt the same way, but he used the same logic on Chris that Alexandra had used on him. A pardon would remove the bounty and the hunters. Vin would then be free to pursue his complete innocence in relative safety. Chris, knowing he had killed Eli Joe, had finally agreed with John. Terrell had almost confided in Chris the other reason they were there, but he had given his word to his wife that he would remain silent until she could tell Vin the truth. She had decided to tell him this week, after the judge had met and spoken to Vin. It would be, to say the least, an interesting story to tell the twins when they were older and could understand more what had caused their parents to be so preoccupied for the last months.

Dinner that evening would begin promptly at eight. John Terrell hadn't had time to tell the others that his wife had been at the door on her way to fire Miss Jones almost before he could stop her. She had a look on her face that made even her husband step back. His wife rarely got angry, but when she did, it was a sight to see. He managed to calm her down long enough to explain the twins had a plan. Any outrage she might have felt at her daughters' devious behavior was replaced by a deep sense of satisfaction. She had often worried that her loving young girls were too lovable and trusting, but she realized they were their parents' daughters. When faced with what they felt was an injustice, they reacted to it in their own unique way.

The more she thought about how they had chosen their strategy carefully, the more amused she was. Finally, she had sat down and succumbed to her mirth. The thought of a bounty hunter and a con man plotting the removal of the governess for her nearly six-year old daughters tickled Alexandra's wry sense of humor. Like her sister and her nephew, Alexandra had learned to appreciate the moments in life when God simply handed you a riddle and let you solve it the best way you knew how.

Alexandra had wondered about the riddle named Miss Jones, but she now knew her daughters were very like their mother. She had run off many a governess just like Miss Jones with the aid of her sister Annabelle until Annabelle had left to marry Jeff Tanner. It made Alexandra appreciate the irony of fate that had the son of her beloved sister help her daughters get rid of a tyrannical governess just like Vin's mother had helped her. No one but her Uncle Neil had known how much Alexandra had missed her sister, her confidant and surrogate mother.

That was why it had always been so important for Alexandra to find her sister's son. Annabelle was the only member of her family besides her uncle who had ever made time for the little girl who had arrived so late in the life of her parent's less than idyllic marriage. The fact that she was another daughter was excuse enough to shuffle her off to a succession of women hired to ensure her successful growth into a marketable wife. She had never wanted her daughters to feel that way, just as she had searched for her sister's son all those years because she didn't want him to feel as unloved as she had.

John knew how important all of this was to his wife and Vin Tanner had better be thankful and receptive, or John would have to set the young man straight. He didn't care how much he liked all of the seven or how much of this would come as a shock to the quiet tracker. Alexandra came first with John, his children second, and then everything else. He'd hunt Tanner to ground himself and beat some sense into the man if he had to, and he didn't care if he had to go through Chris Larabee and the others to do it.

John was ready just prior to eight to escort his wife and children to dinner. He had even overridden Miss Jones' protests over the children attending dinner, but she had quickly changed her tune when John mentioned something about food in the rooms attracting all sorts of vermin. Oh yes, he was going to enjoy this woman's departure. She never should have tried to stop his daughters from pouncing on him whenever they chose. It was a daughter's duty to jump her daddy and hug and kiss him whenever he returned from home. Why else would a man have daughters anyway?

Chapter 13

Alicia and Alison were the epitome of the well-behaved young ladies. Ours and Our Ezra had told the girls to let them do most of the work while the girls were to behave, not giving Miss Jones any reason with which to punish them. The twins had graciously allowed their beloved protectors to believe that they would sit back and do nothing, and this was true as long as things were going their way. It didn't mean they couldn't nudge Miss Jones every now and again, just to help out of course. So, whenever they could add to Miss Jones' fears about spiders and snakes in the hotel and all over Four Corners for that matter, they did.

They were, however, very pleased to be at dinner with everyone. Ours was between them, just like they wanted him to be, and Our Ezra was sitting between Alison and Miss Jones. Buck was to the right of Miss Jones and next to Jamie. Chris flanked Jamie and sat next to John Terrell. Alexandra had chosen to sit between Alicia and JD while Josiah and Nathan sat next with Dr. Connors between them. Alexandra had refused to look at her husband or Chris when the twins asked Ezra if he had found a suitable stick for Miss Jones to carry in her room.

"I hope you gotted her a reeeeallllee big stickt." Lisha swallowed her mouthful as she shook her head in agreement with her twin. Our Ezra glared at her, but Buck picked right up on it.

"Yeah, we can't have this here purty lady get bit by some old snake like that teacher lady." Buck smiled in a conciliatory manner as Miss Jones dropped her fork full of peas back onto her plate. "Now, don't fret, Miss. I'm sure Ezra and Vin'll be happy to check your room along with the twins." Vin tried not to choke as he looked over to see the glare Ezra was now pinning on Buck. Miss Jones was oblivious to any of the sudden fits of coughing as she practically scooted her chair right next to Ezra.

"You won't let anything bite me, will you Mr. Standish?" She turned her imploring eyes on Ezra and batted them. It was John Terrell's turn to choke as an unruffled Ezra assured Lilith her safety was his paramount concern.

"Potatoes are a bit dry, don't you think, John?" Alexandra turned a concerned look on her husband and winked. So Miss Jones was interested in Ezra. Alexandra had wondered what was different about Miss Jones this evening, but hadn't really bothered about it until just now. Lilith Jones was wearing her hair down. The curls framed her face making her appear younger. She was an attractive woman when she put forth the effort and smiled instead of perpetually frowning, only she had a predatory look in her eyes as well. Vin had leaned over to help Lisha cut her meat, and happened to look up at Alexandra. A raised eyebrow from her got a shrug from the tracker. He had no idea that Miss Jones was interested in Ezra in that way until just now, but he wasn't going to say anything. It was like icing on the cake. *This was going to turn out better than when him and JD dyed Buck's gray red, well orange if you got technical. The red dye had looked more like orange in the sunlight. Vin concentrated on cutting Lisha's meat.

"Ours," she whispered to her hero, "it's cut 'nough." That earned her a grin that traveled from his mouth to his eyes. She tugged on his elbow until he leaned over to hear what she had to say. Instead, she kissed him on the cheek. He laughed, and so did she. Before Miss Jones could ask what had occurred and take Lisha to task for such an unladylike action, John Terrell spoke.

"I believe my daughter just thanked Mr. Tanner for his assistance with her meat."

"And she did so in such a ladylike manner." Dr. Connors had been filled in by Jaimie and Henderson what was afoot. He only hoped that the information they had given Miss Jones did not make itself known to the general public when the woman found out that everyone at the table was conspiring against her for her treatment of the twins. He made a note to tell Alexandra what had transpired in the coach on the way to Four Corners before he retired for the evening.

"Oh. Well then, Mr. Standish, you were going to tell me about your youth." Miss Jones actually simpered when she said that. Her attention was turned from the twins and leveled full force on the gambler. If he didn't love the twins so much, he'd quit this con right now. If Vin or one of the others grinned at him one more time now that they all realized that Miss Jones had set her cap for him, Ezra would shoot someone. Probably Miss Jones since he really was rather fond of his friends. Of course that didn't mean he couldn't return the favor to them one day as soon as he found a weak spot. It was after all a good friend's duty to enjoy oneself at his friends' expense every once in a while. Why else did one have friends?

"I was mentioning the academy I attended one year in South Carolina. They were quite accomplished in teaching the finer points of acceptable social behavior to young men."

"I assume you father's family helped educate you?" In her effort to show how interested she was in him, Lilith almost overplayed her hand. She didn't need the look of caution from Dr. Connors. It wouldn't do to ask questions that could only reveal the Terrell secrets before time. Lilith would lose her job and her future husband if she acted too precipitously. No, it would better suit her purposes if she didn't let the man next to her know that she had prior knowledge of his wealth and position. She decided to change the subject before Ezra could answer her. "No matter. Have you been in Four Corners long?"

"Why yes, almost a year, now. And have you been with the Terrell's long?" He smiled thanking God his mother had taught him that poker face years ago. The silence around the table assured him that his conversation with Lilith was the main attraction.

"Why I have had the honor of caring for the twins for two weeks now. I simply adore them." The smile was forced and didn't reach her eyes. JD rolled his eyes and got both feet stomped on by Nathan and Alexandra. It was worth it when he saw Chris and John Terrell trying valiantly not to burst into laughter. A glare from Alexandra called them both to order. JD had to admire Alexandra Terrell. Sometimes she said more in one look than most people did in a whole day with hundreds of words. She reminded him of Chris and Vin in that. He glanced over and saw her frown turn into a smile at her husband. Her blue eyes twinkled in the knowledge they shared. Then it hit him.

'No, it couldn't possibly be!' There was just no way. Vin noticed the shocked look on JD's face and leaned over and quietly asked if he was ok. That got Alexandra's attention and she turned a pair of familiar blue eyes filled with concern on him as well. JD was speechless at the similarity. Vin and Alexandra Terrell could pass for brother and sister. They looked so much alike it threw JD. He had no idea what to say and blurted out the first thing that came to mind.

"I thought I saw a rat!"

Miss Jones promptly stood and fainted right into Ezra's unwilling arms. Vin took one look at the stunned faces and promptly sat down and started laughing when he realized that Miss Jones was truly out of it. He reached over and slapped JD on the back. "Subtle, real subtle, JD. Ya couldn't have waited until we were through eatin' to do that?"

"I, ah, well, uhm, I'm sorry!" With that, JD bolted from the room as Nathan and Dr. Connors made their way over to Ezra and his burden. The twins were grinning ear to ear and had jumped into Vin's arms. They were going to have to be real nice to JD for that. He'd done even better than the twins had imagined Ours and Our Ezra would do. Chris handed Jamie to John Terrell as he motioned Buck and Vin to sit back down. Miss Jones was beginning to stir. She woke and wrapped her arms around Ezra's neck. Ezra looked like JD had better keep running. Buck winked at him, and Vin suddenly became interested in the twins finishing their dinner. They were happy to comply. Terrorizing scabby old bats was hungry work.

"I'll go get JD. Why don't the rest of you finish your dinner?" Chris wanted to know why JD had bolted like that. He'd seen the kid look at Alexandra Terrell and then at Vin. Then his whole face had drained of all its color. Before he could figure out what was going on, John Terrell spoke.

"An excellent idea. Neil, do you think you might give Miss Jones something for her nerves? I am certain she won't be able to sleep much tonight if you don't." The old doctor grinned at his nephew-in-law.

"I have just the thing. Miss Jones, let's get you upstairs to your room."

"I don't know if I can make it." She turned to Ezra for support, but he bowed slightly to her and announced his intention of going to check her room out before he left. He made a show of checking his revolver. Miss Jones looked like she wanted to faint.

"I'll be happy to help you ma'am." Josiah offered his arm to Miss Jones as Ezra made good his escape. Alexandra sat down with her husband and children. She took one look at Nathan, Buck, her husband, and finally at Vin. They tried to control themselves in front of the children, but they just couldn't help themselves. They all burst into laughter. Even the children were laughing. This was better than Christmas.

When they could talk, Alexandra looked at Vin and gasped, "A rat? He saw a rat? More like a ghost the way he turned so white."

"I'll go and check on 'em." Nathan was wiping his eyes. Buck just shook his head as the healer walked out of the room.

"You put him up to that?" Buck quizzed Vin.

"No, I didn't talk him into that. Somethin' happened. I don't know what, but I figure Chris'll find out what's goin' on."

They decided he was right and proceeded to finish dinner. The others slowly drifted back. Nathan came in last with a sheepish JD. Chris looked over at Vin and Alexandra who were talking with the children, his eyes narrowing. Then he looked right at John Terrell. His facial expression promised explanations would be demanded, but not here and not in front of all these people. John Terrell nodded his assent. He was not a man who easily frightened, but Chris Larabee was as protective of his men as John Terrell was of his family. It promised to be a very volatile meeting. John made a note to make certain Alexandra was present at this meeting. It was all her fault.

Chapter 14

JD didn't talk much and made himself scarce after dinner citing his duties at the jail. The twins kissed everyone goodnight and were ushered out with Jamie by their mother. She had promised a story to them before bed. Vin made a move to follow JD, but Chris asked him to take his patrol that night stating John wanted to discuss some things with him. Satisfied that the twins were safe from Miss Jones until morning, Vin readily complied. Nathan, fussy since Vin hadn't come down with his predicted cold since his outing 3 days ago, admonished the tracker to wear a heavier coat. Vin threw Nathan a look over his shoulder that caused Josiah to start laughing. The big man tossed Vin a brown paper wrapped box that he had brought in with him earlier.

Vin caught it and raised an eyebrow in question.

"I sent Mrs. Terrell a letter and asked her to see if she could send us this. She brought it instead." Josiah smiled as Vin tore open the brown paper wrappings. "We all pitched in. With Nathan naggin' ya about wearing a heavier coat than that rag you got, we decided to give it to you early." The wrappings revealed a box with a label marked San Francisco. Vin couldn't quite make out the name under the city, but he thought the rest read 'Fine clothing since 1858'. He looked again at all the faces watching him and opened it. Inside was a brown leather coat. He took it by the shoulders and shook it out, knocking the box to the floor. The coat was the same length as his old buffalo coat, but the leather was new and finely tooled. The durability belied the soft feel of it. There was no fringe, but the buttons on it were the ones from his old coat. He frowned and then tried it on. It fit perfectly, like it had been made just for him. It had the same amount of pockets as his old jacket except this jacket had one pocket hidden on the inside right side. He looked up and grinned at his friends.

"Y'all got this for me?" Vin's voice held the same note of surprise as it did when he realized his friends were going to drop everything and help him find Eli Joe. Even after all this time, Tanner was still mystified when anyone did something just for him. Chris watched him and thought how like Ezra Vin was at this moment. Both men had a hard time accepting the fact that someone wanted to do something for them without wanting anything in return. Ezra was like that because his mother had taught him no one did anything for free. Vin was like that because someone along the way had tried to convince him he didn't deserve it.

"Well, now, don't get all mushy on us." Buck was grinning like an idiot. "We were getting' mighty tired of hearin' you complain about not havin' a decent coat no more."

"That is the truth my dear Mr. Tanner. When Mr. Wilmington suggested we pool our resources in order to earn some respite from your ramblings, I myself leapt at the opportunity."

"Snake. I don't complain."

"As much as Chris. Hell, I wish for some peace and quiet sometimes you two boys yammer so much." Buck ducked out of the way as both Vin and Chris made a move to pay him back for the insult.

"Just for that, Buck, you can join Vin on patrol tonight."

"Thanks a lot, cowboy." Then, Vin grinned. "C'mon, Buck. I got a gully I been wantin' to shove ya in."

"You and who else? Why I could whup you with both hands tied behind my back."

"Whup ya, hell. I'm gonna shoot ya, Buck." The others laughed as the two walked out taking swipes at one another.

Josiah and Nathan were headed for the saloon when Ezra looked over and stated that he needed to speak to JD about timing and the art of conning people. Josiah and Nathan weren't buying any of that. As they headed for the saloon, they suggested Ezra join them after he had checked in on the kid. The gambler smiled wondering when he had become so easy to read. That left John Terrell and Chris Larabee alone, and Chris didn't beat around the bush.

"What the hell is this all about?"

"Well, Alexandra needs to tell you herself, but let me ask what you think is going on." Chris looked Terrell in the eye and saw no immediate threat to Vin. He decided to grant John's request and wait for Alexandra to explain the revelation JD had just shared with him. How on earth no one had noticed was beyond him. He was surprised that no one else had noticed it, but then again, why should they? Until JD had actually told Chris what had thrown him at dinner, Chris hadn't a clue. But, he had; he'd actually had several clues. Without thinking, Chris accepted the glass of brandy from John and looked into the swirling liquid. He thought of what he actually knew and what was speculation. John waited patiently for Chris to speak and Alexandra to return.

Chris had liked Alexandra Terrell from the start, and it had nothing to do with the fact she was a beautiful woman. There had been something familiar about her that Chris hadn't been able to place. He'd chalked it up to the fact that there were things about Alexandra that reminded him of Sarah, like her wicked sense of humor and quiet, steady strength. Until JD had pointed out that Vin could pass for Alexandra's brother, Chris had accepted his own rationale for the familiar feeling he got whenever he was around John's wife. Now, JD had completely floored Chris with his observation. Chris had cautioned JD to keep quiet until he could find out what was going on. They had returned, and Chris found himself looking from Alexandra to Vin throughout the rest of dinner.

Maybe it was the fact that Alexandra was the well-educated wife of a powerful and wealthy man. No one would expect her to be related to Vin Tanner, a man orphaned young and who had basically grown up on his own. However, the resemblance was there. Looking at them covertly over his dinner, Chris was as astounded as JD had been. It was unmistakable. From the brown hair with a wave all its own to the expressive blue eyes that could twinkle in laughter or the square jaw that could clench in complete and unshakable stubbornness. There had to be a blood connection here. The look was too similar to ignore.

Then, there were the twins and even baby Annabelle. The twins had their father's coloring, but their blue eyes and wry grins were from their mother. Vin had that same wry grin that was so lopsidedly natural you found yourself responding to it without thinking. And, Annabelle had been the name of Vin's mother. Alexandra had insisted on using Vin's mother's name for her baby daughter. She had said that she wanted to honor Vin and Ezra for saving her life, and so she had named her baby daughter for the two women who had given birth to the men. Chris finally looked up at John.

"They're related, aren't they?" Before John could ask, Chris spoke again. "Alexandra and Vin are related. They're blood kin, aren't they?" Chris heard a gasp from the doorway. Alexandra stood there with Ezra behind her. Finding JD uncharacteristically quiet, Ezra had decided to ask Chris why JD had reacted as he had at dinner. Something was amiss, and the gambler thought Chris might know what it was. He had met Alexandra at the foot of the stairs and had escorted her to the dining room where her husband and Chris Larabee were talking. They both had heard exactly what Chris had asked John.

Ezra was astounded, but looking at Alexandra, the similarities hit like a blow across the face. The eyes were the same as was the jaw. For one of the few times in his life, Ezra Standish was completely and irrevocably speechless. He could only stare at the woman beside him and see his friend. Like Chris, he felt a fool for not having noticed the resemblance before. Before he could speak, Alexandra frowned, pushed Ezra into the room, shut the door, and locked it. She reminded him so much of Vin when the reticent tracker actually got angry, that he started laughing. It was a nervous laugh; one that made Alexandra frown even more at the three men standing in front of her.

"If you say I told you so, I will hit you." She practically glared at John Terrell, but being a wise man he even refrained from smiling at her. She turned to face Chris and Ezra. "I am convinced Vin is my sister's son." She couldn't say anything more designated to capture their undivided attention. Both men forgot their manners and sat down abruptly. John handed Ezra a brandy and filled Chris's glass again. His wife raised her eyebrow, and he once again rose to the occasion by handing her a generous portion of the medicinal brandy. She amazed the two men even more when she drained the glass without batting an eyelash. She handed it back to her smiling husband and sat down making herself comfortable. "I want your word that this will go no further than this room until I have spoken to Vin." She waited until both men nodded their assent. Neither one knew how they would even begin to tell Vin what she had just admitted. If it threw them this much, what would it do to Vin Tanner? Ezra never did get to the saloon that night.

Chapter 15

Alexandra explained as John quietly left the room. He could have emptied his gun into the wall, but he doubted that the other three would have noticed. When he returned Dr. Connors was with him.

"You just have names and dates. How can you be certain it's Vin? Telling him and being wrong about it will hurt even more than knowing you were keeping it from him." It was the most Chris Larabee normally said in a day, but this news threatened to rip into the very identity of the man he considered a brother.

The older man answered for his niece. "His mother, right after her husband's death, bundled all of her important papers together and sent them to her family. Her mother and father had both died since she had run off with Jeff Tanner, and her sister and brother-in-law were living in their home. We have her marriage certificate and Jeff Tanner's family Bible that has his son's name and date of birth in it. He is Vincent Jeffrey Tanner born on May 24, 1841." It was the first time Alexandra, Chris, and Ezra became aware that John had left the room to fetch Alexandra's uncle.

"Why didn't you contact your sister then? Why were they left alone, and why have you waited until now to find Vin?" Ezra wanted answers as much as Chris.

"I was fifteen and had gone to live with Uncle Neil after my mother died. I couldn't stand living with my older sister and her husband. They were just as cold and uncaring as my own parents." Alexandra paused as tears came to her eyes. "My sister, Amanda, and her husband received the letter and information. Her husband sent a man to see if my sister was still alive and what happened to her and her child. The man came back and said both my sister, her husband, and her son were all dead."

"Vin once mentioned that he lived in an orphanage run by nuns until it was taken over by some sadistic bast____, excuse me, Alexandra, but suffice to say that Mr. Tanner knows first hand how powerless a child can be against a tyrant."

Seeing the depths of sadness in her familiar blue eyes, both Chris and Ezra realized that although she had never wanted for material things, Alexandra Terrell had been just as lonely a child in the midst of her family as Vin had been in his orphaned state. It made them more sympathetic to her, and John Terrell relaxed a bit. Maybe things would work out after all. Neil Connors continued as Alexandra fought to regain her control.

"They informed us of what the man reported to them and gave me the information. We rarely spoke to them all that often after that. There was really no point, and Amanda and her husband made it clear that Alexandra was my problem not theirs. We thought Vin dead until three years later."

"A man, a Texas Ranger who had known both my sister and Jeff Tanner, came to our home, Uncle Neil's home. He carried a letter my sister had asked him to deliver to me personally. She never liked the man my father had chosen for her to marry and didn't want him to have any say in what happened to Vin. The Ranger had been involved in several Indian wars and skirmishes with the Mexicans while Texas was a Republic, and this was the first chance he had to personally deliver the letter. He knew Vin was alive, and thought the boy was with me. He had no idea that the man my brother-in-law had sent to check on my sister hadn't even bothered to see what happened to her son."

"Once we knew the child was alive, Alexandra and I both went back with the Ranger to Austin where Annabelle had lived. We arrived at the orphanage too late. The director had nothing but bad to say about the child, so we understood why the boy had run away. We went elsewhere for information. The Ranger put the word out, and even Jack Hayes took time to help us find out what happened to the child." John Terrell leaned over and took Alexandra's hand while her uncle continued. "We found one of the nuns who ran the orphanage until the new director had taken over. She told us all about Vin, what a beautiful child he was, how mischievous and happy he was until the new director took an instant dislike to the boy. It seems he was of the belief that children who were happy and full of mischief were the devil's spawn and needed the devil beat out of them."

Ezra silently nodded. He'd had an uncle just like that. Fortunately, Maude thought her son's affectations and temperament were perfectly suited for the con, so Ezra rarely spent any time with that relative at all. Maude was not one to allow an asset to be destroyed by careless people. Chris just shook his head in disgust. He could only envision a little boy who looked like Adam or Billy or Jamie running away from the people who would hurt him. No child should have to live through that.

"What happened?" Chris looked at Alexandra.

"He vanished. We couldn't find him at all. There were raids and battles between the settlers and the Indians going on at the time all over Texas. Some Comanches were seen near Enchanted Rock outside of Austin. The Rangers concluded that either Vin had died, been taken by them, or been taken in by a family who survived the raids and wanted him."

Chris and Ezra looked at one another. The old warrior that Vin had traveled so far to see must have been the one who had taken Vin.

"Vin just got back from seeing the old Comanche chief who raised him like his son. The old man was dying. Vin never has said much, but he's mentioned some things that make all this sound right."

"Mr. Larabee is correct. Mr. Tanner mentioned that his Comanche family was murdered by the army. I believe he was sixteen at the time?" Ezra looked at Chris for verification.

Chris nodded. Vin wasn't going to be happy about this. Not that he had a family, but that the people he trusted were talking about his business behind his back. Vin didn't talk a lot, but when he did, he would sometimes drop information on you that made you stop and mull it over. He didn't mention much about his past and only then did he bestow bits and pieces the more he trusted you. If he found out that Chris and Ezra were here discussing what information he had entrusted them with to people he knew and liked but didn't know were blood kin, he might never trust them again. They exchanged a look between them that the Terrells and Dr. Connors didn't see. Neither Chris nor Ezra wanted to take that chance. Their friendships were the only family they had, and there was no way either man was going to jeopardize that.

Chris rose first and Ezra followed suit. "I think you'd best tell all this to Vin, and the sooner the better. He ain't gonna appreciate the way we're talkin' about his business. The other is already gonna upset him enough. If anyone lets on they know about this business as well, you might lose any trust you've built with him." John Terrell and Neil Connors nodded their agreement. Alexandra looked at her husband without uttering a word. Then she made her decision. Ezra was puzzled about the statement Chris had just uttered, but now was not the time to ask.

"Uncle Neil and I will tell Vin first thing in the morning." She looked at her husband and then her uncle. "We'll tell him everything. He shouldn't find out anything from anyone before then. No one else really knows." Dr. Connors remembered what he had wanted to tell his niece earlier.

"Henderson, Mrs. Davis, and Miss Jones know." Alexandra whirled around.

"How did that woman find out?"

"I'm afraid Henderson and I were mentioning the close resemblance between mother and son. Miss Jones asked in order to prevent the twins from saying anything. I'm very sorry, dear." Alexandra assured the old man that he had only done what he thought best.

"I'll tell him in the morning, Uncle, before even Miss Jones wakes up."

Ezra followed Chris to the door. He felt a little shiver of alarm go up his spine. Miss Jones knew. Could that be the reason for her sudden tolerance of Vin? But why show her preference for Ezra? Something was not right here, but as long as Vin learned the truth in the morning from Alexandra, all should be well. Neither man said much to one another as they walked towards the jail.

"I'll talk to JD before Josiah comes to relieve him."

"Are you. . .?" Ezra didn't have to finish.

"No. I'll tell him that I will explain to everyone when and if Vin lets me. The fewer people know, the better."

"I'll try and keep Miss Jones pre-occupied in the morning."

As Ezra split off to go back to the saloon, Chris stopped him with a comment.

"Watch your back, Ezra. You blink and you might end up married to that old maid."

"How kind of you to terrorize my coming slumber with such a vile nightmare. I will trust that you will help extricate me from that woman's evil devices?"

"Even if I have to shoot her, Ezra. Trust me." Larabee was actually grinning at him. Ezra sighed and walked off with the sound of laughter in his ears. He now knew what a turkey felt like the day before Christmas dinner.

Continued in Part Four

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