At any time, click on the title and be directed to the story, or click on the author's name to see the complete list of their stories.
In this variation of the ATF Universe, Vin and Ezra are foster children.
Angela B. (
- The Journey to Avalon Series
- No Rhyme or Reason (PG-13)
- New Beginnings (PG-13)
- First Day (PG-13)
- Meeting the Family (PG-13)
- Remembrance (PG-13)
- Friends, Frogs and Facts (G)
- Operation: School (PG-13)
- Harmony (PG-13)
- Red Tape and Bows (PG-13)
- Midnight Thoughts (PG-13)
- Changes (PG-13)
- Snowball (PG-13)
- Dirt and Worms for Dessert (PG-13)
- Building on Hope (PG-13)
- Vrooom (PG-13)
- Inchworm (G)