




"God-DAMN it, J.D! Turn that down!" shouted Buck from the bathroom down the hall. "Big Al’s gonna have your hide for a washcloth if you don’t turn that damn TV down!"

"Yeah, well, I would turn down the volume if Ezra would quit complainin’ about my ‘choice of programming’," retorted J.D. over the noise of the TV, making exaggerated quote-unquote gesures with hooked fingers and scowling at an indignant and furiously sputtering Ezra Standish.

"Mr. Dunne, I was not casting aspersions upon your ‘choice of programming’," Ezra snapped back, mimicking J.D.’s hand gestures, "however questionable it may... well, that’s not the point. The point is that Mr. Tanner apparently sees fit to quite loudly criticize the fighting techniques of various actors, and I merely opined that your choice of programming was conducive to such inconsiderate behavior on Mr. Tanner’s part, especially considering his fondness for all things martial in nature."

"Ez, it ain’t my fault that these guys suck," Vin interjected. "I mean, that last hand-foot-knee combination was just about the sorriest thing I ever seen in my life."

"It’s classic Batman, Vin, for cryin’ out loud!" groaned J.D., rolling his eyes. "And how the heck can you see what they’re doing with all those sound-effects balloons popping up?"

"They call it ‘suspension of disbelief,’ Mr. Tanner," Ezra added helpfully, which earned a ferocious glare from the team’s resident sharpshooter, who tried to figure out a way to respond but couldn’t. Standish gave Tanner his best smug smile and returned his attention to the television.






"J.D., for the love of GOD, turn that down!" shouted Buck again, still from the bathroom. Frowning, but sensing that talking had ceased at least for the five minutes it would take Buck to forget that he’d told him to turn the TV down, J.D. lowered the volume.

"You need an enema, Buck?" bellowed Nathan, eliciting everything from full-blown laughter to stifled snickering. "What in the hell’d you eat?" the EMT asked.

"A bit too much of my famous four-chile chili," Josiah answered, grinning. "I put in extra habaneros this time, along with these special-grown chiles a friend of mine makes- he’s a geneticist, and he’s got his own hydroponic garden in his backyard. I got some of his root stock last year, and sweet Lord be with us, his chiles can eat Teflon off a non-stick cookin’ pan."

"Damn," Vin whispered reverently. "I knew there was somethin’ different about your chili this time."

"’Something different’?" responded the profiler, his deep voice resonant with injured pride. "Just ‘something different’, Brother Vin? Ten years of painstaking genetic research, a season’s worth of careful nurturing in a high-tech hydroponic garden and there’s just ‘something different’?"
Sanchez’s great hands flexed menacingly, and Tanner realized with a sensation close to fear that Josiah’s hands could easily encircle his neck, and snap it with only minor effort.

"Now, c’mon, Josiah," interposed Chris, breaking his silence to save his best friend from impending bodily harm, "you know Vin don’t have any taste buds to speak of. At least, not any human ones."

"Don’t help me Chris," Vin mumbled.

"Indeed, that would explain Mr. Tanner’s repellent taste in food, or what the confections and fast-food empire passes off as food; it may even shed light on the mystery which is his belief that Taco Bell constitutes gourmet dining."

"Hey!" Having his running commentary on Batman interrupted was one thing; having his eating habits insulted was another. "I do not consider Taco Bell to be gourmet dining!" Vin fairly squealed with indignation.

"Oh, please, Mr. Tanner," replied Ezra, scowling at the sharpshooter. "You almost blew our cover on the Marconi case when, right in the middle of a most excellent degustation at Lorenti’s, you remarked to Mr. Marconi that the Chateau-du-Chien ‘76 Pinot Grigio would nicely complement a Chalupa- a Chalupa with cheese sauce, no less. Cheese sauce, Mr. Tanner."

"I was joking!"

"I beg to differ, Mr. Tanner- you were in deadly earnest."

"Well, it would!"

"SHUT UP!" shouted Nathan from his easy chair. "Good Lord, listenin’ to the bunch of you yammer at each other ain’t doin’ a thing for my blood pressure. I bet if I took it right now, I’d break the gauge on the cuff."

"Speakin’ of which, Nate," Vin said, trying to calm his friends before they- to wit: Josiah and Ezra- got violent, "I got my blood results back from the doctors- you know, the semi-annual exam thingy? Five years in a row- perfect cholesterol, blood pressure, try... try... triglycerides, I think... um... what else? Oh yeah- good white blood cell count."

The stark fury that contorted Nathan’s face indicated that had been the wrong thing to say, and Vin belatedly remembered the EMT’s frustration at his ability to eat indiscriminately and not dissolve into a pile of sugar, lard, high-fructose corn syrup, additives, and preservatives. As Nathan’s agitation rose, the atmosphere in the room became decidedly uneasy.

"Damn, Buck!" J.D. screeched, pulling his shirt over his nose as Wilmington walked past. "What the hell did you eat? A dead animal?"

Buck ignored his roommate and turned to Josiah with a menacing, "When my gut don’t feel like it’s got a bomb goin’ off in it, you an’ I are gonna have some words."


The noise in the room flicked off as if by a switch, and Chris went even quieter than he’d been previously. Only the sounds of Batman battling the Penguin’s henchmen flickered through the sudden silence, a strange and ghostly intrusion.

Nathan took two deep, calming breaths and assessed the six men in front of him. If it wasn’t for him, Jackson thought, all of the six would have been dead or crippled long since by bullet wounds, knife wounds, broken bones, burns, lacerations, contusions, internal bleeding, infections, and- in Vin’s case, maybe- heart disease. Jackson had started to keep a running list of injuries, using his most recent edition of the ICD as a guide, and he figured that at the rate his friends racked up injuries, they would make it through the whole book in three more years. He had to keep that from happening, though- something about an EMT’s oath, responsibilities, ethics, and so forth.

"Look, guys," Nathan said into the stillness, "we’ve been lucky so far with injuries and so forth, right?"

Six nods indicated agreement.

"Okay, so if it’s been established that conventional weapons have a hard time gettin’ rid of us, I think we owe it to ourselves to, well... be more careful with what we eat, how we spend our free time. What’s that you’re always saying, Josiah?"

"’My body is my temple’," supplied the profiler.

"Exactly! Just think how we can improve our arrest record and our lives in general by fixing some... lifestyle habits," Nathan continued, warming to his topic as he saw all his friends listening for once, "I’m not talkin’ major overhauls or anything, just resting more, meditating, developing a comprehensive workout plan, focusing on mental fitness, eating well-"

"Hope you don’t mean I won’t be able to eat my lucky Snickers bar before every sting," interrupted Vin.

That was the drop of water that shattered the floodgates, and objections poured forth.

"Surely you don’t expect me to forego the late-night social scene? Why it’s absolutely-"

"You think I’m gonna run, Nate? You shi-"

"I hate Brussells sprouts, Nathan. No way-"

"I’ll only quit eating chili if we can Feng Shui the office."

"You sayin’ there’s something wrong with our arrest record?"

The stream of negations continued, a flood before which Nathan Jackson was helpless, and he realized that any minor, sensible changes to a health-oriented individual were mindboggling revolutions to six men who considered something out of a vending machine and a cup of coffee to be a nutritious breakfast. An assortment of proverbs surrounding horses, water, and drinking came to mind, and Nathan turned to shout something to J.D.

"Hey, J.D.- what’s that dumb thing you always say? Something about friends and noses?"

"Oh, ‘You can pick your friends and you can pick your nose, but you can’t pick your friend’s nose.’ That the one?"

"Yeah... yeah, that’s it," Nathan mumbled around the lip of his beer stien. "That’s the one."