Buck's Folly

By SasseyJ

DISCLAIMER: The characters of the MAGNIFICENT SEVEN belong to MGM, Trilogy, CBS, and TNN. No profit is made from this fan fic in any way, shape, or form except fun. However, I do not want my original characters borrowed or used without my knowledge or consent. If you are unsure if a character is canon or an original, please click here on original characters for an extensive list of my characters and when they were first introduced in my fan fiction.

Part Five

Chapter 17

The hillside behind him was teeming with Apache warriors. Justice had never known fear like this in his entire life, nor had he ever prayed for a quick and painless death so devoutly or fervently. The cloth stuffed into his mouth and his terror sucked all the moisture from his mouth, making it difficult to swallow or breathe. Justice had stopped trying to work his hands free. He knew the agonizing death that Watkins had endured would soon be his own fate, and his body shivered in fear. Thinking Watkins insane when he had screamed Tye was the lucky one having died instantly from the arrow protruding from his chest, Justice now knew the tough scout turned miner had been correct. There was no hope he would be miraculously set free, and for the first time in his life Justice actually contemplated his own mortality. Closing his eyes he tried to blot out the sight next to him. He thought of the people below who would die because of his greed. At least Tanner and Wilmington and those stupid church people would die with him. He just hoped they died as painfully as he would.

A burning, then stabbing pain penetrated his cocoon as the knife sliced through his skin forcing his eyes open. He would have bitten his tongue if the cloth had not been stuffed into his mouth. Thinking he had fallen asleep one brave had taken his sharp blade glowing from the fire and sliced an opening from chin to bellybutton. The blood loss and pain nearly sent him under, but the torch waved in front of his face forced his eyes open. Someone loosened the gag from his mouth and pulled the filthy cloth out. He would die soon, and knowing that somehow gave Justice another spurt of defiance. There was nothing to lose now but his pride, and he was determined that they would not hear him beg for his life as Watkins had. The dawn was approaching, and the braves were getting ready to attack the train. Justice suddenly spat at the man who had come to stand in front of him regarding his captive with false passivity.

The leader's face did not change, nor did his eyes even flicker. The only evidence that he realized what Justice had done to him was his hand moving quickly to wipe the spittle from his face; and, in the same motion with the same hand, he struck Justice a stinging blow to his face that flattened his nose with a sickening pop. Geronimo's eyes lit in appreciation of the defiance with which Justice faced him when Justice merely licked the blood dripping onto his lip from his broken nose. Then he signaled to a man behind Justice, and Justice's felt the blade against his vulnerable neck. He tried to lean into it and inflict a mortal wound, but the blade was taken quickly from his throat. Instead the blade arched downward and sliced across his chest almost forcing a hiss from between his teeth. The men around him laughed in appreciation of his bravery. The warrior in front of him waved his men off for the moment to watch the coming of dawn. His bravery had earned him a short reprieve, and he used that reprieve to look down at the train that looked smaller and further away than ever.

Justice had been taken aback when Noah had first asked him if he wanted someone to kill him should he ever get captured by the Apaches and escape or rescue was impossible. Now, having experienced their torture first hand, he actually prayed that someone would be able to carry out that mercy killing. However, he was over a mile from the train, and no one there had any reason to show him any mercy. For the first time Justice actually felt a few regrets surface, but he quickly shut those thoughts down. Feeling remorse would weaken his determination to refrain from showing any emotion at all. He would meet up with Devlin, Tanner, and the others in hell soon enough.

Many of the men in the train were having similar thoughts and feeling little pangs of guilt over it. They weren't above being glad they weren't one of the men captured and tortured to death by Geronimo. Many did regret that they could do nothing for the last man because they were too far away. There were only twenty armed men on the train; and, with all the women and children present, they couldn't afford to sacrifice anyone on a suicidal rescue attempt. Devlin had mentioned it was a shame that the lone prisoner was going to die slowly and painfully, and Vin Tanner had turned and looked the old man in the eye for several long seconds. Unspoken words passed between them until Vin finally nodded.

Devlin did something he rarely ever did. Instead of nodding or thanking him, he walked up to Vin, put his hand on the young man's shoulder, and squeezed it. Buck, Ezra, and JD all looked curiously on the display between the two men. They all knew Vin was not a man who liked other people to just touch him. He rarely shook hands with strangers, but would stand back until he was satisfied in his assessment of them. He only allowed people he knew and trusted to get into his personal space; so, for him to allow Devlin that gesture showed that Vin not only respected the older man, but that some very important communication had just taken place. It was a curious set of friends then who went outside to crawl upon the top of the train. Horse, Noah, and Ezra climbed up first and used ropes to pull up the boxes they were going to use as cover. JD went ahead to the other car with the women and children muttering he had seen something they could use. They pulled up the weapons and ammunition next.

The three men worked quickly on the top of the private train while Justice had faced off with Geronimo. After lashing boxes with ropes to the top of the train to use as cover, they used the ropes to quickly lift Vin and Buck to the top as well as the last of the boxes. Situating the two immobile men next to one another behind their makeshift cover, they worked silently as possible as dawn approached. Vin and Buck arranged the boxes stuffed with canned goods and plates and linen to accommodate them as they were planning to lie flat on their stomachs behind the boxes. One box was placed on top of another as they worked to make it as safe as possible for Ezra to throw out the dynamite since there was no slingshot present. They had a plan they all hoped would thwart the coming attack, or at least keep most of them safe while the train made a desperate attempt to flee to safety. A quick sliding of a door and the sound of boots scrambling up the side made the men look at one another and grin.

"Look what I found in the car with the women and children!" JD held up a slingshot. Ezra Standish grinned at his youngest friend and would have motioned him back down into the relative safety of the train car had JD not shaken his head in defiance. "No way I'm stayin' down there while you guys get shot at up here. Buck an' Vin ain't gonna be able to climb down at all, so I'm stayin' an' watchin' your backs!"

Ezra turned back to look at Vin and Buck and shrugged his shoulders. The gambler would bet the odds they all had a better chance together than they would apart, and the slingshot would keep him from having to expose himself to throw the dynamite. With the slingshot and JD present Ezra could set up dynamite for both Vin and Buck, while leaving JD to watch out for any Apache who got close enough to get a shot at them. The odds were beginning to even out.

"Hell, Ezra, we're probably all gonna get killed, anyways." Vin winked at JD. He had that look in his eyes that JD had seen mirrored in the eyes of both Buck and Ezra. He had no idea the flame was just as bright in his own eyes. He took the rifle and pillow from Horse as the big man took one more look at the four men; and, shaking his head, he climbed back down into the car that now held several more men and his beloved Charity.

"Yeah, might as well go together." Buck started laughing, as did Vin and Ezra, while JD climbed up and took his perch next to his friends. They shifted the boxes and junk in order to accommodate his slight frame.

"You boys is plumb loco, but I got to say yer four of the bravest fools I ever met." Noah Devlin shook his head and followed Horse down. Just before his head disappeared from view, he looked back up. "You boys sure you know what to do with that there dynomite? There's women an' kids down here with me an' my men. If I gotta face Geronimo, I'd rather do it in one piece."

"You just keep 'em safe, old man. You'd be surprised what Ezra and Vin can do with a slingshot and a box of TNT." Buck was still grinning as he turned to take cover behind the makeshift boxes they had pulled atop the rail car and lashed down to use for cover.

"Yeah, they can bring down a hill quicker than you can yell 'Hell and damnation!'" JD grinned and looked to see if Vin and Ezra liked his joke. Vin looked up from stacking the boxes of shells his aunt had sent him with his new rifle and scowled at JD.

"That was Ezra's fault. He was supposed to be keepin' watch while I was shootin' at the dynamite."

"Me? I believe, my forgetful friend, that you are the resident tracker. Therefore, 'keeping watch' as you call it falls within your job description rather than mine."

"Well, ya know if you two could argue just a little louder we could ask Geronimo an' all his braves whose fault they thinks it is." Buck's sarcastic comment drew glares from Vin and Ezra that affected him like a drop of water affects a mountain. Buck had lived through too many Larabee glares to be intimidated by Vin Tanner or Ezra Standish. He moved his shoulder just a bit to ease the pain. He couldn't get comfortable, but he would be damned if he went back down and left the others up here alone. They got into this together, and they would get out of it together. Besides, no way in hell was he going to get to Tombstone and tell Chris that he let Ezra, JD, and Vin crawl up on top of a train being attacked by Apaches to play with dynamite. Buck was neither a fool nor an idiot. He glanced over at Vin while he tapped on JD's back and motioned for him to give him the extra pillow for his shoulder. Vin in turn looked at Ezra and nodded. Ezra picked up the slingshot JD handed him and practiced with it for a few moments. Then, he took his place lying flat on his belly like the others were. He reached into the box and pulled out several sticks of dynamite.

"I could use some help here." The others began taking sticks and tying them together two at a time. By the time dawn approached he had a neat pile of TNT within handy reach.

"You think we have enough?" JD was getting antsy.

"I am of the opinion that we have an adequate amount in which to inform the Apaches of the esteem in which we hold them." JD's blank stare got a smirk from Ezra as Buck translated.

"We got enough to blow the hell out of a whole raidin' party if we got to, JD. You just keep sharp an' don't let no one get us in the back."

Vin nodded his agreement with Buck. Taking his spyglass, Vin put it to his eye and focused on the hill. The number of shadows he saw there soon took shape as Apache warriors. He hoped the men in the other rail cars kept the passengers away from the windows, so they could not see what he was looking at. His stiffening posture alerted his three friends, and they all turned to look, trying to see what he was looking at in the spyglass. Vin swept the hillside. There were at least two hundred mounted on horseback, lined up along the top of the hill so that the rising sun was at their backs. From the looks of it they were outnumbered ten to one. He heard the low whistle of acknowledgment from Buck as dawn approached to illuminate the hill.

"Son of a bitch! That's a hell of a big raiding party, Vin."

"I wager that is possibly the largest raiding party I have ever seen."

"More like a war party, Ezra." Vin had just swept the funeral pyre where one of the captives had been burned to death. A flicker of movement made him home in on the remaining captive. He saw the wounded man; and, with the light from the dawn and the burning torches, he recognized him. He also recognized the Apache who had climbed astride a magnificent black stallion and was currently looking down at his captive. This large a war party had to have split into two groups and merged here into one large war party that would sweep back into Mexico raiding and killing as many of the whites as possible. Even the Army would be wary of attacking and pursuing so large a band of fierce Apache warriors. Vin figured that if any of the seven were going to run into an Apache war party, it would have to be one led by Geronimo. Vin sighed loudly in disgust. If Chris, Josiah, and Nathan had been here with them, Vin doubted they would be sitting ducks. He had the same faith in the seven that Buck did. After all Ezra had said it time and again. Seven was their lucky number. JD misunderstood his sigh.

"Aw geez, do we have enough men and ammunition to fight a war party?"

"Question is can we hold on an' keep those folks from panickin' long enough to get the hell out a here." Vin spoke those words as he looked through the spyglass at the captive. He watched as another brave took his knife and carved a long slash crisscrossing the one already on Justice's chest. He saw the jerk of reaction, but the desired effect was lost as Justice kept his mouth shut. One brave leaned over and made a movement to slice off one of Justice's ears, and that was it for Vin. He had no love for Justice Worth. The man was a thief and probably a killer, but he couldn't just sit there and watch a man be tortured to death just to terrorize the people on the train. The Apaches knew exactly what they were doing. They were showing their numbers and had saved their last victim until the light of day when everyone could witness his horrible and excruciating death. As the Apaches worked to make the last few hours of Worth's life as excruciating as possible, the others prepared to attack. Vin felt helpless as he contemplated what Noah had silently asked him to do. Then he looked at the Sharp 'Big" 50 lying next to him. He voiced his intentions to the others.

"Damn, they're torturin' him!" The disgust in Tanner's voice was clear to the other men. He dropped the spyglass and picked up the Sharp.

"Can ya tell who it is?"

"Does it matter, JD?" Buck knew what Vin was going to try, and he looked over at Ezra who had also figured out what their sharpshooter was about to attempt.

"Hell no, Buck! But can't we do anything to stop it?" Ezra put his hand on JD's shoulder and gripped it realizing that Buck was doing everything he could just to balance his own rifle, but it was Vin who answered JD.

"It's Worth, JD. But I can't just let 'em torture him to death, an' there ain't no way in hell we can get to him an' cut him loose." His serious tone alerted JD to what he planned to do.

JD visibly gulped for he knew Vin did not enjoy killing. He would shoot to defend himself and his friends without question, but to deliberately kill a man to save him from being tortured to death was not a decision that his friend would make likely. Then JD looked Vin in the eye, and it dawned in him what the silent communication between Noah and Vin had been. Noah must have felt that Vin was the only man who could make this shot, and he had gotten Vin's silent vow of cooperation. That meant Noah and Vin both knew what would happen to Justice. JD had seen what had happened to one of the thieves, and he had heard the other men with Devlin talk about how they would kill themselves quick before they would fall into Apache hands alive. JD made his decision quickly. "We couldn't save him even if we had the Army here, could we?" Vin shook his head and JD nodded at him. "I'd rather die quick than burn to death. Can you do it?"

"I gotta try, JD. Can't let him die like that. Some folks might call it murder, but the only way I can help that man is to kill him quick. They can keep him alive for hours and let him bleed to death slowly in agony, or they can burn him alive." Buck nodded at Vin, the smile grim on his face. Buck knew he never would have thought to try what Vin was going to attempt, but he agreed with JD. Knowing how Sarah and Adam had died and still hearing the echoes of the dying man from the first funeral pyre, he gave his approval to the plan.

"Try it, Vin. Ain't nobody but us is ever gonna know, an' we got to try an' put that bastard outa his misery."

Ezra had remained silent during this exchange because he had picked up the spyglass and was watching the scene unfold on the hilltop. His stomach had reacted violently to the torture being inflicted on Worth. He needed no more than that to make up his mind. "They are beginning to move in our direction. If you plan to help Worth, you had better do it quickly." He locked eyes with Vin as the night was rapidly being disrupted by dawn's light. Ezra touched two fingers to his hat and saluted his friend adding his encouragement the plan. "Buck is correct. No matter the results, we will never speak of this to anyone. What happens remains between us." He paused letting his words sink in. Keeping it between Vin and Noah was one thing, but even if it would be Vin pulling the trigger, Ezra knew they all felt they were in it together. He had no desire to have his friend's name connected in any way to murder for technically that was what they were planning. That it was a mercy killing there was no question, but someone wanting to make trouble for Vin could easily do so with this information. There was no way Ezra, Buck, or JD would let their friend become a wanted man again. What he planned took courage; and that he trusted them with this knowledge and sought their opinion showed Ezra just how much regard Vin Tanner held for all of them. He was not going to let the man down. He also decided that Vin was seeking their input because what he planned would put the four men on top of the train in a more dangerous position than they already were. Vin knew that Ezra had realized the consequences, and he was waiting for the Southerner to voice them. "You do realize, of course, that Geronimo might take exception to your deprivation him of his amusement?" They all looked at one another. They knew depriving the Apache of their prisoner would make the four men atop the train the prime target of their assault for ruining the Apache's sport and their means of inducing panic among the passengers, but all four men had made their decision.

JD knew from the look on Ezra's face that the Apaches were already torturing Justice, so he gave the final word, and Ezra and Buck allowed him that moment. "Do it now, Vin!" With that, Tanner put the 'Big' 50 against his shoulder and took aim. Ezra put the spyglass back to his eye and saw Justice throw his head back. The agony written all over his face made Ezra shiver in response. If he had any doubts about what Vin was attempting, they dissipated as he saw Justice losing the fight to endure the agony being inflicted upon him. He had no idea if Vin could make the shot; but, from the looks of it, Vin needed to pull the trigger now.

Vin took a deep breath and settled down getting the feel of the rifle. The butt of the 'Big' 50 fit snugly against his shoulder. He had already figured out how much the wind would affect his aim and corrected it accordingly. He knew that John Terrell could shoot and so could his aunt, so he put his faith in their ability to choose a weapon that was true to its sights. He felt the power of the big Sharp and deeply regretted what he was about to do, but he would do it for a friend. So, how could he not do it for an enemy? No one deserved to die like that, and he hoped his aunt would forgive him for what he was about to do. Taking aim carefully he brought Justice Worth into his sights. Blocking out the sun that was slowly rising and concentrating on the chest area, he gently eased the trigger back. The big Sharp barked and kicked against his shoulder sending little shock waves he felt all the way down to aching hip and ankle, but the bullet sailed true to its course. The mile shot met its mark way before the boom of the Sharp made its presence know to the enemy.

Geronimo was seated on his horse next to the pyre. He saw Justice slump and heard the faint boom that followed. Red blossomed on Justice's chest deeper and darker than the rest as his heart pumped its last time. His suffering was over. The Apache who was preparing to make another cut at Justice's face stopped as the body of his victim became permanently immune to the pain. The warriors were astounded that anyone could make a shot like that. They thought they were out of range of any guns the passengers might have access to. Geronimo's warriors turned to see the reaction of their chief only to watch the formidable warrior grin in grim satisfaction. His words were short and sweet. He wanted the man who could shoot that far and that accurately with the sun in his eyes, and then they all turned as one to attack the train screaming and shouting their war cries in order to terrify their victims even more. Many of the passengers panicked and would have run had not several of the men stepped in front of the doors in order to block their mass exodus. Reverend Cecil was one of the men who stepped forward, and he used all of his oratory skills to convince the frightened people to just do exactly what they were told. He was extraordinarily calm, and his demeanor worked as a balm to calm down the passengers. Their protectors turned back to the windows more impressed with Cecil than they had ever been before.

"JD, kill anyone comin' up from behind us!" With his orders given, Ezra fitted the first two sticks of dynamite into the slingshot. He could hear the orders being yelled from train car to train car.

"Wait on 'em! Don't waste yer bullets!" They waited as they poured down the hill eating the ground beneath them. When they came as close as five hundred yards, the men in the last car stampeded the frightened horses from the rail car and ran as fast as they could to the last car still attached to the rest of the train. They heard the train whistle signaling they were ready to role, and the engine powered up. The engineer and his partner stoked the fire in the engine feeding the coal as it grew hotter, finally turning the coal and water into the steam that fed power to the engine. They worked steadily as if they were forging ahead through friendly territory and had all the time in the world. The four men with them, all armed with Sharps began steadily firing while one volunteer from the passengers went about the task of reloading. They would make a break for it, but the engineer had already been given the decision to go slowly so as to avoid any trap the Apaches might have set on the tracks in front of them. They had no way of knowing if this was a planned attack, or if they had been stopped at the wrong place and the wrong time by the thieves and this was all just circumstance that put them in this perilous position. They only knew their only hope was to put the big engine into motion and pull slowly away. If the tracks were clear after the first half of a mile, they would open the throttle full and go as fast as if the hounds of hell were on their heels. In many respects, the Apaches were just that.

The men vacating the last car climbed into the private car where Vin and company were already putting up a steady barrage of bullets, their rifles making every shot count. The stampeding horses, no more than twenty, scattered the first wave of the attack running flat out in the opposite direction knocking anyone and anything out of their way. Horses and warriors went down, some never to rise again. The shooting continued as the former buffalo hunters proved how deadly their shots were. They were firing steadily now, some aiming for the horses and some for the men riding them.

"Vin, left at eleven!" The dynamite went sailing through the air just where Ezra said it would, and Vin hit it right as it came spiraling down right above the heads of its victims. The explosion rocked the area as man and beast fell victim to its deadly shock waves sending dirt, debris, and blood into the air the to mingle with the screams of dying men and horses. "Buck, high noon!" Buck's shot exploded the flying dynamite just a foot higher than Vin's had causing nearly as much damage. Ezra shouted another direction to Vin as they heard JD begin firing on the warriors who had made their way around the back of the train to take it from the opposite side. More guns began firing from both sides.

Buck took a quick second to check on the flanking attack and swore when he saw the number of Apaches who had made a wide arc around the wrecked cars to come up from behind. They wanted the men on top of this car who were causing such damage. He slapped Vin on the back as he turned to help JD with the warriors who were coming up from behind. He heard Ezra spit out another direction, and Vin turned to take the shot. Vin caught it about four feet from the ground as the explosion took out another seven Apaches and their horses. Ezra had missed the exchange while he kept a sharp eye out for the thickest concentration of warriors. They heard the train as it strained to move along the tracks. It's labored chugging began to change to a steadier rhythm indicating the train was getting under way. Geronimo could not believe that the whites were using dynamite. He stopped as he saw his warriors, some of them his family, fall to the deadly fire and explosions. These whites on this train were not worth the loss of his men. Then, he heard the deciding factor. An Army bugle sounding a charge was heard.

Not afraid of dying Geronimo knew the value of living to fight another day. He called his warriors off after directing one last assault on the men who were taking such a deadly toll on his men. As he watched this last attempt fail he had to give his grudging respect to the men protecting the train. They were good warriors, especially the ones on top of the train. He called his men to him, but some on the other side had only heard the call of the bugle. They now had the train between them and escape. They raced to the back of the train trying to get into the small opening that was steadily widening as the private car pulled away from the unhooked cars.

In their efforts to get free, they had the four men on top of the train at a disadvantage. They were too close to use dynamite on, and the four men were running out of ammunition, no one having stopped to reload yet. Ezra dropped the slingshot and pulled out his gun. JD and Buck reloaded while Vin swung the big butt of the Sharp at the skull of one brave who had decided if he could not take the train he would settle for killing the men who had inflicted so much death on his brothers. The Sharp connected, and there was the sound of bone cracking as the warrior slumped to the ground to be replaced by another. Buck and Vin could not move quickly enough to get off of the train and into one of the cars to safety, and Ezra and JD would not leave them. They never heard the bugle, nor did they see the men rushing to help them. They were locked in hand to hand combat with several warriors who had managed to climb atop the rail car.

Chapter 18

Ezra ducked and shot the warrior who was trying to knock Vin from the roof of the car. The train lurched forward making balance a precarious proposition, but Vin fought tenaciously swaying back and forth with the train's rhythm. Ezra nearly lost his balance, sensed danger behind him, and then heard a big boom. He felt the bullet rush past his face as Vin swung the Sharp up and shot the brave point blank in the gut who had been about to stab Ezra in the back with his knife. His body flew from the roof of the car as the train lurched forward slowly, and his cry of agony as he fell under the moving train was horrendous. His knife clattered to the top of the roof not far from where Buck was fighting another warrior. A gunshot sounded, and the warrior was pushed aside.

Vin and Ezra heard a yell of outraged pain as they turned and saw another brave kick Buck in the shoulder tearing the stitches and causing the wound to bleed freely. Vin hit the top of the car as Ezra brought his gun up and shot the Apache brave in the face. JD was down with three warriors preparing to scalp him. Buck reached for his gun that had fallen from his hand when he had been attacked and then kicked, but he would not reach it in time.

Ezra and Vin turned empty weapons on the two braves. Realizing they were about to lose their youngest, Vin pulled out his knife; and, despite the weakness of his ankle, he jumped on one warrior burying the knife to the hilt in his upper back. The momentum caused by the braking of the train after traveling only a few yards forward sent the warrior over the edge. He used the last of his strength to pull the lithe tracker over the edge with him. Vin scrambled to find a hand or a foothold in order to hang on, but he was losing his grip on the slippery roof. Suddenly a black shadow appeared and a hand grabbed Vin Tanner by the arm pulling him free from the dying warrior, preventing his fall. Vin turned round to see his savior was none other than Chris Larabee.

Vin blinked rapidly at him and then grinned, "What took you so long, cowboy?"

The man in black was grinning in relief, but he had no time to answer as he whirled and shot one of the two warriors who still had JD pinned to the rooftop. Vin had never been so glad to see anyone, so he even welcomed the Larabee glare that shot at him as Vin tried to get to his feet only to stumble due to his uncooperative ankle. Chris pushed him back down and nearly stepped on him to get to Buck before it was too late. Seeing he would be more of a hindrance than a help, Vin wisely stayed where he was for the moment. Buck was still trying to get to JD, but he had become trapped when several of the boxes shifted trapping his foot with the ropes used to lash them in place. His frustration in being unable to help his friend blotted out the fact that they were being rescued, and he bellowed in anger as he finally pulled his foot free.

Buck would have jumped the other warrior except Chris tackled him, knocking him to the roof as a knife went flying past his face. The remaining Apache fell forward with a knife embedded in his throat. He fell gurgling for breath right on top of JD as Nathan Jackson climbed the rest of the way up onto the roof. He nodded to the now breathless but grinning Buck Wilmington. JD was still screaming his rage because he was pinned down and unable to help his friends, so he didn't notice how quiet it had gotten. As he struggled to get the dead weight off of him, he did notice the quiet. He started shouting for someone to get the body off of him. When the body was abruptly lifted and sent flying off of him, JD looked around at all of the men now on the roof. Josiah, having dispatched two more warriors over the side, had paused long enough to free his youngest friend. JD stopped yelling, blinked, and realizing who it was who had joined him on the roof, relaxed, and started grinning at Josiah.

"Hey, big guy, decide to join the party?" His anger had evaporated as soon as he saw that all of his friends were safe; and, knowing the fight was over, he gave Josiah his cockiest grin. Covered in blood, bruised but with his scalp still attached and not a nick on him, his devil may care attitude was the perfect combination of Chris Larabee, Buck Wilmington, Vin Tanner, and Ezra Standish. Josiah had to laugh in pure, unadulterated relief. The irony that JD was unconsciously picking up both the best and the worst habits of his older friends just struck Josiah as hilarious. The seven were whole again, and damned if this boy hadn't had some fun today. His booming laugh was contagious, and the soldiers who had witnessed the fight on top of the roof of the car were amazed at the seven men who were all laughing. Sergeant O'Day grinned at his men and ordered them onward.

"You best not ever get those seven devils mad at ya, boys. They'll fight hell itself and win. I've seen 'em do it." With a snappy salute, Sergeant O'Day took his leave and followed his captain to check on the wounded and the dead. They had arrived in the nick of time to help drive the enemy off, but there would be no pursuit with their mounts as winded as they were. The wily sergeant shook his head and marveled at the seven men who seemed to know just when the others needed them. Larabee had been merciless in insisting that they come straight ahead without stopping to rest the horses. As dawn had approached Larabee had become increasingly silent, and the other two had grimly followed his lead. When the captain turned to order a halt, Larabee had spoken to him in a voice that no one else could hear, but one that the sergeant knew had an immediate impact on the young officer. O'Day had seen Sanchez and Jackson add their opinions of the proposed stop, and he believed their unflinching support of Larabee virtually forced the captain to maintain the pace.

The explosions had caught everyone by surprise, but the three civilians had all looked at one another. No words were spoken, but Chris hesitated not one second before he spurred his tired mount into a gallop. Sanchez and Jackson did the same. The Army had no choice but to follow. They came up as the train whistle signaled its advance. Indians were seen swarming around the train from the hill above as the train began to slow back down, the engineer having seen the rescue party's approach. The captain ordered a charge, and the soldiers rode past, pursuing the Indians who would not be caught that day. The Apache horses had rested overnight while the Army ones had been ridden all night following the rail tracks trying to find the train. Three men had broken from the pursing men in order to come to a halt in front of the last car as the train pulled to a stop. That was when they had jumped from their horses and began to climb up the train shooting any Apache warrior who got in their way to help their friends who were right in the middle of the fiercest fighting.

Ezra was now standing beside his friends and looking right at Chris Larabee, his face black with dirt and sweat among other things. His teeth were a sharp contrast of pristine white and glinting gold as the sun finally claimed the day. The Southerner threw back his head and let out a rebel yell that brought a full-fledged grin on the face of one supine tracker and every other man within hearing. There was a cacophony of answering yells and whoops of relief and triumph.

"What happened? You boys reckon we were havin' too much fun without ya?" Vin put his hand up to let someone pull him up, but Nathan only pushed him back down. Larabee rested his boot on Tanner's chest to keep him supine until Nathan said he could get up.

Vin looked over at Nathan and then scowled at both Nathan and the man whose boot was resting on his chest. It was just damned undignified to lie there pinned like a bug on a wall. He would try to reason with them before he let them get his dander up. "Buck got shot not me." Buck threw his hat at Vin.

"Will you shut up! Hell, at least I can walk."

"The hell you can. Let me off this roof, Larabee, so's I can show that pigheaded Bucklin I can stand." The feral grin directed at him warned him to stay put. Vin was known not to heed danger when he was riled and being held down riled him something fierce. "I didn't get shot an' bleed all over everythin' like a stuck pig. You let me up, or I'll,.."

The boot on his chest increased the pressure until it got uncomfortable. Vin was getting ready to toss the man who had just saved his life off of the train car when he spotted something that took his mind completely off of the boot pinning him down.

"Ezra?" The growl that accompanied the question made Ezra turn just as he went to give a hand to Nathan. Larabee saw what Vin did and took his boot from the tracker's chest. Vin rolled over and reached out as Larabee stalked towards Ezra forcing the con man to circle round towards Vin to avoid his unhappy leader.

The gambler looked at Vin and wondered why Larabee had removed his boot from Vin's chest. Ezra felt they had done a fine job of keeping themselves in good order. Why Buck was the only one who had sustained an open wound, so he did not understand why Larabee had turned on him. Ezra yelped as Vin's hand closed around his upper calf. He looked down to discover blood flowing freely from his leg. Suddenly Ezra wasn't feeling so good, and his leg hurt like hell. He didn't even remember getting shot. Chris caught Ezra and helped him down gently while Nathan motioned for Josiah to take over pressing the linens from one of the boxes on Buck's shoulder. He then took over pressing Vin's bandanna against the gunshot wound in Ezra's leg. Surveying the damage the older men exchanged looks.

"Could have been worse, brother." Josiah grinned up at Chris while the man in black pushed Vin back down as the stubborn tracker struggled to get on his feet again. He ignored the scowl that was thrown at his back. Winking at JD, Chris answered Josiah.

"Could have been, Josiah, could have been." Chris knelt by Buck to check on his friend. Buck's shoulder was bleeding as it had broken open again. Vin was favoring his hip and swollen ankle. Ezra had a slug in his leg most likely from a ricochet, and JD was just bruised some. Josiah was right. It could have been a hell of a lot worse than it was. Chris had a couple of silent prayers to make, but no one would ever know that except Josiah and Nathan who had also suffered the same anxiety as he had when he saw their friends battling the biggest number of warriors. Without turning he spoke. "You even look like you want to crawl off this roof before Nathan gives the word, an' I'll shoot you in the other leg." Vin gave his friend a gesture that had Josiah and JD laughing, and Nathan shaking his head at their antics.

"You four are gonna fall into a vat of trouble one day an' we ain't gonna be around to save your sorry asses." Nathan's words sounded peeved, but his hands were gentle as he tied a makeshift bandage around Ezra's leg.

Vin had pulled himself alongside of Buck deciding if he had to stay put until Nathan poked and prodded him, he might as well get comfortable. He turned to give a cocky grin to Larabee as he sat atop a box between Buck and Vin.

His two friends turned unrepentant eyes on each other and grinned up at him. Buck spoke first, "Hell, getting' in trouble is easy, Chris. Getting' out of it just takes longer."

Vin threw a look at Buck like he had sprouted horns. "What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Chris looked at Buck and grinned even though his oldest friend's logic made that vein in his forehead throb.

"Well, I ain't as poetic as you an' I don't got forty dollar words like Ezra, so I got to use my charm and good sense to make a point."

"You call that makin' a point?" JD agreed with Vin. If Buck kept popping off Nathan, might join Chris in shooting him.

"My mother has made better points with knitting needles, my friend." Ezra put in his thoughts as well while Buck bemoaned the fact that he got little respect from these young pups. Chris did not let Buck wallow in his self-pity, though.

"Hell boys. None of you have learned anything yet. Buck don't have to make a point to end up in trouble. All he has to do is fall outa some woman's bed." Chris's sarcastic retort had the others grinning and cat calling at Buck. The big guy just grinned and leaned back.

"So, you gonna leave us on top of this train till we get to Tombstone, or you gonna get us off 'fore the sun bakes us to a crisp? I got to make sure that sun don't mess up my natural good looks." Vin snorted beside him, and JD looked disgusted as Sally Ann peeked over the top of the car.

"Mommy says she's boiling water for bandages an' for all of you to get down off this roof 'fore you fall off and bust somethin'." Chris grinned at the little girl and pulled her up to face him.

"You want to stay up here and make sure we get them down all in one piece?" Sally Ann would have walked on a tight rope if this man would just keep grinning at her like that. She liked him.

"I'm Sally Ann."

"And that man holdin' you is Mr. Chris Larabee, Sally Ann." JD was thrilled to introduce a legend to Sally Ann, forgetting he was one of those very legends himself. "That big fella over there by Mr. Vin and Mr. Buck is Mr. Josiah Sanchez an' the fella by Mr. Ezra is our very own Doc Nathan Jackson."

"Ain't no real doctor, JD, but it sure is nice to meet a pretty young lady out here in this desert." Doc Nathan's grin was just as nice as Mr. Chris's was.

Josiah helped Chris walk Buck over to the edge where Noah and Horse reappeared to help. He tipped his hat to Sally Ann. "I hope our brothers have been behaving themselves, Miss Sally." Sally Ann grinned as she took a seat next to Vin.

"Yes sir, they been good as gold." Sally had never seen so many men who treated her like she was something special. She rather liked it. She sat there, too, until all of her friends old and new were down, and then that big man with the voice that could talk a mountain cat into a purr motioned her to come down with him. She squealed in laughter as Josiah pretended to drop her, and then she found herself being handed down to the man in black. He in turn tossed her in the air before pulling her into the stuffy car that now had all its windows opened.

People were milling about as Doctor MacAffey came in to help Nathan take care of their walking wounded. The Army took on the job of ensuring the safety of the passengers and getting the train to Tombstone. The captain and his men were able to follow the chief engineer's instructions and put the last rail car back on the tracks. It had only been pushed off enough to prevent their immediate departure, so they had reattached it. Plans were made as troopers cleared and buried the dead while others got ready to load the horses onto the empty car. The other horses were long gone, probably taken by the Apaches. Justice Worth's body was cut down and buried on the same hillside where he lost his life. When one trooper pointed out the bullet wound, Noah and Horse had both offered their opinion that he had withstood the torture so bravely that Geronimo had given him a quick death.

No one offered any other opinion, and no one mentioned the sound of a 'Big' 50 going off just prior to the attack. As far as any officials were concerned that was that, but Chris and Josiah and even Nathan, who was busy with the wounded, noticed the respect that Vin Tanner was given by every one of Noah's men. There was a story here that when they got home they would pry it out of their four friends even if they had to use Comanche tactics. For now they were content to wait until the soldiers stripped the one car down to just the bottom and managed to reattach it and get it back on the tracks. The soldiers would ride on it out in the open while the train took them all back to Tombstone. It was the general consensus that Geronimo and his men would ride straight back to Mexico where they would stay for a while until they healed and regrouped.

Sergeant O'Day had accompanied his Captain to the private car where Vin was found lying back in the big chair with his ankle propped high on pillows. His eyes were closed and his deep breathing indicated a dose of laudanum had been liberally administered. Ezra was lying on the couch with his leg propped up on pillows sleeping as deeply as Vin. JD was on the floor with his head leaning back against the wall just dozing but completely exhausted like his friends. Finally, O'Dey noticed Buck Wilmington sleeping on the big bed propped up on the rest of the pillows to support his shoulder. The big sergeant winked at Nathan and asked while his captain looked on in confusion. "So, you've taken to druggin' them to keep them down?" Nathan's laugh followed by Josiah's merely made JD move restlessly before he grabbed the pillow behind his head, pushed it on the floor, punched it to get it comfy, and then proceeded to drop face first on it without ever fully waking up.

When the sergeant raised an eyebrow, Chris joined them grinning. "We put some in his food to knock him out, too." The sergeant started laughing and even his captain joined in this time.

"I take it they're a bit rowdy and stubborn?"

"That ain't the half of it, Captain, but you're real close to the jackpot." Josiah looked about the private car that Nell had vacated to join the Cecils. The reverend had invited her to join them where his daughters could watch her children while she helped the doctors with the wounded. Buck was reluctant to place Nell in the care of Reverend Cecil, but he and the reverend had come to an understanding when the man came to thank the four men for their help. He was overjoyed to find out their mission was still successful as the stolen money awaited them in Tombstone.

Buck lay on top of the big bed grinning at least two hours later. His dose of laudanum was still soaking into the desert soil after he had tipped it into the basin of dirty water when Nathan turned his back to call for more clean water. He heard his friends discussing their trip back Tombstone where they would get on a train for Brecken. Soon they would be home in Four Corners. All in all, it had been a grand adventure worthy of retelling over and over. He felt rather than saw the familiar form standing over him, and he opened one cautious eye. Chris was standing there holding a glass of whiskey under his nose. Taking it he drank it down in one gulp and held it out for another shot. Chris poured half of the amount that had been in it. He grinned at Buck's frown.

"Thought you might like a dose of medicinal whiskey since you tossed your laudanum out." He let that news sink in while he took a swig of the whiskey straight from the bottle. "Nathan is with Josiah. They're checkin' out the other wounded on the rest of the train. Doc MacAffey asked him to help. Said he was a friend of Doc Connors an' heard all sorts of good things about Nathan."

Buck drank the smaller shot and handed it back to his oldest friend. "I was actually worried there for a minute, pard." Chris poured another shot but held on to it while Buck spoke. Then he looked at Buck and talked to him like they had back when Sarah and Adam were alive.

"You, hell, I knew you were in trouble the minute you set foot on that train. I've been waitin' for that other shoe to drop." Chris would never admit to anyone but Buck just how worried he had been when he saw them bring in that dead body. "I didn't think we would make it in time an' knowin' you boys I figured you be the first ones to piss off Geronimo an' he'd go right after the four of you."

"He almost got us, too." The two old friends shared a moment of silence, and then Buck continued. "They did good, Chris. They worked together like they'd known each other all their lives. They pick at each other, make fun of each other, but when the chips are down they look after each other. And they missed y'all. Vin couldn't wait to get back an' show off his gun his aunt gave him. Wanted all of us to go huntin' out by your place. JD wanted to spend the rest of his money on some new kind of medical bag for Nathan, but Ezra talked 'em all into buyin' Nathan a new book on anatomy an' a book on philosophy for Josiah. Said he knew Josiah would share the book with ya, an' it was about time you learned to think with your head an' not your gun. You should a seen them boys cough up the money for 'em." Buck put his hand out for another shot. Chris obliged him by handing him another small amount, but Buck didn't care much about the whiskey. Chris was talking to him like they used to over a bottle of whiskey.

"They're as big a pain in the ass as you are."

"Hell, don't I know it. They watched that doc work on me an' even Ezra made some crack that he was almost as good as Nathan. I think maybe we're the best thing that's ever happened to those boys, cause when we were waitin' for the attack they all kept lookin' toward Tombstone like they never doubted you boys would show up and get us out a trouble."

Chris sat down on the floor beside the bed and poured Buck one more shot of whiskey. "We almost didn't, an' that's too damn close, Buck. When that captain wanted to stop an' rest the horses for an hour, I thought Josiah would shoot him between the eyes. Even Nathan told him he could piss off his time but our friends needed us an' we weren't waitin' on him. It's a good thing we're so good at sweet talkin' people."

Buck chuckled. "Oh yeah, Chris. If glarin' and scarin' the hell out of people was considered sweet talkin', then you're a rich man." Both men shared a quiet chuckle. Then Chris hit him with the one question that had been nagging at him all day ever since he'd overheard a conversation between two of Noah's men.

"I heard talk that Vin shot Justice. It true?"

Buck looked at Chris; his very silence the answer. It was a testament to their friendship that they knew each other that well, but Buck still answered his question with one of his own. "Just what did you hear?"

"I heard two of Noah's men talkin' about a mile shot. Said the only humane way to save Justice from being tortured to death was to kill him quick. Only man I know who's got the balls to try a shot like that is Vin."

"They were torturing him. Cut him up pretty bad an' already burned one man to death. They were fixin' to do it to him. We all told him to go ahead, we wouldn't say a thing." Chris nodded when Buck thought of two things. "They mention his name at all?"

"Nope." Chris waited for he knew Buck had more to say.

"You don't say nuthin' to him less he brings it up, Chris. Gave him my word, we all did. He didn't want to do it, but there was just no other way."

Chris was quiet, and then he looked up and sighed. "You were all takin' a big chance. If someone wanted to make an issue of it,…" he let it hang in the air while Buck nodded.

"You know him, Chris. Boy would rather cut off his own arm than let someone suffer like that. It amazes me he can be a mean son of a bitch when we're facin' some real bastards, but when it comes to someone who can't fight back, the boy turns into…"

"Robin Hood."

"Yeah, a regular Texas Robin Hood. I bet he can even shoot an apple off JD's head with a bow an' arrow."

"That was William Tell." Chris snorted at the same time as Buck. He poured some more whiskey into Buck's glass and took a generous swig from the bottle. Buck waited as Chris pondered for a moment. Then Larabee looked up with a light in his eyes Buck hadn't seen in a while.

"Gonna be real damn hard to let that go, Buck. Hell, we could play that mile shot for all it's worth if only to make that vein in his forehead throb for a change. Bout time he had someone make him squirm for a change. Don't think I forgot those damned telegrams you boys sent." Buck burst into laughter and Chris joined him. He knew Chris would keep it quiet until Vin decided to talk to him about it.

"Hell, me an' Ezra thought we were bein' real damn smar,t an' Vin an' JD tore us up when we got back. Those two hellions had you figured out like some puzzle they been puttin' together for years."

"You sayin' I ain't complicated?"

"Oh hell no, Chris. Vin an' JD are complicated. Ezra's complicated. Josiah's sermons, they're complicated. Nathan healin' folks by sheer will power, that's complicated. But you an' me? We're easy. Just too ole war dogs lookin' for a good home. Give you a good woman an' a home, an' you're happy as a clam."

"And you?"

"You know me. Give me all the willin' women an' another hundred years to get to know 'em an'"

"You're full of it, Buck."

Chris and Buck turned to look up at JD standing there with Vin and Ezra leaning on either shoulder. Buck started laughing wondering how they had managed to get this far without falling flat on their faces. JD looked like an old man stooped under their combined weight, but he didn't look like he noticed how heavy the other two were. Chris got up with a sigh and pulled Ezra's arm over his shoulder helping him to one side of the bed. JD helped Vin to the other side. Vin shoved Buck's feet out of his way and fell across the end of the bed on his good hip angling his sprained ankle over the foot board of the bed. JD picked it up and put a pillow under Vin's foot while Ezra sank into a chair and propped his feet on the other side near Buck's shoulder, careful of the wound in the calf of his leg. JD perched on the far corner of the end of the bed between Vin and Ezra with his feet and legs curled under him. Chris shook his head and dragged another chair into the room.

"Hey, this is my bed. What the hell you three think you're doin'?"

"I'd rather know why they aren't knocked out from the laudanum Nathan gave them."

"Buck ain't the only one who knows how to toss that ditch water when Nathan turns his back."

"I would hazard a guess that we are all quite capable of practicing the art of subterfuge as well as our resident scoundrel. However, I did drink enough of that noxious poison to render myself oblivious to the slight disadvantage my injury has brought upon me."

"Ezra drank enough, so he wouldn't feel Nathan pokin' around for the bullet. And I knew you drugged that food. That's why it's in the trash, plate an' all." JD was looking as smug as the other two.

Buck looked to Chris to tell them all to get off of his bed. Instead, Chris stole one of Buck's pillows and started out the door. "You boys make my ass tired," was his grumbling reply to Buck's silent plea for help. They heard him flop into the big chair Vin had vacated. The others looked at each other and started grinning. Buck tossed the bottle to Vin. Just as he put the bottle to his mouth a hand reached out and took it from him.


"Hey, yourself. You can't have any of this till Nathan says you can." Chris Larabee laughed at the indignant looks three of his four friends gave him.

"You gave it to Buck!"

"I like, Buck. He's a friend of mine."

Ezra mouthed what Chris had said much to the amusement of his friends. It earned him a cuff to the head.


"I heard that. I can hit what I aim at, too." With that shot Chris turned on his heel and walked back put to the other room.

Vin shot Buck an abused look before turning to yell at Larabee. "He told you!" Ezra and JD glared at Buck.

"I heard some rumors an' figured out just who was cocky enough to think he could make a mile shot. Buck didn't have to say a word."

They were all worried now forgetting about Buck completely. "If Buck didn't tell you, then who's talkin'?"

"We do not consider this a subject for general discussion. Might we inquire just who these rumor mongering people might be?"

"Yeah, who's the big mouth?"

Buck was beginning to laugh watching the general panic. He knew that Chris would have scared the men talking about what they thought had occurred into complete silence, but it was pure poetry watching the three who played jokes on anyone they pleased squirm like a bunch of worms in the hot sunlight. He heard Chris's chuckle as Vin turned to hit the now uncontrollably laughing Wilmington with the pillow he had been leaning on.

"You best watch your back, Buck, you and that ornery cowboy you claim as a friend."

"Oh we will, deadeye, we will." At that Vin looked to Ezra and JD. Ezra put his good leg down and maneuvered until he was in position to help Vin and JD. Then, the three of them grabbed Buck and deposited him on the floor. He was holding his shoulder and laughing until the tears were running down his face. Just as they raised the pillows to slam them down on Buck, they were caught red-handed.

"What the hell are you four doin' now? Apaches didn't do enough damage you got to kill each other?"

Vin looked at Ezra and JD. Then with a wicked grin he turned to Nathan. "No, we're just gonna kill Buck. This is all his fault."

"Yeah, Nathan, if Buck hadn't made us go to Lydia's with him we wouldn't be here now."

"And if Mr. Larabee had insisted we return home with you, we never would have fallen victim to any of Mr. Wilmington's tendencies to wander willingly into trouble."

Nathan turned to Josiah and Chris and seeing them laughing as hard as Buck, he decided they were no help at all. He sighed loudly thinking if you couldn't beat them, you might as well join them. "Well, since it's all Buck's folly that caused all a this mess, I think he gets to drink the first cup a ditch water."

That stopped Buck's laughter completely. "Me? I been shot, and they just threw me on the floor. What kind a doctor are you?"

"I already told you, Buck. I ain't no doctor. Now all a y'all settle down now before I make y'all drink ditch water for a week, an' the shape you boys are in, it ain't gonna be hard at all."

They all stopped complaining at one time. Staring at Nathan and the two men glaring at them from behind him, the four decided that maybe cooperation was the smart and easy way right now.

Buck's folly was a good name for it all for if his friend had not believed in him so strongly, Chris might never have wandered into Four Corners that day. Buck had done his best to keep their friendship alive when all Chris wanted to do was sink into a bottle until someone put him out of his misery or he drank enough to forget what he had lost. Instead, here he was riding herd on a group of overgrown boys who found trouble every single time they stepped outside, and he knew without a doubt that somehow Sarah was watching over him by giving him the privilege of knowing each and every one of them. Yep, getting home was going to be good. Then, he could alert Mary, Nettie, Casey, Mrs. Potter, Mrs. B, and all the other females that the four heroes needed special attention. That should drive them crazy for another week or so. However, Chris knew it was only a matter of time before the four of them paid him, Nathan, and Josiah back for this. He actually couldn't wait to see that happen. Sometimes life was downright satisfying.


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