Break a Bone

by Twyla Jane

Disclaimer: Don’t own ‘em, and never made a plug nickel off ‘em, I wish I did. The May 2003 Challenge (the Break a bone Challenge): offered by Heather

Day six…

Madness hadn't sunk in yet.... though the mixed smells of sweat and old food was almost overwhelming.

But none of them left, they were afraid to. The fear of what may happen once they stepped over the threshold kept them in place.

Seven of the Old West's toughest men played cards, though didn't drink any whiskey knowing that those women were laying in wait for them.

To snap bones, crush cartilage and more. Even constant exposure to Tanner's pungent coffee failed to drive them out.

They were tough...
a mere thirty days...
they could make it
if they stayed low
drawing no attention to themselves

but as day six began to come to a close, during an impromptu game of tag the players Dunne and Wilmington bumped into Standish who in turn crashed into Tanner causing him to land atop Sanchez whoinadvertently flattened Jackson.

The domino effect left a tangled mass of arms and legs, standing far from the fallen, Larabee valiantly fought off the urge to burst out laughing but failed to do so and was heartily chuckling as he went to help them up only to trip up on an uneven floorboard and fall.

A muffled 'Dammit' was clearly heard by all. "My nozth"

A snickering, high pitched giggle came through the window leaving them all to wonder how the hell those women fic writers got so damn close and no one saw them coming.

Day Seven…



Had to play tag in cramped quarters...

Chris Larabee would have shook his head in dismay but unfortunately his busted nose seemed to be connected to every muscle in the upper part of his body and looked a sorry sight to boot with two black eyes. At least they hadn't swollen shut, Chris wished his ears had swollen shut, the devil may care attitude of the previous day was gone, the constant ongoing bickering around him was wearing on his nerves, Standish and his damn cards.

Ezra had skulked into a corner after the fracas, snapping down the cards of his battered deck in a game of solitaire, it hadn't escaped his attention that Larabee was watching him. The gambler raised an eyebrow as if to ask what seemed to be the problem. Knowing full well that their illustrious leader was in no shape for a verbal assault Ezra pushed a little farther by breaking into a broad grin.

Vin snickered without turning from his position by the window as he kept watch for the fiendish Challenger gaggle of women, he couldn’t help laughing, those two had been at each other on and off all day. Supplies were running low and tempers were flaring, despite that Buck and J.D. had been hawing away at the floorboards starting and stopping at various points through the small room with their knives trying to tunnel a way out since the early morning.

“Don’t start…” Chris growled out.

“I honestly have no idea what you are going on about Mr. Larabee.” Standish snapped down another card atop the growing pile.

“Ez, I’m gonna cram those cards down yer throat if ya don’t stop…” Even as Larabee spat out the words a stabbing pain coursed from his damaged nose slicing through his head.

“Indeed… “ Ezra scooped up the paste boards and stood up then abruptly disappeared from view as a thunderous cracking sound filled the room. A gaping hole had swallowed up the con man. A faint voice floated up.

“Gentlemen it seems I’ve found the root cellar…Aw Hell!” The gambler’s words were drowned out by a booming crash.

“Whatever you broke down there I ain’t fixing…. Ezra?” When Nathan didn’t get a response he called out again “Ezra?”

“What if it was my posterior?”

“Don’t be a pain in the ass Ez, you hurt or not?” The dark healer crouched and peered into the inky blackness below.

“This is not in jest my dear man, I cracked my derriere…” There was a pause before Ezra continued. “And not where the Good Lord split it…” That started off a hardy chorus of chuckles all round as they tossed down a line and five men set about bringing up their fallen.

Chris sank further down the wall wondering when this insane standoff would end.

Day eight…

Pain in the ass

The indignity

The utter humiliation


Buck and J.D. were down the cellar with him preoccupied with their insane escape plan, tunneling their way out to freedom with….


Of all things, the common ordinary spoon was chosen by the duo to dig with. Granted they had two but still… at least the pair was persistent in their endeavor having already burrowed a four-foot tunnel into the cellar wall.

Ezra Standish lay on his belly in the root cellar trying to ignore the throbbing ache in his backside. A dull glow of the lantern cast long shadows throughout the dank space. He was uncomfortable on so many levels. The gambler had found, much to his chagrin that the earthen floor upon which he lay though cool was moist and doing untold damage to his apparel.

Debased further by the knowledge that because of the very nature of his injury he wouldn’t be going back up into the cabin. There were scraping noises and hushed voices off to his left above the muted conversations died off as the healthy regulators traded off the continuous watch. For they knew they were still surrounded, but there had been no sign of the women since the initial incident with Larabee. The seven’s leader had recovered somewhat, though his temperament had not. At least the man was napping now. Ezra wished he could delve head long into the land of Morpheus but… the bottom line was he could not, the fiery agony at least had dulled some thanks in part to draining the contents of his flask. There was nothing left to do but wait.

A soft thud announced the tracker’s arrival much to Ezra’s dismay. The gambler had been the butt of Tanner’s jokes since falling through the hole.


“Go away Mr. Tanner… do find your amusement elsewhere.”

“But Ez…”

“Hasn’t my malady entertained you and your compatriots enough?”

“Aw Ez… come on… hell I bet Buck over there’ll even kiss it better.”

A loud thunk disrupted Vin’s weak attempt at humor, a puffy white creature had dropped from above leapt over Standish’s prone form and plowed straight into the Texan knocking the man flat out. An audible snap could be heard as the panicked animal trod upon Tanner’s hand.

A sheep?

The mortified creature let out a mournful bleat when it came to a halt staring wide-eyed at the men.

“Ma fingers!” came out in a hoarse whisper.

Day nine…

Larabee's nose was still swollen and had already turned some lovely hues of purple. Standish had finally succumbed, and was snoring softly on the cellar floor.

They were tired, the supplies were running low, and all that remained was a few a petrified biscuits, some hardtack and two partial canteens of water. The situation was bad.




Squinting at the wooly animal Vin wondered if... Nah that wasn't possible. Was it? Then again the critter did just drop in. Where it bounded in from no one could quite explain. All Tanner knew was his smashed fingers hurt, Nathan had wrapped and splinted them, the healer had done so grumbling something about finally an injury his could easily treat.

Since their arrival to the cabin events had taken a decidedly bizarre turn. Tanner still hadn't figured out where the sheep had come from, but there it was stinking up the place, there were no real solutions as what to do with the creature. Though he had to admit Josiah's suggestion was a mite amusing, the preacher offered up that a good hard wind could cause the sheep to blow away, insisting that by putting it anywhere near Standish would have the animal wafting into the air in no time all. It was an image that caused the longhaired Texan to snicker.

“What's so funny?” J.D wanted to know as he backed out onto his heels inspecting his work. His hole-digging partner had gone up through the ragged gap in the floor for some fresh air and to haul out up some of the dirt that was piling up.

“Nothing… how's it going? Making headway?”

“On a hole… get it… HOLE…” Dunne smiling, his white teeth stood out in stark contrast to his blackened face, stopped and swiveled around in time to see Vin slowly shake his head. “Ah heck … I thought we'd been done… by yesterday we dug out 'bout ten feet and started digging up ain't seen the sky yet. Figured we would've by now…. I 'm gonna get back to it.”

The soft scraping of metal against hard rocky soil renewed.

A moment later a clink was quickly followed by a high-pitched creak, a loud clunk and a stifled yelp. The rapid sequence of odd sounds had Vin calling out.

“J.D.?” He got no answer so he tried again after stepping across the cramped cellar peering into the hole. “J.D. ya awright?”

“No… gimme a sec…” The stilted response had Tanner venturing farther into the dark earthen tunnel clutching damaged digits into his mid section staggered after the younger man following the amber glow of the lantern into the abyss.

Out of the shadows hopped a rabbit of unusual size, pink nose twitching, watching him with big black eyes and suddenly growled.


"Uh Vin... " J.D. was doing his best not to sound frightened but he was stuck hopelessly so, his toes were painfully wedged under a door of all things.

A trap door to boot.

Dunne let slip out a tight sounding titter at the particular thought.

The rabbit's wide eyed stare was more than a little unnerving but when the large creature began muttering as it hopped even closer. Dunne couldn't quite make out what it was saying but it sounded like. "...Phalanges... metacarpals... metatarsals... coccyx ... "

"Vin, could you hurry!" J.D. squeaked out as he tried fruitlessly to scramble backward still hopelessly stuck.

A gunshot roared through the cramped space that sent the rabbit skittering away.

"Ya awright kid?" Vin had squatted up next to him re-holstering his mare's leg as he checked out the situation.

"Yeah... think I busted my toes... "

J.D. replied as he sagged back onto the cool dirt while Tanner crawled over him and tugged open the door one handed. A searing bolt of pain screamed up his leg briefly robbing him of his breath, but as soon he could manage Dunne gasped out.

"What the heck was that?"

In the dim light the tracker gave him a lopsided grin before answering.

"Plot bunny."

"Plot bunny? No way... It was huge..."

"Lucky for you it weren't rabid...things are nasty otherwise you'd be much worse off... Blind... Paralyzed... "

"A woman?"

"Yep.. Even turned into a woman..."

Vin’s last comment had the young man wondering when would the madness end?

Day ten…

How embarrassing

To be frightened by of all things ...

An overgrown rabbit

Simple fact was that those women didn't fight fair. Didn't matter what Vin said what they were doing was bad enough.

Hell they had resorted to lobbing a puffy sheep into their midst, then there were the holes appearing out of no where and now there was the dang trapdoor. J.D.'s toes still ached unmercifully within the confines of his boot despite Nathan's care wrapping them. The healer had even gone so far as to suggest that the young sheriff leave the boot off until the injury healed. Due to the current circumstances Dunne willingly endured the agony involved in pulling the boot back on.

No way was he going to be caught off guard and unprepared again.

The sound of his friends' voices had him struggling back up on his feet and limping across the earthen floor just as a brilliant blue light flooded the root cellar.

"I ain't gonna touch it... You touch it!"

"Uh uh you touch it... My fingers are busted... 'sides I opened it."

"Don't seem right... I don’t like the looks of it..." Wilmington squatted down and tried to look past the shimmering depths. He had been arguing with Vin on just how to proceed.

The bickering had been going on for a full moment before Buck and Vin realized J.D. was standing behind them. Both the big mustached ladies man and the tracker looked back at the younger man for a brief second before continuing their mutual badgering leaving the bewildered youth staring down into the shimmering blue pool that resembled water. The substance completely filled the opening of the trap door. A small ripple started at its center and gained in intensity began overlapping the edges.

"Guys... "

His companions unintentionally ignored J.D.'s quiet words, as they continued in their raucous banter, so he tried again. "Uh guys... What is that?"

He had no sooner said the words when the blue light suddenly liquefied and shot up, hit Wilmington square in the chest sending him flying across the small cellar. The rush of liquid light violently slammed him into the far wall.

As quickly as the assault started it ended leaving Buck in a crumpled heap groaning. The blue light was gone the earthen room abruptly darkened then the low light of the single lantern returned. Vin and J.D. quickly ran to their friend's side.

"Where ya hurt? The question came out as a simultaneous chorus.

"...ribs... "

"You stay put Bucklin...I'm gonna get Nathan..."

Tanner loped away. Dunne sat down by the injured Wilmington.

"What the heck was that?"

"shit...J.D., that there.... is one of them... fancy plot devices..." Buck gasped out.

"My dear friend... could have been far worse... "

"Hey Ez... I thought you was sleeping?"

"Indeed as did I but all the commotion woke me..."

“So what would be worse than a plot whatsit?”

“The dreaded cliffhanger comes to mind.”

“I can’t believe you said that Ez… ooof” Buck’s sudden outburst was cut off as an unwise move sent a searing pain through his side.

A loud thunderous crash came from above garnering the attention of the remaining cellar occupants. As they strained to hear what was going on, a chilling howl drifted down echoing through the cramped quarters followed quickly by panicked shouting and gunfire. Buck’s tight whisper was almost lost in the din.

“Ya had to say cliffhanger!”

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