The men were enjoying a beer at Inez's when talk got around to Chris and Buck's long friendship. "So, Chris," JD asked. "When did you and Buck first meet?"
Chris took a snip of his beer. "In college. We were both criminal justice majors, but oddly enough, our first meeting didn't take place until a couple of weeks into the semester. And it took place at football practice."
"Was Buck out on the field getting creamed?" Vin joked.
Chris snorted and Buck just laughed, remembering their first meeting. "Oh, hell no. He was over on the sidelines, flirting with the cheerleaders. They were all giggling about something and pointing to his tshirt. The coach called him several times, then had to go over and forcibly detach several of the cheerleaders from him. As Buck walked over to the rest of the team, we all got an idea as to what the girls were giggling about." He glanced at Buck, who just grinned widely.
"I'm probably going to regret asking," Ezra said, "But why were they?"
"Cuz this fool was proudly wearing a shirt that said 'Sex Ed teacher. First lesson free.'"
The End
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