
By: Heidi

Disclaimer:  A work of fiction based loosely on the characters from the television show "The Magnificent Seven".  No copyright infringement intended to Mirisch, Trilogy, MGM, CBS, Hallmark, TNN, or any others holding the rights.  No profit will be made from this work.


Nature of the challenge - 100 word challenge involving one or more of the following phrases:

1.  I don't care what you think.

2.  Shut up

3.  You're so stupid

4.  You don't understand. 

"Records?  Ya know what that means," Vin said.

"Yup."  Wilmington dialed.  "Records, Agent Wilmington for warrant confirmation.  Smithson, John Patrick.  Thanks."  There was a long pause.  "Yes, jail."  After disconnecting, he said to the phone, "You're so stupid I'm amazed you can breathe."  A pause.   

"You don't understand," their suspect wailed.  "Mistaken identity.  I'm innocent."

"Shut up.  I don't care what you think," Vin said.

"I detest Records," Ezra muttered.

Buck said, "They asked after we arrest the suspects, do we take them to jail?  Is that how it works?"

"Dear Lord," Ezra moaned.

"Ain't no help there.  It's Records."