EM7 Episode 5

Power is in the Eye of the Beholder

By Aussie Lass

rescue logo This story and its artwork have been rescued. We have tried to contact the author, but gotten no reply. Since we had permission to list her stories on Lady Angel's M7 Library (now M7FC), and I hate to see good stories lost, we are hosting it here for safe-keeping.

Part One

Vin awoke, abruptly. His chest was heaving; his face drenched in sweat; and his mind cluttered with images of a long forgotten war.

The distressed man stared up at the ceiling and cursed. Em7’s recent mission had taken it into a hostile jungle, deep in enemy territory. The experience had unlocked Tanner’s memories of the Katinda War which had been stolen after the severe bout of jungle fever he had suffered three years prior. Memories that, for the best part, were far better forgotten.

As Vin’s breathing slowed, he heard movement down the hall. Moments later, there was a light knock on the door.

Before Tanner could reply, Chris pushed the door open and entered the room. “You okay?”

“Yeah,” Tanner claimed, drawing himself up and leaning against the bedhead.

Chris stopped and stared at his friend, his intense green eyes roving Vin’s face in the limited light. “You want a glass of water?”

“No, I’m okay. You go back to bed.” It was 2:20 am. Moonlight filtered into the room through the parted curtains. Yesterday morning, Em7 had returned from South America after rescuing the President and two of his international counterparts.

Chris frowned. “You need to talk?”

“No. Just... no.” Tanner shook his head, dismissing whatever thought had been there.

“Just?” Chris prompted.

“Leave it, Larabee. Just stupid dreams is all.”

Chris stepped up to the bed and sat down on the end, supporting his injured arm as he did so. “Katinda was a lot of things, Cowboy, but stupid wasn’t one of them,” he stated, softly. “Barbaric, brutal, inhuman, remorseless and unrelenting, but not stupid.”

Vin nodded. “I know. I’ve... it’s just... aww hell. Don’t know what I’m sayin’.”

“Nothing changes.”

Vin smirked at his best friend. “Watch it, Larabee.”

“You sure you’re okay?”


Chris knew Vin wasn’t about to open up to him, so he rose to his feet, brushed his friend’s arm briefly and headed for the door. “Call me if you want to talk.”


Larabee hesitated when he reached the door.

“I’m alright.“

“Yeah, and I’m a prima ballerina,“ Larabee muttered, closing the door as he left the bedroom.

Vin sighed deeply and tilted his head back against the wall. Every scene in his dreams was so real, like it had all happened only a few minutes earlier. Faces, names... corpses. However, it was garbled. Nothing more than an amalgamation of images, sounds and scenes. As he sat, Vin’s brain began to unscramble the muddle. Tanner remembered the incidents the snippets were from. The entire picture was coming together and he found himself experiencing the emotions he had felt at the time.

Vin shut his eyes; overwhelmed by the flood of recollections the dreams had left in his consciousness.

Hushed voices drew Vin’s attention. There was a light knock on the door before it opened revealing Josiah.

Tanner shook his head. “Larabee couldn’t help himself, could he?”

“Afraid not,” Josiah chuckled, walking into the room yawning. “Chris thought it may be a good idea for you and I to have a chat.”

“So he wakes you up in the middle of the night. I said I was okay.”

“Yep, and he took one look at you and knew you were full of shit.” Josiah examined his friend critically. There were lines of anguish around Vin’s eyes. His hair was matted to his head and the top he wore was drenched. “Tough night?”

“I’ve had better.“

“Talk to me.“

Vin knew there was no way out of it. It would be better to get it over with, then Josiah would go away, report to Chris and they would both leave him alone. “Do you remember the day we cleared that path for Company Seven?”

Josiah searched his memory and finally shook his head. “Can’t say that I do. Just one mission in a thousand.”

“Yeah,” Vin grunted. The problem was, he remembered every detail.

“Tell me,” Josiah prompted. Vin eyed Sanchez. “Come on, Lieutenant. You’ve got to debrief. It may have happened three years ago, but your reality is here and now, in which case, you need to unload the burdens you‘re carrying.” The older soldier waited. Vin tipped his head back again and focused on the ceiling. “Tell me what you remember.”

Vin drew in a breath and released it slowly. “Nathan had a blister. We stopped so he could put some tape on it. Buck was telling knock, knock jokes and driving Chris mad. You were complaining about having to carry the extra gear - something about looking like a pack mule didn’t mean you were one. Chris was talking about Major Malik and his new policy for dealing with prisoners.”

Josiah’s eyes widened with true surprise. “You remember it all in that sort of detail?”

“Yep. I remember watching a lizard cross the trail while I was waiting for Nathan to put his boot back on. I remember pressing on and you clearing away a mine. I heard a noise and signaled everyone to get down. Chris gave me the go-ahead to check it out. I moved into the jungle knowing I was being watched. I remember two Kat Cong soldiers diving out at me.” Vin’s voice dropped to a hushed whisper. “I remember seeing the Cong’s eyes roll back in his head when my knife entered his chest. I remember the scream of his partner. I remember watching as the second Cong raised his rifle. I remember him calling me a murdering bastard. I remember attacking him. I remember...”

“Enough,” Josiah ordered, gently. He reached for Vin’s arm.

Tanner dropped his attention from the ceiling to Sanchez’s distressed face. “I remember every second of that day, Josiah.” The sharpshooter’s voice was emotional. “I don‘t remember the day before and I don‘t remember the day after, but I remember everything we said, heard and did on that day.”

Josiah crouched down in front of his friend. “It‘s like this every time?”

Tanner nodded.

Josiah squeezed his companion’s arm. “I think it’s time we brought in an expert.”

Vin’s face flushed with suspicion tinged with anxiety.

“Relax. You don‘t have to do it if you don‘t want to, but I’m not sure I know how to help you, or help you enough.”

“Ain’t interested in talkin’ to anyone else. No matter what they say, it ain’t gonna stop my memories from comin’ back, is it?”


“Then, I prefer to talk to you.”

Josiah smiled at his team mate. Vin’s face held so much determination and yet there was a true vulnerability there as well. He had faith in Josiah and trusted in his companion’s ability to ease his pain. Sanchez had no intention of letting the younger man down. “Alright, but on one condition.”

Vin’s right eyebrow arched. “Yeah?”

“Next time, you call for me immediately. Chris shouldn’t have to come and fetch me because you’re too damn stubborn to ask for help.”

Vin scowled. “Didn’t think I needed any help.”

“But you did and you have to accept that.”

Vin sighed and nodded.

“Talking about it. Sharing the load. That’s what you have to do. You feel better for having talked about it?”

“No.” Tanner had a half-smirk on his face. He inclined his head to the bed. “Better take a seat, Preacher. I’ve got a lot to unload.”

Josiah sat and listened for almost three hours, stunned by the clarity of Vin’s recollections. Tanner assured Sanchez that he felt ‘better’ for having shared the burden.

As Josiah returned to his own bedroom, his colonel appeared in the hallway. “Sergeant?” The military term showed Larabee’s attempt to distance himself. One of his men needed help and he believed he would be less effective if he allowed himself to be emotionally involved.

“He’s going through hell,” Sanchez informed his leader. “But he’s coping. And he’s given me his word he’ll come to me without prompting next time. Returning to the jungle has triggered a lot of memories at once. Hopefully, things will ease over the next few days, Colonel.”

Larabee patted his companion’s shoulder. “Thanks, Sergeant. Keep me informed.”

Josiah smiled easily. He knew what Chris was trying to do, but it simply wasn’t going to work. Larabee and Tanner were too close. “He’s okay, Chris.”

Larabee snorted and realized he and his best friend had come too far for him to deal with this on a professional level alone. “Is there anything I can do to help him, Josiah? I feel so powerless.”

“You‘re doing enough just by being there for him, Chris. He just needs time.”


The noise at the breakfast table could have woken the dead. The men’s voices were loud, boisterous and carefree as three different conversations were conducted at the same time.

“You’ll wake, Vin!” Josiah scolded for the third time. “I’ve already told you, he didn’t get a lot of sleep last night and...”

A piecing whistle silenced the group. Chris rose to his feet and strode to the door. Vin was standing at the top of the stairs, leaning on the banister, his left leg off the ground.

“I need a hand to get down,” Tanner stated.

“We need to get you some crutches,” Larabee chuckled. “Josiah, Nathan.” Chris was still weak himself and so the other boys would step into the breech. Vin’s leg and Chris’ arm were healing well after sustaining bullet wounds during their last mission, but both men were still sore.

Sanchez and Jackson climbed the stairs. Vin threaded his arms over his friends’ shoulders and they carried him down to the kitchen. In the centre of the open room was a huge wooden table with food scattered from one end to the other. The smell of fried bacon greeted Tanner.

“Hey, Vin!” Buck boomed as Josiah and Nathan settled the injured man on a chair.

“You want some breakfast?” Nathan asked.

“That depends. Who cooked it?”

Nathan scowled. “Buck and J.D. It’s full of oil so you’ll love it.”

“Then I’ll have some,” Vin laughed.

“We didn’t wake you, did we, Vin?” J.D. asked. The young man’s face was a kaleidoscope of fading bruises.

“Hell, no. It was them other six fellas who live here who were doin’ all the shoutin’. Where are Mary and Billy?”

“Packing. They’re leaving this morning. Mary has to get back to work,” Chris explained. Tanner and Larabee shared a glance. Not a word, Tanner.

Vin grinned. “Ain’t sharing breakfast with us?”

“Mary promised Billy, McDonalds.”

That was lucky, Cowboy.

“Shut up, Vin.” The others eyed the pair, knowing something was being communicated between them.

Nathan placed a plate of eggs, bacon, sausage, hash browns, tomatoes and toast in front of Vin. “Now that looks good,” Tanner commented, accepting the knife and fork.

“Are you in any pain this morning?” the medic asked. Vin’s face was a little pale around the eyes, but considering what he had been through, he looked well.

“Leg’s aching a bit, but it’s okay.”

“I’ll get you something for it,” Nathan stated, pushing his chair back.

“For God’s sake, sit down and eat your breakfast, Nathan,” Vin protested. “You need to stop fussing around all of us and worry about yourself for once!“

In only moments, the room re-filled with the laughter and chatter of happy men.

“Chris!” Billy cried, running into the room.

“Almost ready to go?” Larabee asked, scooping the child up onto his lap.

“Yeah. I wish I could stay. We were going to go fishing, remember? You said.”

“Sorry, son. You’re mum’s the boss.”

“Yeah, but if you married my mum, you’d be my dad and then you’d be the boss,” Billy claimed.

Knives and forks paused. Conversations ceased. Eyes widened. The silence was so deafening that Mary walked into the room to investigate what was going on.

All of the men at the table were staring at Chris. Then, without warning, Vin Tanner burst out laughing. The others followed his lead, the nervous tension released in the form of rollicking laughter. Larabee glanced at them, his face reflecting his disapproval, but unfortunately that look only worked when he was acting as their colonel. Today, he was just one of the boys.

“Now, what’s going on in here?” Mary asked.

“Chris has just found out he’s not the boss,” Buck laughed.

Mary inclined her head. Billy climbed from Larabee’s lap. “Come on, Darling. We have to be going. Well, you boys look after yourselves,” she stated, still eyeing the cackling group with a puzzled expression on her face.

“Safe drive, Mary,” Josiah stated.

“I’ll carry your suitcase to the car,” Chris offered, rising and following the woman out. As he reached the door, he turned and glared at his colleagues. Uproarious laughter was the only response.

Larabee picked up Mary’s suitcase from the entry foyer and carried it out to her car. Taking the keys from her, he unlocked the trunk and placed the case inside.

“Thanks,” Mary stated, smiling. Chris stared at her. His green eyes were intense and looked as if they were hiding a multitude of thoughts and feelings. The woman began to feel self-conscious. “Is something wrong, Chris?”

The Em7 colonel stood, unmoving. Then finally, he shook his head, smiled and handed the keys back. “No. You take care.”

Mary sensed there was more he wanted to say... perhaps even the things she wanted to hear, but whatever he had been thinking had been dismissed. “I’ll call this evening... to see how Vin is.”

“Yeah.” Again, they stared at each other uneasily. Long seconds passed.

“Ma, I’m hungry.”

Mary dragged her attention from Larabee. “Coming, Sweetheart.” Mary walked around the side of the car. “If they release any information on your latest mission, I want exclusive rights to the story,” the reporter called.

“Don’t think there’s a chance in hell,” Chris replied, following. Larabee opened the door for her, closing it once she got in.

Mary rolled the window down and smiled. “Not even a hint?”


For a third time, they stared. “We need to talk, Mr. Larabee,” Mary stated, quietly.

“Yes, we do. Give me some time to... just... I need to work some things out. Then we‘ll talk.”

Mary nodded. Her heart was thundering in her chest. She had been wanting to have a ‘talk’ with Chris for a long time. It was at that moment Mary realized that basically she had fallen in love with the colonel from the first moment she had laid eyes on him. She had always suspected that he had feelings for her, but Chris was so guarded. Maybe the time had come for them both to come clean with their feelings.

“I’ll call.”

Chris nodded and then watched as the car rolled down the long driveway, Billy hanging out the window waving.

Larabee drew in a deep breath. He wasn’t sure he had done the right thing. He really did need to get things straight in his own head before talking to Mary.

When Larabee re-entered the kitchen, the boys stopped talking and stared at him. “Shut-up!”

“Now, now, Colonel Larabee,” Ezra chuckled.

“I put your meal under the grill to stop it getting cold,” Nathan told him, retrieving it.

“Thanks.” Chris smiled at Nathan. Jackson took it upon himself to ‘look after’ all of the boys and at times, they took Nathan’s caring attitude and ceaseless help for granted.

“So, what are we all up to, today?” J.D. asked, discretely changing the subject.

“I have about four hundred e-mails to answer!” Buck claimed. “All of my adoring girlfriends,” he added with a dazzling grin.

“Excluding Lusty Legs,” J.D. teased.

Buck shot J.D. a look of disgust. “I’m still holding you responsible for that.”

“What about you, Josiah?” J.D. prompted.

“I am going to take a nap. Probably for most of the day,” Sanchez laughed. Like the rest of his companions, Josiah felt weary. The ordeal they had been through was still weighing on them.


“I have a book I would very much like to read, so I think I will find a place out on the veranda and settle in for the day.”

J.D. frowned. None of this sounded very interesting. “Nathan?”

“I have to put the finishing touches to the report the President asked for. Not that I suppose he’ll still want the information since General Freleagus is dead. After that, a nap sounds very tempting.”

“Chris?” J.D. asked.

“I need to call the office and see if there’s anything urgent that needs tending to. After that, I think I might go for a ride.”

“Sounds good to me, Cowboy,” Vin agreed.

Nathan frowned. “You both need to be resting. Let the office take care of itself for the next two days and leave the riding for a couple of days, too.”

“We won’t go far. Just down to the creek,” Chris offered.

“And how the hell are you going to get him on a horse with his leg and your arm?“

“We’ll manage,“ Vin insisted.

Nathan sighed, knowing he wasn’t going to win this one. “Take a cell phone and call me if there’s a problem.”

“Hell, Nathan. You worry too much,” Vin murmured.

“Look, I’m the one who has to fix up any mess you make of your bodies, so I’m just looking after my own interests, Vin,” Nathan retorted. “Oh, and I’m making lunch. And you can all wipe those expressions off your faces. The shit we’ve had for breakfast isn’t going to help any of us recover from what we’ve been through. I’m making lunch; you’re all going to eat it; and you’ll eat it without complaints. Got it?!”

Buck rolled his eyes. Chris and Josiah grinned. Vin winked at J.D.

“I do believe I’ve just lost my appetite.”

“Shut up, Ezra.”


Somewhere in Washington DC....

The lone man stared down at the photograph paper-clipped to the outside of a manila envelope. There was a certain amount of hatred on the viewer’s face. The bright green eyes staring back at him from the flat image were almost mocking. The wide smile advertised complete confidence.

Without warning, a knife was plunged into the piece of paper, piecing the image right between the eyes.

“Destiny, Standish! Destiny.”


“Vin?” J.D. repeated. It was almost four o’clock in the afternoon. J.D. sighed. Tanner had fallen asleep again so that meant J.D. was on his own. All day the youngest member of Em7 had been trying to find someone to ‘do’ something with. Do anything with, but all to no avail. Everyone else was ’busy’.

Chris had rung the office early and it appeared there was some small crisis the colonel had to see to and because Buck was on the computer in the study, Chris had commandeered J.D.’s laptop so the boy couldn’t use it to entertain himself.

Josiah, true to his word, had slept most of the day. When he had awoken, he had sought out Nathan and now the pair were playing chess, or at least, Josiah was playing. Nathan had finished writing the report on the rebel base and was now reading the paper... and playing chess with Josiah at the same time.

Ezra was asleep on the veranda. Standish had read for several hours, but after a highly nutritious but hardly appetising lunch, he had fallen asleep in one of the lay back chairs, his book resting on his chest.

Buck had been engrossed in his e-mail and chats all day and so J.D. had found himself left with Vin for company. The Texan had been quiet, which was okay because J.D. had done most of the talking. The only problem was, Vin kept falling asleep.

J.D. sighed and rose to his feet. He made his way through the house to check on each of his companions.

“How’s the game going?” J.D. asked, walking out onto the veranda where Josiah and Nathan were engaged in their battle of mental prowess.

Josiah was staring at the board intently. Nathan peeked over the top of the paper. “He’s still deciding on his next move.”

“Brothers, please. I’m trying to concentrate.” Finally, Josiah smiled and shifted his queen.

“That’s got to be a record. Only took you fifteen minutes to make your decision,“ Nathan muttered. He glanced down at the board, picked up a knight, moved it and then went back to his paper. Josiah gripped his chin and began to mull over his next strategic decision.

J.D. grinned and moved further along the porch. Ezra was awake. “Hey, Ezra. You want to go for a walk?”

“What destination did you have in mind?” Standish asked, picking up his book and placing it on the small table beside him.

“The stable?”

Ezra’s nose crinkled with distaste.

“Okay, I don’t care where we go.”

“Bored, my friend?”

“Buck’s on the computer in the study and Chris’ got mine. Vin’s asleep and...” J.D. inclined his head.

“A walk it is,” Ezra agreed, standing up and stretching. “Vin’s asleep?”

“Yeah. He was in a bit of pain so Nathan gave him something and he’s been sort of sleeping all afternoon.”

“Probably for the best,” Ezra murmured. “And Mr. Larabee is on your computer?”

“Yeah, something from the office. Don’t know what. He didn’t say much. You know Chris.”

Just as the pair were about to set off, Chris walked out onto the veranda. “Boys.” The single word was conveyed using that particular tone that meant it was an order. Nathan, Josiah, Ezra and J.D. followed their leader back into the lounge room. Vin was sitting up rubbing the sleep from his eyes and Buck was seated next to the injured man. All of the others took seats.


“We have a mission.”

Nathan frowned. “When?”

“Relax. It’s set for 14th, which is another eight days.”

“I don’t know that Vin’s leg will be ready.”

“Vin can stay on the chopper with Buck,” Chris stated. “We have a ‘friend‘ offering us some documents from Japan’s Secret Service.”

“Japan doesn’t have a Secret Service,” J.D. pointed out.

“You are gravely mistaken, Agent Dunne. Japan has a very comprehensive Secret Service that has been operating for many years,” Ezra corrected. “I have encountered the Nihon Himitsu no Guntai on many occasions.”

“You’re kidding?” Buck cried.

“One of their agents wishes to exchange some information?” Ezra inquired.

“Yeah, for a considerable fee.”

“Naturally,” Ezra chuckled.

“What’s this got to do with us?” Josiah asked. This wasn’t the sort of case that Em7 usually dealt with.

“The agent is set to exchange a micro chip that contains some Japanese Secret Service files.”

“And naturally there are those in our government who’d like to get their hands on them,” Nathan stated.

Chris nodded.

“There will also be numerous officials in our government who will not want the contents of those files viewed,” Ezra mused. “He’s taking a rather considerable risk. He’ll be wanted by parties on both sides.”

“Exactly. That’s why he’s refused to go any further with the exchange unless you’re there,” Chris explained, looking at Ezra.

“I see,” Standish stated, carefully. “And this person’s name?”

“His code name is Red Sun.”

Ezra smiled. “He and I have conducted ‘business’ in the past.”

“He has refused all of the Specialist Collection and Retrieval Taskforce’s offers and insists that you organize the exchange.”

“And you told him...?”

“I told him that you were not longer with SeCReTs and that EM7 would arrange things and then hand over the micro chip to the correct authorities.”

“And his response to that?” Ezra asked, curiously.

“He said that as long as he saw your face, he’d know we were above board.”

“Well, it certainly warms my heart that he still trusts me so. What is your plan, Sir?”

“He’s making his own way into the country. He’ll contact us with further details once he arrives. The exchange is set for the 14th.”

“News of this will spread quickly,” Ezra pointed out.

“Apparently, his Service believes he’s headed here as part of his investigation.”

“After the exchange he will not head back to Japan,” Ezra stated.

“The amount of money he’s talking about, he’ll be able to disappear to the moon and live like a king,” Chris grunted. “Tell me about him.”

Ezra thought prudently before answering. “Red Sun is a man without principles or loyalties. He’s been selling his country’s secrets for years. However, he is very high up in the organization and trusted at the highest level, hence his use to foreign agencies.”

“How well do you know him?”

“Not well. I made several purchases from him while working for SeCReTs. He was reliable. We did have trouble once and I saved his life.”

“Looks like he hasn’t forgotten,” Buck commented.

“Ezra, what’s likely to be in the files?”

“I have no idea. It could be anything from nuclear weapons’ research to a list of double agents trading information from the States.”

“Japan doesn’t have nuclear weapons,” J.D. stated. Ezra raised his left eyebrow. “They do?! Shit!”

“There is a great deal those ‘in the know’ keep from the rest of us - even those of us who are involved in the intelligence and security organizations that protect our country.” Standish noted that his friends were gazing at him curiously. “I suppose I have told you little of my former occupation.” Standish drew in a deep breath and considered his words. “I wasn’t a terrorist, nor did I ever betray my country. Don’t worry, I am well aware of what you may have heard.“

“We didn’t believe it,“ Nathan stated.

Ezra’s head bobbed in grateful acknowledgement. “I served my country by doing what needed to be done. Unfortunately, it is frowned upon by many of my peers, for they do not understand the full picture. You see, the Specialist Collection and Retrieval Taskforce fills a niche in the market, an important niche. It trades in important knowledge by negotiating secret deals to obtain information about the United States’ allies.”

“You mean their enemies?” J.D. corrected.

“Quite the contrary, I’m afraid. The CIA and our own Secret Service are more than happy and capable of negotiating for information about our enemies. It is when information comes to light about our allies, that the government runs into difficulties. They can not be seen to be ‘spying’ on their partners.”

“That’s where SeCReTs comes in?” Josiah asked.

“Exactly. Their agents are either employed to infiltrate the country and steal the information, or play the neutral third party in an exchange. They appropriate the documents or information from our ‘so-called’ partners by doing whatever it takes. Whether that be brokering a deal by arranging an exchange or slipping into a foreign country and leaving with sensitive documents our government would like to run its eye over.”

“And what does SeCReTs get out of it?”

At this, Ezra smiled. “Their services do not come cheap. It depends on the type of operation. The side wanting the deal pays for SeCReTs’ services.”

“Surely everyone knows what the government is doing?” Vin pointed out.

“Of course, but it is a little like the money provided for the health system. It is used to pay administrators rather than what the public wants it used for, which is to care for patients. Everyone, from the President, to the man selling newspapers on the corner, knows that‘s how it works. As long as they officially remain ignorant of the fact that the funds are fundamentally being misused, everyone is happy. Society only gets upset when it is told about the abuse.”

“That’s a very cynical view, Ezra.”

“No, Sergeant Sanchez, it is a realistic one. All of our police forces are undermanned. We all know it. We only get riled when the media tells us officially that it is so. We are all aware that the education system is failing thirty percent of students, yet we only become alarmed when someone prints this fact in a newspaper or advertises it on the television. The public is happy to remain ignorant... just as our allies and our own government are when it comes to SeCReTs. However, should the reality be pointed out - that reality being, that SeCReTs is employed by the government to ‘spy’ on its allies, then everyone would be outraged. Of course, no one is prepared to upset the apple cart because that places our alliances in jeopardy and that is out of the question. SeCReTs’ role in the security of this nation is as important as any other group. It’s just that they work within the illusion of secrecy, double deals and perceived betrayal. SeCReTs will continue to operate and profit so long as everyone is happy to remain ignorant.”

“It almost makes sense,” Nathan murmured.

“It makes perfect sense. You served in Katinda only once the world was officially told of the atrocities being inflicted upon its people. Those atrocities had been going on freely for years and everyone knew about them. It was only because someone decided to bring it out of the shadows and officially tell everyone of the horrors the Katinese people faced, that the world was forced to act.”

All of the men glanced around at each other uncomfortably. The horrible reality was, what Ezra was saying had a startling air of truth.

“My friends, it is the way of the world,” Ezra explained, noting their reaction. “None of us like it, but there is little we can do to change the ebb and flow of societal practices. Issues like the homeless, guns in our schools, drug use by our teens, the hole in the ozone layer - all of these things are there and yet the public chooses to allow those few agencies designed to deal with them, to do so and continue to fail dismally. It is only once someone in the media tells us they are failing, that we become incensed and demand something is done - at least, until the media loses interest and moves onto something else. Out of sight, out of mind is the harsh reality. SeCReTs is out of sight and therefore its actions are out of mind.”

A resigned silence filled the room.

“Well, that’s depressing,” Buck stated. For several minutes, the men sat contemplating the impact of Ezra’s statements.

“So, what are we going to do tomorrow?” J.D. asked. He was proverbially optimistic and wasn’t about to allow reality to pull him down. The other men said nothing. “Fine, then I’m organizing things. We’re going for a ride. How about to that spot where the river widens?”

“Sounds alright,” Josiah agreed.

“We can take some grub, have some lunch, go swimming and then be home in time for dinner. What do you think?” J.D. asked.

Buck and Ezra both nodded half-heartedly.

Nathan glanced at Vin and Chris. “You two won’t be joining us.”

“Probably a bit far,“ Vin agreed.

“We can ride out to the creek. It’s only twenty minutes,” Chris suggested.

Nathan still looked unsettled.

“So, the rest of you are in?” J.D. asked with excitement.

All of the men were nodding.


Part Two

From the livery came the sound of J.D. and Buck arguing.

“So, is Hiccup ready?”

“Damn it, Buck. It’s Hiccok!”

Vin and Chris exchanged a grin. They were on the veranda of the ranch house watching as the others prepared for their trial ride. The pair were going to miss out on entertainment of the ride, but to be honest, both were looking forward to a quiet day.

Sanchez appeared out of the house with a bag of food for the trip. “Call if you want to talk, Vin. I’ve got my cell phone with me.” Another long night had transpired for the young man whose memories were returning, but both Chris and Josiah had been there to support him.

“Thanks, Josiah.” Sanchez stepped down off the porch and headed for the barn where Buck and J.D. were physically wrestling on the ground, much to the disgust of Ezra.

Nathan stopped at the edge of the porch and studied both Chris and Vin. “I’d be a lot happier if I was to stay with you two.”

“What, and miss out on Buck‘s hiccup jokes?” Vin laughed.

Some moments later, the two injured men watched their five companions leave, J.D. waving vigorously until Buck plucked the hat off his head and bolted, the youth hot on his heels.

Larabee sank down into the chair beside Vin. “I thought they’d never leave.”

Vin grinned. “You still up for a ride?”

“Only if you’re up to it,” Chris offered.

Vin simply grinned.

Chris disappeared into the kitchen to pack some lunch. He glanced at the plain brown package peeking out from under a tea towel on the bench. Chris lifted the cloth and read the address.

“Hey, Vin. There’s a package here for you.”

“Does it look important?” Tanner yelled from the veranda.


“Then I’ll get it when we come back this afternoon.”

Moments later, Chris locked the door and then moved across to his seated companion. Tanner allowed the other man to pull him to his feet and then the pair made their way to the stable, Vin leaning heavily on Chris.

Chris left Vin holding onto a rail while he saddled the horses. Neither man spoke. There was no need. Once the animals were ready, Chris guided Vin to Dingo and bodily lifted him up onto the horse with a grunt of pain.

You right?

Arm’s a bit sore. How’s the leg?

Aching, but bearable.

Larabee mounted his horse and then the pair urged the animals out of the livery. Both horses stretched out, pleased to be free of their stalls. While the men’s neighbour exercised the animals daily, it wasn’t the same as galloping across the open plain. Animals and riders felt the stresses of the day leave them as the wind buffeted them and the fresh air accosted them.

After five minutes, Vin and Chris reined the horses in and the rest of the twenty minute journey was covered at a more pleasant pace. Adah recognized where he was headed and moved to the lead once they arrived at the wooded section near the creek.

Chris patted the animal’s neck when it came to a stop in the place Chris always tied him. Larabee dismounted and lashed his horse’s reins to a branch and then moved across to Vin. Tanner leaned on Larabee’s shoulder and eased himself out of the saddle. Chris guided his friend to a tree and lowered him to the ground before turning to tie Dingo.

Moments later, Chris dropped to the leaf covered carpet several feet from Vin.

“Nice spot,” Vin commented.

“Yeah.” Words sounded out of place and echoed in the silent clearing. The creek was running quite swiftly, though wasn’t very deep and the water was crystal clear and bubbling healthily.



This where you bring Billy? “Billy?”

Chris nodded and opened the cooler. He took out a can of beer and tossed it to Vin. Tanner smiled and couldn’t help thinking this was just about perfect; a beer beside a creek with his best friend. No outside noises or people interfering.

Larabee winked. For almost fifteen minutes they sat, listening to the silence and staring at nature’s garden.

“I spoke to Mary,” Chris stated, out of the blue.


“We decided we needed to talk.”


Chris sighed. “Vin, I’m attracted to her. Hell, who isn’t?”

Tanner grinned. “I ain’t. Mary’s a good-looking woman, but I don’t think of her like that. Neither do any of the other boys... except maybe Bucklin. Mary is a woman after all. You know Buck.”

Chris listened and considered Vin’s words.

Tanner became serious. “Look, Chris, you don’t need to marry the woman. Just enjoy her company. You’re both adults.”

“Yeah, but... hell, I don’t know. Vin, I still love my wife.”

Vin’s brow furrowed and for the first time, he realized what the problem was. “No, Chris, you were right the other day. You’re still ‘in’ love with your wife and you can’t consider a relationship with Mary while you’re in love with someone else.”

Chris glanced at Vin and shook his head. “Since when did you become an expert?”

“Don’t claim to be. Just know you.”

“You might be right.”

“Don’t sound so surprised. I’ve been right before. Not often, but I remember the last time... just.“ Vin pulled his hat over his eyes and in only minutes, deep even breathing echoed out of him. The ride had taken more out of him than he had realized.

Chris stared at his friend with true affection and then pulled his own hat over his eyes. He, too, was still a little weak after their ordeal in the jungle. The horses would warn them of any approaching danger.

The lulling sound of the babbling creek and rustling of the leaves in the breeze were the only sounds to be heard.

Larabee didn’t truly sleep, but he did doze. At about eleven thirty, he sat up and grabbed a sandwich to appease his growling stomach. He noted that Vin was moving uneasily in his sleep. Another memory was surfacing, the colonel realized.

Chris considered waking his friend, but Josiah had insisted that it was important for Vin to remember. The sooner he did so, the sooner he could debrief and get on with his life.

The sleeping man muttered something and Chris wondered just what recollection Tanner was facing at that moment...

“Josiah’s down!” Buck’s startled voice echoed over the headset. The men had walked straight into an ambush. They had been sent to liase directly with General Hilton who had a mission of importance for them. This area had been cleared of Kat Cong, or so they had been told. Now, it became clear that ‘Operation Raven’ had been a trap from the outset.

Three? Three, report!“ Nothing but silence. “Four!”

“I‘m making my way to Three!” Nathan cried, crawling to the spot where Josiah had disappeared. Bullets ripped through the foliage around him. Buck, Chris and Vin tried to provide some form of cover.

Chris cursed. They hadn‘t expected an attack and had been caught completely off-guard. If it hadn‘t been for Vin‘s cried warning, the men would have been cut down in a hail of bullets. There were too many soldiers to fight. “Retreat!” Larabee ordered. “Four?”

“He’s conscious. I‘ve got a bleeding strap on it. He’s on his feet. We’re retreating.” Chris was flooded with relief. The fire fight resounded around the outnumbered group.

Wings, assist them. Two and I will cover you,” Larabee ordered. The colonel cursed. They weren’t going to get out of this easily.

“Colonel, there are too many!” Buck argued.

“Go!” Chris shouted. He knew the Cong would be trying to encircle them. They needed to get out now. Larabee had to ensure the survival of the majority, even if that meant leaving two men behind to cover the team’s retreat.

Vin snapped off a single bullet. It found its mark. The sharpshooter was not firing indiscriminately as the Cong were. He was taking his time and making every shot count. The STF1 were so badly outnumbered there was little sense advertising their position by wild shooting.


“On your right, Sir.”

“We’ll try to hold them for thirty minutes and then retreat.”


Abruptly, the gunfire ceased and an unholy silence filled the air. Chris and Vin strained their ears. “They’re circling,” Vin murmured.

“Split up. Lead them in two directions away from the others.”

“Yes, Sir.” Vin bolted. Bullets followed him and so did half of the three dozen Kat Cong. Tanner crossed the heavily wooded area, easily. He could hear the Cong crashing through the jungle behind him. The STF1 sharpshooter needed to keep his enemy occupied for at least half an hour to give his companions time to get back to the chopper. Then, he would back track and rendezvous with his team.

Vin’s thoughts were calm, despite the situation. The STF1 had had their back to the wall before, although, this was one of the worst times Vin could remember. So much for Travis’ information.

Tanner kept moving for twenty-five minutes. His mind filled briefly with an image of Josiah. The sharpshooter had complete faith in the team medic’s ability to save Sanchez. The wounded man had been able to walk, so the injury wasn’t too serious.

The Cong following the STF1 lieutenant weren’t narrowing the gap, but Vin didn’t allow it to increase either. He had to stay within range so they wouldn’t give up the pursuit.

Without warning, Chris’ voice filled Vin’s ears. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Vin’s heart launched into his throat. “Chris?” Vin waited for a reply, his legs still covering the ground swiftly.

“I’m not telling you a damn thing!” This was followed by a roar of pain from Larabee that cut Vin to the quick.

Tanner stopped running. “Chris?! One, report! ONE!” Numbness consumed Vin.. Realization hit hard. Chris had been captured! “ONE!”

A bullet smacked into a tree near Tanner. Vin ducked. His mind whirled. He had to go to Larabee’s aid. “Two to Wings.” There were several seconds silence.

“Go, Two.”

“One has been taken.”


“We split up,” Vin crouched and then circled wide. “I’m heading back toward him. I need back-up.”

“I’m coming, Kid.”

Vin successfully made his way back through the rebel group pursuing him. The young man was trying desperately to stay composed, but Larabee’s cry kept echoing in his mind.

One, report?” Tanner repeated every few minutes. He had to re-establish contact with his colonel. With each passing second, Vin’s concern grew. Larabee’s silence could mean one of a number of things. None of them were good and all meant the colonel was in trouble. Vin’s being filled with dread. Was Chris still alive?

Buck’s voice. “Vin, I’m about ten minutes from the place we were attacked.”

The second in command found himself in two minds. Did he wait for Wilmington or press on alone if he reached the spot first? “I’ll meet you there.”


Vin paced back and forth, trying not to allow himself to be consumed by the situation. When Buck burst through the foliage, Tanner’s resolve left him momentarily. For several seconds the two men stared at each other, both terrified for Larabee’s safety.

Vin pulled himself together, first. If Chris was still alive, he needed his men to be thinking clearly, not emotionally. “Josiah?”

“Nathan’s dug the bullet out and is flying him out of here. He should be okay,” Buck informed his lieutenant. Without further comment, the two men set off, Vin following the tracks of the many rebels who had walked the path. As he moved, Vin calculated that he and Buck were at least an hour and a half behind Chris. Larabee would do everything possible to slow his captors... if he was still alive. Vin drew in a deep breath. His stride slowed. He had to know so he could prepare himself. Vin consciously eliminated all sounds. All that was left was sensing... knowing.

“Vin?“ Buck asked with concern.

“He’s still alive.“ Wilmington nodded. He trusted Vin’s instincts. If Tanner said Larabee was still alive, then by God, Chris was still alive!

Without any further explanation, the pair pressed on. About twenty minutes later, the tracker paused. His eyes were drawn to something that had been discarded. Vin moved forward and crouched next to the headset. Buck peered over his shoulder.

“It‘s Larabee‘s,” the lieutenant murmured. Vin stared up at his companion’s anguished face. “Hold it together, Captain. He’s depending on us to get him out of this. He can’t do it on his own.”

Buck swallowed and nodded. He understood that, but he couldn’t dispel his fears. He knew what the Cong were capable of. He had never seen it first hand, but he had heard about their ‘methods’ to get information.

“We gotta find him before they...”

“Yeah,” Tanner agreed. “Come on.”


Vin and Buck stared out in front of them. They had come across a rebel encampment. Clearly, this area had never been cleared! The tents looked like they’d been there for years. Both Buck and Vin found their rage demanding satisfaction. They’d been set up. Someone had given them co-ordinates that had sent them into enemy territory on some farcical mission. Heads would roll once they got back!

There wasn’t time for further thought. The STF1 soldiers studied the compound with one thought in mind; finding Chris. There were eight tents and about two dozen soldiers collected in small groups, both seated and standing.

There was no sign of Larabee.

Vin’s eyes were drawn to the only tent with guards outside the drawn flap. That had to be where Chris was. Buck, too, had come to the same conclusion.

“How the hell are we going to get in there?”

Vin frowned. At that moment, three men emerged from the tent they were studying. The insignia on the shoulders of two of the Cong showed they were high-ranking. Vin strained his ears to hear their conversation.

“That achieved nothing. He isn’t going to talk.”

“Sir, I just need a little more time. I’ll break him,” the third man insisted.

Vin’s eyes narrowed. The front of the third man’s shirt was splattered with blood. Rage ignited in the usually reserved man. His dead steady hands began to tremble as his fury ignited. “You’re dead,” he growled.

“Vin?“ At first, Tanner didn’t answer. Buck laid his hand on his companion’s shoulder, effectively releasing Vin from the abyss he was falling into.

“I’m going to circle around the back of the tent, cut through the back and free Larabee,” Tanner stated.

“What if there are people inside?”

“I’ll take care of them.” Vin’s face was as hard as Hell itself. He would take care of them or die trying, Buck realized.

“What do you want me to do?”

“We need a distraction.”

Buck nodded. “Leave it to me.”

Vin glanced at his partner. “Be careful.”

“You too, Kid.” Tanner and Wilmington gripped hands and then they parted.


Vin circled around the camp. He spotted a couple of scouts but avoided them without difficulty. The back of the tent was nestled against some bushes. Vin lay on his stomach and pushed his way forward. He stopped when he reached the thick canvas wall. The lieutenant gripped the bottom of the tent and pulled it up an inch. Through the slit, he was able to see the interior. The man who had declared that he would break Chris was standing near a table holding a piece of wire. The rest of the tent was empty, apart from a chair lying on its side. Bound to the chair was Chris. Vin’s stomach turned. His friend was shirtless, his chest covered with slashes and what looked like burns! Larabee’s face was cut and bruised from the many blows that had been delivered. Vin watched his best friend’s chest. It rose and fell. Thank God. But Chris’ eyes were closed and even from where he was, Vin could see that Chris had no colour in his face. The blood smeared across it was bright against the colonel’s ashen skin.

Vin pushed aside his feelings. He had to get Chris out of this. Vin withdrew his knife. “Wings?” he whispered.

“Is he okay?”

“He’s alive. I can’t tell much more than that. I’m going in. I’ll let you know when I need you.”

Tanner studied the bottom of the tent. A few feet away was a stake. Vin crawled across and yanked it from the ground, creating some give in the canvass. Tanner licked his lips, steeled himself and then acted. He ripped the bottom of the tent up two feet. The man at the table turned. Vin’s knife flashed through the air and struck the Cong torturer in the middle of his chest. He gasped and then crumpled to the ground soundlessly.

Vin crawled under the tent and rushed to Larabee’s side. For a full five seconds, Vin couldn’t move. He stared down; aghast at the condition his companion was in. Vin laid his hand on the side of Chris’ bloodied and swollen face. A multitude of emotions rose up in the young sharpshooter, but he couldn’t give any audience. He had a job to do if he was save them both. “Chris?”

Larabee’s eyes flickered and then opened. The colonel stared at his lieutenant in confusion. He couldn’t possibly be seeing what he thought he was.

“Relax, Chris. I’m going to cut through the ropes. Don’t cry out.”

Larabee swallowed and blinked. “Vin?”

“Hang on, Cowboy.” Tanner leaped up, retrieved his knife from the chest of the fallen man who had had done this to Chris and then rushed back to his colonel. Larabee watched his friend through the veil of pain radiating through his battered body.

Vin cut through the ropes and then eased Chris onto his back. Larabee’s body stiffened in pain. “We’ve got to get out of here, Chris. Can you stand?”

Chris nodded. Vin took his Colonel’s arms and helped him to sit. Larabee gasped. Tanner grimaced at Larabee’s gasp of pain. He wished Nathan were here. “We’ve got to get you on your feet.” Vin placed his hands under Chris’ armpits and heaved. Chris screamed... or would have, but Vin anticipated the reaction. The lieutenant thrust his hand firmly over his colonel’s mouth, smothering the sound. Vin held Chris upright for several seconds until he could feel his friend supporting his own weight. Green eyes met blue.

Hang on, Chris. I’ll get you out of here.

Chris nodded his understanding of the silent message. “The others?”

“Just me and Buck. Buck’s working on a diversion.”

“No. Better to sneak out,” Chris panted. “It may give us a head start.”

Wings, cancel the diversion,” Vin snapped into his headset. “We’re gonna put as much distance between them and us as we can and hope they don’t realize Chris is gone.”

“Roger. How’s Chris?”

Vin eyed his leader. “A mess, but he’s alive. We’re on our way.”

Tanner looped his leader’s arm over his shoulder. Again, Chris gasped. His arm was broken. So were four of his ribs. He understood that Vin didn’t have time to be gentle. The pair moved to the back of the tent.


Buck waited, his rifle trained on the guards at the front of the tent Chris and Vin were in. If the men moved, they were dead. Thankfully, no one appeared interested in the tent. Movement to his right drew his attention. Vin appeared, half dragging, half carrying Chris.

“Sweet Jesus,” Buck murmured, rushing forward. Like Vin, Buck was horrified at the sight of his leader.

“We’re gonna have to carry him,” Vin panted. Larabee glanced at Buck and forced a smile. He was too weak to find his voice, but his eyes sent a message of relief and gratitude.

“I’ll carry him. You cover us, Vin.”

Chris didn’t comment. He was in good hands. These two men had already pulled off the impossible in finding him so quickly and rescuing him from the tent.

“Careful, I think he’s got a few broken ribs,” Vin warned as Buck took hold of Chris and tipped him up onto his strong shoulders. Tanner thrust his hand over Larabee’s mouth again. Buck felt Chris slump.

“He’s out. There‘s nothing I can do to protect his ribs.”

Vin inclined his head. “Go. Keep an eye out for any Cong. I’ll wait here and let you know when they discover he’s gone and then catch up and cover you the best I can.”

Buck nodded and then disappeared into the thick jungle. Vin’s gaze lingered on the spot for several seconds and then he turned back to the Cong base. The Kat Cong were oblivious to the fact their prisoner was on his way to safety.

Larabee’s face kept replaying in Vin’s mind. The lieutenant’s stomach turned, again. Chris’ eyes had been filled with so much pain. God only knew what he’d been through or how badly he was injured.

“Two to Four?” Vin waited. He needed to contact Nathan and have the medic fly back to pick up Chris and Buck. “Two to Four?”

“Four. Go ahead, Two.”

“We have One. Wings is carrying him back to the drop spot. ETA is approximately three hours.”

“Roger. What’s One’s condition?” Vin swallowed. “Repeat, what’s One’s condition?” Nathan asked.

“Oh, God, Nathan. They tortured him,” Vin cried softly. Tanner closed his eyes. He would never rid himself of the image of Chris lying on the ground bound to that chair.

Two, I’m on my way. I’ll be waiting... he’ll be okay, Vin. Chris is tough.”

“I know.” But Nathan hadn’t seen Chris’ chest. The burn marks. The slashes filled with salt or bruises that had left Larabee’s face swollen and barely recognizable. Nathan hadn’t seen the raw pain in Chris’ blue eyes. Larabee had been hurting so badly. For a split second, when Vin had first seen the chair, he had honestly thought that his best friend was dead.

Tanner couldn’t bring himself to consider what the bastards had done to Chris. He felt terrified for his best friend. Chris had been through hell, was hurting acutely and there was nothing Vin could do to help him!


Vin made a sound in the back of his throat and cried out. Startled, Chris leaned forward and tapped his friend’s boot.

Tanner awoke abruptly. His face stripped of colour.

“Whoah, there, Cowboy,” Chris cried, moving to his friend’s side when Vin began to struggle to get up. “Four Corners,” Larabee stated quickly, gripping Vin’s shoulder.

Tanner’s eyes flashed with terror. “Chris?! You‘re okay?” Even as he spoke the words, reality crashed into place. “I‘m sorry.”

Chris squeezed his distressed companion’s shoulder.

Vin swallowed, stared up at Chris and then reached up and wrapped his arms around his friend briefly. Confused, Chris patted the younger man‘s back, only to be pushed away.


Tanner licked his lips. “Operation Raven.”

Chris’ face shadowed, his own mind filling with memories.

Vin shut his eyes with force. He could see it all so clearly. He was experiencing the emotions he had on that day. “I thought that... hell, Chris. Those bastards!”

Chris wrapped his left arm around Vin’s back. “It’s over.”

Tanner opened his eyes. “But I can see it. And I can feel it.”

“I’m okay,” Chris stated, steadily. For several seconds there was silence between them.

“I was so...“ Vin swallowed.

“I know.”

For a long time the pair sat. Chris didn’t urge Vin to talk about his recollection. Rather, the men sat supporting each other through their sheer presence. Gradually, the tranquility of the small clearing eased much of their pain.

Chris dropped his arm and moved across to the cooler. “Hungry?”

“No.” Vin scanned the area. “Sure is a pretty spot.”


Tanner seemed to have come to terms with his memories, though they had certainly taken their toll. He looked pale.

“I think you should eat something,” Chris urged.

Vin ignored the statement and sat up straighter. “What sort of fish does the stream carry?”

“The usual.”

“Sure is a nice spot,” Vin murmured, again. There was a longing in his voice that was coming from his soul.

Chris smiled. This was Vin Tanner’s world. He didn’t belong in the city. “Reckon you could make do with this?”

Vin sighed. “If I had my way, I’d never go back.”

The tendrils of anxiety began to tug at Chris. This point was something that played on Larabee‘s mind from time to time. He knew his best friend well enough to know that if Vin had his choice, he would live a quiet life at Four Corners and be more than satisfied. Unlike Chris, who needed something to fill in his days, Vin would be content wandering about the stables, fishing in the streams and riding across the property maintaining the fences. Tanner would not tire of such a lifestyle.

“I guess there’s no reason for you to go back. I’ve told you before, you can live here. Take care of the horses, if that‘s want you want.”

“What the hell am I supposed to do for money?” Vin asked, glancing at his companion.

“Why would you need any?”

“What about Em7?”

“We could easily go back to being Em6.” Chris’s voice was a hushed whispered. He meant the words, but they were painful to say. Just as Vin’s first choice was to live a quiet life here, Larabee’s was to defend his country with his best friend at his side. “We can go back to being Em6,” Chris repeated.

Vin frowned. “That what you want?”

“Don’t be so damn stupid!”

Vin smiled. “So why are you trying to talk me into staying out here?”

Chris shrugged. “If it’s want you want, Vin, then you should do it. Life’s too damn short to spend it wasted on something you don’t want to be doing.”


Chris waited. “Vin, I’m serious.”

“Yeah, I know you are.”

Tanner was staring into the water. Chris couldn’t read his friend’s expression. What was Vin thinking? What if he said he wanted to stay here? Without Vin, the team wasn’t complete.

“Well?” Larabee prompted after a few minutes.

“Well, what?”

Chris cursed. Vin could be exasperating!

Tanner turned to look at his friend. “Chris, I know what you’re sayin’ and I appreciate it. But it ain’t how things can be. I guess it don’t matter where I am, as long as I’m spendin’ time with you and the boys. If that means giving up this, than so be it.”

“But we’re not asking you to give it up.”

“You just don’t get it, do you, Chris?”

Larabee cursed again. “All I’m saying is that you should be thinking about what you want, not what you think the rest of us want.”

“Damn it, Chris, what do you want me to say?! That my life don’t mean much without you guys!” Vin stopped and swallowed. He hadn’t meant to bare his soul like that. He was still emotional and upset after recalling the horrific ‘Operation Raven’.

Chris stared at his friend with true concern. He reached out and placed his hand on Vin’s shoulder.

Tanner calmed. “Cowboy, I give you my word, I’m doin’ what I want to be doin’. Havin’ to put up with Josiah’s stories, Buck’s boastin’, J.D.’s energy, Ezra’s complaints and Nathan’s fussin’, that’s all I want from life. You’ll note I didn’t add you to the list, because you piss me off.”

Chris‘ face flushed with both relief and emotion. “The feeling’s mutual, Tanner.”

Yeah, I know. Vin knew that Chris, too, was content as long as they were a part of each other‘s life. The place or the situation didn’t matter. Each gave the other’s existence meaning. That was what made their relationship so much more than traditional friendship.

“You aren’t gonna start sayin’ mushy things, are ya?” Vin inquired, making light of the moment. The love and friendship the pair felt was silently communicated in a single look.

“Like the fact that you’re an insubordinate bastard?“

“In your ass, Chris.“ Larabee reached into the cooler, took out a sandwich and tossed it to Vin. Tanner caught it and frowned. “I said I wasn’t hungry.”

“Eat it, and that‘s an order.”

“And you know exactly what you can do with your order, Cowboy,” Vin growled, tossing the sandwich back.

“I was serious, Lieutenant,” Chris claimed, dropping the sandwich into Vin’s lap before walking across to the stream and scooping some of the fresh water up into his mouth.

“Yeah, and I’m a monkey’s uncle. By the way, you can call me Uncle Vin.”

Chris snorted. “Your jokes are getting worse.”

“Listen, monkey boy, I...” Chris turned and splashed Vin. Vin tossed the sandwich at Chris. Larabee ducked, lost his balance and toppled into the stream. Vin’s thunderous laughter filled the area. Two grown men acting like boys and enjoying the company of one another - two soldiers facing the memories of war side by side - best friends content in one another’s company.

Late in the afternoon, Vin and Chris made their way home. Both men where exhausted, but would not have forgone their ride for anything in the world.

A phone call from Josiah at just after 5:00pm informed the pair that the rest of the boys had decided to spend the night under the stars. It appeared Ezra had been outvoted and despite the obvious answer of simply riding home himself, he chose to stay. At some point, the phone was passed to Nathan. Jackson advised of appropriate food choices for Tanner and Larabee’s dinner which brought cackles of laughter from those in the background.


Vin stared at the television, churning over memories which had returned over the past few days. His recollections were centred on missions similar to the one Em7 had just completed. Missions that had seen he and Chris left behind to cover the rest of the boys.

Tanner glanced across at his best friend who had fallen asleep on the couch well over an hour earlier. Vin could not dismiss the image of Chris lying on the ground tied to a chair, his face and chest covered in blood, bruises and callous burns. Again, Vin’s anger ignited. It was fresh anger, for while the incident had taken place four years ago, in his mind, it had taken place that afternoon.

Vin tried to calm himself. Chris was fine; the incident had happened years earlier. Why didn’t that make him feel any better?

Vin flicked his eyes to the clock that hung above the fireplace. It was after 8:00pm and his stomach was growling with hunger. Pulling himself up off the chair, Vin gingerly placed his weight on his injured leg. It pinched but was bearable and it held him. Tanner limped into the kitchen and began to prepare something to eat.

Chris awoke to the smell of steaks cooking. “You get hungry?” he asked, entering the kitchen.

“Yeah. Check those fries for me.”

“Steak and fries. Nathan wouldn’t be pleased.”

“If you don’t tell him, neither will I.”

Moments later, the meal was served and eaten in silence.

Chris eyed Vin curiously. “Are you going to tell me what’s wrong?”

“Don’t know what you mean,” Tanner mumbled, without looking up from his meal.

“You’re attacking that steak like it’s your worst enemy.”

“Just… just want to be angry. That okay with you?!” Instantly, Vin flashed his friend an apology. “I guess getting my memories back are… hell, I don’t know. Chris, what happened after that day? I don’t remember. I remember finding you. I remember dragging you out of there, but what happened then?”

Chris placed his knife and fork down and leaned back in his chair. For several seconds he thought about his reply. “Buck carried me back to the drop point. Nathan was there waiting. Nathan rushed me off to hospital and Buck waited for you. Ollie went out and picked the two of you up. That’s about it.”

“That’s not what I’m talking about! What about you?”

“I’m not sure I know what you’re asking,” Chris stated, carefully. He noted that Vin’s knuckles had gone white as he gripped his knife and fork. “Do you want me to tell you what happened in the tent or just what happened in the few weeks after?”

Vin stared at his friend and sighed. “I don’t know what I’m saying. It’s just that, I only remember pieces. They don’t make sense on their own.”

“I never told any of the boys what happened in that tent. Not even you,” Chris informed his friend in an emotional voice. “There wasn’t any need for you to know.” Vin nodded. He could accept that. “Afterwards, we took three weeks leave. I spent a couple of days in hospital, a couple of days being interrogated by the brass to make sure I hadn’t told the Cong anything and then we came home for a few days.”

“I don’t remember,” Vin murmured.

“Nathan had a friend who was away and so we stayed in his apartment.”

“All five of us?”

Chris smiled. “Yeah.”

“None of us had a home to go to?”

Chris shrugged, picked up his knife and fork and went back to his meal. “My ranch had been burnt to the ground and Buck had lived with me before we left for the war. Both Nathan and Josiah used to rent places but let them go when they went to Katinda. And you didn’t seem to have anywhere to go. Never said much and we never asked.”

Vin frowned. Something in the back of his mind stirred. “Don’t suppose I thought there was room.”

Chris was curious, but didn’t ask. Vin would share when he was ready.

“You recovered okay?”

Again, Larabee shrugged. “I have nightmares every now and again, but otherwise… Look, I knew you and Buck would come. I didn’t doubt that for a minute. I just had to hang on. I guess I was a little surprised by how quickly you got there. Vin, if you want me to tell you exactly what happened…”

“No. No, I don’t want that. I just need to get it all straight in my mind. That’s what Josiah helps me with. He fills in the missing bits.” Vin needed a context to place his recollections in. Josiah’s ramblings provided that. “So, after the leave?”

“We went back .”

“Just like that?”

“Just like that.”

Tanner nodded, glanced at his plate and pushed the half-eaten meal away.

“How’s your leg?”

“I had a tablet before I started cooking. Your arm?”

“Okay. I’m going to head off to bed,” Chris stated, standing and clearing the table. “I want you to come and get me if you need to talk, or if you need me to fill in any missing bits. I may not be as articulate as Josiah, but I’ll do my best.”

Vin grinned. “You mean you can’t ramble like Josiah does?”

“Something like that.” Chris frowned. He had just realized that if was going to bed, Vin would have no way to get up to his bedroom. “Are you ready for bed?”

Tanner nodded. Larabee assisted Vin up the stairs and each man headed to his own room.

“Call me if you need me.”

“I will, Chris. You have my word.”

Part Three

The next two days passed uneventfully at Four Corners. The boys rested, did some riding, swimming and used the time to unwind. They had been through a considerable ordeal in the jungle and in the hours following the mission. The time spent at their ranch was important. However, all too soon, reality demanded their return to the real world.

Six days after returning from South America, the men were forced to go back to Washington, or at least, the Em7 leader was. Chris insisted that the rest of the boys take another few days off. There was no reason for them to return to work until the day before their next mission. Their leader, on the other hand, had a mountain of work to get through.

Once their plane landed, the group said their goodbyes and went their separate ways for much of the next three days. Nathan wanted Vin to stay with him until the injured man was more mobile, but Tanner insisted he would cope with crutches. Vin left his bike in the underground carpark and Nathan drove him home, collecting some crutches on the way.

Chris headed straight for the office only to find the media camped out in front of the building demanding to speak to him about the three-minute work stoppage he had instigated a week earlier. With the assistance of security guards, Chris made his way through the mob and up to his office where he set to work catching up on the jobs that had piled up in his absence. Over the next few days, Larabee came to work as usual, gradually sorting through the backlog. Nathan came into the office and assisted his leader, but then, Chris had expected he would. Jackson was dependable to a fault and spent the days documenting Em7’s latest mission to save his colonel some time.


Buck’s three days...

Buck spent his days of respite reacquainting himself with several young ladies who had missed him. A set of twins topped off a fine break. The big man rang J.D. to gloat, but Dunne still had his phone on divert and thus the message went though to J.D.’s message bank at work. The message was quite simple. “J.D., my boy, my animal magnetism is running wild. Tonight, I’m a busy boy. I have two so I’m warning you, you better stay away!”


Josiah’s three days...

Josiah spent the time debating spiritual issues with a friend from his Bible study group, coupled with dropping in to assist Vin deal with his returning memories. Sanchez was pleased with Tanner’s progress and as he had suspected, over time, the number of returning memories were decreasing.


Ezra’s three days...

Ezra went to Las Vagas to visit his mother. He had missed her dreadfully and felt the need to be close to her. They argued and competed with one another most of the time, but that was the way they communicated. Neither meant anything by their comments. It was a habit they didn’t appear to be able to break, but Standish honestly enjoyed his short stay.


J.D.’s three days...

J.D. found himself spending time with Casey and a group of, what had become, mutual friends. The group of twelve young men and women went to the movies, played golf and drove out to Four Corners to do some fishing.

“Your move,” Casey prompted. She and J.D. were on the floor in Nettie’s compact lounge room playing Trivial Pursuit. Nettie and Casey lived in the other half of the duplex that J.D. rented. The final members of the ‘mob’ as Nettie had affectionately dubbed them, had just disappeared.

J.D. rolled the die and moved to the allocated square.

“Okay, a history question. What were zeppelins?” Casey asked, smiling.


“What were zeppelins?” the young woman repeated.

“How the hell am I supposed to know that?” J.D. rolled his eyes.

“I know what they are.”

“You just looked at the answer!” J.D. pointed out.

“No, I didn’t.”

“You did, I saw you.”

Casey‘s nose wrinkled. Her eyes flashed with fire. “Fine!” she cried, tossing the card down and getting to her feet.

“What’s wrong?” J.D. asked, genuinely bewildered.

“You just accused me of cheating!”

“No, I didn’t. All I said was that you looked at the answer.”

“Exactly!” With that, Casey turned and stormed into the kitchen.

J.D. rolled his eyes, again. He glanced up at Nettie, who had a strange, yet knowing smile on her face. “I didn’t say she cheated,” the young man claimed.

“Son, when you are courting a girl, she’s always right. No matter what she says or does, let her be right.”

“I’m not courting Casey!” J.D. spluttered, leaping to his feet.

“Oh? Do they call it something different these days?” Nettie asked, looking up over the top of her reading spectacles.

“Well…I… we… we’re just friends!” J.D. flustered, glancing into the kitchen to see if Casey had overheard her aunt‘s comment.

“’Just friends’. So that’s what they call it now.” Nettie went back to her reading.

“Ma’am I… we… I’ve got to be going.”

“I’ll tell Casey you left,” the elderly woman offered, a smile of amusement on her face.

J.D. rushed for the door and raced outside. His cheeks were flushed. He and Casey were just friends… weren’t they? They went out in a group so that meant they weren’t courting. If just the two of them went out together, then that was different. Besides, he wasn’t interested in just the two of them going out… was he?


Vin’s three days...

“Nettie... Nettie, I can do it!” Vin insisted, trying to take the garbage bin from the elderly lady who was struggling to carry it.

“Aren’t your supposed to be on crutches?!” Nettie scolded, stepping around the limping man and disappearing out through the door. Tanner cursed with frustration. He had been home less than an hour when Nettie arrived. J.D. had told her he’d been shot. What the hell had the Kid been thinking?!

Nettie reappeared with the emptied bin. “I really think you should be sitting down.”

“Nettie,” Vin started as she moved passed him briskly.

“What would you like for lunch? Do you have anything decent in this fridge?”

“Nettie, I can...”

“Good Lord, boy. Half of this stuff is older than I am!” Vin limped into the kitchen to find the top part of the determined woman inside the fridge.

“I’ve been away for a week. Nettie. Nettie!”

The woman pulled herself out of the refrigerator, her arms filled with various food items destined for the trash. “Haven’t you sat down, yet?”

Vin sighed, shook his head in defeat and disappeared back to the couch in the living room of his small flat. It was pointless. If Nettie was someone else, he would have sent her packing by now, but how could he tell a sixty year old woman he didn’t want her help?

The rattle of pots and pans advertised Vin’s guest was preparing lunch. “I’m not real hungry, Nettie,” Vin called.

“You need food to build up your strength. Leave lunch to me. I’ve been making lunches for men folk for more years than I care think about.”

Vin dropped his head back onto the couch and focused his eyes on the ceiling. “J.D., when I get my hands on you...”


An hour after Vin’s three course lunch, Mary arrived. “Shouldn’t you have your leg up?” she asked, as she walked through the door. Nettie eyed Mary and then turned back to Vin who was holding his very full stomach.

“My leg’s fine. It‘s my stomach I‘m worried about!”

“I’m sure I heard Nathan tell you to keep it up,” Mary pressed.

Nettie moved across to the couch, placed a pillow next to Vin and inclined her head. Tanner frowned. He didn’t like being told what to do. Nettie’s eyes narrowed. It was a clash of wills.

“My leg feels fine,” Vin murmured.

Realizing that Tanner was far too stubborn to submit, Nettie changed tact. Her face softened, her eyes pleading. “If you’re to be up and about, son, you need to be doing everything Dr. Jackson suggests.” She smiled. Vin let out a long sigh, swiveled in the chair and lifted his leg up. As he did so, he grimaced. Nettie and Mary pounced, both woman leaping to his aid. Vin found himself being doted on for the next hour. At first he felt uncomfortable, but after a while he realized he had no option but to accept their good intentions.

The young man grinned as Mary passed him a beer. “I should get shot more often.”

Nettie, who was seated across from him, snorted.

“Are you staying with him tonight?” Mary asked the other woman.

Vin’s eyes widened. “No, there‘s no need!”

Nettie pursed her lips, thoughtfully. “I suppose someone should. He can‘t get around.”

“NO!... I mean, no, I’ll be okay. Really.” The females exchanged a contemplative look. “Really.”

Nettie nodded. She understood that Vin didn’t like to be crowded. She respected that. “I need to be going in the next half an hour, anyway,” she stated. “You have my number if you need me. Besides, Buck is less than five minutes away. Not that I expect he‘ll be much help.”

Vin’s face relaxed. Both Mary and Nettie couldn’t help laughing at the palpable relief displayed on his unusually expressive face.


Vin settled down in front of the television. Silence. What a beautiful thing it was. It wasn’t that he didn’t appreciate Nettie and Mary’s concern, but it was nice to be alone. Tanner picked up a motorcycle magazine from the small table beside the couch and began to browse through the pictures. His leg was throbbing, but he didn’t want to take another painkiller for at least another hour and a half. Nathan had told him to keep his leg up as much as possible. It was time to listen to his doctor’s advice.

A knock at the door caused the injured man to curse. “Comin‘!” Vin limped across the room and peered out through the small peep hole Chris had insisted be installed. Standing on the doorstep was Inez. Vin opened the door and smiled widely. The raven haired Mexican’s hands were placed firmly on her hips. Her eyes were flinty, advertising her mood.


“Don’t ‘hi’ me. We had an agreement. Your rent is due on Wednesdays.”

“Yeah, sorry about that. I was away.”

“I noticed. I depend on that money to pay my bills.” Inez thrust out her hand.

“Come in and I’ll get you the money,” Vin invited. He opened the security screen and then turned and limped across the room.

Inez watched him curiously. “Have you hurt your ankle?”

“Something like that,” Vin murmured sitting down. Tanner grabbed his wallet from the table and fished around inside it. The young man sighed. It was empty. He glanced up at Inez who had moved to stand above him. “Sorry. Look, I’ll go straight to the bank and withdraw the money. I won’t be a moment.”

Out of the corner of her eye, Inez spotted the crutches. “No, it’s okay. It can wait another day.”

“You sure?”

Inez stared at him and found herself lost in the depth of his blue eyes. “Tomorrow,” she stated with a grin. “So what happened to your ankle?”

Vin shrugged. “Leg. I got shot.”


“It’s okay. Chris dug the bullet out.”


“Relax,” Vin chuckled.

“What happened?” Inez demanded, moving across to take a seat.

“Not much to tell. My leg got in the way of a bullet. It’s fine. Look, I’m sorry about the rent. We got called away.”

Inez smiled. “Saving the world?”

Vin returned her smile. “Kinda.”

“Are you going to be alright for dinner? I could drop in and make something for you.” She was fishing... was he interested?

Vin’s eyes flashed with knowing amusement. “That would be great.”


“Even better.”

Inez laughed. “I’ll see you at 6:00.”

“Sounds good.”


Dinner was enjoyable. Vin didn’t do a lot of talking, but he listened well. Inez laughed throughout the evening, telling different stories about the saloon. Many of them included the boys.

“Senior Buck got a beer in the face,” the woman giggled.

“Animal magnetism wasn’t working, huh?”


“Nothing. Private joke.”

Inez stared at him. She felt comfortable with Vin. No, the word was safe. She felt safe around him. He had come to her aid more than once in the weeks he had lived in the small flat at the back of the saloon. Once, a patron had followed her up to her room. She had screamed and there Tanner was - he appeared out of the darkness, dealt with the assailant and disappeared back into the night with a, “Call me if you need me, Ma’am.”

“I suppose we should clear the dishes,” Vin announced, smiling.

“I can do it. You sit and rest your leg.”

The woman piled the plates up and disappeared into the kitchen. Vin followed.

“You haven’t told me anything about yourself. I’ve been chattering on all night. So, tell me something about you. Where are you from?”

“A lot of places,” Vin dismissed. “Texas, originally.”

“You aren’t easy to get to know.“

“Is that so?“

Inez shook her head. She was not about to be deterred. “Family?”

“None that I know of.”

Inez paused and gazed at him, her face blanketing with sympathy. “No one?”

“Well, I’ve got the boys.”

“It’s not the same.”

“I wouldn’t know. My ma died when I was five.”

Inez reached out and placed her hand on his arm. She could see silent pain reflected in his face. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to...” Pounding on the door interrupted her. “I’ll go,” she offered.

“No,” Tanner argued, glancing at his watch. It was late. Who would be at the door? As he moved through the living room, he picked up his revolver.

“Vin?! What you doin’ in there, boy?”

“Buck?” Tanner asked, opening the door.

Buck’s energetic frame filled the doorway. “Pizza!”

“Pizza?” Vin asked, puzzled.

“Yeah, pizza. I got to thinking you wouldn’t be able to make any dinner with you leg being so sore. So, I rang Nathan and told him not to bother coming over... you owe me for that, by the way. He had some stew heating up. Anyways, I was going to be here around 7:00, but I had visitors.” Buck bounced his eyebrows. “We lost track of time, if you know what I mean?“ Vin grinned. “Well, aren’t you going to let me in?”

“Huh? Oh, yeah, sure.” Vin started to unlock the screen.

Buck spotted Inez. “Oh, hell, Kid. Why didn’t you say something?!” Then, Buck’s face creased with mischief. “So you and Inez...?”

Vin laughed. “We just finished dinner.”

“Good, good. I always enjoy dessert the best!” Buck’s eyebrows were doing some interesting things... his version of subtle encouragement. “Well, me and my pizza are heading home. Now, you two kids enjoy yourselves. And Inez, you keep an eye on his leg. We don’t want him busting any stitches.”

Inez shook her head with disgust.

Buck winked at Vin, turned and trotted back to the banana, singing “Strangers in the Night“ at the top of his lungs. Vin closed the door and turned to Inez. “Buck’s...”

Inez groaned.

Vin nodded. “Exactly.” They stared at each other. “So, what’s for dessert?”


Nathan picked up the phone with his right hand and continued to type with his left. “Jackson.”

“Hey, Nathan.”

“Vin. How’s the leg?”

“Yeah, good. So, where the hell are you?”

“The office. I just want to get this finished before leaving.” Nathan eyed the clock on the wall. It was ten past six already.

“Larabee there?”

“Yeah. Been here every day for the last three days. Gets here before me and is still here when I go.”

“Stupid bastard. Are you two coming tonight? The rest of us... yeah, alright Buck, I’m telling them... the rest of us are already here.”

Nathan smiled. Poker night at the saloon. It was the group’s way of unwinding once a week. The evening was beautifully predictable. Ezra would clean them out and then buy all of them drinks with the money they had lost. Josiah would launch into a sermon about the evils of the money and drink; and Buck and J.D. would try to pick someone up... with varying success. “Vin, I doubt Chris will come tonight. He reckons he’s really busy.”

“I want to talk to him.”

“I’m telling you, it won’t work,” Nathan argued, rising to his feet and heading for Larabee’s office. “He’s in one of his ‘unmovable’ moods. You know what he’s like when he gets like that. Not even you can get him to see sense.”

“You leave Larabee to me.”

When Nathan entered the central office, Chris glanced up from his computer. “I’ll be at least another three hours.”

“Vin,” Nathan informed his leader, handing him the cell phone. Jackson moved to the door and lingered for a few seconds before retreating. He suspected there would be a fiery exchange. He had seen it in the past, but this time, Vin didn’t have a hope of shifting Larabee.

“Hey, Vin. How’s the leg?”

“Okay. How‘s the arm?”

Chris frowned. There was a twang in Vin’s voice that concerned him. Nothing tangible, just a subtle note. “Yeah, it’s good. Everything okay?”

“Huh? Yeah.”

Silence. Larabee’s frown deepened. “Josiah said the nightmares were getting better.”

“Yeah, they... they are.”

Chris glanced at his watch. “You at home?”

“The saloon. Decided I felt like a drink.”

“I might meet you there. I’m finished here. Be there in about twenty minutes. You alone?”

“Buck’s around here somewhere. Saw a girl and... you know, Buck.”

“Twenty minutes.” Chris switched off the phone. “Nathan, let’s call it a night,” Larabee called.

Nathan walked into the office, his eyes wide. “Did you say we’re calling it quits for the night?”

“Mmm,” Chris muttered, saving what he had been working on.

“What miraculous thing did Vin have to say to make you see sense?”

“He didn’t say anything. Just... Josiah said the nightmares were getting better. I‘m not so sure. Vin didn‘t say anything directly. I‘d like to check on him for myself.”

“Oh.” Nathan collected his cell phone and headed out into the main room, a smile lighting up his features. “Vin Tanner, you are good.”


Chris and Nathan arrived to the sound of Josiah’s booming laughter. The two men made their way across the crowded room to the table in the back, which was their usual spot. The Saloon was a service men’s bar. Soldiers of all descriptions came here to unwind. The theme was the old west, which allowed them to transport themselves away from reality for a few short hours.

As Chris walked through the door, several conversations ceased and glasses were raised in his direction. It was a sign of respect. When Larabee had first started frequenting the place, the men used to stand and salute, but he had put a stop to that. Now, they raised their glasses. Larabee nodded a collective greeting to the dozen men spread around the room and they went back to their various conversations.

“Boys,” Nathan greeted as he and Chris joined the rest of their team Chris stared at Vin intently as he took his seat.

“You boys want a drink?” Buck asked. “Ezra’s buying.”

“I don’t remember making such an offer.”

“The less we spend on beer, the more you’ll have to win from us later.”

“Good point,” Ezra agreed. “Beers or something stronger, gentlemen?”

“Beer,” the two newcomers stated.

“So, how’s your mother, Ezra?” Nathan asked.

Standish sighed. “Trying. Very, very trying.”

“I always wondered who you took after,” Buck chirped, snatching Standish’s wallet. The happy man winked and ambled off to the bar to get another round of drinks.

“Hey, J.D., I got a bone to pick with you,” Vin stated.


“What the hell did you think you were doing telling Nettie I’d been shot?”

“She asked how you were,” the boy claimed. “I couldn’t lie to her. You were shot.”

“Been getting some tender loving care, brother?” Josiah laughed, his voice wafting across the room.

Vin scowled.

“Tender loving care,” Buck boomed from the bar. “I came over the other night to make sure he was okay and you’ll never guess who was giving that boy tender loving care!” Buck bounced his eyebrows.

“We had dinner, Buck,” Vin laughed, winking at Inez. The bar attendant was glaring at the captain with the fury of a cobra about to strike.

“And?” the big man prompted, smiling sweetly at the woman.

“Who? Who was over?” J.D. asked eagerly. ”Inez?”

“You can’t comment, boy. I hear you and Casey are courting,” Buck laughed.

“WHAT?! Who told you that?” J.D. spluttered.

“Is there any need for us to conduct this conversation across the room for all to hear?” Ezra asked, noting that they were attracting a great deal of attention.

Vin and Chris exchanged a smile.

It’s good to see that nothing changes.

Larabee nodded. You okay?


By the conclusion of the evening, Ezra had won everyone’s money; Josiah had preached on the excesses of the flesh, J.D. had attempted to convince his companions that he and Casey were ‘just friends; Inez had tipped a drink over Buck’s head, and Vin, Chris and Nathan had enjoyed a good chuckle.

“I’ll walk you home,” Larabee offered.

Vin’s right eyebrow peaked. “It’s only twenty feet. I think I can make it, Cowboy.”

The pair left the bar after seeing their friends off. “You don’t seem to be limping as badly.”

“Been following Nathan’s advice and keeping it up.”

“The nightmares?” Chris asked as Vin unlocked the door of his flat.

“Yeah, okay. Not as bad. Josiah’s been a big help.” The two men took seats in the living room. “So, how are you feeling? The truth, Chris.”

Larabee shrugged. “A little off colour.”

“Well, what the hell do you expect?!” Tanner exploded. “You almost cashed in your chips, Larabee! You need to take it easy.”

Chris dismissed the comment with a shrug.

“Hey, that doesn’t work with me. I mean it, Chris. You can ignore Nathan if you like, but I ain’t that easily dismissed. What the hell is so all fired important that you have to be there from sunrise to sunset?”

“Just bits and pieces.”

“Well, they can wait. Tomorrow, sleep in. The rest of us are going into the office anyway. We’ll call you if there’s a crisis... Are you hearing me?”

Chris nodded, a grin claiming his face.

“Now what the hell are you grinnin’ at Larabee?”

“So, you and Inez had dinner?”

Tanner winked. “None of your damn business, Cowboy.”


“Ezra, Buck, go down and handle those damn reporters,” Tanner ordered. The men nodded and disappeared into the elevator.

“What time are we expecting Chris?” J.D. asked, as he handed Vin some files.

“When he wakes up. Kid, find out what you can about this fella selling the files. There’s information on him in the file on my desk. Nathan, the report on the mission?”

“Finished and on Larabee’s desk.”

“Josiah, I want the layout of this place we’re going to on Friday. All access points.”

“I’m on it.”

“Nathan, there’s a message from Travis on Chris’ machine. Return it for me.”

“You got it. Oh, and I see you accidentally forgot the crutches.”

“Damn, I knew I’d forgotten something,” Vin chuckled, limping into Chris’ office.

Em7 was fully operational after their recent break from active duty.


Buck watched as Ezra raised his hands for quiet. The three dozen reporters, collected on the steps of the building, began to bustle. There were no cameras. Camera’s were not allowed on the base. These men and women would have been searched thoroughly when they came through the main gate.

“Ladies and Gentlemen, I am here to make a statement on behalf of Colonel Larabee.” Instantly, there was silence. “Colonel Larabee would like to state that the three minute work stoppage requested of his colleagues was entirely borne of a need to demonstrate the nebulous and precarious powers of all auspicing departments that coalesce to afford the world a single, though varied, united coalition of security personal who subscribe to the basic premise that those in positions of authority and responsibility are in need of definite and far-reaching understandings of the persons who provide the most staunch and invaluable services, without whom, we would be inexplicably lost to a degeneration of pandemonium and chaos, the likes of which has never been seen.” Mouths were open. The reporters began looking at each other puzzled. Ezra smiled. “Are there any questions?”

The reporters were stunned into silent submission. “And you are?” one man finally asked.

“Agent Standish. I am Em7’s liaison officer. All comments and questions must come through me. The Colonel has requested that I ask you to convey his deep and sincere thanks to all those who supported his appeal and to assure the public that such action should never again be necessary.”

“And why was the action necessary?”

Ezra frowned. “I just explained that, Sir. It was borne of a need to demonstrate...”

“Agent Standish, was the Colonel surprised by the overwhelming support?”

“Colonel Larabee was heartened to find that his colleagues across the globe were prepared to champion such a request based on trust, loyalty and respect.”

“Is it true that Em7 was facing closure up until this point and that this was merely a stunt to demonstrate the Colonel’s power?”

Ezra smiled at the speaker, his eyes focusing on the hapless man as a cat’s on a mouse. “How curious. Let me answer each of your points in turn. First, never, at any stage, did the President of the United States entertain the idea of closing down Em7. Second, Colonel Larabee does not waste his time with theatrical ‘stunts’ used to entertain the masses or provide media personnel with employment. What took place was a spontaneous demonstration of allegiance, commitment, fidelity and whole-hearted determination by the men and woman of the security organizations of the world to stand together as one. Finally, Colonel Larabee claims no power outside of the loyalty of his brothers in arms.”

Buck shook his head. Ezra Standish was one in a million. The captain was standing inside the building watching his companion ‘deal’ with the media through the large glass doors. Buck turned to the girls behind the counter. Three of the four waved and giggled. Buck swaggered across. His attention was drawn to the fourth girl, whom he hadn’t seen before.

“Well, hello there darlin‘. Wilmington. Buck Wilmington.”

The girl stared at him and nodded, apparently unimpressed. “Mr. Wilmington.”

“Call me, Buck,” Buck offered, flashing her a dazzling smile that was laced with every ounce of animal magnetism he possessed.

“I don’t think so. I always call men who are old enough to be my father, Mister.”

Buck’s eyes bulged. His mouth opened and closed. There was a gurgling sound in the back of his throat. The other three women behind the counter rushed to his assistance.


“What is it?”

“Are you alright?”

“Get him a drink of water!”

“Come over here and sit down.” Wilmington was shepherded across the room to a waiting lounge. Still the big man was gasping. Two of the woman began fanning him.

“Are you alright?”

Buck couldn’t believe his ears. Father! Old enough to be her father?!

“Captain Wilmington, I have dealt with... are you alright?” Ezra asked, frowning.

“Yes,” Buck snapped leaping to his feet. “I’m fine. Fine.”

Ezra eyed him curiously. “I’m heading upstairs.”

“Good. Good,” Buck cried, quickly.

Ezra waited. “Are you coming?”

“Yes.” But Buck didn’t move.

“I don’t think he’s well,” one of the women claimed, placing her hand on Buck’s brow.

“That’s an understatement. Come along, Captain. I’m sure it’s just indigestion.”

Buck nodded to his loyal fans and crossed the lobby with Ezra, looking out of the side of his eyes to see if the young girl was watching. She had her head down and didn’t appear interested. Buck whimpered.

Ezra turned to him. “Is there something ailing you, Captain?”



Part Four

In a small cafe in the centre of DC....

Peter Randle glanced at his watch for the twentieth time. The bell on the door jingled signaling the arrival of another person. The cafe was crowded as usual. That’s why Randle had selected it for the meeting.

The newcomer was not who Randle was awaiting for. The portly man shook his head and glanced at his watch. A shadow fell over him. Randle jumped. Standing next to him was a tall man dressed in a black suit. He had entered the room via the back door through the kitchen.

“This had better be important,” the tall man stated in a hushed voice.

“We may have a problem” Randle claimed, inclining his head for his guest to take a seat.

“I see?” For several seconds the two men studied each other and then Randle’s visitor pulled a chair out and sat down.

“It’s been a long time,” Randle stated.

“I’ve been out of the country.” Again, the words were hushed.

“I know. A mutual friend told me of your return.”

“You and Wardell are the only two men alive who know ‘about’ my past.”

Randle gulped at the implied threat. “I haven’t said a thing for two years. Relax,“ he stated, nervously. “What do I call you now?”

“I’m known as Saijo Senshi. What do you want?”

“SeCReTs is organising some sort of exchange with a Japanese agent.”

“It is of no interest to me. “ With that, Saijo Senshi rose to his feet.

The seated man’s face blanketed with anger and frustration. “Look, I only contacted you because I thought you’d be interested! It’s a chip.”

“Don’t contact me again.”

“It’s Red Sun,” Randle cried as Saijo Senshi started to move off. The tall man stopped and turned, his eyes narrowed. “I thought that would interest you. He knows about Henderson’s search and your connection. There’s a chance it may be on the chip.”

The tall man’s face had become intense. “I need details.”

“Then you’ll handle it?”

“I’ll handle it.”


The Em7 office was quiet. Yesterday, they had returned to work and it had been abuzz with activity. Today, the seven men who constituted the world’s top response unit were seated in the conference room. Their leader was outlining his plan to achieve the exchange of the chip.

“I’m surprised he picked the Conference Centre,” Nathan mused. The Roosevelt Conference Centre consisted of a number of single storey buildings set out in a square around a huge central courtyard that contained an award-winning garden. The courtyard was large enough to hold two buildings. The ambiance was perfect for attendees to relax in after hours of listening to lectures.

“Actually, it’s very clever,” Ezra pointed out. “There will be hundreds of people there. They’ll all be indoors. He’ll make the exchange in the gardens when everyone is occupied with their conference. Should something go wrong, he simply fires a few shots, the curious beings indoors rush out and he has an instant crowd to disappear into.”

“I get the feeling you’ve done this sort of thing before,” Josiah chuckled.

Ezra smiled. “Just a few hundred times. Places like the Roosevelt Conference Centre are worth their weight in gold.”

“Red Sun has arranged the exchange for 11:10am,” Chris stated, taking over. “He said he’ll find you, Ezra.” Standish nodded. “He’ll hand you the chip, you hand him the money and the exchange is complete. He leaves.”

“Sounds simple enough,” J.D. stated. “Why did you say we had to do this? Surely someone else could handle it?”

“The CIA wanted ’SeCReTs’ to, but Red Sun will only deal with Ezra.”


“In principle, it would appear easy,” Ezra mused. “However, it will depend just how important the information on the chip is and how many people don’t want anyone to see it.”

“Are there any whispers out there, J.D.?”

“Not a ripple.”

“Good. As for what’s on it, I asked Travis. He doesn’t know. He thinks it may be a case of our government wanting it just to make sure Red Sun doesn’t try to sell it to anyone else. I don’t think they’re very concerned about the contents.”

“You could be right, Sir,” Ezra agreed, thoughtfully.

“Nathan, how many people know about the exchange?” Vin asked.

“Quite a few, I’m afraid. Travis, the seven of us, Bill Freeman, who’s the head of ‘SeCReTs’, the CIA chief and two of his agents - they instigated the exchange initially, the President, Vice-President, Security Chief, and the three officials on the President’s staff who inform him of such deals. Total of eighteen.”

“Not to mention anyone Freeman or Red Sun happened to tell,” Ezra added.

“It isn’t much of a secret,” J.D. commented.

“Nothing ever is, my friend. Which is why I am sure that if anyone is concerned about the contents of the chip, they are probably well aware of the exchange.”

“Okay, let’s plan it,” Chris ordered. “Ezra, I want you here,” the Colonel stated, pointing to a position on the detailed aerial photo J.D. had placed on the table. The youth had cracked the code on one of the CIA satellites and now used the device at will. “There will only be one building in use at that time. Some chefs getting together to discuss pastry.” All of the men grinned.

“Hey, that reminds me, it’s time for morning tea,“ J.D. cried.

“You’ll have to wait. Nathan, I want you here on the steps. If anything goes wrong, you go inside and stop the people at the conference pouring out and getting in our way. Then, rejoin us.”


“Yeah, can’t have all them chefs filled with holes,” Buck chuckled.

“Josiah, I’m thinking you should be over here. You can see the entire courtyard and you’ll be the closest to Ezra should he go down.”

“I‘ll get him out,” the big man agreed.

“J.D., over here. You have good cover if it’s needed and you can see this alley between those two buildings. If there is a hit, our enemy will have to get out of the courtyard. They’re likely to use one of the four alleys between the buildings.”

“Surely they would go through the buildings,” Ezra argued.

“Point taken,” Chris murmured, thoughtfully.

“We need a man on the roof, covering all of the entrances to the buildings,” Vin claimed.

“No, you’re on the chopper with Buck,” four voices cried as one. Tanner scowled.

“Vin, you aren’t real mobile yet,” the pilot pointed out.

“So why can’t the chopper be on top of one of the buildings?” J.D. asked. “That looks like a helipad on top of that building.”

“Check it out,” Chris ordered.

J.D. leaped up and raced outside to use a phone.

“If it is, our problem is solved. Buck lands there. Vin, you can cover all of the doors. If we need to retreat, you’ve only got a couple of feet to safety.”

“Where will you be?” Nathan asked.

“Opposite J.D., covering this alley.”

“Yep, it’s a helipad,” J.D. cried, returning. “I’ve told the manager out there that we’ll be needing it between eight and twelve on Friday.”

“And you told him we were?”

“Health and Safety to do an inspection on the buildings.”

Chris smiled. “Good. Any questions?”

Everyone shook their heads. “Okay, running through it, again.”

After the group had reviewed their strategy four times, Chris was satisfied and dismissed everyone except Vin. “And if there is a problem, I want you on that chopper,” Larabee repeated, glancing at his sharpshooter.

“I understand that section of the plan,” Vin muttered.

“Just make sure you carry it out.”

“Since when do I fail to carry out orders?!”

“Do you want a list?” Chris snapped.

“Alright, already! I’ll go straight to the chopper! I‘d just like to point out that I wasn‘t the one who almost died a week ago. You were.”

“You can’t run.”

“Wanna bet? I bet I could still beat you, grandpa. Crutches and all.“

Larabee grinned. “Do you remember that race we had?“

Vin shook his head, searching his muddled memories. “No, tell me about it.“

“We were camped near...” A shriek from the bathroom sent Tanner, Larabee and the rest of the men racing down to it. They found Buck standing at the hand basin, the water running, his face as white as a sheet.

“Buck?” Chris asked.

“Nothing,” the captain returned quickly. “I’m fine. I um... I slipped. Almost fell over. But I’m fine. Really... Nothing you need to be worried about.” His companions, who were standing in the doorway and the hallway beyond, continued to stare had him startled. “Now, go on you fellas. I’m fine. Just almost fell and gave myself a scare. I’m fine. Go on now.... Why the hell are you all just standing there staring at me? Ain’t you never seen a man washing his hands?!”

Larabee’s left eyebrow peaked, he shook his head and then urged the rest of the men back to their desks. Buck shut the door behind them and then stared into the mirror. Surely he was mistaken! The captain leaned closer. His eyes narrowed and then grew wide. He was right! A GREY HAIR!


“Ten fifteen, and all’s well,” Buck announced. He and Vin were crouched at the edge of the helipad, scanning the courtyard below. It was a beautiful day. The team had arrived at 8:00am, walked the grounds to see if there was anything they hadn’t taken into consideration and then moved into positions at nine. Since then, Buck had been providing a report of ‘all’s well’ every fifteen minutes.

“After this, anyone interested in going dirt bike riding? It’s such a great day,” J.D. asked.

“I’m in,” Vin agreed.

“Not with that leg, you’re not,” Nathan chastised.

“What about you, Ezra?”

“I can assure you, nothing would displease me more than balancing precariously on a two wheeled vehicle and bouncing over inhospitable ground all in the name of so-call fun. At the conclusion of this exchange, I thought I might return home for a spa.”

“Any particular person you’re gonna have join you? A young lady perhaps?” Buck asked.

Ezra sighed, long and deep. “This is why I used to work alone.”

Some minutes later...”Ten thirty, and all’s well.”

“Red Sun will be here by now,” Ezra informed his colleagues. The agent was standing next to the spectacular fountain which was the centre piece of the truly magnificent gardens. His intelligent green eyes were scanning every inch of the enormous courtyard. There were a lot of places to hide, including patches obscured by overhanging trees and various stone structures.

“Boys, we have movement,” Nathan announced into his headset. The medic was seated to one side of the steps, apparently reading a magazine. The doors of the building opened behind the sergeant and men and women began to stream out. “Looks like it’s morning tea,” Nathan chuckled, noting the fact that they were all carrying small plates of food.

J.D.’s stomach growled. “Hell, now I’m hungry.”

“This is a fact that surprises none of us,” Ezra chuckled.

“Boys.” The word was crisp and ended the banter. It was time to become serious. It was only forty minutes to the scheduled exchange. “Ezra, do you see him?”

“No, but I’m sure he’s here somewhere. He will wait until 11:10. No doubt this crowd will return indoors by then. The gardens will be empty.”


Over the next half an hour, the men of Em7 kept an alert watch. Several of the conference attendees came across and spoke to Ezra. Standish conversed politely but was able to dismiss most of the curious people without difficulty.


“There are a couple of Asian looking people down there. I...” Tanner paused. Had he seen movement in the gardens near J.D.? “Six, I thought I saw something to your left.”

Josiah, Chris and Nathan directed their attention to the youth. J.D. scanned the area around him. “Can’t see anything.”

“Alright, Boys. Looks like we’re close. Wings.”

“Boarding now, Sir.” Buck jogged across to the chopper and climbed aboard. He needed to be ready to lift off in any emergency.

Two?” For several seconds, there was no reply.

“I’m seeing shadows moving.”

Chris frowned. “They’re blending in?” Larabee wasn’t sure what his second in command was trying to say.

“I... they... there!” Again, it was gone. “Look, I don’t know what I’m looking at, but there are a couple of ‘somethings’ moving around down there amongst the foliage. You boys be careful.”

Josiah glanced across the courtyard to Chris. The two men shrugged, though neither took the warning lightly.

A bell sounded and the conference guests began to make their way back into the buildings.

“There he is,” Ezra informed his team. “He’s just come out of the door of the conference room.... He’s strolling past Three.” An Asian man made his way down the steps, his eyes homing in on Ezra. There was an exchanged nod between the pair.

Three, he just passed me and is heading toward the fountain.”

Two, got him.”

“Six, I see him.”

Four, got him.”

“One, alright boys, keep your eyes open. Let’s do it nice and easy. He looks calm so let’s make sure he stays that way. Five, hold your position and let him come to you.” Larabee had barely got the words out of his mouth when all hell broke loose. The first thing Chris heard was Buck’s cry.

Two! Two, where the hell are you going?!”

Larabee looked skyward. Tanner was running along the edge of the building. “Two, what the hell...?” It was then that Chris realized that Ezra, too, was running. Now, Chris understood. Vin was trying to cover his team mate who had moved beyond the protection his other companions could provide. “Abort mission. Five’s heading down the southern alley. Cover him! Two?

I have a visual. He’s chasing someone. Tall. Suit. Asian.”

“He’s chasing Red Sun?”

“No, some other Asian guy. They’re... Five! Behind you! Five! Ezra!” Vin dropped to one knee and fired.

Below, Larabee, Jackson, Dunne and Sanchez crossed the expansive courtyard, converging on the spot Ezra had disappeared.. They had no idea of what was going on, but they did know that Ezra was in trouble.

“Holy shit!” Vin cried.


“I’m losing visual. He’s being pursued by four NINJA!”

“Ninja?! Did you say, Ninja?!”

Wings, take up the pursuit!” Chris barked. “Which way?” Larabee demanded as he and Nathan burst out of the end of the alley that led to the car park.

“Your right!” Vin ordered. The sharpshooter raced along the roof of the building, using the scope on his rifle to keep Ezra in focus.

Wings, switch on the camera!” J.D. ordered.



“I can’t see them. Hang on... yep. Ezra and the guy he’s chasing just entered the park and are heading for the jetty,” the pilot informed the men on the ground. “No sign of any ninja.”

Chris, Nathan and Josiah raced in that direction. J.D. had stopped, flipped open the laptop he had strapped to his back and linked up to the camera mounted in the chopper. The boy took up the commentary based on the images being sent to his computer. “They’ve reached the jetty. Ezra’s closing the gap. He’s... EZRA. LOOK OUT! There are four ninja! Shit! He’s down!... Ezra?! It’s okay, he’s moving. Thank, God. He’s up. Colonel, cut across beside the big red wood.”

Five! Abort the chase!” Chris bellowed as he, Nathan and Josiah followed J.D.’s directions toward the jetty.

“He’s started pursuing the man, again.”

Five, I’m ordering you to abort!” Larabee repeated, racing down onto the pier.

“The guy he’s chasing has just leaped onto a speed boat. Looks like the boat was waiting. He’s pulling away. There‘s another guy on the boat. The ninja just vanished! No kidding. They were there one minute and now they‘re gone!”

“Wings, keep them in sight,” Chris ordered. Finally, the colonel had a visual on what was happening. He could see the sleek speedboat pulling away. Ahead, Standish was standing at the end of the jetty panting. Larabee grabbed his agent’s arm. “What the #@&% did you think you were doing?!” As Chris stared into Ezra’s face, he realized Standish wasn’t even aware he was there. “Ezra, are you alright?”

The dazed man pulled his eyes from the speed boat and let them fall on Chris. For the first time, he appeared to be aware the others were around him.

“What the hell’s going on?” Larabee demanded, though his voice had lost the edge that had permeated it earlier.

Ezra stepped away from his leader and glared after the disappearing boat. “It’s him.”

“Who?... Ezra, who?!” Chris waited. When the pale man failed to answer, Larabee inclined his head to Jackson, who had been standing several feet back with Sanchez.

“Ezra, I want to take a look at you,” Nathan stated, gently. There was blood seeping from a cut above his left eye.

Standish’s head snapped around to the men behind him. His entire body was trembling with undiluted rage. “It’s him.” His voice was a deathly whisper. Ezra swallowed, his eyes flashing with a mixture of frenzy and disbelief.

“Who, brother?” Josiah asked calmly.


For several seconds there was silence.

“Boys, I’ve lost him,” Buck informed his team. “They joined some sort of boating carnival. There are hundreds of boats out here. I did a few swoops and found the boat, but it’s empty. They must have jumped ship. Sorry.”

“Bring it home, Wings,” Chris ordered. “Two?”

“Red Sun’s gone, Colonel. And so are the ninja. They even collected the fella I shot and took off with him! What the hell’s going on?!”

“I don’t know,” Chris growled, glancing at Ezra. “But I damn well intend to find out!”


“What did you say?” Travis repeated. “You didn’t complete the exchange successfully?” The general couldn’t quite believe his ears.

“We ran into difficulties. I’ll have a report on your desk before the end of the day, Sir.”

“Of course. Is everything alright?”

“No. I’ll explain later.” Chris put the phone down and peered out through the two-way glass in his office. Nathan was leaning over Ezra, after putting two stitches into the cut in his head. On the trip home, no one had said anything. They were all too stunned.

Larabee waited until Jackson stood up and then he summoned Ezra with a single bark of the man’s name. “Standish!”

Ezra rose to his feet. He was aware of the fact everyone was staring at him. Vin wasn’t. The young man had his head down, focused on something on the floor. J.D.’s eyes had doubled in size. They all knew that Ezra had stuffed up, big time. Not to mention the fact that he had disobeyed a direct order from his leader. Nothing like this had ever happened before. They all knew that Chris would not tolerate such insubordination. They feared what their colonel might do.

Ezra entered the room. “Close the door,” Larabee snapped. His voice was hushed. Lethal. “Sit down.”

Ezra did so. For a long time there was silence. Finally, Standish lifted his eyes to meet his Colonel’s.

“It’s the first time Em7 has ever failed.”

Ezra opened his mouth but shut it. He didn’t know what to say. He couldn’t understand his own actions, let alone explain them.

“You broke cover and endangered the lives of the other men in this unit. I can’t allow that.” Still, Larabee’s voice never got higher than a pronounced whisper.

Ezra’s mouth started moving, but he couldn’t find the words he needed. Larabee studied the man across from him for several seconds, then rose to his feet and moved around the desk.

Ezra drew in a deep breath. Here it comes. He felt physically ill. He’d worked so hard to earn his leader’s trust - to find a place that he belonged - to find men he had faith in - and it had all been destroyed in one incident. In two minutes of insanity that he couldn’t begin to understand, he had shattered the most important thing in his life - his relationship with these men whom he felt privileged to call colleagues... and friends.

Ezra didn’t know what Chris was about to do, but the words the colonel had said to him on the day he had joined the unit were dredged from his memory and replayed. “In this unit, I call the shots. You do what I say, when I say and you do it without question. The lives of the other men in the unit depend on you doing what is expected of you. If you ever endanger the lives of any other man in this squad through arrogance, disobedience, or stupidity, it will be your last day with us. If you betray us, I will kill you myself. Do I make myself clear?”

Chris had made himself abundantly clear. Ezra dropped his head. The breath he had been holding was expelled and shuddered in his chest.

Larabee stopped beside Ezra and placed his hand on the other man’s shoulder. “Standish, next time give us some sort of warning.”

It took a few seconds for the words to sink in. Ezra stared up at his colonel. “I...”

“You reacted, that’s not like you.” Ezra saw compassion, the likes of which, he had never seen in Chris’ face before.

“This man has been in my dreams for the last two years,” Standish stated, trying to explain.

Chris sighed. “Ezra, you’re not on your own here. We’ll back you, but you’ve got to tell us what you’re doing. You don’t work alone anymore. Your decisions affect all of us, both professionally and personally. You disobeyed an order. You endangered the lives of the men in your team.“

“I know. I...“ Ezra shook his head. “Colonel, something just snapped inside me. When I saw him standing there I...“ Ezra swallowed. All of the rage he had felt resurfaced.

Chris squeezed his friend’s shoulder. “I understand.”

Standish snorted. “Then I wish you’d explain it to me.”

“I didn’t say I could explain it, but I do understand. When I saw Eli Joe and realized what he had done to Vin... to all of us, I had no idea of what I was doing. I snapped, like you did, today.“

Ezra stared into his Colonel’s eyes and saw complete and total understanding. “Sir, I’m sorry. I heard you tell me to stop, but it didn’t register.“

Again, Chris nodded. Larabee patted Standish’s shoulder and then moved back around to sit down.

“First and foremost, we’re a team. You disobeyed an order. For that, I should beat you senseless and give you your marching orders, but I can’t. I can’t because I know you well enough to know this was a one off and that you would never knowingly endanger the lives of the others or disobey me.”

Relief spread across Ezra’s distressed face. “Thank you.”

“It can’t happen again. I want you to understand that.“ The words were firm. Larabee meant it. If Ezra ever disobeyed another order or endangered his team again, there would be no second chances.

“I understand.“

Chris pursed his lips and then sat back in his chair. The hard part was over and the colonel looked relieved. “Ezra, like I said, first we’re a team. But second, we’re friends. You tell me what you need and I’ll do everything I can to support you. The whole team will - both professionally and personally.”

Ezra nodded. “Thanks, Chris.”

“The man you saw was Yang Le?“

Ezra swallowed. His face blanketed with anger. “Yes.“

“Alright. We better fill the others in. They don’t know a lot of what happened in your past. I think it‘s time they did.”


Part Five

When Chris and Ezra re-emerged, all eyes turned in their direction. There was a sense of trepidation throughout the room.

“I decided it would be too hard to find another liaison officer who could speak as much shit,” Chris murmured.

Josiah and Nathan exchanged a smile. Both men climbed to their feet, crossed the room and shook Ezra’s hand in turn.

“So, he’s staying?” J.D. clarified.

Larabee nodded.

“Yes!” Buck and J.D. shared a high five and then the pair followed Nathan and Josiah’s lead. Ezra smiled at his colleagues. Their support meant a lot, as did their forgiveness. Standish turned his attention to the only man who hadn’t moved. Vin was still seated. The Texan’s head bobbed once as a relieved smile settled on his lips.

“I must apologise for my appalling behaviour.”

“That’s okay,” J.D. offered, happily.

“It’s not,” Chris argued. “But he has his reasons and it’s time he shared them. The conference room.”

Vin stood up and reached for his crutches. Running on his leg had not helped its recovery. Nathan watched him carefully and waited for the injured man before following him into the conference room.

“This goes back to Ezra’s last mission for SeCReTs. Ezra,” Chris prompted.

Standish waited until Nathan had assisted Vin into a chair and then he scanned his companion’s faces. “As you know, my last mission went horribly wrong. I...” Ezra shut his eyes and shook his head. “It was his fault.”

“The fella you were chasin’?” Vin clarified.

Ezra nodded. Finally, he opened his eyes. His face was emotional, which was very unusual. Ezra had the best poker face known to man, but at the moment, it had been stripped away. There was anger and a lot of hurt reflected in the young man’s pained green eyes. Josiah placed his hand on Ezra’s shoulder in silent encouragement.

“I suppose I should start from the beginning. Two years ago, the CIA intercepted a telephone call. The speakers were discussing a weapon. A weapon of great power. ‘Without equal’ and ’the most powerful weapon known to man’ were the phrases they kept using. Naturally, this sparked mild hysteria in security circles. No one knew anything about the weapon. Our government wanted it, or at least, wanted to know what it was. However, they couldn’t be seen to be trying to obtain such a weapon, not considering the United States was trying to develop an Anti-weapon Development Treaty with the other nations of the world.”

“And so they called in SeCReTs?” Buck guessed.

“Exactly. It was my case. I traced the call to a Japanese source. Contacted them and outbid the buyer they had secured.”

“Who provided the money?” Nathan asked.

“The government.”

“How much are we talking about?” Vin asked.

“A lot.” Ezra grinned. “Quite a few million.”

“Ohhh. This is the money you kept?” J.D. inquired.

“I don’t know what you are talking about, Agent Dunne. The money disappeared.” Standish winked at his young friend. Almost immediately, the smile left his face. “The exchange was arranged. Normally, I worked alone, but Freeman insisted on me taking backup. Reluctantly, I did. We’d never handled anything so large - not money wise and certainly not as potentially important. This weapon, if it was all that the seller was claiming, had the potential to be devastating. It was essential that we obtained it. The three agents who joined me were Stevens, Phillips and Beaton. I’d worked with all before. We weren’t friends, but they had always proved capable in the past. The exchange was to take place in the basement car park of the Martin Hotel in the centre of DC.” Ezra’s eyes glazed as his mind wandered back to that day...

Ezra peered through the limited light. He could hear the sounds of footsteps. A number of people were approaching. “Stay out of sight,” he ordered his two colleagues strategically hidden in the garage. The third agent was stationed in the lobby upstairs. Ezra didn’t understand why Beaton insisted on being there, but to be honest, he wasn’t particularly interested. He didn’t like working with others. Others made mistakes. Most ‘others’ couldn’t be counted on. They only complicated things.

“He’s not alone,” Stevens informed Ezra, via the wire he was wearing.

“I didn’t expect him to be. Just stay calm.” Out of the shadows, a group of five men appeared. All were Japanese. Four were very heavily armed. “Gentlemen.”

“You are alone?” the unarmed man demanded in heavily accented English.

“No. I brought a couple of colleagues with me. They will do nothing as long as everyone remains calm. You’ve heard of SeCReTs. You know how we work. We never double-cross our customers. We have no need to. We are simply brokers. We have our client’s money. You have the item.. Let’s do business.”

The Japanese man smiled. “No conscience. I like that.” He withdrew a plain manila folder. Ezra frowned. He wasn’t sure what he had been expecting, but whatever it was, that wasn’t it.

“They’re the plans for the weapon?” he inquired.

The other man stared at the SeCReTs’ agent and then snorted. “You have no idea of what you are buying, do you?”

“A weapon.”

“Not a weapon. The weapon. The secret to the ultimate weapon. You outbid someone who has been after this power all his life. I doubt he will accept his defeat without retaliation.”

“That doesn’t concern me. I’m just here to make the exchange.” Standish opened his laptop and placed it on top of the hood of the nearest car.

“Who is your client?”

Ezra smiled. “I can not betray their confidence. Let’s just say they are very anxious to secure the weapon. I‘ve arranged everything, just as we discussed. Type in your Swiss account number and the money will be transferred automatically”

As the Japanese man stepped forward, there was a swish.

Ezra spun around. Standing behind him was a man dressed completely in black. A ninja?! “What the...?”

The ninja reached out and snatched the folder from its startled owner. Then he flipped backwards several times and disappeared among the cars.

“What’s going on?!” the Japanese man demanded. His four colleagues drew weapons.

“He’s not with us,” Ezra cried, pausing the transfer on the laptop before turning and giving pursuit. “Phillips, Stevens! I’m after him. Warn Beaton.”

“I see him. He’s moving toward... hell, there are more of them!” Phillips cried.

Ezra ducked down between some cars. He listened. There was no sound. To his right, a door slammed. Ezra leaped to his feet and raced toward the stairs. The ninja carrying the folder was heading up the fire exit toward the lobby. “Beaton, there’s a ninja headed your way. He’s got the plans. Stop him!”

Ezra burst out into the lobby. There were people everywhere. Standish scanned the crowded room. In the centre, he spotted the ninja. The ninja was handing the folder to someone. Ezra‘s eyes enlarged. The recipient was a SeCReTs agent! “Le?!”

Both the ninja and Yang Le turned. “Come on!“ Le cried, racing toward a corridor. For a split second Ezra stood dumbfounded, but all too quickly he understood what was going on. Le was double-crossing them, stealing the plans and no doubt going to sell them to a third part; perhaps the original buyer whom Ezra had outbid.

“Phillips, Stevens, Beaton! The ninja gave the folder to Yang Le!”


“The ninja are working with Le! He’s stealing the plans.” Ezra weaved his way though the people and dived down the corridor.

“Le’s stealing the plans for the weapon?“ Phillips cried, astounded.

“Either that, or he’s desperately in need of a manila folder!“ Ezra caught sight of the men flee through a door. Standish paused, took out his gun, calmed himself and then leaped through the opening, his revolver sweeping the area. He was in an alley. To his right were a number of trash bins. To his left, a car. There was no sign of Le and his accomplice.

Cautiously, Ezra turned toward the trash bins. He strained to hear any sound. His own breathing was the only noise in the alley. Ezra swallowed. He didn’t like this. Le and the ninja wouldn’t have had time to reach the end of the alley before he arrived therefore, they had to be hiding here somewhere. “Stevens, Beaton, Phillips, I could use some backup.” He waited. “I could use some back-up,” Ezra repeated. Silence. An alarm went off inside the agent. None of this was right.

Ezra edged forward. Abruptly, his gun was knocked from his fingers. Ezra turned. On his left was the ninja holding a staff. The ninja swung the staff again.

Ezra dived to the side, rolled and came up holding a trash tin lid. “Where’s Le?”

Without warning, there was a blur of movement. Another five ninja appeared. All were wielding staffs.

“Gentlemen, I don’t have any argument with...” All five staffs were swung at once. Ezra avoided four, but not the fifth. It caught the side of his head, just under his left ear. His world jolted to the right. He was falling. Ezra hit the ground and tried to roll out of the way of the staff descending toward his head....

“And that is the last thing I remember. When I awoke, I was in hospital.” Ezra sighed deeply.

“So what happened?”


Ezra blinked several times. Instantly, he became aware of his pounding head. When he opened his eyes, Freeman was standing above him.

“The weapon?” Ezra whispered.

“We don’t know.”

Ezra cursed. He knew how important securing the weapon was.

“Can you tell us what happened?” It was only then, Ezra realized the room was full of men in suits.

“We were about to make the exchange when a ninja appeared out of nowhere and stole the folder.”

“The weapon was a folder?” one of the men around the bed demanded.

Ezra nodded and then wished he hadn’t. His head was pounding relentlessly. Freeman noticed his discomfort. “I had them reduce the painkiller so you’d wake up. It’s important you tell us what happened.”

“I understand. I pursued the ninja.”

“What about Stevens, Phillips and Beaton?”

Standish stared at the speaker. So far, he was the only man who had done any talking. The ID badge pinned to his lapel had the name ‘Conner Wardell - CIA’ on it. For several seconds Ezra stared at Wardell and then directed his attention to Freeman. “Stevens and Phillips stayed in the garage and Beaton was supposed to be in the lobby, but I never saw him up there.”

“Why did Stevens and Phillips stay?”

“I don’t know. It all happened incredibly quickly.”

“Go on.”

Ezra had a bad feeling. He didn’t like the way these men were glaring at him. “I chased the ninja up the fire escape and into the lobby. He handed the folder to Agent Le.”

“Le?!” Freeman cried. “He’s supposed to be in Los Angeles.”

“He’s not. I pursued him and the ninja to the alley and called for backup. No one responded to my request.”

The men around the bed exchanged glances.

“Where are Stevens, Phillips and Beaton?” Standish asked.

“What happened in the alley?” Wardell demanded.

“Perhaps you did not understand my question? Where are Steven’s, Phillips and Beaton?” Ezra repeated.

“In the hospital.”

“Is their story so different to mine?”

“We haven’t spoken to them. We want to hear your version.”

Again Ezra couldn’t dismiss the feeling that there was something he wasn’t being told.

“What happened in the alley?”

“I was attacked. First by one and then five more ninja. There was no sign of Le.”

The men in the room glanced at each other and then turned and left. Freeman remained.

“What’s going on?” Ezra demanded.

“That’s what we’re trying to find out. Stevens, Beaton and Phillips are dead.”

“What?! But...” Ezra was stunned. He remembered what Phillips had stated as he was running toward the stairs. “There was more than one ninja. They must have tried to stop them.”

Freeman nodded. “We’re in deep shit, Ezra. Those men are from the CIA, and a dozen other government agencies. They wanted that weapon badly. This could blow up in our face.”

Ezra sighed and winced.

“Get some rest. I‘ll let you know what‘s going on when I find out myself.”

“Thanks.“ Ezra watched his boss go. Stevens, Beaton and Phillips were dead?! Why hadn’t they reported they needed assistance? Ninja?! What was that all about?!

Realising he wasn’t about to find any answers laying in a hospital bed, Ezra got up. For several seconds he swayed, his head spinning uncontrollably. He’d been hit hard. After a few seconds, the injured man felt steady enough to make his way to the door. Just as he was about to open it, he heard voices.

“... all that money and no one knows where it is?!”

“They’ll find it.”

“Yeah, but how many of these SeCReTs agents are corrupt? That money could be long gone by now.”

Ezra withdrew. They were right, on both accounts. How many people had double-crossed him? Le for sure, but had he been working alone? Ezra realized he needed to ensure the safety of the money. After all, ultimately he was responsible for it. He needed to find a computer, but how did he get past the men outside his door?...

“I secured the assistance of a nurse and used her to distract the men in the corridor outside my room. I went to the nurses’ station and used a computer to move the money I had placed in a dummy account into various accounts, finally collecting in a Swiss bank account I created that day. I never intended keeping the money. I just placed it there for safekeeping for I no longer knew who I could trust.”

“Come on, Ezra. How much?” J.D. urged.

“I’ve heard everything quoted from five million to twenty-five million,” Josiah commented.

“How fascinating.”

“You aren’t going to tell us, are you?”

“I returned to my hospital bed. Unfortunately, I had a severe concussion and running around the hospital took its toll. When I awoke, my room was crowded once again. I repeated my story some ten times and then they began to question me. Questions like, where was my revolver? It was at this point I realized things had taken a turn for the worse. I found myself arrested for the theft of both the money and the weapon and for the murder of my three colleagues and the five Japanese gentlemen who had been selling the weapon. Le had video evidence supporting his claim that he was in Los Angeles at the time of the attack and he alleged that Beaton rang him during the exchange and told him that he had overheard me talking on the phone to someone regarding re-selling the weapon. I was moved from the hospital to a maximum security prison, without the benefit of any phone calls. There I sat for ten days until my trial.” Ezra paused. He had been pacing around the room. Standish shook his head and moved to a chair. “I was stunned throughout the trial. People who I knew were twisting things I had said to them so that they had double meanings. Stevens, Phillips and Beaton had been killed with my gun. The five Japanese men had their throats cut using a sword - a sword that had my fingerprints on it. I had been framed very efficiently. It was astounding how well orchestrated it was. They produced bank records showing huge deposits into my account. My phone records revealed I had been talking with known terrorists for the past twelve months. As I said, Yang Le had video evidence proving he was in Los Angeles at the time. Then he was killed in a car accident on the day he was to give evidence at my trial. They even pinned that on me! I was tried, convicted and labeled a murderer, terrorist and traitor.” Ezra dropped his head. The emotions he felt were so mixed. Anger, frustration - even a little regret. He had lost his life that day. Everything had changed. The way he viewed the world had been altered forever. “It was surreal. Like I was watching it happen. People who I had trusted began to look at me like I was some sort of monster. The only person who believed my innocence was my mother.” A half-grin lit up his face. “She said to me she had no doubt that I could be a terrorist or that I could murder someone, but she knew that I would never betray my country.”

“It must have been hard on her,” J.D. commented.

“It was, but my mother and I became closer than we’d ever been before. I was sentenced to the electric chair and there I sat on death row for almost a fortnight. Then, out of the blue, General Travis visited me. He said he could offer me a pardon if I agreed to sign on to work in a new organization he was developing. Naturally, I signed on the dotted line immediately.”

“How could Travis have a convicted man pardoned?” Josiah asked.

“The general and I had met once. I warned him of a plot I had come across. I suppose it would be correct to say that warning probably saved his life. When he heard of my plight, he did some searching and discovered a document that outlined how a mystery person was going to be ‘set-up’. Bank records, phone records etc, but the clincher was the reference to the victim. They referred to him as ES, which, of course, are my initials. There was another short trial. The prosecutor said that I had created the document myself. Thankfully, the judge felt that there was enough doubt to drop the charges against me. I was freed and the next day, ended up here working with you. I didn’t intend staying. I was going to abscond at the first opportunity so I could investigate what happened myself, but I realized that being a member of this group gave me access to the information I was seeking and so I stayed. My investigations ran into dead ends and finally I gave up.”

“And the man you saw today was this Yang Le?” Vin asked.

Ezra nodded.

“But you said he was killed in a car accident,” Nathan stated.

“Clearly not. Considering the expertise with which the rest of my frame was orchestrated, I do not see why faking his own death would have been a difficulty.”

“Ezra, I was watching you. You and that fella only looked at each other for two, three seconds at the most. Then he took off and you only saw the back of him. How can you be sure it was him?” Vin asked.

“It was him,” Ezra growled.

“J.D., did you record the chase?” Chris asked.

“Yep. I’ll see if I can find a picture of his face. I’m afraid most of it was his back. Give me a minute.”

“I’d like to get a look at the court transcript. I want to know how they think you were able to kill eight men, seven of which were armed,” Nathan mused.

“They suggested that I wasn’t working alone and that my ‘accomplices’ escaped with the weapon. As for the Japanese being armed, when their bodies were found, they had no weapons.”

“Whoever set you up knew what they were doing,” Vin muttered.

“So why didn’t they just kill you in the alley?” Buck asked.

“They needed a scapegoat. Dead, I was no use to them. Alive, I could be blamed for everything, tried, convicted - case closed. They had the guilty man and so no one was going to keep looking for who was really responsible.”

“Got a picture of him. He’s turning back to look up at Buck when he was on the speedboat.” J.D. slid the laptop across to Ezra.

Standish gripped the screen. His knuckles went white. “That’s him.”

“Are you sure?” Chris asked firmly.


“Alright, that’s where we need to start,” Larabee stated. “Boys, brainstorm it. J.D., take notes.”

The computer technician reached for the computer. Ezra still held it. J.D. pulled. Ezra unfolded his fingers, but his eyes remained glued to the face of the man who had betrayed him.

“We need to know who was in that car accident if it wasn’t this Yang Le,” Nathan offered. “We’ll need to find the body and exhume it.”

“We need to find out about that weapon and whatever happened to it,” Josiah mused. “Ezra?”

“It never surfaced. Not a peep. I have kept my ear to the ground for two years and there hasn’t been a whisper.”

“That doesn‘t make sense. If the CIA wanted it so badly and thought it was such a threat, surely they wouldn‘t just let it go,” Buck agreed.

“We should collect together all of the information we can on what happened that day. Court transcripts, the CIA and Secret’s files and any others we can get our hands on,” Nathan suggested.

“I’d like to see this video that proves Yang Le was in Los Angeles,” Chris murmured.

“If they changed your bank and phone records they may have left clues. I’ll need the original computer records. I might find something,” J.D. offered.

“We’ll need information on Yang Le’s background and the background of all of the men who died in the garage that day.”

“Not to mention the ninja,” J.D. added.

Chris turned to Vin. The young man hadn’t said anything. “Vin?”

“I want to know why, if this Le fella went to so much trouble to fake his death and disappear, why would he jeopardize that today by showing up?”

“He didn’t know Ezra would be there.”

Vin shook his head. “It’s got to be more than that. We need to find out what it was on the chip that interested him. Had to be something.”

Larabee nodded. “Ezra, contact Red Sun. Tell him we still want the chip. Vin’s right. We need to know what‘s on it. Alright, let’s allocate jobs. J.D., find Yang Le’s body. I’ll ring a judge I know and get an order to exhume it. I want you to make the arrangements and be there at the examination. We need to know who’s in that grave.”

“Me? Couldn’t Nathan...?”

“I may need Nathan here.” Chris wanted Nathan around to monitor Ezra on a medical level. Standish had not been a healthy colour since the confrontation at the conference center.

J.D.’s face screwed up with disappointment. Dead bodies lacked excitement.

“Josiah, I want copies of the court transcripts, prosecutor and defence attorney notes, CIA records and anything else you can think of. And I want that video tape evidence that placed Yang Le in Los Angeles.”

“What about the SeCReTs‘ files?”

“Leave them to me. I’ll handle Freeman. Buck, I want interviews set up for tomorrow with every person who testified at the trial.”

“No problem.”

“Once you’ve done that, I want you to find out anything you can about those ninja.”

“Where the hell would I start?” Buck asked.

“Use your initiative.”

“Hell, we’re in trouble,” Vin chuckled. Buck elbowed Vin and grinned.

“Ezra, first, ring Red Sun and try to arrange another exchange for the chip. Then, go back to the Martin Hotel and retrace your steps with Vin and Nathan. Relive it. It may jolt something loose.”

“It’s been two years,” Ezra argued.

“Exactly. Being back there may help you to remember things more clearly. Vin, you ride shotgun with Ezra. If there are any other ninja jumping out at him...“

“I get the picture,“ Tanner murmured.

“Nathan, video his every movement and comment. There might be something we can use. Once you’re done, I want you to find out everything you can about Yang Le, the man selling the weapon that day and the person who Ezra outbid. He‘s the most likely person Yang Le sold the weapon to.”

Ezra fixed his gaze on his leader. “Thank you.” His voice was soft and full of emotion. They didn’t doubt him, despite the overwhelming evidence. The unquestioned trust didn’t surprise him, but it affected him more than he had realized it would.

“This bastard stuffed up one of ‘my’ missions, this time. I want his ass!” Chris stated, winking at his agent. “Alright, boys. Don’t just sit there. Get on with it.”

The group dispersed. Chris moved directly to his office, flicked open his telephone book, picked up the phone and dialed the number for SeCReTs.

“This is Colonel Larabee of Em7. I want an appointment with Freeman in the next hour... no, tomorrow wouldn’t be better for me. I want one today. I’ll be there in an hour. You just tell him I’m coming. He’ll see me... Yeah, alright. I’ll wait.” Chris sat down.

Moments later, Freeman nervously greeted Larabee. “Colonel Larabee. What an unexpected pleasure. What can I do for you?”

“I want to talk to you about Agent Standish.”


“I’ll be there in an hour.”

“Actually, I have a pretty busy afternoon. It may be better...”

“This is important. I’ll be there in an hour.” For several seconds there was silence.

“May I ask what it is regarding?”

“His last mission for you.”

“I see. That may take a while. I’ll clear my afternoon.”

“I’d appreciate that.”


That afternoon, J.D. found himself on a plane headed for a small town in Colorado. This was where Yang Le’s body was buried. The Em7 agent was greeted at the airport by the local sheriff and driven out to a tiny cemetery on top of a hill.

“So, you’re from that Em7?” the Sheriff asked, happily.

“Yes, Sir.”

“Sir?” the elderly man laughed, his Santa Claus shaped frame shaking with mirth. “I should be calling you, Sir, son.”

J.D. grinned. “How about we stick with J.D. and Sam?”

“Sounds good to me, lad.”

“Have you worked in this area for long?” J.D. inquired as the Sheriff pulled the squad car into the dirt parking lot.

“Thirty-five years.”

“Did you know Yang Le?”

“Never heard of him. He’s not a local.”

“So why was he buried here?”

“I checked the files. He was brought here because he requested it in his will. I have no idea why.”

J.D. followed the sheriff around the side of the quaint wooden church that had been built more than a century earlier. As they emerged on the other side, a man in a suit turned and strode across to them. He was the leader of the five-man coroner’s team who had been sent to exhume the coffin. “Agent Dunne?”

“That’s right.” The two men exchanged a handshake.

“I’m Peterson. We spoke on the phone. My team is almost done. I’ve arranged to have the remains taken to the closest hospital and I’ll do the examination there. Is there anything in particular that I’m looking for?”

“We have reason to believe that the man who is supposed to be in that coffin, isn’t.”

“I see. Do we have dental records?”

“I’ve got them here.”

“Then it should be a relatively easy process to confirm if this is him or not.”


After a fruitless effort to contact Red Sun, Ezra, Vin and Nathan drove to the Martin Hotel in the centre of the city. Nathan parked in the underground parking lot. The medic turned to Standish. “You feel okay?” Ezra had been extremely quiet.

“Yes.” When the three men alighted from the vehicle, Vin passed Nathan the video camera. “Chris wants it taped and I ain’t any good with things like this.”

“Where are your crutches?”

“God, damn,” Tanner cried with mock horror. “I left them at the office. No worries.” Nathan eyed Vin with disapproval as he accepted the camera. The pair turned to their companion who had moved several feet from the car. Ezra’s eyes were narrowed.

“Ezra?” Vin prompted.

Standish glanced toward his partners. “I still don’t see how this will help.”

“We won’t know if you don’t try.”

Standish sighed and then began to explain the events to his companions.


In the Em7 office, both Josiah and Buck were on phones. Chris strode across the room, mouthed to Buck that he was off to visit Freeman and then disappeared into the elevator.

Buck replaced the receiver in his hand and glanced at Josiah who had also completed his call.

“He’s going to see Freeman,” Buck murmured.


“He doesn’t like Freeman.”


“Maybe one of us should have gone with him?”

“Maybe one of us should have gone instead of him?”

Neither man doubted their leader’s ability to get the answers required, but Chris wasn’t exactly a ‘people person’. He was far from patient with self-absorbed individuals wound up in their own worth. Freeman certainly had a high opinion of himself. It had been his idea to establish an organization that dealt in secrets. Overnight, he had become important. He found himself transformed from a fairly average CIA agent, to someone who was hob-knobbing with some of the most significant people involved in the security of the nation. His opinion was sought and listened to. This had inflated Freeman’s ego beyond all proportions.

Unfortunately, the one thing that Josiah and Buck knew of Chris Larabee was that he held little regard for such people and did nothing to hide his feelings on the matter. Larabee had come across too many senior officials in the army who were wound up in their own self-importance. Men who had power but knew little and thus were directly responsible for needless deaths.

For this reason, the colonel kept to himself and avoided contact with officials as much as possible. Recently, Ezra had taken on the role of liaison officer and all agreed that he did a superb job, but it would impossible for him to handle this particular meeting.


“Colonel Larabee,” Freeman greeted, offering his hand as Chris entered the room. “Please take a seat. So you’re interested in Standish’s last mission? May I ask why?”

“I want to know what happened.”

Freeman studied Larabee’s face. “Agent Standish is causing you some concerns? I did try to warn General Travis, but he refused to listen to me.”

“His last mission,” Chris prompted, in a low voice.

Freeman realized Larabee wasn’t going to be forthcoming with any information, so he decided the best course of action was to be as helpful as possible and perhaps afterwards, Larabee would open up.

The head of SeCReTs opened the folder on his desk. “We were contacted by the CIA. They needed us to bid on a weapon on their behalf.”

“What sort of weapon?”

“They had no idea. In some communications they had intercepted, it was described as the most powerful weapon known to man. We were given a limitless budget. I assigned the case to Standish.”


Freeman sat back in his chair and reached up to scratch the moustache above his lip. “Because Standish was the best.”

“You had complete faith in him?” Larabee inquired.

“At the time, yes.”

“Go on.”

“Like I said, I assigned the case to Standish and within the hour he had contacted the seller and outbid the original buyer. The exchange was set for a couple of days later. To my horror, I had two of my agents come to speak to me the next day. We had been experiencing some haemorrhaging of information at that time.”

“You had a leak?”

“Someone was selling some of our information. I had asked Stevens and Beaton to look into it. They came up with Standish’s name. He was just a little too good at what he did. They believed that Standish was playing both sides and ending up with a nice little profit on the side.”

“That’s why you assigned them to join Ezra at the exchange.”

“Exactly. They feared that he may secure the weapon for himself and then sell it on the open market.”

“Why? What evidence did they have?”

“Well,” Freeman started, rifling through the notes in the folder. “His telephone records showed he had been conversing with a number of known terrorists.”

“Anything else?”

Freeman stared at Larabee. The colonel’s face was hard, yet unyielding. “I had no option but to investigate, Colonel. Beaten had overhead a conversation that led him to believe that Standish was going to steal the weapon and sell it to a terrorist he had contacted. I sent Beaten, Phillips and Stevens along to catch him in the act. The only problem is, all three men were killed so I have no idea of what transpired.“

“Nor any proof against Standish.“

“On the contrary, the three men were killed with Ezra’s gun. I admit, I was inclined to believe his innocence at that point. If Standish was going to kill someone, he wouldn’t do it with his own gun. Still, the evidence against him was overwhelming and so...”

“And so you abandoned him,” Larabee accused.

“Now, hang on a minute! I had three men dead and all of the evidence pointed to one man. A man, whose only defence was that he was off chasing another of my agents who was on the other side of the country! What the hell was I supposed to believe?!” Freeman’s face had gone red.

“I want the files. Everything you’ve got on this.”

“You’re welcome to them. I think you’ll find it very disturbing reading. I don’t suppose Standish mentioned that Agent Le had an air-tight alibi?”

“He told me.”

“Did he mention that he threatened to kill Le and three days later, Le’s car burst into flames with him in it? Did he mention that the money from the exchange disappeared and so did the weapon.”

“I’m told there has never been any sign of the weapon since that day.”

“That’s right.“

“What’s your theory?“


“You must have a theory on what you think happened,“ Larabee pressed.

“I suppose I do,” Freeman stated, leaning back in his chair again. His ego had just been stroked. “I don’t believe there ever was a weapon. If pressed, I’d say Standish engineered everything from the beginning just so he could get his hands on the money. He didn’t realize that Beaten, Phillips and Stevens were on to him and so he was forced to kill them.”

“And you believe that? You believe that Ezra is capable of murdering eight men in cold blood?” Chris asked in a hushed voice.

“Yes. Aren’t you? Ask yourself this, Colonel, is Ezra Standish capable of doing everything possible to save his own skin? That’s what happened that day. I don’t believe he set out to kill those men, but he had been backed into a corner and he knew he didn’t have a choice. It was him or them. What would any man choose in that situation?”

For several seconds there was silence. “You don’t know Standish very well,” Larabee claimed in a hushed tone.

“I don’t know him, or you don’t? Colonel, I can understand your loyalty to him. When he was one of my operatives, I defended him too, but I didn’t let that obscure my view. Ezra Standish is a conman. That was why he was so useful to SeCReTs. He can con a man out of anything or into anything. I fear he may have conned you into believing he is the man you want him to be. It is his gift, Colonel. He’s a chameleon. He can be whoever he wants to be. I don’t know that anyone knows the real him... perhaps even he doesn’t. However, never lose sight of the fact that Ezra Standish is on this Earth for what he can get for Ezra Standish. I suggest you take a good hard look him and remove the loyalty issue. Is he really who you think he is? Think about it.”

Part Six

Saijo Senshi entered the room and bowed. At the window, with his back to the door, stood a man staring out over his fortress.


The man turned and nodded to the newcomer. “You have some news?”

“I’m afraid not, Sir. We are still...”

“I am sick of your excuses!” Thomas Henderson spun around and returned to staring out the window. He was a wealthy man, but that wealth could not provide what he wanted. His longing was becoming unbearable.

“The search is supposed to take time, Sir.”

Henderson turned and glared at Saijo Senshi - a man known only as ‘The Master‘ to the ninja who worked for him. Henderson appeared about to shred the other man, but his face calmed. “Have you uncovered anything new?”

“We may have a lead. It would appear that the trail has led to the United States, just as I had suspected.” The Master had been following clue after clue. His search had taken him around the globe. Two weeks earlier, he had uncovered information that had forced him to return to the US. “I will be investigating it as soon as possible.”

Henderson’s eyes narrowed. “Why not now, this instant?”

“A small problem presented itself today. Don’t worry. I will handle it.”

“What problem?”

“An old foe has resurfaced. I assure you, he will not interfere with my mission.”

“What old foe? Is this anything to do with me?”

“Not at the moment. However, he is a most able man who may find his way from me to you. I will deal with the situation.”

“See that you do... and Saijo Senshi, I am growing impatient. I pay you and your army well for your services. I want to start seeing some results.”

“Yes, Sir.” The Master bowed again and then left the room. The tall man took out his cell phone and dialed a number he had not used for a long, long time.

“Agent Wardell.”

“Wardell this is an old friend. An old friend who made you very, very rich.”

“What the hell are you doing calling me?! We had an agreement!”

“We have a problem. I need something done about Ezra Standish.”

“What?! Why? Standish was taken care of. Anyone who could clear him is dead. The final loose ends were tied up when that car exploded. Standish stopped looking for the weapon years ago.”

“I want him dealt with.”

“How? These days he works with Larabee, for Christ’s sake.”

“I’m sure you’ll think of something... otherwise, I will be forced to ‘deal’ with this myself and then I’ll have to eliminate all loose ends!” The threat hung in the air for several seconds.

“What do you want me to do?”

“Get Standish behind bars. I’ll take care of the rest.”


Nathan scanned the alley. To the left was a dead end. The end of the alley to the right was a hundred feet away. Too far for Le and the ninja to have made it there before Ezra burst through the door.

“So where did they go?” the medic asked, still holding the camera and filming.

Ezra shook his head. “I came back more than a dozen times and I could not answer that question. The walls are solid. There are no openings onto the alley except through the door I used. The nearest balcony is twenty-five feet straight up. The only place was behind the car that was parked there. Enough space to conceal two men but not the other five who jumped out at me.”

“How long were you out here before the ninja attacked?” Nathan prompted.

“Between ten seconds and half a minute Definitely less than a half a minute.” Ezra glanced at Vin, who was looking up at the balcony. “Lieutenant Tanner?”

“Just thinkin’. Maybe the ninja and Le did hide behind the car and the other ninja were up there. Climbing up there would take some time, but what if they were already there. Coming down wouldn’t be a problem. Just have to jump.”

“Impossible,” Nathan argued. “They’d kill themselves.”

“Chris and I jumped that far from the wall the other day,” Vin argued.

“Yes, but that was onto grass, not bitumen.”

Ezra gazed skyward. “I think Vin may have a point. Nathan, give me a boost. I want to try it.”

“WHAT? No! You’re not seriously thinking of jumping from that balcony?”

“It is the only way to see if it’s possible.”

“Out of the question, Ezra! You’ll break every bone in your body and then I’ll be expected to put you back together again! There is no way you’re doing this. No way. Over my dead body!”


“For God’s sake, Ezra! This is ridiculous!” Nathan cried in exasperation. Standish was standing at the edge of the balcony twenty-five feet above the anxious medic. Jackson turned to Tanner. “Lieutenant, stop him. He’ll kill himself.”

“He knows what he’s doing,” Vin murmured.

Nathan shook his head in frustration. “At least wait until I run back to the car and get my bag. Then I’ll be ready to treat all of your broken bones. Oh, come on, Ezra. Don’t do this! Vin, stop him!”

“Please step further back, my friends,” Ezra suggested at he readied himself to jump.

“Ezra, you have done this before?” Vin clarified. He suspected Standish had. Ezra was no fool and would not attempt such a feat unless he was certain he could do it.


“Yes?! Now what the hell do you mean by that?” Nathan asked. “I think...” Before he finished the sentence, Ezra jumped.

The lithe agent left the balcony. Mid-air he somersaulted perfectly and dropped to the ground like a panther, landing in a crouch only a few feet from Vin and Nathan’s feet. Carefully, Ezra stood up and dusted invisible pieces of dust from his jacket. “It would appear you may be right, Vin. The ninja were most likely waiting up there.”

“They had an escape plan just in case,” Vin agreed. “Just like they did today at the conference centre.”

Nathan’s jaw was hanging open. “How the hell did you do that?!” he spluttered. “That... that.... that was incredible!”

“I am a man of many talents,” Ezra chuckled. Nathan continued to stare at Ezra like he was staring at someone with two heads. “I have stated many times before, I am no soldier. However, I do have my areas of expertise. I trained with one of the worlds’ best martial arts experts before joining SeCReTs. I admit, I’m a little rusty, but then, if I am able to land safely, then I‘m sure the ninja probably could have as well.”

“A little rusty! Hell, Ezra, you never said anything about being able to do things like that! That was... my, God!” Nathan continued to look from the balcony to the ground and back again. “I haven‘t ever seen anything like that in my life. Why didn‘t you tell us you could do something like that?”

“I don’t imagine it ever came up in the conversation. That, at least, solves one of the riddles. I suggest we return to the office and see what our companions have uncovered.”


J.D. swallowed. He had just been summoned. He’d been into a morgue before. He’d had to as part of his training for the CIA. However, that didn’t change his aversion to the place. Morgues had a smell all of their own. The young agent had spent the past hour in the waiting room, trying not to breathe in.

Dunne entered the examination room and swallowed again. His stomach started to churn. The smell was acute in here. J.D. tried to avert his eyes from the examination table, but he was forced to look in that direction because Dr. Peterson was standing next to the table.

J.D.’s eyes widened. The remains were skeletal. Dunne wasn’t sure what he had been expecting, but this was much better than anything he had anticipated. Just bones. Bones he could handle.

“Agent Dunne, the fire this man was caught in was intense and destroyed most of the bones. However, the skull is largely in tact. The dental records are a perfect match, as are the medical records. Yang Le broke his arm as a teenager and as you can see there,” the doctor stated, pointing to a piece of bone less than four inches long, “that is part of his arm and there is the mended break. Despite only having a few bone fragments to make my analysis, I am prepared to make a positive identification. I’m afraid this is definitely the man Yang Le.”

“No room for any doubt?” J.D. asked, disappointed. There were so few bones, after all.

“No, I’m afraid not. The dental records alone would have been enough. In this case, we have a second piece of evidence in the form of the broken arm. This is definitely Yang Le.”

J.D. sighed and nodded. Then he offered his hand. “Thank you, doctor.” The youth moved toward the door and pulled out his cell phone to report in. He knew this was a blow, particularly for Ezra. If this was Yang Le, who had Ezra seen at the Conference Centre?

“Colonel, I’ve got some bad news. Yang Le is the fella in the coffin... Yeah, he’s sure. Are you going to tell Ezra?... I understand. Yep. I’m on my way back, Sir. See you some time tonight.”


J.D. felt tired when he returned to the office at 10:45pm. He wasn’t surprised to find all of the boys present. The youngest member of the team reported what he had found. Ezra sat in silence listening carefully to all that the Dunne had to say.

“I’m really sorry, Ezra. That man you saw today wasn’t...”

“It was him,” Standish growled. The men glanced at their leader.

“Are you sure, Ezra? Are you sure that the man you saw was Yang Le?... I don’t just mean you think you’re sure. You’re really sure it was him?”

Ezra drew in a deep breath. “I was sure,” Standish whispered. “Now, I don’t know.”

“None of that changes the fact that Ezra was set up two years ago. I reckon it’s time we cleared Ezra’s name for him,” Vin stated, firmly.

Chris glanced at his second in command and then swept his eyes around the group. All of the men were nodding their agreement.

“We have to locate that chip we failed to secure today,” Larabee stated without emotion. “We need to find the man who interfered with the exchange. A man who isn‘t Yang Le.”

“Colonel, we need to clear Ezra’s name,” Josiah insisted.

“Travis cleared his name.“

“He still doesn’t know what happened that day,“ Nathan pointed out.

“That’s got to weigh on a man,“ Vin murmured.

Chris sighed. “Alright. Ezra we’re prepared to go all the way, if that’s what you want. But be warned. This is going to mean dredging up all of your past. Everything. You can‘t keep any secrets.”

“I have nothing I need hide from any of you,” Standish stated, quietly.

A smile formed on Chris’ face. Finally, Ezra had realized that fact. “Good. Well, I say we call it a day. I’ll see everyone back here tomorrow morning and we’ll review where we’re at and form a plan of attack.”

“Sounds good to me,” Buck agreed.

“I’m starving. Anyone want to come to my place for pizza?” J.D. asked.

“Pizza?!” Nathan cried. “Pizza is crap! It has no goodness in it at all. How the hell do you expect your bodies to keep functioning if you don’t put decent food into it?!”

Chris smiled and turned to go.

“Hang on a minute, Larabee. You’re part of this. When was the last time you had a decent meal?”

Chris glanced back at the medic, his head tilted to the side, his left eyebrow raised.

“Don’t give me that look, Chris. I’m not talking to you as my Colonel. I’m talking to you as your doctor!”

“Calm down, Nathan. We...”

“You’re all clogging up your system with crap. God damn...” Jackson began mumbling under his breath about his companions all expecting him to keep them well... “but how can I possibly be expected to do so if you all eat nothing but shit! So from now on you’re all coming to my place on a Wednesday night for dinner. Then I’ll know you’ve had at least one decent meal in the week.”

“Well, actually, Nathan...” Buck started

“No dates on Wednesday nights from now on, Buck,” Jackson snapped.


“You can meditate at my place,” Nathan cut Josiah off.

“I have my lesson with Mary on a Wednesday night,” Vin stated, innocently.

“Reschedule it.”

Vin glanced at Chris. Damn. It didn’t work.

“Nathan, there may be some nights when...” Larabee began.

“Chris, from now on, the world can look after itself for two hours on a Wednesday night.” Nathan turned to Ezra expectantly. “So what’s your excuse for getting out of it?”

“I have no excuse, just a statement of fact. I happen to eat very well.”

“No, you don’t. All that high flatulent shit you eat isn’t any good for you. J.D.?”

“Um... Ummm.”

“Good. So it’s settled. You’ll all be at my place at 6:00pm every Wednesday night. Good,” Nathan growled, moving off toward the bathroom. “Now, I’m happy. Expect me to keep you all functioning with all the crap you put...” Jackson’s voice faded out as he disappeared.

“Okay, who got Nathan all riled up?!” Buck demanded, pointing an accusing finger at his equally bewildered colleagues.

“I don’t know, but he’s sure got a bee in his bonnet,” Josiah agreed.

“Every Wednesday night,” Vin murmured screwing his face up. Nothing Nathan ever cooked was appetising.

“Chris, can’t you order him? I mean, it’s against the Geneva Convention to force feed people stuff that tastes that bad!” J.D. pointed out.

Larabee winked at his companions and told them to go home. The Colonel headed back into his office to finish up the report he was working on. Nathan entered the room and closed the door. The two men stared at each other. Chris had been expecting his doctor.

“When did you realize?” Larabee asked.

“This morning. What’s going on Chris? You’re a shocking colour.”

Larabee stared down at the files in front of him. Nathan approached the desk and stopped in front of it.


“I’ve been vomiting at night since we came back from the jungle.”

Nathan had to struggle to push his anger away - anger at the fact that his colonel hadn’t said anything. “Anything else?”

“Pain in my back. My feet and legs are swollen. Abdomen as well.” Chris gazed up at Nathan without emotion.

Jackson shook his head in frustration, moved around the desk, indicated for Larabee to stand and then pulled Chris’ shirt up and began examining him. “When was the last time you ate?”

Chris shrugged.

Nathan shook his head, again. “You should have said something. Damn it, Larabee. I’m not just your friend, I’m your *#$@ doctor.“

“At first, I just thought it was a reaction to the drugs and trauma after being shot but...“

“But? So when the hell were you going to say something to me?!“

“I knew you’d work it out.“

Nathan stared at his leader. “I’m not a mind reader, Chris! We‘re talking about your health!“ The two men continued to glare at each other. Finally, the anger abated. Nathan patted Chris’ arm. “Look, the swelling could well be a reaction to the drugs you’ve been taking. The vomiting as well. However, I want to be sure. Give me a minute to collect some things. I want to take a blood sample.”

Larabee watched Jackson go and then sank down into the chair. He had been going to tell Nathan after the mission that morning, but all hell had broken loose and there simply hadn’t been time.

Nathan returned and quickly took a blood sample. “There isn’t any need for the others to know,” Chris commented.

Nathan grunted. “Vin already knows. He’s the one who told me to take a good look at you.”

Chris wasn’t surprised. “Just tell him I haven’t been eating.”

“I’m not doing your lying for you, Larabee. You want to lie to him, you do it yourself. You’re coming back to my place tonight so I can keep an eye on you.”

Larabee nodded and then smiled.

“I don’t know what you find so amusing.”

“Nothing. Thanks, Nathan. I mean that.”

“You’re not getting out of this that easily, Chris. I’m going to give you a piece of my mind the entire trip home. Then, I’m making something for you for dinner... Yeah, I thought that’d wipe the stupid grin off your face!”


The next morning, the men broke into two groups. Vin, Ezra and Nathan were assigned the team’s present case. Larabee had decided that it may be easier on Ezra if he focused on the missing chip and Red Sun. Standish had requested to work on the two year old case, but Chris’ orders had been quite clear. Therefore, Ezra and his two allocated partners set off to track down the Japanese agent so they could initiate another meeting and procure the chip.

The rest of the men set to work on the two year old case that had seen Ezra end up on death row. Buck was reading the CIA information about the weapon Ezra had been purchasing on their behalf. Josiah was reviewing the background of Beaten, Stevens and Phillips. Chris was reading the files that Freeman had given him, though his interviews with those who testified at Ezra’s trial were due to start at 10:00am. J.D. was supposed to be looking into Yang Le’s background, but the youth decided to study the video information he had filmed from the day at the Conference Centre. Ezra was still sure that the man on the tape was Yang Le. Perhaps there was something on the tape that may help to put his friend’s mind at rest.

At 5:00pm, Vin, Nathan and Ezra returned to the office. The looks on their faces advertised their failure. “Red Sun’s dead.”

Chris frowned. “How?”

“He was unable to swim in the harbour with a tonne of concrete tied to his ankles,” Vin stated sarcastically.

“Damn. The chip?”

“If he still had it, it’s on the bottom of the river.”

Chris flicked his eyes to Ezra. “Is there any way of finding out what may have been on the chip without actually getting our hands on it?”

Ezra’s brow furrowed. “I can make some calls.”

“Do it.”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Nathan and Vin, see what you can find out about the ninja. They appeared yesterday at the drop and the day Ezra was set up. See if you can find out if they‘re the same group and what the hell their interest in all of this would be.”

Nathan and Ezra left the room. Vin lingered in the doorway. “Lieutenant?” Chris asked, returning to the file on his desk.

“Don’t pull that bullshit. How are you feeling?”

“Better,” Chris muttered, purposely avoiding eye contact with his best friend.

“Chris?” Vin demanded.

Larabee glanced up. “I’m feeling better. Nathan had a good look at me last night. Seems I need to rest.”

“Then go home!”

“I will when I’ve...”

“Go home, now!” Vin growled, walking up and aggressively closing the folder in front of Chris.


“Don’t.” Tanner’s voice was low and left no room for discussion. He wasn’t in any mood for Chris to be pulling rank.

Larabee stared at his best friend and then nodded. “Alright. I guess I’m a little tired. Dismiss the rest of the boys.”

Tanner nodded, his face blanketing with real relief as he left the room. “Boys, that’s it. Let’s go home.”

“What about the phone calls?” Ezra asked.

“Tomorrow. Where’s J.D.?” Vin asked.

“He high tailed it out of here saying he needed to get to the library before it closed,” Buck stated, stretching his back.

“Why was he going to the library?” Ezra asked curiously, glancing down at the notes J.D. had scribbled and left on his desk.

“He didn’t say. Who‘s up for some for McDonalds?”


The only lights on in the building were on the second floor where J.D. was hunting through the archives. Viewing the video had paid off. The man Ezra had chased at the conference centre had a piece of paper sticking out of his pocket with a series of numbers and letters on it. While the last few numbers were missing, the first few were clearly evident once J.D. had enlarged the image. J.D. realized he was looking at a library reference number. It was a one in a million chance that the state library would contain the item, but J.D. had decided it was worth a look.

The Em7 agent was seated at a table to one side of the room. Scattered carelessly on and around the base of the table was a pile of old books, manuscripts and maps. Because the end of the reference had been missing, J.D. couldn’t be sure if he was looking for a book, map, newspaper article or manuscript . What he did know was that the word ‘archive’ had been written above the number and thus the archives at the library was where he had started his search. Unfortunately, he had discovered more than two hundred possible matches.

J.D. sighed and deposited another manuscript on the ground. It would really make things easier if he knew what he was looking for. He wasn’t even sure if the reference number was important. Maybe the man Ezra had chased had an overdue book!

Dunne glanced at the pile of items he had yet to check and then at the mess around the table. The librarian’s final words entered his mind. “Agent Dunne, all you have to do is pull the door shut as you leave, but make sure you leave the library as you found it. I don’t have time to be cleaning up after you!”

“Gonna take me forever to put all of this away.” J.D. picked up the next item. It was a hand written manuscript. The manuscript was inserted in a plastic cover that said, ‘do not remove unless wearing gloves.’ The pages were old and stained yellow from years collecting dust. The title of the manuscript was “Washington: A City of the Future.” Of course, when this was written, 1900 would have been in the future!

Without explanation, the hair on the back of J.D.‘s neck began to prickle. He was consumed by the disconcerting feeling he was being watched. Nervously, the young agent lowered the manuscript to the table and scanned the room. There was movement to his right. He turned. There was no one there - just shadows.

“Is there someone there?” Dunne called. His voice echoed in the huge room. J.D. waited, listening intently. The library was silent. The dim bulb above the desk did little to light the rest of room that was hidden behind shelf after shelf of books.

A full minute passed. Finally, J.D. sighed and dismissed the incident as one provoked by lack of food and sleep. J.D. returned his attention to the pile of items around him. It would take all night to go through them, and after all, the reference may not be connected to his case. Tired and disillusioned, J.D. decided to call it a night. He had hoped to find something that would prove that the man Ezra had seen was not Yang Le so that Ezra’s mind would be put to rest.

Dunne began to collect the books and other items from the floor and pile them up on the desk He’d come back early the next morning, collect everything and take it back to the office. If Chris thought it was a worthy lead to follow up, then he would. If not, then he would return it all.

Just as J.D. reached for the aged manuscript to place it on top of the pile, his instincts warned him he wasn’t alone. A split second later, he was attacked! The moment’s forewarning allowed him to defend himself. He fended off his assailant by spinning away to the right as Josiah had taught him. By the time the agent regained his balance, the room appeared empty again.

“What the....” J.D. muttered. A flash to his left. His attacker flipped once and landed in front of him. J.D. gaped. The intruder was dressed completely in black, a hood covering his head. On his feet he wore black soft martial arts shoes. In his hand was a wooden staff.

“A Ninja!” J.D cried, astounded. The youth didn’t have time to consider further. The black clad man attacked again. J.D. blocked the staff with both hands and the then swung a round house punch. The ninja leaped up over the top of J.D., flipped mid air and came down behind the Em7 agent.

“Wow!“ J.D. exclaimed, spinning around. The ninja’s stance showed he was ready to attack again. “Hang on a minute! Look, I don’t know what you want here, but I‘m an agent with Em7 and I‘m armed so you...” J.D. spotted movement out of the corner of his eye. He ducked just in time. Another ninja. No, another four of them! “Oh, shit!“ J.D. reached for his revolver. He was outnumbered. The time for games was over.

The team of black clad individuals attacked fluidly and as one. Well trained reflexes allowed J.D. to avoid the first wave, but not the second. There were simply too many of them. One of the staffs caught the agent on the left shoulder. J.D. stumbled, but regained his feet quickly. He knew if he went down, he wouldn’t have a chance. Dunne grabbed at his cell phone. He needed to let someone know where he was and what was going on, but the phone was struck from his hand.

A whizzing sound. Two deadly disks cut through the air. J.D. threw himself to the left, the disks passing over him with only a hair’s breath to spare. “Jesus!” J.D. realized he was now fighting for his life!

Dunne withdrew his gun and leapt to his feet in one action. “Okay, that’s it! I warned you!” Before the angry agent could raise his weapon, it, too, was knocked from his hand. Stunned, J.D. watched his revolver spin across the room.

A staff arced through the air and ploughed into Dunne’s stomach. A second blow descended across his back. J.D. stumbled forward. A third blow to his head and the young man fell to the ground dazed. Pain radiated through his body. A small voice inside him ordered him to get up! He had to defend himself but the room was spinning and his arms and legs were failing to respond to his commands.

“This could be it. It’s a manuscript, not a book!” a warped voice stated.

“He saw it. Kill him.”

One of the ninja strode across to the downed man and lifted a staff above him. A swish.

J.D. braced himself. A pair of expensive leather shoes landed in front of him. There was a grunt as the staff was blocked. Again, J.D. tried to pull himself up, but he was so groggy, all he succeeded in doing was falling onto his side. He lay panting, trying to see through the blaze of pain. J.D. didn’t know what was going on and was unable to process any thoughts.

Another whizzing sound. More ninja disks! Out of the corner of his very blurred vision, J.D. spotted a staff descending with great speed toward his face. The young agent raised his arms to fend it off, but it stopped inches from him. The weapon had never been intended to strike him. Two deadly metal disks struck the wooden stick preventing them from taking J.D.‘s head off. The staff was lifted. J.D.‘s thoughts began to clear. He could hear the sound of wood clashing - a battle was raging above.

Abruptly, there was silence. J.D. shook his head in an attempt to clear his vision. A hand was thrust down in front of his face. J.D. glanced up.


“Easy, my friend. You’ve had a rough night.” J.D. gripped his companion’s arm firmly and allowed Ezra to pull him to his feet. The youth held his stomach and straightened slowly. His head was pounding, his stomach aching and his hand bruised from the two blows it had taken. Finally, the younger agent straightened and his vision cleared. He found himself staring into the concerned green eyes of Standish.

“I’m okay,” Dunne stated, answering the question held by his friend’s tense expression.

“They say looks can be deceiving. I think we should call Dr Jackson.”

“Ezra, they were ninjas!” the computer expert cried in astonishment. “What happened to them?” The room around them was empty.

“They have vacated the premises,” Standish murmured, reaching out and turning J.D.’s head to the light so he could examine his companion’s pupils. “It would appear you have been spared a concussion. Are you hurt?”

“A little bruised, but fine,” J.D. dismissed quickly. He had just caught sight of the staff in Ezra’s hand. The two deadly disks that had been thrown at Dunne’s head were firmly embedded in it. J.D.’s mouth opened in shock as realization settled. Ezra had swung the staff with such accuracy that he had effectively blocked the disks and saved J.D.’s life. “You fought them! I mean, you beat them!”

Ezra turned away from his amazed companion and wandered across the room to examine the disks that were embedded in the wall.

“Ezra how did you...?! I mean....”

“As I have stated in the past, I am a man of many talents.”

“Many talents! I... they...”

“Did they procure what they were searching for?”

“Huh? Oh! They said something about a manuscript.“ J.D. rushed across to the table. The top manuscript was gone. “Why would they have wanted that one?”

“What was the subject matter?”


“What was it about?” Ezra clarified.

“The history of DC.”


At half past two in the morning, all of the lights were blazing in the library. Em7 had been summoned by their colleagues and were listening stunned to J.D. and Ezra’s tale. Also milling around the room was a forensic team.

“They left through this window,” Ezra explained.

“We’re two stories up,” Vin pointed out.

“Can these bastards fly?” Buck cried, studying the drop to the ground.

“They wouldn’t have gone down. They would have gone up. I considered pursuing them, but I wanted to check on J.D.”

“Yeah right, Standish. You must think you’re Spiderman!”

Nathan eyed Standish. “Don’t be so sure he wouldn’t be able to, Buck.” What Nathan had seen the day before had certainly opened his eyes to Ezra’s abilities.

Chris stood listening intently. The frown on his face deepened the more he heard. He glanced at his second in command who had moved across to the table to examine the books and manuscripts. Tanner didn’t actually touch anything. Forensics would want to dust them for prints.

Em7’s leader turned to the medic who was standing beside J.D. “He okay?”

“A couple of deep bruises. No concussion.”

“I would have been dead if Ezra hadn’t showed up. They were going to kill me.” J.D. flicked his eyes to Ezra and nodded his thanks again.

“We need to find these bastards,” Buck growled. “Interfering with our bust is one thing. Trying to knock the kid off is altogether different.”

“Calm down, Buck,” Josiah urged.

“And the only thing missing is the manuscript on the history of Washington?” Vin asked.

“As far as I can tell. I hadn’t been through everything so I can’t be sure. They seemed surprised ‘it‘ was a manuscript, whatever ‘it‘ is.”

Tanner walked across to Larabee. “We just moved out of our league, Colonel. We aren’t detectives. We’re soldiers. I think it’s time we secured some help.”

Larabee nodded his agreement. He had been thinking the same thing. Em7 were a response team, not an investigation unit.”

“That may be true, but they hit one of us,” Buck argued. “I say we handle it.”

“Not at the expense of the investigation,” Larabee stated, firmly. “There’s nothing more we can do here, tonight. Nathan, stay and help the forensic unit. I want a report in the morning. The rest of you, head home. Ezra,” Chris prompted. Larabee and Standish moved off to one side.

“Chris, you could use some sleep, too,” Nathan called. Larabee waved the medic off.

Vin strode toward his colonel with a determined expression on his face.

Chris had seen that look before. “You‘re dismissed, Lieutenant.”

Okay, but you head home, too.

I will. Just have a few things I want to clarify with Ezra.

Vin nodded his understanding of the unspoken assurance, then turned and followed his team mates out of the room.

Chris turned to Ezra. “Were the ninja really going to kill J.D.?” He needed to know. J.D.’s perception of what happened was just that, a perception. A man who has been attacked usually believes that his attacker was trying to kill him. It was a standard human response. Standish would be far more analytical having witnessed the attack.

“Yes, Sir, I‘m afraid they fully intended sending young agent Dunne to meet his maker,” Ezra murmured, passing Chris the staff that had the ninja disks embedded in it.

Larabee’s eyes darkened. As Buck had stated, interfering with their mission was one thing. Attempting to kill one of Larabee‘s men - that had been a huge mistake on their part. “How much do you know about ninja?”

“After the incident two years ago, I became quite well acquainted with their methods and history.”

“I want to know everything.”

“Of, course. For now, I think you should heed your own sound advice and go home. I, for one, am tired and you look like a few hours of slumber would do you good as well.”

Chris smirked at the other man. “Don’t you start. I’m having enough trouble with Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum!”

“Don’t knock it, Chris. They care. You’re a lucky man.” Standish paused and then grinned. “Besides, it is a brave man who would call either Lieutenant Tanner or Sergeant Jackson Tweedle Dumb!” The pair exchanged a chuckle and then departed, leaving the coordination of the investigation in Nathan’s very capable hands.


Part Seven

The following morning passed incredibly quickly. Chris was tied down to meetings with witnesses from Ezra’s trial. Nathan spent it with the forensic team, though there was little to report. J.D. contacted all of the libraries in the United States to see if he could locate another copy of the manuscript. Buck continued to plough through the reports provided by the CIA. Ezra spent several hours at the morgue trying to find out details about Red Sun’s death. Unlike his colleagues, Vin didn’t come into work. Rather, Nathan dropped him off for a three hour appointment with his physio.

When Tanner limped into the office just after lunch, Ezra was the only occupant. “You say something to offend them?” Vin asked, taking a seat with a grimace. His leg was throbbing with vengeance. It hadn’t felt too bad this morning. Of course, that had been before Nathan’s friend had decided to assault it! “I tell you, that bastard enjoys his job.”

Ezra smiled. “I suppose physiotherapists have an interesting job. They must be the only people we willingly pay to inflict pain upon us.”

“Yeah. So, where are the others?”

“J.D. absconded to speak to a history professor at the University who majors in Washington history. Our young Agent Dunne is certain that the manuscript is important.”

“The ninja took it, I suppose.”

“More than likely to cover the fact that they removed something else. It is an old trick. Take something obvious to distract from the real theft.”

Vin’s right eyebrow arched. “Speaks a man from experience. The others?”

“Colonel Larabee has gone to a nursing home to speak to a woman who testified against me.”

“A woman in a nursing home testified against you?” This appeared to amuse the sharpshooter.

“She was staying at the Martin Hotel and saw me flash through the foyer, though she failed to see the people I was pursuing.”

“So she thought you just decided to take a sprint through the foyer?”

“Apparently so. Last I saw Captain Wilmington he was saying something about showing someone he wasn’t old enough to be a father, or some such nonsense. He was making no sense at all.”

“Sounds like Buck. Nathan and Josiah?”

“Josiah has gone to the CIA to join Nathan. He is still talking to the forensic team.”

“How are you holding up?” Vin asked, almost casually.

Ezra smiled. “I am doing well. Thank you for asking. Red Sun died of blood loss. It appears someone blinded him with acid before attacking him with ninja disks.”

“Those metal disks we saw at the library?”


“Those guys get around. Any sign of the chip?” Ezra suspected that Red Sun may have swallowed the chip to stop his assailants from getting it.

“No, the coroner found no sign of it.”

“Chris wants that chip.”

“Actually, I may have some information about that,” Ezra stated, opening his notepad.


Before Standish could answer, the elevator beeped and the doors opened. Six men in suits stepped out. Both Vin and Ezra rose to their feet.

“Agent Wardell. It has been a long time.” Wardell and Standish glowered at each other.

Vin’s eyes narrowed. “Want to introduce me?” He could see mutual hatred reflected on Ezra and Wardell’s faces.

“This is Agent Wardell of the CIA. We met after my last case with SeCReTs. He gathered the evidence against me.”

“Ezra Standish, you are under arrest for perjury,” Wardell stated. There was no smile on his face, but it was obvious the words gave him true pleasure.

“What?” Vin exclaimed.

“Perjury?” Ezra inquired with surprise, covered expertly with amusement.

“You have the right to...” Four of the six men moved toward Ezra.

Vin blocked their path. “Now, hang on a minute.”

“Step out of the way or I’ll arrest you for interfering with the course of justice.” Tanner’s face darkened.

The group of men started to move toward Standish, again. Vin raised his hand. “Back off!”

“Vin,” Ezra stated calmly, stepping up beside his companion. He didn’t want this to get out of hand and he feared it had the potential to. Tanner’s intense desire to protect him may outweigh common sense at this point. For a split second, Ezra marveled at the fact that he knew his colleague well enough to know that. Vin’s actions were always deliberate. Every angle was assessed in a spilt second and options weighed up before any action was taken. Vin never jumped in. His reactions were always based on careful deliberation, even if that deliberation took less than a second. However, when it came to protecting those he cared about, Vin had a tendency to give way to his instincts. It was a conscious decision on his part, not a loss of control. Vin allowed his instincts to take over and to hell with the consequences. Tanner would defend a friend to the death without thought for his own safety.

Vin’s cool blue eyes were narrowed and intense. He was ready to strike.

“What evidence do you have that I perjured myself?”

“A witness has come forward. You may have beaten the murder rap because a man can’t be tried twice for the same crime, but we’ll get you for perjury. You did kill those people and now we have a witness.”

“This is bullshit.” Vin growled in a low, harsh voice.

“Cuff him,” Wardell ordered.

“You aren’t taking him,” Vin snarled, slipping his shoulder in front of Ezra to stop the advancing men from reaching his companion.

One man made the mistake of grabbing the sharpshooter. Vin twisted, lifted him up and threw him over the top of a desk. The action sparked a brawl. In seconds, Tanner and Standish were standing above their beaten and bruised foes. Wardell leapt up, withdrew his revolver and pointed it at Tanner. “Don’t move.”

Both Vin and Ezra drew. The other men collected themselves and did so as well. All eight men stood unmoving, their weapons held out in front of them in a form of standoff.

“You don’t want to be doing this,” Wardell stated. “You’re outnumbered and don’t have a chance.”

“Don’t bet on it, asshole!” Vin snapped back.

For several tense seconds the men remained frozen, their firearms pointed at one another.

“Alright,” Ezra conceded, lowering his weapon. Getting Vin shot or arrested would achieve nothing.

“Ezra!” Vin cried, maintaining his aim.

“No, Lieutenant. This isn’t the way.” Standish placed his hand on Tanner’s arm in encouragement. Then he turned to Wardell. “I will come without fuss if you agree to forget this little incident.”

Wardell glared from Standish to Tanner and back. Finally, he nodded and lowered his weapon. His men followed suit.

“Ezra?” Vin asked, lowering his own revolver. His hard eyes never left Wardell.

“They have a court order. We need to fight this legally.”

“They aren’t taking you. They aren‘t putting you in a cage.”

Ezra could see blind determination in Vin’s eyes. Standish stepped closer to his resolute friend. “We will achieve nothing by incurring their wrath. Call the Colonel. Tell him what has happened. Their witness is lying. We simply have to prove that.”

“I don‘t like this.”

“Both of us locked up will not help me, Vin. They will arrest the two of us if we persist. Besides, I’m not so sure the Colonel will be particularly happy if we end up full of holes.”

“We can take them.”

“I don’t doubt that for a minute.” Ezra stared at his younger friend. He could see that this man, whom he’d known for only two months, was prepared to do everything and anything to protect him. He had never had anyone show that sort of loyalty to him before. “Please. It’s better this way.”

Vin searched Ezra’s face for several seconds. “You sure about this?” He wouldn’t let Wardell and his men take Ezra if Standish didn’t want to go.

“I’m sure.”

Vin snapped his head toward Wardell. “Okay, but if anything happens to him... if he ends up with a scratch, I’ll come looking for you.”

“I’m shaking in my boots,” Wardell muttered. Vin saw red.

Ezra held the enraged sharpshooter back and turned to the arrogant CIA agent. “This man is the finest sharpshooter in the world. He could extinguish your pitiful existence and not even be in the same suburb.” Ezra turned back to Vin and lowered his voice. “Call the Colonel. I’ll be okay.”

Tanner gripped Ezra’s arm. Again, Ezra smiled and his eyes flashed his genuine thanks. Then, Standish moved toward Wardell. “I take it we can dispense with the handcuffs. I am coming willingly, after all.”

“He isn’t handcuffing you,” Vin growled. Wardell opened his mouth, but whatever comment he had been going to make was stolen by the look of pure unadulterated rage on Vin’s face. “Where are you taking him?”

“The CIA Building. We wish to question him.”

“I meant it about anything happening to him.”

Wardell nodded and then he led the way to the elevator. Vin watched as Ezra entered and passed his gun to Wardell. Of comfort was the fact that he still had a little something hidden up his sleeve.

Tanner and Standish maintained eye contact until the doors closed - a silent oath of total support.


Larabee rose to his feet. This interview, like most of the others, had proved fruitless. Mrs. Markus could no longer remember the events she had testified about. However, she could remember Leading Seaman Waterbury who had such tiny feet you couldn’t see his shoes under his bellbottom trousers. And she could remember the day her dog got its head caught in the bread bin.

“Thank you, Mrs. Markus.”

“Will you be visiting again?” Her lined face held such longing.

Chris smiled gently. “Perhaps.”

“My family has forgotten me, you know. They used to visit a lot when I first came here, but now...”

Chris nodded, squeezed her bony hand and then turned.

“The young man in the red jacket was running very quickly.”

Larabee spun around. “Mrs Markus?”

“Straight across the foyer. He almost knocked a group of people over.”

Chris sank back into chair.

“He was chasing someone, you know.” For the first time, the woman’s face looked alive and her eyes looked clear.

“At the trial, you said you didn’t think he was chasing anyone,” Chris clarified.

Mrs. Markus glanced to her right and then to her left. She leaned closer to Chris. “That’s because they didn’t want me to. The man in the red jacket murdered a lot of people. They wanted to catch him. I said I’d help.”

Chris fought to remain calm. “Who asked you to help, Mrs. Markus?”

The elderly lady, who was suffering for Alzeimers, sat back and sighed. “He had trouble buying shoes small enough.”

“Mrs. Markus? Who asked you to say you didn’t see the man in the red jacket chasing someone?”

“My feet were even larger than his and he was at least two inches taller than me.”

Chris sighed. She was gone again, off in a world of her own. However, her confession was the first piece of concrete evidence in two days of searching. Someone had asked for her ’help’. She had lied about the fact that Ezra had been chasing someone. Larabee nodded to the nurse and rose to his feet.

The woman came across and smiled. “I told you, she drifts in and out. Some days she’s very good and then others, like today, she lives in the past. I’m sorry.”

“I’d like to come back and speak to her on a day that she’s more lucid.”

The nurse smiled. “Of course. Leave your name and number and I’ll give you a call.”

“I’d really appreciate that.” Chris left his card and strode out to his car, his mind churning through the various possibilities. Had the investigators asked the woman to lie because they believed Ezra was guilty and didn’t want to see the murderer of fellow agents set free through lack of evidence, or was there a more sinister reason?

Just as Chris reached the parking lot, his phone rang. “Larabee.... Woooh. Slow down, Vin. What... Slow down... Ezra... WHAT? Arrested?! By who?... Okay, okay. I’m on my way. Vin, I don’t want you... Vin?” The phone had gone dead. Larabee keyed in a text message as quickly as he could and sent it off to the rest of his team. “The CIA Building. NOW!”

The colonel leapt into his car and then dialed Tanner’s number. The phone rang and rang. “Pick up, damn you!” When the phone rang out, Chris redialled. Still, Tanner didn’t respond. Chris pushed his foot down hard on the accelerator. He had a very bad feeling.


At the front desk of the huge CIA Building, Vin Tanner stood waiting impatiently. The man behind the counter continued to look at computer in front of him and shake his head.

“No, I’m sorry. I don’t see that name here.”

“Could they have entered through another entrance?” Tanner demanded.

“Well, yes, but at every door we have a check in computer. No one enters or leaves without checking in. Perhaps they were held up in traffic?”

“I saw them drive into the underground parking lot.”

“They may not have checked in, yet. Give them a few more minutes.”

Vin glared at the other man.

“Sir, I’m sorry. There is nothing more I can... wait a minute. Yes, Agent Wardell and his party have just signed in.”

Vin breathed a sigh of relief. Something about this entire situation didn’t feel right. A witness turning up out of the blue only hours after Ezra had seen the man who had set him up. Vin Tanner didn’t believe in those sorts of coincidences.

“Where are they?”

“Well, if they have someone they wish to question, they’ll head to the interrogation wing on the ground floor, which is one level below this one, but Agent Wardell has not signed in any outsiders.”


“Agent Wardell and three other agents have signed in, but I don’t see any sign...”

“Wardell had five men with him!”

The man behind the counter shook his head. “I’m afraid only four have returned to the building.”

Vin turned and sprinted out through the double glass doors. He headed straight along the side of the building and toward the entrance to the underground parking lot.

The guard at the entrance spotted him coming and stepped from the small booth. Vin fumbled with his badge as he ran. “Em7!”

“Sir, I need...” Tanner tossed the badge at the guard and hurdled the boom gate. “SIR!” The guard raced back to his booth and hit the button for the mesh roller gate to close before the intruder could enter the car park.

Vin withdrew his revolver and fired at the gate controls he could see on the wall just inside. His bullet found its mark. The gate stopped moving only two feet from the ground. Without breaking stride, Vin rolled underneath the gate, leapt up and kept running.

“Security! We have a breech. An armed assailant has just entered the car park and is headed your way!”

Vin flashed through the first level of the car park, searching for the car Ezra had been placed in. All of the cars look identical, but Vin had noted the number plate and that was what he was looking for. Just as he entered the second level, he spotted the vehicle he wanted.

Tanner raced across to it and peered into the darkened glass. Unable to see anything, Vin spun his revolver around and smashed the window with the butt. Instantly, the car alarm sounded. Peering inside, Tanner cursed. The vehicle was empty.

Vin turned and scanned the area around him. If Ezra hadn’t been taken into the building, where the hell was he? Vin looked down, trying to find any tracks, but the concrete afforded him no sign of the direction the occupants had taken. Deciding Ezra had to be inside somewhere, Vin headed for the door at the end of the level. Two guards were waiting for him.

“Em7, I need to come in.”

“Can we see some identification?” one of the guards demanded, his hand resting on his holstered weapon.

Vin frowned. “I gave it to the guard on the gate.”

“I see. How about you put the gun away and we’ll ring the guard on the gate.”

Vin knew he didn’t have time for this. Ezra had disappeared and Vin didn’t trust Wardell as far as he could throw him. Standish could be in real danger.

Tanner nodded to the guards and replaced his weapon. The security men exchanged a relieved glance. Vin attacked. He went straight through the pair and was flying down the corridor before either of his victims were able to process what had happened.


When Chris pulled into the outside parking lot, he could see Buck, Nathan, J.D. and Josiah collected at the bottom of the steps to the building with a crowd of other nervous looking people and a dozen of uniformed police.

Larabee jogged toward them. The uniformed police allowed him through their line when Buck informed them that Chris had clearance. Nathan was shouting into his phone. “No! I’m not a reporter. I’m... hello?!”

“What’s going on?” the colonel demanded.

“They’ve got a lock down. An armed man just forced his way in there.”

Wilmington and Larabee’s eyes met. “It isn‘t? “ Buck cried.

“It’s Vin and Ezra?” J.D. asked. Larabee’s text message had simply asked the team to collect here. There had been no explanation, but the look on Buck and Chris’ faces spoke volumes.

Larabee jogged up the stairs with his team behind him. When he reached the glass doors he could see the people inside milling around. A guard caught sight of the approaching men and waved them off, but Chris pressed his badge to the glass. The guard made his way over to investigate. Immediately, he recognised the distinctive insignia of Em7 and unlocked the door.

“Em7? Wow, you got here fast.”

“Fill me in,” Chris ordered.

“One gunman. He forced his way in through the underground parking lot. He moved from the basement level to the ground floor. This is level one. We’ve secured the ground level so he can’t get out. We were actually waiting for a team of our own people, but I guess if you fellas are here...”

“Show me how to get there,” Larabee ordered.

“Yes, Sir.”

Chris and the rest of Em7 followed the guard to a set of stairs. “There are guards down there. Just show them your badge and...” Em7 had already disappeared.

The three security men in the stairwell were only too happy to allow Larabee and him team in to deal with the ‘maniac‘.

When Em7 stepped through the door, they found themselves in a long corridor. “Code red, but be careful. I think it’s Vin.”

Nathan, J.D., Josiah and Buck drew weapons. The men moved along the corridor slowly. Buck and Chris led, J.D. was in the centre and Nathan and Josiah were walking backwards coving their rear.

Each door the men passed had been forced from its hinges. A boot, expertly aimed at the lock had seen to that.

Ahead, there was broken glass. “Yep,” Buck muttered. “Vin’s been here alright.”

“Shh. I hear voices.”

The men slowed, straining their ears. Carefully, they edged forward. The voices grew louder. Chris nodded to Buck. Wilmington stepped up beside Larabee.

“On three,” Chris whispered. “One... two... THREE!” The two men leapt into the room, their weapons sweeping the area. J.D., Nathan and Josiah, rushed in after them.

Seated at a small table on the left were Vin and Ezra. Standing off to the right were six men, their trousers around their ankles. Their confiscated weapons were on the table between Tanner and Standish.

Chris and Buck lowered their revolvers. “What the %$#$ is going on?!” Larabee demanded.

Vin flicked his eyes to Ezra and then let them settle on Chris. “I... they...”

“You did all of that?” Larabee demanded, inclining his head back toward the hallway. Vin shrugged. “WELL DID YOU, OR DIDN’T YOU?!”

“I had to find Ezra.”

“That’s it?! That’s all you’ve got to say?! Jesus Christ, Vin, this is the CIA Building!”

Ezra licked his lips nervously. “Colonel...”

“SHUT UP! I don’t want to hear it.” Larabee turned to the men standing in their underwear. “Pull your trousers up. Nathan, inform security that everything’s clear and that I’m handling this personally. Tell them I’ll be up to speak to Harris in a moment to explain the actions of these two idiots!”

“Yes, Sir.”

“The rest of you, leave!” Chris ordered. Buck, Josiah and J.D., followed Nathan out. “Who’s in charge of this fiasco?” Chris demanded of the CIA agents who were now fully clothed.

“I am. Agent Wardell.”

“Fine. The rest of you get out.”

Wardell’s colleagues glanced at him and then, without waiting for his orders, made themselves scarce.

“This man...” Wardell started, pointing at Vin.

“Sit down,” Larabee growled.


“SIT... DOWN!”


J.D. glanced at Buck as they climbed the stairs. He was trying to gauge how bad things were by the look on Buck’s face. “Chris is really mad.”

“Yep, Kid. He’s pissed.”

“So... I mean... what’s going to happen?”

“Don’t know. Vin and Ezra are in deep shit. Come on. Let’s wait out in the banana until the fireworks are over.”


Three hours later, Larabee entered the CIA chief’s office. Callum Harris rose to his feet as the colonel entered. He had been enraged when he been told that one of Larabee’s men had breeched his security. However, in the passing hours, his ire had abated and now he was more curious than anything else. How was Larabee going to explain the actions of his loose cannon?

“Colonel,“ Harris welcomed formally, sinking back into his large leather chair.

Larabee stared at the other man for several seconds before sitting himself.

“I hear there was a misunderstanding - a mistake,” the CIA chief offered.

“That’s right and your men made it.”

“I beg your pardon?”

“Agent Wardell arrested one of my men.”

“The evidence against him is substantial.”

“I want to speak to this witness of yours.”

“Sorry, Colonel. After what happened to one of the last witnesses who was supposed to testify against Standish, I can’t release his name. I think I’m owed an explanation regarding what happened here today.”

“Tanner did what was necessary to ensure the safety of a colleague. Standish was taken from our office with little, if any explanation, brought here and lost by your men. While the agents who arrested him logged in, Standish was not on your computers.” It had actually been a simple case of two of the men not signing in and failing to sign in their prisoner... or so Chris had been told. No doubt they were somewhat surprised when Vin crashed into the room like a one man cavalry! “My lieutenant did what he had to, to find the man your agents lost.”

“So he runs amuck?!” Harris was beginning to bristle. Larabee was so calm. He didn’t appear to believe his lieutenant had been in the wrong.

“Tanner did what was necessary to locate his missing partner.”

“By the sounds of it, with your blessing?”

“That’s right.” A long silence followed this statement. Harris and Larabee studied each other. It was a standoff. Neither was prepared to give an inch.

“Colonel, you and your men are not above the law. Standish...”

“Standish will stay here for as long as necessary to assist you with your enquiries. I expect him to be treated as a colleague, not a prisoner.”

Harris’ brow furrowed. “He will have to remain behind bars. He has every reason to abscond. He has the means and the ability to leave the county.”

“I am giving you my word.”

Harris looked surprised. “You aren’t Standish. It would be his word that we would need and I wouldn’t accept it anyway. He has contacts all over the world. He has no family outside of his mother, who, by the way, left the country, today.”

“Ezra will stay of his own free will. He will not try to escape.” Again, the words were firm and final.

“I wish I could believe that.”

“I guarantee it.” The statement was flat and said without emotion.

“Apparently, you have a great deal of faith in Standish.”

“I have reason to. He’s one of my men.”

Harris sighed. It was time to find some common ground. Larabee was a powerful man. The CIA chief did not want to make an enemy of him. Besides, both knew Harris had been a part of the push to have Em7 shut down. It was time to mend some bridges. “Alright. I’ll withdraw the arrest and we’ll detain him to assist with our investigations.“

“Not behind bars.“

“Fair enough, but he’ll be held in what we call a ‘secure room.’ It is furnished with a bathroom, bed, table, television, telephone, but locked from the outside and monitored by several cameras. We use it to house witnesses on a temporary basis. Good enough?”

Larabee considered the proposal and then nodded. The colonel rose to his feet and offered his hand. The CIA leader was stunned, but took the proffered fist. Larabee’s grip was firm. His green eyes held Harris’ for several long seconds before he spoke. “I appreciate your courtesy.”

Without a moment’s pause, Larabee spun on his heals and exited the room.


“I’m hungry,” J.D. muttered. He, Buck, Nathan and Josiah had been sitting in Buck’s van waiting. “How much longer do you think it will take?”

“As long as it takes, Brother.”

Silence. There had been long periods of silence during the three hours. J.D. had noted the exchanged looks between his older colleagues. They were worried.

“I’m thinking of asking Casey to go to Alexander’s on Saturday night,” the youth stated out of the blue.

“Just the two of you?” Buck asked.

“I don’t know. We usually go out in a group.”

“Do you want this girl as a friend or as something more?” Nathan asked.

“I don’t know,” the youngest member of the group muttered. “I like her. I guess I like her a lot but... I don’t know.”

Another silence blanketed the group.

“I’m thinking of investing in something,” Josiah stated.

“What do you mean?” Nathan asked.

“Well, I’ve got some money put away and I thought I’d look for something to invest it in. I’ve heard that property is the way to go.”

Nathan nodded. “Actually, I’ve been thinking of doing something with my money, too.”

“We can look together.”

Silence again.

Buck stretched his back. “I went out with twins the other night.” The usual excitement that accompanied such boasting was void from his voice. All of the men were starting to grow more than just a little concerned. It had been three hours.

“What do you reckon is going on in there?” J.D. asked.

“A lot of negotiating,” Josiah murmured.

“Chris isn’t good at negotiating,” Dunne muttered.

“Don’t underestimate the colonel.”


Ezra was pacing when Chris returned. His concern was more for how much trouble Vin and Em7 had got into by breaking into the CIA Building, than for the predicament he found himself in.

“The arrest has been withdrawn,” Larabee murmured, closing the door behind him. “However, I get the feeling it’s still pending.”

“I am staying on to assist with their enquiries?” Ezra asked. That was what they had discussed before Chris had gone to speak to Harris.

Larabee nodded.

“They aren’t keepin’ him in a cage?” Tanner growled.

“In a secure room.”

“I still don’t like it,” Vin murmured.

Larabee glared at his lieutenant and then settled his eyes on Ezra. “Are you sure you’re comfortable with this?”

“Yes, Colonel. It’s the only way. What else can I do? Go on the run? I’m innocent and I think it’s about time I proved that.”

Chris nodded his understanding.

“Is Em7 in the clear?”

“Yeah. I think Harris wants to make a sort of peace offering, so we’re lucky.” Larabee’s eyes darted to Vin. No thanks to you.

Vin was still scowling. “I don’t like this.”

“So you said.“

“I’ll be perfectly safe here,” Ezra assured his concerned colleagues. “The secure rooms are very secure. I‘ll have twenty-four hour guards. I‘ll probably be safer here than at home.“

“I still don’t like it.“

There was a light knock on the door. Chris looked uncomfortable. “Ezra, there are a couple of guards outside. They’re going to take you to your...”

“Room,” Ezra finished with a smile. “I’ll be most comfortable, Chris. You two go on. You aren’t going to prove my innocence sitting around in here.”

“We will prove your innocence,” Vin stated with determination.

“I know,” Ezra whispered. Tanner and Larabee watched their friend move toward the door.

“Ezra, do you still have...?”

“Yes. I always keep a little something up my sleeve for a rainy day.” Standish opened the door and signaled the guards. “Now, gentlemen, I wish to be taken to my quarters. I will require a meal, as I have not eaten in the last few hours. Nothing greasy or I won’t sleep. My beverage of choice is red wine, but white will do if you don’t not have a decent red.” Ezra’s voice faded as he moved off down the hallway.

Chris flicked his eyes to Vin. “Come on, let’s get out of here.”

“I don’t like this. One of us should stay with him.”

“I don’t want to press our luck. Just be thankful they didn’t want to arrest you!”

“I think...”

“I’m not in the slightest bit interested!” Larabee exploded. He had been trying to keep his anger in check, but now it overflowed. “What the hell did you think you were doing busting in here without back-up?!”

“I had to...”

“No! You had to wait until you had back-up - until someone arrived to talk you out of acting like a %$# fool!”

“I thought Ezra may have been in trouble!” Tanner ground out. His own anger matched Larabee’s, but he remained seated.

“Did you stop to consider the fact that if you were right and if Wardell and his men weren’t legitimate, that you may not have been able to handle all six of them on your own? All you would have achieved was getting your stupid head blown off! Then we would have had two missing men instead of one!”

“I just wanted to find Ezra.”

“You didn’t think!”

“I did think. I thought long and hard about standing out there waitin’ for the rest of you to arrive, but Ezra had disappeared. Every second could have counted. I wasn’t willing to take a chance with his life.”

“What about your life?“

“Exactly, Larabee. My life, my choice.”

“That’s not how it works,” Chris snarled.

“Then it’s about time it did.”

“God damn it, Vin! You can’t just act on instinct. This isn’t the jungle. There are larger issues here! You’re supposed to be second in charge!”

“You want my resignation?!”

“I haven’t decided yet!” The pair glared at each other.

“You would have done the same thing.”

Chris cursed passionately. Why was Tanner able to see straight through him? The younger man was correct. Larabee would have done exactly the same thing. Nothing about the arrest felt right. It was all too much of a coincidence. “Maybe, but that doesn’t mean it’s right.”

A smirk creased Vin’s lips.

“You aren’t off the hook, yet, so wipe that smile off your face. Come on. Ezra’s right. We aren’t going to clear his name sitting around in here.”

Chris walked toward the door. Behind him, he heard a grunt. Tanner was trying to lift himself out of the chair by leaning heavily on the table. Larabee walked back to watch him.

“Don’t offer to help,” Vin grumbled.

“Leg a bit sore?” Chris asked with satisfaction.

“Go to hell, Larabee.”

Chris stepped forward and looped Vin’s arm over his shoulder. They took a step. Vin’s body stiffened.

“You okay?”

“Yeah. Don’t reckon the running around helped it none.”

“Or kicking in those doors we’re going to have to pay for,” Larabee added.

“When we get outside I’ll walk on my own.”

“Afraid of Nathan?” Chris chuckled.

“Go to hell, Larabee.”

Part Eight

“Oh, and I don’t eat Brussel sprouts,” Ezra called with a dazzling smile as the guards closed the door. For several seconds, the Em7 agent stood with the false smile of secure amusement pasted in place. In the silence of the room, he let it slip from his face. Standish drew in a deep breath. He turned and scanned the sterile cubicle, which was about the size of a small motel room. There were no windows - no way to see out beyond the cream walls and bland furniture. A cell it wasn’t. A prison it was.

Ezra walked across to the tiny round table and sank into one of the two chairs. God, he felt tired. Emotionally and mentally exhausted.

Ezra stared around the room and squeezed his eyes shut with force. For the first time since Wardell had stepped into the office, Ezra allowed himself to feel. What he found himself feeling was worried. The boys were damn good soldiers. Their recent mission in South America had proven that. Unfortunately, this wasn’t the jungle and saving his hide was going to require other skills - skills he feared his companions simply didn’t have.


“I still don’t think we should have left him,” Vin growled with passion. Em7 had collected in their conference room. All of the men were exhausted, flustered and worried. Tempers were short as they tried to agree on a course of action. “We never should have left him.”

Chris nodded in frustration. Basically he agreed, but he felt they had been lucky to achieve the outcome they had. “He’s not behind bars. He’s assisting them with their enquiries.” That point was preventing Chris from sliding down in the pit of rage that seemed to have consumed Vin.

“I don’t buy their bullshit about forgetting to sign in.”

Buck eyed Vin anxiously. Tanner only ever showed real emotion like this when he was concerned about someone he cared for. Wilmington directed his attention to Chris. “What’s the bottom line? Can we get him out of there if we have to?”

“Oh yeah,” Tanner murmured.

“I meant without having to fight our way in and out,” Buck clarified. None of the men doubted the fact that, if they had to, they could break Ezra out. “He is there of his own free will?”

“In a way. Look, Ezra wants to stay. He wants to clear his name. Having people believe he may have slaughtered eight men has been weighing on his mind for two years. He wants to put an end to it. I’ve rung Travis. He’s meeting me in his office in ten minutes. He has some ideas on how we should handle this.”

“We’re out of our depth,” Nathan stated. “We need help.”

“And I’ll secure it when I know what form that help should take,” Chris assured his men. Em7 was not used to feeling helpless.

“Don’t reckon we’d all be so cool if it were Buck or Nathan in that cage,” Vin muttered, aggressively.


“All I’m sayin’ is we wouldn’t have left any one else there.”

It was then that Larabee began to understand the basis of Vin‘s anger. Tanner wasn’t upset with anyone but himself. He felt he had let Standish down. He had been the one who had allowed Ezra to be arrested. “Look, Vin. This isn’t anyone’s fault.”

I let them take him,” Vin growled. His face was down. Again, he shook his head “I wouldn’t have let them take you.”

“He wanted to go, Brother.”

“I know but...“ It didn’t make any difference in Vin’s eyes. “I never should have let them take him.”

“Vin, I can understand you’re worried. Damn it, I am, too! But this isn’t Katinda. We can’t make our own laws. Ezra is the first one to understand that. The evidence against him is considerable. I’m not saying I believe a word of it, but we can’t act as though this is a war zone. It‘s not.“ In a war zone, the only law is survival and protecting the men in your unit. “If it were Buck or you or anyone else in this situation, I wouldn’t be able to do anything differently. I wish to God I could, but I can’t. So for Christ‘s sake, stop acting like an asshole!”

“ASSHOLE?! Larabee, we left one of our own!”

“I am more than aware of that! If I thought it would do any good, I’d bust him out of there using force, but Ezra’s right. That isn’t going to achieve anything. We have to do this legally!”

“To hell with legal! Legal didn’t protect me when the Hawks tracked me down in the witness protection programme! It took you guys to save my hide. It’s going to take us to save Ezra’s!”

“What the hell do you want from me, Tanner?! I can’t wave a wand and make this go away!!” Chris roared.

“Easy, fellas,” Nathan soothed. “Taking out our frustrations on each other isn’t going to help Ezra.”

Vin cursed softly, rose to his feet and began to pace. His limping was pronounced, but he didn‘t seem to notice. Finally, he stopped and turned back to the five sets of eyes glued to him. Normally, Vin was the calm, unemotional one. What was it that had him so worked up?

“He’s scared,” Vin whispered. Ezra would never allow anyone to know, but Vin had seen it. Standish had tried to cover his emotions, but Vin had been able to sense his friend‘s apprehension. Worse still, Vin understood it. Growing up, Tanner had experienced abandonment by those he believed in. It had always been amicable and he had always claimed he was fine, but... Vin knew only too well what Ezra had to be feeling.

Larabee frowned. “He seemed fine to me.”

At this, Vin smirked with amusement. “Ezra could lose both legs and be bleeding to death and still seem fine.”

“You may have a point,” Larabee agreed, his irritation easing. “Of course, that doesn’t change the fact he isn’t fine.“

Vin‘s head bobbed once. A silent apology was exchanged between the pair. They had been taking out their anxiety on each other, but then, they did so because they could. Family had a tendency to do so in times of stress.

“Alright, we’ve got a huge day ahead of us tomorrow. I want you boys to go home and get some rest and then be back here at dawn. Hopefully, Travis will have some ideas on how to free Ezra. This is Ezra’s ballgame. We need him to guide us, so we’ve got to get him out of the CIA‘s secure room - legally.”

The other men were nodding.

“You want some company?” Vin asked.

“No. I want Nathan to drive you home and take a look at that leg. I want you to calm down, stop blaming yourself and get a decent night’s sleep. I don’t know where this is going to take us, but we have all got to keep cool heads. We do this through legal channels.”

“And what if we can’t find evidence to clear him?” Tanner demanded.

“We’ll cross that bridge when we have exhausted all other avenues. We know the witness is lying. We just have to prove it.”

“That may be easier said than done.”

“But not impossible,” Chris insisted. “Cool heads, boys. Buck, you hear that?”

“Yes, Sir.”


Vin stared at Chris, his blue eyes rimmed with determination. “I’ll follow orders, Sir.”

“Go home. Get some sleep. All of you. We’ll tackle this with fresh minds tomorrow.”

The group rose to their feet and moved off. Larabee disappeared into his office. Vin stopped at the elevator door. His eyes met Buck’s. Wilmington nodded his understanding and then he sat down at his desk. Tanner seemed relieved and then he, Nathan, J.D. and Josiah disappeared.

When Chris exited his office moments later, he noted Buck sitting at his desk, but said nothing. The Colonel headed to the elevator and then rode it down several floors to Travis’ office.

Buck sighed and opened one of the CIA files. He would stay and wait for Chris. Larabee may want to bounce some ideas off someone tonight and while that would normally be his second in command, Chris seemed determined that Vin was to go home. The sharpshooter was too wound up to be rational. Tanner was sensible enough to see that himself and so had complied without argument, leaving Buck to step into the breech. The fact that Chris didn’t order the captain to leave meant he approved.

Buck switched on his lamp and began to read through the report.


“I don’t care what it takes, I want him out of there,” Chris stated firmly. He was seated across from Travis.

Orrin Travis frowned. “If they have a witness then they have cause to arrest him. The fact that you’ve got Harris willing to hold off may be the best we can hope for.”

Larabee shook his head. “Orrin, we can’t do this without him. We’re soldiers. Standish is the only one of us who has the slightest bit of experience in this area.”

“I know. I’ve contacted some friends. They’re willing to look into the situation, however, I’ve already looked over some of the evidence. I don’t see how it’s going to help. Whoever set Standish up the first time was good. If it’s the same people, then I fear they may have done an equally good job this time.”

“Where did the evidence come from? The report you found that ended up clearing him?” Chris asked. It had been Travis who had saved Ezra from the electric chair two years earlier.

“It didn’t clear him. It just put enough doubt in the judge’s mind to ensure he didn’t stay on death row. Ezra’s never really been found innocent, only not guilty enough to be charged.”

“Where did the evidence come from?”

Orin Travis rose to his feet and moved toward the small liquor cabinet. “Red Sun.”


Travis took two glasses and filled them both with whiskey. “Red Sun intercepted the message. He sent it to me. I had it checked out. It all rang true.”

“And now Red Sun’s dead,” Chris murmured thoughtfully, accepting a glass from the general.

“The question is, was he killed because of the chip or because of what happened two years ago?”

“All of this seems to be linked to Ezra‘s last mission for SeCReTs.”

“Look, I know this isn’t the best advice in the world, but I say you should try to work with the CIA. They have the men and experience to peel the layers away,” Travis stated, taking his seat.

Larabee shook his head. “Le couldn’t have set all of this up on his own. He would have needed help. Someone inside SeCReTs and probably someone inside the CIA. We can’t afford to take any chances. Besides, we know Le’s dead. Obviously, there’s someone else out there who’s worried about Ezra.”

“You have two options. You can hire private help or you can try and do it yourself.”

The frown on Larabee’s face deepened. “I’ll have to think about it.” Chris was not comfortable placing the life of one of his men into the hands of strangers. Then again, Em7 simply didn’t have the experience or expertise needed in this situation. “I’ll have to think on it.”



Nathan lowered Vin’s leg from the coffee table. Tanner was staring across the room intently.

Jackson paused to study his friend. “It’s fine, but you’re going to have to stay off it. The muscle will never heal if you keep running around.”

A grunt was the only acknowledgement the medic received.

“You are going to have to use the crutches for at least the next two weeks.”

Another grunt.

“This isn’t like an arm muscle. Your leg is trying to hold all of your weight.”

No acknowledgement.

Jackson shook his head. “I’m afraid you’ve done so much damage now, I’m going to have to amputate it.”

Vin nodded absentmindedly.

“Have you got a large knife?”


“To amputate you leg.”

Vin’s right eyebrow shot skyward.

“You haven’t been listening to a word I’ve been saying.”

“Sorry. Just thinkin’ about Ezra.”

Nathan, who had been crouched on the ground, took a seat next to his friend. “Vin, Ezra’s a survivor. He’s probably got those CIA agents going to Russia for the finest caviar for his dinner.”


“Vin, it’s hard to prevent someone from being captured when they want to be.”

“He didn’t want to be.”

“He knows it’s the only way.”

“It’s no way! Nathan, I can’t stop thinkin’ about what they were gonna do. They didn’t sign him in for a reason. Why?”

“I don’t know.”

Again, Tanner began to shake his head. “He shouldn’t be in there.”

“The colonel will do everything possible to get him out.”

“If Le’s dead, who did Ezra see at the conference centre?”

Nathan shrugged.

“Le couldn’t have worked alone. Which means there are still others out there who want Ezra shut-up.”

“There are times when I’d like Ezra to shut-up,” Jackson chuckled, trying to lift the atmosphere.

“An inside man. Inside the SeCReTs operation.”

“Inside the CIA,” Nathan offered.


“Could have been inside the CIA. Best place to be after the fact. He could have concealed and changed evidence and...”

Vin Tanner leaped to his feet.


Tanner bolted for the door.

“Vin, where the hell are you going?!...VIN!” It was too late. Tanner’s bike roared to life and then raced off into the night.

Nathan stood in the doorway stunned. Quickly, he withdrew his cell phone. His initial instinct was to call his leader. Instead, he phoned Josiah.

“We may have a problem.”

“What kind of a problem?” Josiah asked.

“The Tanner kind.”


Buck swallowed the last mouthful of cake he had pilfered from Ezra’s private stash in the small kitchenette. The way Ezra carried on about the mud cake, you’d think it had gold mixed in with the ingredients. He actually had it sent all the way from California! “A little bistro that has perfected the art of cake making and produced a culinary masterpiece.“ Having tasted the mud cake, Buck was inclined to agree.

The captain settled back in his chair and reluctantly returned to his reading, his stomach still growling. He was tempted to ring for a pizza, but decided to wait for Chris. They could get something together.

Buck shook his head and muttered quiet curses. He’d scanned almost one entire file, but had found nothing he thought would be any assistance to Ezra. The CIA case had been very thorough and Ezra looked very guilty.

Buck’s mind filled with thoughts of his friend. He found himself agreeing with Vin. They shouldn’t have left Ezra. One of them should have stayed if not to protect him, at least to keep him company.

Buck glanced at his watch. Chris had been down with Travis for over an hour. The captain prayed that they had come up with some brilliant strategy to force the CIA to drop their charges. Unfortunately, Buck feared that wasn’t likely to happen. That was the problem with working in civilization. In the jungle, the enemy was the enemy. Here, the enemy could be colleagues. In the jungle you were bound by justice. Here, you were bound by laws. There was a huge difference.

Frustrated and worried, Buck rubbed his eyes. He hadn’t realized how tired he was. The captain stared down at the words in front of him and realized he hadn’t any idea what they said. He’d finished reading the page, but had no idea of the content.

“Hell, I must be tired,” Buck grumbled. Wilmington closed the file and reached for the phone. As he did so, something caught his eye - a whisper of movement in the gymnasium No doubt it was simply sleep deprivation and the low light playing tricks. There was no way anyone could break into this building. The security was top class. Then again, Vin had broken into the CIA Washington base without a lot of difficulty. Buck rose to his feet and headed into the exercise room to put his mind at rest.

The gym was dark, but there was enough light filtering from the office area to illuminate, at least part of, the enormous open room. The barbells and weights, basketballs and benches were still and silent.

Buck shrugged, dismissed the movement as his imagination and turned. There was a swish. Buck ducked instinctively, and snapping his head up, he saw a figure, dressed completely in black, towering over him.

“What on earth...!” The ninja attacked! Buck swept his adversary’s legs out and then grabbed the fallen staff. Two more ninja appeared.

“You know, you guys have really got to do something about your wardrobe. Normal people simply don’t leave home in their pajamas!”

The three ninja circled Wilmington. Their movements were smooth, almost graceful. Without warning they struck. Awkwardly, Buck countered their attack with the staff. He found himself wishing he’d listened more closely when Josiah and Ezra had been giving him a lesson using the weapon some months earlier. Chris had insisted on brushing up on their self-defence skills. Buck had teased his colleague mercilessly, claiming that Ezra only wanted to show off. Now, the captain was counting his blessings that Ezra had ignored his taunts and proceeded to explain how to use a long stick as both a weapon of attack and defence.

One of the intruders swung his staff at the captain’s legs. Buck jumped over it with the finesse of a buffalo. The second ninja swung his staff at the Em7 agent’s head. Wilmington shouted a curse at the top of his lungs, ducked under the blow, dropped his staff and blasted his fist into the face of his closest assailant. He wasn’t much good when it came to sparring with a staff, but he was a most efficient fist fighter. The military trained captain grabbed the arms of a second ninja and threw him into the third. All three intruders ended up in a heap on the floor at Wilmington’s feet.

The captain withdrew his revolver. “Okay, pajama boys! Are you the bastards who attacked the kid?!”

“Enough,” a voice behind Buck stated in a hushed whisper. Wilmington glanced over his shoulder, but kept his revolver aimed at the ninja who were climbing to their feet. A fourth ninja stepped out of the shadows. His outfit was navy blue, not black like his companions. Around his head, he wore a red tie with a prominent symbol in the centre.

“We have no argument with you,” the fourth ninja claimed, calmly. “However, we need to see the files your young friend took from the library. There is no need for us to fight.”

“Yeah, right. You fellas attacked me!“

“You are outnumbered.“

I’m holding the gun, pal.”

“Good night, Captain Wilmington.” The ninja leader threw a small pellet at Buck’s feet. It exploded on impact with the ground. A cloud of gas burst from it and engulfed Buck. The Em7 agent collapsed to the ground noiselessly. Two of the black clad ninjas grabbed the unconscious man’s arms and dragged him into the shadows.

“Quickly,” the head ninja ordered. A moment later, the group was gone.


In the CIA Washington Base...

Ezra settled himself on the floor between the bed and the wall. He had arranged his pillows and blankets to make it look as though he was in the bed. Standish glanced up at the cameras. They knew what he had done, but he wasn’t worried about ‘them’. He was only concerned about one person - Wardell. The CIA agent had made some disturbing remarks. Nothing that Ezra could put his finger on, but Standish felt uneasy around him. Initially, it had simply been deep aversion after past events, but during the car trip Wardell had muttered comments about being ‘drawn back into this’ which had alarm bells sounding in Ezra’s head. For all of these reasons, Standish felt that excessive precautions were warranted.

“Good night, my friends. I will require a wake-up call around 8:00 am. I don’t want to miss breakfast,” Ezra stated to the camera. The Em7 agent settled on the ground, the bed, table and chairs between he and door.

For almost fifteen minutes he lay, staring up at the ceiling. Ezra was thankful he’d had the foresight to send his mother away. She was safely out of the country. It had taken some convincing, but finally the stubborn woman had agreed. At least, that one was thing Ezra didn’t need to worry about.

Again, the imprisoned man found himself reflecting on his companions’ ability to help him. They were good... no, the best... in their field, but this was different. Chris would do everything possible, but would it be enough?

Ezra shut his eyes and urged sleep to take him. He felt exhausted.

Less than ten minutes later, Standish sat up. He wasn’t sure what it was that prickled his senses, but something had. Ezra checked his derringer. It was there and ready. He had never been searched, which was a blessing. Ezra sat, listening. There was a sound. Like...

“Gas!” Ezra leaped to his feet. “Get someone down here! There’s gas leaking into the room!” Standish shouted, rushing to door. “Open up! There’s gas in here!” There was no response to his yells for help. Ezra turned and scanned the room. Where was it coming from? His eyes honed in on the air conditioning vent.

Ezra raced to the bed and grabbed the blankets off it. Quickly, he rushed to the opposite wall and began to stuff the blanket into the vent. Breathing was becoming more difficult. Ezra started to cough.

Behind him, the door flew open. Ezra dropped the blanket and turned. Four black clad men entered the room.

“Kill him!”


Chris stepped out of the elevator. He glanced toward Buck’s empty desk.

“Buck?“ the colonel called, as he made his way into his office. “Let’s go home. We can talk about it all tomorrow. I won’t be a minute. I just want to ring Harris and check on Ezra.“

Larabee entered his office, shut down his computer and grabbed his keys. When he stepped back out into the main work area he called. “Buck? Come on. I’ll ring Harris from home. I want to get out of here.”

Silence. Chris frowned. “Buck?” Larabee wandered down the hallway and into the small kitchen. The room was empty, but Chris noted crumbs of chocolate mud cake spread over the bench. “A growing boy,“ Larabee muttered. “Ezra isn’t going to be happy with you, Buck. You know what he’s like about his damn cake.“

Still, there was no reply. “Buck, are you here?“ Larabee called, the first wisps of concern surfacing. “Buck?” Chris strode back to Wilmington’s desk and spotted Buck’s wallet and keys sitting next to the phone. “Buck?”


“So you think Vin’s headed down to the CIA building again?” Josiah asked as he collected Nathan outside Vin’s unit.

“Yeah. Come one. Step on it.”

“You think he’s going to do something foolish?”

“I think he’s going to anything and everything to ensure Ezra’s safety!”

“But Ezra is safe... isn‘t he?”


Ezra’s attackers had not only the advantage of numbers but also gas masks. Standish knew that his only chance was to get outside through the open door - a door being blocked by four men determined to kill him.

A ninja star left the hand of one of the intruders. Ezra ducked under it, but already his movements were sluggish. The gas was taking effect. Standish charged the four men. He knocked two to the ground. The hand of one of the others chopped down across his back. Ezra stumbled, but regained his footing. His lungs were beginning to burn. His vision was blurring in and out of focus.

Another blow caught his shoulder, sending him crashing away from the door. Ezra fell to his knees. He struggled to get up, but he was so groggy that he had neither the strength nor the mental clarity to argue with the unconsciousness calling him. Two ninja loomed above him. Standish braced himself, the only thought in his mind was that Vin had been right. Someone should have stayed.

One of the ninja raised his Y-shaped snsai. The arm started to descend. There was a resounding explosion. The ninja flew to the side to reveal a smoking sawn off shotgun!

“Ezra?!” Vin cried. Tanner sent a round house punch to the jaw of the man still standing over Standish. Vin crouched in front of his friend. “We’ve got to get you out of here. Ezra, can you hear me?”

Distracted by his concern for his fallen partner, Vin didn’t see the danger. The two ninja Ezra had knocked down earlier had come up behind the sharpshooter. A series of four blows saw Vin crash to the ground beside Ezra. One of the ninja raised a ninja star and aimed it at Vin’s unprotected back!


Larabee set about searching Em7’s suite. He walked into the middle of the gymnasium. The moment he entered the room, he detected a faint odour. Training prevented him from drawing in a lungful. It was instinctive to check to see if he had in fact smelt something amiss, but Larabee had served in Katinda and when the air was strange you held your breathe.

Chris backed out of the room. Quickly, he whipped out his cell phone and called the person he knew could back him up in seconds. “Orrin. Something’s not right up here. I need some backup.”

Chris replaced his phone and withdrew his revolver. “Buck?!” Realizing his friend could be in danger and knowing that help was on the way, Chris edged back into the room. The moment he did, the strange odour filled his nostrils again. It was musty. Perhaps it was just a new cleaning product the cleaners were using? Perhaps he was just over-reacting?

Larabee continued into the room, his revolver out in front of him, his eyes covering every inch of the darkened area. Already, he was berating himself for not switching on the light.

Out of the corner of his eye, Chris spotted a bundle carefully hidden behind the weights.

“Chris?” Travis called, entering the room with his own gun drawn.

“Stay!” Chris ordered. “Turn on the light.” Travis obeyed and moved across to the switch. The room was bathed in white light. Instantly, the bundle took shape.

“Buck!” Chris raced forward, his hand reaching for friend’s neck and sign of a life giving pulse. “Orrin, there‘s a canister of oxygen in the supply room!”

“Is he...?”

“His pulse is strong and regular. Get the oxygen.” Travis nodded and raced off to do so. Gently, Chris rolled Buck onto his side to ensure his friend could breath easily. Travis reappeared with a two-foot long cylinder. Chris eased the mask onto the unconscious man’s face and switched on the gas. In only seconds, Buck stirred. Disoriented, Wilmington reached up to remove the mask.

“Leave it,” Chris ordered, firmly. “You’re okay. Just breathe deeply.” Buck blinked up at his leader and then nodded his understanding. After three deep breaths Buck pushed the mask off.

“The ninja are in the office.” His voice was breathy and immediately he began to cough.

“They’re long gone by now,” Chris stated, pulling the mask back down into place. All the same, he decided he had better take a look around. “Orrin,” the colonel instructed. The general nodded, crouched beside Buck and placed his hand over the mask to ensure the groggy man didn’t try to remove it again.

The only sound was Buck’s shaky breath as he tried to clear his lungs.

“Easy, Buck,” Orrin ordered. “Try to breathe...” A crash from the office caused him to pause. “Chris? Is everything okay?”


J.D. switched off the light. He had been unable to sleep and so had been playing solitaire on his laptop in bed so he could simply zone out. Unfortunately, his mind refused to shut down. There was so much going on in his life at the moment; Ezra in CIA custody, ninjas stealing files, foreign agents being killed.

“Enough,” he berated himself. “Chris will lead us through it. I‘ll bet he‘s already on top of things.” With those thoughts of blind trust, J.D. closed his eyes and fell asleep.


“Chris?” Travis called.

“I’m fine. Just fell over J.D.’s damn bowler hat!” Two minutes later, Chris rejoined his colleagues in the gym. “There’s no sign of them.“ The colonel scrutinized Buck with his eyes. Wilmington was looking better than he had a few minutes earlier.

Travis rose to his feet, frowning. “But they were in the building?“

The moment the general’s hand was removed, Buck pushed the mask off. He coughed several times as his lungs expelled the last remnants of the gas.

Chris walked across, offered his hand and pulled Wilmington upright. “You okay?”

Buck nodded. “Just a little groggy.” Wilmington swayed.

“Whooh there,” Chris cried, grabbing Buck’s shoulder to steady him. The colonel took out his cell phone. “Nathan?”

“Colonel?” Jackson sounded surprised.

“Buck’s been attacked in the office. Some sort of gas. He seems okay, but I’d like you to have a look at him, now.”

“Oh... yeah... okay. I’m on my way.”

Jackson sounded occupied. That was unusual, particularly considering Chris had just stated that Buck had been attacked. “Is everything okay?”

“As okay as things can be at the moment,” Nathan answered, cryptically.

“Is Vin’s leg alright?”

“Last I saw Vin, his leg was holding up beautifully.” Last Nathan had seen Vin, he was sprinting out to his bike! “I’m on my way, Colonel.


Josiah eyed Nathan as he ended the call.

“Turn around. We need to head to the office. Buck was attacked. Some sort of gas. Chris wants me to have a look at him.”

“He okay?”

“Apparently. Chris didn‘t sound too concerned.”

“So what do we do about Vin?”

“Vin will have to deal with things on his own for the moment.” The two men exchanged a glance.

“Oh, shit.”


Chris was relieved when Nathan stepped out of the elevator.

“He’s in here. Seems okay, but very groggy.”

Nathan examined his companion thoroughly and reported exactly what Chris had hoped. The gas had been harmless, just strong.

“Are you up to telling us what happened?” Travis enquired.

Buck nodded. He was sitting on a bench in the gymnasium. Despite looking a little pale, he was feeling stronger.

“I was in the office and thought I saw or heard something in here. Came in to investigate and stumbled across four ninja.” Buck described the fight in detail. “Chris, I’ve never come across knock out gas like it. It wasn’t like I breathed it in and then had a few seconds before I blacked out. The moment the pellet exploded I was out!”

Chris nodded. “I’ve been reading some of the stuff Ezra got for us about ninja. Apparently, they use a particularly potent and pure form of knockout gas. Tell me more about this head ninja.”

Buck shrugged. “I’ve told you everything.”

“Do you think you could draw the symbol on the headband?”

“Yeah. Yeah, I think so.”

Nathan collected a pencil and a piece of paper and passed it to Buck

For several seconds, the captain scribbled. “That’s the best I can do. Art was never a talent... well, not this sort of art.” Buck grinned and bounced his eyebrows. Chris relaxed. It was clear his oldest friend was just fine. “Sorry, Colonel, I only saw the symbol for a moment.”

Chris, Orrin and Nathan crowded around the piece of paper. “Well, I guess it‘s something to go on,” Nathan murmured.

“And they were after some files?” Travis inquired.

“The files are gone,” Chris stated. “All of the files that J.D. took from the library are missing.”

“The kid was right. There is something in them they want. But what?”

“I thought he said they stole the file they wanted the night they attacked him at the library,” Nathan argued.


Josiah ran a red light, praying there were no cops around. He didn’t have time to stop. He had dropped Nathan at the office and was headed over the CIA building. Call it paranoia, but Josiah had caught Nathan’s bad feeling.

When Sanchez pulled into the parking lot, he spotted Vin’s bike. Unfortunately, the sound of raging alarms, flashing lights, police shouting, ambulances racing away and men in suits talking in walkie-talkies greeted him when he opened the door of his car.

“Oh, shit.”


J.D. answered the phone half asleep. “What the hell do you want, Buck? I‘ve only just... Colonel?!” Instantly, the young man was awake. “What? Is he okay?!... All of the files! Yeah, okay. I’m on my way.”


Larabee put the phone down. “J.D.’s on the way. I don’t suppose there’s any reason to call Vin and Josiah in. Someone may as well get some sleep tonight,” Chris grumbled.

Nathan swallowed. He realized he had to tell his colonel what was going on. Before he could do so, Larabee’s cell phone rang.


Travis shot a look at Buck. “Josiah?”

“Has to be about Vin,” Wilmington explained. Chris only ever really lost it when Vin did something that endangered himself.

“Josiah, get in there and back them up!... Yeah, do whatever it takes!” Chris stated, running toward the elevator. “Vin’s gone back to the CIA building. Josiah’s just arrived to find World War Three has broken out!” Buck and Nathan raced after their colonel. “Nathan, call J.D. and tell him to meet us there.“ The doors shut and the elevator descended. There was silence inside except for one lone voice.


Part Nine

The CIA Washington Base was gripped by chaos. Five security men were dead. Fourteen had been taken off in ambulances. The Hazardous Materials Branch was at work examining the air conditioning vents. Police and special response squads were combing the building ready to shoot first and ask questions later.

Josiah was in the command centre standing next to Harris. Both men’s faces looked strained and anxious.

“Josiah?” Chris demanded, as he and the rest of Em7 entered the room.

Josiah spun around. His face flushed with relief. “Colonel!”

“Where are they?”

Josiah shook his head. “I don’t know.” Sanchez looked so much more than simply anxious.

Larabee’s eyes darkened. “What do you know?”

“They’re missing and... I... we’ve just viewed part of a security tape. Ezra and Vin are on it.” Josiah’s eyes flashed with helplessness. “I don‘t know if they survived.”

“What?!” Buck cried. He stared at his companion. “What the hell is that supposed to mean?! Are you talking about Vin and Ezra?!”

Nathan placed a consoling hand on Buck’s shoulder. J.D. just stood blinking. What was Josiah saying?

Larabee automatically moved into survival mode. He couldn’t help his men if he allowed himself to be swallowed by the situation. At the moment, his men were missing and he needed just the facts.

“Captain, take control. Nathan, call Travis and tell him I want clearance to step in and take over here if I see the need.”

“Yes, Sir.”

“J.D., I want inside this building’s security.”

“Yes, Sir.” J.D. strode across to the main console. “Move,” he ordered. The three CIA technicians standing in front of him just stared. They had worked with J.D. before he had defected to Em7. He was just a rookie - or was he? One of the men opened his mouth to argue, but closed it and stepped aside. The look on J.D.’s face left no room for negotiation. J.D. Dunne had come of age.

Harris stared at Larabee and his men in awe. The colonel was so efficient. His men responded to his orders without question. In that instant, Callum Harris developed a renewed respect for the leader of the world’s top response unit.

“What the hell happened, Harris?” Larabee ground out.

“We were attacked by an unknown number of assailants. It would appear they were after Standish.”

The controlled rage etched in Larabee’s face deepened.

“You better take a look at the tape.“ Harris nodded to his technician. The man stepped around J.D. and set the tape in motion. The screen in front of Chris, Buck, Nathan and J.D. sprang to life. It showed the room that Ezra had been taken to. The men watched horrified as Ezra screamed that gas was pouring into it. There was a sense of total helplessness as they watched someone they cared about struggling to get the door open - and they hadn’t been there to help. Larabee’s cheek twitched as he fought to restrain his emotions.

“My God,” Buck murmured.

“Ninja!” J.D. cried as the black clad assassins burst into the room. When Ezra went to his knees, J.D. shouted ‘No! Please, no!’

Em7 watched memorized as Vin rushed into the room from out of nowhere, but their celebration turned to horror as Tanner was knocked to the floor. One of the ninja raised a star. The star left his hand and started on its murderous journey toward Vin‘s back.

“NO!” several voices cried as one. The tape went dead.

“WHAT HAPPENED?!” Chris roared.

“The rest of the tape has been wiped,” the technician explained.

“Wiped? By who?”

“We don’t know.”

Chris turned to Harris. The colonel could feel his control deserting him. It was one thing to know his men were in danger. It was another altogether to have seen with his own eyes that his best friend’s life may have been snuffed out! “You set us up?!”

Harris raised his hands to ward off the colonel. “Larabee, I lost five employees, myself!” The security guards were not CIA agents. They were from a private company the CIA hired to perform the simple task of securing one of the most secure buildings in the city. “I’ve got fourteen in hospital! Do you think I wanted this to happen?!”

Chris spun away from Harris and consciously took control of both his emotions and the situation. He needed to find his men. That was the only thing that was important. “Wings, Three and Four, I want this place searched from top to bottom! I want them found! Six, I want a map of this building. Bring it up on this screen so I can allocate each of them an area! And I want every piece of video evidence and I want it, now!”

“Yes, Sir.” Sanchez, Wilmington and Jackson crowded around Dunne as the computer expert’s fingers danced on the keyboard. J.D. knew the CIA system intimately, which was a blessing.

Larabee’s heart was pounding inside his chest. In his mind’s eye he saw the star. He saw it leave the ninja’s hand... he saw Vin lying on the ground. Dear, God, they better be all right! Yet, Chris had a feeling - a knowing.

Buck turned to his leader. He was truly struggling. Like Larabee, the image of the star was replaying over and over again in his mind.

“I don’t know about Ezra,” Chris whispered. “But Vin’s alive.”

“Sir?” Nathan asked.

“I just know.”


In a black car speeding across town, Vin Tanner fished his cell phone out of his pocket. The hair on the back of his neck was prickling. His mind was filled with thoughts of his best friend.

“No, Vin! You can’t.“

“I have to contact, Chris.“

“His telephone records will be subpoenaed and if there is a call from you, you’ll implicate him.“ Ezra fully understood what had just happened. First, someone had gone to a lot of trouble to kill him - someone who hadn’t cared how many people they killed to do so. Second, Ezra had just escaped from custody. Vin had implicated himself by assisting. The last thing Ezra wanted was the rest of the boys doing so.

“Ezra, I have to let him know!“ Vin had a gnawing in his stomach. The invisible bond he shared with Larabee was bellowing.

“Okay, okay. Just let me think for a few minutes.“

“You’ve got one minute before I make the call,“ Tanner growled.

Ezra swallowed. He had to think quickly. His mind reviewed everything that had just happened....

Vin was down. The ninja above him was paused ready to strike. Ezra’s groggy thoughts crystallised. The deadly star left the ninja’s hand - whizzing toward the winded Tanner. Standish’s derringer snapped from his sleeve and he fired in one movement. The bullet struck the star and sent it spinning away.

“Vin?” Ezra coughed. Tanner rolled over. The sharpshooter’s eyes enlarged. Ezra ducked. Vin fired. The ninja behind Ezra fell.

“Let’s get out of here,” Tanner ordered. He, too, was starting to feel the effects of the gas, not to mention the blows to his back and head. Standish pulled his companion to his feet and they rushed out through the door, leaving the ninja in their wake.

The moment the pair reached fresh air, their protesting lungs spasmed. Ezra, again, dropped to his knees, drawing in oxygen feverishly. Vin was bent over, his hands on his knees as he, too, gulped in air.

Alarms began to sound. The ninja shot off down a corridor to Vin’s right. The Em7 sharpshooter considered giving chase but decided against it. He had come here for one reason.

Vin made his way to his friend and placed his hand on Ezra’s shoulder. “Come on. We have to get you out of here.”

“I want... to talk to... the ninja.”

“Too late.”


“They left,” Vin explained, assisting Ezra to his feet. “Two carrying the other two.”

“Come on!” Ezra attempted to follow in the direction Vin had just indicated.

Tanner grabbed a handful of his companion’s shirt. “No! We get you to safety, then we worry about them.”

Ezra glared at his friend but realized he wasn’t looking into the eyes of a companion but that of his leader. “But...”

“Come on,” Tanner ordered.

“We need to talk to Harris.”

“Ezra, we don’t know how high up this goes. Someone let them know where you were.”

“Wardell,” Standish growled.

“Yeah and he may not be alone. Come on, with all of these alarms, we’re gonna be swarming with security any minute.”

Ezra frowned. “They should have been here by now.”

Tanner’s brow furrowed. “I didn’t pass any on my way here. There’s no time to worry about this. Let’s go!”


“Standish, they’ll put you back into a ‘safe room’ or ‘safe house’ and you’ll be right where these bastards want you. The CIA has a leak. Someone on the inside wants you dead. They can’t protect you, I can.”

Ezra stared into the determined eyes of his friend.

“You need to disappear for a bit, Ezra. I can make that happen.”

Standish considered Tanner’s words and finally nodded. “First, we need to cover our retreat, Lieutenant. Follow me.” Ezra turned and jogged down the hallway, Vin at his heels. Standish weaved through the building, heading for the security command centre. He had been there many times when he had worked for SeCReTs - both officially and not so officially.

When Ezra and Vin burst into the room, they were horrified to find three dead security guards. Ninja stars were embedded in their chests.

“Those bastards!” Vin roared.

“It was a full blown assassination. Only they failed, thanks to you. You’re right, I need to disappear. We have to make sure no one is sure what happened to me. I need to erase the security tapes that show I left the room in one piece. It will keep everyone guessing for a while.”

“Stop talking and just do it! I’m gonna call Chris.”

“NO! Not yet. Not from here.”

Vin paused and decided to heed his friend‘s advice. Ezra erased part of the tapes, leaving just enough to keep the CIA guessing. Then, he and Vin rushed down into the car park. Vin shot across to the closest car and raised his revolver to smash the window.

“No, not that one. This one,” Ezra called.

“Why? What’s the difference?”

“This is Dudley’s car and Dudley left for England, today. No one will notice its missing.”

“How the hell do you know?”

“I overheard them talking and I’ve been in his car before. This is it.”

Vin raced across to join his companion. Ezra smashed the window and hotwired the vehicle so quickly that Vin hadn‘t even closed his door when the engine sprang to life.

“I get the feeling you’ve done this before.”

“I suppose it would be fair to say I’ve fractured the occasional law,” Standish admitted.

Tanner grinned, his body high on adrenaline. “Let’s get out of here!”...

“Ezra, you’ve got thirty seconds,” Vin growled. The burning in the sharpshooter’s stomach was getting worse. He had to let Chris know everything was okay. Somehow, Vin knew that Chris had been told of the attack on Ezra and he was sure that by now, Larabee would have viewed the tape. God only knew what Chris and the others were thinking. “That’s it, Ezra. I’m calling him.”

“No! There! That’s what I’ve been looking for!”


Ezra pulled the car to the side of the road. It was only then that Vin realized Ezra had been driving through the suburbs. In front of them was a telephone company van. At the top of the nearest telephone pole was a technician.

“Thank God for the telephone company. Vin, just play along. Sunglasses on.”

Ezra stepped out of the car, straightened his tie and adjusted his sunglasses. Vin stepped out of the car in his jeans. So much for official looking. Ezra rolled his eyes and indicated for Tanner to wait where he was.

Both the technician at the top of the pole and his partner on the ground were studying Ezra puzzled. “Can I help you fellas?” one asked.

Ezra took out his badge and flashed it in front of the man’s face. “Simpson. Fraud Squad. We have reason to believe that someone is misrepresenting themselves to the public. I want you and your partner up there, down here with full identification. Driver’s license and anything else you have on you.”

The man stared at Ezra. “But...”

“We can do this the easy way, or we can do this the hard way... you won‘t like the hard way.”

The man at the top of the ladder climbed down and stood with his partner dumbfounded as Ezra read them the riot act. Standish inclined his head to Tanner. Vin nodded. Quickly, the sharpshooter climbed to the top of the ladder where the technician had left a testing box still attached to the telephone wires. Using it, Vin could make a call. If anyone checked Chris’ phone records, there would be one for the telephone company not from Vin.

Tanner picked up the receiver and dialed.


A schemata of the building flashed up on the screen in front of J.D. “Colonel, I‘ve got it!”

“Good.” Larabee studied the map and shook his head. The building was enormous and intricate. “Buck, you start on the top two floors and the roof,” the colonel ordered. “Check everywhere. Nathan, I want you to go to the room where they were attacked and...”

Larabee’s phone rang. All of the men froze. Chris pulled it from his pocket and moved a couple of steps away. Harris walked over the colonel. Everyone held their breath and prayed.

“It’s Vin. It’s got to be Vin or Ezra,” Buck murmured.


One, we’re safe. They tried to kill Ezra.”

“I’m sorry, Mary, I can’t talk now,” Chris replied. A voice in the back of his mind told him not to reveal anything to Harris, yet. “Something has come up.”

Buck, Josiah, Nathan and J.D. released their breaths, their hearts tearing. The CIA chief moved back to talk to his own security team. He knew Mary Travis and of her close association with Em7.

“If we come back, they’ll just put him in another cage where they can get at him,” Vin stated. “They’ve got a leak, Chris and until they plug it Ezra isn’t going to be safe.” Larabee heard Ezra calling to Vin in the background. “I’ve got to go.”

“No, wait!” Tanner was gone. Chris stood for several seconds as he came to terms with the fact his men were alive. He knew he couldn’t allow the relief to present on his face, but it was difficult. How Vin and Ezra had escaped was a mystery, but at this point, it was unimportant. What was important was they were safe. Larabee’s eyes flicked to Harris. Tanner was right. Until the CIA chief found the leak, Chris wouldn’t be able to trust him. The fact that he had concealed that it had been Vin on the phone meant that he had made the decision long before talking to his second in command.

The colonel thrust his phone back into his pocket. He strode across to the others who were studying the map. “Come up with anything?” he asked.

“There’s an air conditioning duct. They may have climbed up into there,” Josiah pointed out.

“There are a thousand things they may have done,” Nathan murmured.

Chris clamped his hand onto Buck’s shoulder. Wilmington glanced over at his leader. Larabee gave a subtle nod. For a split second Buck didn’t understand and then he shut his eyes as the relief flowed over him. Chris patted the middle of Nathan’s back. Jackson was watching Buck’s face and immediately knew who had been on the phone. Silently, the message was passed onto Josiah and J.D.

“We need to get out of here,” Chris whispered.

“You don’t want them to know?” Josiah asked. “Harris’ concern seems genuine.”

“I don’t want anyone to know until I’ve had a chance to find out what’s going on.”

“Yeah, but we can’t look like we’re abandoning the search or he’ll put two and two together and realize it was them who called,” Nathan pointed out.

“Colonel, this is never going to work!” J.D. complained, loudly. The others eyed Dunne with surprise. “There’s just too much area to cover and the CIA is already canvassing most of it. We’re only going to be doubling up.”

Chris smirked at the boy. He understood. Abruptly, the grin disappeared. Larabee wasn’t an actor, but he needed this to be convincing. “I want them found, Dunne and I don’t care what it takes!” The rest of Em7 cottoned on quickly.

“Sir, J.D.’s right. We’re soldiers, not investigators.”

“We need to find them,” Chris repeated. He could feel Harris’ eyes boring into his back.

“Think about it, Chris. We may end up doing more harm than good. We may inadvertently destroy evidence.”

“There are only six of us. We need help to do this.”

“I think Nathan’s right,” Buck agreed. “Besides, Ezra was prepared to place his trust in them. He said that despite everything that happened in the past, the CIA was still the best.”

Harris’ chest puffed out proudly. The CIA leader strode across to the arguing group. “Colonel Larabee. I understand the feelings of frustration and helplessness you are feeling at the moment, honestly I do. If my men were caught in a war in some foreign country, I’d feel the same way because a soldier I’m not. I’d be forced to hand the investigation over to you. I wouldn’t be happy about it, but I’d do it. In this situation, the roles are reversed. You need to trust my men and I to get the job done.”

“You and your men didn’t help Ezra when the ninja...” Larabee’s voice faded and finally he nodded. “You’re right. My men are soldiers. This is not our area of expertise. The six of us could never cover this entire building.”

Harris thrust out his hand. Larabee looked at the proffered fist for several seconds before accepting it.

“I know this may seem hard, but you need to go back to your office. You’re only fifteen minutes away if we need you.”

“I don’t like this, but alright. We will be waiting by the phone. I want to know the moment you know something. I want my men back safely.”

“Of course.” The CIA leader and the other four men in the room watched Em7 go.

“I never would have thought...” one of the men murmured.

“He’s a sensible man, that’s why Larabee’s the best leader the world has ever seen,” Harris stated, thoughtfully. There had been a time when those words had caused him to cringe. After what Em7 had pulled off in the jungles of South America under impossible conditions and after having seen the colonel under horrific strain here today, Callum Harris now believed the claim to be true. “Larabee knows this isn’t his ballgame. He knows his strengths and he knows his weaknesses.”

“We better pray that we find his men alive.”

Harris drew in a deep breath. He had seen the tape. “At the very least, Tanner’s dead. Whether or not the ninja took Standish alive is yet to be seen, but Larabee’s lieutenant has most certainly suffered the same fate as our security guards.”

“Larabee isn’t going to be happy,” one of the men stated, nervously. “He looks like he could be a violent man.”

The CIA chief frowned. That was exactly why he really wasn’t looking forward to breaking the news to the Em7 leader.


The men of Em7 were seated around the conference table in their office. Josiah and Nathan began to pass out mugs of coffee. The sun was just beginning to edge above the horizon. The entire group looked and felt weary. The last three months had been relentless and in the last few days, they had worked twenty hour days.

“Thank God they’re okay,” Buck muttered for the hundredth time.

Larabee hadn’t said a word since leaving the CIA building. All of the men were acutely aware of this fact.

“Lord knows how Vin dodged that Ninja star,” Nathan muttered, taking a seat.

“I thought they would have been here when we got back,” Josiah mused. “They’re taking their time.”

“So, what happens now? I mean, I know we wait for them to meet us here, but what‘s our next move?” J.D. asked. All eyes focused on the Em7 leader. Larabee was frowning.

“Colonel?” Buck prompted.

“I don’t know. Officially, the CIA had withdrawn the arrest but basically Standish was still in custody which means he’s ‘escaped.’”

“On the run? Then if he comes back here... They’re not coming back here, are they?”

“I don’t know. I didn’t have a chance to talk to Vin for long. He just said Ezra was safe and that if they returned the CIA would put him back in a cage where they could get at him again...DAMN!” The others sat in silence. For several seconds Larabee muttered curses. He needed to know what the hell Standish and Tanner intended doing before he could formulate any plan of action.

“If Vin hadn’t gone down there, Sir, Ezra would be dead,” Josiah offered, in Tanner’s defence.

Larabee’s dark expression didn’t change.

“Next time they call...” Nathan wasn’t sure what else to say. He’d just wanted to say something.

As if by invitation, Larabee’s cell phone rang. Chris whipped it out of his pocket.

“Vin?!... Who?...” Chris’ face changed. He looked surprised. There was another emotion there too, but none of the men could pick it. “Yeah, just hang on a minute.” Larabee rose to his feet and left the room. The colonel strode into his office, well out of earshot of his companions. “Yeah, hi.”

“I just thought I’d call.”

“It’s good to hear from you.” Larabee’s tone of voice showed mixed feelings.

“I got out last Friday.”

“Yeah, I know. I was watching the dates.” There was an uncomfortable silence.

“So, are you okay at the moment?”

“Yeah,” Chris answered automatically. “Actually, not really. Things have just blown up in my face at work.”

“The great Colonel Larabee will be able to handle it.”

Chris winced. “Yeah. Look, where are you staying?”

“A hostel for ex-cons.”

Larabee shut his eyes momentarily. He was consumed with both guilt and regret. How the hell had he ever allowed any of this to happen? “If you want to come and stay with me...”

“No. I’m fine.” Again, there was an uncomfortable silence.

“Are you working?”

“Give me a chance! I only just got out... yeah, I’m looking.”

“Let me know if there’s anything I can do to help. Are you okay for money?”


“Do you still have the same bank account number?” Chris asked.


“I’ll put some money in for you.”

“Thanks, big brother. Chris, I’d really like to see you.”

Larabee frowned. “Things are crazy here at the moment.”


“No, look, how about on Saturday? It will give me a few days to sort this mess out.”

“Sounds good.”

“Liam, you’re not in any trouble, are you?” Larabee’s voice held a great deal of trepidation.

“Relax, Chris. I just want to see you.”

“I’m looking forward to it. You look after yourself.”

“Will do. You’ll ring me with the details?”


“I hate to sound desperate, but when will you put the money in?”

“I’ll do it now.”

“Thanks, big brother.”

“I’ll be in touch.”

Chris stared at the phone for several seconds and then placed his hands on the desk, bent over and shook his head. This was all he needed at the moment.

His sixth sense informed him he was being watched.

Buck was standing in the doorway, his face serious. “Everything okay?”

Chris stood up. “Yeah.”

“Where’s he staying?” Larabee and Wilmington stared at each other. Clearly, Buck knew who had been on the phone.

“Some hostel.”

Still the pair stared.

“Is he in trouble already?” Buck asked.

“No, he’s not,” Chris growled, defensively.

“But he’s asking you for money again?”

“Buck, just stay out of it,” Larabee snarled, shouldering passed his friend. Buck drew in a deep breath and shook his head. Liam Larabee had spent his life causing problems for Chris and he always had a habit of turning up at the worst times.


On the other side of Washington...

Ezra pulled the car into a driveway. “Ezra?” Vin asked.

“This is Dudley’s house. If we abandon the car anywhere, the police will run the plates and trace it back to the CIA. If we leave it in his own yard, everyone will think he took a taxi from home to the airport.”

“Okay,” Tanner agreed. He and Ezra got out of the car.

“Well, I suppose we had better find somewhere to lay low,” Standish murmured.

“I know somewhere. Somewhere that I can see people coming,” Vin stated. Tanner headed down the drive.

“How far is it to this place we’re heading?”

“Just follow me, Ezra.”

Standish watched his limping friend. “Perhaps we should call a taxi?”

“Like you said, we can’t afford to leave any trail. Come on. Do you good to do some walking.”

Ezra smiled, jogged after his partner and fell into step beside him. “Are you going to tell me where we are going?”

“The fish market.”

“I beg your pardon?” Ezra cried, coming to a standstill.

“Come on, Ezra, you’re falling behind!”


Having decided it was pointless to sit around waiting for Vin and Ezra to either turn up or call, the men returned to the two cases they were working on. It was pointless going home. None would sleep and it has already dawn. So, Nathan continued to investigate Red Sun to see if he could locate the chip that had gone missing. Josiah and Buck set to work wading through all of the information they had collected on Ezra’s last mission for SeCReTs. In particular, they were focusing on Wardell. J.D. was checking to see if there had been any other incidents over the past two years that had involved ninja and Larabee was in his office reading through the court transcripts.

Nathan knocked and entered his leader’s office. He placed a mug of coffee in front of Chris. “How are you feeling?”

Chris grunted. When Nathan failed to move, Larabee glanced up from his reading.

“How are you feeling?” Jackson repeated.

Chris shrugged. “Pain in my back comes and goes.”

“We should have the results by the end of the day. Can I get you anything to eat?”

“Yeah. That would be great.”

Nathan nodded and departed. Chris glanced at the phone on his desk. Ring, damn you, Vin. Ring.


Ezra Standish was not a happy man. He and Tanner had walked to a bus stop, got on board, rode to the docks and walked for another twenty minutes before Vin found what he was looking for. Had Ezra known what was to follow, he would have stopped the charade at that point. Unfortunately, he had followed blindly. Tanner and another man exchanged words, Vin passed the other a fifty dollar note and then, before Ezra knew what was happening, he was riding in the front of a truck, squashed between Vin and a burly driver reeking of dead fish and BO.

“How far is our journey?” Ezra demanded.

“A few hours,” Vin replied.

“Oh, how delightful!”

Vin and the truck driver both turned to stare at the small man between them.

“You could always walk,” the driver growled, showering Ezra with his breath.

“And I thought your body odour was bad. Your breath could kill a horse!”

The driver stared at Ezra for several seconds and then burst out laughing. “You’re a funny little fella aren’t you? So, why’s a fella all dressed up in fancy clothes, hitching?”

“We were thrown off our bus because he insulted the driver,” Tanner claimed.

The truck driver laughed again and nodded. “Yep, I can see that. I‘m Jack.”

“John and Little Lord Fauntleroy,” Vin introduced.

Ezra raised his right eyebrow. “And I suppose you think that’s funny?”

“So, why are the two of you headed out this way?” Jack asked.

“Work,” Vin replied, simply.

“Yeah? Doing what?”

“The picking season. I’ve heard they need some men to work on the potato farms.”

“Suppose so. I just haul fish.” The driver belched.

Ezra rolled his eyes. “Lord, what have I done to deserve this?”

Jack shifted in his seat and passed wind loudly.

Ezra‘s face wrinkled with distaste and disgust. “Would someone please wind down a window before I pass out!”


Part Ten

Buck picked up his ringing phone. He listened for a few seconds. “Thanks, Love.” Replacing the receiver swiftly, Buck rushed into his leader’s office.

“Sandy just called. The Federal Police are on their way up here. Probably to find out what we know about Ezra’s escape.”

Chris rose to his feet and moved out into the main office. The others were all staring at him. They had heard Buck’s warning.

“What do we do?!” J.D. asked.

“We need to give Ezra enough time to disappear,” Nathan insisted. The men were now convinced that that was exactly what their friend had in mind.

The elevator doors opened. Four men in suits stepped out.

Abruptly, Josiah started wailing. “Colonel, what are we going to do? We have to do something! Vin and Ezra have been kidnapped! We’ll have to give into their demands!”

“Standish was kidnapped?” one of the officers asked.

“Yes,” Josiah howled, dramatically. For a split second there was silence as the other men processed what Sanchez had said.

“We’ve just received a warning!” J.D. cried, rushing to his answering machine. The boy fiddled with the machine and then played part of a message. “I have two so I’m warning you, you better stay away!”

“Two of our men have been kidnapped because of a top secret case we are working on,” Nathan explained.

“We can’t tell you anything,” J.D. added.

“This mission is for the President and it’s got two of our men kidnapped!” Buck cried.

“What are we going to do, Colonel?” J.D. asked. Sanchez, Wilmington, Jackson and Dunne all turned to their leader.

Chris was staring at his men as if they had gone mad. Without a word, the colonel inclined his head to the four Federal Police and they all disappeared into Larabee’s office.

“So, do you think Chris will support our story?” J.D. whispered.

“Did he look as though he was going to support our story?” Nathan grumbled.

“Hey, Kid. Quick thinking,” Buck stated, patting the youth on the back.

“The message?” Josiah asked.

“One Buck sent me a few nights ago.”

“Twins,” Buck explained. “I didn’t want to be interrupted.


Ezra watched the truck pull away. “I have never been so pleased to see the back of a person! What an obnoxious, uncouth man.”

Vin grinned and then began walking. They had been dropped in the middle of nowhere at Vin’s request.

“Mr. Tanner, I would appreciate some information.”

“Huh? Oh. What do you want to know?“

“Where are we?“

“A few hours out of D.C.“

“That, I’m painfully aware of. Why are we here in the middle of nowhere?“

“Relax. I know this country real well.”

“Oh? I thought you were from Texas?”

“Lived in Texas until I was sixteen. Moved up here after that.” Tanner’s voice had dropped to the point that Ezra had to strain to hear it.

“I see.” Ezra realized he had entered a sensitive area. He remembered Chris once saying that Vin rarely spoke of his past.

Vin flicked his eyes to Standish. He could see his partner wanted to know more. “Lived in these parts for a couple of years. There’s a place I know that we can hide out. If they think to look here for me, we can go bush. They won’t find us then.”

“I see. Is this place far?”

“Nope. A couple of miles,” Vin explained, leaving the side of the road and climbing over a fence.

“We have to go cross country?” Ezra asked, frowning.


“You appear to be limping quite badly. Is there any way I can help? You could lean on me.”

“No, I’m fine,” Vin stated, watching with fascination as Ezra made a meal of getting over the fence.

“You’re enjoying this,” Standish claimed, falling to the ground.

“Nope,” Tanner stated, wiping the grin from his face. However, his blue eyes still held true mirth.

“Are you sure your leg is okay?” Ezra asked, righting himself.

“Yep, just don’t tell Nathan about any of this.” Vin winked.

“I wouldn’t dream of it,” Ezra mumbled, pulling burrs from his trousers. Noting that Vin had set off, he rushed a couple of steps and then stumbled. “At least things couldn’t possibly get worse,” he grumbled.

Vin glanced skyward. “Looks like rain.”

“What?!” Ezra cried, searching the cloudless sky.

Tanner started to chuckle.

“Mr. Tanner, I do not find that amusing!”


The men of Em7 watched the four federal policemen leave and then they rushed into Larabee’s office.

Chris glanced up from the file he had open.

“Well?” Buck prompted.

“I told them the truth,” Chris stated rising to his feet quickly and moving across the room.

“You told them the truth! Why in God’s name?” Buck blurted out.

Larabee stopped beside a picture on the wall and pulled it out a little. He pointed. The other men saw the listening device that had been secretly planted by one of the federal officers.

“I saw little point lying to them. Standish and Tanner have been kidnapped. We may need their help to get them back.”

Nathan, Josiah, J.D. and Buck were all smiling like Cheshire cats. Chris had lied through his teeth. Larabee winked at them.

“So, what do we do now, Sir?”

“We wait.”

“But the mission for the President?”

“Is on hold until we have further contact with the kidnappers.”

“We understand.”

Chris moved back to his seat. “For now, we need to get back to the other cases we’re working on.”

“You’re a heartless bastard, Larabee!” Buck growled, grinning stupidly.

Chris grinned, though his voice was harsh. “Perhaps, but we aren’t going to help Standish and Tanner by sitting around doing nothing. The CIA and the Federal Police are handling the investigation. We are not qualified to handle it and that is why I have handed it over to them. You are all to give them your complete co-operation! Is that understood?“

There was a collective, “Yes, Sir.“ J.D. rushed from the room and burst out laughing the moment he was beyond the range of the listening device.

Larabee rolled his eyes with apparent disgust. “Get back to work! And Josiah...” Chris flicked his eyes to the bug and then let them rove the office. Josiah understood. He would sweep the area to ensure there weren’t any others.

Chris hoped the act was convincing enough to keep the federal police from digging any further.


Ezra looked up at the sign above the gate. ‘McKenna’s Outfitters‘. The sign was faded and had obviously seen better days.

Vin started up the drive without comment.

“McKenna’s Outfitters. Why does that ring a bell?”

“Don’t know.”

Ezra searched his memory. He had seen something in the paper about them. They had franchised their business about thirty years earlier and had just opened their 25th Outfitters. A place for ’city’ folks to experience the country and wilderness.

“So, this is where we’re headed?” Standish asked as the ranch house came into view.

“Nope. There’s a cabin. I just need to get the key.”

At that moment, three huge dogs raced out of a shed to their right. All were growling and barking wildly.

“Vin?!” Ezra asked, drawing his revolver.

Tanner turned. “Sit down!”

All three dogs slowed. One stopped barking and eyed Vin and then, recognising him, raced forward, tail wagging. Vin crouched in front of the elderly dog and began to stroke his greying head.

“Hey, Wolf. Look at you, old fella.” The other two dogs’ barking eased, but continued sporadically. “So, who are your two new friends? Come here you two and stop that racket.” Both dogs come forward hesitantly at first, but were soon sitting in front of Vin panting happily.

“You have quite a way with animals.”

“Animals take you for who you are, not who they think you are.”

“A good point.”

Vin rose to his feet and headed for the front door. He tapped on the screen lightly. Moments later, a man in his late fifties opened the screen.

“Hi, what can I do for you?” The man’s face changed. His eyes widened. “Vin? Good, Lord! Vin Tanner?!” He grabbed Vin’s hand and pumped it vigorously.

“Reg. The place looks good.”

“Son, it’s fabulous to see you. Just a minute and I’ll get Melissa and the girls. They’ll be...”

“No. I... no.”

Reg frowned. “Are you in some kind of trouble?” he asked carefully, glancing passed Vin to Ezra. Standish nodded a greeting.

“Got some people lookin’ for me. Prefer they didn’t find me.”

Reg’s brow furrowed. “Dangerous people?”

“Could be. Not lookin’ to bring you any trouble.”

“Hell, Vin, you know you can come here if you’re in trouble. Just thinking I’ll tell the boys to be armed.”

“No, best if you don’t get involved. Some of the people may be wearing badges.”

“I see. Have you broken some useless laws, then?”

“Not really. Just pissed some important people off by busting him out of prison. His life was in danger. Couldn’t let him stay there to be killed.”

Reg studied Ezra critically and then nodded. “If you say he’s okay, then he’s okay.”

“If anyone comes lookin’, you ain’t seen us. If they get insistent, tell them we’re at the cabin. I’ll see’ em comin’ and head into the bush.”

“If that’s what you want. I’ll get your key.” Reg disappeared and returned only seconds later. “No one’s been out there... well, not since you left. You don’t have anything with you?” the elderly man noted. “Can’t have you starving to death out there. Melissa would never forgive me. Just a bit, I’ll get you some supplies.”

“No, Reg. It‘s okay. We‘ll manage. I‘d prefer to keep you out of this as much as possible.”

“Tough bickies,” Reg responded, defiantly.


“Now, boy, you know me. Am I going to change my mind?”

Vin grinned, sighed and shook his head. “Not in this lifetime.”

Reg winked at the younger man. “You sure you don’t want to come in?”

“Best no one else knows I’m here.” Reg nodded and headed off to collect together some food and other essentials.

Vin walked back to Ezra.

“He’s seems a decent fellow.”

“He is.” Vin crouched to pat the dogs collected around his legs.

Reg reappeared with a bulging hessian bag.

“I really appreciate this, Reg.”

“There’s ammunition in there, just in case.”


“Take two of the horses to get out there. They’ll find their way home.”

Vin offered his hand. “Thanks.”

Reg smiled. “You saved my life. I haven’t forgotten. Of course, you also broke my three daughter‘s hearts when you left,” he chuckled.

Vin grinned. “How are they?”

“Debbie’s married. Mikhaila and Tamara are still looking. Reckon Mikhaila still holds a torch for a certain buckskin Romeo.”

Vin winked, tipped his hat and then led Ezra toward the stables.

“Buckskin Romeo?”

“Shut-up, Ezra.”

“Oh, no, I intend to pursue this. Buckskin Romeo?”

“One more word and I’ll fill your mouth with my fist.”

“Buckskin Romeo. I like that. Buck will like it more. I can’t wait to share it with him!”


Nathan entered Larabee’s office. Chris glanced up. For several seconds the two men studied each other.

“I’ve got your results back.” Jackson’s voice was low.

“The look on your face isn’t encouraging.”

“I need you to have a liver biopsy. It may be nothing.... or... it could be liver cancer.”

Larabee’s face remained blank. “It will have to wait until we’ve sorted out this mess.”

“It can’t wait. I’ve booked you in for Thursday.”

“Keep it to yourself for the moment.”

Nathan frowned. Chris was showing no sort of emotion. “Are you okay?”

“I will be when Vin decides to call and let me know what the hell he and Ezra are up to. Have you and Buck found anything?”

Nathan drew in a deep breath. Chris had dismissed the news. Then again, perhaps it was Larabee’s way of coping. “A few bits and pieces. Wardell and Le worked on a case together a few years ago, so they definitely knew each other.”

“So Wardell is likely to be our inside man,” Chris muttered.

“The question is, do we pass this information onto Harris or not?”

“Not,” Chris stated. “I don’t believe that Harris is involved. He’s an arrogant asshole, but not corrupt. Trouble is, the people he trusts may not be as dependable.”

“So, what do you want us to do?”

“I’d like to have a chat with Wardell myself. You and Buck invite him over here.” Chris rose to his feet. “I want to know what the others have found out.”

“Chris, are you sure you’re alright?”

“To tell you the truth, I don’t know. Thankfully, I don’t have the time to think about it.”

“You really should be taking it easy.”

“Life’s a bitch,” Larabee growled, striding out into the main office. “J.D.?”

Dunne spun around on his chair and glided toward the printer to collect the information he was printing. “There has been a considerable amount of ninja activity in the States in the last few years, Sir, private armies of them. There are a number of rich and not so law abiding people who have hired them as guards. From what I’ve found out, many of these groups have strayed from the pure line. That is, they’ve strayed from the pure ninja beliefs. They work for big money and will do anything for the right amount.”



“I want a list of the groups.”

“I’m working on it. That symbol Buck drew is similar to three that I could find. I’ll add that information to the list. Still no word from Vin and Ezra?”

“No.” The word advertised both Larabee’s concern and frustration.

“They may have left the country,” J.D. pointed out. “Ezra has contacts all over the world.”

“Vin won’t agree to leave the country. He’ll stay close in case we need him,” Chris stated with certainty. “He’ll call once he’s settled somewhere.” With that, Chris returned to his office.

“He’s worried,” Josiah murmured.

“Aren’t we all?” Buck declared.


The ride took over an hour. The first thing that Ezra noticed was the beauty of the countryside. It was lush, green and mountainous.

Tanner turned his horse toward a creek and the men followed it for some time before Vin veered into a thickly treed section. Ahead, Ezra spotted a small log cabin nestled among the trees. It was crude, but obviously built with loving care. Vin dismounted and slapped his horse on the rump. The animal headed back toward the creek to graze before making the journey back to its stable.

Tanner turned to the cabin and paused. For several long seconds he stood staring at it - drawn back to a time when this had been his world.

Ezra dismounted and moved to stand at his friend’s shoulder. Without a word, Vin walked up to the door and unlocked it.

Again, Tanner paused, staring into the sparsely furnished room. Aware Ezra was behind him, Vin entered and slung the bag of supplies onto the simple wooden table.

Ezra scanned the dwelling curiously. The main room was about 16 foot square with a small hall leading to two bedrooms. In the centre there were three wooden chairs placed around the table. Along one wall was a basin, gas oven and bench. On the opposite side of the room was a fire place with a shelf containing a few dusty photographs. Hanging on the wall above were two rifles. In front of the fireplace was a faded two seater couch. On the floor was a hand-made rug.

“Hungry?” Vin asked.

“As a matter of fact, yes. What did your friend pack?”

“Take a look,” Vin murmured, sinking down into one of the chairs. He reached down and began to massage his throbbing leg. Ezra eyed him carefully. He could see the strain around Tanner’s eyes.

“Where is the closest pharmacy?”

“Huh?” Vin asked, glancing up.

“You need some painkillers.”

“I’ll be fine.”

“Unfortunately, you are prone to lying about your health and thus, I must inform you that I do not believe you.”

Vin smirked.

“I’m pleased that amuses you. I shall head back to the house and ask your friend Reg for some painkillers.”

“No. I don’t want them involved.”

“I believe the appropriate response in the local vernacular is, ‘tough bickies’,” Ezra stated, striding from the room.

“Ezra, wait. Ezra!” Vin leaped up. His leg crumpled beneath him and he fell back into the chair. “Ezra!”


In another part of Washington...

“What do you mean, there’s a complication?!” Henderson growled.

“The old foe I spoke of. He has vanquished my men’s efforts to take care of him. I am going to need time to deal with him personally,” Saijo Senshi informed his employer.

“How long?”

“A few days. I think I need to send a warning to those he works with.”

“Do what is necessary, but do it quickly. I am an impatient man. Any progress on breaking the code?”

“No, but we have the best decipherer in the world working on it day and night.”

“Is anyone else as close as we are?”

“No. We have the only copy.”

“Good.” Henderson sat down and smiled. “I have been waiting for years.”

“Your search is almost at an end, Sir.”

“Then, my friend. Then, we shall see who has power.”


Ezra dismounted. It had been a two hour round trip from the cabin to the ranch house and back. Thankfully, the horses had still been grazing at the creek so he hadn’t had to make it on foot. Unfortunately, Reg could provide little more than aspirin and Ezra knew that would not be powerful enough to ease his companion’s pain. However, Reg provided three bottles of whisky which should.

“The only thing I could... Vin?” Ezra asked, as he walked into the empty room. “Vin?” Ezra repeated, moving into the hall. He glanced into one of the bedrooms. It contained a double bed and a set of drawers. There were no personal items. For a moment, Ezra paused, considering this fact. Had Vin owned nothing before joining the army? Tanner had indicated that he had spent several years living here so where was his property - the odds and ends that one collects during their life? Perplexed, Standish turned to the second room. Here, he found a set of crudely made wooden bunks. Again, outside of a dresser, the room was empty. Perhaps Vin had left his belongings elsewhere?

“Vin?” The silence was deafening. The first traces of panic began to prickle at Ezra’s soul. Where would Vin have gone? The man could hardly walk and was in considerable pain. Swiftly, Ezra strode out onto the veranda. “Lieutenant Tanner?” Ezra’s mind filled with worst case scenarios. Standish withdrew his revolver. The horrible ‘what if’ consumed him.

“Lieutenant Tanner?”

The ninja had found Ezra at the CIA building. Had they followed he and Vin here? Had they attacked the injured lieutenant while Ezra had been away? Why would Vin leave the cabin? He wouldn’t, Ezra decided... unless he had to. Ezra withdrew his mobile phone. His own safely was thrown to the wind. He began to dial Larabee’s number.

There was movement behind him. Ezra spun around, his revolver raised.

“You’re a bit jumpy there, Ezra,” Tanner stated, appearing out of the trees. Over one shoulder, he had a fishing pole. Over the other, a piece of rope with three huge fish dangling from it. Nestled in the crook of his arm was one of the rifles that had been hanging above the mantle.

Ezra lowered his revolver, shook his head and rushed forward. Vin’s limping was worse.

“Give me the fishing pole and rifle and lean on me.”

Tanner did so without argument. Together, the two men made it back to the cabin.

“I was unable to procure any painkillers. However, your friend Reg was well stocked with whisky and provided me with several bottles.”

Tanner grunted as Ezra assisted him into a chair.

“What possessed you to leave the cabin?”

“My stomach. Just give me a minute and I’ll clean those fish up and we’ll have ourselves some lunch.”

“You’ll do no such thing. I want you to sit there and keep that leg up,” Ezra ordered, lifting Vin’s leg and placing it on another chair.

Tanner grimaced. “You’re starting to sound like Nathan.”

“I am sure Dr. Jackson is cringing as we speak. Let me get you some whisky and then we‘ll worry about lunch.”

“Now, that’s the first sensible thing you’ve said all day. Listen, I really need to let Chris know we’re settled.”

Ezra’s brow furrowed. “Yes, I have been mulling over that necessity, myself. Use your phone. If they discover that Chris is receiving messages from you, we’ll just say that I kidnapped you. That way, both of you will be in the clear.”

“You! Kidnapped me?!” Tanner chuckled.

“I fail to discern your amusement.” Vin continued to grin. “Call Chris. The colonel is probably a touch curious.”

“Down right beside himself, more likely.” Vin withdrew his cell phone.


“These look alright,” Nathan pointed out, passing the book to Josiah.

“Crystal Clear Water?” Josiah cried. “You want to buy shares in water?”

“Everyone needs water.”

“Yeah and most of us turn on the tap and it comes out!” The men had paused for lunch. Nathan had gone down to the building cafeteria and ordered salad sandwiches, much to Buck’s disgust.

“The water that comes from the tap is not free of impurities. More and more people are buying bottled water. I do.”

“You would,” Buck grumbled, pulling the alfalfa, cucumber and beetroot off his sandwich.

“How can you get excited about water?” J.D. asked.

“We are talking about investing our money not watching a football game,” Nathan cried in exasperation.

“The man thinks I’m a damn rabbit,” Buck mumbled, sinking his teeth into his sandwich.

“Chris, what do you think we should invest in?”

The boys had collected their chairs around Josiah’s desk, as they always did when they ate lunch in the office.

Larabee shrugged. “I’ve never taken an interest in the share market.”

“You should, Chris. Plan for your future,” J.D. stated.

Nathan flicked his eyes to Chris. If Chris had liver cancer, his future may only consist of the next few months. Jackson shut his eyes momentarily. He was carrying a heavy burden - a burden he couldn’t quite come to terms with, but one he could not allow to consume him. Not for Chris’ sake and not for his own.

“I think you should consider investing in...”

“McDonalds,” Buck cried, placing his half eaten sandwich on the plate in front of him and pushing it away. “All ‘normal’ people like McDonalds and eat it for lunch.”

“Yep, and all of those normal people are dying of heart disease because of the amount of fat and cholesterol in their diet,” Nathan argued.

“Nathan, you can’t actually tell me that you like this rabbit food.”

“I don’t mind it,” J.D. stated.

“Shut-up, J.D.,” Buck grumbled, noting all of the others were grinning at him. “Vin would agree with me. He likes junk food.”

“Yeah, but he doesn’t eat it for every meal... like someone I could mention,” Nathan berated.

“Oh, hell. Leave me alone. I’m hungry. I’m going downstairs to...”

“Eat the sandwich.”


“Eat it.”

Buck grabbed it and shoveled it all into his mouth. “Num, num.”

“That’s disgusting, Buck.”

“You want to see disgusting?” Buck asked, chewing like a horse.

“NO!” All of the men cried together.

The phone on Larabee’s hip began to ring. The colonel snatched it up. “Vin?!”

“Hey, Chris. Just ringing to let you know that Ezra and I are okay and we’re settled.”

“Where are you?”

“McKenna’s Outfitters. It‘s only a couple of hours out of DC.”

“We’ve told the police that you’ve been kidnapped because of a case we’re working on for the President. I don’t know how long it will hold water.”

“Ezra can’t come back until we find out what the hell is going on.”

“We’re working on it. Just sit tight.”

“No problem.”

“Ask Vin about his leg,” Nathan prompted.

“I heard. Tell him it’s hurtin’ like hell because I’ve been dancin’ on it!”

Chris smiled. “Buck’s eating alfalfa.”

Tanner started laughing. “Tell Buck I’m about to have McDonalds! Actually, Ezra‘s about to cook us some fish. Listen, how are you feeling?”

It took several seconds before Chris replied. It would be impossible to lie to Vin. Tanner would see through it, immediately. “I’ve been better.”

“You need to take it easy, Chris.”

“That’s a little difficult, considering the situation.”

“Ezra’s fine. They’ll only get to him through me. I’ve got us holed up in a place where I can see them comin’. Let the others worry about the ninja and all of the rest of this shit. Why don’t you go out to Four Corners for a few days. You could take Mary with you.”


“You’re right. It may not be so relaxing. Just the two of you out there all alone.”


“I’m sure Grandpa Travis would look after Billy. I could ring and arrange it for you.”

“You do realize that next time I see Inez...”

“Hey, no fair!”

“All’s fair in love and war... and this is war!” Chris laughed.

Buck glanced at Nathan and smiled. They could only hear one side of the conversation, but the tension had left Larabee’s face.

“Look, we better not make this call much longer. No doubt the Federal police will be here any minute wanting to know what the kidnappers had to say. I’ll have to make up some bullshit. You and Ezra lay low. If you need us, just call.”

“Will do. And Chris, take it easy.”

“Watch your back.” Chris switched the phone off and drew in a deep breath. “They’re okay. At McKenna’s Outfitters. Vin sounds like he’s got everything covered.”

“You wouldn’t expect anything else, would you?”

“Alright, lunch is over. The priority is the ninja. I want to know all about them.”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Buck, have you set up a meeting with Wardell?”

“Yep, at five.”

“Good. Come into the office. I want to bounce some ideas off you.”

With that, Em7 went back to work.

Part Eleven

Ezra stared down at the fish in front of him. His nose wrinkled distastefully.

“Somethin’ wrong?” Vin asked, resting his glass of whisky on the table.

“Well, I suppose it is fair to say I am at a loss. I have eaten fish often and I have even prepared it myself, but I usually buy fillets, hence the head etc is already removed. I require some guidance.”

“Just cut the head off, gut it and scale it.”

Ezra turned, eyed Vin and then looked back at the fish. “Why on earth would people go to all of the trouble of catching these things and then preparing them, when you can simply visit a fish monger or supermarket and buy it fresh and prepared?”

“They aren’t fresh. A fish has to be cooked less than thirty minutes after you catch it to be fresh. Ain’t nothing like the taste of ‘fresh’ fish.”

“I beg to differ. I have had fresh fish and...”

“Ain’t the same. Bring it over here. I’ll do it.”

“I assure you, Lieutenant, I am more than capable.”

“Uh huh.”

An hour later, Ezra leaned back in his chair. “Lieutenant, I stand corrected. That is the finest fish I have ever eaten.”

“Yep,” Vin agreed, toasting Standish and taking a long swig of whisky.

The pair was in a good mood. They had laughed and talked as Vin had prepared the meal. Ezra was surprised to find that Vin was a happy drunk. If the Southerner had been asked, he would have predicted a more melancholy demeanour for his Texan friend once lubricated by alcohol, but Tanner had become lighter and more relaxed.

“Chris and I went fishing in Kat.” Tanner burst out laughing immediately.

“You can fish in the middle of the jungle?”

“Nope. We found this puddle and after a few drinks, sat down and threw our lines in.” Again, Tanner laughed.

“Insanity in the middle of an insane situation.”

“Yep. Probably the only reason we all came back with our minds in tact. I can remember once...” There was a pinching at the side of Vin’s left eye. A memory was returning.

“Go on,” Ezra prompted.

“We were out of supplies. Chris, Buck and I went into the nearest post to get some. Anyway, Buck spots this woman and well, that was the end of Buck.”

“Say no more.”

“Anyway, Chris kinda gets a bit pissed at the supply officer and one thing lead to another and...”

“And he started a riot.”

Tanner burst out laughing. “It was a hell of a fight. Must have been more than a dozen of them. Anyway, we were swinging, they were swinging and next thing you know, Buck appears. Except... except... he...” Laughter drowned out whatever followed.

Ezra found himself chuckling despite not having any idea of what his friend had said. “Except...”

“Except he’s got nothing on but his jocks! Then this woman appears, shouts ‘attention’ and all of the other fellas stop and salute her. Turns out she’s the God damn commanding officer and...”

“And Captain Wilmington had been getting to know her intimately.”

Vin nodded and erupted into further rollicking laughter.

Ezra smiled his amusement, though not at the described incident. Rather, he found himself smiling at the fact that Vin Tanner found it so riotous. “One of those rare stories that you had to be there to truly appreciate the hilarity,” Standish chuckled.

“Those were the times, Ezra. Good times,” Vin murmured, taking another mouthful of whisky.

Without warning, Ezra felt great sympathy sweep over him. If Vin thought those few moments of laughter spent in a war zone were good times, what was he comparing it to? What had Tanner’s life been like before he had met the STF1, Ezra found himself wondering.

Apparently noting Standish’s look of perplexity, Vin shrugged. “Fun times can be spent anywhere with people you... with people.”

Ezra watched as Vin took another long draw from the bottle in his hand. In that split second, the innocent fun left Tanner’s face. It was replaced by the thoughtful and guarded look that Ezra had come to know. The relaxed mood had been destroyed by the harsh hand life had dealt the young Texan.

“Perhaps you should lie down and rest,” Standish stated, noting that Vin had almost finished the first bottle of whisky.


“I just thought... I mean, we didn’t get any sleep last night.”

“If you’re tired, go in and lay down,” Vin mumbled. “Kojay won’t mind.”


Vin stared at Ezra looking puzzled. He hadn’t meant to say the last part. The alcohol had loosened his tongue. “Kojay,” Vin repeated, thoughtfully.

Ezra inclined his head to the mantle where a number of dusty photographs rested. “The gentleman in the photos?”

Vin nodded. “Yeah.”

“Who are the other people?” While Vin had been cooking, Ezra had taken the opportunity to study the photos. They were of three people; an older man with shoulder length hair, a young woman and a young man. All were Native Americans. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to pry.”

“Reckon you were gonna ask some time,” Vin admitted. “The photos are of Kojay and his family. His wife died young. He raised his son, Chanu, on his own. When the boy got older, he and his father didn’t get along, so Chanu left.”

“I see. How did you meet them?” Ezra asked carefully. It was clear to Standish that Vin was drunk enough to share his past, but even as he asked the question, Ezra felt like he was taking advantage of his friend. “No, it doesn’t matter. It’s none of my...”

“My ma died when I was five. Cancer,” Vin whispered, drawn into the time tunnel. He glanced at Ezra and shrugged. “I don’t remember her much any more.“ His eyes grew distant. “Sometimes I remember her real clearly. She was always sick. I don‘t remember her any other way.“ For a moment, he appeared lost in thought. “She was a strong woman. She fought like hell, but...“ Vin sighed, shook his head and took another swig of whisky. “I was sent to an orphanage after her funeral.”

The question that rose in Ezra’s mind was ‘what about your father?’, but he knew interrupting at this point was not an option. So, he nodded.

“Stayed there for a while. Hated the place.”

Ezra frowned.

Vin shrugged. “I guess it was probably okay, but it wasn’t home and I resented that. Anyway, I ended up in and out of three foster homes over the next ten years.”

“I see.” Standish stared at his friend. He’d had no idea, but then, he’d never really thought about what any of his companions’ lives had been like before they had come together. “That must have been hard.”

“You get used to it.”

Ezra’s frown deepened. There was a stirring in his own memories. He could empathize. His experience did not involve foster homes but those of obscure relatives he didn’t know.

Vin shifted his leg, which was still propped up on the chair across from him.

“Are you okay?” Ezra inquired.

“Can’t feel a damn thing.” Both men smiled. Ezra’s attention was drawn to the photographs on the mantle. Noting this, Vin continued with his story. “Two of the families were okay. Treated me fine.” There was the slightest slur to his voice. The alcohol had taken effect. “But... it isn’t your family. It’s hard to explain.”

“I understand completely,” Ezra commented softly. “I understand better than you could know.” Vin eyed Standish curiously. Before the Texan could say anything, the Southerner re-directed the conversation. “Is it usual to move children around so much? I mean, I thought that they tended to stay with one foster family.”

“Yep, usually. I had to leave the first family because John had a heart attack. Social Services removed me. They didn’t think John and Nicole would be able to look after me with him being sick.” There was an element of regret in Vin’s voice but it was carefully hidden. The only reason Ezra saw any sign of it was because much of his friend’s defences had been drowned in the whisky that was giving him respite from the pain chorusing through his leg.

“Then?” Ezra prompted. He got the feeling that Vin was trying to get some things off his chest.

“Then I was placed with a family that had taken on two other foster boys.” Vin’s eye grew intense. “One night, the oldest one decided to teach me to be ‘a man’.”

Ezra’s eyes enlarged. “He didn’t...?!”

“At the time, I wasn’t really sure what he meant, but I didn’t like the way he was looking at me so I took off. Ran like hell.”

“How old were you?”

“Don’t know. Eleven, maybe twelve. The police found me wandering the streets and brought me back. They wanted to know why I ran away. As soon as I told them, I was removed from that foster home, too. I guess I was lucky.”

Ezra found himself shaking his head. ‘Lucky’. It didn’t sound like Vin had ever had any luck in his short life. Standish’s own childhood had not been the happiest, but he had always been safe and in the care of someone who cared. The same could not be said for Tanner.

“The last family was good to me. I liked them. Mother, father and two of their own children. Treated me real well. Stayed with them for two years.” Vin shook his head as the memories accosted him.

“Why did you leave?” Ezra asked, carefully.

“They died.” The words were so soft that Ezra read Vin’s lips to identify what he’d said.


“Yeah. We were in a car accident. The parents were killed, instantly. Denny and Alyce held on until they got to hospital but... When the social worker told me everyone was dead, I knew they’d send me back to the orphanage so I pulled the drip out of my arm, got dressed, and left the hospital. Hitched a ride out of town. Kept hitching until I arrived in Rosewood.” Vin hadn’t known where he was going. He’d just wanted to get away. For two weeks, he’d hitched rides on trucks. When one reached its destination, he’d get on another and go wherever it took him.

“Rosewood? The small town just down the road?”

Vin nodded. “We stopped to fill up. I got out to stretch my legs and the truck driver drove off without me, so I was stranded.”

“How old were you at this stage?”


Ezra stared at his friend. “What did you do?”

“Wasn’t a lot I could do. Rosewood ain’t New York. I couldn’t just jump on the next bus or anything. Hell, the town has two shops, two hotels, a garage, a post office and a police station. That‘s it!”

“You must have been terrified.”

Vin shook his head. “Nope. I don’t reckon I was feelin’ anything.” The statement was so empty. Just like Vin’s heart had been at the time. He’d learned not to feel. Emotions only hurt so he had consciously stripped himself of them.

“My God, Vin,” Standish murmured. Ezra was appalled by everything he was hearing.


“Colonel, I’ve just had a call from Harris. Wardell’s just been found dead,” Nathan informed Chris as he rushed into his leader’s office.

“What?!” Chris grabbed the phone and dialed the CIA leader.


“Kojay found me sitting at the back of the hardware store on his way home from a night at the hotel,” Tanner stated after a lengthy silence. The sun had set and darkness was engulfing the cabin. “He just stared at me and then inclined his head for me to follow. I had nothing to lose so I did. He brought me back here. Gave me a meal and said we’d talk in the morning.”

“And you stayed?”

Vin nodded. “Yep. He made me go back to school. He worked for McKenna’s Outfitters. Led tours into the bush. I used to go with him. He taught me to shoot and to track. Taught me everything he knew, and what he didn’t know, he just plum made up,” Vin chuckled.

“So how did you end up joining the army?” Ezra asked, realizing McKenna’s was a long way from any military recruiting drive.

“Kojay was leading a tour up into the high mountains. A group of six men. Turns out they were from a sharpshooter’s regiment in Washington. They got a few beers in them one night and decided to go hunting. Looking for anything to shoot at. Kojay radioed me and couple of the other hands at McKenna’s. We rode out there to try to calm things down. Just as we caught up with them, one of the bastards was going to shoot a deer. I shot the rifle out of his hand. When they sobered up, they suggested I should join the army and become a sharpshooter. I thought that sounded okay. I knew I could shoot well. I only had a few months of school left, so when they were up, I joined the army.”

“And left here?”

“Was the hardest thing I’d ever done,” Vin murmured.

“And Kojay?”

“Said he didn’t mind. I was away three months when he was thrown from a horse leading a tour. Was killed.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Yep, reckon I was, too,” Vin agreed, quietly. He swallowed, trying to control the emotions that were threatening to consume him. The young man glanced at Ezra. “Hell, I’ve really spilt my guts tonight.”

Ezra smiled but the smile fell quickly. Vin looked very vulnerable in the limited light that was being provided by the full moon.

“Ain’t told no one about any of this.”

“Your secret is safe with me, my friend,” Ezra assured the younger man.

For the next few minutes the men sat in silence, both reflecting on what had been discussed.

Vin’s eyes had become heavy lidded due to alcohol, pain and lack of sleep. Tanner glanced at the time. It was after 8:30pm. “Didn’t realize it was so late. You want some dinner?” His voice was very slurred by this point. He was well and truly drunk.

“I must admit, my generous lunch is still satisfying me.”

“Yeah, guess I ain‘t hungry, either. Reckon I’ll head to bed. I had been on my own for a long time.” The last comment came out of the blue.

Ezra remained quiet.

“Kojay was good to me. Never tried to interfere. Let me stay here and got me on the right path but never overstepped the mark. He was a good friend.”

“We all need friends,” Ezra agreed, earnestly.

“Have you ever met someone and felt like you’ve known them all your life?”

Ezra shook his head. Vin wasn’t looking at Ezra. He was lost, staring out through the door into the darkness beyond.

“That’s what it was like. I’d never even laid eyes on him and yet I understood him and he understood me. Better than I understand myself.”

“Kojay?” Ezra asked curiously. He had the feeling the topic of the conversation had shifted. Vin didn’t appear to hear the question. He was talking to himself, not to Ezra.

“It was the first time that I felt like I wasn’t alone. He didn’t even need to be around me to be there, you know what I mean?” Vin drew his eyes in from the darkness and let them settle on Ezra. “I don’t know what it is, but Chris is family and I haven’t had that since I was five.”

Ezra nodded, rose to his feet and slipped his hands under Vin’s arms. “Come on, Lieutenant. It is time you went to bed.”

Vin allowed Ezra to pull him to his feet. Tanner swayed and then grinned. “I’m drunk as a skunk.”

“That you are.”


“You have no need to apologize, unless you throw up and then my good nature will be tested.” Ezra slung Vin’s arm over his shoulder and manoeuvred him into the main bedroom.

“No, this isn’t my room.”

“It will be easier to put you in here, then to try and get you down into the bunks,” Ezra argued. Standish switched on the light, guided Vin across the room and assisted him to sit on the edge of the bed.

“This is Kojay‘s bed.”

“I assure you, he won‘t mind.” Ezra watched as Vin swayed again. “Will you be okay?”

“Yep.” With that, Tanner toppled backwards, lying across the bed.

Ezra frowned. “You can’t stay there.”

“Oh, yes I can.”

Ezra snorted, grabbed Vin’s arms and pulled him back to his feet. “Just stand there for a moment, while I pull the bedclothes down.”

“Wonder why they call them bed clothes? Beds don’t wear clothes,” Tanner chuckled, leaning against the wall to balance.

Ezra glanced back over his shoulder and smiled. Vin really was plastered. “You aren’t a seasoned drinker, are you?”


“Come on,” Ezra urged, steering Vin to the bed. After a struggle to get his boots off, Ezra pulled the sheets up over his friend and then turned for the door.



Vin’s glazed blue eyes became sober and sent a message of gratitude.

Ezra nodded. “Sleep, my friend. It has been a big day for all of us.”

“Wake me when it’s my turn to take watch.”

Standish switched off the light and walked out into the main room. He stopped and stared around him. Everything had happened so quickly. At some point, he had lost control of his destiny and Ezra didn’t like that feeling. He needed to change that. Standish had some decisions to make tonight while his colleague slept.


General Orrin Travis scanned the files in front of him. The elderly man rubbed the back of his neck. He was tired but he couldn’t rest, despite the late hour. Somehow, he had to find a way of clearing Ezra’s name or Chris would take things into his own hands.

Travis sighed. Em7 had gone from the frying pan when they were almost shut down, to what could be viewed as the fire. They were not the sort of men to allow one of their own to be hassled by anyone.

When Travis had insisted that Larabee take Standish and Dunne into the team, he had never believed that the newcomers would be fully integrated into the tight-knit group, but they had. The pair’s addition had strengthened the team professionally and personally. If anything, the men of Em7 had become closer, stronger and more efficient. Then again, they were far more than just a team these days.

Travis heard a noise in the outer office. He rose to his feet to investigate. As he moved around his desk, eight ninja burst into the room.

"What the....? What do you want? This is a government building. You need clearance to enter!” Gradually, Travis edged back towards his phone. He was unarmed.

“Relax, General. I thought it was time to introduce myself as you and your men seem intent on finding out about my ninja group.”

Travis studied the speaker. He was tall, but well built. Like his companions, the speaker‘s clothing was black. His face was covered by some form of martial arts headgear. “What do you want?”

“I am The Master. I will be in town for a few days. After that, I predict that my business here will be finished."

"What business?"

"That is not your concern. All you need to know is that I am here and that there is nothing you can do to stop me." It was a threat.

"What do you want from me?" Travis demanded, moving to his desk and sitting down. As he did so, he flicked the switch on his phone. Now, he just had to pray that Chris was still in his office despite the hour.

"Call Standish and his friends off. Otherwise they will simply get hurt... or worse."

Travis began to bristle. No one came into his office and ordered him around.

The ninja continued without pause. "I would like you to speak to Larabee. Tell him to keep out of my way or I will be forced to kill him and his men."

“Bold words. Colonel Larabee and his men are amongst the best this country has to offer.“ Travis was stalling for time.

“They are no match for my men.”

“Standish and Tanner didn’t seem to have a lot of trouble taking care of your men last night,” Travis stated.

The Master stepped forward, his eyes flashing intense hatred. “They will pay for...”

The window behind Travis shattered. Glass splintered everywhere. Wilmington and Larabee rolled and came to their feet in the centre of the ninja. Travis was amazed. After all, his office was on the tenth floor!

Both Larabee and Wilmington had their guns drawn. “Freeze!“ Chris shouted. “General, get under the desk!“

The Em7 agents were standing back to back, covering the entire room in a tight circle of defence. Impenetrable. Back to back they could defend both themselves and each other. All of this the Master noticed.

"Impressive Colonel. A very skilled move. You and your friend appear to be as well trained as I was told. Which is the reason I was hoping to speak to you. I am the Master."

"The Master of what? A slumber party!" Buck shot back, watching the other ninja. They all had staffs and were circling the Em7 agents rather like a shark might circle its prey before striking.

"I suggest you keep your smart mouth shut, or I will have it shut for you."

"Feel free to try it," the captain stated.

"Enough," Larabee growled. "What do you want?"

"I have a small, but important matter I am dealing with in DC. It does not concern you or Standish."

"You attacked two of my men at the CIA building. You attacked another in our office and one at the library. That makes it my business," the Em7 colonel explained, calmly. The Master was standing still. However his men continued to circle - waiting for an opening so they could pounce.

"That's right. Nasty men who wear pajamas and attack people have to go to jail," Buck spat. The Ninja's eyes narrowed. Larabee tensed.

"You choose an interesting partner, Colonel," the Master commented.

"He does his job," Larabee replied, simply.

"It is time for us to depart. I suggest you take my warning seriously."

"And I suggest that you leave DC and go back to whatever pajama party you came from," Buck stated.

Travis, who had not taken the safe option and climbed under the table, stepped around the desk to add his own warning to the ninja. In a flash, the Master leapt forward, grabbed the General and produced a long handled dagger. This, he whipped up to Travis’ throat!

"Let him go," Larabee ordered, directing his sweeping gun to the Master alone.

"I think perhaps you should know something about me, Colonel,” the Master snarled. “No one tells me what to do. No one! If you stand in my way, someone will get hurt."

Chris tensed. He knew that the ninja was about to back up his claim with a demonstration of his skill and authority. Larabee had to immobilize the hand holding the knife. Shooting the Master may cause a spasm and Travis would end up dead. Chris had to physically stop the knife from being drawn across the general‘s exposed throat.

The Master smiled. It was a challenge. Was Larabee up to it?

What happened next, happened in a breath and was totally unexpected. The head ninja whispered something in Japanese. The knife started to move. Larabee leaped forward to rescue the General. Unfortunately, this left Buck’s back unprotected.


Ezra stared out into the darkness. He was standing on the small porch of the cabin, his back against the wall. Everything that had happened in the last few days was a blur, but he was beginning to unravel it. Someone wanted him dead. Vin had risked his life and his freedom to save him. That, Ezra felt he could never repay. However, his friend did not deserve being in the middle of the mess that was Ezra’s life. Neither did his team. Standish felt that if he stayed he would only drag Em7 into it.

Ezra squeezed his eyes shut. He had thought that it was all over - that he could move on. He realized that was impossible. He needed to deal with this and he needed to do so himself. Yang Le was alive, no matter what others believed or what the evidence showed. Yang Le had set him up two years earlier and now, he was involved in this again. It was time for Ezra to take the gloves off. He could be as ruthless as any man. This was a fight for his life, but more importantly, it was fight to protect those he cared about.

Ezra opened his eyes. His mind was made up. Larabee and the others may think he was running out on them. Nothing could be further from the truth. This time, he was leading the danger away.

Standish crept back into the cabin, grabbed his few belongings and then departed. Larabee would understand. In the same situation, Ezra knew that Chris would do exactly the same thing.

As Ezra moved through the night, he began to plan out his next move. The key was Yang Le. He had to find him.

The moon above penetrated the trees, providing moving shadows. Ezra didn’t notice them. He was too engrossed in his own thoughts.

However, something warned Ezra to stop. The young man paused searching the trees around him. Out of the darkness ahead of him, a man shaped shadow moved!


The staff of one the ninja crashed across Buck’s back. Another clipped the side of his head. Wilmington went down. Larabee, who had gripped the knife and shoved Travis to safety twisted, punched the Master in the middle of the face and headed back toward his fallen partner.

Too late! Three of the ninjas leaped to stand over Buck, each with a dagger drawn. Larabee paused, his revolver leveled at them as the other ninja began to move around behind him.

"Move, Colonel and they both die,” the Master claimed, climbing to his feet and pointing to Travis who had been grabbed from behind." Chris felt his blood freeze. He stared down at Buck. His friend’s eyes were closed. The colonel dragged his eyes from his partner and let them settle on the head ninja.

"Don't," Chris threatened softly.

At this, the Master smiled in triumph, rubbing his aching jaw. "You broke from your position of safety to save one man and in doing so endangered the life of your own partner. That was stupid. Now both will die."

Larabee and the Master glared at each other. Finally, the ninja nodded. Those men holding Travis pushed him away. At the same moment, the three ninja threatening Buck stepped back. Larabee didn’t move.

"Today's battle is mine, Colonel. But I will not kill your partner. That would only antagonise you. And as for the general here, he is of little importance. However, do not take this as an act of weakness. Usually, I kill not just because I have to, but because I enjoy it. I spare your friend’s life only because of your reputation. I would prefer not to have you hunting me down for revenge. But next time....” The Master let the threat hang in the air. “I hope you have learned that you can not compete with me."

"I have learned something today," Chris stated in a hushed vice. The ninja moved to the window and disappeared.

The Master lingered a few seconds staring at Chris. "I get the feeling that we will meet again."

"So do I," Larabee agreed.

"Next time I will not show mercy."

"Neither will I."

The ninja's eyebrows drew down and then he smiled. "Until next time, then." And he was gone.

Chris turned and moved swiftly to his fallen partner. Gently, he rolled Buck onto his back. Wilmington stirred, immediately.

"Easy. You took a nasty blow."

"The General alright?" Buck asked, groggily.

"A little shaken, but I'm fine," Travis replied, kneeling down beside the captain. Larabee eased his friend into a sitting position and then gently felt the back of the captain’s head. Buck winced.

"Hell of a lump. I think we better get you to hospital for an X-ray."

"I'm okay. I've got a thick skull."

“General, what did they say to you before we arrived?"

"Same thing they said to you. To keep out of their way or someone would get hurt."

Chris cursed. He‘d been caught off guard twice. It wouldn‘t happen again!


Ezra’s revolver snapped up.

Vin stepped into the light, his face set like stone. “Where the hell are ya goin’?”

“I thought you were asleep?”

Vin continued to glare at Ezra.

Standish lowered his weapon. “Vin, I have to deal with this myself.”

“Why?!” It was snapped. Tanner was not happy.

“I may have to do things that will place me on the other side of the law.”

“You think that matters to me?”

Ezra stared at his friend. “I know it doesn’t, but I can’t expect you to join me in what I’m going to have to do.”

“Why?” Again, it was said with bite.

“I may have to kill Yang Le!”


Ezra sighed and shook his head. “Vin, I appreciate your support but...”

Tanner walked forward, his eyes flashing with rage. “Look, Standish. I don’t know what the hell is going on inside that well educated head of yours, but let me tell you how it is. You joined my team. We don’t turn our backs on each other just because the going gets a bit tough. You’re stuck with me. I can track you to ends of the Earth. Every time you turn around, I’ll be one step behind you. Now, we can do it that way, if that’s what you want, or you can stop actin’ like a one man army and let me mind your back.”

Ezra stood staring at the determined man in front of him. “What about the others?”

“They’ll cover us from the outside at the moment. The moment we need them, they’ll be here.”

“We may all end up in jail,” Ezra pointed out.

“They have to catch us first.”

Ezra snorted and lowered his head. “You’re impossible to argue with. Have you ever considered a career in debating?”

The anger in Vin’s eyes eased. He placed his hand on Ezra’s shoulder. “Ya don’t have to face this on your own, Ezra. The six of us won’t let you, anyway. Let’s get back to the cabin. Chris is expectin’ my call.”

“You told him I had left?” Ezra cried.

“I rang him when I discovered you were missin‘! He’s just about ready to bring in the cavalry. We better call him and let him know he can stand the boys down.”


Chris stared up at the ceiling. What a night. Wardell, his main suspect, had just been found dead - a ninja star in his chest. Vin had called to say Ezra had gone missing. He’d rung the boys and put them on alert. Then Travis’ cry for help which had sent Chris and Buck rushing to the general’s aid. Then he and Buck had confronted the ninja. Then the ninja had left after dishing out a lethal threat and then Vin had rung saying Ezra had simply decided to go for a walk to clear his head.

“I’ll bet,” Chris murmured. Larabee drew in a deep breath. The pain in his back was uncomfortable. Liver cancer. The colonel swallowed. Cancer. That scared him more than facing an army on his own. At least with an army he had a way to fight back.

Cancer. He would have welcomed such a diagnosis three years earlier as he stood staring over the graves of his recently buried family. Now? How the hell was he going to tell Vin?! Or Buck? Or Liam?

Cancer. The word echoed in his mind. He simply didn’t have time to be sick! Ezra needed him. Vin could lead the team, if necessary, but... Cancer!

Part Twelve

“Alright. We change our tactics,” Chris growled. It was 6:00 am and Em7 were collected and ready for work. “They attacked us, this time. Next time, we attack them.”

“So I take it we’re focusing all of our efforts on finding these ninja bastards?” Buck asked, rubbing his bruised neck. “I have a bone to pick with a few of them.”

“Is it safe to put all of our eggs in one basket, Sir?” Josiah asked. “I mean, all of this seems to be connected.”

Larabee nodded, his anger being abated by calm words of common sense. “I agree, but we need to take these ninjas down on our terms.”

“If we go in without knowing what we’re tackling, we’re just asking for trouble,” Nathan stated, quietly.

“Hell, he’s not here, and still his logic’s in the room,” Chris murmured, a half grin lighting up his face. Nathan smiled. Chris was missing Vin. In light of the burdens the colonel was carrying, it wasn’t surprising. Nathan sighed. If Chris had cancer, he’d need Vin more than he ever had before. Nathan believed in the Lord Almighty. Perhaps Vin had come back from the dead for this very reason.

“Alright. Let’s put it into boxes so we can study it.”

“Boxes?” J.D. asked, curiously.

“Watch and learn, Kid,” Buck advised. “Okay, Box One. We’ve got Ezra involved in a trade for a weapon that is supposed to be the most incredible and powerful weapon ever seen. This takes place three years ago. Only thing is, he’s double crossed by a fellow agent - Yang Le. The weapon goes missing, three other Secret’s agents are murdered and Ezra ends up holding the bag. The man Ezra swears is responsible has evidence to show he was across the country at the time.”

“Ezra’s charged and Yang Le is the chief witness - only he’s killed in a car accident before he can testify.”

“Ezra looks as guilty as sin,” Josiah commented, quietly.

“Ezra’s found guilty,” Buck continued. “He’s placed on death row. The General receives evidence provided by Red Sun showing that Ezra ‘may’ have been set up. It’s good enough to see him freed, but not really cleared.

“Box Two,” Nathan stated. “Two years later, Red Sun contacts SeCReTs and wants to make an exchange. He’ll only deal with Ezra. We go and ninja turn up, led by a man who Ezra believes is Yang Le.”

“But it can’t be because we checked his remains and Yang Le is dead,” J.D. added.

“Red Sun flees and is found dead. The chip is missing.”

“Box Three,” Josiah stated. “We have ninja coming out of our ears. There were ninja the day Ezra was double-crossed and ninja at the exchange with Red Sun. They, Red Sun and Ezra are the linking factors between Box One and Box Two.”

“Box Four,” Chris stated, quietly. “A mystery witness turns up and claims that he/she saw Ezra kill the other agents. Ezra is arrested, held and attacked while in custody.”

“By ninja,” Josiah added.

“By ninja,“ Chris agreed. “Ezra and Vin are on the run. Our chief suspect who arrested Ezra two years ago and again a couple of days ago is found dead with a ninja star in his chest. Have we missed anything?”

“Yeah, add to Box Three that ninja attacked J.D., Buck and the General on three separate occasions.”

“They wanted the library files and they’ve warned us off. They‘re looking for something, but they can‘t find it. Perhaps the missing weapons?”

“Four boxes. Four angles.”

J.D. smiled. “You guys are good.”

“They are all connected to the ninja.”

“And to Ezra,” Chris murmured. Larabee took a long deep breath. “We still need to tackle all four angles.” He wasn’t happy. All he wanted to do was find the ninja and ram the Master’s words back down his throat. “Buck, Box One is yours. Nathan, Box Two. Josiah and J.D., Box Three. I’ll take Box Four. You have one hour to work out a plan of attack and have it on my desk to approve.”

“Yes, Sir,” his men responded, rising to their feet and moving off. Chris shut his eyes. He felt like they’d been going in circles and ended up back at the beginning. Still, the only thing they were doing was searching. Searching was not one of his team’s strengths.

Nathan walked into the room with a glass of water and two small pink tablets. Chris took them, without comment.

Jackson eased Larabee forward in the chair and placed his hand one the base of his patient’s back. “Pain?”

“It’s fine.”

“Not what I asked.”

“It’s aching.”

Nathan frowned. “I might see if I can get your exploratory pushed forward to today.”

“No. I don’t have time today.”

“Chris, this is serious!”

“Yeah.” Larabee rose to his feet, patted Nathan’s arm in silent thanks and left the room.

“Stubborn bastard,” the doctor muttered.


Two hours later, Chris sat staring at the various files. Buck was going to focus on the weapon. What was it and where was it? Nathan was going to contact the Japanese Secret Service to find out as much as he could about Red Sun. Josiah was going to track down the various ninja groups in DC and J.D. was going to follow up the manuscript the ninja’s stole. They had all agreed that the ninja’s business had to be connected to whatever it was they were seeking in the library.

That left the mystery witness to Larabee.


As the sun set, many hours later, reports were starting to come in. Buck had discovered that there had been a number of nuclear missiles stolen around the time of the exchange two years earlier. Whether they had been the subject of the exchange, he couldn’t be sure. Somehow, he didn’t think so, which meant they were back where they started.

Josiah had spoken to Broddrick Marsden, a multi-millionaire who had hired a group of ninja as personal bodyguards. He had no interest in weapons or anything else and his personal army was always around him. The paranoid author believed that aliens were going to kidnap him! That left three other groups for Chris to investigate.

J.D. had spent the day talking to a professor at the university...


“Ahh, yes, My secretary said you wanted to talk to me. You‘re some sort of FBI or CIA agent?“ the man inquired, looking at J.D. with a furrowed brow.

“I'm doing some research into the history of DC. I was wondering if you could help me?"

"The history of DC? I think you've got the wrong professor. Professor Godfrey and Doctor Chang are the experts, but I'll tell you what I can. What are you interested in?"

"Well, I know this may sound a little strange, but what would a group of ninja want with a manuscript on the history of DC ?"

"Ninja. Well, well , well."

“They don’t seem to be after money, but we know they were involved in stealing a weapon.”

"Interesting," the Professor mused. "If my memory serves me correctly, there is a legend that concerns ninjas in DC. It’s a very old story, but apparently based on a certain amount of truth. Hang on a minute. I've got a book about it here somewhere."

J.D. frowned. An old legend? How could that possibly link into his case?

The professor searched his bookcase. “Strange. I can't find it. I know it was here a few weeks ago, because I tidied up the bookcase.”

J.D.’s brow furrowed. Another book stolen. "Professor can you remember anything about the legend?"

"A little. There was supposed to have been a great battle between two Ninja cults."

"What was the battle over?" J.D. inquired.

"Possession of a sword. The Sword of Power. According to the legend, whoever holds the sword is blessed by the God of War."

"Professor, what is the sword made of?" J.D. asked.

“I don't know, but it is supposed to be invaluable."

"So what happened?"

"Now I'm getting a little out of my depth. I really can't remember. The people that you need to be speaking to are Professor Godfrey and Doctor Chang. Unfortunately, Professor Godfrey is in France at the moment studying the history of the Eiffel Tower and Professor Chang had to take leave unexpectedly. A personal problem. I could try to ring Godfrey if you want?"

"No, that's okay, Professor. Thanks for your help."

“Sorry, Chris. I guess I struck out. Though, it’s pretty amazing that another book on the history of DC has gone missing.”

“Interesting, but not important. I have discovered that the new witness is a former agent of SeCReTs,” Chris informed his men.

“Really. Who?”

“I don’t know, but perhaps Ezra can help us out.”

“Have you heard from them today?”

“Not for the last few hours,” Chris murmured. Why did that worry him?


Vin couldn’t help thinking this wasn’t such a good idea. He couldn’t believe he and Ezra had broken into SeCReTs’ headquarters. Ezra had insisted he needed to see the files. The real files. The ones SeCReTs would not have shared with anyone.

Tanner found himself watching his partner in awe. Ezra truly was an expert at bypassing security. Now, the Em7 agents were in an archive room - a room lined with row after row of filing cabinets.

“They don’t believe in computers?” Vin murmured.

“Computer records can be changed easily. The hard copy can not, hence Freeman’s insistence that a hard copy is kept.”

“I don’t know if I’ll be much help, Ezra. I still ain’t readin’ real good.”

Ezra looked up from the file and smiled, easily. “Dial for a pizza. I may be a while.”

Tanner grinned. “Chris would have a cow if he knew we were here.”

“Then I suggest we refrain from sharing our expedition with him,” Ezra stated, returning to the files. “The colonel, for all his amazing qualities, has a tendency to worry excessively.”

“We’ve broken into the SeCReTs’ building. I reckon he’s entitled to be nervous.” Vin glanced around. “I know I am.”

“Why don’t you take a seat and get some sleep? I may be all night.”

“What are you looking for?”

“I won’t know until I find it.”

“That’s a comfort,” Vin muttered, wandering off down between some filing cabinets. “So, how long did you work for them?” Tanner asked, his voice echoing in the empty room.

“A couple of years.”

“Ya said you ya didn’t work with anyone.”

“I preferred to work alone,” Ezra murmured, withdrawing a file and adding it to the ones he had already stowed under his jacket.

“Yeah, I liked to work alone too, until I met the boys.” Vin noticed that a filing cabinet half way down the aisle he was passing was open. The sharpshooter wandered down toward it. “You were pretty high up in the organization?”

“Just one of the workers, though, I feel it true to say, their most successful.”

“Yeah, and their most modest.”

“Not really,” Ezra stated. “You are the finest sharpshooter in the world. Stating that does not make you modest. It is a statement of fact. Do you agree?” Silence. “Vin?” Ezra stood up straight and listened. “Vin?” No response. Standish withdrew his revolver and raced to the end of the aisle. There he paused and listened again. There was no sound. Ezra licked his lips.

“Colonel Larabee, please send the rest of the boys up here, now!” he bluffed loudly, as he moved forward. The sound of padded feet on the ground! Ezra raced toward the sound.

He spotted Vin slumped, his head and shoulders inside a filing cabinet. Ezra’s eyes darted to either side of the aisle. Gradually, he made his way forward. The closer he got to his disturbingly still partner, the greater the risk of attack. “Vin?”

When he was two feet away, Ezra detected the smell of knockout gas. Vin was alive, he could see him breathing. Taking one hand off his revolver, he reached out and shook his partner. “Vin?!” Tanner groaned. Gripping Vin’s buckskin coat, Ezra yanked his friend’s head and shoulders out of the filing cabinet and let him fall to the ground. Standish stepped closer to his friend and nudged him with his foot. “Lieutenant!”

Tanner stirred.

“Get up! Get on your feet!” Ezra could sense movement around him.

Vin blinked up at Ezra and dragged himself on to his hands and knees.

“Get up!” Ezra repeated as ninja poured into the end of the aisle. He chanced a look over his shoulder. More ninja. “VIN!” Tanner tried to get to his feet but fell back to his knees. Ezra stepped closer to his companion, grabbing his shoulder to stop his falling forward. “Alright! I’m the one you want. Leave him out of it!”

Four of the assassins continued to press forward in front of him and three behind him. “Kill them both!” one growled.

“Vin, if you can hear me...?”

“I hear ya,” Tanner whispered. “NOW!” Vin launched himself at the advancing group. The confined space was to Vin’s advantage. The ninja could not avoid his tackle. All five men hit the ground, Tanner’s knife flashing with deadly accuracy.

Ezra spun, holstered his weapon and advanced himself. The three ninja attacked. Ezra countered the attack easily. This time, he was not half gassed and he was as angry as hell.

“Retreat!” one of the ninja shouted, realizing the battle had turned against his side.

“Oh, no you don’t. Not this time!” Ezra cried, pursuing them.

Abruptly, an alarm began to sound. Someone had tripped the building’s security system! “Vin?!” Ezra cried, giving up the chase.

“Right here!” Tanner called, appearing out of one of the aisles. “Let’s get out of here!”


It was 2:00 am when the phone disturbed Larabee’s light slumber in the Em7 office.

“Vin?” Chris responded, immediately.

“I’m afraid not, Colonel Larabee. I am sorry to hear of your men’s kidnapping. However, I have some information that may be of interest to you.”

“Who is this?”

“I’m sorry, Colonel. It’s Freeman, chief of SeCReTs. Our building was just broken into by some ninja!”


“Yes. We have found blood stains suggesting there was some sort of battle in our archive room.”

“I’m on my way.”

Chris slammed the phone down and rose to his feet quickly. Immediately, his back arched with pain. For several seconds he stood frozen, waiting for the pain to subside. Larabee drew in a deep breath and slowly sank back into his chair.


Vin and Ezra paused in a bus shelter. They had been running. Tanner sank down onto the seat and rubbed his throbbing leg.

“Are you okay?” Ezra asked, examining the footpath for signs they were being pursued.

Tanner nodded. He reached up and rubbed his temples.

Ezra turned and crouched down in front of his friend. “The knockout gas is harmless, but it does produce a rather trying headache.”

“No kiddin’.”

“What happened?”

“I saw the filing cabinet open, went down there, opened it a bit more and...”

“And that released the gas,” Ezra guessed, studying his friend’s pupils.

“Passed out straight away. I wounded a couple of them.” Ezra had noticed. Tanner was quite a fighter, but then, he’d had to be to stay alive in the jungles of Katinda. In a lot of situations, guns were useless because of the risk of alerting other enemy to his position.

“We better keep moving.”

“I’ve got to ring, Chris. He needs to be informed of the attack.”

“Make it quick. I want to put as much distance as possible between us and that building.” Bothering about implicating the rest of the team was now thrown to the wind.

Tanner took out his phone and handed it to Ezra. “You better ring. He’ll be able to tell by my voice that... that something happened.”

Ezra frowned. “Are you holding out on me?” Standish asked, running his eyes over Vin’s body. “You aren’t hurt?”

“No, but he’ll be able to tell that something happened. I’ll have to explain. Then he’ll insist that Nathan comes over here. You know what he’s like. It’ll be easier this way, trust me.”

Ezra stood up and dialed. “Colonel?”


“Yes, Sir. Vin and I were just... collecting evidence at the SeCReTs’ building and...”

“The ninja?! There was blood.”

“Lieutenant Tanner wounded some of them,” Ezra replied, surprised that his Colonel already knew of the attack. “Unfortunately, we were forced to flee when the alarms went off.”

“Are you both okay?”

Ezra’s eyes flicked to Vin. “Yes, Sir.” There was a pause. “Sir?”


Ezra pulled the phone from his ear.

Vin grinned, reached up and took it. “Keep your shirt on, Larabee. Ezra needed to see some files.”

“I think I may have found a few interesting things,” Ezra called, helpfully.

“Yeah, he thinks he may have found some things that will help, so relax.”

“RELAX?! You two are gallivanting around town when you’re supposed to be in hiding and I’m supposed to relax?!”

“Why the hell are you yellin’ at me? It isn’t my fault. Look, if we find anything useful, I’ll call. How are you feelin’?”

There was a grunt. “You mean how am I feeling considering two of my men can’t follow the simplest orders?”

Vin frowned. “Larabee?”

“Your voice sounds a bit strange. Are you okay?”

“You don’t sound well.”

“Were you hurt in the conflict?”

“Breathed in some knockout gas, but I’m fine. Chris, talk to me or I’ll ring Nathan and have him do a full check up.”

“I’ve got enough troubles with Nathan barking at me about my eating habits,” Larabee chuckled.

Vin relaxed a little. “Are you at home?”

“Yes,” Chris lied.

“Bullshit. It’s half passed two and you’re still in the office, aren’t you, you stupid bastard? Go home and get some rest. I’ll be in touch as soon as anything comes to hand.”

“Alright. Have you been keeping off that leg?”

Vin licked his lips. “Yes.”

“Yes, my ass!“ For several seconds there was silence. “Be careful.”

“I’ve got Ezra lookin’ after me, Cowboy.”

“Hell, now I feel better!” Chris laughed. “One insubordinate pain-in-the-ass lookin’ after another insubordinate pain-in-the-ass.... Watch your back.”

“And you take your back to bed. I mean it!”


By the time Ezra and Vin made it back to the cabin, the sun was rising. They were both exhausted. “Coffee?” Vin asked.

Ezra nodded, sitting down at the table and taking out the files from under his jacket.

“The ninja really want you dead, Ezra.”

“Yes, I noticed,” Standish murmured, scanning one of the files.

“Any idea why?”

Ezra glanced up at his friend, thoughtfully. “I must admit, it perplexes me. They must see me as some sort of threat, though I can’t see why.”

“You must have seen somethin’ that day in the parking lot.”

“I saw Yang Le,” Ezra stated, firmly. “He was with the ninja.”

“J.D. found out that he was in that grave.”

“I don’t believe that.” Vin frowned. “Do not take me literally, my friend. I believe that Agent Dunne honestly believes that it is Le, but it isn’t.”

“Okay, I’ll buy that. So you reckon Le is still alive?”


“Then I reckon our first step should be to find him.”

“Exactly. One of the files I stole contains recruitment information for the period I believe Yang Le would have joined SeCReTs. If he’s in here, it may give us something to go on.”

Tanner smiled. “You’re one step ahead of me.”

Ezra snorted. “Let’s hope it will do us some good.”

Vin placed a mug of coffee in front of Ezra. “What made you join SeCReTs?”

Standish stopped reading and considered the question. “I was working for the CIA. Unfortunately, there were too many rules. Too much red tape. When Freeman offered me the chance to join SeCReTs, it sounded like what I was looking for. I could do what was needed to get a job done.”

“Even if it meant breaking the law?”

“I like to think of it as ‘bending‘ the law.”

Vin grinned. “So why did you join the CIA?”

Ezra picked up his mug of coffee and sipped it. “Would it sound conceited to say they searched me out? I had been working for a private computer company specializing in security. The competition was always trying to steal their ideas. It was my job to keep them out.”

“And to break into their company and find out their secrets.”

“Touché! You are correct, of course. I was good at my job at an extremely young age. The CIA approached me and I joined up.”

“What did your mother think?”

Ezra’s face shadowed. “My mother never truly gave me a second thought after the day I was born.”

“Don’t reckon that’s real fair, Ez. She raised you.”

“Raised me? Is that what you said? Raised me! My mother didn’t raise me as well as a stray cat raises a litter. I was passed around from one obscure relative to another until she needed me briefly for some con.”

Vin looked shocked.

Ezra swallowed. “I’m sorry. I don’t mean to sound bitter.”

“Bitter isn’t a sound, Ezra. It’s a feeling inside you.”

Standish eyed Tanner, carefully. “You are far more intuitive than you let on, my friend.”

“Just nosy,” Vin chuckled.

Ezra sighed. “My mother did what she had to, I suppose. My father died before I was born. My mother was on her own. In order to earn a living, she felt it was best to send me off to stay with relatives. I wouldn’t see her for months at a time.”

Vin nodded.

“After a while, I decided that she didn’t want me around, which I know now wasn’t the case. She did want me around, but her lifestyle didn’t allow for a child. She married several times, but it never worked. When I was thirteen, she met husband number seven. He had money and so I was sent to the finest boarding school in the country. A huge stone building where everyone did as they were told when they were told.”

“Reckon you caused a few riots, then.”

Ezra smiled. “The odd few.” The smile fell almost immediately. “I never made friends there. Probably because I didn’t want to. I spent my days reading and learning about computers and espionage. I had been fascinated by it since seeing my first James Bond movie,” Ezra laughed. “I passed school with straight ‘A’s’ and got the first job I applied for. A year later, I joined the CIA. So there you have it. The illustrious life of Ezra P. Standish.”

For several seconds there was silence.

“You hungry?”

“No, I want to go through these. How’s your head?”

“Not hurtin’ as much as my leg.”

Ezra frowned.

Vin winked. “I’m headin’ to bed. You won’t be tryin’ to take off again, will you?”

“You have my word that I will be here to enjoy the trout you have just volunteered to catch and cook for lunch.”

“You’re on!”


When Nathan, Buck and Josiah laid eyes on Chris the next morning, none were impressed.

“Did you go home last night?” Buck demanded.

“He’s still wearing the same shirt,” Nathan accused, softly.

“Last night, a group of ninja broke into SeCReTs’ archive room,” Chris stated, ignoring his friends’ comments.


“Ezra and Vin were also there. Vin wounded a few of the ninja.”

“Do we have any of them to question?”


“Does Freeman know?” Josiah asked.

“He knows there were ninja. He doesn’t know about Vin and Ezra.”

“Are they okay?”

“Vin mentioned something about gas, but he’s okay. Ezra stole some files he wants to look through.” Larabee paused as the elevator door opened and J.D. walked in.

“Good morning, everyone! I’ve got a date with Casey!”

“I thought you two were just friends,” Buck bated.

J.D. grinned. “She asked me this morning as I was leaving.”

“Oh, hell, Kid. How many times have I told you that...”

“You all have one hour to get your plans for today to me,” Larabee interrupted. With that, the colonel turned and disappeared into his office.

Nathan followed him. “Chris, did you get any sleep last night?”

“Nathan, until I know we have a handle on these ninja...”

“The ninja can wait. You’re going to fall down in a heap if you don’t give your body an opportunity to rest. You’re ill. I’m not asking. I’m ordering you to go home and get some sleep. If you don’t, I’ll report your condition to General Travis and have you stood down. Do you understand. Colonel?” Nathan spoke firmly. He meant every word.

Chris stared at his doctor, cursed, turned, scooped up his keys, shoved passed Nathan, strode across the room and disappeared into the elevator. Nathan shook his head and re-entered the main office where his friends were waiting.


“I had a word with him,” the medic stated, dismissively.

“Is he okay?” J.D. asked.

Nathan took a few seconds before answering honestly, “He wants my guts for garters!”

Part Thirteen

“Ezra, I know this was listed as Yang Le‘s address, but he’s supposed to have been dead for two years! What do you expect to find?” Vin demanded, watching as Ezra picked the lock. They were outside a unit on the ground floor of a large apartment block.

“I don’t know, but I can’t think of anything else to do.”

“Works for me,” Vin muttered. “Look, they’ve probably rented it to someone else.”

“No, he owned it. It has never been sold and someone is continuing to pay the rates and other expenses.”


There was a click as the door lock fell into place. Ezra glanced up at Tanner who nodded and withdrew his revolver. “I’ll cover you.”

“You want me to go in first?” Ezra whispered.



“Because I said so and I’m in charge.” Vin grinned boyishly. “Besides, I offered to mind your back, not your front.”

Ezra snorted, withdrew his own weapon and stepped into the room. It was in total darkness. Thick black curtains covered the windows. Standish and Tanner waited for their eyes to adjust and then they moved through the main room, checking the bedroom and kitchen as they went. Ezra grabbed one of the curtains and parted them.

“Holy mother of God,” Vin murmured. The room’s walls were covered in ninja weapons. Both men lowered their revolvers.

“I think we found what we were looking for. Yang Le wasn’t working with the ninja”

“He’s one of them,” Vin agreed.

Ezra turned to scan the room. It was covered in a fine layer of dust. “No one has been in here for some time.”

“Hang on, if all of this was here when they did the investigation after his death, didn’t anyone tweek to what was going on.”

“I have seen photos of this room during the trial,” Ezra murmured. “None of this was here then.”

Vin glanced at his companion. “You’re sayin’ all of this was put here after the trial?”

“After his apparent murder.”

Vin drew in a deep breath. “So, he’s using this as a sort of storage place now that everyone’s lost interest in him.”

“It would appear so,” Ezra agreed, walking across to a set of drawers and beginning to riffle through them.

Tanner wandered into one of the bedrooms and started doing the same thing. “He’d be taking a chance coming back here, though. Don’t you think?”

“He’s supposed to be dead. The unit is on the bottom floor, nearest the back entrance. No one would notice him coming and going.”

“Why would he stay in DC? I mean, if it were me, I’d at least move to another state.”

Ezra paused and considered the statement. “He must need to stay here for some reason.”

“Like what?” Vin asked, re-entering the main room.

“I wish I knew. Find anything?”

“Just clothes,” Vin muttered, walking across to the television cabinet and opening it. “Martial arts videos. Hey, “American Ninja”! I love that movie.”

“I am thinking that maybe he isn’t a ninja but simply admires them.”

“Like a fan?”

“Exactly. He collects the weapons, watches the videos. It’s his secret fantasy.”

“Sick bastard,” Vin muttered. “He looks up to assassins.”

Ezra smiled. “We all have something we marvel at.”

“Yeah, I marvel at the fact that Buck can eat ten Big Macs and not spew his guts up. That doesn’t mean I have Big Macs all over my walls at home.”

“Now, what do we have here?”


“If I am not mistaken, it is a set of phone numbers.”

Tanner started toward his companion, but spotted a couple of plaques on the wall. “Ezra? Come and tell me what these say.”

Ezra walked across to join his friend. “Most are certificates of authenticity for his weapons. There’s a poem and a couple of quotes about what a good ninja should be.”

Both Vin and Ezra felt the hair prickle on the back of their neck. They spun around. Leaving the room was a group of four ninja. The Em7 agents drew weapons.

“Hold it!” Ezra shouted. His mind was moving at a million miles an hour. Where the hell had they come from? The bathroom, he realized. They’d hidden there when he and Vin had broken in.

One of the ninja turned. “Put your weapons away. They are of no use to you against us.” His voice was calm and soft.

“Why? You don’t bleed?” Vin asked, moving to his left and indicating for the other three men to turn and move back into the centre of the room.

“Bullets are only of use if the target is where you think it is.” A smoke pellet exploded in front of both Ezra and Vin simultaneously. The ninja turned and disappeared. Time paused.

Ezra moved back to the window and opened it, letting fresh air into the room. “Vin?” he choked out.

Tanner rushed to the door, out into the hall and out the back door that led to the parking lot.

“Anything?” Ezra asked, appearing behind him.

Vin dropped to the ground, his eyes narrowing on a print. Standish watched as his companion began moving forward, pausing every so often to study something. Finally, Tanner stopped as he came to the main road. “They were picked up... but, they didn’t have time. I followed them immediately.”

Ezra shook his head. “Ninja use a smoke gas that causes momentary blackout. We were probably stunned for up to fifteen seconds without knowing it. More than enough time for them to cross to here and be picked up.”

“Are you sayin’ we were sort of unconscious?”

“It blocks mental processing, in essence, freezing a person. Time pauses.”

“What were they doing here?” Vin asked as the two men headed back to the apartment.

“Perhaps they have been staying here.”

“You said no one had been here in a while,” Vin pointed out.

“Then they must be searching for Yang Le as well.”

“Maybe he double-crossed them.”



It was just after lunch when Larabee returned to the office. The moment he stepped out of the elevator, he made eye contact with Nathan. The colonel winked. The medic grinned.

“Buck, you first,” Larabee ordered.

“Okay, I’ve given up on the weapon and decided to look at it from Ezra’s angle. The only thing we need to do is clear him. So, this morning I went off and collected some more of the video evidence from the trial. In particular, the video that was used to dispute the fact that Yang Le could have been in DC at the time of the exchange.”


“And I only just got back. I’m just about to watch it.”


“I’ve arranged for Professor Godfrey to be on a chat line at two-thirty. I also got in touch with the American Association for Ninja. The man I spoke to suggested that we contact some of the suppliers. If the ninja are using ninja specific knock-out gas then there is only one place you can buy it.”

“Good work. Get a list of people who have purchased in the last six months.”

“Already have. Four from DC and three of them are on Josiah’s list to talk to.”

“The fourth?”

“A man called Henderson. I rang him. He suffers from a rare muscular disease and the properties of the gas helps to ease his pain.”

“Check it out anyway. Nathan?”

“Red Sun had recently transferred all of his savings into a single account and then transferred the money to South America.”

“He was going to run.”

“Looks that way. The Japanese Secret Service didn’t know about the exchange. He was supposed to be here following up on a lead connected to a drug ring.”


“I spoke to the Jitsu this morning. They are a competitive and training group for ninja. They compete all over the world. Their coach said that they have so many members that he couldn’t be sure if some of them were involved in something ‘sinister’ - to use his words.”

“Did you get a list of members?”

“Yep. J.D.’s running them through the computer to see if anyone from SeCReTs, the CIA or anyone else interesting turns up.”

“Good. No word from Vin or Ezra?”


“J.D., after your conference with Godfrey, head out to McKenna’s and fill Vin and Ezra in on everything.”

“Yes, Sir. Where are they?”


Buck walked out of the conference room in search of his youngest team mate.

“J.D., I need to talk to you.”

“You need some advice on girls, Buck?” J.D. chuckled.

“Ha! Look, I’ve watched the video of Yang Le. He was at some state reception. The security video shows him at the reception at exactly the time of the attack on Ezra. There is no way he could have been in DC.”


“So, the date and time is displayed in the bottom right corner of the screen the entire time. Could that have been altered?”

J.D. nodded thoughtfully. “Yeah. Wouldn’t be that hard for someone who knew what they were doing. Let me take a look.”

As J.D. rose to his feet, the elevator doors opened. A man dressed in jeans and a t-shirt stepped out. He looked remarkably like Chris, only younger.

“Can I help you?” J.D. asked.

“Yeah. I’m looking for...” Liam Larabee spotted his brother as he stepped out of his office.


“Chris.” The younger Larabee crossed the room and pumped his brother’s hand enthusiastically. He spotted Buck to his left. “Buck,” he greeted a little coolly.

“Liam,” Buck nodded.

“Come on in,” Chris stated, leading the way into his office and closing the door behind them.

Buck shook his head.

“Who’s that?” J.D. asked.

“That’s trouble, Kid.”


“How did you get passed security?” Chris asked, indicating Liam take a seat.

“As I was trying to get passed those stormtroopers, Orrin arrived. He said I could come straight up.” Liam looked around the office. “Impressive. You’re really done something with your life, Chris. Mom and Dad would have been proud.”

Chris sat down behind his desk. “Liam, I hate to sound like I’m trying to get rid of you, but we’re in the middle of a bit of crisis.”

“Yeah, I’ve got a bit of a crisis of my own, big brother.”

Chris frowned. “What’s wrong?”

“There are a couple of not so nice people looking for me.”

“Why?” Larabee growled.

“Good Lord. You should see the look on your face. I’m guilty even before you hear what I’ve got to say!”

“That’s not true.”

“Sorry.” Liam swallowed and calmed. “I upset a few people when I helped the prison guards identify some fellas dealin’ cocaine in prison. They said they’d get me, but I thought it was just hot air until this morning. A couple of guys paid me a visit at the hostel. Luckily, a couple of the fellas there walked in just as they were about to redesign my face. I ran like hell. I had nowhere else to go.”

“Who are they?” Chris asked, picking up the phone.

Liam raised his hand. “Chris, don’t. You’ll only make it worse. These bastards have connections. I just need somewhere to stay for a while - somewhere they won’t find me. I’m hoping to go interstate as soon as I can, if I can get the conditions of my parole transferred.”

“Running won’t solve this.”

“Neither will getting my legs broken.”

“I won’t let...”

“Let me deal with it myself.”

Chris drew in a deep breath and sighed. “Alright. How can I help?”

“Have you got somewhere I can stay?”

“Yeah. You can go out to Four Corners. It’s a property Em7 owns.”

“A property? I need to stay close to town so I can... report in to my parole officer.”

“I’ll have you transferred to my custody.”

“No, Chris. I don’t want that. Please just let me do this on my own. All my life I’ve had you fixing up the messes I’ve created. I want to do this myself. I hope you understand.”

“Okay. I’ll get Buck to fly you out there.”

“Buck?! Hell, he’ll probably push me out of the helicopter when we’re a thousand feet up. You know what he thinks of me.”

Chris smirked. “I’ll fly you out there myself.”

“How about you give me the address and I’ll make my own way out there, okay?”

Chris studied his brother critically.

“Chris, you’ve got to let me take charge of my own life.”

The older Larabee offered his hand. Liam took it. “I’m proud of you. You really seem to have your sights set in the right direction.”

“Don’t worry, big brother. I’ve learned my lesson. I’m not going to screw up again.”

Chris scribbled the address down on a piece of paper and handed it to Liam. “There’s food in the fridge out there. Here are the keys.”

“Thanks, Chris. I really appreciate this. I’ll see myself out.”

Liam exited the office and strode across the room, bouncing the keys in his hands. Buck spotted them, cursed and stalked into Larabee’s office.

Nathan rushed across to Liam as he pushed the button to summon the elevator. “Look, I don’t know you, but if you’re Chris’ brother, you need to know he isn’t well.”

Liam stared at Nathan. “Looks like we’ve both got troubles at the moment, then.” The elevator doors opened and Liam disappeared. Nathan was stunned. There had been no trace of concern whatsoever!


Larabee glanced up as Buck entered. “You gave him the keys to Four Corners?”

“Leave it, Buck.”

“Why does he need to be at Four Corners?”

“It will only be for a few days,” Larabee claimed, starting to type at his computer again.

“Oh, come on, Chris! He’s in trouble again, isn’t he?! It’s been how many days and already...!”

“NO, he’s not in trouble! He helped out a few prison guards and now some heavyweights are looking for him. He’ll only be at Four Corners until he can transfer his parole to another state.”

Buck stared at his oldest friend. “Chris, he’s using you again.”

“That is none of your business!”

“Wrong Larabee! YOU are my business. I love you like a brother and I ain’t ashamed to admit it. Liam’s nothing but a worthless piece of shit who appears, causes trouble and then disappears leaving you to fix his mess.”

“He’s trying to fix his own mess this time, Buck,” Chris stated, softly. “He wouldn’t accept my help.” Larabee raised his eyes to Buck.

Wilmington sighed and nodded. “I guess he deserves another chance. Just don’t get hurt, this time. I wouldn’t stand back and let anyone else put your through the wringer like he does.”

“I know.”

Wilmington turned and left the room, muttering to himself, “he better not do anything in front of Vin. Vin’ll tear him apart with his bare hands.” Fortunately, Chris didn’t hear the comment.


As J.D. drove under the huge McKenna sign spanning the driveway, he spotted Vin leaning up against the livery waiting. Dunne grabbed his laptop and a bag of general supplies from the passenger side and leapt from the car.

“Hey, Vin!”


J.D. was smiling like a Cheshire cat. “Chris said to tell you that if he finds out you’re not staying off your leg, he’s going to ring Inez. I’m not sure why, but that’s what he said.”

Tanner grinned. “Bastard probably would, too. How is he? Takin‘ it easy?”

“Not exactly. He and Nathan had an argument and he went home. Came back a few hours later, but he still looks tired.” Vin snorted. He‘d thought as much. “Where’s Ezra?” J.D. asked curiously.

“At the cabin. Come on, it’s an hour’s ride. So, anything new?”

“Yeah, lots of things,” J.D. stated, following his colleague into the stable where Vin had a couple of horses saddled. “I had arranged for a talk with Professor Godfrey, but he had to cancel. We’re going to do it tomorrow.”


“Professor Godfrey. He’s an expert on the history of DC.”

“And that’s important because?”

“Well...” During the ride out to the cabin, J.D. filled Vin in on some of the team‘s discoveries.


“Damn, this is the best fish I’ve ever eaten!” J.D. exclaimed. As soon as Dunne arrived, Ezra had served the fish Vin had caught and prepared.

“Mr. Tanner has hidden talents,” Ezra agreed.

“I was supposed to be going out with Casey tonight, but I had to cancel. I haven’t ever heard a girl swear so much.”

Vin and Ezra exchanged a grin.

J.D. blushed. “Well, I suppose I should go through all of this stuff. That’s why Chris sent me out here.”

The youth turned on his computer and read through the reports his companions had written over the past few days.

“So the ninja got Wardell? They’re eliminating everyone who was involved,“ Ezra muttered.

“Yep, that’s what Chris thinks.“ J.D. continued.

“It wasn’t nuclear missiles,” Ezra stated, with certainty, as J.D. concluded reading Buck’s report. “There was a real element of mystery about the weapon. This was something no one knew anything about.”

“Nothing’s changed,” Vin muttered. “J.D., I got somethin’ I want ya to do for me.”


“Can you bring up a map of DC on the screen and let me tinker for a while?”

“Yep.” Dunne did so and then he and Ezra continued to discuss the case.

An hour passed. “Okay, I’ll let Chris know what you’ve discovered, but I don’t think he’ll believe that Yang Le is still alive. We’ve pretty much discounted him.”

Ezra glanced across at Vin who was staring at the computer screen intently. Standish rose to his feet and moved around to peer over his companion’s shoulder.

"What's this?" Ezra asked.

"Nothing. Just fiddling."

"Explain it to me," Standish pressed. Tanner had excellent instincts. His fiddling could well turn up something useful.

“I’ve marked all of the places where the ninja have turned up." The map had both navy and black crosses marked.

"Why the different colours?"

"Just a theory I have."

"Go on." J.D. joined Ezra, staring over Vin’s shoulder.

"Well, the navy crosses represent the times when the ninjas didn't seem so violent.”

“So violent?” J.D. asked.

“When they attacked Ezra at the CIA building and when they attacked us at SeCReTs’ headquarters, they wanted to kill us, or at least, to kill Ezra. Yet, when we surprised them at Yang Le’s apartment, they weren’t interested in him at all.”

“They had learned that we were formidable foes and realized that confrontation was not wise,” Standish stated.


“Actually,” J.D. stated, thoughtfully. “Buck sort of said the same thing. When the ninja broke into our office and gassed him, they had the opportunity to kill him and yet, they didn’t. When they broke into the General’s office they were really aggressive.”

Ezra raised one eyebrow. J.D. shrugged.

“Vin?“ Standish asked.

“Sometimes they seem out for blood and at other times, they really aren’t interested in us. On one hand they see us as a threat and on the other, we aren‘t.”

"So what are you saying? There are two different groups of ninjas?"

"Yeah. One led by the Master, who's a psycho and one led by someone else.”

Ezra looked sceptical. "That doesn't really make sense."

"So far nothing about this case makes sense," Vin conceded.

"Alright, let's assume that there are two groups,” J.D. suggested. “Are they working together?"

Vin shrugged. “Maybe. Two strands of the same group."

"We may be able to find out some information," Ezra contemplated out aloud. "I think it's time we contacted an old friend of mine at SeCReTs.” Vin’s face flashed with concern. Ezra patted his friend’s shoulder. “Relax. He and I go way back. He’ll be able to tell us how much SeCReTs know about these ninja. He works in administration.”

J.D. hooked his mobile up to the laptop to enable all three men to hear the call. Ezra dialed, spoke to his friend for a few minutes and requested the information. Half an hour later, he phoned back to get the results.


“Yeah, look Ezra, I’m not real happy about this. Do you have any idea what Freeman will do to me if he finds out I’m helping you!“

“Do you have any idea what Freeman will do if I happened to e-mail him a copy of...“

“Okay, Ezra! Okay! This is what’s on file. It seems SeCReTs has actually worked with a ninja group in the past.”

“Go on,” Ezra prompted.

“The agent who liased with them was...”

“Yang Le,” Standish stated.

“That’s right. How did you know?”

“Why wasn’t his connection with ninja mentioned at my trial?!”

“Calm down, Ezra. I don’t know.”

Abruptly, a red light began to flash on the computer screen in front of the Em7 agents. Ezra’s ‘friend’ was trying to trace the call. J.D. grinned and began typing. He was redirecting the trace to an Eskimo village in the Arctic Circle.

"What case did they work on with Yang Le?“

“It doesn‘t say here. Sorry.”

“Any names or addresses?”

“Nothing. All I’ve been able to find is a finance file that mentions that Yang Le commissioned the help of some ninja and that SeCReTs paid for their services. The only reason there is a record of it is because he paid them.“ Suddenly Randle began to laugh. "So how's the weather in Iceland?"

"Not bad, actually. We’re having polar bear for dinner, tonight," J.D. stated, grinning at his older partners.

“ Ezra, who’s that?!” Peter Randle exploded.

“No one to be concerned about. I need more than you’re giving me.“

“What do you want from me?!“

“You’ve been at SeCReTs for years. Either you tell me what you know about the ninja or I’m going to turn you over to Larabee.“

“Larabee?!“ There was fear in the man’s voice.

“The colonel is a compassionate man who only uses legally accepted methods of interrogation. The fact that three men have disappeared in his custody is only a rumour!“ Ezra snarled.

Vin flicked his eyes to Ezra and smiled.

“I’m waiting, Randle.“

“Alright! Yeah, I met some of the ninja once.“


“And I walked in on some sort of meeting Yang Le was having with them. He said he’d kill me if I ever mentioned it to anyone.“

“Which is why you chose not to come forward at my trial,“ Ezra growled.

“What sort of outfits were the ninja wearing?" Vin asked.

“Hell, how many people am I talking to?”

“Answer his question,” Ezra demanded.


"Plain black? No navy?“ Vin inquired. Both J.D. and Ezra were puzzled by Tanner’s questions.

“No, just black.“

Abruptly, the red warning light on the laptop began flashing, again.

Ezra nodded to J.D.

"It is very foolish to try and trace us twice," J.D. stated. A mischievous smile flashed across the young agent’s face. His fingers began to dance on the keyboard.

Agent Peter Randle began to shriek. "Oh, no! What have you done?"

"Crashed your system," J.D. replied. "You won't be tracing anyone for quite some time."

"Thanks for your assistance, Randle. If you mention this conversation to anyone, Colonel Larabee may wish to visit you,“ Ezra warned, ending the call.

“Navy?” J.D. asked Vin.

“Yeah. The head ninja at Yang Le’s apartment was in navy.”

“Buck mentioned that the head ninja that attacked him in our office was wearing navy.”

“Chris’ report listed the Master as wearing black,” Vin mused. “And I don’t remember seeing anyone wearing navy when you and I were attacked at SeCReTs or the CIA buildings.

“You were right. There are two groups,” J.D. agreed.

“Yeah, but are they working together?”

“That is the ten million dollar question,” Ezra claimed.

“How do you know this Randle?”

“He was a top agent when I first joined. Got shot and they placed him in administration. He stayed there. I often convinced him to assist me.”

“He’s scared shitless of Chris.”

Ezra smiled. “Most people with any common sense are. The colonel’s reputation precedes him.”

Part Fourteen

Chris rose from his bed stiffly. He shuffled into the bathroom, bent over the basin and washed his face. As he came up, his own face startled him. His skin was grey. His eyes appeared sunken into his head.

“Great,” he murmured. The colonel glanced down at his watch. It was 5:30 a.m. Nathan had booked him in at the hospital at nine, so he had a while before he needed to get ready. Chris walked back to his bed and sat down, supporting the base of his back as he did so.

Cancer. What if it was cancer? He wouldn’t be able to work. Vin would be able to lead the group. Chris frowned. He’d better get his affairs in order. He hadn’t looked at his will since Adam had been born. He’d need to change the beneficiaries to Buck and Vin... and Liam, of course. Chris sighed and picked up the photo frame resting on the side table near the bed. It was a picture of Sarah and Adam sitting on swings he had strung in a tree at their ranch.

Larabee swallowed, fingering the photo. Tears came to his eyes. He remembered the day he had last updated his will. He was so, happy. Sarah had just given birth to Adam. What an amazing feeling it was to be a father. The first thing he had done was add a clause regarding who was to have custody of Adam should anything happen to he and Sarah. The thought of anything happening to them wasn’t really even there, but he had wanted to make sure his little boy was well taken care of. Sarah only had her father and he wasn’t an option. Liam was out of the question. Unfortunately, that was the sum total of their relatives. They had talked about it and both agreed there was only one person they’d want their child with, and that was Buck. Wilmington had been floored, but had accepted the responsibility immediately. As Adam had grown, Sarah and Chris knew they’d made the correct decision. Buck adored Adam and the little boy loved ‘Uncle Buck’.

Chris replaced the frame and stared around the bland two room flat the army provided for him so he could stay close to the office. He felt empty and disillusioned.

Larabee withdrew his cell phone. “Vin?”

“Mornin’ Chris,” Vin chirped. “Hell, what are you doin’ up so early? I’m fishin’.”

Larabee smiled. “Some people have all the luck.”

“What’s wrong?!” Vin demanded. He could hear something in Chris’ voice he didn’t like.

Larabee had decided he didn’t want Vin to know about the exploratory operation. There was nothing his best friend could do. “I woke up feelin’ down. Thought I’d ring you and feel worse.”

There was silence for a few seconds. “Kat?” Tanner asked. Was Chris suffering from depressive memories for Katinda? That happened every now and then to all who had served their country in the hell hole.

“No.” Larabee’s voice dropped to an emotional whisper. “I miss them, Vin. There are times when I could just scream.”

“I know, Cowboy.” Again, there was silence. “Have you ever eaten fish stuffed with olives?”


“Yep, that’s what Ezra said last night, too. Absolutely beautiful.”

“With olives?”

“Yeah. Of course, they have the same effect on me as baked beans.”

“How big’s the cabin?” Chris chuckled.

“Ezra slept out on the veranda. Can’t think what his problem was.”

Chris was smiling.

“Hey, when all of this mess is over, you’ll have to come out here. I’d forgotten how beautiful it was.”


“Long story, Cowboy. I lived here for a few years before I joined up.”

“I didn’t know that.”

“There’s a spot I want to take you to. The top of a mountain. You stand up there and you look down on the world. Hell, some days, all you can see is white as you look down on the clouds.”

“Sounds great.”

“I... hang on! I’ve got a bite!” Chris could hear a lot of ‘Yes!’ and ‘you aren’t gonna get away from me you bastard!’ statements. Finally, Vin came back on the phone. “A beauty! About two foot long!”

“How long?!”

“Two feet, I swear!... alright, one foot, but he’s a good lookin’ fish!”

“You are so full of shit, Tanner. It got away didn’t it?”

“Damn you, Larabee. It was a monster, though. Must have been a good two and a half, maybe three feet long!”

“It’s gettin’ bigger.”


Vin continued to talk and laugh on the phone with Chris for almost an hour.

Larabee found his spirits lifted. “I better be going.”

“Hey, is there going to be a problem with this call? You know, with the Federal police and all. They still got your office bugged?”

“No, I squashed their bug a few days ago. If they’re tracking my phone records I’ll tell ‘em to stick it.”

“Works for me,” Vin laughed.

“Vin... thanks.”

“Any time, Cowboy,” Tanner stated, sincerely.

“Have you been looking after your leg?”

“Of course.”

“Bull! I can tell by the tone of your voice. Vin, Nathan said that if...”

“You’re... breaking... up, Larabee. Looks like... I’ll have... to go.”

“Don’t you pull that shit with me!”

“My leg’s fine. Still a bit sore, but okay. How are you feeling? J.D. said you‘re still looking tired.”

Chris sighed. “I think I need a holiday. As soon as all of this is over, I’m taking three weeks off.”

“Good. We both will. Buck can run the team for a while.”

“Buck! Good, Lord!”

It was almost another fifteen minutes before the pair said goodbye. Chris placed his cell phone on the side table and headed across to the small kitchen. He felt so much better. If it was cancer, then he wouldn’t face it alone. That was a comfort, although the thought of having to put Vin and Buck through such an ordeal was still weighing heavily on his shoulders.

There was a knock on the door. Chris frowned, glancing up at the clock. It wasn’t even seven thirty. Larabee collected his revolver and strode across to the door.

“Who is it?”

“It’s me, Chris. I came to drive you to the hospital,” Nathan stated.

Larabee opened the door. “You’re a bit early, aren’t you?”

“I wanted to talk before we left.”

Chris allowed Nathan in and then wandered back to the kitchen. “Coffee?” he asked.

“Yeah.” Nathan watched his leader carefully. “How’s the pain?”


Nathan could see this wasn‘t going to be easy. “How are you feeling about today?”

Chris shrugged “How the hell do you think I’m feelin’, doc?”

“Seriously, Chris.”

“I was thinking about my will this morning, if that’s anything to go by,” Chris stated quietly, handing Nathan a mug of coffee before taking a seat across from him at the table. “I just got off the phone from Vin.”

“Did you tell him?”

“No, he doesn’t need to know.”

“Chris, he and the others deserve to know.”

“There’s nothing to know at the moment. There’s no sense them worrying until we know what the hell is wrong.”

“You need the support of friends,” Nathan argued, raising his voice. He wasn’t prepared to let this go.

Chris sighed and shook his head. “Not friends. Family.” Larabee stood and brushed Nathan’s arm as he walked passed. “And you’re here, so I already do.”

Nathan shook his head. Larabee was as stubborn as a mule.

“Will I be in over night?” Chris asked, disappearing into the bedroom.

“Yeah, but you won’t need anything.”

“I’ll need pajamas,” Chris pointed out.”

“No, they’ll give you a hospital gown.”

“Not wearin’ one of those stupid things with my ass hangin’ out the back,” Chris argued.


Larabee was pacing like a caged animal and snapping at the nurses like a bear with a sore head. Nathan quietly apologised to the latest victim. The young woman nodded as she exited the room eyeing Larabee with a sensible amount of trepidation.

Larabee was worried. Not just about this, but about everything. Nathan could tell. “Chris...”

“This gown is ridiculous. A person could make a fortune designing a hospital gown that covers your ass!” Chris growled, climbing into the bed.


“Can’t understand why the hell I can’t just wear my own pajamas.”

“They’ll be around shortly with the tablets. They’ll make you sleepy. By the time they come to wheel you off to surgery, you’ll probably be asleep.”

“What time is the surgery booked for?”

“Twelve thirty, as long as no emergencies come in.”

“Emergencies?! You mean I have to hang around here waiting?!”

“Chris!” Nathan sank down into the chair beside the bed. The doctor began to massage his temples. He had a throbbing headache. There was too much sitting on his shoulders. “You are the worst patient I’ve ever had!”

“I don’t like hospitals.”

“Few people do.”

“So now what?” Chris asked, staring around the private room.

“We just have to wait.”

“Hand me my briefcase.”

Nathan picked it up and placed it on the bed. He’d been curious about the inclusion of the briefcase for the hospital visit. Chris opened it and withdrew a number of folders. “Alright, here’s some information on that list of people Ezra believes could be the mystery witness. Familiarize yourself with them.”

Nathan stared at his leader. “Chris, you’re in hospital!”

“I’m sittin’ on my ass doing nothing. We don‘t have time for that.” Larabee handed two folders to Nathan and then opened one of the remaining ones. “Let me know if you spot anything that stands out.”

Nathan did so obediently, but his mind was on the fact that he and Chris had not informed their colleagues. Nathan knew that was wrong. “What did you tell the others?”

“That I was going to stay in bed all day, which is the truth.”

“I want to go and check on a few things. I’ll be back shortly,” Nathan stated, rising to his feet.

Larabee grunted. He was already engrossed in the file.

Jackson left the room stopped outside, leant back against the wall and shut his eyes. This was wrong. Chris shouldn’t be here like this without Buck and Vin. Nathan withdrew his cell phone. He knew he was going against his friend’s wishes but sometimes people didn’t know what was best for them.

“Yoh!” Buck ‘s voice exploded in Nathan‘s ear.

“Buck... it’s Nathan.” His voice spoke volumes.

“What’s wrong?” Jackson didn’t reply. “Nathan, are you alright? Tell me where you are!... Josiah! Nathan’s in trouble!” the medic heard his friend shout.

“No, no, Buck, I’m fine... sort of. Look... Chris is fine. Don’t panic, he’s fine but, we’re at the hospital.”

“HOSPITAL! I‘m on my way. What the hell’s going on?”

“I booked him in for some tests.”

“What sort of tests?”

Nathan swallowed hard. “He’s been... they... a liver biopsy.”

“Liver?” Buck’s voice dropped. He had been shouting.

“It may be nothing... or, it may be liver cancer.” Nathan waited. “Buck?... Buck you there?”

“Yeah.” Wilmington’s voice was hushed. “What time are the tests?”

“The exploratory is scheduled just after lunch. Look, he didn’t want you to know but... I thought...”

“Yeah. Listen, I may be a while. I’ll send Josiah and J.D. straight there.”

“I understand.” Nathan understood exactly what Buck was going to be doing.


Buck watched the elevator doors close. J.D. and Josiah were rushing off to the hospital. Both had been as stunned as Buck. All were considering the worst.

Buck cursed loudly. He couldn’t believe it. He could feel his body shaking. Cancer! The word itself was terrifying! How long had Chris known? How long had Nathan known?! Why hadn’t they said something?!

Instantly, Buck’s mind moved into denial. It wasn’t possible. Not Chris. Somehow, someway it was a mistake. Nathan was wrong. Nathan had been wrong before. This time he was definitely wrong.

Wilmington began to pace back and forth as he tried to process the information. It just wasn’t possible! Cancer was something that happened to other people.

The captain glanced at the phone on his desk. What the hell was he going to say? He’d need to cushion it. Wilmington dialed, his mind wandering in a vacuum. A lump formed in his throat the size of a fist. When the phone was answered, there was silence. Vin wouldn’t say anything until he knew if the caller was one of the boys, but Buck found himself unable to speak.

“Hey, Vin,” he said finally.

“Buck! You ever seen a man go green after eating chilli? Ezra does,” Tanner chuckled.

Buck shut his eyes. “Vin... um...” Wilmington’s voice was trembling.

“Buck? What is it?”

Buck had intended softening the news, but at that moment, he just blurted it out in one breath. There was silence on the other end.

In the background, Buck could hear Ezra... “Vin? Are you alright?”


“Buck, I need you to come and pick me up.”

“You give me co-ordinates, Kid. I’m on my way.”


Tanner, Standish and Wilmington rushed down the plain white corridors. Buck was on the phone to Josiah, receiving directions. “Third floor, boys. Room 174.”

The pilot had flown out to McKenna’s and picked his two companions up. During the trip, no one had spoken. Vin’s blue eyes were intense, his mouth set in a straight frown. Buck kept muttering to himself. Ezra watched them both, wanting to help but not knowing what to say.

When the trio stepped out of the elevator, J.D. was waiting. “Quick! You’re just in time. They’re about to wheel him off to the operating theatre.”

The group jogged along the corridor and quietly stepped into the room with the number ‘174’ above the door. Nathan was standing beside the bed speaking to a nurse. Chris’ eyes were closed. Buck stepped forward immediately and leaned over his friend.

“Chris? Chris, you awake?” Larabee’s eyes opened. He blinked several times. The drug surging through his system was powerful, but he was able to focus on the face looming above him.

“Buck?” Chris mumbled.

“Yeah,” Wilmington picked up his friend’s hand and squeezed it.

“I told Nathan not to worry you all.”

“Yeah, so he said.”

“Under no condition is Vin to be told about this. That’s an order!”

“And you know what you can do with your order, Cowboy,” Tanner stated in a hushed tone. Buck stepped back and Vin moved to Chris’ side.

“I’m going to beat Nathan senseless,” Larabee murmured.

Vin’s blue eyes grabbed his best friend’s.

Chris swallowed and nodded. “It’s just an exploratory. Nothing to be concerned about.” As Chris stared up at his friend he realized that Vin had been told everything. “Damn.”

“Gentlemen, if you will move outside. It is time for us to take the patient to the operating theatre,” the nurse prompted.

Buck and Nathan left the room. Vin didn’t move. He reached out and gripped Chris’s shoulder. Larabee raised his arm. Vin’s other arm snaked along it. For several seconds they held the grip.

“It’ll be okay,” Chris assured the younger man. Vin’s head bobbed once.

“Sir?” the nurse prompted as two orderlies arrived to take Larabee away. Vin squeezed Chris’ shoulder and then stepped back. His and Chris’ eyes remained locked together as the ill man was wheeled out of the room. Vin stood for several seconds and then squeezed his eyes shut. He sank down into the chair and lowered his head.

Buck entered the room. For several seconds he just stood and then he walked up to Vin and placed his hand on his friend’s shoulder. “It’ll be alright.”

Tanner didn’t move.

“I... Nathan says, it might not be anything. This is just a precaution,” Buck stated. He was speaking quickly, the words tumbling out of his mouth. “After all that Chris went through last week, it isn’t surprising that he’s aching all over. It’ll be okay. I mean...”

Vin reached up and placed his hand over Buck’s. Wilmington’s control left him. Tears streamed down his cheeks. “I’m scared, Vin. I don’t know what... I mean... God, this can’t be happening. Last week I thought I’d lost both of you and now... this isn’t right.”

Tanner rose to his feet, patted Buck’s arm and exited the room. In the hall, Josiah, J.D., Nathan and Ezra were collected together.

Vin approached the group, his face revealing no emotion. “Nathan? It might be cancer?”

“I can’t tell you at the moment, Vin. That’s what the exploratory will tell us.”

“And if it is?” Vin demanded.

“He’ll have more tests to see how far it’s spread.”

“The best we can hope for?” The words were hushed and like his face, showed no emotion whatsoever.

“The best is it isn’t cancer, of course. If it is, then we can hope we’ve caught it early. He’ll need chemotherapy and...”

Vin spun around and strode away from the group. “Vin?... Vin, wait!!”

Nathan started to follow him. Ezra grabbed his friend’s arm. “No. Leave him.”

Jackson watched as Vin entered the stair well and disappeared. “He shouldn’t be alone. None of us should.”

“He needs some time to work through things in his own way,” Ezra argued.

“His mother died of cancer, Ezra,” Nathan growled.

“I know.”

“He was probably too young to remember much of it,” Josiah reasoned.

“He remembers,” Ezra whispered. “Vin doesn’t like to be smothered and in your best intentioned efforts to support and comfort him, that is what you all will do to him.”

Nathan’s eyes raged, but gradually the truth of what Ezra was saying sank in.

“How long will the tests take?” Josiah asked.

“About forty minutes. Then he’ll be in recovery for half an hour.”

“Maybe we should contact his brother,” J.D. suggested.

Nathan shrugged. “I told him that Chris was sick, but he didn’t seem too concerned.

“They are brothers,” Josiah argued. “He deserves to know.”


Vin stared out over the city. He had climbed the stairs to the roof. He hadn’t actually been heading here. It was just where he happened to end up. He’d needed to get away. Everything had been closing in on him.

Vin drew in a deep breath. He was feeling nothing. Not sad. Not grief. Not anything. Yet, he was aching inside. The helplessness was overwhelming.

Cancer. Anything, but cancer! Cancer was a killer that even the strongest men couldn’t defeat. His mother had been strong, but in the end, the disease had drained the very life out of her. Vin swallowed. He remembered that day. He remembered standing beside her bed in the hospital. He remembered the sound of her breathing. He remembered the unholy silence when her breathing stopped.

Vin bit down on his bottom lip. She had looked so grey. A scarf had covered her head. There had been tubes invading her body. One voice kept echoing in his head. “Say goodbye to your mother, son. She’s out of pain now.” His mother’s pain had been over, yet his had only begun.

Cancer. Cancer had stolen his entire world once - was it about to repeat the monstrous act?


Tanner stared out at the sky for twenty minutes before he became aware of another. Ezra didn’t intrude. He stood back, waiting for when Vin was ready.

Vin glanced back over his shoulder. Ezra approached, but he said nothing. For another five minutes they stood side by side without speaking.

Finally, Vin turned to his friend. “Buck okay?” His voice was a whisper.

“He is surrounded by more good intentions than he can handle.”

Vin nodded and returned to staring out in front of him. “I guess I should go back and do my bit.”

“He is in good hands,” Ezra paused. “I don’t want to crowd you. If you would like me to leave, just say so.”

“No, I... no, stay.” Vin’s mind drifted back to Chris. “I can’t even think of him not being around,” he stated in a hushed voice that was little more than air.

Ezra reached out hesitantly and patted Vin’s arm. “Neither can I. He is the first person who ever invested in me. He had no reason to, yet he did.” Ezra glanced down at his watch. “The surgery should be almost over.”

Vin nodded. The pair made their way back to the third floor where their companions were waiting.

Buck stood up as they approached. “Are you okay, Kid?” Vin nodded and sat down. “Nathan’s gone to check on Chris,” Buck stated, his hand falling to Vin’s right shoulder.

“He should be out of surgery,” Josiah encouraged.

Buck shook his head. “I can’t believe... I mean. Hell, hasn’t Chris had enough bad things in his life?!”

“Buck,” Vin whispered.

“Sorry. I just... I don’t know how he’ll deal with it.”

“Chris will deal with it as many before him have,” Josiah promised. “With dignity and determination.”

“Gentlemen,” Ezra interrupted. “You all talk as though this is a forgone conclusion. Let us be more positive.”

Vin leant forward, his elbows resting on his knees, his hands clasped in front of him.

“You want some coffee?” J.D. asked everyone. J.D. needed something to do - anything! Everything was building up inside him. Any minute now he was going to scream, he just knew it.

“Coffee sounds like a wonderful idea,” Ezra encouraged. “Perhaps Mr. Sanchez would like to give you hand?” Standish found he was the one taking charge. The others were floundering terribly. Josiah kept praying, J.D. kept pacing, Vin had become withdrawn and Buck was falling apart.

Josiah grunted, squeezed Buck’s shoulder and then followed J.D. down the hall to find a coffee machine.

“Vin, Nathan explained a few things to me while you were gone,” Buck stated. He needed to keep talking to keep his mind busy. “This exploratory is just looking around to see what’s wrong. He isn’t in any danger today. He’ll have to stay in over night, but he can come home in the morning.”

Tanner continued to stare at the ground. Buck noticed how withdrawn Vin had become.

“He’ll have to take it easy the next two days. Of course, that’s easier said than done. You know what Chris is like,” Buck chuckled, trying to lift the sombre atmosphere.

Vin didn’t move.

“I guess he’ll go back to Nathan’s apartment. Just so Nathan can fuss about him. I wouldn’t like to be a fly on the wall in that place!”

Vin remained frozen.

Buck licked his lips. He was beginning to drown. “Kid? You okay?”

Vin flicked his eyes to Buck. His head bobbed once and then he returned his attention to the linoleum floor.

Buck swallowed. He looked to Ezra, begging for some sort of help.

“Just leave him,” Ezra mouthed. Buck didn’t seem to understand that just as he needed to keep talking to help him deal with his emotions, Vin needed to sit quietly with his thoughts.

Wilmington frowned.

“I do not believe the weapon that was exchanged three years ago was missiles,” Ezra stated, pointedly changing the subject.

“Why?” Buck asked, realizing that a change of topic was a good idea.

Ezra set about explaining. The pair held their discussion across Tanner. Vin remained leaning on his knees, staring at the floor.

J.D. and Josiah returned with coffee for all. Silence filled the corridor.

Buck glanced down at Vin. Tanner was holding the disposable cup in both hands... still bent over, still silent and unmoving.

Buck sat down beside his friend and slipped his arm around the younger man’s back. “Kid, I... I wish I knew what to say.”

Vin glanced at his friend and his eyes flashed a look of thanks. Tanner rose to his feet. “I’m gonna go for a walk,” he stated quietly, turning and moving off down the corridor.

The entire group watched him until he disappeared into the stair well again. Buck let his head fall back against the wall. “He‘s taking it hard. He‘s barely said two words.”

“Gentlemen, Vin is not a demonstrative person. He prefers to deal with things himself. He needs some space.”

“And how the hell would you know what he needs, Ezra?! How the hell would you know what any of us needs?!” Buck exploded, leaping to his feet. “You’ve known Vin a couple of weeks and all of the sudden you’re an expert! Well, let me tell you something, Vin...!”

“NO! Let me tell you something! Right now, he’s trying to come to terms with Chris being ill and he can’t cope with your need to smother him. You seem to want him to say he’s fine... well, here’s a news flash! He’s not! None of us are. You don’t expect Josiah to look as if he’s coping well with the situation. Why on earth are you looking for that from Vin! I know you look to him for strength in the field and that he is supposed to take charge when something happens to Chris, but this isn’t the jungle and this isn’t a bullet. This is cancer!” The word echoed in the hall.

Buck and Ezra were only inches apart. J.D.’s eyes were as large as saucers. Josiah sighed. Ezra’s words had hit the mark.

Buck swallowed. Ezra cursed. Both had let their frustrations and concern get the better of them.

“Sorry, Ez. I just... you’re right. I want so much for Chris to be okay that I’m... I’m sorry.”

“As am I. Chris is someone who breeds incredible loyalty from those who call him friend. Each of us must deal with this in our own way... whether that be sitting quietly or yelling and taking out our fears and frustrations on our friends.” It was a sincere apology.

Buck nodded, patted Ezra’s arm and sat down again to wait. “Josiah, say a few prayers for me ,” Buck whispered, noting that Sanchez had started praying to himself again.

Part Fifteen

The minutes continued to pass.

“Chris should have been back by now,” Josiah murmured.

Buck nodded. He had been pacing. “It’s been almost an hour and a half!”

“Dr. Jackson did say that should there be any emergencies, Chris’ surgery would be put back.”

“Yeah, but why hasn’t Nathan rung us and let us know what’s going on?!” Buck cried.

“Calm down, Bucklin,” Vin ordered. It was the first thing he had said since returning some time earlier. He was once again sitting forward, leaning on his knees with his hands clasped.

“Sorry, Vin.”

“If there was something wrong, Nathan would have informed us before now,” Josiah assured his companions.

Without warning, Vin rose to his feet, his eyes directed to the end of the hallway. The elevator doors opened and Nathan appeared ahead of Chris’ bed. All of the men stood. Nathan walked forward and smiled. “He came through it just fine. No complications.”

“When will we know?” Vin demanded.

“The results? Tomorrow some time. I’ve told them to make it a priority. A perk of knowing the right people,” Nathan explained as the group watched Chris wheeled into the room. When Buck went to follow, Nathan grabbed his arm.

“Let them get him settled.”

“Yeah, yeah, okay. So, everything went okay?”

“No problems at all,” Nathan confirmed.

“Do the doctors have any gut feelings about whether it’s cancer, or not?”

“Buck, it doesn’t work that way. They’ll analyse the samples they took and tell us tomorrow. Chris will be out for at least another couple of hours. Should wake up in time for dinner. A good night’s sleep and he’ll be able to go home tomorrow morning. I thought I’d take him back to my place for a few days.”

“Yeah, we thought you would,” Buck agreed, stepping out of the doorway as three nurses exited the room.

“Dr. Jackson, he’s settled. Is there anything further you need?”

“No, thanks, Jan.” The woman nodded and disappeared. Buck strode straight into the room, the other men behind him.

Chris looked pale. He had a drip in his arm and he was attached to a monitor.

“Just a precaution,” Nathan explained.

Buck, Josiah, J.D. and Ezra crowded around the bed. Buck picked up Larabee’s hand. “I’m here, pard. Just so you know.”

Nathan smiled. “It’ll be a while before he wakes up,” Jackson repeated.

“Yeah, I know. I’m just not taking any chances,” Buck explained, sitting down on the chair beside the bed.

Nathan glanced back to the doorway. Vin was standing, leaning against the frame, frowning deeply. “Vin?”

Tanner simply nodded. He was content to stand in the doorway. He didn’t need to be near Chris to be close to him.


A couple of hours later, J.D., Josiah, Ezra and Nathan had moved to the waiting lounge. Their mood had lifted considerably. In the back of all of their minds was the word ‘cancer‘, but all had come to realize that tomorrow morning was the time to worry about that. Ezra had produced a pack of cards and the group were playing for some M & M’s J.D. had purchased from a vending machine.

Buck was still sitting beside Chris and Vin was still leaning in the doorframe of Larabee’s room.

“You sure you don’t want to sit down, Vin?”

“I’m fine, Buck.”

Wilmington nodded. “Reckon it was the shock that was the hardest to deal with. Did he say anything to you?”

Vin shook his head.

“No, me neither. I don’t know how long Nathan’s known. Chris didn’t want us to know. I tell you, the moment he can get out of that bed I’m gonna knock him into next week. What the hell did he think he was doing hiding this from us?!”

Vin said nothing. His eyes narrowed. Tanner walked forward. Buck flicked his eyes to the monitor. Nothing had changed. Abruptly, the beeping began to increase.

“He’s comin’ around,” Vin whispered.

“I’ll get Nathan,” Buck stated, leaping up and rushing out of the room.

Vin stepped closer. He reached for Chris’ shoulder. Larabee stirred. His eyes opened. Vin smiled. “Cowboy.”

Chris swallowed. “You and Ezra shouldn’t be here. The police could...” He started blinking again.

“Let us worry about that, Colonel.” Vin squeezed his friend’s shoulder. Larabee’s eyes closed and his face relaxed. “Nathan said everything went real well. We’ll get the results tomorrow.”

“Keep an eye on things for me.”

“Leave it to me, Cowboy.”

Nathan entered the room. “How is he?”


Jackson picked up his patient’s wrist and took his pulse.

“I’m going to beat you senseless, Nathan.”

“Yeah, thought you might feel that way,” Jackson stated. “It was either you beating me for telling them or them beating me for not saying anything. Reckon I was in a no win situation. Okay, you’re doing just fine, Chris. The anaesthetic will wear off over the next few hours, so I’ll get my running shoes on. Don’t try to stay awake now. Get some sleep.”

“Vin, you and Ezra better go.”

“Later, when you can keep your eyes open.”

Chris forced the lids above his eyes to rise. “They’re open.”

Tanner grinned.

Chris snorted. “Insuborinate son of a...” His voice drifted off as he fell asleep.

“No more talking for him. He needs to rest.”

Vin nodded. He glanced to his right. Buck was beaming. “What the hell are you grinnin’ like a fool for?”

Wilmington walked into the room, slid his arm across Vin’s shoulders and smiled down at Chris. “He sounded good.”

“Pissed off as usual,” Vin agreed.

“You hungry, Vin?” Buck asked.


“I’ll go get us some food. Nathan?”

“Something that isn’t covered in grease, please.”

Buck winked and left the room.

“It’ll be Mc Donalds for sure,” Nathan murmured.

Vin glanced up at the doctor. “You reckon it’s cancer?” His voice was soft and there was an element of vulnerability there that cut Nathan to the quick.

“I wish I could be sure, Vin, but I don’t know. It could be.”

“Liver cancer’s a bad one, isn’t it?”

Nathan stared into his friend’s expressive blue eyes. “The survival rate isn’t good.”

“My Ma had liver cancer,” Vin stated, picking up Chris’ hand in his own. “I don’t remember much about it all, but I can remember it was liver cancer.”

“Things have improved since then, Vin. We have better ways of treating things.”

“Them new treatments just mean it takes longer for people to die, Nathan. We ain’t got a cure of cancer, we both know that.”

Jackson lowered his eyes. “I won’t let him suffer, Vin. The moment I think... I’ll do what has to be done.”

“You and me both, doc.”

Pounding feet along the corridor drew the pair’s attention. A blond man rushed into the room. “HOW IS HE?!”

Nathan stepped back as Liam Larabee forced himself to Chris’ side.

“He’s fine. The surgery went well,” Nathan stated, quickly.

Vin was frowning at the other man.

“Vin, this is Chris’ brother.”

Tanner nodded a greeting. Chris had told him about Liam.

Liam glanced down at Vin’s hand holding Chris’ and then picked up his brother’s other hand. “Chris? Chris can you hear me?”

“Liam, you need to let him rest. He‘s still suffering the effects of...” Nathan started explaining.

“Chris?” Larabee’s eyes opened. “Hey, big brother. I just found out you were ill.”

“I’m fine.”

“How do you feel?”

“Fine. Just groggy.” Chris struggled to draw himself up.

“You want to sit up?”

“No,” Nathan ordered. Vin’s Tanner’s eyebrows drew down.

“So they did some sort of tests on you?”

Chris nodded, blinking steadily.

“Liam, he needs to rest,” Nathan prompted.

The younger Larabee waved Jackson away. Tanner’s cheek twitched.

“I haven’t gone out to Four Corners, yet. I’m still trying to get everything organised. Trouble is, I have no transport.”

“You can borrow my car. The keys are in my bag.”

“Hey, that would be great, Chris. I have a few things I need to do before I head out there.”

Vin Tanner’s anger was rising so fast, his face drained of colour. Buck stepped into the room just at the right time. Wilmington saw and understood immediately. He leapt in front of Vin.

“Liam... Liam!” he cried, grabbing the other man’s attention by thrusting his face across the bed and between Chris and his brother.

The younger Larabee stared at Buck.

“He... needs... to... rest.” Wilmington stated slowly and deliberately as he withdrew.

“Yeah, alright! I was just talking to him.”

“Dr. Jackson?” Buck prompted now that they had the self-centred man’s attention.

“Chris is still heavily sedated. It will take some time for it to wear off. It’s important that he sleeps.”

“Yeah, okay. I’ll just sit with him,” Liam stated, dropping down into the chair Nathan had been using.

“Nathan?” Buck asked.

“I can handle it.” Now Nathan knew how to deal with Larabee’s brother. One had to be very, very firm.

Buck turned, grabbed Vin’s shoulders, physically turned him toward the door and bustled him out of the room closing the door behind them.

Tanner spun around, his eyes raging. Buck raised his hand. “Calm down, Kid. Nathan’s still there.”

“That’s his brother?!” Vin ground out through his tightly clenched jaw.

“Yeah. Yeah, he’s a real asshole.” Vin started for the door. “No! I don’t think so,” Buck stated, grabbing Vin, spinning him around again and pushing him off down the corridor. “Let’s get you some coffee so you can calm down.”


“Liam’s five years younger than Chris.”

“He acts like an idiot,” Tanner growled. The pair were seated in the waiting lounge. The other men had eyed the newcomers curiously. The expressions on Buck and Vin’s faces indicated they wanted to be alone and so Josiah, Ezra and J.D. decided to go for a walk.

“Liam was very spoilt by his parents. He suffered from Asthma as a child. Really bad I’m told. They almost lost him a couple of times.”

Vin sat back, his eyes focused on the floor.

Buck sighed. “Liam sort of lived in Chris’ shadow a bit. Chris was good at sport and at school. Liam lived the life of the sickly younger brother. He saw it as some sort of competition. The more successful Chris was, the sicker Liam made out he was. Finally, Chris went to speak to the doctors himself. It turns out, Liam hadn’t been suffering from Asthma for years. It was childhood Asthma and he’d grown out of it by the time he was fifteen, but he kept up the façade. I can remember this one day when he pretended to have this attack. Hell, it was real, Vin. I mean, he was good. Blue in the face and everything. He wasn’t a kid then, either. Must have been in his twenties. It was after that Chris went to the doctor wanting to know what more could be done to help his brother’s condition. The news hurt him real bad. I mean, that little bastard had been faking for years. Chris already knew that Liam was drinking and stealing cars for thrills.” Buck sipped his coffee. “Chris got him out of every scrape he got himself into from the day he could walk. Hell, even I did a couple of times. At first, I sort of felt sorry for him. He seemed so sick. It really gets me riled to think he was just play acting all that time. After a while, I got to know Liam real well.” There was a great deal of venom in Buck’s voice. “He’s nothing like Chris. It’s unbelievable they’re brothers. Liam’s just no good. He enjoys breaking the law. No one drove it to it. For some reason Chris feels guilty... or responsible... I don’t know. Liam’s always used him.” Buck glanced at Vin. “He was put away a few years ago for armed robbery. He was just the driver, but he’d got himself involved with some heavy people. Chris couldn’t get him out of it and he went to jail. Got out a few days ago.”

Vin drew in a deep breath. “What’s he want?”

“I don’t know. Chris’ given him permission to stay out at Four Corners. He’ll stay a while, clean Chris out again and then disappear. It’s the same pattern. Sarah told Chris that lying bastard wasn’t to step a foot in their house. It was the only thing I ever heard them argue over. I’ve tried to speak to Chris about it, but he gets all defensive.” Buck rose to his feet, crossed the room and tossed his empty cup into the trash. “Liam’s a worthless piece of shit. He wasn’t unlucky, or neglected or anything like that. He chose his lifestyle. He’s just no good. Worst thing is, he’s Chris’ brother and I can’t really step in. I’ve tried and all that happens is Chris and I argue.” Buck returned to his chair. “Chris reckons he’s changed this time. This time being time number one hundred and one!” Wilmington shook his head. “Maybe I’m judging him too harshly. I mean, he must be worried, too.”

For the first time, Vin looked up. “Yeah.” Tanner passed Buck his untouched cup of coffee and walked back to Chris’ room. Nathan was seated on one side of the bed, his hand on Chris’ arm. Liam was asleep on the other side, his boots resting on the edge of the bed.

Vin shook his head with genuine disgust.

Jackson smiled as Vin entered the room. “He’s fine.”

Vin nodded, approached the bed and stared down at his friend.

“Do you mind staying with him for a few minutes? I need to stretch my legs,” Nathan asked, moving to the door.

Vin took Nathan’s chair. Chris’ breathing was slow and regular. Tanner laid his hand over his best friend’s. Larabee eyes blinked open. He glanced across at Vin and the mild tension that had been around his eyes, eased.

“Thought you’d gone.”

“When I know you can stay awake.”

“Where’s Liam?”

Tanner inclined his head. Chris turned and then looked back at Vin. In Tanner’s eyes he saw the same hostility toward Liam as Buck showed.

“You’ve been talking to Buck?”

“Buck never shuts up. You shouldn’t be talking. Close them eyes.”

“Liam’s no saint, but he’s my brother.”

“I ain’t tellin’ ya again, Larabee. You keep talkin’ and I’ll get Nathan back in here.”

Chris smiled and closed his eyes. He slipped his hand out from under Vin’s, laid his on top and gripped the callused fist below it.

“Right here, Cowboy.”

When Vin looked up, Liam was staring at him. “He awake?”

“Not really,” Vin answered. “Just mumbling.”

Larabee lowered his feet from the bed and stared at Vin. “You’re the sharpshooter? Buck’s told me about you. You and my brother are good friends.”

Tanner nodded.

“So, you work for him, now?” Liam was big noting himself through Chris.

“Chris and I work together,” Tanner stated, simply.

“He’s an important man, my brother.”

“He’s one of the greatest tacticians this country has ever seen.”

Liam pursed his lips. “Yep, the great Colonel Larabee trains his men to be loyal, I’ll give him that. You met him during the war? I wanted to join up, but I couldn’t pass the medical. Chris always said I’d make a fine solider, but it wasn’t to be. The mind was willing but God didn’t bless me with a strong body.” Vin’s anger was rising again. This man was so shallow and self absorbed. His brother was lying in a bed after surgery awaiting the news of whether or not he had cancer and this man spoke as if nothing was wrong.

Liam’s eyes dropped to Chris’ hand over Vin’s. “I didn’t realize he was gay.”

The valve that had been keeping Tanner’s temper in check blew! Before he could say anything, a voice cut through the room.

“That’s enough, Liam!” Buck filled the doorway, his face severe.

Liam Larabee grinned. “Sorry, Tanner. I was just playing with you. I‘ve got a warped sense of humour.”

“No, you’re just a bastard and Chris is too damn loyal to see it. But I’m warning you, Liam. You hurt him this time and I’ll put a finish to it.”

“And what the hell is that supposed to mean, Wilmington?” Liam returned his attention to Vin. “Buck here is real jealous that I was born Chris’ brother and he wasn’t.” With that, the blond man rose to his feet. “I’ve got to go. Tell Chris I’ll see him in the morning.”

Liam strode around the bed, bounced his eyebrows at Buck and then shouldered passed him before leaving the room.

“I swear to God, one day I’m going to tear him apart,” Buck growled. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah. He’s an asshole, Buck. He knows how to push your buttons. He’s not worth getting yourself all worked up over.” Vin realized that was what Liam had been trying to do. He had been searching for something that Vin would react to - something that would make him feel like he had some power over Chris’ friend.


Vin parted the curtains to let the early morning sun into the room.

“I’ve got everything and I’m on my feet so you can go, Vin,” Chris ordered. Tanner had stayed in the chair all night. The others had gone home, Ezra hiding out at Buck’s, but Vin had refused to move. One by the one Josiah, Buck, Ezra, Nathan and J.D. had returned to the hospital and took up residency in the waiting room. There was no sign of Larabee’s brother.

“I get the feeling you’re trying to get rid of me,” Vin chuckled.

“I can’t tell you how serene things have been since you and Standish took off.”

“I’ll have to talk to Buck and J.D. They’re not doing their job.” The two men paused.

Thanks for being here.

Any time, Cowboy.

“Seriously, you and Ezra better get going. The longer you’re here the more chance someone may see you.”

“Nathan will be here in a moment. I want to know.” Again, their eyes connected.

Chris sank down onto the bed. “Cancer. I never thought I’d go to something like that. Always thought it would be a bullet I didn’t see.”

“You’ve got yourself dead already, Larabee,” Vin snapped.

Chris smiled. “Just thinking out aloud.”

Vin walked across to the bed and sank down beside his best friend.

“When Travis told me you hadn’t been killed and that you were alive, I couldn’t believe him. I knew that there was no way I could possibly be that lucky. When I realized it was true, I knew then and there I had used up all of the luck life was going to offer me. If I had my choice now of whether to use that luck to have Nathan walk through that door and say it isn’t cancer or to have your death be a mistake... there wouldn‘t be a competition.” The words were soft and sincere.

Vin shook his head and whispered, “That’s because you’re stupid, Larabee.” The two men waited, neither game to think.

Some minutes later, they heard the distinctive fall of Nathan’s shoes. The pair exchanged a glance. Vin gripped Chris’ shoulder. Nathan entered the room. He didn’t need to say a word. The fact that the smile on his face was as large as the Grand Canyon said it all.

Vin’s head dropped. He sucked in a choked breath.

“It’s not cancer?” Chris confirmed.

“You have a liver infection. It can be treated with antibiotics. A few days rest and decent food and you will be fine,” Nathan stated, stepping forward and wrapping his arms around Chris.

“Thanks, Doc.”

Nathan stepped back. “I’m going down to the lounge to tell the others. I’ll be back in a moment.” The doctor left the room with a true spring in his step.

Chris glanced at his best friend. Vin’s head was still down. “I told you it was nothing to worry about. All this fuss over nothing.”

Vin didn’t move. Chris placed his hands on each of Tanner’s shoulders. “You okay?”

“You were right,” Vin whispered. “It’s harder on this side of the fence.” Chris had once told him that it is the person left behind who suffers not the one taken.

Chris smiled, gently. “Sorry I scared you.”

Vin stood up, the two men staring at each other.

“Chris...” Vin shook his head. He didn’t have the words.

Larabee smiled and offered his hand. Vin’s snapped along it. Chris reached his other arm around Vin’s back and held his friend for several seconds.

When they stepped apart they heard a yell of relief echo down the hall, followed by the sound of a stampede.

“Here they come,” Vin chuckled. “I better be going. Oh, by the way, you’re brother’s an asshole. I owe it to you to tell you that.” With that, Vin exited the room as the other men clambered into it and began expressing their great relief.

Part Sixteen

Nathan’s apartment was simply furnished. He didn’t have a great many worldly possessions but then, Nathan wasn’t materialistic. In the centre of the main room was a twenty year old brown three-seater couch. In front of it was a large wooden coffee table that Jackson had made himself. There was a small 38cm television on top of a bookcase to one side, but the television was never on.

“You need anything, Chris?” Nathan called from the kitchen. Since returning from the hospital about four hours earlier, Chris had been seated on the lounge chair, files spread around him. His laptop was on the table in front of him and his cell phone was next to it.

“I’m fine, Nathan.”

“Are you in any pain?”


Nathan exited the kitchen drinking some sort of milkshake that contained added vitamins and minerals. “You should be lying down.”

“Stop fussing, Doc. I need to go through all of this. Vin’s leg seemed okay.”

“Yeah, I had a look at it this morning before he left. It’s still bruising badly, but he‘s keeping it strapped. I really think you should go in and lay down for a while.”

Chris ignored his companion and continued to work through the files in front of him.


In the Em7 office, J.D. had finally been able to get his call through to Professor Godfrey in France.

“Yes, I know exactly which manuscript you are talking about, young man,” the professor stated, immediately.

“What would ninja want with it?”

“Ninja?! Then they’re still looking for it!” Godfrey cried, with a certain amount of excitement.

“Looking for what?”

“According to some ancient Japanese scrolls, it is the most powerful weapon known to man. The ultimate weapon, the likes of which the world has never seen.”

J.D.’s eyes doubled in size. “That’s it! That’s what the CIA said about the weapon that Ezra was supposed to bid on! What else can you tell me, Professor?”


There was a knock on the door of Jackson’s apartment followed by...”Hurry up, Nathan! This pizza’s getting cold!”

Nathan opened the door and Buck bustled into the room. “Chris, I thought you might need some lunch,” Buck stated, passing his leader a slice as he invaded Nathan’s table and pushed the health shake Nathan had been drinking to one side.

“Thanks, Buck. I’m starving,” Chris chuckled, biting into the pizza.

“What?! Starving?! I offered to make you lunch,” Nathan cried.

“Saved by the bell,” Buck laughed, eyeing the health shake. “That stuff goes straight through me. Hey, I got a call from Vin. He and Ezra are back at McKenna’s.”

“J.D. and Josiah?”

“J.D. was on the phone to that Professor Godfrey. He is absolutely convinced that manuscript on the history of D.C. is the key to all of this.”

Chris snorted.

“You know what he’s like once he has something in his head.“


“Josiah was on the phone to another fella asking about ninja groups,” Buck garbled, shoveling pizza into his mouth.”


“I’m here saving you from healthy food,” Buck laughed. Wilmington was so relieved. “A liver infection. God damn had me worried, Chris.”

“That’s why I didn’t want anyone to know. Worried you all for nothing. Speaking of which, what did you say to Vin about Liam?” Larabee’s face became defensive.

Buck shrugged. “Not a lot. Why?”

“Buck, I want you to stay out of that part of my life.”

Wilmington nodded, rose to his feet and headed for the door. “Yeah, sure, Chris. Whatever.”

“Buck! Buck wait!” Chris shouted, but the door slammed. “Damn.” Why was it they ended up arguing the moment Liam’s name was mentioned?

Nathan, who was seated at the kitchen table, frowned. “I’ve only met your brother twice, so I suppose I can’t really comment.”

“Good, don’t,” Chris snapped.

“On the other hand, I’ve know Buck a long time and I can say this for him, he puts you first every time, Chris. I’m not so sure you can say the same for your brother.”

Larabee’s face grew dark. “Nathan, with the greatest respect, mind your own damn business.”

“Fair enough. So, have you come up with anything?” The tension eased immediately.

Chris shook his head. “Nothing. We’re going in circles.”

“Maybe Josiah will turn something up. I spoke to the Federal police this morning. They think we know more than we‘re letting on about the kidnapping of Ezra and Vin.” Jackson flashed his leader a grin.

“What did you say?”

“I told them that next time they want some information to come and speak to us and not bug your office. I said that you had decided that you were no longer willing to co-operate with them considering they had betrayed your trust and that if they had a problem with that, they could take it up with the President.”

Larabee raised his left eyebrow. “I must have been in a shitty mood at the time.”

“Needless to say, he backed down and said they would continue their investigations and double their efforts.”

“That’s comforting. Vin and Ezra are going to have to keep a low profile. No more gallivanting all over the country. They’re safe at McKenna’s and that’s where I want them to stay.”

Nathan nodded his agreement. “The ninjas have got me worried, Sir.”

“They want Ezra dead, that much we do know - which is all the more reason for Standish to stay hidden. I think...”

“CHRIS! NATHAN! I found it!” J.D. screamed, bursting through the door. Josiah and Buck followed him into the room. Buck had reached the parking lot only to be accosted by J.D.

“What have you got, Son?” Chris asked.

“I know what the weapon was and I know what all of this is about!” The young man’s face was alive, his eyes flashing with excitement.

Chris glanced at Buck who shrugged. “I have no idea what he’s talking about.”

Larabee’s eyes moved to Josiah. “I think he might be on to something,” Sanchez admitted.

Might be onto something?! Might be! Come on, Josiah! It all fits!!”

Chris signaled his men to sit down. “J.D., I’d like Vin and Ezra to hear this please.”

“No problem, I’ll set up a phone link. It won’t take me a moment.” The boy set to work, talking non-stop as he did so. ”Chris, it’s all so simple. That’s why we couldn’t find anything. And it all has to do with that mystery weapon. I can’t wait to tell, Ezra!”

“Kid, take a moment to breathe. There’s more air coming out of you then going in!” Buck laughed.

“Okay, we’re set,” J.D. informed his companions, dialing Vin’s number. “Hey, Vin! I’ve found the weapon. I know what’s going on. Is Ezra there? Can you share the phone? He needs to hear this!”

“Wooah, slow down, Kid. Just a minute and I’ll get him... Yeah, okay, we’re both here.”

“What’s this about you finding the weapon?” Ezra asked.

“No, I haven’t found it. It’s lost. That’s what this whole thing is about! Finding it!”

Chris raised his hand. “J.D., take it from the top.”

“Hey, Larabee. How are you feeling? Has Nathan been force feeding you that healthy shit?”

“I’ll have you know I’m here,” Nathan pointed out.

“Ooops. Hi, Nathan. Can’t wait to have another one of those alfalfa sandwiches. We still having dinner at your place on Wednesday?”

“In your ass, Vin.”

“HEY! DO YOU MIND?!” J.D. spluttered. He was beside himself with excitement.

“Go on, Kid,” Buck prompted.

“Okay,” J.D. stated, drawing in a deep breath and trying to calm down. “I just spoke to Professor Godfrey in France.”

“The expert on the history of DC?” Nathan clarified.

“Right. According to him, a thousand years ago, a ninja master crafted a sword,” J.D. began to walk around the room. There was so much adrenaline flying around his system he couldn’t stay still. “This was the most magnificent sword anyone had ever seen. It was so beautiful that the God of War blessed it so that whoever held it would have invincible power. Terrified that the sword may fall into the wrong hands, the ninja master collected together his best warriors and had them hide the sword so that no one could ever find it. Isn’t that incredible?”

“I haven’t heard anything that ties all of this to us,” Chris commented.

“Sorry. The sword... which is called the Sword of Power, is described in ancient Japanese literature as... and I quote...‘the ultimate weapon. A weapon of such power the world has never seen it‘s like or equal‘,“ J.D. read from his notepad. “Don’t you see?! That’s what Ezra said people were saying about the weapon he was supposed to be buying.“

“Agent Dunne, are you serious? Are you proposing that the CIA was interested in purchasing a legendary and more than likely, mythological sword?!“

“Yeah, but Ezra, they didn’t know that,“ Josiah pointed out. “You said that they intercepted a message that described an ultimate weapon of such power, the world has never seen the like. The speakers could have been describing the sword. Naturally, the CIA assumed it was some sort of military weapon.“

“Go on, J.D.,“ Chris prompted, his brow furrowed with interest.

“Okay, the sword kept appearing and disappearing, but about five hundred years ago it vanished without a trace. Everyone believed that it had been hidden in Japan. Professor Godfrey, however, believes that it was brought to America by a group of ninja called the Katana Kanshin, which means Sword Guardians. And guess where Professor Godfrey believes the sword is hidden?!”

“In DC?” Buck asked.

“Exactly. He thinks that the area described by the ancient scrolls is now what we call Washington DC!"

"So that's why they were after the manuscript?" Buck mused. "They’re trying to locate this legendary sword?"

“Exactly!” J.D. cried. His arms were waving about his body uncontrolled. “The manuscript they stole from the library had a small reference to ‘men from across the seas‘ who were seeking a place to hide a ‘gift from the Gods‘. Godfrey thinks it is a reference to the Katana Kanshin and the Sword of Power.“

“Getting back to the exchange two years ago,“ Larabee prompted.

“People have been looking for this thing for centuries. It’s sort of a quest. Many ninja groups believe that only the best warrior will ever find the sword and that other ninja will bow to him once he has it. The way I see it, someone found out some information about the sword and wanted to sell it. They’re talking about a weapon of such power the world has never seen the like. The CIA overhear the conversation, panic and want the weapon themselves, not realizing it’s an ancient Japanese ninja sword.”

“So, they commission SeCReTs to bid on the weapon,” Buck stated, thoughtfully.

“Yes! Ezra wins the bid and goes to make the exchange, only the other bidder isn’t content with being outbid. He’s on a quest and isn’t about to let being outbid stand in his way. He sends his ninja army to get it.”

“Yang Le doubles crosses me and passes the information about the sword to the ninja, probably for a considerable price - only I see him do it.”

“Exactly. He became a liability and so the ninja probably knocked him off. But the information didn’t lead to the sword. They’re still searching for it! That’s what all of this is about! I think that when they realized that Ezra and Red Sun were getting together, they thought that it may involve the sword!”

“J.D., you’re starting to reach now. Red Sun had no involvement in the exchange apart from giving Travis evidence that Ezra may have been set up. However, I accept that the Sword may have been the weapon they were all after two years ago,” Chris conceded. “It makes sense. Someone was buying information about it, the CIA get a garbled message, think it’s some sort of nuclear device and in steps Ezra on their behalf. The reason the weapon never turned up after the information on it was stolen was because no one has it or knows where it is. There was never any weapon in the first place. Just some nutcases on some quest for a mythological sword. Ezra, your thoughts?” Chris pressed.

“I concede it makes sense. But are the ninja still searching for the sword? It’s been two years. Is that why they have reappeared?”

“According to Professor Godfrey, the Sword is invaluable to those who seek it. He who holds it holds the power of the God of war. All will bow to him.” It was clear that J.D. was completely caught up in the legend.

“It is possible that someone who has been seeking the sword is still doing so and has hired the ninja once again,” Josiah mused. “I have found that those who are obsessed with symbols of power rarely give up their search until they find it or die trying.”

“You’re saying someone with money is seeking this sword and has hired the ninja to look for it?” Buck clarified.

“Or, it’s the leader of the ninja himself. That ‘Master’ fella who threatened you and Chris.”

Chris was listening, thoughtfully. “It doesn’t explain why the ninja are trying to kill Ezra.”

“He was a witness. The only witness who they left alive,” Nathan pointed out.

“A witness they framed to take the fall so that the case would be wrapped up and no one would keep digging.”

Chris frowned. “Okay, I’ll buy all of that, but why leave Ezra alive for the last two years? Why not kill him the moment the General cleared him?”

There was silence.

“Maybe they thought that Ezra hadn’t seen any of the connections because he never mentioned any of it as his trial,” J.D. suggested.

“Or someone on the inside knew he didn’t know anything and that saved his life,” Buck stated.

“Until Red Sun and Ezra looked like meeting again. Red Sun has to be tied into this more than we thought. He had the evidence that Ezra was being set up. I‘m betting he was tied up in this from the beginning.“

Chris nodded. “Go on.“

“So when they see Red Sun contacting Ezra, the ninja didn’t feel they could afford to leave either of them alive and so they kill Red Sun and tried to kill Ezra.”

“They warn us off because they don’t want anyone else involved,” Josiah added.

“The Master said that his business in DC did not concern us or Ezra,” Chris mused.

“When J.D. found that library reference sitting in the pocket of the guy Ezra saw at the exchange with Red Sun, he actually found a clue to the sword,” Nathan realized.


Everyone turned to Chris. Larabee was nodding. “It clears up a lot of the mystery but it doesn’t help us with the most important thing and that’s clearing Ezra’s name.”

“If we look into who may be seeking the sword, it might lead us to the ninja and I think we’re saying that it is the ninja who are responsible for setting Ezra up, killing the Secret’s agents and framing Ezra for Yang Le’s murder.”

“I think we should try and find the sword!” J.D. proposed, his eyes flashing with anticipation.

“The sword is unimportant,” Chris dismissed. “If it even exists.”

“A lot of people have died so that someone can claim its power, Colonel. I think we should see if we can find it so that no one else dies, “ Ezra offered.

Larabee smiled. “One can only imagine how much it’s worth,” he baited.

“I fully agree. I...” His companions were all laughing. “You may well laugh, but that does not change the fact that...”

“Alright. J.D., good job. Buck and J.D., I want you to go over the evidence from the trial. We need to discredit Yang Le’s alibi to prove Ezra’s innocence.”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Josiah, continue with the ninja angle.”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Nathan, you’ve got Red Sun. Find out what the hell he was doing the day of the exchange and any links you can to this mystery sword. I’ll work on the witness. Well, that’s it then.”

“What about Vin and I?”

Chris smiled. “You two can go sword hunting.”

“I’ll send everything I’ve got on the sword to you fellas,” J.D. offered. He’d left his laptop at the cabin for Tanner and Standish. All they had to do was link it to the phone and J.D. could send information directly to them.”

“J.D.,” Chris interrupted, smiling. “I was kidding. Vin. Ezra. I don’t want either of you to step a foot in DC until you hear from me. Is that understood?”

“Yes, Sir,” the pair replied a little dejectedly. Larabee’s tone indicated an order and that meant it wasn’t negotiable.


Vin re-entered the cabin with some firewood. Ezra was sitting at J.D.’s laptop. Evening was fast approaching and the temperature had been dropping.

“Gonna be cold tonight, by the feel of it. Hey, that laptop battery isn’t gonna to last forever. There isn’t any power out here,” Vin warned.

Ezra sat back in his chair. He’d spent the past few hours going through everything that J.D. had sent. “This truly is fascinating. Agent Dunne didn’t have time to go through it all. I’ve actually found a description of the sword.”

“Uh huh,” Vin grunted, stacking the fire. He could hear the excitement in Ezra’s voice. “Let me guess, it’s worth a fortune?”

“It’s made entirely of gold and the handle is encrusted with diamonds and precise jewels. Apparently, the centrepiece is a sapphire the size of a man’s fist. Can you imagine how much that would be worth?!”

Vin didn’t need to see Ezra to know his eyes were sparkling with the very thought of holding something worth that much. “No wonder people have been looking for it for the last thousand years,” Tanner snorted, rising to his feet and studying his own handiwork.

“It is far more than just a legend too. There are a number of references to the quest for the ’gift from the Gods’ in a couple of old manuscripts. From what I can gather, the Katana Kanshin took the sword around the world, searching for a place to hide it so that it didn’t fall into the wrong hands. However, they left a path of extremely difficult clues for others to follow so that only those worthy of the sword would ‘feast their eyes upon it.’

“Yep. So for years people have been going on this quest,” Vin agreed, his voice lacking a lot of interest. “Fish alright for dinner again?”

“In one of the manuscripts I’ve just read,” Ezra continued. “It implies that those who find the sword don’t live to tell the tale. What do you think that means?”

“I don’t mind fish again, as long as you don’t,” Vin offered.

“The reference to DC is an interesting one,” Ezra mused, glancing down at the hand written notes he had been taking. “I have discovered that an early pioneer mentioned sighting a group of men dressed in black who were very secretive.”

“There are plenty of other things I could catch. Or I could pop down to see Reg and ask him for some beef?” Vin waited.

“I think that the ninja have come to DC because they have traced the sword here after searching around the world and that young agent Dunne stumbled onto their latest clue when he found their library reference. They are definitely looking for it. After reading all of this, there is no question in my mind that the sword is exactly what the ninja are after and what they have been after all along.”

“Then you and J.D. are in agreement. So, what did you want for dinner?” Vin asked.

“How can you think of food?!” Ezra cried, looking up at Vin for the first time. “Vin, this sword is invaluable! I mean the sapphire alone is probably worth millions!”

“You’ve got more money than you know what to do with, Ezra. You don’t need it. Let’s think about something we do need, like dinner tonight before the temperature drops too much more! I don‘t want to be hunting around out there in the cold!”


Nathan opened the door in response to light knocking. Mary Travis was standing on the other side frowning “Is he here?” she demanded.

“Yes, Ma’am,” Nathan stated, stepping out of her way. When a woman had that look on her face, Nathan had learned to get out of the firing line!

Mary stalked into the lounge room and circled the couch where Chris was sitting under a blanket of folders and papers.

“Hi Mary.”

“Why didn’t you call me?!” Her crystal eyes were flashing daggers.

“About what?” Chris asked, genuinely perplexed. “They haven’t cleared our South American mission for the media. I‘ve told you, we‘ll give you the exclusive if...”

“What?!” Mary cried in exasperation. “I don’t care about that. Why didn’t you tell me you were ill?” The enraged woman lifted her eyes to Nathan. “Why didn’t you?!”

“Well, Ma’am, with all that’s been going on...”

Mary dropped her lethal blue eyes to Chris. “I found out from one of the secretaries in your building! My God, Chris. You were facing something like cancer and you didn’t say anything?”

Chris looked to Nathan for help. Jackson raised his hands. “You’re on your own, Chris.”

Larabee looked up at Mary. “I didn’t want anyone to know. I didn’t even tell Vin and Buck, but Nathan blabbed and while I was half drugged they all turned up at the hospital. It’s not cancer, though.”

“Yes, I know. The girl on reception told me.”

Chris flicked his eyes to Nathan. “Remind me to belt the hell out of Buck. Sounds like he’s broadcasting my health to everyone he’s speaking to.”

“You know, Buck,” Nathan chuckled.

Mary’s eyes lit up with rage. “Is that all you’ve got to say?!” She turned and stormed out of the room.

Chris shook his head. “I don’t understand women.”

“She’s just hurt that no one bothered to tell her,” Nathan mused, closing the door.

“Wouldn’t have said it was her business,” Chris murmured.

Nathan smirked. “So you wouldn’t have been put out if she’d gone in for tests concerning cancer and everyone in the building knew except you?”

“Shut-up, Nathan.”


Vin served the fish. “Put that shit away for a while and eat,” the cook complained. “I froze my ass catching this bastard.”

“Wait a minute! I’ve seen this before!” Ezra stated, rereading a small passage he found amongst Professor’s Godfrey’s personal notes that J.D. had e-mailed.

“Yeah, it’s fish. You had it for dinner last night,” Tanner grumbled, taking his seat. The cabin was in darkness, apart from the glow of the lap top screen and a single candle sitting on the table.

“No, Vin, listen. It’s a warning,” Ezra informed his friend, drawing the candle closer. “‘He who seeks the sword must look for what is not there. In a heavenly cave, where the birds do soar, in a forest of dead trees, one will find the resting place of the sword. All must look up to the mighty sword for those who look down on it will be destroyed by its power.’” Ezra looked up, his eyes alive in the limited light. “The first part is a clue to where it’s hidden. The last part is a grim warning. The sword is a symbol of great power to the ninja. To ignore that power may be fatal.”

“Fascinating. Your fish is getting cold,” Vin stated, drawing the candle back to the middle of the table and picking up his fork.

“But, Vin, I’ve seen that somewhere before.”

Tanner paused. “Huh?”

“Those words. I’ve seen that somewhere.” Ezra’s movements were nervous.

“Two years ago?” Vin asked.

“I...” Ezra got to his feet and began to pace. “I don’t remember. WAIT A MINUTE! Yes, I do! The poem on the wall of Yang Le’s apartment! This is it!”

“Well, it can’t be much of a clue. He had it two years ago and it didn’t do him or his ninja friends much good.”

“I get the feeling that this clue is only useful once you know the area in which to look. Professor Godfrey has a theory about where in DC it is. Where did I see that?!” Ezra cried, returning to the laptop.

Vin rolled his eyes and went on with his dinner. “Your fish is getting cold,” he repeated.


“THAT’S IT!!!!!!” Ezra’s voice echoed through the cabin. Vin rolled onto his back. It was three in the morning and he’d gone to bed long before. Ezra rushed into Tanner’s bedroom, the single candle illuminating his face in an unholy glow!

“Vin! I think I know where it is!”

“Great, now you can go to bed. Did you eat that fish I cooked?”

“Get up. We have to go and get it.”

“What?! The sword?! Go to hell.” Vin rolled back onto his side. “You can catch you own damn fish from now on. Freeze your ass off.”

Ezra rushed into the room. “Vin, don’t you see? I know and they don’t.”

“What makes you think the ninja, who according to you have been searching for this thing for at least two years that we know of, haven’t found this clue and discounted it?” Tanner demanded, sitting up.

“Because they don’t have Professor Godfrey’s private notes.”

“Who says they don’t?”

“I rang J.D. Professor Godfrey told him that he had never shared his theories with anyone because he knew they’d think he was crazy.”

“Uh huh. And where do you and the professor think the sword is hidden? Downtown DC?”

Ezra ignored his friend’s sarcasm. “I only have a name at the moment. We’ll have to find out where it is. A place called Swallow Pass.”

Vin’s eyes narrowed ever so slightly. “Swallow Pass,” he repeated.

“Vin?” Ezra cried, his excitement at boiling point. “Tell me you know where it is!”

“I do. Or at least, I’ve heard of it. It’s a ravine about twenty miles long and only a mile wide. A national park these days, I think.”

“Where? Where is it?”

Vin rose to his feet. “Clam down, Ezra. You’re starting to salivate. I reckon it’d be a good four hours’ drive from here.”

“Let’s go!” Ezra cried, rushing from the room.

“Ezra! Ezra, we aren’t going anywhere! Chris ordered us not to go back to DC,” Vin pointed out as he followed his friend into the main room.

“Is the ravine in the middle of DC?” Ezra demanded.

Vin just stared.

“Come on, Vin! We know where it is. For a thousand years others have been searching for it and we known where it is!”

“We know that it might be in a twenty square-mile area. Even if we went there, how would we know where to look for it? That’s a hell of a lot of area to cover.”

“Vin, we’ll find it in a heavenly cave, where the birds do soar, in a forest of dead trees.”

Vin shook his head. “Ezra, you’re really starting to sound like J.D. It’s just a silly legend.”

“It’s real,” Standish stated, the mask of excitement falling, for that was all it had been. “Three of my colleagues lost their life because of it. Security guards at the CIA building lost their lives because of it. Wardell is dead because of it. J.D. and Buck were both attacked because of it. And these ninja want me dead because of it. It’s real, Vin,” Standish whispered. “We need to find it before anyone else dies.”

Tanner stared into his friend’s pained eyes. “Alright, but under one condition. You get the Colonel’s approval.”

“I shall do so.”

“This won’t be easy, Ezra. We’ll have to hike into the cliffs and then abseil down into the ravine. We’re talking about a lot of area to cover. It could take weeks!”

“I have to find it, Vin. I have to see this thing that has been responsible for destroying and taking so many lives.”

Vin nodded his understanding. “Okay. I’ll take you there, but only if Chris says it’s okay.”


Liam Larabee climbed from the taxi and stared at the ranch house amazed. “Are you sure this is the place?” he asked the taxis driver.

“This is Four Corners. The owners don’t live here, but they use it frequently.” The driver was a little curious considering it was the middle of the night. “Strange time to arrive.”

“That’s my business,“ Liam snarled, paying the man before watching the car pull away. Larabee entered the house and switched on a light. He stood in the entry foyer and swore. “I’m in jail, and this is his holiday home.”

Liam walked into the main room and dumped his bag. He moved across to the telephone and made a call.

“Mr Fitzgerald. It‘s me, Liam.”

“What &^*# time do you call this?! Larabee, you better have it!“

“Calm down! I’ll get it to you, I just need some time.”

“You’ve got twenty-four hours.”

“I’m going to need more than that. Give me a week. I swear, I‘ll have it by then.”

There was silence. “Alright. Seven days. If it’s not in my hands then, you’ll be spending the rest of your life in a wheelchair.”

Liam licked his lips. “You’ll have it! I swear. I’m close to getting it. Don’t worry. Just relax.”

“I’m not worried, piss ant, but you should be!” The phone was slammed in Liam’s ear. He replaced the receiver and shut his eyes. One week.


Chris glanced at the clock as he answered his ringing cell phone. It was 3:30 am!

“Larabee,” he snapped.

“Colonel? It’s Ezra. Sir, I’ve found it.” Chris frowned as Ezra burst forth with a tirade of explanation. Nathan appeared at the door and mouthed, ‘is everything okay?’. Larabee nodded.

“Ezra... Ezra....” But Standish continued without a pause. Chris sighed, listening and nodding.

“So I need you to tell my stubborn companion here that Swallow Pass isn’t DC and therefore there isn’t a reason in the world for us not to go there.”

“Ezra, you’re looking for a needle in a haystack. A three foot sword that may be hidden in an area the size of a suburb.”

“I have Professor Godfrey’s notes. He mentions a waterfall and other land marks. I am sure that with Lieutenant Tanner’s expertise in the bush, we will find it.”

Chris rubbed his brow. “Let me speak to Vin.”

“Hey, Chris,” Vin greeted, yawning.

“You sound like you just woke up.“

“I did.“

“What do you think?”

“I think it’s pointless and that we’ve got a fat chance in hell of finding it, but Ezra really thinks he has the clues to locate the damn thing.”

Chris drew in a deep breath. He heard the phone wrenched from Vin.

“Colonel, we have clues that others simply have never had. Now that we know the area, I honestly believe it will only take us a couple of days to locate it.” Still there was no response. “Mr Tanner is an experienced...”

“Alright, Ezra. Alright. If Vin agrees, I’ll approve it.“

“Lieutenant Tanner has already said he is happy to go as long as we have your endorsement.“

“I want you to keep in contact with me at all times... and if Vin decides he’s had enough, then you come home without argument.”

“I understand.”

“I want to speak to Vin.” Again the phone changed hands. “Look, go with him and let him get it out of his system.”

There was a chuckle. “Understood. It’s rough terrain in that area.”

“Then he’s likely to lose interest sooner rather than later. Stay in contact every hour so I know what’s going on.”

“Don’t know if that will be possible once we move down into Swallow Pass. The walls of the ravine are made of solid rock. I don’t think the signal will get out. Chris, basically you just want us to keep our heads down. No one is going to find us there. I was going to head bush if we were pursued, anyway. With the police and ninja looking for Ezra, he’ll be safer trekking through Swallow Pass than hiding at McKenna’s. I have to admit, I rather like the idea of a couple of days hiking. Fresh air, rock climbing, nobody shooting at me,” Tanner laughed. “Besides, a couple of nights sleeping on the ground and Ezra’ll want to come home, anyway.”

“What about your leg?”

“I’ll rest as I need to. Ezra won’t be able to go real fast.”

“I resent that,” Chris heard Ezra cry in the background.

“Alright. Be careful. How long?”

“Start worrying if you don’t hear from us after five days. It may take us up to a day to hike in and we’ll have to abseil down into the ravine. A couple of days for Ezra to run around down there and then another day to hike out. Should keep us out of your hair for a while. How are you feeling?”

“A bit stiff this morning, but the swelling and pain’s gone. I’m taking the antibiotics and they seem to be working. Nathan is acting like a damn storm trooper. Reckons I have to stay here another day. Hell, it was just day surgery!”

“I must remember to thank Nathan.”

“You are making a powerful enemy, Tanner. One word from me about your leg and he’ll want to rush over there.”

“You play dirty, Cowboy. I’ll keep in contact until we climb down into the ravine. Don’t reckon that will be until tomorrow morning by the time we collect some supplies, drive down there and then hike in.”

“Alright. Keep me informed. Oh, and why is it you get the camping trip, and I have to stay with the chef from hell?”

“God likes me,” Vin chuckled. “What did you have for dinner?”

“Spinach blobs and tofu.”

Vin laughed. “Better you than me. I’ll be in touch.”

Part Seventeen

Tanner and Standish borrowed Reg’s car and set off for Swallow Pass. The Pass was part of a national park nestled in some of the most beautiful countryside the world had to offer. Vin appeared to be looking forward to the hike. However, the more he spoke of the delights of ‘roughing it’, the more apprehensive Ezra became.

When the pair arrived, they discovered there was a large and popular camping ground for tourists just outside the park. Ezra pulled in at the general store. He and Vin required some basic supplies. Vin had borrowed abseiling gear from McKenna’s, along with two back packs, but the men needed to purchase food and other bits and pieces.

Vin strode across to the tinned foods while Ezra disappeared into the extensive camping section. After collecting a couple of items, Tanner wandered across to the counter where a teenager was serving.

“Do you have a map of the area?”

“Sure, Mister,” the youngster stated, grabbing one from a stand and placing it on the counter in front of Vin. “Anything else?”

“Yeah. What’s the best way to get to Swallow Pass?” the Em7 agent asked, selecting a disposable camera and adding it to the small pile of items.


“Swallow Pass,” Vin repeated.

The teenager shook his head. “Never heard of it. I think you’ve got the wrong National Park.”

An elderly man, who had been stacking shelves, walked up to the pair. “Swallow Pass?” he asked. “Haven’t heard it called that for years. I guess only the older locals still call it Swallow Pass.” He smiled and offered his hand. “Jason Hogg.”

Tanner shook the other man’s hand. “John Smith.”

“You must be from around here?” Hogg pressed, curiously.

“Used to be, a long time ago. So, they don’t call it Swallow Pass no more?”

“Son, it hasn’t been called Swallow Pass for seventy years! They renamed it Lincoln Ravine. Can’t think why. Let’s face it, Abraham Lincoln ain’t around to enjoy it.”

Vin grinned. “So, it’s marked on the map as Lincoln Ravine?”

“Yeah, but you can’t go there. They fenced it off. The area’s real dangerous these days. The sides of the ravine are crumbling. They outlawed abseiling and decided to keep everyone out of the place.”

“No one’s been out there for a while then?” Vin mused.

“Don’t reckon so. There are a couple of other places that are nice if you’re looking to do some hiking.”

Vin picked up the map. “Thanks. We’ll find somewhere.”

A clattering sound led the pair to turn. Ezra was walking toward them, hidden under a mountain of camping gear.

“Ezra, what the hell have you got there?” Vin demanded.

“Just the essentials,” Standish puffed, dumping his load at Vin’s feet.

“Essentials! We can’t carry all of this,” Vin complained, studying all of the items Ezra had collected. “A camping toilet?!”

“My friend, I have no intention of squatting or sleeping on the ground. It will be my luck it will rain. I have collected a small tent, a couple of sleeping bags, a couple of airbeds...”

“Ezra, we can’t carry it all,” Vin stated, firmly.


“No.” The tone left no room for negotiation.

Standish cursed, gathered the gear, turned around and carried his load back to the camping section.

“City fella?” the elderly local asked.

Vin grunted. “Need a dozen men to carry all of that.”

“Well, good luck. You’ll need it,” Hogg stated, grinning. “Make sure he buys a whistle to hang around his neck so when he gets lost he can blow it and you’ll be able to find him.”

Vin winked at the other man. “That might not be such a bad idea.”


Chris pocketed his phone still laughing. The other men eyed him, curiously. “Ezra and Vin have just set off. According to Vin, Ezra is carrying enough gear to last an army for a month.”

“I’d love to be a fly on the wall watching those two camping together,” Nathan chuckled.

“You couldn’t get two fellas more different,” Buck agreed.

“Don’t be too unfair,” Chris urged. “For a greenhorn, Standish did well in South America.”

“Sir, I’m all set.”

“Play the video,” Chris ordered. The colonel had decided that the key to clearing Ezra was the single piece of video evidence produced by the prosecutor that proved that Yang Le was in Los Angeles at the time of the exchange. This alone had convicted Ezra because despite advice by his own attorney, Standish had refused to change his statement. Ezra was positive he had seen Yang Le in the Martin Hotel. Nothing and no one could change what he believed.

For this reason, Em7 had collected in Nathan’s apartment to view the video and find fault with it. Larabee had wanted to go in to the office, but Dr Jackson had put his foot down and so the team meeting was moved to Nathan’s lounge room.

When the video sprung to life, several of the men reacted with surprise. “He sure looks like the fella at the Convention Centre,” Buck commented.

“It may look like him, but it isn’t Yang Lee. Le’s dead. We checked.”

“Maybe they sent that man to unsettle Ezra knowing he looked like Yang Le,” Nathan suggested.

“Possible,” Chris agreed.

J.D. pointed to the corner of the screen. “There’s the time. 2:24pm. That’s exactly the time Ezra was found unconscious in the alley.”

“It was rather nice of Le to walk across and stand directly in front of this security camera,” Buck murmured.

“Yeah,” Chris agreed. “Nicely planned.”

“J.D., could the time have been changed?” Nathan asked.

“I checked that. I don’t think so.”

“So, how long does this go?” Josiah asked.

“Tape lasts about twenty minutes,” J.D. answered. “Le just stands there smoking and drinking champagne.”

“Alright, question it,” Chris prompted.

“How do we know this was filmed in Los Angeles?” Nathan asked, initiating the probing.


Vin glanced back over this shoulder. He and Ezra had left Reg’s station wagon in the camping ground parking lot and set off in the direction of Swallow Pass. The trees were thin and the Em7 agents would be able to follow a well worn path for a couple of hours before heading cross-country.

Tanner had a bedroll and abseiling gear slung over his shoulder and his almost empty backpack contained some food, simple cooking utensils and insect repellent.

Ezra looked somewhat different. His pack was bulging. He also had a tent and camping toilet slung across his back - two items he had flatly refused to leave behind, despite Tanner’s advice.

Vin shook his head with amusement as Ezra struggled to catch up. “How ya goin’, Ez?”

“Fine. Just fine.” Standish wiped his face with the back of his sleeve. Glancing up at the sun, he cursed it softly. It had to be at least a thousand degrees and this was supposed to be the middle of winter!

“It’s a beautiful day,” Vin stated happily, his long relaxed strides immediately putting a gap between the pair. “The bush gets thicker up ahead. It’ll be cooler then, but the sun’s nice, don’t you think?”

“Just lovely,” Ezra muttered.

“We’ll have to leave the path soon. It won’t be as easy going, then.”

“No problem. I’m enjoying myself,” Standish claimed with false sincerity. Ezra had been enthusiastic when he and his companion had first set off. Three hours of trekking in the bush, combined with the heat and the weight of his pack had robbed him of that earlier zeal.

Vin veered off the track. The ground became a little uneven, but this didn’t seem to worry the tracker, who continued to glide smoothly despite the injury to his leg.

“Are you sure you know where we’re going?” Ezra panted, pausing a moment to catch his breath.

“Yep. We need to head west. There’s the sun,” Vin stated, pointing. “So, that means this way.”

“I see. And there is no chance of us getting lost?” Standish checked, pressing on.

Vin paused, glanced back and flashed his partner an unimpressed look. “A man can’t get lost if he’s got a compass.”

“And you have a compass?” Ezra checked, stumbling on the uneven ground.

“Don’t need a compass when you’ve got the sun.”

“That is very reassuring.” Ezra stumbled again. “Could we possibly take a break?”

Vin pulled up and shrugged. “Yeah, if you want.” Tanner found a tree to lean against. He watched fascinated as Ezra attempted to sit down without removing his pack. Standish got three quarters of the way to the ground, overbalanced and ended up falling backwards onto his back, his legs in the air.

“Ya need a hand there, Ezra?” Vin asked, without breaking a smile.

“Shut... up.”


“It looks like a standard government building,” Josiah commented, studying the background behind Yang Le. “Same layout, by the look of it. Same colour scheme.”

“Meaning it could be any government building in any capital city, including DC.”

“J.D., find out if there is a government reception building within a half an hour drive of the Martin Hotel.”

“There is,” Nathan stated. “When Vin, Ezra and I drove over there, we passed a State Reception Centre.”

“Buck, Josiah, go over there now. If we can prove that this may have come from a security camera there, Yang Le’s alibi is nullified and we‘re halfway to clearing Ezra.”


Ahead, Vin came to a halt.

Ezra trudged up to stand beside him. “What is it?” Vin indicated the barbed wire fence. At intervals along it were signs that read “Danger. No persons beyond this point. Lincoln Ravine is off limits due to unstable ground. Trespassers will be prosecuted.”

“We are at the threshold, Lieutenant Tanner,“ Ezra claimed, in a hushed tone.

Vin snorted. “If the cliffs look too dangerous, we’ll be turning around and heading back.“

“Vin, we can’t turn back, now. We’re the only ones who know where the sword is,” Ezra stated, clapping his companion’s shoulder.

“Ezra, we have no idea of where the sword is,” Vin argued.

“We know it’s somewhere in Swallow Pass,” Standish insisted, taking a handkerchief from his pocket and wiping his brow.

“It may have escaped your notice, Sherlock, but Swallow Pass is the same size as some countries! That’s a lot of area to cover.”

“Have a little more faith, Lieutenant. We have the information that I have collected from Professor Godfrey’s notes which will narrow the search area considerably. We are but a few hours from holding a sword people have been searching for, for thousands of years! Come on.”

The rejuvenated agent rushed forward and leaped the fence. Unfortunately, the mountain on his back was heavier than he imagined and the seat of his pants became caught on the barbed wire. Instantly, he lost his balance and suddenly found himself hanging upside down, the material of his trousers firmly caught on the wire. Vin Tanner’s amused chuckles echoed in the silent bush land.

Tanner whipped out the disposable camera. “Smile, Ez.”

“Vin! Vin, don’t. This isn’t funny.”

“Isn’t funny?! You can’t see yourself. Oh, I can’t wait to show that one to Buck and J.D.”

“Buck!” Ezra shrieked in dismay, struggling to free himself. “I will offer you a million dollars for that camera.”

“Not on your life,” Tanner laughed, releasing his friend from the fence’s grip.


Ezra noted the change in temperature as he and his partner headed further into the bush.

“Watch your footing,” Vin warned, stepping over some thick foliage. “There are holes and rocks hidden under the leaves. This area is quite damp, so keep an eye out for leeches.”


Two hours later, the pair stopped for a brief rest. Thirstily, Ezra sucked the cool water from his canteen. He was covered from head to toe in mud. Tanner’s warning had not facilitated his ability to remain on his feet. Standish had slipped more then five times. Some of the sticky mud, twigs and leaves had worked their way under his clothing and were irritating his skin. Vin, on the other hand, was spotless. The tracker’s boots seemed to be drawn to every available piece of flat, stable ground.

"You make me sick," Ezra muttered under his breath as he struggled to his feet.

Vin grinned as he pulled his companion upright. "Not much further to go before we reach the spot I've selected for us to camp. According to the map, there's a small stream so you can wash up.”

“Should you mention to anyone any of the unfortunate incidents that have befallen my person today, I shall make it my life long quest to make your life sheer hell.”

Vin winked at his friend. “Come on, Ezra. I want to reach the spot before dark.”


When Buck and Josiah returned just after five thirty in the afternoon, J.D. and Nathan were still viewing the video evidence without results. Chris was asleep.

“Couldn’t have been filmed there,” Buck claimed, dropping down onto the couch.

“None of the rooms look anything like the one on the video?” J.D. asked.

“They have a room identical to the one on the video.” The federal government had built identical buildings in most capital cities during a period of massive spending.

“So, what’s the problem?” J.D. demanded.

“They don’t have any security cameras. None. The film couldn‘t have been taken there.”

Nathan sighed. “Back to the drawing board.” Jackson glanced at the time. The day had passed quickly. “You fellas staying for dinner?” There were three very quick and definite ‘nos’.

“I was thinking we might go to The Saloon.”

“Sounds good to me.”


The sun arced low in the sky signally the coming of evening. A flock of birds passed overhead on its way to roost for the night. A slither of moon had decided to show itself in the starless sky.

Vin glanced around the camp and shook his head with amusement. Tanner’s bedroll was laid out where he was going to set the fire. Ezra’s condo was erected some feet way.

The tracker collected a bundle of wood, lit the fire and began to prepare the meal. During that time, Ezra finished erecting his tent, used a foot pump to blow up his mattress, laid his sleeping bag on top of it and set up his camping toilet. Then, he disappeared down to the stream to wash up.

As the sun disappeared completely, the smell of baked beans filled the smoky air. The night was dark, but the light from the fire flickered around the comfortable camp site. Despite the winter chill, both men were warm thanks to their fire. Ezra was lying on his side. His shoulders and back were aching from carrying the heavy load he had insisted contained only essential items. Vin was seated, a stick in his hand, his injured leg resting on his pack and the map of the area stretched out on the ground between the pair.

"So the ridge of cliffs is here," Tanner stated, using the stick to point to the spot on the map.

"And that's how far from here?" Ezra asked.

"About a mile. We'll get up at dawn tomorrow and head straight there. It looks like the best place to abseil down into the Pass. I’m a bit concerned about the walls. If they’re crumbling, it’ll be dangerous. Have you done a lot of abseiling?”

“Not a lot, but I assure you, I will be more than able to do what is needed.” There was determination in his voice. This meant a lot to him.

“Once we reach the bottom, we’ll make our way to each waterfall. You said something about waterfalls, didn‘t you?"

“According to Professor Godfrey, the cave is near a waterfall. Shouldn't be too hard to find."

Vin glanced up at his companion, a grin on his face. “Slow down, Sherlock. According to the map, Swallow Pass has nine waterfalls. There are probably more in the rainy season. Here are the three main ones,” Vin stated, indicating on the map, “but there is no reason to believe that the ninjas didn't hide the sword in a cave behind one of the waterfalls that appear during the three month wet season."

"Oh,” Ezra stated with a little less enthusiasm. “So where are we headed then?"

“Here,” Tanner stated, pointing with the stick. “I thought it was the best spot. Two of the main waterfalls close together and one of the smaller ones.”

A silence descended in the clearing. Vin folded the map, put it back in his pocket and then contented himself with staring into the fire. Ezra stretched out on his back and stared up at the crescent moon. The night was very quiet, the bush insects quietly serenading the reflective pair.

“You okay, Ezra?” Vin asked, without looking up.

Standish rolled onto his side and studied his friend’s face in the limited light. “I am a little sore.” He knew that wasn’t what Tanner meant. “I’m fine,” he added, though there wasn’t a lot of conviction in his voice. Ezra sighed. “Here I am searching for some sword that may not even exist and I’m still wanted for murder and treason.”

“The charge was perjury, Ezra,” Tanner offered, lifting his eyes to meet his friend‘s.

“They believe I lied when I said that I didn’t murder my colleagues and wasn’t selling information about a weapon that could be turned on my own country. The semantics may have changed, but the charges are the same.”

“Chris and the others will clear you.”

Ezra drew himself up. “Do not get me wrong, Vin. I appreciate everything they’re doing, but what chance do soldiers have of wading through this mess?”

Vin nodded his understanding. “So, where to from here?”

“I am hoping to find the sword and trade it for information. If the ninja want the sword as badly as I believe they do, then they may be willing to tell me what I need to know.”

“Which is?” Vin prompted.

“Which is that Yang Le was at the Martin Hotel, the sword is what the exchange was about and the ninja killed my colleagues.” Ezra glanced at Vin and smiled. “Let us change the subject. Obviously, you have done a lot of camping?”


“I remember going camping once as a child. One of my mother’s husbands decided on a father/son outing. It was dreadful.”


“He was a bit like you. Enjoyed the outdoors. I, on the other hand, am partial to the comforts of civilization.”

“Ya mean you aren’t enjoying this?” Vin asked, feigning innocence.

“Surprisingly, I am enjoying it more than I thought I would. Perhaps it is a question of the company.”

Vin smiled easily. “We better try and get some sleep. It will be a big day tomorrow.”

The two men headed for the respective beds. “Are you sure you don’t want to come into my tent?”

“Half the fun of camping out is being able to see the moon and the stars at night.”

“Only half of the fun! I can hardly wait to experience the rest of it,” Ezra called, sarcastically.

The serenade of the bush brought back many memories for Vin. He lay listening to the hum of the wilderness. The young man had always loved those peaceful sounds.

“Vin?” Standish called after a few minutes.


“What did you do at night in Katinda?”

“Huh?” It wasn’t something Vin had been expecting. For a few seconds he thought about the question. “Depended if we were in enemy territory or not. If we were, we couldn’t do a lot. Eat and bed down.”

“Like when we were in South America?”


“And if you weren’t in enemy territory?”

“We played cards or just talked. Mostly about what we were going to do when the war was over.”

“What had you planned?” Ezra knew he was being nosy, but he couldn’t settle his mind to sleep.

“I wanted to buy a ranch and keep horses.”

“Something like Four Corners?”


“What about the others?”

“Well, Nathan wanted to leave the army and work somewhere where doctors were really needed.”

“That sounds like Dr. Jackson. Josiah?”

“Josiah didn’t think he was going to survive the war. Kept predictin’ his own death. The bastard will probably outlive all of us,” Vin chuckled. “Buck, well he just kept describing all of the different women he was going to spend time with. You know, Buck.”

“And Colonel Larabee?”

Vin paused before answering. “He wanted a ranch, too. It was hard for him because he had lost his wife and son on their dream ranch.”

“Are you surprised by their decision to form Em7?” Ezra asked, curiously.

Vin drew in a deep breath. “No. Not really. We was dreamin’ about what we wanted, but they were only ever dreams. A man has to work to live.”

“I suppose so.”

“What about you, Ezra? Is Em7 where you want to be?” Vin waited. He glanced across the fire to the tent. “Ezra?”

“Yes. Em7 is what I want to be doing. Good night.”

“Night Ez. Watch out for snakes crawling into your sleeping bag looking for warmth.”

“That is not funny.”

“I ain’t kiddin’.”

“You’re not?!”

Vin smiled and laid back. “Sleep well.”

“One day, Mr. Tanner. One day I am going to reap my revenge.”


Ezra stood at the edge of the cliffs. He felt like he was standing on top of the world. In front of him was nothing but sky. Below, he could see tree tops.

“It is magnificent,“ Standish murmured, staring down into Swallow Pass below. He and Vin had risen at dawn, eaten more baked beans - which Ezra was sure wasn’t a good idea, considering the noises coming from his friend - and then headed for the Pass.

“Reckon you should step back until I take a look at the edge,“ Vin warned.

Ezra did so, but moved across to look at the spectacular waterfall that hurtled down the side of the cliffs and disappeared into a cloud of spray as it hit the river below. “We are lower here?” Ezra commented. On either side of the pair, the cliffs rose sharply.

“I thought it best to choose the lowest section. Means we won’t have as far to abseil down,” Vin replied, crouching at the edge and digging a stick into the ground to test how solid it was.

“How far would you say it is to the bottom?”

“From here, only about fifty feet. From up there,” Vin stated, inclining his head to the area on the left and right of the pair that rose sharply, “Maybe a hundred feet.”

“That’s pretty thick woods down there.”

“Yep. Okay, this looks solid enough. It’s a little crumbly, but not dangerous.“

“What’s that?“ Ezra asked, pointing to a pillar of rock rising up out of the ravine floor.

“Looks like a big bundle of rocks,“ Vin chuckled. “A hell of a big bundle of rocks.“ The top of the monolith was almost level with the lower section of the cliff top where the men were standing. If it had been closer to the edge, Ezra felt sure he could have stepped out onto it. As it was, it was probably a good half a mile away.

“We better get these abseiling ropes secured,” Tanner prompted.

Without further comment, the pair set about securing the lines. Once finished, Ezra watched disgusted as Vin checked his gear to ensure it had been prepared correctly.

“Well?” Standish demanded.

“Mmmmm,” Vin grunted.

“I assure you, I am a capable climber. I have scaled many high rise buildings in my day.”

“This isn’t a high rise. I’m gonna call Chris.” Tanner withdrew his cell phone and wandered a few feet away from his companion. “Hey, Larabee.”

“Morning. Where are you?”

“About to abseil into Swallow Pass. There’s no way we’ll be able to get reception once we’re down there. You got anything you want to fill us in on before we go?”

“I wish I had good news, but nothing. We’re working on the video evidence. How’s your leg holding up?”

“Real good, actually. Be interesting to see how it feels after the abseiling. What about you?”

“A hundred percent better. The antibiotics seem to have killed the infection. No pain and no swelling. Florence Nightingale released me last night. I’m at home. Just about to head into the office.”

“Okay, well, I can’t say how long we’ll be.”

“Give me a time so I know when to send in a search party.”

“Let’s make it three days. I can always climb back to the top and let you know if we need more time.”

“Alright. Be careful and don’t take any chances. How’s Ezra fairing?”

Vin glanced at his companion, who was pouring over his notes again. “He reckons he’s okay, but he’s worried. He told me last night the reason he wants the sword is to use it to bargain for information.”

“I knew there had to be a reason. Keep an eye on him.”

“Will do, Cowboy. Take it easy. Two out.”

Ezra, who was crouched, glanced up as Vin approached. “Mr. Larabee?”

“He’s good.”

"According to Professor Godfrey, there should be a cave near a waterfall. If we are incredibly lucky, it will be this one and our search will be completed in a few hours.”

“Ezra, I don’t have that sort of luck,” Vin chuckled.

“I, on the other hand, have been blessed with... Vin?” Tanner had raised his hand for silence. Vin’s eyes narrowed, his blue eyes searching the area around them. He wished he had brought along his mare‘s leg. Instead, he had only his revolver and knife. “We’re not alone. Ezra, start heading for that thick area to the right.” Ezra rose to his feet and edged toward the trees, his eyes sweeping the open area in front of the bushland.


“Keep moving,” Vin ordered, starting to move sideways himself.

Abruptly, there was a rustling sound. Tanner’s head snapped to the left. Ninja began to pour out of the bushland on Vin’s right... on his left... and directly in front of him! His and Ezra’s escape had been cut off!

“Ezra, move back over here,” Vin ordered as two dozen ninja began to move in. Both men drew weapons but knew instantly they would be useless against so many.

“What do you want?” Standish yelled.

From behind the group, a black clad ninja stepped forward. He raised his hand to his men. “I am surprised that you beat us here. You’re ability to decipher the clues is impressive.”

“Who the hell are you?” Vin asked, as he and Ezra continued to edge their way into the centre. Without warning, Tanner moved backwards and kicked his pack over the edge.

“I am Saijo Senshi, also know as ‘The Master.’” The ninja watched Vin curiously, but did not see his actions as a threat.

“Saijo Senshi. The supreme warrior,” Ezra translated. He needed to buy some time. He didn’t know what Vin was doing, but clearly, they needed some time. “I would have said it would be difficult to be the supreme warrior if you don’t hold the sword?”

Tanner forced Ezra’s pack over the edge. He holstered his useless gun, took out his knife, crouched and sawed through the abseiling ropes. He had an idea of how he and Ezra could get out of his - a chance in a million, but a chance.

“I will have the sword by the end of the day, by which time you will be dead.”

He signaled a group of his men. They began to move in. The others stood back and watched like spectators.


“I‘m here,” Tanner growled, stepping up beside Standish. “They can’t use our ropes or our gear. Try to edge closer to the waterfall.”

“I get the feeling that may be easier said then done,” Ezra murmured, replacing his revolver. “You have a plan?”


“Care to share it?...Here they come!” Ezra and Vin tensed. The first wave contained only four. These few, the pair were able to fend off. Surprisingly, the ninjas were not particularly well trained. Ezra had no difficulty and Vin, while not using martial arts, was able to dispense with the attackers.

“Impressive, but futile,” Saijo Senshi applauded. “They are in training, though still have considerable skill. You are well trained - both of you. However, against my senior warriors you will not have a chance.“ As the Master spoke, Vin and Ezra edged toward the waterfall. “Surrender and I will make your death quick and painless.”

“Why don’t I believe that,” Vin murmured, watching as a second set of ninja stepped forward. “Ezra, if we aren’t left with any choice, jump,“ Tanner whispered.

Standish shot his friend a look of horror. “That’s your plan?!” Then again, it was probably better than dying slowly at the hands of these assassins.

The next wave contained eight. The battle was fierce. These warriors were more skilled, but Tanner and Standish were fighting for their lives.

Saijo Senshi frowned. The two men were still holding their own. “Kill them!” He ordered. He had lost interest in the battle.

Ezra rolled backwards, launching one of the ninja over the edge. The faceless man’s scream filled the air. Tanner’s knife danced, three of the ninja backed away, trying to stem the blood flow from wounds.

The Master cursed and nodded to one of the ninja who was yet to take part in the battle. The assassin took out a ninja star and aimed it at Ezra. Vin spotted it. Tanner threw his knife with deadly accuracy. The Master turned, whipped out a gun and fired! The shot echoed in the clearing.

Vin was thrown backwards. For a split second he hung in the air, and then, he plummeted over the waterfall.

“NOOOOO!” Ezra screamed. Standish raced to the edge and stared down. His mind was racing in a vacuum. Suddenly, the world around him slowed. Everything became very calm. The shouting of the ninja faded out until he could no longer hear their voices. What Ezra had to do became crystal clear. He had moved into survival mode - that was what Chris had once called it. A time when unconscious thought and instinct take over. A time when nothing else matters except survival, and not your own survival, the survival of your partner. Vin had been shot and he’d fallen. He’d disappeared into the spray below. If he had fallen into the river, there was a chance he was still alive. Ezra drew in a deep breath and launched himself over the edge.


Part Eighteen

“Boys,” Chris greeted. Only J.D. and Nathan had arrived at the office. Then again, it was very early.

“Hey, Chris. I don‘t know what time Buck will be in. He was still at The Saloon when I left at 1:00am Inez was trying to get him to leave,” J.D. chuckled.

“As soon as he and Josiah arrive, call me. I want to continue work on the video angle,” Larabee stated, striding into his office. Immediately, he picked up his phone. He knew it was ridiculous, but he had a strange prickling at the back of his neck. He hoped Ezra and Vin hadn’t abseiled down into the Pass yet. Chris assured himself nothing was wrong. He was just worrying over naught, but it would put his mind at rest if he confirmed that all was well. Larabee waited and then the ringing stopped. “The cell phone you are dialing is turned off or is outside of the service area,” the automatic response informed the colonel.

“Damn.” Chris pocketed the phone and tried to dismiss the bubbling acid in his stomach. He was sure it was only because he knew Vin would be out of reach for a while. Tanner and Standish were in no danger. Vin was an experienced woodsmen. He wouldn’t take any chances. Chris sighed, switched on his computer and proceeded to read his e-mail.

Outside, J.D. picked up his ringing phone.

“Agent Dunne?” a cultured and vaguely familiar voice inquired.

“That’s right.”

“Dr. Peterson. I performed an autopsy for you a few days ago.”

“Yes, Doctor?” J.D. asked, curiously.

“The man was Yang Le. Just let me clarify, that’s an Asian name, isn’t it?”

“Yep.” J.D. continued to open his e-mail, the phone receiver wedged between his shoulder and ear.

“And your Mr. Le was Asian?”

J.D.’s brow furrowed. “Yeah,” he answered, curiously.

“Then we have a small problem. I have just been finalizing my notes and I need to tell you that the skeleton I examined was that of a Caucasian, not an Asian.”

“Huh?!” J.D. grabbed the phone with his hand. “You mean, it wasn’t Yang Le?!” Nathan glanced across at the boy.

“According to the medical and dental records you brought me, he is Yang Le. However, the man I examined was not Asian. I think someone has been fiddling with your records.”

“Dr Peterson, you have made my day!” J.D. slammed the phone down, high fived a puzzled Nathan and raced into his Colonel’s office. “Sir, Yang Le wasn’t in that coffin! The bastard’s alive!”


Saijo Senshi raced to the edge of the cliffs and ripped his mask off to reveal the face of the man who had haunted Ezra’s nightmares for two long years. Yang Le watched spellbound as Ezra disappeared into the spray. “So much for that problem.”

The former SeCReTs’ agent turned to look at the pegs that had secured Vin’s and Ezra’s abseiling ropes. Now the ninja leader realized what Tanner had been doing. He had been attempting to slow the ninja’s ability to follow. The Em7 agent had intended jumping over the edge. If that was so, then he had believed there was a chance of surviving!

“Go and get our ropes! NOW!”


Ezra braced for the impact. When he hit the water, his body exploded with pain. He plunged down into the dark depths of the river, and then his arms and legs pumped sending him back to surface. It seemed to take forever, but finally his head broke free and he sucked in huge lungfuls of air.

For several seconds Ezra treaded water, his mind filled only with his need to breathe. As his lungs recovered, Vin‘s face entered his thoughts. “Vin?!” he shouted, scanning the bubbling water. “Vin!”

Ezra filled his lungs with air and then plunged back into the water. The river was clear, but Ezra could see no sign of his companion. Ezra swam to the surface and drew in another breath before diving back into the water. He swam deeper. Again, he was forced to the surface to fill his starving lungs.

Ezra gasped a few times, and then dived again... and again.. and again... more than a dozen times. Unfortunately, his frantic efforts were fruitless. Ezra surfaced and stared around the surface of the water. He had drifted away from the waterfall, the slipstream under the water dragging him downstream. Standish dived again, believing that perhaps Vin, too, had been towed away from the waterfall. When he surfaced, he was on the point of hyperventilating. He couldn’t keep diving. His vision was blurring as carbon dioxide built up in his system.

“Vin?! Vin!” Ezra’s voice echoed in the silence. “Vin!” Ezra swallowed. Reason found purchase and Ezra knew that his search was futile. Vin was gone. His body must have been drawn down by the plunging water and then washed away in the undercurrent, or caught under a rock. Ezra shut his eyes. “Oh, God.”

Exhausted, Ezra swam toward the shore. “God,” the exhausted man cried, crawling up onto the rocks. For several seconds he lay, breathing heavily, his tormented mind aching.

Finally, Ezra drew himself up onto his knees. He stared out over the river. The water was still. “Oh, God, Vin.” The ninja had shot Vin because he had saved Ezra’s life. Standish had seen the ninja star. He’d had no where to hide. In that split second, he’d thought it was going to be over, but Vin’s knife had found its mark. Tanner had given up his weapon - his only way of defending himself, to save his partner’s life.

Ezra‘s emotions were paralysed. His life tribulations had killed his friend. Ezra dropped his head. A few feet from him, hidden among the rocks, Ezra spotted something. Hesitantly, he reached for it. Vin’s hat. Ezra crouched down, gripping it with both hands. It was then that he saw...”VIN!” Ezra stumbled across the rocks, fell, dragged himself up and lunged toward the limp bundle. Tanner was on the bank. Somehow he had dragged himself to the shore.

“Vin?!” Ezra cried, reaching for his friend’s pulse. He found one. “Thank, God.” Ezra shook his companion. “Vin?” Gently, he rolled his unconscious partner onto his back. Ezra’s eyes were drawn to the wound on the side of the silent soldier’s head. “Oh, hell.” The bullet had grazed Vin’s skull. Standish examined the wound. It didn’t look deep, but it was bleeding profusely.

Ezra took out a soaking wet handkerchief, wrung it out and then pressed it to Vin’s head. Tanner needed medical assistance. Head wounds were not something that could be fooled around with. Ezra glanced straight up. That was the only way. He’d have to climb to the top and call for help. Instantly, he knew that was out of the question - for two reasons. The first was that his phone had just taken a swim and was unlikely to work. The second was the ninja. Ezra now understood why Vin had cut the ropes. His brow furrowed. Vin had also kicked their packs over. There was a first aid kit in each!

Ezra wiped the blood from Vin’s face and examined the wound more closely. The bullet had hit the bone, so there was a chance Tanner’s skull was fractured. Standish realized that the first thing he had to do was stop the bleeding and stabilize his companion’s condition. That meant getting Vin dry and finding some shelter until Ezra could work out a way to summon help.

Standish took off his shirt, tore it and wrapped the material around Vin’s head as tightly as he dared. “Relax, my friend. Everything will be okay,” Ezra assured Vin, quietly. Unfortunately, Tanner was beyond hearing the words.

The Em7 agent bent over, drew his unconscious partner up and then eased him onto his shoulder. Vin couldn’t afford to have his head hanging for long, but Ezra had no other option. According to the map, there were caves littered all the way along the wall of the ravine. He needed to get the wounded man into one and get him dry.

Above, Ezra heard a shout. A rope hurtled over the edge. The ninja were preparing to abseil down! For a moment, Ezra froze and then he began to jog. He had to get Vin out of here. Ahead, he spotted the packs. He grabbed Vin’s. Tanner’s had everything he would need and was a quarter of the weight of his own.

Ezra kept moving. His plan to find the closet cave had just been blown out of water. He needed to put some distance between the ninja and his injured partner.

After thirty grueling minutes of jogging close to the ravine wall, Ezra lowered Vin to the ground and dropped to his knees beside him. The bush land was thick and Vin was heavy. Standish was exhausted.

Ezra reached for his injured friend’s pulse. It was a little weak, but it was regular. Ezra didn’t look down at Vin. He couldn’t afford to be drawn in by the emotion and he feared his reaction if he took the time to study his injured companion too closely. As Ezra rose to his feet, he spotted some sort of mammal appear out of a clump of bushes. The animal was large and the bush not thick enough to have hidden it unless...

Standish pulled part of the bush back. Behind it was a cave. It was only about four foot high, six feet wide and eight feet deep. It was perfect. It was big enough for the pair to hide in but small enough for their body heat to warm it up. It was out of the weather and it was well hidden by the brambles in front of it. Ezra took a single moment to give thanks and rushed back to Vin.

It took some time for the Em7 agent to get his unconscious partner into the cave. Ezra retrieved Vin’s pack, dragged a blanket from it and proceeded to strip his companion of his wet clothes. Standish worked swiftly, covering Tanner with the blanket once he was finished. Now that his companion was dry, Ezra returned his attention to Vin’s head wound. He removed the makeshift bandage and grimaced. There was considerable swelling which wasn’t a good sign. At least the bleeding had stopped. Quickly, Ezra took a sterilized bandage out of the first aid kit and wrapped it around Vin’s head.

Ezra paused, staring down at his friend. He had to do something! First, however, he needed to eliminate the immediate danger.

“I need to cover our trail. I will return,” Ezra whispered. Tanner was incredibly pale and incredibly still. His breathing was shallow, but he was breathing. Ezra swallowed, turned and disappeared.


Harris and Freeman met in the lobby of the building that housed Em7’s office. Both leaders had received a request to meet with Larabee. Both were hoping that the colonel would fill them in on what the hell was going on.

When the elevator doors opened, J.D. greeted the pair and led them into his leader’s office.

“J.D., I don’t wish to be disturbed, unless...”

“Yes, Sir,” the young man responded, shutting the door.

Chris rose to his feet and welcomed the men. “Thank you for coming, Gentlemen. Please, take a seat.” All three did so. “I thought it was time we pooled our knowledge on this case.”

Harris and Freeman looked suspicious.

Chris shook his head, his anger rising. “I have never set out to have my group seen as anything but another branch of the nation’s security network. The elitist status afforded my team did not come from us. All we‘ve ever wanted was to be able to do the job we were formed to do!”

“Of course,” Freeman agreed.

Chris’ attention was drawn to the CIA leader. “You have questioned the power my team has and the authority given to me. Unless you can...”

The CIA chief raised his hand for Chris to stop. “Colonel, I still don’t like to see any single person with the power you wield, however, I have come to terms with it and I can, in some respects, see why it is necessary.”

“Good, now that the political crap is out of the way, let’s get down to business. Standish and Tanner have not been kidnapped. They are in hiding. I was unable to inform either of you of that until now because it was obvious that you both have leaks in your organizations.” Chris monitored his guests’ reactions. “Wardell was involved in manipulating evidence two years ago.”

“Do you have proof of that?”

“We’re gathering it,” Chris assured the two men, passing them copies of the reports his men had compiled.

“You suspect there is a leak in my organization?” Freeman inquired.

“I haven’t found it yet, but it’s there. For Ezra to have been set up and framed so completely, there had to be a person on the inside of both of SeCReTs and the CIA.”

Freeman and Harris exchanged a glance. “Colonel, we can understand your blind loyalty to Standish. However, the one person Ezra claimed, and to my knowledge, still claims was responsible, had an air tight alibi.”

“We are in the process of breaking it down.”


“Yang Le’s alive.”

“WHAT?!” Freeman cried.

Larabee handed both men copies of J.D.’s report.

“But... this is incredible!”

“He faked his own death, probably with a great deal of help from Wardell and someone in SeCReTs. I am telling you this in the strictest of confidence. None of what we discuss can leave this room. I hope you both appreciate the risk I’m taking in giving you this information. I don’t trust other people. I’ve seen too many innocent men lose their lives because those at the top didn’t know their ass from their elbow or chose to trust the wrong people. However, one of my sergeants convinced me that this was the right move. I do not believe that either of you are involved. I can’t say the same for anyone who works for you, hence my demand that this does not leave this room. My team can’t do this alone and neither can you. We all want to get to the bottom of it. I’ll continue with my investigations and share the findings with you, but only you. I ask you to do the same and keep me informed. In the mean time, I suggest you both invest some time tracking down who in your organization is involved in this. If they‘ve betrayed you once, then they are probably doing it regularly.”

Harris was nodding. “Wardell may not have been the only worm in the woodwork. So, Standish and Tanner are safe?”

Chris stared at the other man. His head said yes. His gut...


As Ezra crawled back into the cave, he turned and using a branch, wiped the tracks away. He was not a woodsman, but common sense insisted he ensure the ninja couldn’t pursue them. He had been away almost forty minutes, but every second was a second too long. Vin could not afford to be left alone. Ezra didn’t know the extent of his friend’s injury, but he knew it was a head wound and head wounds were difficult to stabilize.

Standish knelt beside Tanner, his eyes drawn to the bruising appearing from under the bandage. Vin’s breathing was so quiet. Instantly, Ezra berated himself for not placing his unconscious partner on his side to make his breathing easier.

Taking Vin by the shoulder, Ezra rolled him into the recovery position and checked the injured man’s skin to see if he was showing any sign of fever. Tanner appeared cool.

“Let us hope you stay that way, my friend. Somehow, I must climb to the top and summon help.” Ezra sat down and shut his eyes. How could he leave Vin? Yet, to get help, he would have to and he’d have to for a considerable period of time. “The ninja have abseiled down into the Pass. No doubt they will be watching the cliffs waiting for us to try and escape.” He was speaking to calm himself. “I think the best opportunity to climb the cliffs will come this evening in the dark.” Ezra glanced down at his silent companion. “This would have been a lot easier if I was laying there and you were the able bodied one. “

Ezra glanced at his watch. It was only nine thirty. It would be at least another nine hours before dark. Ezra placed his hand on Vin’s arm. “Somehow we will get through, Vin. I...” His head snapped to the left.

Standish crawled to the mouth of the small cave. He was sure he had heard something. Through the thick brambles, he spotted a pair of ninja. Instinctively, the Em7 agent reached for his holstered weapon. There was no guarantee it would fire after being drenched. However, like his clothes, it had dried out when he had been covering the tracks.

The ninja paused a few feet from the cave.

“There are so many caves. How will we find the correct one?” one asked.

“The Master has other clues he has not shared with us.”

“I don’t know why we’re wasting time looking for Standish and his companion. We’d be better off searching down stream. That’s where their bodies would have been washed.”

“The Master feels there may be a chance they survived.”

“I say we forget them and search for the sword.”

“Relax. It will take a while for the rest of our men to set camp. We brought enough gear to stay a month. I don‘t think the Master feels we‘ll find the sword in a hurry.”

Their voices faded. Ezra pulled back into the cave. So, the ninja were setting camp. By the sound of it, was well stocked. If he could sneak in while they were searching for the sword, he may be able to collect some supplies together. In particular, some ropes for climbing and maybe even a cell phone. A cell phone was what he needed. That and some more blankets. In order to prevent Vin going into shock, Ezra had to keep him warm.

Ezra dropped beside Vin and patted him around the face, gently. “Vin? Vin, can you hear me?”

Tanner showed no sign of consciousness.

“I have to go. I’m going to see if I can secure some things we... are going... to... need. I... I wish you could hear me,” Standish whispered. As he looked down at his injured friend, the reality of the situation sank in. Vin was critically injured and Ezra had no way of helping him. They were in the middle of the bush, a day‘s hike and a cliff climb from assistance. There was an army of men searching for them who would kill them on sight. To top it off, Chris was not expecting any contact with them for three days so no one would miss them. Ezra dropped his forehead into his hand. He had overcome some pretty incredible odds in the past, but this felt insurmountable. If there were two of them and if Vin wasn’t injured - Vin who was a soldier experienced in combating an enemy in the bush - then they may have had a chance but...

Ezra drew in a deep breath. Gradually, his drive to survive and protect his friend kicked in. He was Vin’s only hope for survival. He had to get them out of this!

“I will be as quick as I possibly can.” Ezra swallowed. He really didn’t want to leave his companion. However, if he could find a phone, he would be able to call for help the moment he reached the top of the cliffs. If not, he would have to hike a full day back to the camping ground, which would mean that Vin would be alone for more than twenty-four hours. While Ezra felt confident he could carry his companion back to the camping ground, there was no way he could get the unconscious man up the side of the cliff.

Standish turned to Tanner’s pack and removed all of the things he wouldn’t need. “Your foresight is incredible. I don’t know what we would have done without your backpack. I shall fill it with supplies and return.” Again, he was speaking to help calm himself. Ezra patted Vin’s arm, moved to the mouth of the cave and scanned the area. All was quiet. Just as he was about to leave, he chanced a look back at his companion. In the back of his mind he knew that Tanner could well be dead by the time he returned. “Hang on, Vin. I swear, I will get us out of this.” With that, Ezra crawled from the cave, leaving Tanner alone and defenceless.


“Alright, we agree this is a fake,” Nathan stated, rubbing his eyes. He and his companions were sitting in the conference room viewing the video of Yang Le. They had watched it another five times this morning, already.

“He just stands there and smokes.”

“Yeah, the bastard stayed right in front of the camera. He knew what he was doing.”

“J.D., could they have filmed Yang Le and then superimposed him onto the video?” Chris asked.

The technology expert nodded, thoughtfully. “Yeah, but I think you’d see some evidence of it. Then again, if it was done by an expert, maybe you wouldn‘t.”

“Is there any way to tell?”

“If this is the original they superimposed him onto, yes. I could separate the layers. However, if they manipulated the tape and then rerecorded it, it would be converted to a single layer.”

“In English, please?” Josiah asked.

“I’ll need to take it to a friend. He has the sort of equipment I’ll need.”

“Do it,” Chris prompted, massaging the left side of his head.

“Headache?” Nathan asked.


“Have you drunk any water today?”

Larabee shrugged. Jackson mumbled under his breath and went off to collect a glass.

Buck eyed his companion, carefully. “You’re worried about them, aren’t you?”

Chris sighed and nodded. “Just a feeling I can’t get rid of.”

“Ezra and Vin are capable. Besides, they are hiking in a beautiful part of the country. I am sure they are enjoying themselves immensely, brother.”


Ezra moved across the ground swiftly. He had learned a great deal during the team’s last mission in the jungle. While he still felt like a fish out of water, he had a better understanding of how to read the landscape around him.

The Em7 agent had decided the most likely spot the ninja would set camp would be near the waterfall. There was a ready source of fresh water and their ropes to the top would be close and handy. It stood to reason they would leave one or two men to guard their belongings, particularly in light of the fact that their leader believed that the Em7 agents may have survived the fall.

Ezra knew he had to keep his thoughts clear, but Vin refused to leave his mind for long.

It took twenty minutes for the Em7 agent to locate the ninja camp site. As he had predicted, it was on the bank of the river near the waterfall. There were a dozen tents collected around a central open area. Ezra scanned the camp. Standing at the edge of the river were two ninja discussing the sword.

“Once we find it, the Master will signal the men at the top and they‘ll throw the ropes over so we can climb up,” one of the masked men stated.

“Why didn’t he just leave the abseiling ropes?”

“He seems pretty certain Standish and his friend are still alive.”

Ezra frowned. Were they the only two guards? There would be no reason to leave more.

Ezra inched forward until he was behind one of the tents. Beside it was a pack. Ezra dragged it back into the bushes and searched it. He found two useful items - a canteen and a blanket. Quietly, he packed them into Vin’s pack and then pushed the ninja bag back to its place. Ezra crouched and moved around behind the next tent. There was no pack conveniently left outside this one. He was going to have to leave the safety of concealment to circle around the tent and enter it.

Ezra flicked his eyes to the ninja. They had their backs turned. Ezra shot around the side of the tent and crawled inside. His eyes lit up. Two blankets, a first aid kit and some food. The Em7 agent searched for weapons and, more importantly, a cell phone. Neither were to be found.

Ezra crawled back to the front of the tent and peered out. The ninja were gone! Standish’s eyes narrowed. He listened. He couldn’t hear anything. Tentatively, he edged out of the tent. A shadow loomed above him. Ezra ducked and rolled, tossing his now full pack at the form standing over him. The ninja was knocked backwards. The second ninja appeared. Ezra leaped to his feet.

“You will not find me a novice,” the ninja growled as he attacked. Ezra blocked the assault and spun away from it. The other ninja jumped to his feet.

“You are outnumbered, Standish. Today, you die!”

Ezra’s thoughts crystallised. Today, he wasn’t fighting for his own life. Today, he was fighting for Vin’s. “We shall see,” he snarled. The two ninja circled him. There was the slightest signal between them. Ezra saw it and attacked before they could. He successfully knocked one of his adversaries down and ducked under the blow delivered by the other. Stepping back, Ezra withdrew his revolver. It was time to bluff.

“Move and I shall fill your skulls with an extra orifice. Both of you, hands behind your heads. Now!”

“Fire the gun and you’ll bring the others straight back here!”

“The others you speak of are at least an hour from here. We both know that. By the time they get here, I will be long gone and the two you will be meeting the devil at Hell’s gates. Last chance.” Ezra cocked the weapon. The ninja glanced at each other and then lifted their arms. Ezra did not allow his relief to present on his face. His bluff had worked and he’d just found out that the other ninja must have gone to investigate one of the other waterfalls - all of which were at least an hour’s hike from this spot. “On the ground. Face down. Now!”

Ezra watched his captives like a hawk. The slightest hand movement could signal the withdrawal of ninja knockout gas or a ninja star. The two assassins lay down on their stomachs. Ezra moved up behind one and smacked the gun against the back of his head. The other man rolled over and sprang at the Em7 agent. Standish lashed out with his boot. The ninja fell backwards. Ezra pounced, his fist hitting the assassin with bone shattering power. The ninja lay still. Panting, Ezra rose to his feet and without a pause, set about searching the rest of the camp. He found no weapons, outside of a couple of ninja stars he had removed from one of the unconscious assassins.

Just as the Em7 agent was about to give up hope of finding the one prize he needed, he spotted something sticking out from under a bedroll. Ezra ripped the blanket back and gave thanks. A cell phone! He had also found some ropes. With these items he would be able to summon help quickly!

Ezra raced from the tent and stared up at the cliffs above him. His heart fell. How was he going to get the rope to the top? There was no grappling hook. The ninja had pulled up their own abseiling ropes to stop he and Vin using them. How the hell was he going to climb to the top?! How the hell was he going to summon help?! Vin would die if he didn’t get help!

“Calm down,” Ezra berated. He had to stop and think clearly. There had to be something he could do to get to the top.

Standish studied the ravine wall. For the first twenty or so feet, the wall was sloped. The angle was steep but at least it wasn’t vertical. Rocks and bushes protruded which would mean that climbing may be possible - difficult, but possible. Above that height, however, the cliffs were vertical and there was no obvious sign of hand holds.

In the sky above the agent, a bird circled. It was large like an eagle, but completely back. It's beak was bright yellow and it had a splash of red on each cheek. The animal was graceful, yet strong. Almost dangerous looking. It drew Ezra’s attention and he watched it fascinated as it made a dive at the sheer wall of the cliff.

"What on earth...?" Amazed, the Em7 agent watched as the bird flew into a bushy projection on the side of the cliff and disappeared. Disappeared? Ezra’s eyes grew wide. A cave? There had to be a cave hidden behind that small projection of bushes. All at once Ezra knew. Of course! That's why no one had been able to find it. The cave wasn’t along the bottom or behind a waterfall. The riddle spoke of a ‘heavenly’ cave. A cave in the sky!

Suddenly, Ezra’s mind was racing. If he could find the sword, he could use it to bargain for Vin’s life! He would exchange it for a chance to climb the rope and call Chris. After that, nothing mattered.

Ezra raced forward and flung his pack to the ground. The cave was about half way up. It would be a dangerous climb. Perhaps if he made it up that far, he may be able to get a signal on the phone!

Standish stared straight up. Just as he was about to start the climb, he paused. What if the ninja saw him? It was a chance he had to take. Ezra reached up, found a good hand hold and pulled his body up. A small voice in the back of his head told him this was insane, but he had to try. It may well be his only hope of getting Vin out of this mess.


Since J.D. had departed, the rest of the men had decided to compile a timeline of the events on the day of the exchange. It would have been far easier if Ezra had been present, but they were all more than familiar with the details of the case by this stage.

“So how many minutes did it take Ezra to reach the alley?”

“I’d say two minutes, but that’s a guess.”

“So, assuming the...” The elevator bell caused Chris to pause. He rose to his feet to investigate. When the doors opened, they revealed Mary. Larabee stepped out of the conference room. For several seconds neither said anything.

“Come into the office,” Chris invited, quietly. He followed her in, pulled a chair for her and then took the other chair.

Again they looked at each other, both feeling uncomfortable.

“I’ve come to apologize,” Mary stated, finally.

“You have no need to. I should have told you about the exploratory. It’s just that things have been so hectic and... it’s not much of an excuse is it?”

“No, it’s not,” she agreed. “Chris, I have to tell you that I’m confused about our relationship... or even if there is a relationship. You’ve never said anything and I guess I haven’t either, but I always feel as if... God, what am I saying?” Her cheeks went crimson.

Chris found his eyes drawn to the photograph of his wife sitting on his desk. Mary followed his gaze, swallowed and rose to her feet.

“You’re feeling better though?”

“Huh? Yeah. No problem. Nathan’s got me on tablets and everything’s fine.”

“Good. I was just concerned. So, they still haven’t released any details on your last mission?”

Chris stared at her. She had changed the subject. Was that for her sake, or his?

“No. I really don’t think they will. This isn’t something you can print, but I’ll tell you this much. It was a rescue mission and if we’d failed, the White House would have had a new resident.”

“The President?!” Mary cried.

Chris nodded. “That can’t leave this room. I just thought it might help to pacify that reporter’s curiosity of yours.”

“Pacify?! You’ve got to be kidding. What happened?!”

“Sorry, Mary. I’ve probably already said too much.”

Mary Travis smiled and flashed her blue eyes.

“Not going to work,” Chris chuckled.

“Well, it was worth a try. Billy has been wanting to call you, but I’ve told him you’ve been busy. He’s got his athletics day at school coming up and I’m afraid he doesn’t want me.”

“I’ll be there. Just let me know the time and date.”

Mary smiled. “Thank you. It will mean a great deal to him.” Again, there was an awkward moment as they stared at each other.

“Mary, I don’t think I can tell you want you want to hear.”

“And what is it you think I want to hear?” the reporter whispered.

Chris sighed. “I don’t know. Look, with the work I do and...”

“Don’t hide behind your badge, Chris. That’s not fair on either of us. I have to go.” With that, she turned on her heels and strode from the office. Chris watched her leave and then found his attention drawn back to the photograph of Sarah. His life felt so out of control.


Ezra paused, panting. Sweat was dripping down his back. His hands were cut and grazed. He had climbed a good twenty feet. He swallowed and chanced a look over his shoulder. Nothing but sky! Turning back to the rock face in front of him, he pressed on.

After what seemed an eternity, Ezra reached the bushy projection where the bird had disappeared. His arms and legs were trembling. He couldn’t hang on much longer. The Em7 agent drew in a deep breath and released one of his hands to probe the bush. Sure enough, hidden behind the thick vegetation was a hole about 7 feet in diameter. Ezra moved sideways and forced himself into the bush. The sharp branches scratched his skin. Abruptly, Ezra fell forward into the cave.

For several seconds the exhausted man lay panting, trying to catch his breath. With effort, he dragged himself up on to all fours. It took a few moments for his eyes to adjust to the limited light, but when they did, Ezra gasped. He was in a huge cavern. The cave was dark, yet there was a small amount of natural light filtering in through the roof almost 30 feet above. The walls around the cavern were painted with hundreds, no thousands of pictures of birds. Big black majestic birds like the one he had seen fly in here. The cave itself was the size of three basketball courts. Planted vertically in the ground were a dozen trees. All were dead, not a leaf on them, but the trunks and branches reached up toward the roof. Sitting on the branches were dozens of the black birds. Small nests littered the trees like strange little hands.

Slowly, Ezra drew himself to his feet staring awestruck at the sight around him. It was like entering some sort of fantasy world from Tolkein or Lucas. Walking through the forest of barren trees, Ezra listened to the soft beating of wings as the birds above changed their roosting places.

Ezra’s mind turned to Vin. The Em7 agent took out the cell phone he had stolen. The words “no service“ were on the display. Standish cursed. Perhaps he should have kept climbing. He was almost half way. However, his arms and legs certainly wouldn’t have held him much longer. Besides, further up, the cliff was vertical. It would have been impossible.

Ezra firmly believed his best hope was to find the sword so he could use it to trade for a single phone call. Standish licked his lips. He needed to recall the riddle. Thankfully, he had read it so many times he knew it by heart. "In a heavenly cave where the birds do soar, in a forest of dead trees one will find the resting place of the sword." He was unquestionably in a heavenly cave and this was certainly a forest of dead trees with birds flying above, which meant the sword had to be here!


Liam Larabee wandered into the kitchen. He opened the fridge and scanned the contents. Nothing looked particularly appetizing. Closing the door, he walked across to the window and stared out over Four Corners. He had to speak to his brother. Chris was the only one who could get him out of this mess, but there was no guarantee he would help this time.

Liam turned back and stared across the room. Out of the corner of his eye, he spotted a box, just peeking out from under a tea towel.


Ahead, Ezra could see a light. Not a flickering torch, but sunlight. He headed toward it. The forest of barren trees opened up to reveal an altar in the centre of a wide pit. There were steps chiselled out of the stone leading down to it. Ezra stopped. His body was tingling. This was it! He’d found it.

A hole in the ceiling allowed light to filter through. A mirror directly beneath the hole directed the light to the altar that glowed with surreal life.

Ezra stepped closer to the steps, but froze as his eyes fell on a ghastly find. Lying at the bottom of the steps was a skeleton. The bones were fully clothed in ninja garb. The skull was grinning up at the stunned man in an eerie fashion. A shiver ran down Standish’s spine. That had been a real someone who had followed the clues just as Ezra had and that was the way he had ended up.

Ezra felt uneasy. The words of the riddle again filled his numbing mind. “All must look up to the mighty sword for those who look down on it will be destroyed by its power," he murmured. Had that hapless soul looked down on the sword? Had he no respect for it and somehow the power of the sword and reached out and killed him? The thought of this nebulous entity snapped Ezra’s mind back to reality. He didn't believe in such rubbish. However, that man down there had underestimated whoever had set up the cave. That was something Standish didn’t intend doing.

Walking around the ridge of the altar, Ezra inspected the pit. It was about twelve feet deep and about 30 feet in diameter. On the altar was a piece of ancient cloth covering something. The something had to be the sword.

The Em7 agent’s agile mind began to play over the clues he had. To look down on the sword meant death. So to climb down those stairs probably meant triggering some booby trap set hundreds of years ago. All must look up to the sword. Look up? Perhaps there was a tunnel under the altar and you had to come up from underneath? Ezra glanced at his watch. He needed to get back to Vin. He didn’t have a lot of time for theorizing, yet, without the sword he had no way to help his friend.

With those thoughts in mind, Ezra set about searching for his hypothetical tunnel.

Two hours later, Ezra slid down against one of the trunks of the trees. He had indeed found a tunnel that ended at some steep steps, but the steps led to a small burrow on the ravine floor. It was just large enough for a man to crawl out of. At least he had discovered how he was going to get out of the cave. Ascending was one thing. Descending the ravine wall would have been a whole new ballgame.

For the first time since starting the trek into Swallow Pass, Ezra felt everything was hopeless. Vin was critically wounded. Ezra had found the sword, but he couldn’t get it. There was no sign of any other access to the altar except by going down the steps into the specially carved crater and that, the exhausted man had decided, would certainly be fatal.

Ezra squeezed his eyes shut and let his head fall back against the tree. If only Vin were here to bounce some ideas off. For several seconds, Ezra sat trying to decide how to proceed. He needed to relax his mind for a few seconds or he would continue to go in circles.

Opening his eyes, he stared straight up, focusing on emptying his mind of all thoughts The ceiling of the cavern was alive with the movement of birds. Obviously, the creatures had been coming to this spot for centuries to nest. No doubt they had sat in those nests and watched the original group of ninja carve the altar and place the sword on it. In one of the trees was a particularly large nest. Standish remembered reading somewhere that the nest of an eagle could be up to 11 feet in diameter. He found himself wondering how long the nests had been there - probably for generations of birds. They were born in them and then used them to raise their own young.

“Okay,“ he prompted himself, returning to the problem at hand. Ezra moved back to the pit. “So, I can’t go down to the sword. Then, the sword is just going to have to come up to me.” First, however, he decided to check and make sure the sword was actually there.

Ezra removed his belt and trousers and tied them together. Moving back to the edge of the altar pit, he studied the distance. All he wanted to do was land the buckle on the cloth and then drag the cloth back to reveal the sword he was certain was there.

Again, Ezra wished Vin was with him. He had seen Tanner fooling around with a lasso at Four Corners one day. The young man was actually quite accomplished with it, lassoing Buck and several of the others in response to dares.

Ezra paused. His thoughts froze with an image of his unconscious friend. The sword had to be there. There was no way Ezra had come this far to fail Vin now!

Standish set his feet apart and began to swing his makeshift rope back and forth. When the momentum had built enough, he flicked it over the edge. The end of the belt flew past the altar and started to arch back, but the weight carried it down.

“Yes!“ Ezra cried as the belt buckle landed accurately on top of the ancient cloth. Ezra licked his lips. He had to draw the belt across the altar and hopefully the cloth would snag on it. Carefully, he began to pull. The cloth peeled back. Ezra worked slowly and carefully. Gradually, the cloth was drawn away to reveal... an empty slab. The sword was gone! The solid gold holders where the sword must have rested were empty.

“No!” Ezra’s distraught cry echoed around the hollow cavern, startling the birds. It was all for nothing. Someone had beaten him to it. As Ezra stared down at the empty space, he began to think clearly. The dust on the cloth showed that it had not been disturbed for years - a lot of years. The sword had probably been taken decades ago. All those who were searching for the legendary sword were searching for something that had been stolen before they were born!

Ezra swallowed. None of it mattered. What was important was that Ezra had lost his bargaining chip with the ninja. How the hell was he going to get Vin the help he needed, now?!


When Ezra returned to the cave that hid his injured colleague, the sun was beginning to descend for the afternoon. Ezra crawled behind the brambles, dumped his pack and dropped beside Vin. His friend was still breathing.

“Thank, God.” Ezra checked Vin’s temperature. He was a little warm. Standish frowned. Should he remove the blanket or leave it? He knew that he had to keep his friend warm if he was to prevent him going into shock. Ezra leaned forward to examine Vin’s head wound. The left side of Tanner’s face was swollen and badly bruised.

“You’re going to have a trying headache when you wake up, my friend.” Vin would wake up. Ezra couldn’t allow himself to consider anything different.


Chris Larabee continued to massage the left side of his head. He had too many things to be thinking about at the moment. First, there was the case and clearing Ezra‘s name. Then, there was his brother. Of all times for Liam to step back into his life! He badly wanted to smooth things over and start again with the younger man, but it was difficult. So much had happened. Chris knew that Liam felt he had failed him in some way, but he had tried everything to save Liam from himself. The last thing their mother had said on her death bed was, “Chris, look after Liam”. He couldn’t help thinking that he had failed her... and himself. He loved Liam. He had felt so betrayed when he had discovered his brother had been faking the Asthma attacks. It was then that Chris had realized Liam needed help. He had suggested a psychologist, but Liam had taken off. The next time he had heard from him was when he rang from jail to say he had had been arrested for armed robbery and could Chris post bail.

Chris shook his head. It was all too much to deal with on top of everything else. Add to that the fact that he was trying to understand his confusion relating to allowing a woman into his life - for that was the crux of the issue. Was there room in his life for Mary? On top of that, he was trying to avoid Nathan’s good intentions and ignore the churning in his stomach. The problem with the last was, he knew it wasn’t just an upset. This was different.

Buck entered the office. “J.D. just rang. The tape looks like it’s the original security tape. Damned if I know how he could tell. It hasn’t been tampered with in any way. I don’t know where that leaves us.” Wilmington sank down into the chair across from Chris. He studied his leader’s face. He’d seen that look before. “If you’re sure something’s wrong, Josiah and I’ll go up there and find him.”

Chris sighed and sat back. Perhaps he was just over reacting, but then, the last time he had thought that, Vin had spent the weekend standing on a landmine. “I can’t explain it, Buck.”

“You don’t need to. This is me. If you think there’s something wrong, then we’d be damn stupid not to look into it.”

Chris smirked at the other man. “It’s Wednesday night.”

“That has nothing to do with it,” Buck grinned. “The fact that Nathan will be cooking dinner tonight did not enter my mind.”

“I’ll bet.”

“You want me to go?”

Chris nodded. “Yeah, I do.”

“I knew you did. Where are they?”

“A place called Swallow Pass. Find it, go out there, talk to them, ring me, tell me I’m being stupid and then come home.”

“Reckon I’m gonna enjoy this.” Buck winked and left the room. Chris drew in a deep breath and reached for his throbbing temple again. Nathan had given him painkillers but for some reason, the headache wouldn’t shift.

Part Nineteen

“I was able to secure a working cell phone, however we have hit a slight snag,” Ezra continued to speak to Vin as he unpacked the backpack. For some reason, speaking aloud helped him work though his thoughts. “The ninja have rather selfishly pulled their ropes up so that we can not use them. As ours are also not available, I’m at a bit of a loss as to how I’m going to climb to the top to call for assistance.” Ezra took one of the four blankets he had pilfered and laid it across Vin. He would monitor Vin’s temperature and if he got any warmer he would remove it.

As Ezra sat back, Tanner stirred. “Vin?!” Ezra exploded, leaning over the injured man. “Easy, my friend.” Tanner’s eyes flickered open for a moment and then closed. “Come on, Vin. Wake up,” Ezra urged, gently patting the side of his companion’s face as he rolled him onto his back. Vin’s right eye opened, though was heavy lidded. The left one was almost completely swollen shut.

“Vin!” Ezra’s face lit up with relief. “How do you feel?” Tanner stared straight up at the cave roof. “Vin?”

Tanner attempted to swallow.

“Are you thirsty? Hang on, I filled a canteen with water.” Ezra eased his hand under Vin’s head, raised it and then tipped the canteen to Vin’s ashen lips. The water spilled. Ezra couldn’t be certain how much had got into Vin’s mouth. “Did you get enough?”

Vin Tanner’s eyes stared out emptily. Ezra swallowed. Bile rose from his stomach. “Vin? Vin, look at me?” There was no response - no sign that Tanner had heard or understood his partner’s request. Ezra lowered Vin’s head to the ground and picked up his companion’s hand. “Vin, squeeze my hand. Please, squeeze my hand.” Still there was no response. Ezra shut his eyes. “Don’t do this, Vin.” He opened his eyes and stared down at the lifeless pools staring up at him. “Vin?”

Ezra was overcome with anguish. “Please, don’t do this. You have to be alright,” he whispered. However, as he spoke, he knew that wasn’t to be. The bullet had grazed Vin’s skull. There was considerable swelling, but how much damage had been done? Obviously enough to leave Vin unresponsive like this!


Liam Larabee stared down at the box. “Vin Tanner,” he commented, reading the address. Larabee’s mind flashed back to the hospital and the look on Tanner’s face when he had taunted him about Chris being gay. Liam frowned. Tanner, like Buck, was close to his brother. That annoyed Liam. Chris had always been able to establish friendships so easily. Why? Why the hell was Chris so damn perfect?!

Liam picked up the box and looked for a return address. There wasn’t one marked. He placed the parcel back on the bench, losing interest in it and headed into the lounge room. Chris had really done well for himself to be able to afford a placed like this. Liam glanced at the phone. It was time to proposition his brother.


“It will be alright,” Ezra stated, nervously. “It’s just the shock and the injury. Nathan will be here shortly. I have a plan,” Ezra stated, redressing his friend in his now dry clothes and then tucking the blanket back in place. Ezra couldn’t allow himself time to consider the extent of Vin’s injury. Vin was totally unaware of his surroundings despite the fact his eyes were open. He continued to blink every so often, but there was no evidence of any awareness.

“I’m going to have to leave you again in a few minutes. I’m not sure how long I’ll be gone, but you have everything you need. There are blankets here, a canteen of water and some tinned food. Baked beans no less, your favourite,” Ezra stated, trying to make light of the moment. He dragged the remaining blankets across to his friend and placed the canteen within easy reach. “I intend bluffing. If I can convince the ninja that I have the sword, I will trade it for the chance to make a telephone call,” Ezra turned to the pack and peered into it. He had decided that this was the only way. He needed to get help for his friend NOW and if that meant selling his soul or giving his life then he was prepared to do both. “I will only need to be on the line for a few seconds for J.D. to trace it. Once I have made the call, I can then lead the ninja on a wild goose chase, hopefully long enough for the boys to arrive, which should only be a few short hours.


Ezra’s head snapped up. “Vin?!” Vin was still staring at the cave ceiling. “Vin?” Ezra pleaded.

Tanner blinked and dragged his eyes across to Ezra. They weren’t empty. They were glazed and filled with pain, but they were far from empty. “They’ll kill you... the moment... you show... your head.” His voice was husky and trembled but it held a great deal of determination.

“Vin?!” Ezra cried. He dropped the pack and knelt beside his friend.

Tanner stared up at him curiously with his open eye. “I’m orderin’ you... not to... go.”

Ezra stared at his friend, totally overwhelmed. He lowered his head and fought back the emotions. Lifting his face, he reached out and took Vin’s callused fist in his own. “I can honestly say I am unimpressed with this hike in the bush,” he whispered, his voice cracking with emotion.

“You can’t go,” Tanner repeated, grimacing.

Ezra noted the movement. “Is it just your head? You’re not hurting anywhere else?”

Vin shook his head and instantly wished he hadn’t. His world began spinning. It took several seconds before everything settled. “How bad is it?”

“The bullet grazed the side of your head. It hit the bone. There is a chance it is fractured. You lost a considerable amount of blood and the side of your face is badly swollen from the trauma caused.”

Vin swallowed and shut his eyes.

“No, don’t go to sleep! You need to stay awake. You have a concussion.”

“You’re gonna need to talk to me,” Tanner whispered. His head was pounding relentlessly.

“Well, then. You are in luck. Had Colonel Larabee been here with you, it would have been something of a short conversation. Then again, had it been Buck, you would have had to put up with listening to his conquests - half of which I know have about as much truth to them as there is meat in meat pies. Let’s see, or it could have been Josiah. He speaks in riddles and his stories are impossible to understand. Which leaves Nathan. Probably a good choice as he would have the medical skill to treat you, but his conversation tends to revolve around healthy eating and the like. Oh, I forgot J.D. He would have talked non-stop, jumped from topic to topic without warning and generally made very little sense. So you see, you should feel most fortunate.”

Vin’s mouth formed half a smirk for a brief moment. Ezra returned the smile and squeezed his companion‘s hand. “I admit, you had me worried.”

“What time is it?”

Ezra glanced at his watch. “Just after 3:00pm. I’m afraid we can not expect the boys to become concerned for some time.”

Vin shut his eyes. “Don’t bet on it.”

“Pardon, and open your eyes.”

Vin did so. “Can’t explain it. Chris... he just sort of knows when something’s wrong. Don’t know why. Can’t explain it.”

“Unfortunately, I do not believe we can rely on the Colonel’s and your sixth sense this time. You need a doctor. That’s a head wound not a sprained ankle.”

“If we wait, they’ll come,” Vin stated with complete confidence.

“Certainly, in three days they’ll come. We are going to need help long before then, though. Did you hear much of what I said to you before?”

“Yeah, and you aren’t doing it.”

“Under the circumstances...”

“It’s an order, Standish.”

“And I appreciate that,” Ezra stated, gently. There was also a great deal of relief in his voice. Vin sounded more aware now. “However, if I understand the way the chain of command works, the leader must relinquish his command the moment he is injured. Isn’t that correct? Therefore, I would be...”

“I said no!” Vin’s eyes slammed shut.

“Vin?!” Ezra grabbed his balled first. “Vin?”

Gradually the tension left the injured man’s body. His eyes reopened. “I’m okay,” he panted. “Head feels like it’s splittin’ open.”

“Let’s see what we have in the first aid kit.”


Chris stared down at the file in front of him. He couldn’t get his mind to settle. He would feel a hell of a lot better once Buck and Josiah contacted Vin and Ezra. The phone on his desk began to ring. Larabee grabbed it, hoping it was Vin - knowing it wasn’t.


“Hey, big brother. How are you feeling?”

“Liam. Yeah, I’m good. Everything’s fine.”

“Sorry I didn’t get back to the hospital. Some things came up. You know how it is?”

Larabee frowned. “Yeah,” he murmured. “Where are you?”

“I’m at Four Corners. Sure is a beautiful place. I decided not to take your car. Caught a bus and then a taxi. Wasn’t sure I had the right place.”

“There should be plenty of food.”

“Yeah, yeah there is.” There was an uncomfortable silence.

“Liam, is everything alright?” Chris asked, carefully. He knew his brother wanted to deal with things on his own, but he could hear something in in the younger man’s voice.

“No, I guess they aren’t. You always seem to know, don’t you, Chris?”

“Can I help?” Again, there was silence. “Liam?”

“Look, Chris, I just don’t know if I can... it’s okay. I can handle it.”

“Liam, I want to help. Just tell me what’s wrong. Are you getting pressured by those heavies? Because if you are, the boys and I will deal with it.”

“Chris... I... I’m in a bit of a mess.”

Chris sat back, the frown on his face deepening. “What sort of a mess?”

“I owe some money. I paid some thugs to look after me in prison. Paid on credit. The understanding was that when I got out, I’d settle my debt.”

“You paid people to what?”

“You don’t know what it’s like inside, Chris! I’ve seen things you’ve only seen in horror movies. I paid those bastards to stop me from getting beaten up and... and other things. It was protection money. I was desperate! I had to agree to pay or they would have killed me!”

“How much?” Larabee snarled, his anger boiling. His brother never should have gone through any of this!

“Too much for you to help.”

Chris cursed. “Look, I can get you the money, just tell me how much.”

“They don’t want money.”

Warning bells began to sound in Chris’ head. “What the hell does that mean? What do they want?”

“A Shepherd 25 missile.”

“WHAT?! How the hell do they think you’d be able to get...” Realization crashed into place.

“They knew you were my brother and said that you’d be able to get one. Hell, I don’t even know what it is! They targeted me because they thought I would be able to convince you to get one.”

“Liam, I want the names of the people blackmailing you.”

“I can’t, Chris. You don’t know what these men are like. They’ll kill me!”

“I can protect you!”

“Not from these guys. Do you know what the Shepherd thing is?”

Chris drew in a deep breath.

“Do you have access to one?” Liam pressed. “Hell, if I had a normal brother I just would have owed them money and maybe I could have taken out a loan but... Chris, I need that missile. I need it to save my life.”

Chris shut his eyes. “Liam...”

At that moment, Buck burst through the doors. His face was intense and he started speaking despite the fact that he could see his leader was on the phone. “There’s no such place as Swallow Pass. I’ve looked on every map. Even had J.D. search for it on line. It doesn’t exist!”

“What?! Vin seemed to know where it was,” Chris cried, rising to his feet, the phone dropping from his ear to hang at his side.

Buck shook his head. “Chris, I’ve looked and I can’t find it.”

“He said it would take them about four hours to drive there.”

“Chris? Are you there?”

“I’ve looked at every national park and large bush area in the state and no one at the National Parks’ Registry or anywhere else has ever heard of Swallow Pass.”


Larabee and Wilmington stood staring at each other. J.D. broke the unholy silence when he rushed into the room, his face flushed.

“I just rang to speak to Professor Godfrey to ask if he knew where Swallow Pass is and I got a policeman! Godfrey’s dead!”

“Chris?!” Liam shouted into the phone.

“Oh, Shit,” Buck growled. “They ninja.”

“If the ninja got to Godfrey then they may have a copy of his notes, which means they may have worked out where the sword is! Godfrey‘s been dead two days so the ninja may already be in Swallow Pass! That means that Ezra and Vin....”

Chris snapped his eyes to Buck. “FIND THEM!” Wilmington nodded and raced from the room.

“Hello! Chris?!”

Larabee glanced down at the receiver in his hand and then pulled it to his ear. “Liam, stay at Four Corners and don’t tell anyone where you are. I’ll deal with your problem. Right now, I have two men missing. I’ll be in touch!” With that, Chris slammed the phone down.

“Sir?” J.D. asked.

“J.D., contact McKenna’s. See if anyone there knows where Swallow Pass is. Then ring everyone in the area.”

“In the area?”

“Post office, garage, hotel. Anyone within a twenty mile radius of McKenna‘s. If Vin knew where Swallow Pass is, then someone there is likely to as well.”

“Yes, Sir,” the young agent responded, racing from the room.

Larabee swore loudly. He knew Vin was in trouble. He could feel it!


Ezra opened a tin of baked beans. He hadn’t realized how hungry he was. Unfortunately, Vin couldn’t afford to eat anything. He had taken a painkiller, but only the one. Any more may put him to sleep and the injured man needed to stay awake.

“I hate baked beans,” Standish complained, flashing Vin a grin. “Getting back to summoning help...”

“No. You aren’t gonna help anyone if you’re dead.”

“Point taken, but the fact remains, we need to get you to a doctor sooner rather than later. At some stage, I am either going to have to attempt the side of the cliff or negotiate with the ninja.”

“They’ll be watchin’... the cliffs.”

“There was no one watching them when I climbed to the cave. Oh, I forgot to tell you! I found the cave.”

“The sword?” Vin asked, his right eye opening wider.

“Long gone. Decades ago. The cave was magnificent. Incredible.”

“So, it’s gone,” Vin clarified, his mouth twitching in a smile.

“What is amusing you so unashamedly?”

“The ninja are lookin’ for nothin’.” Vin grimaced and the smile fell.

Ezra put the tin of baked beans down and leaned over his friend. “Are you alright.”


“I want the truth.”

“Pain’s gettin’ worse.”

Ezra frowned and sat back. “Then it is time I left.”

“I said no!” The force of the order lit his head up with an explosion of burning pain. His hands came up to hold his head, a moan echoing out of him.

Ezra gently removed Vin’s arms. “I would like nothing better than to be able to rely on you to get us out of this mess, Lieutenant, but I’m afraid that responsibility has fallen to me. So, rather than getting yourself worked up and doing yourself harm, I strongly suggest you calm yourself and facilitate my efforts to plan how I am going to summon help?” Ezra spoke firmly. He had wasted enough time, though he had needed both the rest and to wait to ensure Vin was stable enough to be left alone... not that there was a choice.

Vin swallowed. Again, his world lurched. Everything was spinning. He waited for it settle. “The boys will come.”

The words echoed both blind faith and complete, unquestioned trust. Ezra was just learning such things. “I do not doubt that. My concern is the length of time before they realize we need help. Do you believe you can hold out another two and a half to three days?”

Tanner stared up at his partner, but said nothing.

“Which means we need to contact them. I shall try the cliffs. The best area is the lower section where we climbed down. I won’t have as far to climb.” Standish glanced at his watch. It was already 6:15pm. “It’s getting dark outside. I’ll wait until it’s completely dark and then I’ll attempt the ascent.”

“Now’s the time they’ll expect you to try so they’ll be watchin’.” Vin argued.

“Are you suggesting I wait until tomorrow?”

“The cliffs will be lit by the moon reflectin’ off the water of the river. They’ll see you. Best wait ‘til just on dawn. The rising sun causes shadows.” Vin shut his eyes. The effort of talking was exhausting him and resounded in his throbbing head.

“Open your eyes, Vin.”

Tanner’s body shuddered.


“Just... restin’.” Vin mumbled. “Keep talkin’ to me.”

Ezra licked his lips. “I think I should go now.”

“If you go , I’ll... I won’t be able to stay awake. Be dead by the time you get back.”

“I love your optimistic attitude, my friend,” Ezra chuckled, trying to ease the atmosphere. He picked up Vin’s hand and squeezed it. “I shall not leave until dawn,” he whispered. “Now I will tell you about my encounter with the ninja. I fought most valiantly. There were a dozen of them at the camp.”

“Yeah?” Vin asked, forcing himself to focus on his partner’s voice. If he lost consciousness now, he may not live through the night. They both knew that.

“You are right. I’ve been spending far too much time with Captain Wilmington. There were only two. Thankfully, I overpowered them and then searched the camp. Actually, I stumbled across the cave quite by accident. I would like to be able to say it was skill and my powers of detection, but unfortunately, the truth is far less exciting. I happened to be looking at the right spot at the right time. Vin?”

“Yeah, I’m listenin’” His voice was noticeably weaker. Ezra frowned. His friend needed help. Vin’s condition was deteriorating in front of his eyes.


The Em7 office was alive with urgent activity. Josiah and Buck were on the phone. J.D. was online and Nathan and Chris were in the conference room with a map of the area around McKenna’s spread out on the large table.

“A four hour radius,” Nathan stated, marking a circle on the map. “That means they’re here somewhere,” he said, tracing it with his finger. “And it’s all bushland and national parks.”

“Vin said it was rough country.”

“By the look of that, it all is.”

“He said they’d have to abseil into the Pass.”

“The entire area is mountainous,” Nathan pointed out, reading the topography.

Chris swore. They’d been searching for three hours and they still hadn’t been able to locate Swallow Pass.

Buck strode into the room and shook his head. He’d contacted local pilots in the area, but no one knew of or had heard of Swallow Pass.

“Swallow Pass. Maybe it’s just a nickname the locals use to describe an area. You said Vin lived there for a while,” Nathan suggested.

Chris nodded. “I’ve had J.D. ringing around, but none of the locals know of it.”

Buck leaned over the map. “Okay, so working on the theory that it’s a nickname, it is less likely to be a part of the national park and more likely to describe an unnamed area - you know what I mean?”

Mary Travis rushed into the room. “I’ve spoken to the local newspaper in the area. They’re looking through their archives for us. It may take them a while.”

“Thanks, Mary.”

The woman’s eyes were drawn to the map. “That’s a lot of area for them to be lost in.”

“Them being lost isn’t what’s worrying us,” Nathan explained. “We have reason to believe, they may not be alone.”

Buck glanced at Chris. Larabee’d had a bad feeling for most of the day. Buck didn’t believe in UFO’s, Bigfoot or the Loch Ness Monster, but he did believe in Larabee’s gut feelings. “We think they may have run into trouble as early as this morning,” he murmured.

Larabee glanced at his oldest friend. He couldn’t help thinking he should have done something sooner.

Nathan lifted his eyes from the map. “Let’s not over-react. They may have come across the ninja but let’s face it, they have the advantage. The ninja probably aren’t woodsmen. Vin is. It’s dark now. If they’ve been able to avoid them until now, they’ll be safe for the night. Vin will hole up somewhere. They‘ll be fine until morning.”

Chris drew in a deep breath. His head was still throbbing with vengeance. “As long as they aren’t hurt.”


Ezra had finished telling his companion about how he had found the sword and moved on to other topics. It didn’t matter what it was, just so long as he was talking. He had decided that asking questions was paramount. Questions forced Vin to answer and stay awake.

The night air had become cool. Ezra covered Vin with most of the blankets, keeping only one for himself. He was seated, leaning up against the cave wall, Vin only two feet away.

“It is intriguing how we place value on the strangest of gifts. When I was young, my mother gave me a pack of cards. Probably worth a single dollar. I received gifts of computers and video games and yet, those cards were special. I can’t even tell you why. I still have them. What about you? Any strange little trinket that you’ve kept since your were a child?”

“My harmonica,” Tanner answered.

“Oh?” Ezra prompted.

“My Ma gave it to me for my fifth birthday. Always keep it with me. Kinda like having her with me, I guess.”

“Did you ever know your father?” Ezra asked, peering down at his companion through the darkness. There was a moon in the sky, but the light had difficulty entering the cave that was so well hidden. The cave was much warmer than the winter’s night outside, but it was still chilly. Ezra was shirtless, after having torn it for bandages at the river. The Em7 agent pulled his single blanket further around himself in an attempt to stay warm. “Did you ever know your father,” Ezra repeated, when Vin failed to answer.

“No. My Ma never spoke about him. The only thing she ever said to me was, “boy, you’re a Tanner. Don’t you ever forget that.”

“Intriguing. Have your ever tried to locate your father?”

“You’re a nosy cuss, Ezra.”

Ezra smiled. “I guess I am. I never knew my father. He died when I was a baby. My mother said he was a fine man. The only man she ever truly loved. Vin?”

“Yeah, I’m awake.” He sounded tired. Then again, he had reason to. His voice was also slightly slurred and very slow. Speaking was an effort and it took conscious thought to form the words.

Ezra tipped his head back against the wall of the cave, fatigue drawing at him also. “I once asked my mother about visiting my father’s grave. Apparently, it’s in Austria. I’ve travelled the world several times over but I’ve never got there. So, have you tried to locate your father?”

“No. I ain’t sure if he’s dead. If he’s alive, I’m not sure what I’d say to him.”

“You must be curious,” Ezra pressed. “So, you’re an only child?”

“As far as I know. I have an uncle.”


“I don’t remember a lot. I was just a little fella when my Ma died, but her brother used to come and stay with us. Uncle Ryan. He was at my Ma’s funeral.” The sentence took a full minute to say. Ezra’s brow creased with concern. He knew Vin was getting worse and morning was still hours away. “He said everything was going to be alright. I kept waiting for him to come and get me at the orphanage, but he never came.”

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to dredge up bad memories.”

“I haven’t thought about him in a long time.”

“I’ve just thought of something. It’s Wednesday night!” Ezra cried, happily.


“Sergeant Jackson.” Ezra heard Vin chuckle. “And here I was thinking this was the worst place in the world to be. I’d forgotten that our friends would be enjoying Nathan’s culinary delights. Are you hungry? Vin?... Vin?!” Ezra reached out and shook his companion. “Vin!” There was still no reply. Ezra leaned over his friend and lowered his head to Tanner’s chest. He could hear the gentle inhale and exhale of air. He could also feel that his friend was shaking. Ezra felt Vin’s skin. It was cool to the touch.

Standish knew that Tanner was having trouble regulating his own temperature due to his head wound and blood loss. Ezra lay down beside his friend and wrapped his arm across his companion’s chest. They needed to share body heat. “Come on, Vin. Wake up,” Ezra urged, shaking his companion. Tanner stirred. “That’s it. Wake up.”


“I think it is time for you to do the talking.”


“Tell me about the first time you met the boys,” Standish encouraged.

“The boys?” Vin repeated. He was finding it difficult to focus enough to understand what Ezra was saying.

“Tell me about when you first met Chris. Vin? Come on, Vin. Talk to me.”

“I... Ezra?” There was real confusion in the injured man’s voice. His world continued to spin and darkness kept intruding on his consciousness.

“Relax, my friend. We are camping in the wilds, remember? You decided to take me hiking so I could look for the sword.”

“Where are we?”

“In a cave. We’re waiting for the boys to come and get us.”


Ezra swallowed. Vin’s conscious state had been wavering all night. This was the first time he had showed any sign of memory loss. “Chris and the others will be searching for us shortly. Vin?”

“Have you climbed the cliffs already?”

“Not yet.”

“I’m startin’ to get concerned.”

“About what?” Ezra asked. He could tell that Vin was back with him again. Tanner’s shaking had eased.

“I keep sharin’ my bed with fellas. Last week it was Chris and this week it’s you!”

Ezra laughed, the release echoing his relief. “And just who would you like to be sharing your bed with? A young Mexican maiden, perhaps?”

“Mind your own damn business, Standish. What time do you think it is?”

Ezra withdrew his arm from around Vin and glanced down at the aluminous face. “It’s ten past ten. We still have a long night ahead.”


“I’m sorry, Chris. Nothing,” J.D. stated, quietly. The young agent had rung everyone listed in the phonebook in the area around McKenna‘s. Unfortunately, there weren‘t that many. It wasn’t a largely populated area, most of it wilderness. For three hours J.D. had been getting abused. People were in bed and not interested in helping someone they didn’t know locate a place they‘d never heard of. “If only Professor Godfrey... Wait a minute!” J.D. cried, his eyes doubling in size. “The other professor at the university said that there were two men who were experts on the history of DC! He said another name. God what was it?!”

“J.D.?!” Chris prompted.

“I’ll go call and find out who the other man is. He may know where Swallow Pass is!”

J.D. darted out of the conference room.

Chris returned his attention to the map. His eyes continued to be drawn to one of the national parks. “Buck, find out if there’s a camping store at this national park. Vin said Ezra bought a lot of camping gear. If we can get confirmation that a customer did, at least we’ll know which area.”

“Sir, if there’s a store, it’ll be closed, It’s after ten o’clock.” Chris lifted his eyes from the map and let the Larabee glare rain down on his friend. Buck had been on the receiving end of so many of them he was almost immune. However, he jogged from the room. Not because of the glare. It was because of the deep concern reflected in Larabee’s green eyes.

“Chris, we have no reason to believe they’re in any danger,” Josiah assured his leader.

Larabee returned his attention to the map and again, his eyes were drawn to one particular spot.

“We don’t even know if the ninja are in the same area as Vin and Ezra. Perhaps we should...”

“We have to find them,” Chris growled.

Josiah and Nathan exchanged a glance. “Sir?”

“I’ve a bad feeling,” the colonel stated in a hushed tone. Unfortunately, that feeling was getting worse.


Vin’s condition was getting worse. He was drifting in and out of consciousness and his lucid moments while conscious were fast being replaced by confusion. Also of concern was the fact that his right arm was starting to feel numb. Ezra prayed it was a result of swelling and not any brain damage.

Standish had decided it was time to summon help . He had no choice. If he waited until morning, it may well be too late for Vin. Ezra firmly tucked all of the blankets around his friend.

“What are you doin’?” Tanner asked, in a rare moment of clarity.

“I have to go. Don’t worry. I’ll be back,” Standish assured his companion as he checked the phone and slipped it into the pocket of his trousers.

“It’s too dangerous.”

“I climbed up to the cave today. I’ll make it.”

Vin reached up and grabbed Ezra’s arm as he went to move away. “You’ll fall.”

“I have to try, Vin.”

“Why not wait until dawn like we agreed?”

Ezra stared down at his concerned companion in the darkness. “I need to go, now. I’m not going to climb the cliffs. They’re too steep. Do you remember that monolith we saw from up above? It looked like it may be far easier to climb. It’s not far from here and it’s quite high. Hopefully, high enough for me to get a signal on the cell phone.”

Vin blinked up at Ezra. What his friend was saying made sense. The monolith was certainly climbable, but if they had realized that, then so, too, would the ninja. “They’ll be watching it.”

“More than likely the Master has posted a few men to keep it under observation. I will seek them out and take care of them before I attempt any ascent.”

“They’ll hear you comin’. You make enough noise to wake the dead.”

“Only to someone with ears as finely turned as yours. The ninja are not woodsmen. They, like me, are city boys. We will be on equal terms.”

“You’ll be outnumbered.”

“It makes the challenge all the more exciting,” Ezra claimed. His gold tooth caught the limited light and flashed.

“I can’t watch your back.”

Ezra reached and patted Vin’s arm. “I will be as quick as I can,” he whispered.

“You’ll glow.”

“I beg your pardon?”

“Put some dirt on your chest and back. Your skin will reflect the moonlight.”

“Oh. Yes, thank you.”

“Ezra... I... be careful.”

“Lieutenant Tanner, you are talking to me.” Ezra smiled and then turned and crawled out of the cave.


In the Em7 command centre, bad news continued to be reported. J.D. had identified the other expert as a Dr. Chang, but Chang wasn’t answering his phone. Buck had finally tracked down the owner of the camping store but he hadn’t been working in it during the day. Apparently, his son had. The teenager was now out with friends and his father had no way of contacting him. To top it off, Chris’ brother called.

“Chris, I’m sorry to interrupt whatever world crisis you’re dealing with, but I need your help.” The words were delivered with a lot of hurt. “The world has hundreds of soldiers they can turn to. I don’t have anyone but you, Chris.”

“Liam, please. I have two men missing and...”

“And that’s where your priority is?” It was a whimper.

“Look, I understand that you’re scared, but you’re safe at the moment. Just lay low until you hear from me. I have to go. I’ll ring you later.” Chris put the phone down, shook his head and raced back into the conference room.


It was a cloudy night, which would be useful once Ezra reached the monolith. The haze would mask the moon’s glow. However, the limited light made it difficult for the Em7 agent to negotiate a path through the bushland. A woodsman he wasn’t. However, time spent with his experienced companion had provided him with some basic pointers. Not to mention the fact that if Ezra was anything, he was a survivor.

Ezra had seen the monolith from the cliff top and he knew it was in this direction. While the bush canopy wasn’t thick, it was still substantial enough to hide the top part of the rock that rose into the sky. Ezra could have used it as a guide. That wasn’t to be. Instead, Standish was forced to head in the general direction. He knew the base of the monolith was several hundred feet in diameter making it difficult to miss. If his memory and sense of direction didn’t fail him, he should come across it shortly.

Ezra stumbled for the hundredth time. His upper torso was smudged in dirt and mud from the forest floor. His trousers were torn from being snagged on branches. His hands were cut and bruised from his climb the day before. His hair was tussled and his face streaked with perspiration despite the coolness of the air. Ezra ignored it all. He was single minded in his thoughts. He had to get to the monolith. He had to climb it and he had to call for help.

As Standish weaved his way around a fallen log, he began to consider what would be waiting for him. The Master would have posted sentries to watch the monolith. The Em7 agent hoped he would be able to approach quietly enough that the ninja wouldn’t detect his presence. The problem would be getting sufficiently close to take them out. Ezra sighed. The biggest problem would be finding them in the first place!

After a thirty minute trek, the trees began to thin and the ground become rocky. Out in font of Ezra, rocks rose from the ground in a sloping wall. Standish peered skyward. The monolith was enormous. The angle of ascent gradually became steeper, but the first twenty feet were climbable. Hopefully, he would not need to climb all the way to the top to get a signal.

Ezra stayed back in the shadows, peering around the darkness. Moonlight lit the monolith in an eerie fashion.

Ezra frowned. How was he going to spot the ninja? He remembered Tanner telling Dunne that in the bush it was important to rely on your ears, not your eyes. Ezra listened. All he could hear was the sounds of the bush. Gradually, the wilderness serenade became part of the background as he became accustomed to the sounds. In the foreground, he detected the twittering of distant voices.

Ezra‘s heart rate increased. He began to move in the direction of the voices. Standish took the time to place his feet carefully and deliberately. Every step thundered in his ears as his boots crunched on the rocks and leaves. Standish resisted the temptation to move more swiftly. He was only going to get one chance.

The voices became louder. Ezra paused, peering into the darkness. Ahead, he spotted a group of three ninja. They were seated on some rocks facing the monolith. Standish frowned. Two he could handle without difficulty. Three...?

Ezra considered his options. The Em7 agent glanced up at the enormous mountain of rock. The ninja were seated. No doubt they were supposed to be actively patrolling the area. Theoretically, if they remained seated, Ezra should be able to climb up the other side of the monolith without them seeing him. On the other hand, if they did begin to circle the rock...

Ezra decided it was worth the risk. Trying to take them out would be dangerous and could backfire. Quietly, the Em7 agent withdrew and headed around the base of the rock.

Some minutes later, Ezra stopped and listened. He heard no sign of the ninja sentries. Standish filled his lungs, set his sights above and began to climb. It wasn’t easy, but determination made up for his lack of experience and expertise.

Gradually, Ezra inched his way up the side of the mountain of rocks. The higher he climbed, the harder it became. While finding feet and handholds was not a problem, pulling his entire body weight skyward meant relying on his upper body strength. He was using muscles that were still tender from his cliff climb the afternoon before.

Several times he slipped, but regained his hold and pressed on.

For twenty minutes Ezra edged upward. His arms and his legs were aching with vengeance. His breathing was heavy. His resolve never wavered.

Ezra chanced a look over his shoulder. The tree tops were below him. The angle of ascent was becoming sharper and more difficult. Ezra braced himself with his legs and released the rock he was holding with his right hand. He withdrew the cell phone from his pocket and glanced down at the aluminous face. The words “No Service” greeted him.

Standish pocketed the phone and resumed his climb. He pressed on for another five minutes and then pulled out the phone again. The menu bar at the side of the screen indicated four bars. He had service!

“Thank, God!” Ezra hit the dial button. Before starting his ascent, he had punched in J.D.’s cell phone number. “Come on,” he cried as the phone rang. “Come on!”


Part Twenty

Buck raced into the conference room shouting, “It is that national park!” The others turned. “The store owner’s son just got home and he remembers a fella in a buckskin coat and a city fella coming in yesterday morning.”

Larabee’s eyes darted back to the map and to the very area that had been the focus of his attention. “They’re here somewhere!” Chris cried, pointing. The others crowded closer.

“Yeah, but where? That’s still a lot of country to cover.”

J.D.’s phone began to ring. Everyone froze. The youth pulled it from it pocket. “Dunne.”

“J.D., trace this call,” Ezra panted.

“Ezra!” Dunne shouted, racing out the door and across the main office to his computer. The other men followed him, all relieved but equally concerned.

“Are they alright?!” Chris demanded. J.D. handed the phone to his leader as he plugged a cord into the bottom and then sat down at his computer to trace the call using access to the satellite he had hacked into months earlier.

“Ezra?!” Chris asked, his voice firm, urgent, but in total control.

“Lieutenant Tanner is injured. A head wound.” As the words tumbled from Ezra’s mouth, the weight was lifted from his shoulders. Standish had passed the responsibility for Tanner’s safety to his leader. J.D. was tracing the call. The boys would come. Ezra shut his eyes and swallowed. Suddenly, he became aware of every ache in his battered body. Exhaustion swept over him. His arms and legs began to tremble as he clung to the side of the rock face.

Chris swore. “How bad?... Ezra, how bad is he?”

“A bullet graze this morning,” the exhausted man whispered. His voice lacked any strength. God, he felt tired.

“Ezra,” Chris prompted. Larabee could hear the fatigue in his friend’s voice. “Ezra, keep talking to me.”

“He’s been in and out of consciousness all day. We’re at Swallow Pass, which is marked as Lincoln Ravine on the map. Look for the monolith of rock and head directly southwest of it to the western wall of the ravine. Vin and I will be in a cave at the bottom. I will keep an eye out for you. Fortunately, Lieutenant Tanner insisted I wear a whistle around my neck.” Ezra knew it had been presented as a joke, but Tanner had also stated quite seriously that if they got separated Ezra was to blow it and he’d come and find him. Standish had been wearing it ever since. “I will begin blowing it as soon as you abseil down. There are ninja all over the place.”

“Buck?!” Chris demanded. Wilmington, who had anticipated the question and had gone to investigate, returned from the conference room.

“An hour and a half, to an hour and three quarters.”

“Ezra, we’ll be no more than two hours. Ninja,” Chris prompted his men. Jackson, Sanchez, Dunne and Wilmington shot off for the supply room. They needed to prepare. There was no time to waste. “Are you in any immediate danger?” The question was almost clinical, Ezra noted. He expected nothing less. He had seen these men operate. They were the best in the world.

“Not once I climb down and get back to the cave,” the agent replied, wearily. His thoughts turned to Vin. “Chris, hurry. Vin‘s condition isn‘t stable. I didn‘t want to leave him, but it was the only way to summon help.“ His composure was faltering.

“Hang on, Ezra. We’re coming,” Larabee assured his companion, gently. Ezra was losing it, his leader realized. He didn’t know what his men had been through, but it was important that Ezra keep it together for another two hours. There was no time or place for emotion, yet. That would only hinder Ezra’s ability to stay alive. Larabee‘s voice became firm. It was his job to ensure Ezra continued to fight. It was his responsibility to ensure his men stayed alive until help reached them. “Get back to Lieutenant Tanner. Try to stabilize his condition until we arrive. Wait until we’ve abseiled to the ground before blowing the whistle, is that understood?”

“Yes, Sir.” Standish’s voice sounded focused. He was back in control. He had orders to carry out.

Chris drew in a breath of relief. “Larabee, out.” As Chris ended the call, his eyes shut. Hang on, Ezra. We’re coming. For a split second, Chris allowed himself to think of Vin, but only for a split second. He couldn’t afford to contemplate his best friend‘s condition. He couldn’t afford to be distracted.

The colonel rushed to the supply room. His men were already dressed in battle fatigues. As he stepped into the room, Josiah handed him his clothes. J.D. was preparing the leader’s rifle. Nathan fitted his headset as he dressed.

Buck was on the phone. “I want it out of the hanger in two minutes,” he ordered. “We’re cleared for take off, Sir,” he informed his leader, calmly. Em7 had moved into operation mode. They were professionals. The ability to separate themselves from a situation was essential.

“Nathan, we’ll need full medical equipment. Vin’s hurt. A head wound. His condition is unstable.”

For a split second, the other men froze, but the words themselves snapped them back into action.

“Ezra sounds like he’s on the point of collapse, too,” Larabee added. “We’ll need to abseil into the Pass.”

Moments later, Em7 jogged across the tarmac to their waiting combat chopper. The huge aircraft lifted off, within seconds of their boarding.

Larabee filled his men in on the details he had been given. Nathan moved off to check the medical supplies on the chopper. Josiah telephoned the hospital to inform them of the impending arrival of a couple of wounded men - one with a head wound, one probably suffering exposure. J.D. put the exact co-ordinates of the origin of Ezra’s call into the chopper’s navigational computer. Chris massaged his temples. We’re coming, boys.


Larabee’s orders had propelled Ezra back into action. He had to return to his wounded partner. Standish pocketed the phone and then started to descend. This was far more difficult than ascending because it meant looking down and trying to find foot holds without being able to see them clearly.

His progress was slow. The minutes continued to pass. He was only fifteen feet from the bottom when the air below filled with shouting.


“Get him!”

Ezra glanced down. He saw the three ninja sentries appear. Standish started moving sideways. Up was not an option and his escape below had been cut off! Abruptly, he heard a whizzing sound. Even before he registered it, blinding plain exploded in his left shoulder blade. He cried out, losing his balance. Ezra Standish pitched backwards and fell!


Vin blinked up at the cave ceiling. The injured man had been drifting in and out of consciousness. Tanner was aware of the darkness. He could hear the sounds of the wilderness in the distance. Where was he? His mind wafted through a sea of images. Gradually, his thoughts settled and he recognized where he was and what was going on.

How long had Ezra been gone? He should have gone to watch his partner’s back. With that single thought in mind, the injured lieutenant tried to draw himself up, but his head exploded with pain and his world began to spin. His stomach lurched and Vin vomited. He fell backwards panting. Black patches rose up in front of his eyes. His stomach heaved, again. Darkness blanketed him.


Consciousness returned in a blaze of pain. Ezra gasped. His left shoulder was burning. His left arm was aching. His head was throbbing. Standish forced his eyes open. He was lying on his side, wedged between some rocks. His mind moved in a vacuum for several seconds. Finally, the events before he had fallen filled his mind. Ezra tried to swallow, but he couldn’t. He moved his right arm across to his left and ran his fingers along the limb. It was broken, which explained the ache coming from it. Standish grimaced and tried to right himself. Pain chorused through his body. An involuntary yelp was forced from him as he sat up. His vision blurred in and out of focus for several seconds. Finally, everything settled. Ezra scanned the area.

Where were the ninja who had attacked him? How long had he been lying here unconscious? Standish peered into the darkness. There was no sound. Tentatively, he drew himself to his feet. Pain exploded in his shoulder and he fell to his knees. “GOD!”

Ezra reached around his back and found the reason for the agony. There was a ninja star imbedded in his shoulder blade. It had to come out, he decided, but he couldn’t thread his arm around far enough. Panting, he shut his eyes, trying to deal with the cruel throbbing. His world began to crash around him. It was all hopeless. It would be so much easier to just lay down. Abruptly, Larabee’s voice filled the recesses of his mind. “Get back to Lieutenant Tanner. Try to stabilize his condition until we arrive. Wait until we’ve abseiled to the ground before blowing the whistle, is that understood?”

“Yes, Sir,” Ezra whispered. Standish leaned on a rock and forced himself back to his feet. For several seconds he wavered. His left arm was hanging uselessly at his side. His body was bruised from head to toe from the fall. His head was aching, but his mind was lucid.

Again, Standish scanned the area. Several feet away, he spotted the body of a ninja. Confused, Ezra moved toward him. Near the fallen man were his partners. The injured agent stared at them. He could see no sign of physical injury but they were all unconscious. Suddenly deciding that being out in the open wasn’t a good idea, Ezra moved toward the trees. Once he reached them, he turned and again scanned the area. There was absolute silence. The monolith climbed into the sky, the moon reflecting off it. What the hell had happened?

The Em7 agent knew he didn’t have time to be contemplating the events. He needed to return to the cave. Standish started back in the direction he had come. Every step hurt more than the one before, but he had to keep moving. He had to get back before he passed out.


Hidden in the bushes, watching the scene were three men.

“We shouldn’t have interfered,” one whispered.

“Our actions have not affected their quest.”

“But, Katana Shidosha...”

“We stopped three murderers from killing an innocent man. Nothing more.” The trio stepped from the shadows. Two were in black. One was in navy. Katana Shidosha’s eyes followed the direction Standish had disappeared. “God, speed.”


The pain from his arm and shoulder had become more than just distracting. Ezra blinked. He had lost some blood and was feeling weak. The trees around him were moving. His vision refused to stay focused. Was he still going in the correct direction? Panic seized him. He took a hurried step, tripped and fell to his knees. His shoulder exploded with agony. Ezra’s consciousness faded and he slumped to the ground in an untidy heap.

Three feet in front of him were the brambles that hid the cave he was seeking, but he would never know that.


Vin heard a faint cry from outside. The sound brought him back from semi-consciousness. Had that been Ezra?

The tracker rolled onto his side. For several seconds he paused waiting for his world to stop spinning. Tanner forced himself onto all fours and then crawled slowly toward the entrance. He peered out through the brambles, but could see nothing. Vin started to sway. He was so weak. He decided to return to his blankets, but something made him pause.

Vin stared outside, his experienced eyes studying the bush. A dark shape drew his attention. The Lieutenant frowned. What was that? Tanner reached for the cave wall and used it to draw himself up on his knees. He listed to the right, but was able to steady himself by leaning against the rock wall. Tanner looked out, searching for the dark patch. This time he could see it clearly. It was a Ezra!

“Ezra?!” Instinctively, Vin tried to get to his feet, but he pitched forward onto his stomach. He was so dizzy that he couldn’t work out which way was up. Realizing that if he was to help his companion he had to wait for everything to right itself, Vin lay quietly. Gradually, his world came to a standstill. Vin climbed to his hands and knees and again paused, allowing his head time to adjust. Finally, he crawled forward. Thankfully, Ezra wasn’t far from the opening. Vin reached for his companion’s pulse. It was there and relatively strong.

“Ezra,” Vin urged, prodding his friend. “Come on, wake up.”

Standish didn’t move. Tanner swallowed. He couldn’t lift his friend - he was unable to stand himself! The energy he had been able to muster was leaving him quickly. Vin didn’t have long before he wouldn’t be able to help himself, let alone, his partner.

Tanner shook his companion, again. “Standish, get up. That’s an order!” The words failed to produce a response. Suddenly, Vin’s groggy mind registered the fact that if Ezra was unconscious, then he had to be injured.

Tanner studied his partner and spotted the ninja star. “Oh, hell.” Ezra’s naked back was covered with blood. Somehow, Vin had to get Ezra back to the cave and remove the star. He was going to have to drag the unconscious man.

Tanner drew in a deep breath and pushed himself to his knees. Immediately, be began to sway. “Ezra?” Vin reached for his friend’s arms, but paused recognizing the left one was broken. Tanner took the right one, shuffled backwards on his knees and pulled with all his might. There were two simultaneous cries - his own and Ezra’s. Tanner collapsed onto his side beside his companion.

Ezra’s eyes blinked open. “Vin?”

“We have... to get... back to the... cave. I can hear... people comin’,” the lieutenant panted.

Standish dragged himself to his knees, reached down with his good hand and hauled Vin to his. The two men struggled back to the cave, both collapsing the moment they were inside.

Outside, a patrol of ninja appeared out of the bush. They moved silently, their eyes taking in every inch of the area. The four men moved on, searching for the enemy they had heard.

The moment they were gone, Vin crawled across to Ezra. Standish opened his eyes. “I got the call through. They are coming,” he whispered. Relief had dulled some of the pain and he smiled up at the blue eyes staring down at him. “They’re coming,” he repeated.

“You’ve... got a ninja... star in your.. shoulder,” Vin stated, his voice disjointed as he desperately tried to remain conscious. The effort of moving around had been too much. The throbbing of his head was so bad, he could no longer focus; his consciousness wavered. Confused, he stared down at Ezra.

“Leave it. Dr. Jackson will be here shortly. Vin? Lay back,“ Ezra encouraged, realizing that his friend was no longer coherent. Ezra reached out and physically coaxed his bewildered partner onto his side. For a third time, Vin’s stomach heaved, but this time it was just a dry retch.

“You’ve been sick?” Ezra cried, horrified.

“Huh?“ Vin’s world began to spin. The last thing he heard was a voice telling him to try and stay awake.

Ezra reached out and shook Vin’s arm. “No, come on, Vin! Not now! The boys are coming. Just two hours! That‘s all. That must be almost up! They‘ll be here soon!” In desperation, Ezra lifted himself up. The ninja star in his shoulder bit into his flesh. Ezra cried out, fell backwards and gradually sank into the painless world of unconsciousness that had already welcomed his companion.

Above, a chopper’s blades echoed in the night.


Ezra could hear talking. The voices sounded distant and yet, close at the same time. The fog of his mind began to clear.

“So are we going back to round them up?” The voice was familiar but he couldn’t place it.

“They’ll be long gone by now.” That was Chris! Chris? What was going on? Standish strained to get his heavy lids open. A face loomed above him.

Nathan Jackson smiled. “You’re just fine. Relax.”

“Nathan?” Ezra asked, groggily.

He felt someone rest their hand over his. Ezra glanced to his left. Chris nodded and smiled kindly. “How do you feel?”

“I don’t know.” Ezra flicked his eyes around the room. He was in a hospital ward.

“Do you remember what happened?” Nathan asked, shining a light into his eyes.

Ezra searched his memory, but he was coming up blank. “No.”

“You and Vin came across the ninja when you went looking for that ninja sword.”

Ezra’s brow furrowed. His mind began to churn. Finally, he nodded. He remembered. “Vin?!”

Larabee inclined his head. Ezra looked passed his leader and saw Tanner lying in a bed a few feet away. He was connected to all manner of machinery.

“Is he alright?”

Larabee’s face flickered with concern. “Nathan had to induce a coma because of the swelling. But he’s going to be alright.” The last sentence was directed at Jackson.

Ezra flicked his eyes across to the doctor who had a stethoscope on his chest. “Nathan?”

“You did real well with him, Ezra. He’s lucky you were able to look after him. He’ll be okay. We just need to wait for the swelling to go down.”

Ezra swallowed. “The Master shot him because he saved my life.” Ezra stared up at Chris. “How did you find us?”

“Ezra, it was just the most incredible thing!” J.D. cried, stepping up to the bed. “We had to abseil down from the chopper! I’ve never done that before. It was amazing! Buck hovered in the air and we had to slide down the ropes. The only place was at the monolith because the bush was too thick. You have got to try it, Ezra. It was amazing! Kinda like free falling down a rope! From a helicopter!!”

Standish smiled. “Something I am pleased to have missed.”

“No, you’ve got to try it. I mean...”

“J.D.,” Chris interrupted.


Ezra directed his attention to his leader.

“We found the unconscious ninja. It wasn’t hard to follow your trail.”

“And the ninja tried to attack us, but did they get a hell of a surprise!” J.D. cried. “They aren’t used to dealing with commandos like us.”

“Commandos?” Josiah asked, appearing beside the youth. “I didn’t know your were a commando, son.”

Chris grinned down at Ezra. “They took off like the hounds of hell were after them. It seems they don’t like automatic rifles.”

“I wish I had seen that. You followed my trail? I left no trail.”

“You left a clear enough trail for a blind man to follow,” Josiah chuckled.

“The ninja didn’t find us,” Ezra defended.

“The ninja were running around in circles out there. Ninja they may be. Soldiers they aren‘t,” Josiah laughed.

Ezra shut his eyes. Larabee patted his hand. “Get some sleep.”

“My shoulder?”

“The ninja star cut the muscle so you’re going to be sore. You’ll need physio. You’re arm is also broken. Looks like you fell? You’re covered in bruises.”

“Yes, I fell. What about Vin?”

“It’s a head wound and they can be difficult to stabilize, which is why I induced the coma. I’ll bring him out of it tonight. By then, the swelling should have gone down considerably. He‘s got a hair-line fracture, but it should heal without any side effects.”

“There is no permanent damage?” Ezra asked, cautiously.

Nathan frowned. “Why would you ask that?”

“He had trouble remaining coherent when he was conscious. He also complained of numbness in his arm.”

“Yeah, so he said. It was a result of the swelling. He‘s going to be fine thanks to you. He told us how you stole the blankets and shared body heat to keep him warm. You stopped him from going into shock.”

“He spoke to you?”

“He heard us calling and yelled out from the cave.”

“Nathan treated you both and then Buck lowered a stretcher and we put you on it and Nathan got in this harness and Buck winched him up and then Nathan came back down and we winched Vin up.” The entire sentence was said in one breath. J.D. still hadn’t come down from the adrenaline high. “Then each of us were winched up. It was incredible!” the young agent repeated.

“I am pleased to hear you enjoyed the experience.” Ezra shut his eyes. “What time is it?”

“Two o’clock in the afternoon. You’ve been in hospital almost ten hours.”

“Get some rest,” Nathan ordered. Ezra nodded. He had no need to be concerned. His team were around him. He was safe. Standish’s breathing deepened as he drifted off to sleep.

Jackson glanced at Chris and nodded. “He’s okay. Had me worried when he wouldn’t wake up, but he’s fine.”

Larabee patted Standish’s hand again, turned and strode across to Vin. The monitor attached to his best friend continued to beep regularly. Buck was seated next to the young man, his face blanketed with alarm. No matter what Nathan said, Buck could not see how placing his friend in a coma could be in his best interests!

“Nathan, how long before you’re going to wake him up?” Wilmington demanded.

Chris circled the bed and laid his hand on Buck’s shoulder. “Easy, Big fella. Nathan knows what he’s doing.”

“Yeah? When we found him he was awake and now... now, look at him!” Tanner was pale, but his face was relaxed. Vin had spoken to his friends in the cave. He knew he and Ezra were in good hands.

“Brother, why don’t we go and get some coffee?” Josiah suggested. They needed to get Buck out of here for a while. The situation was getting to him.

“I’m not leaving.”

“Go,” Chris coaxed. It was half an order and half a request. Buck recognized both aspects, nodded and rose to his feet. “His face is a damn mess.”

“It’s looking better,” Chris argued. The swelling had already eased, though the bruising was coming out. The left side of Vin’s head was a kaleidoscope of blacks, greens, blues and purples. A stark contrast to the pallor of the rest of his face.

Buck turned to Chris, hugged him briefly and then followed Josiah and J.D. out of the room. Chris smiled after them. Buck was always emotional at times like this. At times like this? Chris sighed. There had been more than a few. Times when one of them had been in hospital in Katinda and the rest had waited for news.

Nathan strode across to the monitor beside Vin and checked the chart. “Yep. He’s doing fine.” Jackson glanced across at his leader. “What about you?” Larabee had been in hospital himself only three nights prior.

“I’m fine. I’m interested in hearing their entire story. If Vin was injured yesterday morning, it must have happened just after I spoke to him on the phone.”

Nathan nodded. “I found the phone Ezra used. It isn’t his. He must have taken it from the ninja.”

Larabee shook his head. “To get a signal he must have climbed that damn mountain of rock.”

“He did what he had to,” Nathan agreed.


It was almost one o’clock in the morning when Vin’s eyes opened. He had been safely in hospital twenty-one hours. The young man blinked. Buck’s face was reefed back from directly above him. Tanner, despite momentary confusion, grinned. He heard Nathan ordering his friends not to crowd him. Vin’s thoughts immediately turned to Ezra.

“Ezra?” Unfortunately, the word come out as a grunt. He felt failsafe support in the form a squeeze to his shoulder. Tanner forced his eyes to remain open.

Buck’s face reappeared. The captain was grinning from ear to ear. “Kid?!”

“Buck, for goodness sake,” Nathan scolded.

Vin drew in a breath. A light was flashed in his eyes. Tanner glanced up at Chris. He was badly disoriented. Larabee nodded. You’re okay.

“Ezra?” He tried again.

“Ezra? Is that what you said?” Buck asked. “Ez is just fine. Been sleeping all day, but he’s fine.”

Vin continued to stare up at Chris. There was deep concern etched into his best friend’s face. “I’m okay?”

“You’re going to be fine,” Nathan assured his patient. “I had to put you in a coma to stabilize your condition. The swelling has gone down and the pressure on your brain has eased. I want to do some tests to make sure everything’s okay. How’s your arm? Still numb?”

“It feels fine. Ezra’s okay?” Tanner couldn’t believe how weak he felt. It was like all of his energy had been sucked from him.

“His shoulder muscle has sustained some minor damage. Nothing some physio won’t correct. The break in his arm was clean. He did lose some blood, but I was able to transfuse him on the chopper on the way here. You had a transfusion too. So, how do you feel?”

“Like a new born foal. I feel like I‘m floatin‘.”

“That’s normal after what you’ve just been through. Your body needs time to recover from what‘s happened. This time, you aren’t going to get up and walk out of here when you please. You just won’t be able to,” Nathan stated, gently. “You are going to need a lot of rest.”

“Vin, we had to abseil down ropes from the chopper!” J.D. exclaimed.

Tanner grinned. “Hell of a rush, huh?”

“I’ve never felt anything like it. I was soooo scared, but it was fantastic.”

Vin’s eyes closed. He was exhausted from the short exchange.

Pressure was applied to his shoulder.

Content, Vin drifted off to sleep.


In Swallow Pass...

Saijo Senshi, aka Yang Le, stared down at the altar. He could see the empty solid gold holders. The sword was gone!

“Standish,” the ninja master growled.


Nathan assisted Ezra to drink some water and then put the glass on the table beside the bed. Ezra scanned the room. Buck, Josiah and J.D. were draped across chairs along one wall; Josiah’s snoring echoing off the walls. Chris was asleep in the chair beside Vin’s bed. The clock on the wall showed it was four o’clock in the morning. He’d been in hospital for twenty-four hours.

Nathan sat down in the chair next to his bed. “How are you feeling now? Any pain?”

“No. Vin?”

“I brought him out of the coma last night. He’s fine, thanks to you. I mean that. If you hadn’t called us when you did...” Nathan shook his head and lowered his voice even further. “I didn’t tell the others, but another hour and he may not have made it. I got him here just in time.”

“Thank, God. I... I almost waited until dawn. He wanted me to but I could tell he was getting worse.”

“The danger was the pressure building up as a result of the swelling. I don’t know how the hell you climbed that mountain, but you saved his life.”

Ezra felt relieved. “It was difficult to leave him. One moment he seemed okay and then he’d become confused.”

“You looked after him real well,” Nathan assured his patient, patting his arm.

“How long will we be here?”

Nathan’s brow furrowed thoughtfully. “You need some physio and it’ll be easier for that to happen in hospital. I need to arrange some tests for Vin - just to check everything’s okay. It may be a few days.”

“I am still a wanted man.”

“Not by the law. Chris has smoothed things over with Freeman and Harris and the Feds are no longer looking for you.” Nathan realized Ezra didn’t know about Yang Le. “Yang Le wasn’t in that coffin.”


“The body in the coffin is Caucasian, not Asian. He faked his death alright.”

“I knew it!” Ezra growled. “I’ve got to find him.”

“We think you already have. Josiah found out something interesting. You knew Le was into ninja stuff? Well, according to one of the ninja experts Josiah spoke to, Yang Le is part of a group called the Akuma Senshi.”

“Devil Warriors,” Ezra translated.

“Yep, and the Akuma Senshi are one of the many groups searching for the sword.”

“He set me up from the beginning. He was after the sword all along and used me as a scapegoat.”

“Yep. By the way, the man Josiah spoke to knew Yang Le’s ninja name.”

Ezra’s eyes grew wide. “Saijo Senshi!”

Nathan nodded. Standish could feel his anger rising. Le was ’The Master’!

“Calm down. There’ll be time enough for you to grind his bones. Right now, you need to rest. We’ll find him. The fact that Le’s alive throws doubt on all of the charges against you. It won’t take long before we unravel the entire thing. Now, get some sleep. The more rest you get, the quicker I’ll let you out of here,” Nathan added with a grin.”


Larabee’s phone rang. He had it on vibrate so that it wouldn’t ring in the hospital. The Colonel withdrew it from his pocket and walked out into the corridor.


“Chris, it’s Liam.”

Chris cursed softly. He’d forgotten all about his brother! It had been a whole day since he’d spoken to him. “Hi. Everything okay?”

“Besides sitting out here shitting myself waiting for these fellas to find me, yeah, I’m fine.”

“Liam, I just need to you wait a little while longer. I’m at the hospital. We found Vin and Ezra but they’re injured. Once things settle here, I’ll...”

“Yeah, I know, Chris. They come first.”

“That’s not fair,” the older man accused.

“Isn’t it, Chris? Your friends have always come first. Hell, I’m family!”

“Calm down.”

“Calm down! I need your help and you keep putting me off! If you aren’t going to help me, Chris, just say so!”

“I am going to help you,” Chris assured the irrational man.

“So, you can get the missile?”

“Liam, we need to talk about this. Vin and Ezra are going to be in hospital a few days. When they’re released, we’ll be bringing them to Four Corners. We’ll be able to talk then.”

“A few days! These men want payment now!”

“They don’t know where you are. Don’t worry, I’m handling it.”

“Handling it? What does that mean? Are you getting a missile?”

“We’ll talk about it when I get out there. Leave it to me, okay?”

“Yeah. Yeah, okay, Chris. I’m sorry. I don’t mean to... I’m... it’s just that...”

“It’s okay to be scared, Liam, but you don’t need to be. I’ll take care of this for you.”

“Thanks, Chris. I knew I could rely on you, big brother.”

Larabee pocketed his phone and turned back toward the ward.

Buck was standing in the doorway “Everything okay?”

“Yeah. Liam’s a bit skittish. Has J.D. turned up anything on that prison list I gave him?”

Buck shook his head. “He hasn’t found anyone with links to terrorist or arms organizations. What’s going on?”

“Liam’s being blackmailed. They want payment in Shepherd missiles or they say they‘ll kill him.”

“Holy shit.”


“You want me to go out to Four Corners and protect him?”

Chris patted Buck’s shoulder as he moved back into Vin and Ezra‘s room. He knew Buck didn’t like Liam, but for Chris’ sake he was offering to protect his younger brother. “He’s fine. They won’t find him there.”


By that evening, Vin’s tests had come back clear and Ezra had enjoyed his first session with the physio.

“Such language, Ezra,” Buck chastised as the physiotherapist exited the room. “I’ve never heard you swear like that.”

“That bastard enjoys inflicting pain,” Standish murmured, massaging his aching shoulder. Ezra was sitting up in bed. “Pass me my deck of cards. Care for a game?”

“Only if I can sign your cast.”

“When the sanctified dead rise from their graves to receive judgment, I will allow you to scrawl graffiti on my cast.”

Across the room, Vin was listening to J.D. relate the rescue for the tenth time. His adjectives had progressed from amazing and fantastic to mind-blowing and out of this world. “I can’t wait to do it again!”

Tanner smiled and closed his eyes. He was still incredibly weak. Nathan had explained that this was normal after waking from a coma. Vin vaguely remembered what it had been the like last time. The only difference was that last time he had woken up with total amnesia after the war. This time, he had momentary memory lapses but they passed quickly each time. Again, Nathan had said that this was normal.

“J.D.,” Chris prompted. The young agent rose to his feet and left the room. He headed down the corridor to join Josiah and Nathan in the waiting lounge.

“Nathan needs to sedate him,” Vin murmured, without opening his eyes.

“If we could bottle his energy we could power a city for a week,” Chris agreed.

“Buck said your brother’s being blackmailed.”

Larabee frowned. “Buck can’t keep his mouth shut.”

“You didn’t want me to know?” Tanner asked curiously, opening his eyes.

“It’s not that. It’s just that...” Chris sighed. “It doesn’t concern the rest of you. I’ll deal with it.”

“He’s your problem,” Vin agreed, closing his eyes.

“Liam isn’t a problem,” Chris snapped, defensively.


“No. He’s just been in the wrong place at the wrong time. He’s a good kid who made some mistakes.”

“Kid? How old is he?”

Larabee began to bristle. “The topic’s not open for discussion.”

Tanner snorted and drifted off to sleep. Chris shook his head. The others didn’t understand. He couldn’t expect them to. Neither Buck nor Vin had siblings. They didn’t know what it was like. They didn’t know the full story. Liam had just made some stupid decisions in his life that he had paid for. What was happening to him now was not his own doing.


After three full days confined to bed, Ezra was looking forward to the wide open spaces of Four Corners. His shoulder was sore but that was nothing compared to the strained muscles in his legs, arms and chest. He had stiffened up badly and movement was almost impossible without accompanying groans.

Ezra shuffled across to the closet and struggled to take his clothes from the hangers.

Buck stepped up beside him. “Let me do that.”

“Thank you.”

Wilmington grinned. “I would have loved to have seen you climbing up to that cave, Standish.”

“Never again,” Ezra murmured, hobbling back to the bed.

Vin was sitting on the edge of his bed, a dressing gown covering his pajamas. He had no intention of changing. They were going straight to Four Corners and the moment he got there, he’d be going back to bed so there was little point.

J.D. burst into the ward with all the energy of youth. He was wheeling a wheelchair, tipped up so that only the back wheels were on the ground. “The Tanner Express has arrived!“

Vin’s face screwed up.

“Doctor’s orders,” the youth stated, happily. “Nathan’s signing you both out and Chris and Josiah are on their way up. The cars are outside waiting.”

Vin stood up. J.D. took his arm and guided him across to the wheelchair. Tanner would have argued about needing a wheelchair, but the fact of the matter was, he did need it. Walking to the bathroom was an effort that left him exhausted. He had practically slept the entire three days he had been in hospital, only waking briefly to eat or listen to the odd ten minute conversation.

“He giving you any trouble?” Buck called from across the room.

“Nope,” J.D. chirped, settling Vin in the chair. “Are you nearly ready, Ezra?”

Standish had pulled on his trousers with Buck’s help and was now allowing Wilmington to thread his shirt on. Ezra had insisted on his companions bringing clothes up for him to change into. He was starting to think that had been a mistake.

Chris and Josiah strode into the room.


“Yeah,” Vin replied to the unspoken question.

Chris scrutinized his best friend. The swelling had eased a great deal, but there was still some inflammation evident. The left side of Tanner’s face was badly bruised and his eye on that side was bloodshot. Nathan had assured everyone it was to be expected and that there was no permanent damage. Jackson had spent much of the three days making assurances about one thing or other.

“Hey, Vin. My face looked like that too. Maybe not so bad,” J.D. stated, happily. The injury Dunne had sustained in South America had faded to a simple shadow.

Vin reached up to tug at the bandage around his head. “Have you warned your brother he’s about to receive visitors?” Vin asked Chris.

Larabee smiled. “He’s expecting us. Said he’s looking forward to getting to know you all.”

“You fellas staying?” Tanner asked, curiously.

“Just for the day. Someone‘s got to do some work. You, Ezra and Liam will be fine.”

“I would very much prefer to return to work, myself,” Ezra stated, hobbling toward his companions.

“You can hardly walk,” Buck chastised, milling around his friend as he tried to identify some way he could help. “I think we should get him a wheelchair as well.”

“I am fine,” Standish argued.

“You’re walking as if you’ve shit yourself.”

Ezra shot Buck a look of such loathing, Wilmington burst out laughing.

“Keep it down in here,” Nathan scolded, entering the room. “Are we all set? J.D., get Ezra a wheelchair.”

“I’m fine.”

“I’ll be the judge of that,” Nathan ordered. He pointed to the chair next to Vin’s bed. Buck guided Ezra across to it to wait. “Thank you. Vin, how are you feeling?”

“Like I’m only half awake.”

Nathan smiled. “It’s going to take a while. You were in a coma, remember.”

“Thanks to you,” Vin pointed out with a wink. “Reckon you did it just to shut me up.”

Jackson smiled. “I was just following orders. Chris wanted some peace and quiet.”

Tanner glanced up at Larabee and grunted. “That sounds about right.”

Part Twenty-One

Liam Larabee stepped out onto the veranda and watched the large chopper drop down onto the airstrip. The blades slowed and finally stopped. The door at the side opened and Chris, J.D. and Josiah stepped out. They helped Ezra to alight, Standish’s arm in a sling. Buck jumped down with a wheelchair. Vin Tanner appeared and was assisted from the chopper and into the chair.

Liam waited as the group made their way toward the house. He waved to Chris. The older man smiled.

“You’re right on time. I’ve just put on some coffee,” the younger Larabee called.

“That sounds good, brother,” Josiah commented as they reached the steps.

“Hell, look at your face! What happened?” Liam cried, gawking down at Vin.

“He was shot,” Chris informed his brother.

“Shot?! In the head?”

“It looks worse than it is,” Vin claimed, tugging at the bandage absentmindedly.

Liam watched as Buck assisted Ezra up the stairs. The others were milling around the wheelchair. “Best way to do it is to turn it backwards and pull it up the stairs,” Liam suggested, helpfully.

Chris and Josiah moved across to Tanner eased him up out of the chair and then carried him up the stairs between them.

“Straight up to bed,” Nathan ordered, following the trio into the house. “Ezra?”

“I think I will settle on the couch down here if that’s alright?”

Nathan nodded. “Buck, will you help him to get settled? I want to go up and check on Vin.”

“No problem. J.D., grab some blankets.”

“Sure, Buck.”

Liam watched from the doorway.

Buck spotted him. “How about you get that coffee on the way? We all drink it black. Everyone but Nathan has sugar. Nothing for Vin.” Liam nodded and disappeared into the kitchen. Wilmington returned his attention to Standish.


Josiah and Chris assisted Vin out of the chair, out of his robe and into his bed. Both stepped back to allow Nathan access.

“Okay?” Jackson asked, taking his patient’s pulse.

“Feel like I just ran a mile,” Vin offered, smiling. His voice advertised how much the trip had taken out of him.

Nathan nodded, placing his hand on Vin’s brow. “You’re a little warm.”

“I feel okay, doc. Just wiped out.”

“Chris, open the window. Let some air in here. Josiah, will you get him some water, please?”

The other men carried out the doctor’s instructions without comment. Jackson placed his cell phone on the table beside the bed. “You need anything, call one of us.”

“Call?” Tanner asked.

“We may not hear you downstairs. I’m going to stay for a while, anyway.”

“There’s no need, Nathan. I’m just gonna go to sleep.”

“I want to keep an eye on your temperature. As soon as it settles, I’ll be out of your hair.”

Josiah handed Nathan the glass of water. “I’ll grab you a chair.”

“Thanks.” Nathan helped Vin to sit. “Drink it all.”

Tanner did so and handed the empty glass back to his doctor. Chris was standing quietly in the corner. Vin smirked. “You ain’t gonna stand there all day, are ya? Go on. I’m fine. Just feel like I’ve been hit by a Mac truck.”

Chris smiled and headed for the door. “I’ll pop up later to see how you are.”

Josiah reappeared with a chair, placed it next to the bed and then left the room shutting the door behind him.

Downstairs, Ezra had been propped up on pillows and covered with a blanket. He wasn’t complaining, which meant he wasn’t feeling well. The others were aware of this and fussed about him.

Liam appeared with mugs of coffee and began handing them out.

The group settled in the lounge room - some on chairs, others on beanbags on the floor.

“When are we heading back?” Josiah asked, sipping his coffee.

“No need to hurry. Probably after dinner,” Chris offered. “Nathan will stay to keep an eye on Vin and Ezra.” Larabee glanced at his brother. “You’ll get a chance to sample Nathan’s cooking.”

The men began to chuckle.

“I take it Nathan isn’t the best cook”?” Liam asked.

“That’s one way of putting it,” Buck laughed. “Another way would be to come right out and say his food takes like shit.”


“I absolutely insist that you take Sergeant Jackson with you,” Ezra argued.

“So, what on earth happened? How were Vin and Ezra injured?” the younger Larabee asked, curiously.

For the next hour, the men took turns relating the story. Liam kept shaking his head. He was flabbergasted.

“Just another day at the office,” J.D. stated, proudly.

Nathan joined the group after lunch, reporting that Vin was sleeping soundly. Jackson also informed his companions that Ezra’s arm needed physio and that he wanted to keep a close eye on Vin’s recovery.

“Everything’s okay?” Chris clarified.

“Yeah, but Vin’s still very weak. I know it’s to be expected, but I have to say it feels wrong - not medically,” Nathan added, quickly. “This is Vin. Hell, I’ve seen him spring back from bullet wounds in days, but this is different. I need to be here.”


At six thirty, Chris announced it was time for the men to return to DC. The boys all went upstairs to wish Vin goodbye and then headed out to the plane.

Liam paced on the landing outside Tanner’s room. His brother had gone in but had yet to come out. They still hadn’t discussed the missile!


“I’m told you tried to talk Nathan into leaving,” Chris commented, sitting down on the side of the bed.

“If he’s here, he’ll insist on cooking,” Vin chuckled, stifling a yawn. “Didn’t have much luck, though. Looks like I’m stuck with him and his crappy food.”

“Yep. Keep the place locked. I don’t expect any trouble but there‘s no sense taking any chances.”

“I don’t think the ninja will bother. They‘re after the sword and we don‘t have it.”

“Ninja? Oh, yeah. Them too,” Chris agreed.

“Them too? You expectin’ trouble from elsewhere? If you mean bounty hunters...” Vin could tell by his best friend’s face that wasn’t the issue. “Chris?”

“Liam believes there may be some people looking for him.”

“Keep talking.”

“I can deal with it.”

“You ain’t gonna be here. Ezra, Nathan and I are. I want to know what’s going on,” Tanner demanded.

Chris sighed. “Liam made a deal in prison for some people to ‘protect’ him. They want payment now.”

“How much?” Vin asked.

“A Shepherd 25 missile.”

Vin frowned.

“They targeted him because of me.” Chris’ voice was laced with responsibility and guilt.

Vin couldn’t quite understand why. This wasn’t his best friend’s fault. “You got a line on who they are?” Tanner asked.

“Not yet. I’ve got J.D. working on it. The problem is, Liam’s scared.”

“I’ll keep an eye on him.”

Chris smiled. He was grateful, but doubted Vin was in any condition to be protecting anyone. As Nathan had stated at the hospital, this time Vin wasn’t going to recover as quickly as he had after the few minor injuries he had suffered since he had been returned to his team. Nathan predicted it would be a full week before Tanner would find himself strong enough to get out of bed. The fact that walking to bathroom still left him fatigued was a telling sign the doctor wasn’t exaggerating. Vin’s body required time to recover from the trauma to his brain. Nathan hadn’t said anything, but the colonel knew it had been touch and go for a while. Vin was lucky to be alive.

“I want you to take it easy. I’m looking into Liam’s problem. Like I said, he’s scared. He just needs some reassurance.”

Tanner nodded, his brow creasing with thought. “He really doesn’t think that you could hand over a Shepherd Missile?”

Chris shrugged. “He doesn’t even know what it is. I’m going out to talk to him now.” Chris reached out and patted Vin’s arm as he rose to his feet. “If you feel ill, your head starts aching or anything, you tell Nathan immediately.”

“I’ll be fine, Chris.”

“The phone’s there if you need it.”

“Yep. Keep us informed of what’s going on. Ezra’s pretty desperate for everything to be sorted out.”

“Will do. I‘ll probably come out and stay each night, anyway.”

Vin shook his head but knew that talking his friend out it would be impossible. Then again, if Chris had just come out of a coma, Vin knew he would have insisted on doing the same thing.

Chris offered his hand. Vin’s snapped along his forearm. They held the silent bond for several seconds and then Chris left the room.


Liam spun around when Chris stepped out onto the landing and shut the door. Larabee raised his hand before his brother spoke. “Not here.”

Liam nodded and followed his brother down the stairs into the lounge room. Standish glanced up from the book he was reading. He was still stretched out on the couch under a blanket.

“Ezra, you call if you or Vin need anything, ” Chris ordered, shaking his friend’s hand.

“Rest assured I will. And don’t worry. Dr Jackson gave me a full fifteen minute lecture on taking it easy. He‘s staying anyway. I am already in mourning for my stomach.”

Chris winked. “Take it easy.”

“I intend to. Oh, Chris. Let me know the moment you find out anything about Le.”

“Will do. And Ezra, you saved his life. Thank you.”

“He saved mine as well. I think we‘re even.”

“Fair enough. Where‘s Nathan?”

“He went to see you boys off.”

Chris strode from the room with his brother on his heels. The pair entered the kitchen, Liam pulling the door closed.

“Chris? Can you get the missile? They gave me a week deadline and...”

“Relax. I’ve got J.D. working on it.”

“On finding a missile?” Liam pressed.

Chris patted his brother’s shoulder. “I’ll call as soon as I have some news.”

“Thanks, Chris. Thanks. How long?”

“Give me two more days.”

“We’ll be cutting it fine.”

“If they ring again, give the phone to Ezra and let him deal with it,” Chris ordered.

“You told him, too!”

“Relax. These are my men. They’ll die before betraying my trust.”

Liam nodded, a little apprehensively. “You haven’t told Buck, have you?”

“Of course I’ve told, Buck,” Chris snapped. Again, he felt in the middle. Why was that? Why was it he was always defending one against the other? “Keep the doors locked and listen to what Ezra and Nathan have to say. If anything happens, do exactly what they say.”

“I thought Tanner was your second in command?”

“Vin only came out of a coma three days ago. Ezra and Nathan will take advice from him, but at the moment, Vin is relieved of his leadership role.” Chris lowered his voice. He decided that perhaps Liam needed to hear he was needed. “Liam, Vin will make out he’s fine. He’s not. I need your help.”


“If he gets out of that bed in the next five days, I want to be informed of it. The other two will try to cover for him. I want you to ring me.”

“You want me to spy for you?“ Liam asked, grinning.

“Something like that. I just want to make sure he’s okay.“

“You two are close.”

“Yeah, we are. He’s saved my life more times than I care to remember. Two weeks ago, he took a bullet in the leg and still dragged me out of a jungle with rebels dogging us. Just one of many times he’s risked his life to save mine.”

“Sounds like he’s a brave man.”

Chris shrugged. “He’s a mate. That’s what mates do. Look, I’ve got to go. Listen to Ezra and Nathan and don‘t worry. It’ll be alright. You have my word.”


The next morning, Buck, J.D., Chris and Josiah arrived in the parking garage at the same time. As they stepped into the elevator, J.D. announced he had a joke to tell.

Buck placed his hand over J.D.’s mouth. “It’s alright, boys. I’ve got it covered this time.”

J.D. shoved Buck away. “No, this is a really, really good one.”

“Like the one about the dog getting shot in the paw?” Buck inquired, rolling his eyes.

“That was funny. You fellas just don’t have a sense of humour,” J.D. insisted. “Why isn’t there...” The boy started giggling and the rest of the sentence was incomprehensible.

“What?” Buck asked.

“Why isn’t there any...” Again, mirth stole J.D.’s words. Josiah and Chris exchanged a grin. J.D. drew in a deep breath. “Why isn’t there any Panadol in the jungle?”

Buck shrugged.

“Because the parrots eat ‘em all!” J.D. erupted with laughter. “Don’t you get it? The paracetamol. The parrots eat them all!”

Chris, Buck and Josiah glanced at each other.

“Oh, come on! That’s funny!” J.D. insisted. “You know. All the advertisements say how Panadol is made with paracetamol. The... parrots... eat... them... all! Get it?” J.D. was laughing so hard there were tears streaming down his face.

“We get it, son. It’s just not particularly funny,” Josiah explained.

“Not funny!” The elevator doors opened. There was movement from Larabee’s office. Buck, Josiah and J.D. drew weapons. Chris stepped into the room at the same time as Mary stepped out of his office. The woman’s eyes enlarged when she saw the revolvers. Quickly, the men replaced the weapons.

“Sorry, Ma’am.”

“I arrived a few minutes ago.”

Chris crossed the room and followed Mary back into his office. “How can we help you?” he asked.

“How are they?”

“Vin and Ezra? Ezra’s arm’s broken and he’s pretty well bruised from head to toe. He reckons he fell about fifteen feet. He’s damn lucky he didn’t break every bone in his body. Mostly he’s just sore.”

“And Vin?” Mary asked as Chris pulled her chair for her to sit.

Larabee moved to his own seat and sat down, his brow furrowing. “He’s okay. It’s taken a lot out of him. Nathan says it’s more than just this one incident. Since he’s got his memory back it’s been one huge roller coaster ride. Had the experts had their way when he first started getting his memory back he would have spent the last eight weeks in hospital. Instead, I’ve dragged him all over the place and placed him in the path of bullets.”

“Dragged? I doubt there was very much protesting on his part,” Mary pointed out with a smile.

“No, but still. Anyway, he’s confined to bed for at least the next week.”

“But he’s okay. That’s good news.” Chris eyed the woman curiously. Mary smiled again.

“What do you want, Mrs. Travis?”

“Want? Who said I wanted anything? Well, now that you ask, I want to know what happened in South America.”

“No.” Larabee was smiling.

“Alright, then I want the exclusive on the awards.”

Chris shrugged. “Awards?”

“The awards!” Mary exclaimed. His face showed he had no idea of what she was talking about. “You and Vin have been nominated for valour awards as a result of your mission in South America.”

“Oh,” Chris dismissed without interest.

“Is that all you can say?! Chris, it’s a great honour!”

“We were just doing our job,” Larabee murmured, switching on his computer.

Mary shook her head. She had to admit, she wasn’t especially surprised by Larabee’s reaction, or lack of it. “Aren’t you even curious who nominated you, considering the mission was top secret?”

Chris glanced at the woman, thoughtfully. He hadn’t considered that.

Mary flashed him a wide smile. “It was a three-way joint nomination.”

“Oh,” Chris murmured, guessing who the nominators were.

“Chris, if this isn’t a big story then I don’t know what is. The Prime Minister of Australia, the Prime Minister of New Zealand and the President of the United States have nominated the two of you! What the hell happened in South America?!”

Larabee had returned his attention to his e-mail.

“Come on, Colonel?” Mary waited. “Okay, let me tell you what I think happened. Somehow, you and the boys rescued those three world leaders?” She waited for some sort of response. She got none. “Okay, but the moment it gets out that you and Vin have been nominated by the Prime Ministers of Australia and New Zealand, and the President, questions are going to be asked.

“Answers won’t be given,” Chris stated, smirking.

“You and Vin stayed behind to ensure the three of them escaped,” Mary accused.

“Actually, Vin and I stayed behind to ensure our team got out.”

“You’re exasperating, Chris Larabee.”

Larabee winked. “Thanks for helping the night we were searching for Vin and Ezra.”

“No problem. Don’t forget Billy’s athletics day.”

“It’s in my calendar.”


The next four days passed without Vin’s notice. He continued to sleep through both the days and the nights. Ezra’s battered body improved and the boys continued to piece together the puzzle that had left Ezra labeled a murderer and terrorist.

Liam was unimpressed with his brother. Chris continued to ask for more time to ’deal with everything’. Thankfully the younger Larabee had been able to convince those wanting the weapon that he needed another week. They agreed but promised bodily harm if Liam didn’t come through in seven days.


Nathan reached for Vin’s brow. His patient was a little warm again. The doctor crossed the room and opened the window. He’d closed it an hour earlier because Vin had been cool. Another person would have had to stay in hospital for some time - perhaps even weeks. Vin was fortunate that he could return home because his doctor was prepared to live in. That didn’t mean Tanner’s condition was any less serious.

Quietly, Jackson made his way across the room.

“Everythin’ okay?” Vin asked, blinking sleep from his eyes.

Nathan paused and smiled. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you. Yeah, all’s well.”


“Must be starting to feel better. He’s complaining about every little thing. Actually, I think he‘s getting restless. Wants to return to work. He rang Chris and suggested he lead the boys out to Swallow Pass to look for Le.”

“No sense. The ninja’ll be gone by now.”

“Yep, but Ezra’s all worked up.”

“I don’t blame him. He’s been carrying this on his shoulders for a long time. This fella Le is responsible for changing Ezra’s life. I reckon if he’d done that to me, I’d want to get my hands on him as soon as possible,” Vin stated, shutting his eyes.

“I know.”

“What day is it?” Tanner inquired.


“Thursday? Hell, how long have I been lying in this bed?”

“Not long enough,” Nathan insisted.

Tanner snorted and closed his eyes again. “How’s Chris’ brother?”

Nathan’s brow furrowed thoughtfully. “I think I’d like a paternity test done to prove they’re brothers.”

Vin grinned, but his eyes remained closed. “Yeah, I know what you mean. Did Chris tell you Liam’s being blackmailed?” It was the third time in the last couple of days that Vin had asked. The concussion he had sustained was causing temporary memory loss at times. That wasn’t out of the ordinary following head trauma.

“Yeah. A 25 missile. He’s got to be kidding.”

Vin drew in a deep breath and mumbled something as sleep drew him.

Nathan smiled. “Yep, Vin.”


Chris exited his office after lunch and asked for reports from his men. Josiah had been investigating Yang Le’s background. The only thing he had discovered after four days was that Yang Le had only existed for the past seven years. Before that, there was no record of the man. Buck had spent the past two days talking to the lawyer who had defended Ezra.

“He begged Ezra to change his story concerning Le. Apparently, if Ezra had withdrawn his statement that he’d seen Le at the building the day of the exchange, his lawyer believes the jury may have ruled in his favour, but Ezra insisted that Le was there and he refused to say any different.”

“Sounds like Ezra,” Josiah agreed.

“J.D.?” Chris prompted.

Dunne shook his head. He felt frustrated. “Chris, I’ve looked at the video and I’ve looked at it, and I’ve looked at it. I’m starting to see things that aren’t there. The only thing I can think of is that they took their own video camera to the function centre and filmed Yang Le there. My other theory crashed and burned ages ago.”

“And that was?”

“That we only have Ezra’s word for the timeline.”

Larabee pulled a chair out and sat down across from the young agent. “Go on.”

“It doesn’t go anywhere.”

“I want to know.”

J.D. shrugged. “Once you’re unconscious, you have no concept of time. I mean, when I woke up in South America, the boys said it had been a few hours. It could have been days. I didn’t have any idea. I just believed what they told me.”

“Go on,” Chris prompted.

“We know for certain the time of the exchange and we know for certain the time Ezra was found in the alley. Ezra said that when he woke up in the hospital he told them about Le and when they rang, Le was across the country. I was just thinking that maybe Ezra had been unconscious long enough for Le to get there.”

“It’s a good theory,” Chris agreed.

“Only problem is, the time on the bottom of the security tape is the exact time Ezra was found in the alley.”

“We’ve been told that this tape came from the security camera at the convention in Los Angeles, which is across the country. Let’s assume it was filmed there. Le was there, but as J.D. said, not at the time of the exchange. Maybe later that night. The tape wasn’t filmed using the security camera but a hand held. They could have set the time to suit before they started filming and then swapped it for the real tape,” Josiah mused.

J.D. nodded. “Yeah, but there’s no way for us to prove that.”

“But it’s possible,” Chris agreed. “If Yang Le did make the trip to Los Angeles after the exchange, he had to fly. J.D. check passenger records for that period. Look for an Asian name and then ring them to confirm they were on the flight.”

“Yes, Sir.”


Evening descended on Four Corners. Larabee arrived via helicopter as he had done for the past four nights.

“You missed dinner,” Ezra pointed out, unhappily as Chris entered the house. “It was a stew-like substance tasting of dirty socks.”

“How are you feeling?”

“Better,” Ezra stated. He was sitting at the table reading the paper. The sling was gone but his arm was still in the cast. “Moving around is somewhat uncomfortable, but I admit that if I have to sit around here another day, I do believe I’ll go out of my mind.”

Chris smiled. “Where are the others?”

“Nathan is trying to convince Vin that the stew is not made from dirty socks and your brother went riding some hours ago.”

Chris frowned.

“Relax, Colonel. He has my cell phone. He, too, was going a little stir crazy at having to be confined here.”

Larabee took out his phone and dialed Ezra’s number.

“Sorry, Ezra’s not here. Can I take a message?”

“Hi, Liam. Where the hell are you?”

“Hey, big brother! I’m riding. Took Buck’s horse. Nathan said it was one of the quieter ones. The country side is beautiful. I’m not far from home. Should be back in half an hour. Can’t wait to sit and talk to you. Oh, and you were right about Nathan’s cooking. Good Lord!”

Chris smiled. “See you soon.” Larabee replaced the phone and headed up the stairs. As he moved along the landing he picked up Nathan’s voice.

“You’ve got to eat!”

“I ain‘t hungry.”

Larabee stepped into the room. Vin smiled, genuinely pleased to see his best friend. “Hey, Cowboy. Have you eaten? You can have my stew.”

Chris walked across the room and nodded to Nathan.

“He’s eaten practically nothing since we left the hospital,” Jackson told his leader.

“I ain’t hungry. Hell, all I’ve done is sleep. Ain’t using enough energy to get hungry.”

“You still have to eat,” the doctor insisted, moving toward the door. “If you haven’t started to eat by tomorrow, I’m putting you on a drip.“ Larabee and Jackson’s eyes met. Chris nodded as Nathan left the room. Larabee would make sure Tanner ate something.

“How are you feeling?” Chris asked, sitting down in the chair.

Vin shrugged. He was propped up against some pillows. His face was still pale and his eyes revealed fatigue. “Okay. Can’t stop sleepin’.”

Chris picked up the stew from the side table. His nose wrinkled with distaste at the unappetizing aroma, but he passed it to Vin. “You need to eat something.”

“I’d prefer to eat shit.”

“Then you’re in luck. That smells close enough,” Chris chuckled.

Vin picked up the spoon. “How did things go today?”

“We’ve got lots of theories, no evidence. I brought some files and the video evidence out for Ezra to go though. Maybe a new set of eyes will see something we’re missing.”

“Any luck finding the people blackmailing your brother?”

“No.” Chris frowned. “The jail is full of men who could be doing it. It’s a matter of working through them.”

“Mrs Travis still hunting for an exclusive?” Vin asked, swallowing some of the stew.

Chris smiled. “Hey, that reminds me. We’ve been nominated for valour medals.”

“Oh, yeah.” Vin’s indifferent reaction was identical to his best friend’s.

“Apparently, the three leaders nominated us. Seems they’re grateful we stayed behind to ensure their safe escape. I got a letter from the President.”

“No one told them that the reason we stayed was to make sure our unit got out, huh?”

Again, Chris smiled. “You’re a dreadful colour.”

“So what the hell are you smiling about? I tell you, the reason I look so sick is this shit I have to eat. Would you tip it down the toilet for me and then tell Nathan I ate it?”

“I’ll go down and make you something. Chicken soup okay?”

“Chicken shit would be okay compared to this.”

Larabee rose to his feet and took the bowl from his friend. “The truth. How are you feeling?”

Vin sighed and leaned back against his pillow. “Can’t stay awake and when I am awake, I feel tired. I guess I’m okay. Trouble is, all of this sleeping... lots of memories coming back,” Vin whispered.

Chris nodded. “I’ll be back in a minute and you can unload a bit.”

“Something else not to look forward to,” Vin complained, though his eyes flashed gratitude.


By the time Liam returned, Chris had disappeared to Vin’s bedroom where the sharpshooter was sharing some of his memories. When the younger Larabee started to climb the stairs, Nathan stopped him.

“Chris said he’d be down to talk to you later. He and Vin are debriefing.”

“What the hell is that supposed to mean?” Liam asked impatiently.

Ezra looked up from his paper. He wasn’t impressed with the tone of voice Liam was using to Nathan.

“What Sergeant Jackson is trying to communicate is that the Colonel and Lieutenant are discussing sensitive military matters.” Chris had told Ezra and Nathan he didn’t want to be disturbed because Vin needed to unload some memories, but Liam Larabee didn’t need to know that. “Matters that are urgent. He asked Sergeant Jackson to relay that message to you and said that you would understand.”

Liam let fly with some foul language and disappeared into the kitchen.

“A most disagreeable man.”


It was a good two hours before Chris emerged from Vin’s room. Nathan and Ezra waited patiently as he came downstairs.

“I got him to eat the chicken soup.” Chris sat down and shook his head. “His memories are flooding back at the moment.”

“That’s compounding his tiredness after coming out of the coma,” Nathan explained. “His brain is doing far too much, but there’s nothing I can do to stop it. Our trip to South American triggered them.”

“I know. I should have realized. I never should have taken him.”

“We couldn’t have gone without him,” Nathan pointed out.

“Perhaps. Where’s Liam?”

“Out on the veranda.” Chris rose to his feet and yawned.

“Colonel, you can’t keep this up. You need to get some rest. You can‘t keep flying back and forwards.”

“I need to check on things for myself.”

“There’s no need. Sergeant Jackson is a most able physician. Lieutenant Tanner is in good hands.”

“Unfortunately, Chris can get him to speak about what’s on his mind. I can’t,” Nathan admitted.

“It’s okay. I’m heading to bed in a few minutes. I’ll fly out about 7:00 am in the morning as usual.” Chris glanced at his watch. It was already late. “I need to go and talk to Liam.”

Chris walked out to the patio and spotting his brother, joined him on one of the bench seats. “Hi.”

Liam nodded. He had been stewing in silence. Chris had been at Four Corners for hours but hadn’t even bothered to come and see him. It had been the same almost every night. His brother walked through the door, said hello and then disappeared into Tanner’s bedroom.

“I’m sorry I took so long with Vin.”

“Yeah, the others told me. Urgent military matters.”

Chris sighed and stared out into the darkness of the night. It didn’t matter what he did, he could never seem to please Liam. “Are you okay?”

Liam dropped his head and focused on his bare feet. “Okay? Interesting question. I’ve got some bastards threatening to kill me if I can’t get them some missile I know nothing about. I’ve got a brother who can get the missile, but is preoccupied with ‘urgent military matters’. No, I guess I’m not okay.”

“Liam, I’ve given you my word, I’m going to deal with this for you. It‘s just going to take some time.”

The younger man lifted his head. “Yeah, I know, Chris. I’m just a bit... I don’t know.” There was silence for several seconds.

“What are your plans after all of this?” Chris asked.

Liam shrugged. “Leave the state. Try and find work.”

“You need more than that, Liam.”

“Like what, Chris? Plan to have a family and home. I don‘t think so.”

“You always wanted to be an ambulance man.”

Liam snorted. “The stupid dream of an innocent man.” He sounded so bitter.

“You can make it a reality.”

“Chris, I don’t know if you’re aware of this, but jobs for ex-cons are few and far between.”

“Your past isn’t anyone’s business but your own.”

“The past of innocent people isn‘t anyone‘s business but theirs. An ex-con, on the other hand, his past is everyone‘s business.”

“Liam, you’ve got to set yourself a goal. You can’t just wander through life. I’ll help you get started, but you have to tell me where you want to head.” Chris was so desperate to help his brother. He had seen Liam’s mood deteriorate over the last few days.

Liam glanced at Chris. “I want to get to know you, again.”

Chris placed his hand on his brother’s arm. “I haven’t changed.”

“I have.”

Chris nodded.

“When the judge said five years, I kept waiting to wake up. I kept thinking it had to be a nightmare. I was wrong. The nightmare hadn’t even begun.” Liam lowered his voice. “Prison is like no place you’ve ever been. You have no rights. You have no power. You totally lose your independence. People who are stronger and bigger than you dictate your life. What I did agreeing to drive that car was stupid, but not malicious. I made a mistake. Mistakes should not be punished like that.”

“I know,” Chris whispered.

“I lost five years of my life. It wasn’t much of a life to begin with, but there’s no life in prison. Now, I just want all of this over. The sooner I can give them the missile, the sooner I can try and start again.”

“I want to help. Tell me what you need and I’ll do what I can.”

Liam glanced at Chris. “Thanks. First, I need that missile. Then, I’ll be able to look at the rest of my life.”

“I’m working on it.”

“I’ll never be able to repay you, Chris.”

“Since when did we need to start ‘repaying’ each other?”


Chris woke later than he had wanted. He didn’t arrive back at the office until almost nine o’clock.

“Colonel, Josiah received a phone call from the FBI bomb squad. They’ve got one in a police building. He’s gone down to give them some advice. Apparently, it isn’t a normal device. Josiah used some technical jargon to explain as he rushed out of here. His phone’s off. He’ll call as soon as he can.”

Larabee nodded. “Buck, leave Ezra’s case for a while. I want you to look into who may be after a Shepherd 25 missile.”

Wilmington nodded. “Okay.”

“Where’s J.D.?”

“Trying to find Professor Chen. Godfrey’s dead so there may be a chance the other professor could be in danger if the ninja decide to look for more information. J.D.’s gone to warn him. How are the others?”

“Ezra’s unimpressed with the food choices,” Chris chuckled.


“Dogged with memories. They aren’t helping.”

“Oh. And Liam?”

“Confused and scared. The sooner we can deal with his mess, the sooner he can start living his life again.” With that, Chris disappeared into his office.

Buck frowned deeply. He didn’t trust Liam Larabee. He didn’t trust him at all.

Part Twenty-Two

“Good afternoon,” Ezra greeted as Vin appeared on the landing. It was the first time the sharpshooter had been out of bed since being rescued a week earlier.


“Can I get you something?”

“Nope. Just stretchin’ my legs.”

Tanner walked along the balcony very, very slowly. Ezra rose to his feet. “You aren’t going to attempt the stairs, are you?” In Vin’s weakened condition, Ezra feared his friend might fall.

“No. Just gonna walk around out here for a bit. Where’s Nathan?”

“He had to leave. Chris has collected together the coroner's reports on Red Sun, Yang Le, Wardell and Professor Godfrey. He wanted Nathan to go through them with the state coroner. Dr. Jackson didn’t believe he’d be long. He should be back in time to cook our dinner. I have been given the onerous task of ensuring you stay warm enough, cool enough, eat enough, drink enough and sleep enough.”

Vin grinned. “So we have to get our own lunch?”

“I have already examined the kitchen cupboards and I’ve decided on spaghetti bolognaise.”

“That sounds real good.” Vin made it to the end of the landing and turned around.

Ezra was a little taken back. Tanner looked very frail - more frail than he had expected. “Did Nathan mention your need for exercise?”

“My ass has gone to sleep lying in that bed. Hell, I’ve been in bed for a week!”

Ezra smiled. “Do you like cheese with your bolognaise?”

“You can’t have spaghetti bolognaise without cheese,” Vin insisted.

“My sentiments exactly. I was...” The telephone in the hall interrupted the conversation. Ezra disappeared to answer it.

Vin continued to walk along the landing. His body was aching from the inactivity. The bandage around his head had been replaced by a piece of tape. This provided an uninhibited view of the severe bruising caused by the wound.

As Vin passed the guest room, he picked up a voice. Tanner ignored it until he heard the word, ‘missile’. Vin paused and stepped closer to the open room.

Liam was sitting on the bed with his back to Tanner, a cell phone pressed to his ear.

“No, I said a Shepherd 25 missile! Nothing else will do... I realize that. Look, I’ve got a line on one... Yeah, one... No, I don’t think I can get any more... Yeah he threatened me, too, but don’t worry. I’ll be able to fill the...”

Abruptly, Liam spun around. Instantly, he ended the call. Vin Tanner’s pale face hardened.

“Can I help you?” Liam asked. Vin just glared. “I don’t know how much you heard but it’s not what it sounded.”

Still Vin stood, his ice blue eyes boring into Liam. “You don’t sound too scared to me,” Vin growled.

Liam Larabee rose to his feet. “There isn’t a lot that scares me these days. Prison is hell. Anything else is better than that place.”

“Just what is it you think you’re gonna fill?” Vin demanded, in a hushed voice. “An order?”

Liam’s face changed. In that moment, he looked remarkably like his brother. “That isn’t any of your damn business.”

Vin’s right cheek twitched with rage. He couldn’t be sure what he had just overheard. He had his suspicions. His instincts told him that Liam was lying through his teeth to Chris.

Vin turned away.

“Tanner!” Liam called, rushing after him. Vin paused. “I... look. What you just heard was... well, it’s hard to explain. I know what it probably looks like, but...”

“And what do you think it looks like?” Vin growled.

Liam stared at lieutenant. He could see that nothing he was going to say would change Tanner’s mind. “It looks like my business. It’s between me and my brother.”

“You weren’t talking to Chris.”

“True. But this has nothing to do with you.”

Vin stepped forward. His words were soft and laced with venom. “Anything that has to do with Chris is my business. I ain’t Buck. I won’t step back because you’re Larabee’s brother. You even look like hurting him and you’ll have me to deal with.” Tanner turned and walked along the landing toward his bedroom.

Liam Larabee’s rage began to boil. He started after Tanner, but Ezra appeared below.

“Vin? Are you okay?” Standish called.

“Yeah,” Tanner answered as he disappeared into his room. Ezra glanced at Liam.

The other man shrugged. Standish climbed the stairs.

“Vin?” Ezra asked, entering his friend’s room. Tanner was seated on the side of the bed panting. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah. Just... yeah, I’m fine. When Chris comes out tonight, I want to speak to him straight away.”

“Okay,” Ezra agreed, still confused. He helped Vin to lay back.

“Ezra, keep an eye on Liam. A real close eye on him.”

Standish frowned. “Agreed.”

“I want my gun.”

“Your gun?!”


Ezra was startled, but went to the dresser and took it out. “On the side table?”


“Are you going to tell me what’s going on?”

“I get the feeling Liam’s using Chris to get that missile.”

“We already knew that, didn’t we?”

“I don’t think he’s just an innocent party.”

“I see.”


The Saloon was crowded with soldiers of all descriptions. Buck and Josiah were seated at the team’s regular table in the corner. Unfortunately, they were the only members of Em7 who could make it this evening. Nathan had returned to Four Corners to look after Vin and Ezra. Chris was in a meeting with Travis, but would be heading out to the ranch as soon as he could. That only left J.D. and the youth had a date with Casey.

“So, have you and Nathan agreed on something to invest in?” Buck asked, filling his mouth with some peanuts. The room was noisy around them and talking required raising their voices.

Josiah shook his head. “We’ve eliminated property. Nathan’s interested in shares, but I’m not comfortable. The share market isn’t all that stable at the moment.”

“Maybe you should speak to some sort of financial planner?”

“Probably,” Josiah agreed. Sanchez inclined his head to the entrance. A very forlorn looking J.D. had just entered.

“Hey, Kid,” Buck greeted as the younger man took a seat with his companions. “Thought you were going out with Casey.”

“Yeah, so did I. I went around there to pick her up and she went crazy on me. She said I never actually ‘asked’ her and that I couldn’t expect her to be at my beck and call. Hell, I rang her this afternoon and said I’d be around to pick her up at six thirty. I don’t know what she’s talking about.”

Buck and Josiah exchanged a glance. “You said you were going to pick her up. Did you actually ask her out?” Josiah asked.

“Huh? It’s the same thing, isn’t it?”

Buck and Josiah both shook their heads. “Nooooooooooo. Big mistake, son. A woman needs to be asked.”

“Asked? I said I’d come around and pick her up,” J.D. insisted, grabbing a handful of peanuts from the basket in front of Buck.

“You’re missing the point, Kid. Fellas just tell each other what they‘re doing and other fellas understand. But women, they’re a whole different species. They liked to be asked.”

J.D. rolled his eyes. Inez approached the group and smiled. “What will it be, Senors?”

“Well, hello there, Darlin’,” Buck greeted, beaming. Inez shook her head with mock disgust.

“Three beers, Inez.”

“The others are not coming in, tonight?” the pretty Mexican inquired.

“Afraid not.”

Inez frowned. “Lieutenant Tanner has not been home for some days.” She was trying not to look particularly interested, but the three men at the table all began to smile with amusement.

“Vin’s out at Four Corners,” Josiah stated. There was no need to give any more information. Vin could do so when he was ready.

“Ahh, your ranch. How is his leg?”

“Just fine,” Buck offered.

“He got shot in the head a week ago and was in a coma for...” Buck kicked J.D. under the table. “Oww! What the hell did you do that for?”

“A coma?!” Inez cried.

“He’s just fine now. He’s resting at the ranch and Dr. Jackson is keeping a close eye on him.”

Inez’s pretty face maintained the look of horror. “A coma?!”

“Now you just relax there, Inez. Ole Vin is just fine.”

“He’s right. Nathan wouldn‘t have allowed him to leave the hospital if he thought Vin was in any danger,” Josiah added.

“When will he return home?” the bar attendant asked, regaining her composure.

Buck shrugged. “Don’t really know. I suppose Nathan will probably keep him out there another week. Is there something wrong? Can I help?”

“No. I was just... No. That’s fine.” The young woman spun around sharply and returned to the bar.

Buck bounced his eyebrows at the other two men. “The fiery Mexican has fallen for our Texan.”


An hour later, Buck’s animal magnetism had attracted a young lady to the table. She was unnaturally blond with an unnaturally large bosom.

“Well, boys. You are just going to have to excuse Helen and I. We have other plans.” Buck bounced his eyebrows as he rose to his feet, Helen firmly attached to his body.

Helen smiled. “I enjoy spending time with older men. They’re so much more experienced.”

“OLDER MEN!” Buck cried. Helen withdrew and stared up at the incensed man startled. “OLDER MEN! I’m not that much older than you!”

“Calm down, Buck,” Josiah chuckled.

“And just how old do you think I am?” Buck demanded of the blond who was now backing away. “How old?”

“Sit down, Buck,” J.D. laughed. “You are older than her.”

“Older, yes. But not old enough to be considered an ‘older man.’” Wilmington was close to hyperventilating.

“Sit down, Brother. Age is relative. To a sixty year old, you’d be a younger man.”

“Yeah, but I’m not old enough to be an ‘older man’.” Buck stared after the retreating girl and shouted after her, “I’m not old enough to be an older man!!”


The moment Chris walked through the door at Four Corners he could tell something was wrong. Both Nathan and Ezra rose to their feet when he entered the room. There was dead silence for several seconds.

“What’s wrong?” Chris asked, warily. Jackson and Standish looked incredibly apprehensive.

“Ummm. Yes. You’re brother is upstairs packing. He says he’s leaving,” Ezra explained.

“Leaving?! Why?” Chris demanded.

“He didn’t really say.”

Chris strode across the room with long strides and climbed the stairs three at a time. Larabee walked straight into the guest bedroom. “What’s this about you leaving?”

Liam looked up from the bag he was packing. “I can‘t stay here, Chris.”

“Why the hell not?” the older man demanded.

“You might want to ask your friend Vin.”

“Vin?!” Chris was confused. “What’s he got to do with it?”

Liam paused. He swallowed. “Hell, I’m still trembling. I thought I had met the scariest bastards on the planet in prison. I was wrong. That Tanner is %^%$ crazy!“

“What are you talking about?“

“Out of the blue, he comes charging into my room and tells me I’ve an hour to leave or he’s going to make sure I spend the rest of my days in a wheelchair.”


“Scared the shit out of me. He said that he wasn’t prepared to stand by and watch me ‘use’ you. God knows what that means. He started yelling something about Buck may be able to stand back and allow me to ‘hurt’ you, but that he’d kill me before he let that happen.” Liam returned to his frantic packing. “He meant it. I could tell. God, I’m still shaking. Said he’d break my arms and legs. I thought he was going to kill me right then!”

Chris spun around and stormed down the landing. The rage he felt rose so sharply there was no place for conscious thought or contemplation of what he’d just been told. Nathan and Ezra glanced up.

“Oh, hell,” Nathan murmured.

Larabee burst into Vin’s bedroom, the door almost leaving its hinges. The bed was empty. Vin emerged from the bathroom looking surprised. “Chris?”

“WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU’RE DOING THREATENING MY BROTHER?!” Chris roared. He was beyond simple rage.

“What?” Vin asked startled, as he walked up to his friend.


“Slow down, Cowboy. I...”

Chris stepped closer so that he and Vin were only an inch apart. “How dare you! You threatened to break his arms and legs!” Larabee’s chest was heaving.

“Is that what I’m supposed to have said?” Vin asked, his own anger rising.

“Among other things - like he had an hour to get out of here!” Larabee’s face was white with fury. He was actually trembling.

“I didn’t say that,” Vin ground out.

“BULL!” Larabee roared.

Vin stared at Chris startled. His face clouded with alarm. In that split second, Larabee’s mind caught up with his mouth.

I ain’t ever lied to you before, Chris. You reckon I’m startin’ now? Vin’s eyes demanded.

Chris swallowed. Suddenly, he realized what he was doing. He was screaming at the top of his lungs at Vin. Vin who he trusted his life with. He was standing there accusing Vin of lying! Chris was stunned by his own actions. “I’m sorry.” There was no voice. Just air.

Tanner nodded and stepped around Larabee. “Yeah, so am I,” the younger man whispered, his voice cracking with emotion.

“Vin, wait. I...” Tanner paused, glanced at his best friend and then headed across to the bed. Chris circled around to stand in front of him. “Wait. I don’t know... look, I didn’t even think. I just reacted. God, what the hell was I thinking?!”

Vin shrugged, stepped around Chris and sat down on the edge of the bed. Chris shut his eyes. He had seen the deep surprise in Vin’s eyes. The shock and alarm. “God, Vin. I... I didn’t think. I’ve been trying to help and protect Liam all my life and when he said that...” Larabee turned and stared down at his best friend. His green eyes were filled with so much raw pain and guilt.

Vin drew in a deep breath and released it slowly. “Want my opinion?”

“No.” Chris knew he was going to get it anyway.

“You’re brother is old enough to stand on his own two feet. Won’t say anything more. He’s your kin, but I reckon if he cared about you half as much as you care about him, he wouldn’t be lyin’ to you. I overhead part of a conversation he was havin’ on the phone. He was talking about getting some missiles. When he realized I was listenin’, he ended the call. He told me it was between you and him and was none of my business. I told him that anything to do with you is my business and that if he looked like hurting you, he’d have to deal with me. Never mentioned any arm breaking. Never told him to leave.”

Chris was nodding. “Liam has a habit of exaggerating.” Larabee’s voice was hushed.

Tanner and Larabee stared at each other. “That’s not exaggerating, Chris. That’s just plain lying. If I’d threatened him I would have told him I’d shove my rifle up his ass or that I‘d beat him senseless. Would never have told him to leave. That‘s not up to me.”

Again Chris nodded. “I’m sorry. I... Shit.” Chris sank down into the chair beside the bed.

Vin studied his best friend’s agonized face. “Chris, he’s your kin. I reckon he owes you the truth about this missile. Like I said, I only heard part of the conversation. I have to tell you, it sounded to me like he was telling someone he was going to be able to fill their order.”

“Fill their order?” Chris cried.

“I might be wrong. I could have misinterpreted the conversation completely, but that’s what it sounded like.”

Chris shut his eyes.

“Are you okay?” Vin asked.

“Not really,” Chris murmured, staring at the ground. “I’ll go and speak to him and find out what’s going on. I... I’m sorry I came in here and accused you of... ” Chris couldn’t finish. He was appalled and horrified by what had happened.

“Hell, Larabee. The day you have to apologize to me for acting like an asshole is the day our friendship’s over,” Vin stated. “Besides, you’d spend your whole damn life apologizing if that was the case.”

Despite the mess his emotions were in, Chris found a smile. “Acting like an asshole. That’s pretty good description. Just so you know, I...“ Larabee shook his head with frustration and a certain amount of confusion. He couldn’t and wouldn’t ever contemplate doubting Vin’s word. The very thought of Vin lying to him was ludicrous. Larabee prayed Tanner knew that.

Sensing his best friend’s turmoil, Vin offered his arm. It was their own sacred bond; a pledge of loyalty, faith and trust. Chris’ arm snapped along Vin‘s. They held the grip firmly, their eyes sharing a message of strength and brotherhood. Vin’s head bobbed once. All was forgiven and forgotten - completely and totally. There was no need for apologies. There never would be.

“Thanks,” Chris whispered as the pair dropped their arms.

“You better go and talk to Liam. Oh, and if he accuses me of sayin’ anything else I haven’t said, I will shove my rifle up his ass.”

Chris nodded. It was Vin’s way of saying he was unimpressed with Liam. That, Chris could understand.


Josiah and J.D. exchanged a look and shook their heads with a certain amount of tired amusement. For almost a full hour Buck had been going on about not being old enough to be considered an ‘older’ man. He had truly worked himself into a state.

Wilmington held up his empty beer glass and peered at his reflection. “I mean, look at me. I don’t look old, do I? No, I don’t. I’m in my prime.”

“Buck, you need to calm down,” J.D. insisted.

“How old does a person have to be before they’re considered old? Josiah, how old?!”

“Lower your voice, Buck.“

“I’LL SPEAK AS LOUD AS I DAMN WELL PLEASE! Josiah, how old is a man before he’s old?“

“A person is only as old as they feel, brother,” Sanchez offered.

“That’s right!” Buck cried, stabbing a finger at Josiah. “And I don’t feel old.”

“I guess you aren’t old until things start to go wrong,” J.D. stated, hoping to calm his friend. “You know, liver spots.”

“And I haven’t got any liver spots, so I‘m not old!” Buck cried.


“And I haven’t got any wrinkles, so I’m not old!” Buck agreed.

“Grey hairs.”

“GREY HAIRS! A man isn’t old just because he finds a grey hair!” Buck exploded.

J.D. raised his hands, gesturing for calm. “Relax, Buck. You haven’t got grey hair.”

“Exactly, and the odd strand does not mean you’re getting old.”

“The odd strand? Have you got some grey hair?!” J.D. cried, his eyes enlarging.

“You say another word, boy and... Josiah?” Without warning, Sanchez rose to his feet and bellowed for silence. The room became quiet, apart from the television above the bar, which had captivated Josiah’s attention.

“... swords from around the world will be displayed,” the news reader stated. “There is even an ancient sword that was discovered in DC last century. The overseas part of the exhibit arrived from Japan today, but is yet to be unpacked, the curator of the DC museum told us, today. He said that some of the swords are invaluable, but that the showpiece will be the sword discovered by a pioneer right here in our own backyard. The ‘DC sword‘, which it has been named, has been kept in a vault for the last sixty years. It will be displayed for the first time as part of the exhibit. The display will be set up over the next few days and will be open to the public in two weeks’ time.”

Both Buck and J.D. rose to their feet.

“Are you thinking what I‘m thinking?” J.D. asked, his voice pitched high with excitement.

“Yep,” Josiah agreed, taking out his phone.


On the other side of DC, Yang Le switched off the television set and scooped up his phone.

“Mr. Henderson, I may have another lead on the sword that has come from left field. It‘s a long shot, but well worth investigating.”


Chris found Liam wandering around in the dark outside the house. The colonel really wasn’t sure what he was going to say.

The younger man looked up as his brother approached. Liam shook his head. “I take it you believe him?”

Chris stopped in front of his brother. “He told me what happened.”

“So he told you he threatened me?!”

“He told me what he said. He never asked you to leave.”

“It was pretty damn obvious that was what he wanted.”

Chris stared at his brother. In that moment, he realized that Liam truly didn’t understand the damage his exaggerations caused. “Liam, when you’re dealing with people, you have to tell things as they are.”

Liam rolled his eyes.

Chris raised his hand for calm. “Liam, Vin said that if you harmed me in any way, you’d have him to deal with. That’s not a threat. That was a statement of fact.”

“Yeah, right! You didn’t see his eyes!”

“I can imagine.”

“He wanted to tear me apart!”

“I don’t doubt that, but he didn’t and he didn’t actually threaten you or ask you to leave.”

The two men stared at each other. Finally, Liam lowered his face. “I’m sorry.”

Chris just stood, still unsure of what to say or do. He honestly didn’t know how to deal with Liam any more. There had been so many lies and half-truths. Chris had never felt he could truly trust his brother. He had always believed that that was the way of the world until he had met the boys and learned what true trust was.

“I learned the value of lies in prison, Chris. They protected me when nothing else could,” Liam whispered, emotionally.

Chris reached out his hand and placed it on his brother’s shoulder. “You have no need to be lying to me.” Without warning, Liam flung himself into Chris’ arms and began sobbing.

For several seconds, Chris didn’t move, startled by the action. Finally, Chris drew his arms up around his distressed brother. “It’s alright, Liam. Come on,” he encouraged, stepping back. “Let’s walk.”

“I didn’t mean to... I was just afraid. I was afraid he‘d throw me out. I have no where to go.”

“I understand. No one’s asking you to leave. You can stay here as long as you need to, but you need to understand there’s no place for lies between us.”

Liam nodded. “I’m sorry.”

“Tell me about the phone call.”

“Huh? Is that what got Tanner all hyped up? Hell, I didn’t realize. I phoned a friend. He’s also being blackmailed. They said they wanted money from him originally, but they’ve changed their minds. It seems they’ve found out we’re friends and now they’re asking him for a missile, too. Told him to get me to get one for him. I said I could only get the one.”

Chris was nodding. “Vin heard the discussion about missiles and it sounded like you wanted me to get a couple of them.”

Liam stopped walking. Chris turned to face him. “Chris, I don’t like doing this to you. I’d never ask you for...”

Larabee squeezed his brother’s shoulder. “I know that, but you need to realize that the men in my unit are soldiers. I don’t know what prison’s like, so I can’t comment. But I do know what it’s like to survive in the middle of a war. The others and I lived together for two years in the jungle. Each one of them has, at some stage, risked his life for me. Not because he had to, but because he chose to. We’re close. They will protect me at all costs - even from myself.”

“And from me?! Chris, I’m not any threat!”

“I know.” The two men began walking again. The moon was high in the sky and illuminating the entire area.

“This is Buck’s doing. He’s always hated me. He’s been filling their heads with lies.”

Chris shook his head. “Buck doesn’t hate you. He was the first to offer to come out here and protect you when he found out you were in trouble.”

Liam snorted. “Probably would have shot me himself.”

Chris smiled. “I know you and Buck don’t get along, but Buck...”

“Buck’s been jealous of me from the day we met. Well, not jealous of me, but jealous of the fact that I’m your brother and he isn’t.”

“Maybe you’re right, but you can depend on him. I’m sorry that this business with the missiles is taking a while. I’m hoping to have it sorted in the next two days.”

“That’s the deadline they gave me.”

“You haven’t told them where you are?” Chris asked.


“You haven’t actually rang them, have you?”

“No, they ring me on my cell phone.”

“Good, then you’re safe here. It‘s registered as a military training facility. There‘s no real link to my name.”

“Chris, I can’t stay here forever.”

“Just until I get this sorted out. Right now, you need to apologize to Vin.”


“Apologize,” Chris repeated, firmly. “He didn’t deserve the lies. Liam, you‘ve got to start living the truth. Lies have a habit of falling apart at the worst possible time. Make friends with Tanner and you‘ll have a friend for life. He‘ll stand between you and a bullet. I should know. He‘s done it for me more than once.”

Chris and Liam made their way back into the house. Nathan and Ezra looked up apprehensively. Both had heard the earlier argument. The colonel nodded once. Everything had been sorted out.

Tanner was sitting up on the side of the bed when the Larabee brothers entered his bedroom. Vin’s eyes settled on Chris.

Give him a chance, was the silent plea in his best friend’s eyes.

Liam walked forward. “Vin, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean for all of this to get out of hand. I thought that when you were so upset you may have asked me to leave and so... I lied to Chris. I felt I had to. I don’t have anywhere else to go. I really am sorry.” Liam offered his hand.

Vin stared down at it. The seconds ticked by. Again, Tanner’s eyes flicked to Chris. Please, was the voiceless request.

Vin allowed his eyes to settle on Liam and then he accepted the handshake. Liam glanced at his brother. “I really am sorry, Chris.” With that, he turned and left the room, knowing that the other men would want to talk.

“I know crap when I come across it, Chris.” Vin murmured.

“You’re not making this any easier for me,” the older man whispered.

“Only tellin’ it as I see it.”

“Give him another chance. He’s scared and he acted like an asshole. I don’t think he understands the damage his lies do.”

Vin shrugged and then sighed deeply. His eyes closed and his body shuddered.

“Are you alright?” Chris asked, his voice rising sharply as he stepped forward and crouched in front of Vin.

“Yeah. Just tired.”

Chris took Vin’s shoulders and guided him back down onto the pillow. Larabee frowned. Vin was pale. The colonel had thought the sharpshooter’s colour had been starting to look better in the past two days, but that certainly wasn’t the case today. Chris placed his hand on his best friend’s brow.

“You’re warm.”

“Yeah. Nathan’s been havin’ trouble with my temperature. It’s okay. I’ve just been movin’ around too much today.” Vin hadn’t been able to settle after the confrontation with Liam, earlier. He’d been in and out of bed pacing.

Chris moved toward the door.

“Chris, it’s okay. I...”

“Nathan?” Larabee called, loudly.

Vin shut his eyes. “Great.”

Moments later, Tanner felt the familiar touch of his doctor’s hand on his brow.

“Damn,” Jackson muttered.

Vin opened his eyes. “It’s okay, doc. I know I’ve been doin’ a bit much today. Been walkin’ around the room waitin’ for Chris to come out.”

“We need to bring your temperature down. It’s time for a shower.”

Vin groaned. “Again?”

“Again. Come, on. Up,” Nathan ordered, helping Vin to his feet.

Vin flicked his eyes to Chris as he walked toward the bathroom. “Thanks a whole hell of a lot, Larabee.”

“Nathan?” Chris asked with concern.

Jackson paused. “The bottom line is, if I can’t get him to stabilize, I’m going to have to put him in hospital.” It was the last place Vin wanted to be, but Nathan was running out of options.

“What’s going on?”

“His returning memories are compounding his condition and hindering his recovery. He needs complete rest and that means he doesn’t need the added worry of your damn brother. Tell Liam to keep his distance.” There was a hint of anger in Nathan’s voice. Probably as a result of concern and frustration, but it was there and it was aimed at Liam.

As the doctor disappeared into the bathroom to assist his patient, Chris sank down onto the edge of the bed and cursed quietly. What the hell was he supposed to do?


The museum building loomed up in front of the men, ominous in the security light’s glow. Buck, Josiah and J.D. met Ezra and Chris at their command centre and then they had driven to the museum in Buck’s huge yellow van.

Josiah’s earlier phone call had sent Ezra’s into hysterics. As a result, Chris had flown him back to DC so he could join the others. It wasn’t really the sword itself that Ezra wanted. However, it was the sword that was the centre of the mystery. In essence, it was this legendary sword that had been responsible for his accusal as a terrorist, traitor and murderer. Standish needed to see it. Perhaps then, he may understand why everything had happened.

As the men climbed from the van, Ezra darted toward the door.

“Hang on, Ezra. The curator is coming to open up for us,” Josiah called after him.

“How did you manage that?” Chris asked, glancing at his watch. It was midnight.

Josiah simply grinned.

“Ezra?” J.D. called. “Where’d he go?”


“My own damn fault, doc. You told me to sleep and I didn’t,” Vin stated.

“Shut-up now and sleep,” Nathan chuckled. The doctor was seated in the chair beside Vin’s bed. The shower had brought Vin’s temperature down and since then, Tanner had returned to bed, but was restless. Both men were desperate to know what was going on at the museum.

“You really don’t have to spend the night sittin’ there. I’m fine,” Vin repeated.

“And where the hell did you get your medical degree from? Enough talking and go to sleep.”

“Not until you start actin’ sensibly. You can’t sit there all night,” Vin argued. The room was in darkness, apart from the glow from the hall light.

“Vin, I know this is hard for you to understand, but right now, you’re my patient, not my friend and not my leader. I never should have taken you out of the hospital. I made a mistake.” Nathan knew he had been too quick to bring his friend home. “Your body has been through a lot of trauma and needs time to recover. You need to be monitored constantly. I‘ve been too damn blasé about your recovery. Right now, I need to make sure your temperature has stabilized and I‘m not moving until I‘m satisfied that everything is as it should be.”

“Then put me back in hospital. Nurses get paid to stay up all night.”

Nathan patted his friend’s arm. “Wait until you get my bill. Now, for the last time, go to sleep. I don’t want to have to put you in hospital, but I won’t have an option unless you start helping yourself by resting and doing what I’m telling you.”

“Yeah, yeah. Okay, doc. Still say you don’t have to sit there,” Vin grumbled, closing his eyes. “I wonder if they’ve found the sword, yet?”

“Go to sleep.”

“Once Ezra has it, what then?”

“Go to sleep.”

“I guess we could use it to lure the ninja out.”

“Stop talking.”

“Finding the sword doesn’t really solve our problem.”

“Stop talking and go to sleep.”

“I mean, we still have to clear...”

“I’ll gag you if you don’t shut up!”


“’Sorry’, doesn’t help your recovery.”

“Okay, doc. I’m going to sleep.”

Silence filled the room. Nathan sighed and made himself more comfortable in the chair.

“You really don’t need to stay.”

“God, give me strength!”


Katana Shidosha listened to the phone call taking place between General Travis and Colonel Larabee. The ninja had bugged Travis’ home phone. It hadn‘t been difficult, where as bugging the office phone would have been impossible. “As soon as we locate Standish, we’re going in.”

The navy clad ninja pursed his lips thoughtfully.

The man beside him glanced at his leader. “We have no place to step in.”

“I’ll be the judge of that.”

“I don’t understand why we’re involved. If these soldiers...”

“I will make the decisions. Call our men together. Now.”


Part Twenty-Three

Chris and his men, circled the building, searching for Ezra. They found him standing near a back door.

“Ezra, what...”

Standish raised his hand for silence and then inclined his head. The door was ajar. The other men withdrew to the shadows where Ezra was standing.

“We’ve been beaten here,” J.D. muttered.

“Yes, but by who? The ninja?”

Ezra, who was staring at the door intently, growled softly, “Yang Le is mine.”

Chris stared at Standish. “We’ll take them together.”

“Should we call the boys in blue for back-up?”

“We‘ll assess the need when we get inside,” the colonel stated. “Check your weapons. We’re going in. Standish, can you handle this?” It wasn’t an inquiry about his health. Ezra was still recovering from his ordeal in Swallow Pass, but his Colonel’s question related to his emotional ability to come face to face with Yang Le.

“I have been ready for this for two years.”

Larabee studied his agent’s face. Ezra saw the look and realized what his leader was doing.

“I am in control, Sir. You can’t leave me out of this. Please.”


Nathan opened the refrigerator and took out a carton of milk. For the hundredth time, he glanced at his watch. By now, the boys should have arrived at the museum. A huge part of him wanted to be there.

Nathan poured himself a glass of milk. His reason for being at Four Corners was asleep and his temperature hadn’t risen, which was a relief. Hopefully, Nathan had Vin’s condition under control now.

As Nathan replaced the milk, Liam entered the room.


Nathan nodded.

“I couldn’t sleep. Have you heard from them?” Liam asked. He had overheard Ezra’s frantic discussion with Chris.

“No. Chris’ll call as soon as they know anything.”

“How’s Vin?”

Nathan stared at Liam before answering. “He should be in hospital.”

“But he doesn’t want to be. He’s a stubborn man. No wonder he and my brother get along.” It was an attempt to lighten the strained atmosphere in the kitchen. Liam knew Nathan didn’t like him. None of his brother’s companions did.

“Vin needs to rest.”

“Yeah, I know. Chris took a whole half an hour to ensure I understood that. I’m to leave him alone. He made that incredibly clear.” The younger Larabee wandered across to the fridge. “I never meant to upset Vin. Don’t really understand what his and Buck’s problem is. I can’t help having been born Chris’ brother.”

Nathan sat down at the table. “Is that what you think the problem is?” the doctor asked, curiously.

“Yep.” Liam grabbed an apple and joined Nathan at the table. “Buck hates me. It’s obvious Tanner does as well.”

“Buck I can’t comment on, but Vin doesn’t hate you. He just doesn’t trust you.”

“There’s a difference?” Liam demanded.

“Yeah, there is. If he hated you, he would have said so. Vin doesn‘t beat around the bush He says what he means. You always know where you stand with him.”

Liam stared at Nathan. “So, what have I done to make him distrust me?”

Nathan shrugged. “The business with the missile doesn’t ring true.”

“You don’t believe me either?”

“Let’s just say I think there’s more to this than what you’re telling us. I just hope you’ve told Chris the entire story. Half truths get men killed.”

Liam grinned. “Chris was right. You fellas really are soldiers through and through. Look, Nathan, I want this all to be over as much as you do. I don’t like having to stay here. I know I’m not wanted.”

Nathan stared at the man across from him who looked incredibly like his colonel. It was time to smooth things over - for Chris’ sake. “I’m sorry it appears that way. Right now, Ezra’s fighting to clear his name, Chris hasn’t been well and Vin’s recovering from head trauma. We’re busy and we haven’t been particularly welcoming. I’m sorry about that.” Nathan offered his hand. Liam accepted the offer of friendship, immediately.

“I understand.”

“Once things settle, you’ll find we’re decent fellas. Don’t take Vin’s suspicions to heart. Basically, Vin doesn’t trust anyone. He had a hell of a childhood and now, with the bounty on his head, he can’t afford to take people at face value.”

“Bounty?” Liam asked, curiously.

“Five million dollar contract.”

“Shit!” Liam’s eyes doubled in size. “What are you doing about it?”

“There isn’t anything we can do.” Nathan shook his head. It worried him. It worried all of them more than they let on. “Vin just has to live with it. He‘s always got the bounty in the back of his mind and he‘s gradually recalling his memories of the war. It isn‘t easy for him to deal with, but he does so without complaint.”

“Has anyone ever tried to kill him?”

“Yeah. He’s been lucky up until now. I hope that explains why he doesn‘t trust anyone easily.”

“Yeah,” Liam murmured. “I didn’t realize. Five million dollars. Someone really must want him dead.”


The museum was an old building. It had started its life as a grand hotel. At the time it had been built some three hundred years earlier, it had been ‘the’ place to stay. The walls and fixtures had been ornate and lavish. ninety years later, it had fallen on hard times and had been sold and converted into a factory. The building had been extended, the sections that were added, ugly in comparison to the beautiful edifice they engulfed.

After fifty years as a factory, it was again sold and made into a grain warehouse. Then, it was deserted for several years. When the owner died, he left the rat infested building to a nephew who immediately offered the eyesore to the museum. The museum had been looking for a larger premises. While no one was particularly happy about having to move to such a dilapidated place, the lease had run out on the building they were using and they’d had no choice.

A group of dedicated volunteers set to work cleaning up the place. As the layers of paint, dust and vandalism were stripped away, the museum trust found that the ugly, unsymmetrical building was actually a find in itself. The trust set to work restoring it room by room.

Some sixty years later, there was still much to do, but several of the rooms had been fully restored to their former brilliance. These now housed some of the museums most beautiful artifacts.

Chris led his men down the main hallway, which was clearly lit by security lamps. As the group passed the entrance to each room, Buck and Josiah leaped in to investigate. Each time, Ezra’s heart rate increased. There was a burning in his soul that he prayed would be quenched tonight.

Abruptly, Chris raised his hand for silence. The other men strained their ears. Ahead, they could hear the undefined sounds of movement. Quietly, Em7 inched forward. Immediately in front of them was the original ballroom. It was a huge room - almost half the size of a football field.

Larabee threw himself to the right, his back against the corridor wall. He’d just caught sight of a ninja through the doorway.

The other men followed their colonel’s lead. Chris made eye contact with Buck. Wilmington nodded. The two men moved forward. They hugged the wall of the hallway.

Ezra started to step forward. Josiah grabbed his arm and shook his head. Sanchez could feel that his companion was trembling. It wasn’t fear, the psychologist knew. This was raw emotion.

‘Are you okay?‘ he mouthed.

Ezra nodded, but his jaw was locked together and his eyes were distant.

Chris and Buck edged up to the open double doors and peered inside. There were display cases everywhere. To the far left was the sword display. The floor was littered with packing cases. Clearly, the museum was still setting up the display. Amongst the crates and display cabinets were about a dozen ninja. They were opening the cases and examining the various swords. Chris scanned the room for other entrances. There was another two. That was all he needed to know.

Quietly, the colonel and captain withdrew. Chris signaled his men to retreat. The group collected in one of the other rooms. Quickly, Chris outlined his plan. He had decided to call for backup. There were only a dozen ninja that they could see, but Larabee wasn’t prepared to take any chances. Ezra wasn’t pleased, but he said nothing.

“What if they make a run for it?” Josiah asked.

“Then we’ll have to take them. Ezra, are you still sure you can handle this?” Larabee checked.

“Yes, Sir.”

Chris flicked his eyes to Josiah. He was interested in the Sergeant’s opinion of Ezra’s state of mind at this point. Josiah’s experienced eyes were examining Ezra.

“I assure you all, I am fully in control. I admit, my heart feels like it is about to break through my chest, but I am in control of all of my faculties.“

Larabee waited. Josiah nodded. The Colonel divided his men into three groups. J.D. and Josiah were to cover one of the entrances, Ezra and Buck one of the others and Chris the one they had just left. “We don’t move in unless they look like running. Is that clear?”

“Yes, Sir.”


Nathan rose to his feet. “I have to go back upstairs.”

“I thought you said he was okay?” Liam asked.

Nathan shrugged. Unfounded guilt forced him to keep reflecting on the fact that Vin should still be in hospital and that a man who had just woken from an induced coma would be under constant observation. “I just need to keep an eye on him. For my own peace of mind.”

“Nathan, thanks. I appreciate the effort you’ve taken to make me feel more comfortable.”

Jackson smiled and then winked at the other man “You’re Chris’ brother. If I don’t treat you correctly, Larabee’ll beat me black and blue.” With that, Nathan left the room.

The smile on Liam’s face fell. Chris’ brother. He hated that. He had never been his own entity. He had always been ‘Chris Larabee’s’ brother. At school, at parties, everywhere he had ever gone in his life, people referred to him as the great Chris Larabee‘s brother! He wasn’t Liam Larabee. He was just Chris Larabee’s brother!


“Master! I think I’ve found it!!” There was a flurry of movement as the dozen ninja dropped what was in their hands and crowded around the caller.

The Master pushed into the centre.

Ezra reacted. He couldn’t and wouldn’t let them get away. That man was Yang Le and Ezra wanted him. He wanted him badly. If the ninja had found the sword they would disappear, maybe for good. Ezra wasn’t prepared to take the chance. He rushed into the room.

“Freeze!” The ninja spun around.

Buck stepped out into the room as did Chris, Josiah and J.D. They didn’t have a choice now.

“Ahhh. Standish. I wondered if we would see you again,” The Master snarled. Instantly, his men began to fan out.

That voice. Why hadn‘t he recognized it before? Ezra could feel a type of electricity building inside him. It was only a matter of time before it ignited. “It’s over, Yang Le.”

“So you’ve realized who I am?” There was a malicious and sarcastic smile on his face.

“Hand the sword over and you just may leave this room alive,” Ezra growled. It was taking every bit of his self-control not to rush forward and tear the man apart with his bare hands.

Yang Le laughed, putting the sword down on one of the display cases. “Your pop guns don’t frighten us. These are my finest warriors. Each is a master of martial arts.”

“They aren’t bullet proof, pajama boy,” Buck snarled as he, Chris, Josiah and J.D. stepped up to stand shoulder to shoulder with Ezra.

“You are outnumbered,” Yang Le pointed out. “By the time each of you pull the trigger once, my men will have killed you. Besides, we have hostages.”

Chris raised his hand to his men. The situation had just changed. “What hostages?”

“The curator, his wife and their baby. We intercepted them. One word from me and they die.”

Larabee studied the other man’s eyes. Le was serious. Chris couldn‘t take the chance it was the truth. “Alright. We’re backing out of here.”

“No!” Ezra cried.

“Standish, that’s my order.”

“We can take them!” Ezra insisted.

All at once, ninja poured into the room from every doorway. The men of Em7 formed a tight circle, their weapons raised. The tables had just turned for the worse - or had they? The ninja in the room weren’t reacting as one would expect at the arrival of reinforcements. The group that had just appeared were facing off against the ones who had been searching for the sword!

There was silence. Em7 remained quiet.

A last ninja entered the room. He was not dressed in black as the others were, but was in navy.

"Katana Shidosha !" Yang Le exclaimed.

"Neither you, nor the man you work for, have the right to the sword," the navy ninja stated, calmly. "Take your warriors and go."

"And I suppose you think you are the rightful inheritor of the sword, Katana Shidosha ," The Master growled, picking up the sword and holding it in front of himself. “I hold the Sword of Power. You must bow to me!”

"The sword is not something to be claimed. It is something that has to be earned." The men of Em7 were listening intently to the exchange. They were now forgotten by the ninja as the two leaders traded words. The other ninja were marking each other like panthers all waiting to strike.

"Ahh excuse me for interrupting," Buck called. "What on earth’s going on?"

"They already know too much. They will have to be eliminated," Yang Le stated. “The quest for the sword is for ninja only. No one else is allowed to know the secrets.“

Katana Shidosha glanced across at the five men. "This is not your fight, my friends. Leave now."

J.D. felt that piece of advice had a lot of sense to it. If they let these two groups fight it out, they could round up those that were still standing at the end.

"That's where you are wrong," Ezra growled. "This is our fight. No one is leaving here with the sword." Katana Shidosha eyed Standish carefully and then the slightest trace of a grin creased his lips.

"And don't you start throwing your knockout pellets,“ Buck warned. “The first man that looks like reaching into his pajamas gets a bullet in his ass.”

"Enough of this! The secret of the sword must be protected from all outsiders. They must die," Yang Le exploded. " And so, Katana Shidosha, must you!"

The words incited the attack. Katana Shidosha’s men were outnumbered but his warriors were more skilled.

“Protect the soldiers!“ Katana Shidosha ordered. Instantly, the navy ninja’s men placed themselves between Le’s ninja and Em7.

Larabee drew his men to one side. This wasn’t their fight. Almost immediately, the sound of police sirens filled the air.

The Master cursed and attempted to flee. He rushed toward the sword. Ezra shot after him. Standish launched himself and brought Yang Le to the ground. Le’s men turned, ready to go to his defence, but Larabee, Wilmington, Sanchez and Dunne darted forward and provided a human shield. The distraction was all that Katana Shidosha’s group needed. In seconds, Le’s men littered the ground. Em7 covered the fallen men with their revolvers.

Chris glanced at Katana Shidosha. The navy clad ninja collected his warriors together near one of the exits. However, they weren’t leaving. They were watching the battle between Standish and Le with some interest.

Ezra and Yang Le rolled over and over. Finally, they came apart, both men jumping to their feet. Le ripped his mask off. The valve inside Standish exploded as he stared at the face of the man who had occupied his nightmares for two long years. In that moment, all of the hate, pain... and rage burst free. With a roar, Ezra attacked. Le defended. He was a master, but today, he had met his equal. Ezra Standish was also a martial art’s expert. They were evenly matched, apart from Ezra’s fractured arm. However, the real difference lay in their motivation. Ezra was fighting to retrieve all that this man had taken from him.

“You bastard!”

“I did what I had to, Ezra.” They circled each other.

“You were supposed to be my friend!”

“I wanted you to think so.” Le attacked. Ezra countered. The two men rolled apart again.

“Chris?” Buck asked, nervously.

“Stay out of it,” Larabee ordered.

“How many people have you killed in the pursuit of this sword?!” Ezra cried.

Again, Le attacked. The pair exchanged blows. Ezra caught a kick on the side of his head. He fell. Le threw himself on top of the fallen man.

“Ezra?!” Buck cried. “I’ll take him for you!”

“NO!” Standish roared, flipping Le off him. The pair leapt to their feet again. The cut on the side of Ezra’s head was bleeding profusely.

“Ezra!” Buck insisted.

“Stand down, Captain,” Chris shouted at Buck. “This is his fight!”

Le smiled at Ezra. “You are better than I thought you would be. However, I have finished playing games.” He attacked. Ezra blocked and he blasted his fist into Le’s stomach, followed with a kick to the head and then a shoulder charge. Le collapsed to the ground. The battle was over. Yang Le lay at Ezra’s feet bloodied and battered.

Standish’s chest was heaving. He glared down at the beaten man. Josiah walked up to his companion and drew him back.

“GET UP!” Ezra snarled. “GET UP!“ As Le struggled to do so, Standish flung himself forward.

Josiah caught him and swung him away, encircling the smaller man with his huge tree trunk sized arms. “Easy, Ezra! Easy. You got him. You got him.”

Buck held his revolver on Le and shepherded him around to stand with his men. Those who were conscious were on their stomachs with their hands behind their heads. Buck roughly pushed Le to his knees.

The sound of booted feet running down the hall reached the ears of all.

Katana Shidosha signaled his warriors to retreat through the back door. The leader waited until his men were safely away before attempting his own escape. Just as he was about to exit the room, a dozen police rushed through the main door.

"There," one shouted, spotting Katana Shidosha. Several of the police raised their revolvers and took aim.

"No," Ezra screamed, breaking free of Josiah’s hold. He flung himself between the armed police and their target.

“Get out of the way!“ the leader of the squad barked.

Ezra glanced over his shoulder. His and the navy ninja's eyes met for the briefest moment. Katana Shidosha nodded his head once and then disappeared.

"What on earth did you do that for, Ezra? He's escaping!" J.D. cried, watching as the police gave chase.

"He saved our lives tonight," Standish murmured. “Someone took out those ninja at the monolith. I didn’t. It had to be Katana Shidosha and his men. I owed him for that, too.”

Chris listened to Ezra’s reasoning. Finally, he nodded his approval. The colonel turned to the remaining police and flashed his badge. “Cuff all of them and keep them covered with weapons. These men are responsible for murdering a number of security guards at the CIA Washington Headquarters. Question them about the curator. They may be holding him hostage somewhere.”

Buck took out a handkerchief and held it against the cut on Ezra’s head. “You’re going to need stitches, you crazy bastard. Where the hell did you learn all those ninja kicks and things?!”

“Colonel?” Josiah called. Sanchez had retrieved the sword Le had been brandishing.

Ezra pushed passed Buck and strode across to it, dazed. The injured agent stared down at the gold encrusted sword. Chris placed his hand on the emotional man’s shoulder. “That isn’t it,” Standish whispered.

“How can you be sure? That Katana Shidosha fella was trying to stop them from taking it.”

“Exactly, and making them believe it to be the one they sought would protect the real one.” Ezra turned, his green eyes settling on Le as he was handcuffed.

Larabee squeezed his shoulder. “You got him. It’s over, Ezra.”

Ezra drew in a deep shuddering breath. “Then why don’t I feel any better?” he whispered.


When Vin awoke, the sun was filtering in though the curtains. It was almost seven thirty. Nathan was sound asleep in the chair beside him. Tanner got up and made his way to the bathroom. When he returned, Nathan was awake.

“Have you heard from Chris?” Tanner asked, yawning. Despite the many hours sleep, he still felt tired.

“Yeah. They caught Yang Le.”

“What?! That’s great! What happened?”

“Chris didn’t say much. Just that they’d caught him and that they intended going down to the holding cell to question him. How do you feel?”

“Good. You look like hell. Why don’t you go and get a few hours sleep. I’m fine.”

Nathan studied Vin’s face and nodded. “I could do with an hour’s sleep. This chair isn’t the most comfortable. Do you want something to eat before I go?”

“Nope. I’m fine,” Vin assured his doctor as he got back into bed and picked up the cell phone.

“Who are you calling?”

“Chris. I want to know what’s going on.”

Nathan took the phone from Tanner. “Chris said he’d call if he had any news.”


“You need to rest. I don’t want you concerning yourself with what’s going on.”

“I’ve already concerned myself,” Vin snapped.

“Then unconcern yourself.”

“Hell, Nathan.”

Jackson smiled and left the room, placing the phone on the bedside table as he left. Vin glanced at it and grumbled under his breath. Abruptly, the phone sprang to life. Tanner grabbed it.


“Vin Tanner, what’s this about you having been in a coma?! Where are you, boy. I’ve rung every hospital in DC!”


“Are you alright? Where are you? Is Doctor Jackson with you? Do they know where you are? Are you supposed to be out of hospital? Were you in a coma? Well, answer me, boy!”

“I will if you’ll give me a chance, Nettie!”

“I’m waiting.”

“I’m fine. Just... just had a bit of trouble on a camping trip. I’m at Four Corners and Nathan’s here hounding me.”

“But you’re okay?”

“Yeah, outside of starving to death because Nathan can’t cook to save his life.”

“I heard that,” Nathan chuckled, entering the room.

“Is that Nathan? I want to speak to him.”

Vin grinned and passed the phone to the doctor.

“Hello, Ms Nettie. Yeah, he’s fine... A coma? Now who told you that? Inez?” Vin rolled his eyes. “I am pleased with his progress to this point... Come out here and stay to help look after him?” Vin began shaking his head vigorously. The smile on Nathan’s face broadened. “I think that’s a mighty fine idea. Oh, wait a minute. The guest bedroom is taken, Nettie. Chris’ brother is staying here... Oh, you’ll just have a mattress on the floor in Vin’s room?”

“No!” Vin cried.

“I don’t think that would work, Ma’am.” Nathan listened for some time, nodding every now and then. Vin struggled to hear what was being said. “You want to come out and made some lunch?” Vin began nodding. “That seems to have the patient’s approval. I’ll arrange for Buck to fly you out. Yes, Ma’am. I will.”

Nathan smiled and placed the phone on the side table. “She’ll be out for lunch and after making dinner will go home.”


“I didn’t think you wanted her to come out at all.”

“I don’t, but my stomach has other ideas!”


The interview room was small, white and sterile. Yang Le was seated at the single table across from two CIA interviewers. His cuts and bruises had been tended and bandaged by a doctor. His eyes flicked defiantly around the room.

Beside the interrogation cubicle was the observation booth. This was crowded with representatives from the CIA, FBI, SeCReTs and general local law enforcement. Chris and Ezra were crammed in there as well. All had a stake in knowing what Yang Le had to say.

Standish stared though the two-way glass. Le was refusing to answer any questions. The two interviewers were patient. Unfortunately, Ezra didn‘t share their patience.

Ezra glared at the seated man. He had never felt hatred like this. Were it not for the wall between them, Ezra knew he wouldn’t be able to control himself.

Bill Freeman drew in a deep breath. He had been trying to decide what to say. He hadn’t spoken to Standish since before his trial. The SeCReTs’ leader squeezed passed several other people and stopped beside his former agent. Quietly, he cleared his throat to gain Standish’s attention.

The Em7 agent glanced to his right.

For several seconds Freeman floundered, unable to find his voice. Finally, he thrust his hand forward and said awkwardly, “I owe you an apology.”

Ezra said nothing. His emotions were whizzing around inside him at a dizzying pace. His feelings toward Freeman were muddled.

The SeCReTs’ leader licked his lips. He had hoped this would be easier - he had known it wouldn‘t be. “I had to do what was right for the organization.”

“No, you didn’t,” Standish snarled. The words were said without true thought.

“Ezra, understand that I couldn’t do anything to help you. My hands were tied.”

“You abandoned me to save face. I provided the perfect scapegoat.” Ezra’s words were loud in the silent room.

Several of the occupants chose to leave. They shared Freeman’s guilt for they, too, had abandoned the talented agent at a time when he had needed the support of his brothers and sisters in arms.

Freeman licked his lips nervously, watching the mass exodus. ”Look, I know this is difficult for you to understand, but I did what I had to, to protect our network of agents. I had to shield the team.”

Ezra turned to face the other man. “Two years ago, I would have accepted that. Now,” Standish flicked his eyes to Chris briefly, “Now, I understand what real loyalty means. A team goes down together fighting. They don’t offer one as a sacrificial lamb! A team risks their lives and their freedom to remove you from a prison where you‘ve been left to be murdered! A TEAM never allows one of their own to face something on his own! You knew I was innocent!” Ezra’s rage was growing out of control and with it, the volume of his voice. “YOU LEFT ME TO FACE THAT TRIAL KNOWING I HAD BEEN FRAMED! YOU LEFT ME ON DEATH ROW, YOU BASTARD!!”

Larabee, who was the only other man remaining in the room, stepped between Standish and Freeman, his back to the SeCReTs’ leader. For several seconds, the colonel said nothing, waiting to ensure he had Ezra’s full attention. Finally, he stated in a hushed voice, “Let’s go and get a coffee.”

Ezra swallowed. As he stared into Chris’ excessively calm face, the anger he felt drained away. In Larabee he found strength the likes of which he’d never known in his life. Ezra had never truly been able to lean on anyone. His mother, while she loved him, had not been someone he could depend on when the chips were down. She had never been around. Chris would always be there when he needed him. It was more than that, though. Larabee would die before betraying him.

All of a sudden, Ezra felt very, very weary.

“Come on,” the colonel encouraged.

Standish nodded, turned and exited the room.

“Larabee,” Freeman called. “I... I need to make him understand why I did what I did.”

Without turning, Chris stated harshly, “Unfortunately, he already does.”


Chris arrived at Four Corners at 10:30 am. Nathan walked out to greet the lone man.

“How’s Vin?” Larabee shouted as the propeller blades slowed.

“Much better. Ezra?”

“Doing it hard. Josiah’s with him.” Larabee passed Nathan some files and grabbed more before the pair started walking toward the house.

“Chris, I’m sorry I snapped at you last night. I took out my frustrations on you and I had no call to. I made a mistake discharging Vin from hospital. I should have kept him there, but he’s okay,” Nathan added quickly when Chris stopped walking.

“Should you put him back in hospital?” Larabee’s green eyes showed worry and fatigue.

“I considered it, but he’s been good today. If his temperature starts to rise again, I’ll have to. I don’t expect it will. He simply did too much yesterday. I should have kept a closer eye on him.”

“Have you spoken to Liam?”

“Yeah. We had a bit of a talk last night.” Relief shadowed Chris’ face. “It’s not a lot of fun being stuck in the middle, is it pard?”

Larabee sighed. “The more I try to help Liam, the more he resents me and the more problems I seem to have with Buck and now, Vin. If I agree with either side, the other has a problem with it. Liam‘s the worst. I‘ve never been able to get him to straighten his life out.”

“Perhaps, in his mind, his life is straightened out,” Nathan offered.

“How the hell can you say that?!”

“Chris, you’ve met my family. You know I love them all dearly, but for a long time, they frustrated the hell out of me. They were always satisfied with less than they were worth - or at least, that’s what I felt. My brothers all have solid jobs, but not professions. I felt they had the brains to go further, they just had to work at it. Look at my youngest sister. She works with children and she’s really, really good at it. She’s a teacher’s aide, but for the life of me I couldn’t understand why she didn’t aim to become a teacher. The problem was, she was happy with what she had chosen. I was trying to impart my goals on her. They can’t be my goals. They have to belong to her.”

“So you’re saying that I can’t expect Liam to live his life the way I think is acceptable?”

Nathan smiled. “I’m not sure I’m in a position to be giving advice, Chris. But, yeah.”

Chris dropped his gaze to the ground. “I do love him, Nathan.”

Jackson placed his hand on his friend’s shoulder. He realized the statement was not for him, but for Chris himself. “But you feel guilty because you feel closer to Vin and Buck.”

Larabee’s face came up sharply. “I didn’t say that!”

“I did and it probably isn’t my place. Chris, these days, I feel closer to all of you than I do to my family. There are times when I feel guilty about that, but I can’t change how I feel. I don’t love my family any less; it’s just that you and the boys...” Nathan shrugged. “I guess what I’m saying is that I have two families. I love both. It’s just that the one that I chose for myself is the one I feel closer to because we share common goals.”

Larabee stared at Nathan. “Have you been taking lessons from the Preacher or something?”

Both men smiled, the tension easing. Chris found it easy to talk to Nathan.

“Let’s just say I had this conversation with Josiah about two years ago. He made me realize that I shared goals with one, blood with the other and that I loved them both.”

“You know, if Josiah ever wrote a book, it’d be a best seller,” Chris murmured as he and Nathan climbed the stairs. “Is Vin awake?”

“No, though the helicopter may have woken him. Liam went for a walk. He didn’t say where he was going.”


Chris climbed the stairs and peered into Vin’s room. Tanner was asleep. Larabee considered Nathan’s words. The doctor was correct. Vin was part of one of Chris’ families and Liam was a part of another. He did love them both.

As Chris withdrew, Vin stirred. “That you, Chris?”

“Yeah.” Larabee walked in and smiled. “You’re looking better.” There was real life about Vin’s eyes.

Vin sighed. “Can’t stay awake. Hey, what time is it?”


“Nettie’s coming out to make me lunch.” There was a certain element of triumph in Tanner’s voice.

Chris’ smile broadened. “Is that right?”

Vin bounced his eyebrows. “Hell of a lot better than Nathan. So, how’d things go? Nathan said you captured Yang Le.”

The smile on Chris’ face fell. “Yeah.”

“Problem?” Vin asked, drawing himself up and leaning against the wall.

“He says his death was staged by Wardell to protect him from Ezra. According to him, Wardell stumbled across a communication between Ezra and some assassins he was hiring to kill Le.”

“That’s bullshit!”

“Yeah, but we can’t prove he’s lying. Wardell’s the only witness and he’s dead.”

“Wardell was killed by a ninja star! Can’t they see that?!”

Larabee shrugged. “Bottom line is, it’s Ezra’s word against Le’s and we still haven’t proved that Le was in that hotel the day of the exchange. Until we do that, Ezra’s not in the clear.”

Vin frowned. “How’s Ezra?”

“Not good. He’s emotionally exhausted, but he refuses to leave the interrogation room. I guess I can’t blame him. Josiah’s with him. I’ve got to go back. I just wanted to come and check on things here.”

“I’m fine and your brother’s safe.”

“Yeah, I know. Vin, I don’t want to keep apologizing for Liam but...”

“Then don’t. Liam can do is own apologizing.”

“Fair enough.”

“So, have you been able to find out who’s blackmailing him?”

Larabee shook his head. “I asked Harris to look into it for me. Looks like I owe him a huge favour. He has the resources we don’t.”

“I think it’s a good move. When’s the deadline for providing the missile?”

“Today,” Chris murmured.

“They don’t know he’s here, do they?”


“He hasn’t made any calls they could trace?”

“They always call him.”

“Then relax and get back to Ezra. I’ll keep an eye on your brother... when I’m not sleeping.” Vin grinned.

Chris patted his best friend’s arm and rose to his feet. “It’s good to see you looking better.” The bruising made Vin’s face look like a patchwork quilt but there was good colour in his lips.

“The doc said that I have to sleep. Actually, I wouldn’t put it past him to have been slipping sleeping pills into my food!”


Josiah handed Ezra a cup of coffee. The sergeant had finally convinced his companion that they weren’t achieving anything by listening to Yang Le’s lies. Thus, the pair had returned to the office, where Buck and J.D. were waiting.

“You really should have a doctor look at your head,” Buck pressed. Chris had grabbed a first aid kit and taped the wound earlier, but it was obvious Ezra needed stitches.

Ezra slammed his fist into the desk. He felt nothing but rage. “He’s lying! He’s lying and they’re believing him!”

“Calm down,” Josiah soothed.

“It’s all so pointless! Stevens, Phillips, Beaten, Red Sun, that professor and all of those security guards died because Le was after some mythological sword! A mythological sword, for God‘s sake!!”

“Is Le after the sword or is it someone else? Katana Shidosha said something about ‘you and the man you work for aren’t entitled to the sword‘,” J.D. pointed out, helpfully. They needed to calm their companion.

“So perhaps we need to refocus and look into who hired Yang Le,” Buck agreed.

“Who cares!” Ezra exploded. “None of it proves that Yang Le was in that hotel and killed Stevens, Phillips and Beaten!”

“Maybe if we can find who hired him, we can get the moneyman to admit that Le was there. It stands to reason that he’s the person you outbid. If he hired Le to steal the information about the sword, then he’d know if Le was there or not,” Josiah stated.

Ezra stared at his friends and nodded. Slowly, he sank down into his chair. “Forgive my outburst,” he whispered.

“Hell, Ezra. If you think that’s an outburst you should hear Chris on a bad day,” Buck chuckled.

The elevator bell rang signaling the arrival of a visitor. When the doors opened, Nettie stepped out.

Buck glanced at his watch. Time had gotten away from him. “Well, hello there, Miss Nettie. I’m told I have to fly you out to Four Corners so you can make Vin some lunch. He a lucky man. Do you think there’ll be enough for me?”

Nettie smiled.

“Chris has the small chopper so we’re going to have to go in style in the plane.”

“Doesn’t worry me how I get there. With the pick-up at the garage, I don‘t have my own transport,” Nettie commented, her eyes drawn to Ezra. The woman strode across the room, reached out and examined the side of the injured man’s head with a raised eyebrow. “Have you had a doctor look at that?”

Ezra smiled. “It’s on my ‘to do’ list.”

Nettie glanced up at Josiah. Her eyes showed disapproval.

“Yes, Ma’am,” Josiah said meekly, picking up the phone and calling the base doctor.

Buck rose to his feet. “We won’t be a moment, Ma’am. We just have a few things to sort out and we’ll be right with you. Why don’t you come and take a seat here?” Wilmington pulled his chair out.

Nettie flashed Ezra a wink, crossed the room and sat down.

J.D. glanced at Standish. It was time to give his friend some hope. There was no way Em7 were going to let this go. They had to finish it and that meant following through all leads. “So, Vin was right about there being two groups of ninja, both seeking the Sword of Power,“ the young man mused, walking across to Buck’s desk and adding another report to the massive pile. “We know that the sword is, or at least, was hidden in Swallow Pass a couple of centuries ago. We have the riddle,“ the boy continued, picking up a copy of it. “He who seeks the sword must look for what is not there. In a heavenly cave, where the birds do soar, in a forest of dead trees, one will find the resting-place of the sword. All must look up to the mighty sword for those who look down on it will be destroyed by its power.” J.D. replaced the poem. “We know that the two experts on DC history have disappeared or been murdered and that the ninja are prepared to do anything, including killing innocent people, to find the sword.“

“We know that Le is prepared to kill. Katana Shidosha has never looked like trying to hurt anyone,“ Ezra pointed out.

“Okay.” J.D. grinned. It had worked. Ezra was back on board.

Standish walked across to Buck’s desk and scanned the files. “We still need to find the sword,” Ezra murmured. “It is the catalyst for all that has happened. If we have the sword, Le may talk.” Standish’s attention was drawn to a single piece of paper sticking out of one of the files. "What's this?" he asked.

Wilmington looked at the sheet. It contained the rough drawing of the symbol he had seen on Katana Shidosha’s bandana. It was no longer of any significance. "Nothing," the captain dismissed. "Just the symbol that ninja in navy was wearing."

"Katana Shidosha?" Standish confirmed. Buck nodded.

"It's not right," J.D. claimed.


"It's not quite right. I saw the symbol clearly last night." J.D. picked up a pencil from the desk. "That part's right, but there was this at the top.” Quickly, the young man made the adjustment. "And there was a light curved line like that."

Ezra studied the drawing. "It's a bird," he muttered.

“A bird?“ Josiah cried, crossing the room and snatching the drawing from his companion. “Wait a minute! Swords are a type of bird! They‘re very large black birds - like an eagle, but with a yellow beak and red on the their face. My father and I used to go bird watching. He told me they‘re very rare and only found in Japan!”

Ezra stared at Josiah. An image of the cave alive with such birds filled his mind. “THAT‘S IT! The whole riddle is a play on words! In a heavenly cave, where birds do soar, in a forest of dead trees, you will find the resting-place of the sword." Suddenly everything fell into place. Ezra knew where the Sword of Power was. "The resting-place of the sword. Not the sword. The resting-place of a sword. And Swords rest in nests. The nest, Josiah! It's in the nest!"

"What are you talking about?" Quickly Ezra described the huge nest he had seen in the cave and the hundreds of the majestic eagle-sized swords nesting in the trees.

Ezra‘s eyes were alive with excitement. "We've got to go back to Swallow Pass!"

Part Twenty-Four

Nathan glanced up from the file Chris was showing him. The pair was seated on the couch in the living room reviewing Yang Le’s interrogation transcript. Vin appeared on the balcony and walked toward the stairs.

“Just what the hell do you think you’re doing?” the doctor demanded, striding across to the staircase.

“The Highland fling,” Tanner grumbled, taking hold of the banister and stepping down onto the top step.

“Vin, you aren’t ready for this,” Nathan argued, climbing the stairs.

Chris watched with interest. A stubborn Tanner was always difficult to deal with but could be an entertaining spectator’s sport.

“Nathan, I’ve been stuck in that bed for... hell, so long I can’t remember how long!” Vin took another step. Jackson stopped directly in front of him, blocking his path.

“You were shot in the head. You were in a coma. You need to rest.”

“Dammit, Nathan. I can’t take any more rest. I want to get out of that damn room for a while.”

“Tomorrow. Give it one more day.”

Vin scowled. “Just for a few minutes.”

“Tomorrow. Look what happened yesterday. You did too much and made yourself ill. I know you’re bored. Give it one more day.”

Vin sighed and acknowledged the fact that he had been ill after doing too much the day before with a single bob of the head. Tanner turned and headed back to his room.

Chris Larabee’s face creased with a smile.

“In your ass, Chris,” Tanner grumbled, making his way along the landing.

“I have some bad news, Cowboy. Nettie can’t make it.”

“Great. My day’s gettin’ better and better.”

Nathan returned to the lounge room. “It’s going to be a long day. Ten to one, I have to do that a couple of times before it‘s over. He‘s actually feeling well for the first time.”

Chris pursed his lips thoughtfully. “How about I take a computer up there and get him to look at the video evidence? That be okay?”

“Yeah, but only for an hour. Then, he sleeps. I want another full day of rest in before he starts gallivanting around this place.”

Chris took a laptop up to Vin’s bedroom and explained what he wanted his lieutenant to do. “We can’t see anything. Maybe there isn’t anything to see, but somehow Le was able to forge this tape. We have to prove it’s false, or at least show how he was able to appear to be in New York while actually being in DC.”

“I guess it’s better than “Sesame Street” which was my other viewing option,” Tanner murmured.

Chris smiled and placed a folder on the side table. It contained all of the information the men had collected on Le, minus the most recent interview that Larabee and Jackson were studying. Chris knew that Vin wouldn’t be able to read some of the file contents, though Tanner’s reading ability had improved since Mary had been giving him lessons. “Give me a yell if you find anything or have any questions.”

“Sure. Why isn’t Nettie coming out? I thought Buck was going to fly her here?”

“He was but he and the others are flying back to Swallow Pass. Ezra thinks he knows where the sword is.”

Vin frowned. “Don’t see how that will help us clear him.”

“He thinks it’s important. Buck will drop them there so it shouldn’t take long. They’ll be back well before dark.”


J.D was thrilled at the prospect of abseiling down ropes from the large black combat chopper again. Unfortunately, the other men decided that it would be easier if Buck landed on top of the cliffs and they abseiled directly down into the cave.

It took some time for Ezra to find the exact spot. Buck, Ezra and Josiah set about securing the ropes. J.D. stared out memorized at the valley below. “So, you climbed up from the bottom, Ezra? That‘s incredible?!”

“I had rather a poignant enticement.”


“Lieutenant Tanner was being somewhat uncooperative by bleeding profusely from the cranium.”

“Oh,” J.D. murmured. “Lucky he didn’t fall from up here.”

Ezra inclined his head to the edge closest to the waterfall. “He took his swan diver from there.”

“WHAT!” J.D., Josiah and Buck cried as one.

“You’re kidding!” Buck exclaimed, standing and peering over the edge.

Ezra, who was making some final adjustments to his ropes, paused as memories of that horrible moment filled his mind. “The ninjas ambushed us up here. Vin saved my life but in doing so, incurred the wrath of Yang Le. When Vin fell backwards and disappeared I... I think I froze for a few seconds.”

“And then you jumped after him,” Josiah pointed out.

Ezra nodded. “I knew that if he’d fallen in the water, he may have survived.”

“You... you jumped! You jumped off the edge from all the way up here?!” J.D. had moved to the edge and was staring down into the spray. “My God, Ezra.” He had goose bumps just thinking about it.


“Well, that was somewhat easier than my first visit,“ Ezra panted, stepping into the cave. He, Josiah and J.D. had abseiled down the ravine wall to the cave opening. Buck had remained with the chopper as back-up, just in case anything went wrong and also so that he could remain in contact with their leader.

J.D. and Josiah, despite having listened to Ezra’s description of the cave, couldn’t believe their eyes.

The cavern was enormous. The swords above were roosting, the flutter of their wings the only sound in the cave. Ezra led the men through the tree trunks to the altar. Natural light illuminated the pit and the skeleton at the bottom.

J.D. shuddered. “Hell.”

“Some poor soul who failed to heed the legendary warnings. Let us begin. The riddle states that he who seeks the sword, must look for what is not there. In other words, there was never a sword on the altar,” Ezra explained.

“This is amazing,” Josiah cried. He and J.D. were awe struck.

“It’s like we’ve entered another world!” Dunne whispered, staring up at the painted images of the birds on the ceiling and walls.

“All of which is overwhelmingly fascinating, but we have work to do. The key to the riddle is the fact that things simply are not what they seem. It’s the old two-card trick. Provide something obvious to distract from the truth. We are looking for swords with feathers to show us the way, not for signs of a weapon.” Standish claimed, pointing skyward. Above, were at least fifty birds sitting and flying amongst the branches. "Heavenly cave where the birds soar," Ezra added. The other two nodded. They could see how things were fitting together.

"In a forest of dead trees," J.D. agreed, pointing to the trees that by some miracle had been shifted and dug into the ground. “We are going find the resting-place of the sword," the youngest man finished.

"And swords rest in nests, my friends. So I am willing to bet my soul on the sword being up there in that huge nest.”

J.D. and Josiah followed the inclination of the Gambler’s head. Directly above them was the massive nest Ezra was certain contained the legendary sword.

“How the hell do we get up there?“ Josiah asked.

“Surely you climbed trees as a youth, Sergeant Sanchez.“ There was an element of excitement in

Ezra’s voice now. He knew he was close to finding the treasure that Le so prized and for some reason that gave him a feeling of triumph.

Moments later, Ezra was edging his way up the side of the tallest tree in the cavern. His tender muscles began to ache, remnants of his monolith climb a week earlier. The cast on his arm didn’t make things any easier.

"Be careful. It may be booby-trapped," J.D. warned.

"A valid point," Ezra called back. Finally, he reached the edge of the nest.

“Ezra, I’m not sure this is such a good idea,” Josiah called.

“I am hoping the nest isn’t booby-trapped. You both should be ready to exit here with some haste.“ With that, the lithe agent drew himself up the side of the nest and disappeared into it.

Long seconds passed. There was a frightening and ominous silence. Even the birds had ceased their flapping.

"Ezra?" Josiah waited. "Ezra?!" Sanchez moved to the base of the tree.

To his relief, he heard cursing coming from the nest.

"Ezra?!" J.D. yelled.

"Relax, there are no hidden traps" Ezra called back, harshly. "It's not here. The nest is completely empty." There was another pause. "Except for all of the bird excrement I now have all over me." The disappointment in his voice was heart wrenching. He had been so sure this was where he would find the sword.

"Well, let's review the riddle again," J.D. suggested, trying to lift his friend’s spirits.

“The riddle is a legend for fools,” Standish called, rising to his feet. The disappointment had been replaced by anger. He was tired, sore and disillusioned. He hadn’t found the sword. As a matter of fact, the only thing he'd found was the need to wash his clothes.

Ezra shut his eyes. His mind churned over the riddle. In a heavenly cave, where the birds soar, you will find the resting-place of the sword. “Wait a minute. Where the birds soar you will find the resting-place of the sword. The riddle doesn't say that the resting-place of the sword is where the birds soar. It says that from where the birds soar you should find the resting-place of the sword. Another play on words. Perhaps from up here...“ The Em7 agent began to look around. The cave’s appearance was somewhat different from this perspective. Ezra‘s eyes were drawn to the wall behind the altar. About thirty feet above the ground there was a thirty-foot wide, twelve-foot deep ledge. On the back wall of the indentation, beyond the view of anyone on the ground, was a huge painting of a bird. Not any bird. A thirty foot painting of a sword.

"Well I‘ll be," Ezra murmured.

"What?" J.D. asked.

"Can you see the painting of the bird above the altar?" Ezra called.


Ezra squinted at the giant painting. His attention was drawn to the sword's eye. It was three-dimensional and a dull yellow colour. Ezra’s heart skipped a beat.

"Boys, I think I may be on to something!"

"What?! Where?!" J.D. and Josiah strained to see above the altar, but only darkness was visible.

Ezra climbed from the nest and clawed his way down the side of the tree. Josiah positioned himself under his partner, readying to break his fall should Ezra lose his grip.

The moment Standish’s feet hit the ground, he was off. He raced around the pit and stopped at the back wall. “How am I going to get up there?”

“Maybe we could stand on each other’s shoulders or something?” J.D. suggested.

Josiah handed Ezra a small pressurized grappling hook. Sanchez smiled. “I shoved one in my pack before we left. I thought it might come in handy.”

“Wow,” J.D. cried. “How does it work?”

Even before he had finished the sentence, Ezra activated the tool. The grappling hook shot up into the air and disappeared onto the edge. Standish pulled on it gently until it caught. The experienced agent gave the high tensile cord several strong tugs. The hook didn’t budge.

“Wow!” the youngest member of the group cried again. “You look like you’ve used one of those before.”

"You two stay here," Ezra ordered.

“Are you sure you don’t want me to climb up there this time?” Josiah was concerned. Ezra was still recovering from his last visit to Swallow Pass.

“No. I need to do this,” Standish growled with determination.

The climb wasn’t easy, but pure determination enabled Ezra to ascend the rope - broken arm and all!

“Be careful!” J.D. called, watching as he friend pulled himself up onto the ledge.

For a moment Ezra stood stock still, examining the floor for signs of bobby traps. Everything looked safe enough.

"Gentlemen, I would feel more comfortable if you were to go and stand at the mouth of the cave. This area is likely to be booby-trapped."

"All the more reason for us to come there and help you."

"That defies logic,” Ezra argued.

“If you’re trying to protect me like Buck does...” J.D. complained.

"That is not the reason. If I set off a booby trap it could be anything from a single ninja star to setting off a chain reaction that may send those trees collapsing like dominoes. Quite selfishly, I’m worried about my own skin. I'll feel much better knowing that one or two of us gets out of here alive so they can bring back help for the others. As I'm already up here, I vote that you two go and stand near the opening."

“Alright,” Josiah called. “Come on, J.D.”

“But...” Dunne followed Sanchez to the cave opening.

Cautiously, Ezra moved forward, his eyes and ears alert. There was no sign that this area of the cave had been disturbed when Le’s ninjas had searched it a few days earlier. The dust here was inches thick. Obviously, the Master’s men hadn’t found this secret ledge.

Once Ezra was satisfied that there were no trip wires or any other booby traps, he allowed himself to examine the painting itself. As he stepped closer, he realized it wasn’t a painting. It was actually a carving. A magnificent carving. The rock had been polished giving the bird a shiny finish. This could hold pride of place in any art gallery in the world, Standish thought. The piece was almost as tall as Ezra. The Em7 agent’s attention was drawn to the eye. It was the size of a fist and bulged out from the wall more than the rest of the carving. Ezra moved up to it. The eye itself was at chest level, which meant that Standish had to bend his knees slightly so he could get a good look at it. Closer examination revealed that the eye was indeed made of solid gold as he had suspected and was sculptured in the shape of a perched bird.

So this was the legendary sword that ninja from all over the world were falling over each other to get their hands on? Not a weapon, but a small statue of a bird. Somehow, it just didn’t quite seem right.

Carefully, Ezra placed his hand down on the sculptured bird. He pulled cautiously, but it was stuck fast. It was then that Standish noted the horizontal ten-inch slits either side of the eye. The agent examined them. Suddenly it hit him. He knew! It had to be! This sculptured bird that made up the eye of the carving was in fact only the tip of the iceberg. It was the very end of the handle of a very large sword! The weapon kind. The slits either side were there because that was where the horizontal part of the handle had slotted into the wall.

“Ezra?” J.D. called.

“One moment.” This was it. Ezra had found the sword! After all the searching; after all the research into ninja... after all of the deaths and anguish, this was what it was over. Ezra reached out and laid his hand on the end of the sword. Just as he was about to attempt to remove it, he noted a number of other slits cut deep into carving. Below these, and directly above the end of what Ezra believed to be the sword’s handle, was a small hole.

“Ezra? What’s going on up there?”

“I think I’ve found the sword. It has been plunged into the rock wall. The end of the handle appears to form the eye of the carving.”

“Well, bring it down,” J.D. called, his voice high with impatient excitement. Dunne wanted to see this all-important Sword of Power that everyone was so desperate to find.

“Patience is said to be a virtue and in this case, I believe it may be life saving. Give me a moment to devise a way to remove it from the wall.” Again, Ezra looked down at the handle and gave it a gentle pull. It was more than just wedged in. The hole above the eye once again caught his attention. A key hole?

Standish inspected the rest of the bird and found what he was looking for. The talons on the bird’s feet were also 3-dimentional. Each one was an oddly shaped piece of metal. Keys! Eight of them. One probably released the sword. The other seven were likely to set off booby traps. How could Ezra decide which one was the true key? The Em7 agent’s eyes narrowed, drawn to a shape he recognised. One of the keys had a distinctive zig zag pattern with the little line - the symbol that Katana Shidosha wore on his bandana.

Warily, Ezra removed the key that displayed Katana Shidosha’s symbol and walked back to the eye of the carving.

“Gentlemen, I’m about to try something.”

“We’re ready,” Josiah responded. He and J.D. were standing at the cave’s mouth, as instructed. “Be careful.”

Ezra licked his lips, drew in a deep breath and inserted the key in the hole. It fit. With great care, he turned the key clockwise. There was a clicking sound. Standish froze, waiting for something to happen. Nothing did. Releasing the key, Ezra placed his hand on the end of the sword. Again he paused.


“I’m about to pull the sword out of the wall.”

“Good luck,” J.D. called, nervously.

Ezra took another deep breath, looking down on the gold handle in his hand. He started to pull. The sword began to slide. The riddle repeated in his mind. Ezra paused, again. He who seeks the sword must look for what is not there. In a heavenly cave, where the birds do soar, in a forest of dead trees one will find the resting-place of the sword. All must look up to the mighty sword for those who look down on it will be destroyed by its power. Once more the agent began to pull and once again the riddle repeated in his mind. Ezra looked down on the handle as it began to appear out of the wall. It was amazing. Solid gold and bejewelled. Abruptly, Ezra realised what he was doing. He was looking down on the sword! The other slits!

Below, Josiah and J.D. heard Ezra begin to shout, but his voice was cut off by several simultaneous, harsh clicks. Sanchez and Dunne rushed from their post yelling their partner’s name.


Ezra?! Are you alright?” Silence. Josiah grabbed the rope. “Ezra!

Above, Standish lay on the floor unmoving.


Vin rubbed his eyes. He’d watched the video on the computer twice and hadn’t seen anything suspicious. Le just stood under the rest room sign and smoked. Tanner was starting to think that perhaps ‘Sesame Street’ would have been a more entertaining viewing option after all.

Vin started the video again and then reached for the folder his leader had left on the side table. It contained mostly written reports that Tanner would find difficult to read. Amongst the papers were several photographs. One was the snap J.D. had taken from the video pursuit at the conference centre. Another was Le’s SeCReTs’ ID photo of the chest up. The final one was of Le and Freeman standing casually with a beer in their hands.

Vin sighed. What the hell did Larabee think he was going to find? How could watching the video prove that Le was not in Los Angeles at the time of the exchange?

“So how the hell did you do it?” Vin murmured, staring down at the picture of Le and Freeman. All of a sudden Vin’s eyes narrowed. He stared. His eyes flicked to the video screen and then back and forth between the two media several times. Vin double-checked the writing on the video and the photo. “Rest Room” and “Pete’s Bar”.

Vin Tanner’s eyes grew wide. “Got you, you bastard!” Tanner leaped from the bed, sprinted down the landing and started down the stairs, calling out to his colonel.

Abruptly, the injured man’s world closed in on him. His vision blurred. His head started swimming. His knees buckled. Vin grabbed for the banister.

There was a warped cry from down stairs. Before Vin knew it, someone had a hold of him and was guiding him back to the bedroom. As he was assisted back into bed, he blinked up at the man above him. “Chris?”

Liam Larabee stepped back. “No, but I’ll go get him. I won’t be a minute. Just stay there!” Liam raced from the room, shot along the landing, down the stairs, along the hall and into the study where he knew his brother was working.

Nathan and Chris glanced up from the desk.

“It’s Vin!” Liam panted. “He almost collapsed on the stairs. I’ve put him back in bed but...” The rest of the sentence would have been presented to an empty room. Nathan and Chris were gone.

Vin lay blinking and waited for his world to stop spinning. He heard his friends enter. “I’m okay.” Unfortunately, the pallor of his face contradicted such a claim.

“Chris, my bag!” Nathan ordered, leaning over the pale man. “Vin, what happened?”

“Don’t know. I...” Tanner swallowed. “The room won’t stop spinning.”

“Focus on my face. Tell me what happened.” Jackson examined Vin’s pupils and checked his patient for signs of fever.

Chris reappeared and placed Nathan’s bag on the side table. “Is he alright?”

“Vin?” Nathan prompted.

“I ran.”

“You ran? What do you mean you ran? Why the hell were you running?” Nathan erupted, taking his patient’s pulse.

The spinning eased. Tanner’s vision came into focus. He looked up at Nathan and then flicked his eyes to Chris. “I know how he did it!”

“Who? Yang Le?” Larabee demanded.

“Yeah. Chris, I know how the bastard did it!”

“Calm down! Right now, that can wait,” Nathan ordered, placing his stethoscope on his patient’s chest. “Okay, you two, out. I don’t want you distracting my patient while I’m examining him. Vin, shut-up.”

“No, wait! I know...”

“Listen to Nathan. You can tell me in a minute,” Chris offered, coaxing his brother out of the room. What had happened was obvious. Vin had been excited, leapt to his feet too quickly and then got dizzy. It was not unusual for people recovering from a concussion to experience such dizziness.

“Is he alright?” Liam asked as he was ushered out of the room.

“If he wasn’t Nathan would have been swearing and cursing by now. Vin’s fine. No doubt Nathan will give him a piece of his mind.“ Chris smiled and thrust his hand out. “Thanks.”

Liam shrugged. “Any time, big brother. Not that I had much of a choice. He was about to nose dive down the stairs. Listen, I know it may not be a good time, but I need to know what’s going on with the missile. My time‘s up. Those bastards want payment.”



Standish rolled onto his back. He heard Josiah call his name. “Relax, my friends.” The Em7 agent looked up. From the innocent looking slits he had noticed earlier had appeared three, foot long blades. All six of them were occupying the space Ezra had vacated just in time. Had he not ducked when he did he would have been skewered.

“Ezra, are you sure you’re okay?” came J.D.‘s worried voice from below.

“You could say I had a close shave,“ Ezra called, rising onto his knees. Keeping the sword handle well above him, Standish took a firm grip of it and yanked it from the wall. Two more blades flashed out of the wall, but well above the kneeling agent’s head. The ancient warning was correct. Looking down on the sword would have meant death.

It was only once the danger had passed that Ezra looked at the sword in his hand. It was magnificent. The ancient weapon was about four foot long. The handle was carved with the most intricate designs - designs that included diamonds, rubies, emeralds and sapphires. The sword itself was made of pure gold.

“Boys, we’ve got it!” Standish yelled, his voice high pitched with excitement. “We’ve got it!” His voice carried down to his partners... and beyond. Many ears picked up the information. Many hearts skipped a beat.


Chris led his brother to the veranda and both took seats. “Let me explain what a Shepard 25 missile is. It’s important you understand. A Shepard 25 is a weapon that can be launched from planes and from the ground. They are almost impossible to detect because they’re low flying. They can travel long distances and the damage they cause is devastating.”

Liam eyed his brother. He was starting to get nervous. What was the point of this explanation? “I get the picture.“

“Do you? If you give the blackmailers one, it may be used to kill innocent people.”


“They won’t stop at one, either.” Chris was determined to make his brother realize what was at stake. “Once they know you can supply one, they’ll want more. Arms dealing is big business.” Chris stared into his brother’s face. He could see fear and other emotions too.

Liam swallowed. “Are you saying you’re not going to get one for me?”

“Liam, I need more information about the people wanting them. I can’t help you unless...”

Liam rose to his feet and thrust a finger at Chris. “You said you were going to help me! You said you could get one for me!”

“I said I would help you! I never said I would get a Shepard 25 missile for you to hand to an arms dealer.”

“But... You bastard!” Liam exploded. “You made out...”

“Calm down,” the older man cried, rising to his feet. “With your help, we can shut this arms dealer down. I‘ve arranged a meeting with the leading man in the field. Croft heads a task force specifically designed to find these people and put them behind bars. He‘s going to...”

“What?! What the hell do you think you’re doing?!“

“I’m trying to help you.”

“HELP ME! Just forget it, Chris! Forget it!” Liam Larabee stormed off the veranda and disappeared into the livery. Moments later, he rode off on Buck’s horse.

Chris sank down into the chair and shook his head. Where the hell did he go from here?


In seconds, Ezra was back on the ground showing Josiah and J.D. the object that had caused so much grief.

"It's beautiful. Can you imagine how much it must be worth? The amount of gold alone would be worth a couple of million melted down. And the jewels - there's another million. And the design itself." Ezra’s partners were shaking their heads in awe. Ezra’s eyes were alive with excitement.

"Of course, its true value is not in those things, Ezra,“ Josiah murmured. “The sword is priceless to the ninja because of what it stands for."

"You are very right.” The words came from an unknown source. Ezra, Josiah and J.D. scanned the cave. It appeared empty, but the voice lingered. Out of the shadows stepped a man dressed in navy. Katana Shidosha nodded a greeting to the Em7 agents.

"How did you get in here?" J.D. demanded.

"No, Agent Dunne. The question is when did he get in here?"

The ninja leader smiled. "You are very wise for one who has never studied the ninja ways. I have been here waiting for you for some time."

"And you just stood by and let us find the sword for you," Ezra stated, beginning to circle the man. Josiah had sent a silent signal. He, Ezra and J.D. would need to attack on three fronts to beat this ninja master.

"The sword is not mine to claim," Katana Shidosha explained, quietly.


"I am the leader of the Katana Kanshin .”

“Sword Protectors,” Ezra translated.

“Yes. It is our job to protect the sword from those who try to steal it."

"So why didn't you stop us before we found it?" J.D. asked as he moved into position. The Em7 agents had encircled the ninja successfully. However, Katana Shidosha did not appear concerned.

"It is not my place to stop you from seeking the sword, only to prevent those who are deemed unworthy from taking the sword from its resting place."

"And you are going to try and stop us from taking the sword?" Ezra asked. Josiah was notably quiet. Sanchez was listening carefully and processing all that was being said.

"No, I‘m not going to try and stop you from taking it," the ninja leader explained in a hushed voice.

Ezra frowned.

"You look surprised, Agent Standish. You, of all the thousands who have sought the sword, have almost proved himself worthy. Many have died in their quest for the Sword of Power You are the only one to have actually found it."

"But the test still isn't over?" the suspicious agent asked. Ezra stared at Katana Shidosha. It was the first time he had been this close to him. There was something about him - something that was almost familiar.

"No, I‘m afraid the test is far from over."

"So what is left... Red Sun?”

“Red Sun?!” J.D. and Josiah cried.

Katana Shidosha smiled. “I knew it was only a matter of time before you realized, my friend. Forgive the deception. It was necessary, but not intended.”

“But you’re dead! They found you in the river,” J.D. pointed out.

“No, that was one of my men. We had been attacked by Le’s group of imbeciles while trying to discover how much they had uncovered about the sword. Unfortunately, Le’s warriors don’t use pure ninja ways despite their apparent dedication to our calling. I lost a good friend because I underestimated the barbaric ways of Yang Le. I could not afford to have the law pursuing me. It was a necessary deception and one that ensured Singh’s death was not in vain. He was of similar height and build to me. His face had been made unrecognisable by the acid one of those barbarians threw. Singh, like I, dedicated his life to protecting the sword. Even in death, he was able to serve his calling.”

“Why did you come back?” Ezra asked. “It’s been two years. What was on the chip?”

“Information about the exchange at the Martin hotel. It listed names. I felt it was important that you knew who double-crossed you.”

“You moved all of your assets to the United States,” J.D. accused.

“I have only recently taken over the role of Katana Shidosha. It is a great privilege, but meant a move to the States for this is where the Sword resides. Before dispensing with my former life - one I‘m not entirely proud of - I felt I had to ensure that the wrong done to you was fixed, Ezra.”

“Thank you,” Standish murmured. “It was you who attacked the ninja at the monolith when I fell.“

Red Sun‘s eyes flashed a look of true friendship. “I am only supposed to protect the sword, but you are a friend. I couldn’t stand by and do nothing. When I was in trouble several years ago, you did not stand by and do nothing. I owed you at least that.“

Ezra offered his hand. Red Sun took it. When two men dropped hands, Ezra asked, “So, what happens now? Am I supposed to battle you for the sword?”

Red Sun looked surprised and then smiled. “No, Ezra. You do not need to fight me."

“Boys, we‘re not alone,” Josiah warned. J.D. and Ezra scanned the cave. At least a dozen ninja warriors were partially hidden in the various darkened shadows.

"We're surrounded!" J.D. cried.

"Give me the sword," Red Sun demanded, the friendly tone gone.

"No," Standish growled. He had been through too much to relinquish it. Two years of heartache and almost losing his life on death row meant he had earned it and he wasn’t going to give it up without a fight.

"Don't be foolish, Ezra. You three are no match for us. Do not make the mistake of thinking my men are only the calibre of Le‘s imbeciles. My warriors are true ninja. You won‘t have a chance."

"You may very well be right, but Agent Standish, Agent Dunne and I are willing to die to protect the sword,” Josiah jumped in quickly.

Red Sun glanced at the sergeant and then back at Ezra “Why, Standish? So that you may sell it for what it's worth."

Josiah stepped behind Ezra. Sanchez knew that the answer to this question may well save their lives. Ezra listened to the words Josiah whispered into his ear and the reasons for them.

Red Sun waited and repeated his question. “You intend to sell the sword and make a fortune?”

Josiah nudged Ezra. Standish considered all that he had heard and then proclaimed, "No amount of money is equivalent to the sword."

J.D. watched his partners nervously. He didn't understand what this was all about, but he did know their lives depended on what Ezra said. Em7 were outnumbered five to one. By the time they fired one or two times the ninja stars Red Sun’s men were brandishing would have found their mark. The atmosphere had become incredibly intense.

"You would lay down your life to protect the Sword of Power?" Red Sun clarified.

Josiah whispered something to Ezra, unseen by the ninja. Standish responded. "Only to prevent it from falling into the hands of those who would abuse the sword's power."

Red Sun began to smile and then bowed his head to Ezra. All around, the ninja stepped into the light, dropped to one knee and lowered their heads.

"You truly are worthy of the sword," Red Sun proclaimed. Seeing the confusion on J.D.‘s face, the ninja leader explained. "The Sword of Power is a symbol. It is the ultimate test for ninja warriors who follow the beliefs of the Honto no Kenryoku. To solve the riddle and retrieve the sword is the easy part. To earn the sword means to understand the power of the sword."

"And the power of the sword comes not from the sword, but from within yourself," Ezra finished. For the first time, he understood. "It is the journey to finding the sword that empowers the seeker with the knowledge that he has achieved the ultimate goal."

Katana Shidosha nodded. "The sword is yours, Ezra. You have earned the right to carry it." Despite the words, he appeared distressed by what he was saying. "Every ninja who believes in the sword will now bow to you when they see it in your hand."

Ezra could tell something was wrong. Josiah whispered something in his ear. “But..?” Sanchez became insistent. Ezra stared at Red Sun. "That is not the power I seek through the sword," Standish stated, finally. "The sword must be returned to its resting place for only there will it maintain its power - ready for the next person who seeks to be granted the power and wisdom of the sword." Ezra relayed every word that Josiah was whispering in his ear.

Katana Shidosha looked relieved. “A very wise decision. It is through that act that you have earned your life," the ninja leader stated. "The Sword of Power can never leave the cave. That is the sacred promise of the Katana Kinshin."

"You mean, if we had tried to leave here with the sword even after Ezra had passed all of your tests, you would have killed us?" J.D. asked, incredulously.

"Yes," Katana Shidosha responded, quietly.

"Or at the very least, he would have tried to," Ezra quipped.

"The sword and it's secret must remain here which means no one but the Kinshin may leave the cave alive if the sword is found, unless the person who finds the sword does not look down on it as a symbol of their own achievement, but returns it so that he and all others may continue to look up to it."

"And those who fail to look up to the sword will be destroyed by its power," Josiah stated. "You and the rest of the Katana Kinshin are the power that destroys them."

"Yes. Ezra, you have earned your life and that of your companions by agreeing to return the sword so that it will continue to be looked up to." Red Sun extended his hands. Ezra stared down at the priceless artifact for several seconds and then reluctantly placed it in the ninja‘s hands.

Red Sun smiled. “Thank you. I wish you all the best, Ezra.”

"Red Sun, I owe you my life. If ever you need help, you need only ask.” Standish glanced at his companions and indicated for them to move to the mouth of the cave. As they did so, the ninja melted back into the shadows and disappeared.

"How did you know what to say? I mean about returning the sword?" J.D. asked.

Ezra flicked his eyes to Josiah. “I’m afraid you must ask Sergeant Sanchez. I was merely the voice that conveyed his understanding,” Ezra explained.

Josiah shrugged. "I realised the sword meant more than money to the ninja. It was a symbol of power. But the true ninja does not seek power, he seeks to serve, so a sword of power wouldn’t be of any use or interest to them. Therefore, I deduced that the quest had to be a test of skill and wits. For the sword to be useful to the ninja it has to remain right where it is.”


“Let us go home,” Ezra prompted wirily. He felt drained. The earlier adrenalin rush was over. Now, the agent simply wanted to go home and put everything behind him.


Buck landed the chopper at Four Corners. Chris had rung and told the men that Vin may have worked out how Yang Le had appeared to be in Los Angeles and he wanted them to report to the ranch. When pressed for details, the colonel explained what had happened on the stairs and that Vin had gone straight to sleep after the incident.

Ezra led the group into the house. He had found hope in the chance that Vin knew how Yang Le and deceived the world. “Well?” Standish asked, impatiently.

“He’s still sleeping,” Nathan informed his companions as they bundled into the lounge room.

Ezra turned to Chris. “Colonel, I understand that he is unwell, but I have no fortitude left to draw on. If Lieutenant Tanner holds the key to proving Yang Le was at the Martin Hotel then I impeach you to wake him and share his knowledge.”

Larabee pursed his lips thoughtfully and glanced at Nathan.

Jackson nodded and rose to his feet. “I’ll wake him. You’ll have to come up to his room. I don’t want him trying the stairs again today.”

As the men entered Tanner’s room, Vin awoke. “Hey guys.”

“You’re looking better,” Josiah commented. Tanner’s face had more colour than it had had in days.

Vin grinned. “I feel a hell of a lot better, too, outside of jumping up a bit quick earlier. Florence Nightingale said I can I leave this damn room tomorrow.”

Nathan winked at his patient. “All going well.”

“Well, come on, Vin! Tell us!” Buck urged as the group crowded around the bed. “How the hell did Yang Le do it?!”

“I need the laptop,” the sharpshooter stated as he reached for the folder and took out the photograph of Le and Freeman. J.D. grabbed the laptop from the other side table and set it up on Vin’s lap. Tanner started the video and held up the photo. His team mates crowded around to study both.

“What are we looking at?” Chris asked.

Tanner smiled. “They’re two different men.”

“What?!” Ezra cried, snatching the photo from his friend and comparing it to the playing video. “What do you mean?”

“One’s left-handed and one’s right handed.”

The other men frowned. Ezra glanced at Vin. “My friend, he is smoking with his right hand in both.”

“Yeah, I know. One of them has gone to a lot of trouble to teach himself to be right-handed. Probably does everything right handed except those few things you do instinctively without thinking.” Tanner pointed to the photo. “See his belt? On the video, the end threads back to the left and in the photo, it goes back to the right. A right handed person holds the buckle in his left hand and threads with the right so the strap ends up going to the left.” Tanner pointed to the video. “A left handed person holds the belt in his right hand and threads with his left so the strap goes to the right.”

“So what’s to say the images haven’t been reversed?” Ezra asked.

“See the writing in the background? ‘Rest Room ’ and you can read the writing in this photo so neither have been reversed. One of the men is right handed and one is left-handed. The left handed one has learned to smoke and probably write with his right hand, but when he gets up in the morning, he puts his belt on without thinking and does what comes naturally, reverting back to using his left hand. There are two of them, Ezra. That‘s how he did it. One was in Washington stealing the plans and attacking you, and one was in Los Angeles standing in front of the camera providing the perfect alibi.”

Ezra Standish swept his eyes from the photo to the video and back again. “Two of them,” he whispered.

“Hell, Vin! How did you notice something like that?” J.D. asked.

Tanner shrugged. “The buckle he’s wearing in the photo is large and unusual. Looks like it’s got Indian symbols on it. Kojay had one that was similar. The buckle in the video is different and I noticed that the strap was going in the opposite direction.”

“But how did you know that meant he was left-handed?” J.D. pressed.

“When I was a kid I injured my right hand. It was bandaged up so I couldn‘t use it. I had to use my left hand to do the threading when I put my belt on and I noticed that it threaded back in the opposite direction to usual.”

Ezra sank down into the chair beside the bed. “Two of them,” he whispered.

Larabee placed his hand on Ezra’s shoulder. “You’re in the clear, Ezra. We have proof that Yang Le was at the Martin Hotel and that his double was in Los Angeles. It’s over.”

Ezra glanced up at his leader, his green eyes dancing with rage. “Not yet. We have one of them. I want the other one!”

Part Twenty-Five

Ezra found it difficult to sleep. His mind continued to replay three words, ‘two of them’. That was why Le had also been such an efficient agent. It was why he always seemed to get his paperwork done in half the time it took everyone else - there had been two men all along! Le had established himself as a one-man army who was able to complete missions that would be impossible for one man. Now, Ezra understood why. ‘Two of them’.

Josiah had mentioned that Le had established a reputation for phenomenal endurance in ninja circles. Clearly, the two men had simply changed places half way through competitions.

When morning came, all men, except Vin and Nathan, returned to the office. Larabee telephoned Harris and Freeman with the team’s breakthrough. Both were astounded by the colonel’s claim.

Upon arriving at work, J.D. set about searching for information about Le’s past. Em7 had earlier discovered that ‘Yang Le’ had only existed for seven years. It was the computer expert’s job to crack the alias and find out just who the ‘men’ were.

Armed with the knowledge of how Yang Le had pulled off being in two places at once, Chris, Buck, Ezra and Josiah headed down to question their captive.

Le looked up as the four men entered the room. He smiled. “Ezra.”

Standish could feel his rage rising. “It’s over. Believe it or not, a simple belt buckle has foiled your deception. One of you is left-handed and one of you is right handed.”

“You’ve lost me, Standish.”

“We have proof there are two of you. You have a double. Ingenious, really. It not only enabled you to be in two places at once but also allowed you to share tasks and complete missions impossible for one man. Your efficiency as an agent is now revealed for all.”

Le continued to smile and bounced his eyebrows. Ezra darted forward. Josiah grabbed him.

“Out,“ Chris ordered.

Ezra dragged his eyes from Le and let them settle on his leader as he tugged himself free of Josiah’s grasp. “I am in control now, Sir.”

“Out,” Larabee repeated. Chris knew this would be too much for his friend. Ezra glared across at Le and then turned and left the room without argument. His companions would get the confession needed.

“Well, that’s a first. I’ve never seen Standish follow orders before,” Le chuckled.

The colonel moved to the table and stared down at the prisoner. “It’s only a matter of time before we track down your partner and the man who hired you to retrieve the Sword of Power.”

“I wish you luck,” Le stated, sarcastically. He leaned back in the chair and lifted his feet up to rest on the table.

Surprisingly, Chris smiled. It was the sort of smile men with any sense recoiled from in terror. “I don’t believe in luck, Le. Then again, Le isn’t your name, is it?”

“So you say,” the prisoner responded.

“Oh, to hell with this,” Buck cried, suddenly. “I know how to make him talk.“ Josiah yanked the advancing captain back.

“Please do attempt to scare me using the good cop, bad cop routine,“ Le chuckled. “I’m sure I will find it entertaining.”

Larabee leaned down close to Le so that their faces were less than an inch apart. “We’re not cops, asshole. We’re soldiers.” Larabee flashed Le the most depraved look the prisoner had ever seen. Chris stood up and turned to Josiah. “Sergeant, go and apply to have the prisoner released into our custody.”

“The reason, Sir?” Josiah asked with apparent concern.

“I’d like Mr. Le to help us with our investigations.” Josiah looked apprehensive.

Buck smiled. “I told Ezra you’d give him a chance to deal with this himself, Sir.“

Yang Le watched all of the exchanges calmly. “You really are very good. Most convincing. If I wasn’t aware of the fact that you’re law enforcement, I’d be a touch concerned.”

Josiah stepped up to Chris. “Sir, I really don’t think this is wise. This isn’t the Katinda jungle. There are rules about interrogating prisoners. If we cross the line, he’ll walk on a technicality.”

Larabee’s smile became more depraved. He snorted. “I’m not interested in laws, Sanchez. Ezra deserves justice. I intend making sure he gets it. We know how to deal with scum like this.“

“But,“ Josiah protested.

“Travis knows how to cover things up.“

Buck stepped up and slapped Josiah on the back. “Relax. Lost is lost. Not our fault it he disappears in our custody.“

Josiah swallowed. “Sir, they may not believe it a third time. People are going to start asking questions if we lose another one.“

Yang Le began applauding. “My God, you’re the best I‘ve come across. I’ve seen many people attempt the good cop...“

Chris Larabee spun around and smashed his fist into the middle of Yang Le’s face. The prisoner rocketed backwards off the chair. “Sanchez, get the release order! Now! I’m losing patience.“

Yang Le dragged himself to his knees. His face was blanketed with shock. He turned to the two-way glass window.

Spotting this, Buck laughed. “Ain’t no one there, stud.”

“The interrogation of every prisoner must be witnessed by...”

Chris flicked a light switch on the wall. The light came on in the cubicle, illuminating it and revealing it was empty. Larabee turned to Le as Buck dragged him to his feet. “We’re Em7, shithead. We make our own rules. We have jurisdiction over all other military and law enforcement agencies. That isn’t just bullshit and you know it. You were a member of SeCReTs. You’ve heard of us. You know how we operate. This isn’t some sort of game to me. You interfered in an exchange my team was handling. That ruined our perfect record and our reputation is very important to me. The other law agencies in this country are toothless and useless against mongrels like you. Em7 isn’t. I will get answers out of you, you bastard, and I’ll do whatever it takes... whether that falls inside or outside of the laws other agencies are bound by.” Larabee’s voice was almost emotionless. However, there was the slightest hint of acid. This no longer looked or sounded like a con.

“You aren‘t above the law. You have to obey the same rules as everyone else” Yang Le started.

“Wanna bet” Buck challenged. His eyes were wild. For the first time, Yang Le’s confidence began to waver. He had been so sure it was all just an act.

Josiah stepped into the room with the leader of the CIA and two other officers. “I have the release papers, Colonel Larabee. Yang Le has been released into the custody of Em7.”

“Try not to lose this one,” Harris muttered. “We haven’t finished questioning him.”

“NO! Wait! I...” Yang Le stared from Harris to Larabee and back again. “They...”

Harris glared at Le and then turned to Larabee. “This isn’t the jungle, Colonel, We have rules in this country. Make sure you don‘t do anything to jeopardize our case against him.”

“Harris, if you have a problem with my authority, take it to the President. Besides, I‘ll get the answers you‘re seeking - one way or another. I guarantee it.”

Chris nodded to Buck. Wilmington pushed Le toward the door.

“Huon Tran! My real name is Huon Tran!”

“Congratulation, asshole,” Buck murmured, still pushing Le toward the door.

“You’re right! My brother and I have been fooling the world for years,” Le confessed quickly. He was squealing to save his life.

“The Martin Hotel?!” Chris demanded.

Le swallowed. “Okay. Okay, yes. I was in Los Angeles and Kimae went to the exchange to steal the information about the Sword‘s whereabouts.”

Harris stepped forward. “You’re confessing? Do you want legal council?”

Le licked his lips. “I’ll tell you. I’m not saying anything more to them!”

Harris looked at Larabee. “Colonel?”

“No, Sir. He’s ours!” Buck cried, increasing his grip on Le’s arm, his eyes dilated with a crazed passion. “Ezra deserves to...”

Larabee flashed Wilmington a very public warning look. Buck clamped his mouth shut. The colonel stepped closer to Le. “You tell Harris everything or I’ll be back to seek custody of you so that I can get the answers out of you. Understood?”

Le drew in a deep breath and nodded. He was beaten. He didn’t dare think what Larabee’s interrogation would involve. He honestly believed that Larabee would do whatever it took. He believed that with every fibre of his existence. Yang Le had heard a lot about Em7 over the past two years. He had heard that Larabee was a crazy bastard with unlimited power. He didn’t want to be left alone with the colonel.

Buck shoved Le toward the two officers. They escorted the prisoner back to his chair and then Harris led Em7 out of the room to where Ezra was waiting.

Buck grinned stupidly at his friend. “He almost wet himself, Ez.”

Callum Harris offered his hand to Chris. “Colonel, you and your men are good.” It had taken Chris some time to convince Harris to empty the viewing cubicle and to give him ten minutes alone with Le.

“If you have any problems, just give me a call,” Chris prompted. “By the way, I hit him and enjoyed it. If he wants to press charges, I’ll plead guilty and take the slap on the wrist.“ Harris nodded with a smile. “The moment he tells you about his brother’s whereabouts, I want it. I also want anything on the man who hired him to find the Sword of Power.”


Chris turned to Ezra who was standing a few feet away. “He confessed, Ezra. We’ll have his brother in no time.”

Ezra nodded, but he appeared dazed. It was all too much to take in at once. Josiah slipped his arm across his friend’s shoulders.

“We’ll be in the lounge,” Chris told Harris as he, Buck and Josiah formed a protective circle around Ezra and shepherded him down the hallway.


The waiting lounge was a small room with coffee making facilities. The Em7 agents were seated on the two sofas in silence. All were entertaining their own thoughts.

Abruptly, the shrill ringing of the colonel’s cell phone shattered the quiet. Chris answered it briskly. He listened for a few seconds. “Thanks, J.D. Have you found anything on Huon Tran?.. Okay. Keep me informed.” Larabee pocketed the cell phone. “Nothing yet on the name Huon Tran. However, Professor Chen has turned up safe and well. It seems Red Sun was protecting him. And we’ve found out the name of the witness who came forward ready to testify against you. Peter Randle. A SeCReTs agent.”

“Randle?!” Ezra cried.

“You know him?” Buck asked.

Ezra rose to his feet. “I only spoke to him a week ago. He was Le’s partner before being injured in a bust. Ended up behind a desk in administration. He gave me the clue that linked Le to the ninja!”

“Looks like he was hedging his bets,” Josiah murmured.

Ezra was beginning to tremble with raw emotion. His face was pale. The emotional strain he was under was enormous and was beginning to take its toll.

“Calm down, Brother. We’ll get him.”

“Le already has. Randle was just found dead in the safe house they were keeping him in,” Larabee murmured.

“But when I called him, he was in the office, not in a safe house,” Ezra pointed out.

“He refused protection for a while but asked for it about two days ago.”

“Fat lot of good it did him,” Buck grunted.

Chris strode across to Ezra who was standing peering out into the hallway. “It’s slowly unraveling, Ezra. Wardell was the man inside the CIA and Randle was the inside man in SeCReTs. Between them, they were able to set up the perfect frame.”

“Except for the belt buckle,” Ezra murmured.

Chris placed his hand on his friend’s shoulder. “Except for the belt buckle,” he agreed.


Four Corners....

Vin wandered out onto the veranda and smiled. It was wonderful to be outside. He had been out of bed for some three hours and was feeling stronger by the minute. Nathan was keeping a close eye on him and had stated that after four hours, Vin would have to lie down for an hour.

Tanner stepped out into the sun. The warmth filled his being. Movement behind him drew his attention. Nathan joined his companion. “It’s a beautiful day,” Jackson commented.

“Yep. Nice day for a ride.”

Nathan glanced at his patient and shook his head. “Not yet. Let’s just take things one day at a time. Maybe in a couple of days.”

Vin stepped down off the veranda. “Gonna go for a walk.”

“Stay close to the house and not too long.”

“Yep,” Vin called back as he strode away with long relaxed strides. Nathan couldn’t help but smile. Tanner was doing better than he had thought. The injured man had experienced no dizziness today and he wasn’t tired. Both were welcome signs.

Twenty minutes later, Nathan found his friend sitting on the ground staring out at the hills surrounding Four Corners. Vin glanced up at the doctor as he approached.

“You picked yourself a nice spot.”


“I’m heading into town to get a few things we’re out of. I won’t be more than an hour. How are you feeling?”

“Good. No headache. No dizziness. Was just thinkin’ I might go and brush the horses down.”

Nathan’s brow furrowed. “Vin, I don’t want you doing too much, too soon. Not too much bending. Besides, I’d like you to head upstairs for a rest shortly.”

“Yeah, okay,” Tanner agreed, climbing to his feet. “I’ll just do a couple.”


Vin watched Nathan drive away and then ambled into the stable. Instantly, the horses called impatient greetings. They hadn’t been exercised in a few days. The neighbour who looked after the animals when the men of Em7 were away had seen movement at the property and assumed that those present would tend to the animals.

“Looks like you all could do with a ride,” Tanner chuckled. “Maybe tomorrow.”

Vin moved into the stall that held Buck’s animal. It was still saddled from the last time Liam had used it. Tanner cursed. “Easy, boy. Let’s get that off you and brush you down.”

Vin set to work. He didn’t hurry. There was no need.

Tanner heard the sound of a vehicle coming up the drive. He assumed it was Nathan. Tanner never had any concept of time when he was working with the horses. No doubt the doctor would have a piece of him for not having rested yet.

Vin set about finishing. A few minutes later, he heard raised voices.

“Just calm down!”

“You promised us delivery. Mr Fitzgerald isn’t happy.”

“You haven’t given me a chance to explain!”

Vin frowned and put down the brush he was using.

“You’ve had our deposit for weeks. We want the missile you said you could get and we want it now!“

Vin headed for the door to investigate. He didn’t like what he was hearing. As the Em7 agent arrived at the entrance to the barn, he gasped. There were four very large men crowded around Liam, two of them holding the younger Larabee. Liam was sagging between them, his face and clothes covered in blood. It was obvious the thugs had beaten the young man in the house before dragging him outside.

One of the thugs raised his fist. Tanner let out a roar. The thugs turned. Vin tackled two, taking them to the ground. Leaping to his feet, Tanner punched one of the stunned men holding Liam and then dragged Larabee’s injured brother from the grasp of the other. “Get out of here, Liam! Go!” Tanner ordered. Liam took several steps but fell to his knees. Quickly, Tanner stepped in front of the fallen man.

The thugs collected themselves. “Mister, you’d do well to stay out of this,” one growled.

“Get off this property,” Vin snarled. He wasn’t armed so holding them for the authorities was out of the question.

The leader of the group stabbed a finger in Liam’s direction. “That’s your final warning, Larabee. You’ve got one day to deliver either the missile or our money back - otherwise, we’ll be back!” With that, he turned and indicated for his men to pile back into their car. Vin held the leader’s gaze as the car pulled away. Tanner drew in a deep breath and turned to Liam. The injured man was crumpled in a heap.

Vin crouched beside him. “Just lay still for a moment, Liam. You’re fine. Just relax.” Systematically Tanner examined Larabee’s brother for injuries. Blood was gushing from the split on the side of the injured man’s head. Swiftly, Vin tore the sleeve from Liam’s shirt and tied it around his head to stop the bleeding. “Yeah, I reckon you’ve got a couple of broken ribs. They hurt like hell. You’re gonna need some stitches in your head. Nathan should be back soon. “ Liam stared up at his rescuer with wide, terrified eyes. His face and clothes were covered in blood and his chest was burning like Hell‘s furnace. ” Just relax, Liam. I know it feels like you‘re dying, but you‘re not. There‘s a lot of blood but heads bleed a lot.”

Liam swallowed. “I thought they were going to kill me.”

“Nope. They were just here to send you a message.” Tanner reached down and eased Liam upright. “Support your ribs. Let’s get you on your feet and into the house.” Vin assisted the injured man to stand and threaded his arm over his shoulder.

Tanner guided Liam to the stairs and then paused. Liam was leaning on him heavily and Vin decided the injured man probably needed a rest before attempting the ascent. “Okay, sit down for a bit,” Tanner coaxed, lowering Larabee on to the stairs.

Liam groaned.

“Yep, your ribs are hurtin’ like hell, aren’t they?”

Liam nodded. A distant vibration announced the arrival of a helicopter. Vin glanced skyward and recognized Chris at the controls. The sharpshooter turned back to the seated man. “Judgment Day.” Now, Liam would have to face his brother and admit the truth.

Panic flooded Liam‘s system and drowned any pain. Tanner had heard part of the exchange with Fitzgerald’s thugs and knew that Liam had instigated the sale of the missile himself. The younger Larabee’s mind churned. He stared up at Vin - Vin, whose knuckles were bruised and whose clothes were covered in his blood. Liam believed he had a chance.

Chris stepped from the chopper and waved. The smile on his face dropped and he raced toward the two bloodied men. Abruptly, Liam jumped up, tore the makeshift bandage from his head, darted around Vin and ran toward his brother screaming, “Look out, Chris! He’s just gone crazy!” Liam grabbed the older man and started dragging him back toward the chopper. “Come on, Chris!”

“What the hell?!” the colonel cried, pulling Liam to a stop.

Vin strode across to the pair. Liam ducked behind his brother. “He just belted the crap out of me, Chris. Don’t let him hit me again!”

Vin stopped, his eyes on Liam. Tanner couldn’t believe his ears. He’d just saved this bastard’s skin!

Chris stared at Vin. Tanner pulled his eyes from Liam and let them settle on Chris. For several seconds the two men stared at each other.

“Get out,” Chris growled in a hushed tone. Liam drew in a deep breath of relief. It had worked. His brother would tear Tanner apart! He’d seen Chris do it before. In the past, those who had crossed Liam had been dealt with by Chris.

Vin held his best friend’s gaze for a few seconds, sighed and lowered his head. Chris stepped toward Tanner. Liam smiled. He’d won.

The elder Larabee turned and stood shoulder to shoulder with Tanner. His determined eyes grabbed Liam‘s. “I said, get out.”

Liam stared back at Chris astonished. “Me?”

While Chris’ face remained hard, his green eyes revealed only pain. “There weren’t supposed to be any more lies, Liam.”

“Lies?! He beat me up! If you want evidence, look at his clothes. Look at his bruised hands. Let him deny it, but you can’t change the evidence!”

“Get out,” Chris repeated. This time, it was a whisper.

“But... Chris... I’m telling the truth!”

“Liam, I don’t think you know what the truth is, anymore,” Chris claimed in a voice so hushed, Liam barely heard it.

The younger Larabee turned his attention to Vin. “You bastard! You’ve turned my brother against me! You’ve told him a pack of lies about me!”

Tanner lifted his face but said nothing.

Liam tore his eyes back to his brother. “Chris, please. You‘ve got to believe me. I need your help.”

The older man shook his head. “Not this time, Liam. There’ve been too many lies. I can’t help if you don’t tell me the truth. I want you to leave.”

Abruptly, the bloodied man exploded into a torrent of irrational claims and accusations and then, just as abruptly, he stalked off and stormed into the house.

Vin glanced at his best friend. “Are you okay?”

“What the hell do you think?!” Chris snarled, disappearing after his brother.


Buck snatched up the screaming phone on Larabee’s desk. “Wilmington.”

“I have some information for Colonel Larabee,” the leader of the CIA stated.

“The colonel isn’t here, but he’s authorized me to take any messages for him.”

“According to Tran aka Le, the man who he works for is Thomas Henderson.”

“Henderson?!” Buck cried.

“You know him?”

“His name came up in our investigation. Thanks.”

“So your group will bring him in?” Harris asked. Normally, he would insist that the CIA handle it, but this was different. This was Em7’s case and Harris was going out of his way to patch up relations with Larabee.

“I’ll contact the colonel and let you know.”


“Tanner,” Vin replied answering the phone.

“Hey, Kid. How are you feeling?” Buck asked.

“Yeah, I’m good.”

Wilmington could hear the unrest in his friend’s voice. “What’s up? Liam?”

“Everything just exploded. Chris’ dealing with it.” Tanner glanced up toward the bedrooms. Chris and Liam had been up there for almost fifteen minutes.

“I knew it would come to this. It always does. Look, I need to speak to Chris. We’ve found out who hired Yang Le.”

Vin pulled his ear from the phone. Tanner could hear raised voices from the guest bedroom. “He’s still dealing with things, Buck.”

“Yep, I suppose it will be a while. Lieutenant, we need permission to go in and pick Henderson up,” Buck explained.

Vin sighed. He‘d been out of the loop for a while, but clearly the decision had to fall to him. “What’s the CIA got to say?”

“This is our case and they know it.”

“Okay, but don’t do anything fancy, Captain. Just pick Henderson up.”

“Yes, Sir. And Vin, try to stay out of it. I speak from experience. It‘s between Chris and his brother.”

“I have no intention of getting involved.“ Apart from belting the crap out of the lying bastard the first moment I get a chance.


Mary had been able to find out some information on Thomas Henderson at Buck’s request. Henderson was in his early sixties. His father had worked for a computer company in Japan thus, Henderson had grown up in Tokyo. There, he had learned martial arts and had been very good at it. However, as he got older and reached the senior levels of competitions, prejudices had prevented him from truly reaching his potential. He was the American boy everyone had tolerated but had no intentions of allowing to reach the pinnacle of his chosen art. Bitter, Henderson devoted his every waking moment to winning the major ninja competition but despite qualifying, he was barred for not being Japanese. It was then that the twenty-three year old had been become obsessed with proving that he was every bit his Japanese counterparts’ equal. Unfortunately, by the age of twenty-five, he developed a muscular disorder and his dreams were shattered, until he learned of the existence of the Sword of Power. Any ninja who found and held the sword had the ultimate power. All ninja would have to bow to him if he could find the sword and so he had embarked on the quest.

With this insight into their quarry, the men of Em7 travelled to Henderson’s home to question him. They had knocked, identified themselves and asked to enter the mansion, but had been attacked by the millionaire’s ninja bodyguards. Thankfully, Em7 had come with automatic weapons and the ninja leader had given the order for his men to throw down their weapons once Em7 had entered the home and showed every intention of using them.

Ezra lowered his revolver. His eyes were drawn to the man standing beside Henderson. Kimae Tran was dressed in a dark suit, his hand still raised to his men after ordering them to stand down.

Buck, Josiah and J.D. continued to keep the group of men covered.

“How dare you burst into my home and threaten me with guns!” Henderson spluttered.

“Em7,” Josiah stated, flashing his badge. “Your bodyguards attacked us, Mr. Henderson, despite the fact that we had identified ourselves.”

“I am the Master. I am in charge of Mr. Henderson‘s security. As you have not produced a warrant I ...”

“Kimae Tran, it is a profound displeasure to finally meet you, you malevolent bastard,” Ezra growled.

Tran’s face showed his absolute surprise.

“Your brother has been spilling his guts all morning,” Buck offered.

Tran and Standish glared at each other. His secret was out and Tran knew it. “You have proved to be more troublesome than I imagined, “the former SeCReTs’ agent stated, smiling sarcastically.

Rage swallowed Ezra and he raised his revolver. Buck, J.D. and Josiah’s head snapped toward their partner.

“Ezra?” Buck asked.

Standish felt so much hatred for Tran. This was the person who had murdered Ezra’s partners! Standish was going to kill Tran. He had always intended to. He knew Chris and the others would understand. Standish’s hand didn’t waver as he cocked his weapon.

“Ezra, he’s not worth it,“ Josiah whispered.

As Ezra stared at Tran, the days spent on death row filled his tormented mind. The hours spent in court listening as his character and reputation were crucified by friends replayed... and this man was responsible! He and his brother had set Ezra up. The other had gone to Los Angeles to provide the perfect alibi, but this man... this bastard standing in front of him had been the one who had murdered the other SeCReTs’ agents!

“Go on Standish. Shoot me. You want to. You even deserve to,“ Tran goaded.

Ezra’s eyes narrowed. His finger began to tighten on the trigger. J.D.‘s eyes widened.

“Ezra, don’t !“ Buck pleaded.

“He wins if you pull the trigger for then you will be the murderer he made you out to be,“ Josiah preached in a low voice.

The words entered Ezra’s numbed being. His green eyes filled with pain. Several terrifying seconds ticked by. Ezra dropped his arm, turned and strode from the room.

Buck and Josiah exchanged a glance. Buck nodded. He and J.D. could handle things here until the police arrived. Josiah turned and jogged after Ezra. The sergeant caught up with his companion outside in the gardens. Standish was standing, staring out into space dazed.

“Ezra?” Josiah asked, gently placing his hand on his friend’s shoulder. Ezra’s gun was still in his right hand, but it was hanging by his side.

“That’s it,” Ezra murmured. “I... it’s over.”

Josiah stared at his friend’s pale face. Ezra’s eyes were badly dilated. He was emotionally drained. Taking Standish by the elbow, Sanchez guided Ezra across to some patio chairs and coaxed him down into one. Standish blinked and for the first time appeared to notice Josiah.

“Relax, brother. You’re right. It’s over. We need to take you home. You need to rest.”


Vin heard the taxi arrive and leave. He hoped that would be the end of his contact with Liam Larabee. Tanner sat down at the table in the kitchen, a packet of frozen peas on his bruised knuckles.

Chris entered the room, his face a mixture of emotions. Vin said nothing, watching as his friend took a seat. For almost two minutes they sat in silence.

Finally, Chris sighed and glanced at his companion. “He refused to tell me the truth. Just kept repeating that you had belted the crap out of him.”

“After the way he carried on, I wish I had.”

“I don’t need you attacking me too,” Chris growled.

“Larabee, cut the apron strings. I have a problem with your asshole brother, not with you.” There was no anger in Vin’s voice. It was a simple statement of fact.

Tanner’s bright blue eyes grabbed Larabee and refused to release him until he saw understanding and acceptance.

The anger in Chris’ face began to abate. “What happened?”

“A carload of heavies came out demanding the missile or their money back.”

“Money back?!” Larabee cried.

“Afraid so. Your brother was dealing, Chris.”

Larabee lowered his shaking head.

“Sorry, Cowboy.”

“Yeah. So am I. I spoke to Harris before I came out here. There is a protection racket operating in prison, but payment is usually in money, cigarettes or drugs. There was no evidence of anyone wanting arms.” Chris sounded so defeated.

Vin drew in a deep breath. “Chris, you can’t protect Liam from himself.”

“Don’t! You sound like Buck.” There was true rage in the older man’s voice.

“Not trying to sound like anyone. I’m tellin’ it how I see it. You’ve got yourself in knots over something you can’t control. A man can’t do that. Hell, you’re the one who taught me that.“

Chris looked at his best friend and could see the sense of what he was saying.

“Chris, I gotta tell you, I’m not so sure Liam’s completely responsible for his own actions. I saw how he changed. One second he was acting normally and the next, it’s like he’s a different person. He needs help and I mean psychological help. I reckon you should convince him to speak to Josiah.”

Chris nodded. “I tried. I spoke to Josiah a few days ago and he said the same thing. Liam’s lost touch with reality. His mood swings are worse than they’ve ever been. Josiah said that he’d be happy talk to Liam. When we were upstairs I offered to set up a meeting between them, but Liam went off his head.” Liam had ranted about a lot of things. Like the fact that Vin wasn’t Chris’ brother and yet Chris seemed prepared to take the word of Tanner over Liam without Vin having to say a word!

Chris eyed Vin. Why didn’t he share the same unquestioned trust he had with Vin with his own brother? It was all so disconcerting. Chris had seen the blood on Vin. He had seen Vin’s knuckles. There hadn’t been sign of anyone else and yet, he knew that Vin hadn’t laid a hand on Liam. Tanner hadn’t needed to say anything. Liam had repeated that fact over and over again. ‘He didn’t even deny it! You believed him and he didn’t say a word to deny it! I’m your brother, not him!’

“I guess it isn’t completely his fault, Chris. He needs help,” Vin stated, thoughtfully

“I know, but I can’t help if he won’t let me.”

“Can’t you make him go to a doctor. I mean...”

“Have him committed? Liam’s not crazy, Vin. Just... just out of touch.”

“What about the people looking for him? What are we going to do?“ We. Vin didn’t see this as Chris’ problem. Every problem was their problem. From the first day their eyes had connected, they had shared one another’s highs and lows. In that, Chris found some comfort. He didn’t need to face this alone unless he chose to. “I’ve got a name. Fitzgerald.”

Chris shrugged. “I’ll pass it on, but...” Larabee still felt so helpless. Liam’s ranting hadn’t made a lot of sense, but his resentment of Chris had been clearly communicated. “I just don’t know how to help him any more.”

“Chris, I don’t have family outside of you and the boys. If one of you did what Liam was doing I...” Vin’s voice faded. He frowned.

“You can’t finish it can you?” Chris accused, softly.

“No, I guess I can’t.” Vin couldn’t just walk away no matter what had happened between he and his friends. If they were in trouble, he’d be there.

“Now do you see why I can’t just turn my back on him, Vin? No matter what he says and does, he’s still my brother.”

Vin nodded, truly understanding for the first time. “Do you want to go after him?”

“No. We both need some time to cool off. He‘ll contact me once he‘s cooled down. He always does.”

Silence blanketed the kitchen. After a few minutes, Vin rose to his feet and returned the peas to the freezer.

“So, how are you feeling this morning?” Chris asked.

“Fine, outside of some bruised knuckles. Nathan should be back any minute. He won’t be happy that I haven’t headed up to bed for a rest.”

“You better go on. I’ll hold him off for as long as I can.”

Vin winked. As Tanner was leaving, Chris’ cell phone rang.

Vin paused. “Oh, I forgot to tell you, I authorized the boys to go and pick up the guy who hired Yang Le.”

“You didn’t allow Ezra to go with them, did you?!” Chris demanded, snatching up his phone.

Larabee listened for a few seconds. “Okay, Josiah. I’m on my way. Take Ezra home. I’ll bring Nathan in with me.”

Vin waited anxiously. “Chris?”

Larabee pocketed the phone as he climbed to his feet. “Ezra’s taken it all hard. I’ll call the local police to come out here and keep an eye on you. I’m going to need Nathan to come and examine Ezra.”

“I don’t need any protection,” Vin argued.

“And what if those heavies come back?”

“This time I’ll greet them with rifle fire.”

“No. Go up to bed and rest. I’ll have the local boys park their squad car in plain view. If Fitzgerald’s men see a police car, they’ll keep their distance,” Chris stated.


On the way back to Washington, Josiah rang to say that Ezra had insisted on going to watch Kimae Tran be questioned. When the colonel and doctor arrived, the Tran brothers had just been placed in the interrogation room together and left alone. The investigators hoped that being together would entice them to converse and perhaps, slip-up.

Josiah and Harris left the observation cubicle to meet Chris. Nathan headed straight into the room to examine Ezra. Standish was sitting staring at the Tran brothers. They were expressionless.

“Hey, Ezra,” Nathan greeted.

The seated man glanced up at his companion.

“You got them. Now, it’s time to let the other law organizations deal with it.”

“Not until I hear them admit it with my own ears,” Ezra growled. His attention was drawn to the Tran brothers. Kimae began speaking in Japanese to his brother.

“What’s he saying?” Nathan asked.

“That he is disgusted that Huon gave us Henderson’s name,” Ezra translated. Standish listened carefully to the conversation.

“Larabee threatened to kill me.”

“Death before dishonour.”


“We must right the wrong. You have dishonoured yourself by revealing our employer and I by failing to protect him. There is only one course of action left for us. We must regain our honour.”

Huon swallowed, but nodded.

Ezra frowned. The two men rose from their chairs, walked around the table and knelt down on the ground.

“Ezra, what are they doing?” Nathan asked. The two guards standing beside Ezra were also intrigued.

The Tran brothers shut their eyes and began muttering.

“Looks like they’re praying. Don’t reckon that will help now,” one officer claimed.

The muttering went on for almost a full minute before Huon and Kimae opened their eyes. They appeared in a trance. Each reached up and wound his arm around his own head.

“NOOOO!” Ezra roared, realizing what they were about to do. He raced from the observation cubicle, almost knocking Chris and Harris over in his haste. “UNLOCK THE DOOR!”

“Ezra?” Chris asked.

In the interrogation room, Huon and Kimae yanked their chin. There was an audible crack as their necks broke.

“Shit!” Nathan cried. A split second later, a guard and Ezra spilled into the room. Standish stared down at the lifeless Tran brothers. Their eyes were open and unseeing. “Damn you!” Ezra screamed.


An hour after Huon and Kimae Tran chose to commit suicide rather than admit to their crimes, Ezra was laying in his bed with Nathan leaning over him. Jackson withdrew a needle from his friend‘s arm. “It‘s just a little something to help you relax.”

“I assure you, Nathan. I am fine.”

“Uh, huh,” the doctor dismissed, tucking the blankets around Standish. Ezra’s bedroom took up almost half of the third floor of the Gambler’s mansion. The money that had ’disappeared’ on his last mission for SeCReTs had enabled him to provide himself with the lifestyle he believed he had been born to live. The master bedroom was one of eight and it was lavishly furnished like the rest of the house.

“There really is no need for all of this,” Standish insisted, pushing Nathan’s hand from his forehead. Ezra’s eyes had grey bags under them. It was obvious he hadn’t had a decent night’s sleep in days. His face was pale and the lines around his eyes showed the strain of the past few weeks’ events.

“Ezra, how about you let me be the doctor and you can be the patient. I‘m not going away until I‘m sure you‘re okay so it will be quicker and easier on both of us if you let me finish my examination in peace.”

Standish sighed, resigned to his fate. As Nathan poked and probed him, the Gambler’s mind continued to zap with thoughts and images. He couldn’t stop them.

“That shot should start to take effect shortly. I’ll wait until you’re asleep before I leave.”

Ezra nodded.

Nathan sat down on the edge of the bed. “There was nothing anyone could have done to stop them. We had no idea that they would take their own lives.”

“They had brought shame on themselves. The only honourable thing for a ninja to do was to commit hara-kiri. I should have realized,” Ezra admitted, quietly.

“Ezra, don’t you dare blame yourself for their deaths.”

“Relax, Nathan. I don’t. I would be insincere if I claimed to be bereft by their death. However, I was keen for them to confess to killing Stevens, Phillips and Beaton. In some ways, it is still my word against theirs as our evidence against them is circumstantial.”

“Ezra, there is enough evidence to convict them and clear you,” Nathan insisted.

“Yes, but not to clear my name entirely. There will always be room for the slightest trace of doubt.”

“We don’t doubt you. We never did,” Nathan offered, sincerely.

“I know,” Ezra acknowledged, blinking.

Nathan smiled. “Close your eyes and go to sleep. You’ll feel better in the morning.”

Less than ten minutes later, Ezra was sound asleep. Nathan checked his friend’s vitals and satisfied, headed out to his car. Chris wanted the physician present at the autopsy of the Tran brothers. With the help of Harris, Larabee had been able to pull some strings so that the autopsies would take place immediately.

As the sound of Jackson’s station wagon died away, a shadow stepped out from behind a curtain in the lounge room directly below Ezra’s bedroom!

Part Twenty-Six

Despite the late hour, J.D. was still at the office working. He wanted to finish up some of the reports before calling it a night. Chris and Josiah were at the CIA building finalizing things with Harris. Buck had been sent to Four Corners to keep an eye on Vin and Nathan was assisting with the autopsy.

Dunne yawned and glanced at the clock. The report was taking longer than he had thought it would. Abruptly “The Magnificent Seven” theme filled the office. J.D. had set up his computer to play the theme song when he had incoming mail.

Dunne opened the message without true interest. It was the results of his background check on Huon Tran. J.D. ran his eyes down the screen. Abruptly he stopped. His pupils grew wide. The startled agent grabbed the phone beside his desk. “Chris?! We may have a problem!”


Ezra listened to Nathan’s car pulling away. He had deceived his companion by making out he was asleep. It had been a relatively harmless deception. Standish could see no sense in Nathan sitting around here.

While Ezra could feel the drug surging through his system, he still couldn’t settle his mind. For two long years his life had been plagued by the events at the Martin Hotel. Now, they had been dealt with. He had captured the men responsible and cleared his name and yet, he didn’t feel the way he had envisaged. Ezra had expected great happiness, relief and contentment. Strangely, he felt none of these things. Why? He couldn’t even begin to understand his own emotions, let alone try to explain them.

Ezra climbed from his bed. Immediately, he sensed the effect of the drug. He felt like he was floating, his legs rubbery under him. For several seconds, the drugged man just stood, trying to decide what to do. His ability to process thoughts was slowing. Deciding a glass of warm milk may assist him to sleep, Ezra headed for the kitchen on the second floor.

Standish placed the milk in the microwave for several seconds and then downed the contents. His world was beginning to fade in and out.

“I think it might be fortuitous if I return to my bed before I fall flat on my face,” he murmured aloud.

For the hundredth time, Ezra shook his head. He had honestly believed that the conspiracy against him had involved international secrets and intrigue. Instead, it had been borne of one man’s quest for some mythological sword. How could that be?

Ezra wandered out of the kitchen on unsteady legs and headed toward the stairs. Before he was halfway across the room, he was overcome with the feeling he was being watched. Ezra turned toward the lounge room. A man shaped shadow stepped forward into the light brandishing a revolver.

Ezra gasped. “But you’re dead! I saw you take your life this afternoon!” It was impossible to tell which of the Tran brothers was standing in front of him.

The gun wielding ninja glared at Ezra with tangible hatred radiating from his face. “I should have killed you two years ago when you were in that alley!” The assassin leveled the weapon at Standish.

Ezra stared at the killer. He knew he was no match for Tran. The drug Nathan had given him had made his mind sluggish and any physical movement awkward and uncoordinated. He didn’t have a chance. Yet, he didn’t feel any fear. One thought made him feel content. “You won’t get away with this. My team will hunt you down.”

“They have to find me first.” Tran smiled. His finger tightened on the trigger.

Ezra steeled himself for the shot. So this was the way it was going to end?... just as it should have ended three years ago with this man shooting him dead. However, this time, his death would be avenged swiftly. The boys would see to that.

Ezra flinched as the bullet was fired. The explosion echoed in the silent house. Ezra waited for impact.

Tran flew forward and landed on his stomach only two feet from Standish. The startled Em7 agent stared down at the fallen assassin. Ezra’s foggy mind was unable to process what had happened. Standish lifted his eyes.

Chris Larabee filled the open doorway, his revolver still raised. “Are you alright?”

“Yes,” Ezra replied, automatically.

Chris strode forward, crouched and checked the assassin’s pulse. He was dead. The colonel had been given little choice. Larabee rose to his feet, his concerned green eyes roving Ezra’s pale face and glazed eyes. “Triplets,” Chris stated simply.


It took a full day for Em7 to piece the final pieces of the mystery together and compile it into a single report that would be issued to their law enforcement partners.

Chris picked up his pen and gazed down at the completed document. His men had done an outstanding job in an area that was not their strength. They had gradually peeled the layers of the mystery away. Never at any stage had anything been as it seemed. There had been no weapon and ‘Yang Le’ had been an alias for three brothers who had dedicated their lives to finding and claiming the Sword of Power. The trio’s ninja training had allowed them to gain access to SeCReTs, an organization with massive resources but no strict or thorough security check on prospective members. This was something that Freeman was in the process of changing.

Using the security clearance and resources of SeCReTs, the Trans had conducted their search for the sword. Two of them covered SeCReTs’ missions, ensuring their deception was maintained, while the third spent his days uncovering clues that would lead to their possession of what they viewed as the ultimate power.

When the Tran brothers had heard of Henderson’s search for the sword, they had seized upon another opportunity. The trio gathered an army together and went to work for the obsessed millionaire allowing him to finance their search. Of course, Henderson had no idea that the brothers were searching for the Sword of Power for themselves. Despite this fact, the Trans’ ninja beliefs saw them loyal to their employer and thus taking their own lives had been their only option after failing to protect him. In the eyes of their ninja colleagues, they had failed. Their reputation had been crucified and the only way to restore it was to take the noble option of committing hara-kiri.

Ezra’s involvement had been a result of a CIA agent over hearing a conversation between Henderson and a man called Giang Nikshawa. Nikshawa had uncovered some information on the Sword of Power and had been offering it to the highest bidder. The discussion had included statements like, ‘The ultimate weapon’ and ‘the most powerful weapon known to man’. Naturally, the CIA agent assumed this to be a weapon of mass destruction. SeCReTs had been commissioned to bid on the mystery device. The case was given to Ezra and he had outbid Henderson and arranged an exchange with the seller. Henderson hadn’t been prepared to give up the source of information, thus the Tran brothers had devised a plan that would enable them to steal the information on the sword and leave Ezra holding the bag.

Everything had worked perfectly. The plan had been elaborate, well orchestrated and foolproof. Every angle had been covered. Ezra’s frame had been seamless and flawless, or so it had seemed. The Tran brothers had made one fatal mistake - a mistake that involved a simple belt buckle.

Chris scribbled his signature at the bottom of the report and closed the file. The mystery had been solved and the case officially closed. Ezra was an innocent man and now his name had been publicly cleared. That was the end of it.


That evening, the men of Em7 went their own ways. J.D. had a date with Casey. This time, it was just the two of them and he had remembered to actually ‘ask’ her. Buck had a date with the girl on reception who had insisted on calling him ‘Mister’ because she felt he was old enough to be her father. Buck intended showing the misguided young woman the folly of her assessment. His intentions were far from ‘fatherly’!

Ezra had chosen to spend the night at home alone. There was still so much he was trying to come to terms with. The other men had tried to convince him to join Nathan, Josiah, Vin and Chris at Four Corners, but Standish had declined. His friends were concerned, but there was little they could do to change the stubborn man’s mind.


Josiah turned the volume of the television up. He and Nathan were seated in the lounge room, their eyes glued to the ‘box’. Chris wandered out of the kitchen with two mugs of coffee balanced precariously on the brown package that had been hanging around the house since their return from South America. Larabee paused. It was unusual to see Nathan so totally captivated by the television.

“What are you watching?”

“Shhhhh!” both men thundered.

Larabee walked into the room to get a closer look. “Horse racing?”

Josiah glanced up at his friend and smiled. “We finally agreed on something to invest in.”

“We bought a racehorse. It’s racing tonight, but we’re not sure which race,” Jackson added, scanning the racing guide, frantically.

“You bought a racehorse?!”

Josiah flashed his colonel a smile the size of Texas “I got Nathan in a weak moment.”

Jackson shook his head. “I can‘t even find tonight in this damn thing! Josiah, are you sure Percy‘s Parasol is racing tonight?”

“Percy’s Parasol?! Good, Lord!” Chris laughed.

“I must be crazy” Nathan grumbled.

“You’ve got no argument from me,” Chris chuckled, heading outside to the pool area. Vin was relaxing on a deck chair, staring up at the stars.

Tanner carefully took the closest mug of coffee from his friend. Chris settled in the deck chair beside Vin and placed the plain brown package on the ground between them. The evening was peaceful and quiet. The moon above was full and reflecting off the still water of the pool. The open space beyond the ranch house was lit in pale yellow light. All the troubles of the world seemed a long way away.

“I want to take you to McKenna’s,” Vin stated, quietly.

“Uh huh.”

“Kojay showed me a spot that is like no other in the world. It’s a hard climb, but worth it.”

“Sounds good. Kojay?”

Vin didn’t answer immediately. “He took me in when I was sixteen. He was a good friend.”

“Do you have any other family?” Chris asked, sipping his coffee.

“An uncle that I know of. My father might still be alive. I don’t know. Have you heard from Liam?”

Chris shook his head. “Not a word.” Larabee sounded worried. Even out here, Chris couldn’t completely escape.

“He has to face his life, Chris. A man can’t keep running from his mistakes and he can‘t expect others to always fix his mess.” Again, the pair fell into a reflective silence. The sound of the television filtered out to the pool area, but that was the only sound.

“I’m taking Mary out to dinner on Friday,” Chris stated, out of the blue.

Vin glanced at his companion and grinned. “That right?”

“Wipe that damn smile off your face. I just want to thank her for her help. She found out a lot of information on Henderson for us and she helped to locate you and Ezra after your jaunt into Swallow Pass.”

“I see.” Tanner bounced his eyebrows.

Chris shoved his friend good-naturedly. “I hear you were roasted by Inez.”

Vin nodded. “She rang and blasted the shit out of me. Didn’t know what the hell she was going on about. Kept yelling at me for not telling her I was in a coma. I told her it was a bit hard because I was unconscious. Man you should have heard her carrying on.”

“Sounds like she cares.”

Vin shrugged. “Yeah, I guess. Still.”

“Women,” Chris chuckled.

“Can’t live with’ em. Can’t live without ‘em,” Vin claimed with an air of authority.

“That’s philosophical coming from you.”

“What the hell is that supposed to mean?!”

The pair exchanged verbal blows for several minutes before settling into another comfortable silence.

Chris found himself unable to empty his mind. His relationship with his brother was a constant worry. He found it easy to love his brother, but not always to like him. That left Chris feeling guilty. “He was right, you know.”

“About what?” Vin asked, sipping his almost cold coffee.

“I trust you.”

Vin continued to stare straight out in front of him. “Yep.”

“I trust all of the boys.”


Chris swallowed. “I don’t trust Liam.”

“Doesn’t mean you don’t love him, Cowboy. Trust and love are two different things. Don’t go beatin’ yourself up over it.”

Chris turned to his best friend. It took several seconds for the older man to process the statement. “You’re right. Thanks.”

“Any time, Cowboy.” Vin glanced at his friend. “So, where are you taking her?”

Chris grinned. “You’d be the last person I’d tell!” Larabee leaned back in his chair. The light-hearted exchanges with Vin were helping him to relax. “I just might ring Inez and tell her that you need some tender loving care.”

“What makes you think I wouldn’t like that?” Tanner challenged.

Larabee slipped his phone out of his pocket. “Then you’re in luck. I have The Saloon’s phone number saved on my phone.”

Vin glanced at his friend. “You’re making a powerful enemy, Larabee.”

“Inez, Chris. I was just ringing to...”

“Yeah, right. You haven‘t got Inez on the phone,” Vin stated with confidence.

“Sorry, Inez. I got interrupted. I was just ringing to let you know that Vin will probably be home tomorrow... Yeah, he was in a coma... The bullet grazed his skull...Yeah he is much better, but to tell you the truth, I really don’t think...”

“Chris!” Vin cried, sitting up. Don’t!

Larabee smiled and pulled the phone from his ear. “You’re gullible, Tanner.”

In your ass, Chris.


Ezra was sitting in the darkness. It wasn’t that he had intended to. It was just that night had arrived and he hadn’t noticed. Nathan had told him he was suffering from emotional stress and Josiah had explained that it was to be expected considering all that he’d been through. Sanchez had also insisted that it was important for him to be with his friends at the moment, but Ezra had declined forcefully. He just wanted to be left alone.

Now, sitting in the deathly quiet mansion he called home, Ezra felt lost. His emotions were coming in waves. Anger, disbelief, confusion and a dozen others continued to assault him.

The doorbell rang and Ezra jumped. His nerves were still on edge. Standish glanced at the clock. It was after eleven o’clock! Who would be calling at this hour?

Ezra walked down the stairs to the front door. He stepped close and peered into the peephole. A huge blue eye stared back at him. “What the...”

“Hey, Ez. Is that your green eye I see in there?!”

Ezra opened the door. “Captain Wilmington, I... what is all of this?” Buck was standing holding two pizza boxes with a couple of rented videotapes sitting on top.

“I thought you might be hungry.”

“I...” Buck pushed his way passed his companion. “Please, come in,” Ezra muttered, sarcastically. Standish relocked the door and followed his friend into the media room. This housed a cinema sized plasma screen.

“I need to borrow your television,” Buck explained, dumping his load on the coffee table.

“I thought you were going out with the young woman working in our building? Something about showing her you weren’t old enough to be her father.”

“Mission accomplished,” Buck stated, grinning. “You see, Ezra, I explained to her that men are bit like wine. The older they are, the more tantalizing the experience.” Wilmington eyebrows were dancing.

“I see. And why aren’t you still savouring the evening with her?”

“Well, I got hungry, bought some pizza and was on my way home when I drove by your place and decided to drop in to watch my videos. You don’t mind do you?”

Ezra was grateful. He had discovered that he really didn‘t want to be alone. His other companions had respected his wish to be by himself. Buck, while he respected the decision, wasn’t the type of person to allow a friend to be alone when they needed company - no matter what the person believed themselves. “I wasn’t watching anything.”

Buck opened one of the boxes, leaned forward and drew in a deep breath. “Mmmmmm. Another masterpiece. Want a piece?”

“I don’t like pizza.”

“You’ll like this one. It’s a caviar pizza.”

“Caviar? ” Ezra asked, taking a seat next to Buck on the long sofa only a few feet from the giant screen on the wall.

“Well, I know you like fish eggs so I bought some, took them to my favourite pizza shop and had them make them up into a pizza. A compromise between what you like and what I love.”

Ezra stared at his friend. It still amazed him that he had friends whom actually gave him a second thought. “It sounds absolutely disgusting,” Standish stated, selecting a slice. “So, what videos did you rent?”

“My favourite and your favourite.”


“’Casablanca’ for you and ‘The Creature from the Bog’ for me. We’ll watch mine first.”

“Naturally,” Ezra commented, taking the video and slipping it into his expensive system. “So you will be seeing the young woman again?”

“Tomorrow night.” Buck flashed Ezra a very self-satisfied smile.

“I see.” As Ezra re-took his seat, the television sprang to life. Both men leaned back in the chair and lifted their feet up to rest on the table. The movie was in back and white and was accompanied by dramatic music. Out of the depths of a swamp, a man, in what looked like an old garbage bag, rose to the surface and roared like a lion. “Oh, please,” Ezra cried.

“Shut-up, Ezra. This is a classic.”

“A classic! My Lord. The trees are cardboard cut-outs!”

“Yeah. Great isn’t it!” Buck stated, shoveling pizza into his mouth. The next scene showed a young woman standing near her car that had broken down only ten feet from the swamp.

“Talk about predictable,” Standish murmured.

Before Buck could defend his favourite movie, Ezra’s phone rang. Standish rose to answer it.

“Do you want me to stop it for you?”

“No, that will be fine, Buck. I’m sure I’ll pick up the story line when I return,” Ezra chuckled.

“Yeah, but the creature from the bog is going to get the woman.”

“How astounding,” Ezra stated, feigning surprise as he walked into the hall to answer the phone. “Hello?”

“Hi, Ezra. Josiah. Just ringing to see how you’re feeling?”

Ezra thought about his answer. “To tell you the truth, Josiah, I honestly don’t know how I feel. I guess I’m angry but... it’s hard to explain.”

“You need to understand that what you’re feeling is perfectly normal.”

“Unfortunately, that is of little comfort. I... I just can’t fathom that it was all over some mythological sword!”

“No, brother. Not a sword. It was over the age-old nemesis, power and power is in the eye of the beholder. It is many things to many different people. Power is an intangible entity humans have been trying to capture since the dawn of time. Some see and find power in success, some in riches and some in manipulating others.” Josiah paused. Chris’ brother had spent his life manipulating people. It was the form of power he craved. “The sword is nothing more than a useless piece of metal. The ninja weren’t after that. They were driven by the lure of attaining power, whatever form that power may be. The problem is, power cannot be attained. True power is something that is bestowed upon you.”

Ezra listened to Josiah. His mind was reeling.


“I’m still here. I’ll think about what you said.”

“I really don’t think you should be on your own. You have friends who are worried about you. Friends who want to help.”

“Buck arrived with pizza and a ‘B’ grade movie. At the moment, I’m drowning in friendship. Thanks, Josiah.”

When Ezra returned, he tuned the movie out. Power is in the eye of the beholder. Josiah’s words churned inside his mind. No, brother. Not a sword. It was over the age-old nemesis, power. Ezra reflected on the fact that his life hadn’t been turned upside down because of a quest for a sword, but as a result of a quest for power. That made sense.

“Ezra?” Buck asked. “Are you okay?”

Standish glanced at his friend. “Sergeant Sanchez has a considerable talent for making the unintelligible comprehendible.”

“Yeah, he does.”

“Power is in the eye of the beholder,” Standish murmured.

“Pardon,” Buck asked curiously, turning the sound on the television down.

“That is what Josiah said. He’s right. Everything is relative to everything else. I didn’t realize that I always saw power as measured by success, hence my insatiable need to be viewed a success. For each man, power means something different. I thought that power was something to strive for - something to fight to achieve.” Ezra paused, once again reflecting on Josiah’s wisdom. “I was so wrong. You can’t achieve power. Look at Chris. He has true power and that power was bestowed upon him by others as a result of respect, not fear, or jealousy, or strength or money... or even success. It was borne of respect.”

Buck nodded.

Ezra drew in a deep breath, his brow still furrowed. It had been a quest for power that had turned his life upside down. That, Ezra could accept. Finally, the tormented man found the relief he had been looking for. “Power, Buck. It was all over power, not a sword.”

Buck smiled and handed his friend a piece of pizza. “The creature got the woman. Now it’s her husband’s turn.”

Ezra rolled his eyes and accepted the pizza. The music rose. Both men returned their attention to the movie.

“Thank you,” Ezra whispered.

“You’re very welcome, pard.”


On the outskirts of Washington DC, a telephone conversation was initiated.

“Les, it’s me.”

“Hey, I heard you were out. I also heard you weren’t in stolen property any more. Arms dealing isn’t it?”

“It didn’t work out. However, I may be on to an easy score. Enough to disappear to a tropical island forever. You interested?”

“How much?”

“Five million dollars.”


Nathan and Josiah had gone to bed happy men. Their horse had run second. Vin and Chris were still lounging on the deck chairs around the pool. Vin had been telling his best friend about his life at McKenna’s.

“She was the biggest bear I’d ever seen. And she wasn’t happy.”

Chris smiled. “Naturally, you did the sensible thing and walked away.”

Vin flicked his eyes to his friend and grinned. “Nope.”

The shrill ringing of the phone interrupted the relaxed mood. Larabee glanced at his watch.

“I’ll get it,” Vin offered.

“No, it could be Liam. I’ll take it.” As Chris rose to his feet, he pointed to the package. “That’s yours. It’s been hanging around here for ages. Must have arrived when we were in South America.”

Vin watched his friend go, praying that the call was from Liam. No matter what he thought of Larabee’s brother, Liam was a part of Chris’ life.

Tanner picked up the package and studied it. It was plain brown with no return address. Vin tipped the harmless looking box on its side, slipped his fingers under the wrapping and began to draw the paper back.......


“Larabee,” Chris stated, scooping up the phone.

“Chris, we have a situation developing,” Travis stated, his voice raised with anxiety.

“I have two men who may not be fit for active duty,” Chris replied.

“I hate to say this, but your team may be the only ones with the power to stop this becoming an international incident.”

“I’ll need more information,” Chris prompted.

The colonel’s fertile mind was already developing a strategy to deal with the new threat, despite the fact that dangers from previous ones were still lurking... very close to home. Shortly, Chris would put his team on alert. Then, the security of the free world would be in Em7’s hands... the best hands in the world, for these hands wield true power, not the empty power that can be found in perceived strength, riches and success. Power may well be in the eye of the beholder, but true power is bestowed by others. When normal channels find themselves powerless to handle a complex situation, it has to be handed over to Executive Mediation Seven - the best of the best - the team authorized to deal with extreme situations using extreme measures!


Stay tuned for Episode Six... deception, kidnappings, family revelations and it all starts with one hell of a BANG!


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