Jury Duty 2

The First Call

By CherylR

July 11, 2004


July 2, after 7pm

"They said to call after two," Blair said grumpily. "So I called after two. Why didn’t they have the recording set up already? They shouldn’t have said two if they weren’t going to be done by then."

Jim walked up and put his hand on Blair’s shoulder. "Take it easy buddy. You know how these things go. Sometimes they just run a little late. Why don’t you give ‘em a call now," he said as he looked over his shoulder into the kitchen. "That way we can enjoy the wonderful food you spent all afternoon making."

Blair looked up into his Sentinel’s eyes and sighed. "I had to do something man. I was getting way too nervous waiting."

Jim smiled and ruffled his hair. "I may have to find ways to make you nervous more often. It smells wonderful."

"Thanks man," Blair grunted sarcastically. "Not! And stop messing with my hair." The put-upon Guide reached for the phone for the third time since two pm. Third time’s the charm, right? He looked back at his paperwork and carefully dialed the phone number. Then he waited tapping his foot nervously.

A pre-recorded female voice came on the line. "It is Friday, July 2, 2004. This message is for jurors in the District court pool for the month of July. Remember to listen to the entire message before you make any choices…."

Blair rolled his eyes. "Man and I thought trying to register for classes by phone was boring."

Jim laughed at his roommate’s comment. Blair stuck his tongue out and returned his attention to the phone call.

"If your name is called you must report to the courthouse no later than 8 am Tuesday, July 6, 2004. You must bring a photo ID for security purposes. Remember the attire for this court is business casual. That means no shorts, no jeans, no t-shirts and no hats…"

The message continued on for several minutes. Blair took notes of the important parts. Is there going to be a test on this stuff?

The woman’s voice finally wound down and he was presented with four options to choose from. "If your last name starts with A as in Adam through F as in Frank press one. If your last name starts with G as in George through L as in Lincoln press two. If your name starts with M as in Mary through R as in Robert press three. If…"

Can’t I just press the damn button already? She’s not going to say anything else after that. Come on… It’s human nature, you press the button as soon as your name is called… It shows on the paperwork that I’m supposed to press the number four. Why should I have to wait til the end to press the number? Blair sighed and rolled his eyes. It would be just my luck for the pop quiz question to be 'what did the boring woman say after she listed the choices for your last name.' He tapped his foot on the floor and tuned in again.

"…with S like Sam through Z like Zebra press four. This concluded this part of the message please press the correct choice now."

"Finally, I kept expecting her to go ‘nanny nanny boo boo,’" Blair said as he punched the four on the phone’s keypad.

The same voice came back on the line and said, "You have chosen names that start with S as in Sam through Z as in Zebra. If your name is called you must report to the courthouse no later than 8am Tuesday, July 6, 2004. Joel Sael S.A.E.L. Jesse Sallup S. A. L.L.U.P…"

Oh man, is she going to spell everyone’s last name?



"…Seagull S.E.A.G.U.L.L. San Taclause T.A.C.L.A.U.S.E…."

She’s doing them in order, right? Does that mean… Better listen to the whole thing. I so don’t want to have to explain to the guys why a US Marshal is picking me up.

The woman finally wound down and the last part of the message was a reminder. "If your name was not called you must call back starting 2pm Friday, July 9, 2004. Thank you."

Blair hung up with another sigh. "Is that two o’clock your time, or two o’clock for the rest of Cascade?"

Jim laughed again. "So what’s the verdict Chief?"

"I’m not on this one, have to call back next Friday. I still can’t decide if I’m happy or not. I mean finals are just going to get more crazy as the month goes on…"

"Hang in there Chief. It’ll all work out."

Blair put the phone back on the counter and shrugged his shoulders. "Might as well eat. Have to wait until next Friday to find out what’s going on. I wonder if I can convince my Profs to let me take my exams early? I’ve got some favors that I can call in to get someone to monitor in my classes while they take their finals…"

Jury Duty - Part 3

Feedback is appreciated. Cheryl
