Forbidden Words
By JudyL
July 28, 2013
Universe: OW - epilog to The New Law
Character Focus: Vin and Chris
Summary - Response to 1hr fic challenge: theme word - Break
Length - 851
Vin tossed another broken chair onto the growing pile and
stopped to wipe the sweat off his face. He looked around as he took a swig from
his canteen. The town buzzed with industry, everyone pitching in to help clean
up after the attempted… he paused, just what would you call it? He shook his
head and grabbed another piece of broken something from the wheelbarrow.
and his gang had made a mess. Anything that had been left on the street had
been broken or shot full of holes. The front of the bank would have to be
completely rebuilt after the cannonball Ezra put through it. Vin
smiled at the memory. Still, the attack had brought the townsfolk together like
nothing else. The townsfolk and their peacekeepers.
grinned at the sight of Buck kissing Miss Millie and Nathan tossing a piece of
lumber disgustedly to the ground. Then he saw Chris and the Judge and decided
he’d better mosey on over to see what was up.
Vin sank a little further into his chair watching Chris as
the others one by one drifted off to other entertainment. The blond had been
even quieter than usual since they’d retired to the saloon to ponder the
Judge’s offer. He’d worried that Chris might be heading for a dive into the
bottle, but his friend had only sipped at his whiskey all evening.
Still, Vin was good at reading signs and right now he could see
that something was eating at Chris. The gunslinger had started picking at a
spot on the rough-hewn table with his carving knife.
break the blade if you keep jabbing at the table like that, Cowboy,” Vin said,
stretching his long legs out in front of him and crossing them at the ankles.
snorted, but slipped the little knife back into a pocket in his coat and leaned
forward, elbows on the table as he cradled the shot glass in both hands.
reigned for so long that Vin decided he wasn’t going
to get Chris to talk. He knocked back the last of his whiskey and tensed his
muscles to rise when he heard Chris’ soft tenor.
used to call me that.”
Vin froze then
forced himself to relax. His mind whirled to try and figure out who and what
Chris was talking about. Then it hit him.
C.. Chris, I’m sorry,” Vin
said softly, correcting himself with a mental curse. Why else would the man be
so tetchy about a stupid word?
A small
smile tipped one corner of Chris’ mouth. “’s’alright,
Vin. I would have told you if I wanted you to stop
using it.” He twisted the half-full shot glass. “It brings back memories. For a
long time, it only made me think of her death.”
Vin held his breath, not wanting to stem the break in the
dam that was Chris Larabee.
it helps me remember the good times.” Chris tilted his head and gave Vin a grin. “At least when it comes from
friends. It’s still a great way to scare the shit out of the bad guys.”
Vin chuckled and shook his head. Silence fell between them
again, but surprisingly it was Chris who broke it again.
“I didn’t find
any leads in Purgatory. Trail’s dead and cold as Fowler.”
sorry, Chris,” Vin said. “You know I’ll help you any
way I can.”
nodded and took a deep breath before letting it out slowly. “I didn’t really
expect to find anything. Guess I’ve been putting it off for a while to avoid
It was Vin’s turn to nod. He’d suspected the trail would dead end
with Fowler. “Maybe the Judge could look into Fowler for you.”
has,” Chris admitted taking a sip from his glass. “Didn’t
turn up anything.”
“Shoulda figured you’da asked
him,” Vin said with some chagrin.
well, figured the Judge owed me a few,” Chris grinned back. “Come on, Cowboy,
I’ll buy the next round. We’re celebrating here, right?”
Vin’s eyebrow rose. “Right,” he drawled out unconvincingly.
chuckled, slapped Vin on the shoulder and refilled
both of their glasses. “The town’s rebuilding, we’re back on the Judge’s
payroll and none of us got hurt. I’d say that qualifies for a celebration.” He
tapped his glass to Vin’s and they both drank.
Vin grinned, wondering at Chris’ sudden change in mood. “So…
everything’s okay?” he asked, not quite sure what he should say.
nodded then frowned. Vin followed his stare across the
room to a lively conversation going on at the poker tables. “Well, it might be,
if we can stop an all out brawl,” he growled, adding a wink at Vin as they both stood.
Vin smiled and
nodded as he took a step forward only to be stopped by Chris’ hand on his arm.
Vin,” Chris said, grasping his forearm.
Vin clasped Chris’ forearm in return. “No problem, Cowboy,”
he said, his eyes twinkling as they broke their grips and headed for the
increasingly loud disagreement at Ezra’s table.
is appreciated. JudyL
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