Damage Control

By JudyL

November 18, 2003

I keep hearing voices in my head. They're very nice voices and the bodies attached to them are nice too. Anyway, here's what they had to say.

Disclaimer: Yes they can still come stay with me anytime!


"Hey, Jim," Blair said from behind his laptop.

"Yeah, Chief."

"I just got off one of the Sentinel lists and I’m a little worried man."

"Why’s that?"

"Well, someone brought up the topic that they thought maybe interest in us was dying down. Fewer fanfics, smaller list memberships." Blair stood up, walked into the living area and plopped down on the couch beside his Sentinel. "What if it’s true, Jim? What are we gonna do?"

"Ah, come on, Chief. We’ve been going strong since the series started. It’s just the usual ebb and flow. Real life trying to take back some time. Nothing to worry about, really."

"I don’t know Jim. I’ve been doing some research and while it doesn’t seem to be an immediate problem, I think we need to do a little damage control."

"What kind of damage control?" Jim asked his eyes narrowing suspiciously.

"We just need to help out however we can with the stories."

"Geesh, Chief! We already get kidnapped, beat up, shot and tortured on a regular basis. What more can we possibly do?"

"Well, I don’t know. We can give them what they want, I guess."

"And that would be?" he asked warily.

Blair blushed and stared at his hands.


"Well, they always like the boxer scenes."

Jim slapped his hand to his forehead and dragged it slowly down his face. "They like the Blair owies too Chief. Should we give them more of those?"

Blair seemed to shrink in on himself a bit and replied softly, "I just don’t think we should take a chance, you know? What are we supposed to do if people stop reading and writing about us? There’s not exactly a retirement home for used up TV series characters? And I’m too young to retire anyway!"

"Chief, you’re getting all worried for no good reason. Several, if not all, of our fanfic writers have offered to take us in at various times. I doubt seriously we’d be left homeless or uncared for." He looked at his forlorn Guide and sighed. "Okay, okay. If it’ll make you feel better, we can offer to do a few more boxer scenes. I’ll even throw in a few shirtless scenes for good measure. But I draw the line at suggesting they do more Blair owies! There are quite enough of those being written all the time as it is."

"Thanks, Jim," Blair beamed at his friend. He frowned suddenly. "What if they want more Jim owies?"

Jim groaned and slumped back into the couch.


Comments are always welcome, please let me know what you think. Judy
