EM7 Episode 8.75

Rain, Hail or Shine

By Aussie Lass


rescue logo This story and its artwork have been rescued. We have tried to contact the author, but gotten no reply. Since we had permission to list her stories on Lady Angel's M7 Library (now M7FC), and I hate to see good stories lost, we are hosting it here for safe-keeping.

DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of the characters. "The Magnificent Seven" belong to MGM and Trilogy Entertainment. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, I’d be a happy woman if Vin belonged to me.....but no such luck. I have not made any profit out of writing this, so please don’t sue me. It would not be worth your while.


1. This story is a stand alone. However, it falls between Episode 8.5 and Episode 9.

2. I have no medical knowledge and know little about military and security organizations, so there are likely to be inaccuracies. I invite you to enjoy my story for what it is... a rumble about six hunks and one drop dead gorgeous, handsome, strong, cute guy - you pick which of the seven fits that description! (g)

3.This story is a fantasy! If you are looking for a realistic story that is based on facts, this is not it. I have made everything up.

4. I am not a professional writer - I'm just someone who loves the boys. My beta readers are volunteers who have willingly given their time to help me and I will always be in their debt. Any errors are mine alone. There are a number of spelling, grammar and punctuation differences between Australia and the USA... please forgive me for writing with an accent. (g)

Special thanks to my pards on the Vin Fanfic and Discussion Group and all of the people who have sent me feedback, encouragement and support in the past. Very special thanks to my wonderful friend and beta, Teri and to Kathy for helping to spot the errors.

THIS UNIVERSE IS CLOSED I hope you will respect this. I encourage you to create your own modern universe to play in. Thank you.

Em7: Stand Alone

Falls between Episode 8.5 and 9

Rain, Hail or Shine

Response to the Vin Fanfic and Discussion Group April 2008 Finish the Story Challenge


Chris looked at the members of his team.  They had been planning for this day for weeks. When they woke this morning little did they know what fate had in store. It would make things interesting, but as always they would pull together and make it work.

They had planned to have the party outside. Barbeque some steaks, some beer… very relaxed. However, in the last week the temperature had dropped and the first snow storm of the season had hit the night before, blanketing DC in whiteness. An outdoor BBQ was now out of the question.

The boys had rallied and the problem was solved.

Chris smiled with contentment watching his team work like a well-oiled machine at this ungodly hour of the morning. Everything needed to be complete before heading to the office. The private room at the saloon looked fantastic, streamers hanging at odd angles from the ceiling. Mary, General Travis, Inez, Nettie and Casey all had invitations and would attend the very small and select party this evening. J.D. had organized for the coin operated bucking bull to be dragged into the party room and now it took the place of honor in the centre. No doubt after a few beers they’d all have a turn.

Ezra had ‘borrowed’… pilfered… three of Vin’s favorite CD’s from his flat. Josiah was on the phone arranging for the local steak house to deliver Vin’s favorite meal directly to the party at 7:30 pm – Steak and fries.

Buck had had himself thrown off the Sexiest Man television show the night before so he could attend Vin’s surprise birthday party.

Nathan had given his blessing for Vin to attend. While still a little weak after collapsing the week before, Vin was well on the way to a full recovery.

And Chris… Chris had accidentally, on purpose, informed Vin of the surprise party. He’d seen the gratitude in his friend’s eyes. Vin didn’t like surprises.

The stage was set for a perfect night.

Unfortunately, the weather had other ideas. A second snow storm closed in without warning, battering DC mercilessly.

At 2pm, severe weather warnings were being broadcast.

At 4pm, the airport closed.

At 5pm, the electricity went out.

At 6pm, the phones went down.

By 7pm, the roads were impassable.

Chris stared out the window into the darkness. The boys and the rest of the guests were cut off. Chris had arrived early, just before the roads had been closed. With a sigh, he turned to survey his cheerless surroundings. Four candles cast a flickering and somber light around the decorated room. The words, “Happy Birthday Vin” blazed from a crudely painted sign care of J.D.

Chris shook his head and cursed. “Of all nights!”

He blew out the candles and the room plunged into darkness. With a sigh, he headed for the exit. He’d join Vin in his flat and maybe they could have a drink in the dark and celebrate.

As Chris opened the door, a blast of snow pelted him. Over the sound of the blizzard, he heard a mechanical roar. Two powerful headlights cut through the whiteness. Chris shielded his eyes and peered at the blazing lights. The roar stopped.

“Everybody out!”

Chris wiped sleet from his eyes and approached slowly and carefully through the snow. The snow plough took shape -- towing the Banana!

Out of Buck’s yellow van poured, Josiah, Nathan, J.D., Ezra, Billy Travis, Mary, the General, Nettie, Casey and five young women Chris didn’t know.

“Hey, boss. We made it,” Buck boomed, climbing from the plough. “I borrowed this from a friend. Went and picked everyone up.”

“Captain Wilmington you almost killed us!” Ezra declared, racing for the shelter of the building with everyone else.

“Almost,” Buck agreed laughing and winking at a particularly large chested guest. “Chris, this is Mandy, Sarah, Tania, Mattea and Heidi.”

Chris shook his head. “I thought we agreed we’d…”

“We’d make sure Vin had a good time. Don’t worry, the girls are here to do just that,” Buck stated bouncing his eyebrows which were decorated with flakes of snow. “Come on. Let’s get inside before we freeze.”

“The power’s out,” Chris informed the others as they entered the room and stamped snow from their shoes.

“Not a problem. We brought a generator,” Josiah announced as he and Nathan carried it through the dark room, J.D. leading the way with a flashlight.

“Mandy is a cook at that steak place we arranged to deliver Vin’s birthday dinner. She’s got the steak with her and will use Inez’s kitchen to cook it for him,” Buck claimed happily, slipping his arm around the young woman’s shoulders.

Abruptly the lights came on.

Chris stared at the others as they reappeared and began shedding their outer layers of clothing.

“Chris, you better go and get the birthday boy so we can surprise him,” Nathan stated happily.

“Yeah… I… boys…” They were amazing. “Thanks.”

The men exchanges smiles. “We weren’t about to let a little thing like a blizzard get in our way of celebrating Vin’s 25th birthday, Colonel,” J.D. announced.


Chris stood to one side, a bottle of beer in his hand.

The not so delicate tones of Willie Nelson wafted around the room almost drowned out by cheering as Nathan mounted the bull.

Vin was pointing and laughing at his dark-skinned friend.


Chris had never seen Vin so relaxed… so carefree. Beer had drowned Vin Tanner’s inhibitions and he was unreservedly enjoying himself. He had one arm around Inez who seemed very happy to be in his embrace.

Buck was ‘dancing’ with three of the uninvited guests, Josiah with the other two and J.D. with Casey.

Ezra was quietly chatting with Nettie, the pair watching Vin with wide smiles.

The music went off briefly to be replaced by…

“The Stripper!” Ezra cried in horror. Everyone turned to look at Buck who leapt up onto the table and began gyrating. “Buck, get down! Someone turn off that…”

“Come on, Vin! I’m daring you to join me!” Buck boomed.

Vin’s eyes narrowed. He shot Chris a look and then handed Inez his glass and climbed onto the table beside Buck.

“VIN!” Ezra exclaimed. “Colonel! Do something. There are ladies present.”

Nettie elbowed, Ezra. “Simmer down, son. Take it off, Vin!”

Ezra’s eyes popped. “Miss Nettie?!”

Vin followed Buck’s lead, swinging his hips and removing his shirt, to cheers from his audience.

Chris toasted the pair.

Buck unbuckled his trousers… Vin started to do the same. However, at this point, modesty… or perhaps a clear thought through the haze of alcohol… hit and he leapt off the table.

Ezra switched off the music and hauled a still gyrating Buck from the table.

Chris watched Inez thread Vin back into his shirt and waited as his friend swaggered over to the corner where he was standing alone.

“Thought you were supposed to be watching my back,” Vin chuckled.

“I was. I thought I was going to be ‘watching’ your ass for a moment there.”

Vin grinned, scanning the room. He sighed and slid his arm across Chris’ shoulders. “Best birthday I’ve ever had, Cowboy.”

Chris smiled. “The boys were determined it would go ahead, rain, hail or shine.”

Abruptly “The Stripper” music started again. Everyone burst out laughing as Ezra tackled Buck as he tried to climb onto the table again.

Chris and Vin exchanged a toast and then re-entered the fray, wallowing in the joy of belonging.

The End


© March 2008 Brigitta B. : This relates only to the creative property in this story. The distinctive way the story unfolds, the specific dialogue and unique situations are mine. I acknowledge that some of the characters and settings belong to the owners of "The Magnificent Seven" and I thank them sincerely for turning a blind eye so I can borrow them. (g) No infringement of copyright was intended and no profit has been made from this story... so, please don't sue me. It wouldn't be worth your while.

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