Hunting Challenge

Here are the responses to the June 23, 2003 Challenge.

Send one or more of the guys hunting. For... whatever.

M7 Challenge


My response to the 6-23-03 "send the boys hunting" challenge. This was harder than I thought! I had to take out 80+ words to meet the limit.

This was actually inspired by reading Holly's posting. :)

Against his cheek, the rifle was warm from the morning sun.

A hundred yards away, a dozen buffalo dozed peacefully beneath a clump of juniper bushes.

He aimed the rifle at a medium-sized male. This one would bring a good price. But something made him hesitate, and he studied the animals for a long moment.

Vin tightened his grip and drew back on the trigger. Just another ounce of pressure and. One of the buffaloes was staring at him. The barrel dropped towards the ground. Surprised, he glanced at it, then at the fearless buffalo. Smiling, he walked away.

Foul Air

By Chrysalis

Disclaimer: Noteth Mineth

Universe: ATF

He had laughed at the term as a child, sent other people on them and been amused at their frustration, and wondered why they chose that particular bird.

'A wild goose chase indeed. They never mention the smell.' Chris thought. The others had ragged on Vin about his hunting trip and he returned with a live bird among his bounty. He then proceeded to show if off.

Unfortunately, it got loose, flew inside the Larabee residence and now all team members were in pursuit.


By Chrysalis

Disclaimer: Noteth Mineth

Universe: Little Britches

Easter at the Larabee-Wilmington-Tanner-Dunne house was interesting. Instead of going to a church service, they had a picnic. One thing stayed the same however, the easter egg hunt. Buck and Chris had declared that they wanted to take pictures today and the boys had asked Josiah to help them look. He was bent over peering at a lavendar stripe hidden among the grass.

"Have I ever told you boys about the time a bluebird thought my sister and I were stealing her eggs?"

One Shoe

By Chrysalis

Disclaimer: Noteth Mineth

Universe: ATF

JD was never going to fall for Casey's pleading look again.

'Just for the afternoon, JD. It'll only be three hours, tops. Maybe, but they are the longest three hours ever.' JD thought.

"Mr JD, I can't find my shoe." announced Danny Farlon, Casey's third cousin.

Sighing, JD got the other two kids to help him scour McDonald's Playland looking for the shoe. How it got under the ball pit, no one knew.

Two Legs Good...

By Firefox

Disclaimer: Not ours, though they should be!

Buck motioned for silence with a finger to his lips, edging into the shadows.

"Can you see?" Ezra whispered over his left shoulder.

"Sssshhh!" Buck hissed, "You'll scare it off!"

Breath held, weapon in his outstretched arm, Buck flattened himself against the wall, inching closer.

The tension was palpable, sweat broke out on his forehead. Ezra kept his back-up position stoically, though his heart pounded.

"NOW!" Buck lunged forward with a shout.

Ezra moved in perfect concert — Buck's long-handled brush hit the target, and with an audible 'plop', the huge spider fell into the glass jug in Ezra's hand.

~The End~

(Inspired by a rash of frisbee-sized arachnids who have invaded my house this last week...)

It's a Zen Thing...

By Firefox

Disclaimer: Not ours, though they should be!

An extensive, controlled inhale, filling his lungs.

Long fingers flexing, then wrapping themselves around the trigger.

A sure, steady hand on the barrel.

The stance is alert, wary.

Eyes dilate, then focus.

Mind is clear, body, fingers, eyes, all in perfect synchronisation.

Complete concentration.

An almost gentle squeeze of the trigger...

"Alright!!" Hands slap his back, raucous shouts of congratulation and laughter.

A cacophony of bells, flashing lights and loud fanfare.

"Way to go, Vin!!"

The shy blue eyes register just the smallest amount of pride.

"Come on then, Cowboy — wanna see if you can beat my score on 'Gunfighter'?"

~The End~

Fine Line

By Heather M.

Disclaimer: The usual (In another life maybe?)

"Five hundred dollars," what Top Hat Bob could do with money like that. He was so close, after three days of hunting Vin Tanner, he was so close.

They had said Tanner was half animal, half injun, hell in Bob's opinion that made him 100% animal.

Bob turned suddenly at a sound behind him, then he found himself in a grip of iron, the cold steel of a knife at his throat.

An ominous whisper in his ear, ""Tha's a fine line between hunter and hunted."

One quick stroke of the knife, ended Bob's dreams of five hundred dollars.

The Hunt for the Perfect Shot

By Holly

I hadn't planned on doing one of these this week as the muses didn't move me. That was until I read a few of the other excellent entries and this one was born. And since it's not quite midnight yet in Texas... Hope you enjoy.

With diligence the experienced hunter stalked his prey as the morning rays of the sun began to kiss the placid waters.

Holding as still as a statue Vin waited at this perfect vantage point for his quarry to arrive.

The quiet rustle of leaves was heard putting him on alert. Holding his breath he raised his weapon of choice and prepared the shot.

Six deer slowly made their way toward the water's edge.

It was now or never. He would never get another chance like this. Gently his finger applied the pressure.


This would be a photograph worth framing.


By Jeanne Griffith

Universe: Old West

Nathan crept as quietly as he could. He looked this way and that, peeking around corners then sliding around them. He'd checked all the places he could think of. The saloon, the livery, even the bath house. There was one more place he could check. Tip toeing down the street he stopped. He could hear moaning. He threw back the canvas cover.

"Vin Tanner get your scrawny ass back to the clinic this minute."

"Ahhhh, Nathan."

Sneaky Huntin'

By Jeanne Griffith

Universe: ATF

JD crept across the room. He hid behind the sofa, the chair and the table. He barely breathed. This time he was going to do it no matter what. Inch by slow inch he crept closer and closer. His quarry totally unaware he was coming. Closer and closer until he sprang like a cat.


Vin looked up from his building block project. "Pooh, I heard you all the way from the hall."

"Did not."

"Did too."

"Did not."

"Did too."

"Boys! Enough!!" Came a voice from behind them, making both jump.

I'm Getting Too Old Huntin'

By Jeanne Griffith

Universe: ATF

Josiah looked down the long row again looking on each shelf, at each title. He just knew that it was here. This was where it was the last time. Sighing he attracted the attention of one of the Librarians.

"May I help you?"

Giving up Josiah held out the little blue slip of paper. "I'm looking for this book and I was sure it was here the last time."

She took the slip of paper. "Oh that's in our Southwest Room here I'll show you." She smiled up at him.

Josiah followed, Librarian's had sure changed over the years."

"Here it is "Navajo Tales."

Josiah sighed, So much for memory. "Thanks" Now where was that library card?

Harsh Truths


"Vin? Vin look at me. You wanted to come — remember?"

The slight boy nodded, while still staring at the dead deer. Tears of regret ran down his tanned cheeks.

"We're not rich, if we want meat on the table, we need to hunt when we can. Do you understand?"

Another nod.

"Josiah told me that when the Indians kill an animal they thank the animal's spirit for its sacrifice," Chris explained. "Would you like to do that?"

Vin nodded. Then, after a moment, he stepped forward and placed a trembling hand on the creature's neck. "Thank you," he softly whispered.

The End

Hunting for the Kitty


"JD son what ya doing?"


"Okay, what ya huntin'?"

"The spotty pussy cat, I saw'd him go in the barn."


"Yup, he's a real big pussy cat, if I catch him can I keep him?"

"Well let's just see if you catch him first shall we?"


"I'll be in the house, Chris and Vin will be home soon."

"'K. Here kitty."

'...In braking news today, a cheetah being transported to Denver zoo escaped from its crate and is believed to be in the western outskirts of the city. If you see the large cat do not...'


The End

The Hunter and the Hunter


Universe: Two Blood

Vin moved as silently as he could, senses on alert, he was being hunted. The question was not that he would be attacked, but when? Straining to pick up any sound he tried to get a clue as to the hunter's location.

Suddenly there was a blur of movement, he barley caught it out of the corner of his eye before he was propelled backwards to fall over on his ass with a huge wolf pinning him down.

"Damn Bucklin!" he exclaimed as the wolf looked down at him, tail wagging. "S'pose you think that's funny?" The wolf yipped happily.

The End

Big Game

By Leslie Newcomer

Rating: R

He stalked his prey carefully, moving with a stealth that allowed him to operate in plain view.

His quarry never even aware that he was being hunted.

This was the most challenging prize he'd ever sought.

And the one that he was least sure of his eventual victory over.

He had studied the habits, charted the movements, memorizing the daily routine until it was second nature.

Now it was time to move in for the kill.

He moved down the hall, knocked quietly on the door and slipped inside.

"Hey, Cowboy... want some company?"

Chris looked up into hopeful blue eyes and nodded, lifting the covers so Vin could join him.

The Thrill of the Hunt

By Lisa

Universe: ATF, Thank you Mog

Disclaimer: They never were and never will be mine.

Okay, so this isn't really a hunt, but I just couldn't picture Ezra in a safari hunt! <g>

The ATF agent belly-crawled, inching himself into the tight crevice. His clothing mopped up the filth of the small space as he slowly moved forward towards his quarry.

Whoever said 'the thrill of the hunt was nothing compared to the joy of the capture' had never hunted in this capacity before. Ezra cursed as an errant nail snagged his waistband and halted his journey.

He stretched his arm reaching as far as humanly possible and barely finger tipped the golden object closer to him.

That was the last time he would fasten his cufflinks near the hot air floor duct.

On the Hunt : Vin


Disclaimer: Don't own any of the guys or the universes. Other more talented and creative people do, as well as a few large corporations.

Universe: Old West

Vin's finely honed tracking and hunting skills were working overtime. He knew his prey was still in the area, he could sense it, smell it. Moving silently through the wooded area, he followed his instincts and soon spotted his prey.

Foregoing his mare's-leg since cocking it would alert his prey, he pulled the large knife he always carried from its sheath, and waited for the most opportune moment. His patience was soon rewarded.

Stepping into the clearing, he placed the knife at his prey's throat. "Give me back m' peach pie and I won't kill ya," he hissed at Buck.

On the Hunt : Chris


Disclaimer: Don't own any of the guys or the universes. Other more talented and creative people do, as well as a few large corporations.

Universe: ATF AU

Moving as lithely as a panther on a hunt, Chris stalked his prey. A feral smile broke out on his lips and a low growl threatened to sound as he realized exactly where his prey was. There would be no escape. There would be no mercy.

They thought they were clever. They thought they would get away with it. After spending six hours trying to corral 200 kindergarteners and give them a tour of the Federal Building, nothing would stop him. He would catch the six perpetrators and teach them a lesson about volunteering their Team Leader for such operations.

On the Hunt : Buck


Disclaimer: Don't own any of the guys or the universes. Other more talented and creative people do, as well as a few large corporations.

Universe: ATF AU

Buck carefully hunted through his desk drawers; he had to find that phone number. When she had given him the number originally, he hadn't thought twice about it, after all women gave him their phone numbers all the time. How was he to know this one was different?

Shifting a stack of old messages, he found the number he needed and released a sigh. Closing the disorganized drawer, he reached for the phone and punched in the number; it was picked up on the second ring.

"Catherine Sutton, Attorney At Law. How may I help you?" the voice greeted.

On the Hunt : Josiah


Disclaimer: Don't own any of the guys or the universes. Other more talented and creative people do, as well as a few large corporations.

Universe: Dungeons and Dragons

Heaving a sigh, Josiah took the scroll he'd been reviewing back to its shelf. It had taken him thirteen years of hunting down obscure clues to locate the correct library.

Now that he was here, it had taken him five days to locate what he hoped was the right section. After hunting through more than half the scrolls, most written in obscure dialects, he had begun to despair of ever finding what he needed.

But he couldn't do that. He couldn't give up now. He was too close and too many lives now depended on him finding it soon.

On the Hunt : Nathan


Disclaimer: Don't own any of the guys or the universes. Other more talented and creative people do, as well as a few large corporations.

Universe: Vengeance

Nathan stopped and stretched his back as the reason for his current herb-hunting expedition replayed in his mind.

The Vengeance had been doing well, at least until they ran across a ship where the crew had been sick with an illness Nathan didn't know. It had hit the men on the Vengeance hard. The major symptoms were chills, fever and an inability to keep anything down. Several of the men had had trouble breathing and Nathan had nearly exhausted his stores of herbs.

Determining he wouldn't be caught unprepared should such a thing happen again, he continued his hunt.

On the Hunt : Ezra


Disclaimer: Don't own any of the guys or the universes. Other more talented and creative people do, as well as a few large corporations.

Universe: ATF

Ezra couldn't believe it as he hung up the phone yet again. He had been hunting all day. He had tracked down numbers and called obscure people, yet no one could get him the tickets he wanted.

What was he going to do? He had to attend.

Releasing a heavy sigh, he leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes only to be startled into alertness when a hand rested on his shoulder. Looking up, he found himself face to face with Nathan's smiling face. "Here, Ezra," he said, holding out an envelope. "I thought you might need these."

On the Hunt : JD


Disclaimer: Don't own any of the guys or the universes. Other more talented and creative people do, as well as a few large corporations.

Universe: Star Trek

Blowing his bangs out of his eyes, JD wondered what had made him agree to participate in the hunt. Buck had gone to a lot of trouble to arrange it especially for him and that was why he'd agreed. He knew his friend had put a lot of time and energy into creating the authentic hunt, but they'd been at it for hours now.

JD wondered where his friends were. Resisting the urge to ask the computer for the location of his friends, he shifted his gear and headed off in another direction wondering what exactly a snipe looked like.

A Huntin' We Will Go (::cue Elmer Fudd laugh:: <g>)

By Monica M.

Disclaimer: Not mine and I don't get paid.

I'm probably over the 100 word limit, but then I don't do well with rules either. <g> Thanks to Debbie for inspiring this and her very strong encouragement to actually post it.

"How can you say that we're all going 'hunting' when we've not all had practice shots?"

"You're not getting a turn, Standish," Clint retorted.

"J.D. got a turn," Ezra pointed out petulantly.

An irritated growl was the immediate response. "Alright! J.D., go set up the cans."

"You're not gonna give him the gun until I come back, are you?" the freshman asked nervously.

"I'm not going to shoot you, J.D.!"

"Won't shoot any cans either," Chris smirked, now standing safely with the other boys behind Ezra and Clint.

"I'll shoot more cans than y'all will shoot deer," Ezra stated.

"Wanna bet?" Vin teased.

100 Words

By Na7th

It was Saturday night and they were all at Larabee's.

Josiah's chile was but a memory. They were settling down with beer in hand. "Pop in the movie." Someone yelled.

I hunted all over the web and got a shock.

Casey, Mary, Rain and even AD Travis saw it too.

"I didn't believe it. Ya just have to see this for your selves."

The title appeared and the stars one by one... Michael Biehn as Chris Larabee, Eric Close as Vin Tanner, Andrew Kavovit as JD Dunne, Dale Midkiff as Buck Wilmington and so...

"Hey, would you look at that... "

Hunting Big Game

By Phyllis

Wilmington moved quietly across the room. He had heard movement from the other side of the room and now crouched behind the low bar between the kitchen and dining room.

Glancing across the way, he could see Chris Larabee crouched in the same manner. Their eyes met and Larabee inclined his head toward the front of the room. Buck nodded and glanced in that direction.

His eye caught movement and Vin Tanner's blue eyes appeared. He blinked as he spied Buck and then disappeared again.

Buck heard a noise and turned.

"Tag! You're it, Buck." JD yelled and ran off.

Honoring the Kill

By Phyllis

Vin trailed his prey for hours. The animal was fleet of foot and fast. He cut through the trees and bounded across the field, heading to the rocks. He scrambled to cut around in front of the animal and remain quiet at the same time.

Soon, the quarry came into view and Vin's heart accelerated. It was a big, ten point buck, a magnificent specimen. He sighed, hating what he had to do. He sighted and fired, his heart heavy as the animal crashed to the ground.

Walking over, he bowed his head. "Thank you for your gifts, my friend."

First Kill

By Phyllis

The two boys scrambled out of their beds. Buck was expected home from the tavern that night. Miz Nettie was going to cook dinner and the boys had decided to help by catching a rabbit for the meal.

Chris had shown them how to make a trap and they had set one up the day before. They were going to check it as soon as they finished their chores.

Tears welled as they looked at the small ball of fur. Vin bent down and released the rabbit from the snare. They smiled as it scampered away. Buck liked chicken, too.

Hunting for a Friend

By Phyllis

Chris had ridden out four days ago. It was the last time anyone had seen him and the six men he rode with had not worried until today. The blond was due back that morning, yet had not arrived.

Buck, Vin, and Ezra had set out with barely an hour's light left when Larabee's black appeared, the saddle slipped to one side. Ezra had taken hold of his reins, while Vin began to backtrack.

They smiled as they topped a crest and sighted the blond sitting on a rock.

"Shut up" was his only response as he mounted to laughter.

Foot Race

By Phyllis

Josiah saw the man race around the corner and he set off in pursuit. He knew the rest of the regulators were busy rounding up the would-be robbers. The preacher pounded around corner in time to see the man round the back corner of the building. He increased his pace.

Rounding the back corner, he moved down the alley, carefully checking the shadows as he moved. Suddenly, the man came stumbling out between two buildings, followed closely by Nathan Jackson.

"Don't I got enough work without you shootin' up my friends?" the healer asked, standing over the man.

The Hunt for the Small, Sneaky, Usually-Hiding-on-School-Day Shoe

By Spice


DISCLAIMERS: The characters of The Magnificent Seven belong to CBS, MGM, Trilogy Entertainment Group, and The Mirisch Corp. Original characters belong to me.

NOTES: Thanks to K. Poffenberger and S. Berry for creating the Little Britches AU. I don't remember who started calling JD Lil' Bit, but I truly thank you for that nickname and hope you don't mind if I use it. Thanks to Mog for the ATF universe. This drabble was written for the M7M Challenge: Hunting.

"Damnit!?!?. Where the hell is it?" Long legs stretched from beneath the bed.

"Whatcha doin', Buck?"

The small voice shocked him, and he bit off the curse as his head connected with the bottom of the bunk bed.

"Trying to find your sneaker, Lil' Bit. Got to get you ready for school."

"But Buck..."

"In a minute, JD."


"I said just a minute, JD." His voice held familiar patience.

When he turned his head, Buck was met with the appearance of two sneakered feet.

Sighing, his head dropped to the floor. It was going to be a long day.

Gone Hunting

By Sunni

"This is some sort of joke isn't it? "

"What, you've never been snipe hunting Ezra?" Buck replied with an evil grin.

"I most certainly have not, as there is no such thing." Ezra said quietly, glancing over at the boy scouts. "Get real Buck, little brownie-like creatures you catch in brown paper sacks?"

Buck also looked at the children and leaned closer to Ezra "Would you rather bring them to the movies?"

Ezra paled and quickly shook his head. "How did you get me into this?"

Buck smirked "I won the bet, remember?"

"But snipe hunting?!" Ezra groaned.

The Rest of the Story

Truth be told, Ezra didn't really mind. Though he would have paid to see Buck handle the boy scouts all by himself. Ranging in age from 6 to 11 they were absolutely... fascinating... separately. But together they were next to impossible. The last time Buck had roped Ezra in, they had brought the five kids to see The Emperor's New Groove. Unfortunately they didn't get to see the end of the movie, having been asked to leave when James started stood up in front of the screen and started doing the Macerena ... for the third time... in addition to Larry telling the screen... loudly... that the character was stupid... and Jason falling out of his chair laughing. The other two boys just smirked and threw popcorn. That was when they were asked to leave. Ezra suspected it was Larry and James's idea that set off the younger three. But the movies were definitely out. So... a 'snipe hunt.'

James, the oldest at 11 was looking at his paper bag doubtfully so Buck decide now was the time to start the 'snipe hunt'. "Okay, separate into two groups."

Ezra snorted. Ask children to separate themselves? Not going to happen without some help.

"Patrick, Billy and Jason, you go with "Uncle" Buck. When they started to protest, he cut them off, "You know you can't catch Snipes when you're loud or in large groups. James and Larry will come with me."

Billy, the youngest at age 6, giggled and ruffled his paper bag. "Here Snipes! Come on boys!"

Ezra felt his mouth quirking. God, he was going to need a copious amount of alcohol tonight!

An hour later, and no snipes, save the times that he or Buck threw a stick into the woods, both groups, giggling and sweaty in the summer warmth, met again.

Billy tugged on Ezra's sleeve and said simply "Ice cream"

The cry was soon raised by all including Buck, who when Ezra glared good-naturedly at him simply batted his eyes and said "Please, Uncle Ezra?"

Laughing Ezra nodded his agreement. At the ice cream shop Buck said, "Their mothers are going to kill me."

"Better you then me." Ezra quipped back. "I could have informed you that giving children sugar at ..." Ezra glanced at his watch. "Eight O'clock is a sure way to have them bouncing off the walls at ten."

Billy came over then and effectively ended the conversation by sitting on Ezra's lap and proceeding to show him the character chips in his ice cream bowl.

At 8:30, Buck stood and told the children it was time to pile into his car to go back to the loft. Once there they put in a Disney movie and the two youngest were asleep in the first half and hour, the other three out when their mothers arrived at 10:00.

"Were they good?" Liz asked, waking James up, before waking Patrick and Jason.

"Angels" Ezra replied, conveniently forgetting about how Jason had asked a policeman if he ever got sick of eating just doughnuts, or Patrick dumping salt into all the sugar dishes.

"Uh-huh." Julia said picking up Billy. "Did you have to drug them to go to sleep?"

"No, we gave them ice cream to keep them up." Buck said from his sprawl on the couch.

Ezra waved at the sleeping children. "To no avail, as you see."

Julia smiled "Ice cream? What else did you do?"

Billy grinned sleepily "We went snipe hunting, mummy."

"Snipe hunting? Did you catch any?" Liz said winking at Buck.

"No, Auntie Liz. No snipes." James said sadly. He then motioned to Ezra to lean down to him and he whispered in his ear.

"I don't think there were any snipes out there. But we can look again sometime right, Uncle Ezra?"

"Of course, James" Ezra said hugging the little boy. "We can snipe hunt again any time."