Crossover Challenge

Here are the responses to Lady Angel's challenge to throw our 7 with characters from another show/movie/book

Monday Challenge

by Barb

This is a response to Lady Angels' Monday drabble challenge. The object to write 100 words in a 24 hour time period. This week's challenge is to write a crossover. (hope this is acceptable?)

Universe: ATF/Murder She Wrote

Disclaimer: Don't own anybody. Wish I did. But I don't. Don't bother sueing, if you win the only thing I own is a Beta Fish called Nigel and a mortgage. (your welcome to the mortgage, I don't want it. LOL)

Let me know what you think. Thanks Barb

"Uhm Ma'am? You can't be here." JD stammered.

"I understand. But if you look closely you can see that the dead man is not from the United States." She replied.

"Thank you Madam, we can take it from here. If you would kindly step back to the safety of the lobby." Ezra politely requested while starting to catalogue the weapons found on the body.

"Look at his shoes, they weren't made in the US. I believe they were made in the United Kingdom." She continued unperturbed.

"Just who the hell are you!" Chris demanded fuming.

My name is Jessica Fletcher."

The End


by Debby

Answer to M7M challenge: 100 word crossover

Universe: ATF/Without a Trace

"Vin's gonna freak."

"Pardon me?" Ezra glanced distracted at Buck, not quite able to stop staring.

"The Fib," Wilmington started.

"Shh..." Ezra cut him off with uncharacteristic rudeness. "Here he comes."

They watched as Tanner entered the office and stopped short in front of the visiting agent currently discussing a case with Josiah.

The Fib glanced in Tanner's direction and did a double-take. Eyes widened as they sized each other up, comparing jeans and long hair to the regulation cut and suit.

The Suit moved first managing to extend his hand in greeting and barely rasped his name. "Martin Fitzgerald."

The End

Challenge Fic

by IndigoCat

Something was wrong.

The connection that he felt with Chris since their first meeting was no longer there. A cold pit formed in his belly.

Chris stood on the front porch of his home wearing a red shirt that hung outside of his jeans. "You must be Vin," Chris said when he joined Chris on the porch.

"You know what my name is, Chris."

"Name¹s not Chris. It¹s Judson Cross."

The front door opened behind them. A third man stepped joined them. Vin felt the familiar connection with this man.

Chris smiled. "Vin, I see you¹ve met my cousin Judson."



by Jennifer Davis

Disclaimer: Hmmm. Let's see...Not mine

Rating: PG

Author's Note: the M7M xover challenge, xover with The Pretender

The box was sitting on his desk when he arrived at work. It was small — the size of the boxes that check reorders come in — and wrapped in brown paper. He recognized it immediately, forcing himself to take a deep breath and not run. It triggered every flight instinct he had, but he had given up on running a long time ago when he realized that the sweepers thought he died getting out. He saw no reason to correct them. Tearing away the brown paper he found a Cracker Jacks box with a message inside.

Kyle is dead.


Crossing Paths

by KT

Universe: Time Trax/ATF Xover

Disclaimer: Not Mine.

Note: This is a response to the M7M crossover challenge.

The tall man strode through the airport, he stood well over six foot, with thick dark hair, twinkling blue eyes and walked with an easy fluidity. As he neared the exit door he passed another man, he too was tall, with thick dark hair and twinkling blue eyes, he was strolling beside a shorter, younger, man in a baseball cap.

"I'm telling ya, Ez is always late." He overheard the man say, as he watched in stunned amazement.

"Selma did you see what I just saw?"

"I am not in visual mode and so saw nothing Captain," his pocket replied.

The End

The New Teacher

by Lady Angel

Universe: M7/Harry Potter

Disclaimers: Usual.

Rating: G

Harry glanced at the head table. "Do we know who the Defense Against Dark Arts teacher is yet?"

"No," Ron answered. "I heard —"

The Great Hall's doors burst opened as a surge of autumn wind whipped through.

Heads turned as a man entered. Black robes seethined in the wind, booted heels echoed through the room.

Dumbledore stood. "Ahhh, Professor Larabee."

The girls dreamily sighed, the boy's eagerly leaned forward.

Professor Larabee was stern, but still too cool for words.

"For tomorrow's lesson—"

Six brooms swished by the window. Rowdy laughter echoed.

"Hey, cowboy! Whoa! Help!"

Professor Larabee groaned.

The End . . . maybe {eg}


by Lady Angel

Universe: M7/Kung Fu : the Legend Continues/Sentinel/Stargate SG-1

Disclaimers: Usual.

Rating: PG

"Detective Caine and Kermit arrested the deputy mayor today."

"Ellison and Sandburg blew up a building."

General Hammond snorted. "SG1 blew up an entire planet."

Travis rolled his eyes. "Pffft, twos and fours. I've got seven of them. Tanner and Wilmington shot up the mayor's car ... while his wife was in it. Jackson and Standish 'accidently' blew up half the warehouse district. Sanchez and Dunne hacked into the CIA and is accusing a senator of treason." He sucked in a deep breath. "To top it all off, Larabee pulled his gun on the governor's wife because she wouldn't stop pinching his ass."

The End


by Lisa

Rated: G

Disclaimer: I own no rights and make no profit

"Ez, there ain't no one gonna find us down this hole."

"Mr. Tanner, have faith, the others will no doubt be able to locate our where abouts."

"Do you?"

"Do I what, Mr. Tanner?"

"Have faith?"

"None whatsoever."

"It's been nice ridin' with ya, Ez."

"The pleasure has been all mine, Vin."

A mustached face appeared at the top of the mineshaft. "Hey, over here!" yelled Buck.

"You boys just sit tight, weíll have you out in no time."

"Thank you Mr. Wilmington; however did you find us?"

"Oh, don't thank me.

Woof, woof.

"Thank Lassie, here. Good job girl!"

The End

100 Words

by Marian

Rating: G

Author's note: Guess Who

Feed Back: OK

They had the building under surveillance for the past four days. Team Seven watch diligently never taking their eyes off the building. They recorded every movement every sound.

Were their eyes playing games on them? Was this for real? Larabee was needed. The call was placed.


"Chris? It's Buck."

"What's going on?"

"Chris, you need to see this’..."

"See what?" Larabee growled.

"Chris, hurry."

Larabee arrived, and dressed in black was a little man. Saying.

"Five agents, six agents, seven agents."

Chris watched this strange little man then asked. "Who the hell are you?"

"I am Count Dracula"


100 Words #2

by Marian

Rating: G

Author's note: Guess Who

Feed Back: OK

Josiah sat in his saddle looking towards the sky. A look of disbelief upon his handsome face... He didn't move. He didn't appear to be breathing. Concern for his old friend brought Nathan to his side.

"Josiah? Josiah? What's ailing you? You look like you seen a ghost."


"Yeah, I'm here. What's wrong with you?"

"The bird it's coming this time for sure, its huge Nathan. Brother, it's big enough ta take the both of us."

Then as if on cue it drops from the sky.

"Hi. My, names Sister Bertrille. 'Do You know The Way To San Jose.'"



by Phyllis

Universe: ATF/While You Were Out

Main Characters: Buck-JD

Rating: G

Disclaimers: The following is a work of fan fiction. The characters of Magnificent 7 are owned by and copyrighted to CBS, MGM, The Trilogy Entertainment, every one in the western world but me. Taking them out to play and promise to return them, no matter how much I want to keep them.

"So? Think he'll like it?" the woman asked.

"He'll love it. It's great." The big man said. The phone in his hand rang, "Yeah? OK, we're ready."

The three people nodded and the big man headed for the front room.

"I'm back," was heard. Then, "Hey, what's with the camera?"

The door opened and the big man shoved a slighter man in.

"JD? Hi. I'm Theresa and this is John Bruce. And we're from 'While You Were Out', the TV show. Welcome to your new bedroom."

"You redid my room?"

"Yeah. What do you think, kid?"

"Wow, awesome. Thanks, Buck."

The End

The Sharpshooters

by Phyllis

Universe: ATF/Lethal Weapon

Disclaimers: Usual disclaimers-don't own them, making no money, all in fun, etc, etc, etc.

Only the two best remained. The targets were replaced, moved back. They sighted, fired. Bulls eyes.

Targets were replaced — silhouettes. Vin fired first. Dead center, head shot. The older man fired. A match.

Vin fired twice, two eyes appeared. The second man sighted, fired. Boom, boom, two eyes.

Targets were moved back, thousand yards, now. They reloaded the rifles.

The older man fired first this time. The silhouette face smiled. Tanner fired, snapping off shots. Another smile.

Both shooters grinned and aimed. In quick succession, bullets flew, targets danced. A tie.

"Vin Tanner."

Taking the extended hand, "Martin Riggs."

The End

Unexpected Uncertainty

by Spice

Rating: G

Universe: M7/Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Major Characters: All Seven

Spoilers: None

Disclaimers: The characters of The Magnificent Seven belong to CBS, MGM, Trilogy Entertainment Group, and The Mirisch Corp. Original characters belong to me. The other characters, whom I sure you'll recognize, belong to their original creators. No infringement intended.

Notes: Thanks to Mog for the ATF universe. This drabble was written for Lady Angel's M7M for 4/14/03: Crossover.

Feedback: Sure.

The two groups stared at each other, not quite sure what to say.

"Definite hotties." The blonde nodded to the redhead.

"Definite hottage goin' on." The redhead nodded with a smile.

"Oh, yes, quite handsome." The third young woman ran appreciative eyes over the men.

"Hottage? Hello?" The young man rolled his eyes.

The seven men stared at the group of young people, still not sure of what they had seen.

"Josiah·" Chris stopped speaking, afraid to continue with his question.

"I know, Brother." The older man nodded, gripping his cross.

The young blonde woman grinned wider. "Welcome to Sunnydale."


Old Friends, New Suprises

by wnnepooh

Disclaimer: They aren't mine. I wish they were. Of course, I dont' know if I could afford them. They're a little high maintenance.

"Who's the law here?"

"We are," Chris replied flatly. "Travis sent me."

Larabee eyed the stranger warily. "Whtcha need?"

"Guides to Pergatorio," he replied.

The six men looked uneasy. "Man shouldn't go there alone," Vin warned.

"I have a partner."

Ezra laughed. "Better to have a gun."

The stranger smiled. "Got that too."

The group was interupted by two rowdy figures entering the office.

"Chris," Buck began, "got someone I wantcha to meet — Agent Artemus Gordon!"


"Hey, Jim! Meet Buck..."

"Agent Wilmington," he announced, "I'm Agent Jim West. Artie's told me a lot about you..."

The End