7, 2010
Vin F&D challenge was to write a 100 word drabble based on the picture
above. What can I say? My muse has a mind of her own<G>.
“You know,
Ezra,” Vin said, eyeing the conman suspiciously. “If it weren’t for JD here,
I’d think you were pulling my leg.”
“Why on
earth would I endeavor to perform such a manipulation on your lower appendage?”
Ezra asked innocently.
“Yeah,” JD
chimed in, “why would he, um... uh… huh?” he trailed off with a quizzical look
toward the gambler.
Vin smirked.
“I ‘spect you have your reasons, Ezra, so I’ll do what you two asked. Though I
can’t imagine why Buck thinks puttin’ his boots at the very top peak of the
church’s roof will improve his love life.”
Feedback is
greatly appreciated. JudyL
Then there
was another picture challenge that ended up something like this<G>:
challenge is to fill in the thought bubbles – What are they thinking?