Christmas Conscription
By Sabelcain:

Disclaimer: the M7 characters belong to MGM, Trilogy and Mirisch
Note: My answer to Gail Gardner's (ShipsCat) December Challenge: Judge Travis has set our fellows a task that takes them a long, long, long, way from home. Like Moscow, Timbuktu, East L.A., or any other unexotic location of your choice. You can send anyone you want or any number. The only thing is that they have to do is write postcards home telling why they aren't making it home for the holidays. If you are the clever computer wizard include pictures of the postcards...if you are like me then a short description will suffice...vast expanse of sand, line of camels plodding off into the horizon. "Sun and Sand from Kuwait" or vast expanse of snow, line of reindeer plodding off into the horizon. "Snow from Lapland". For those of you who must write in the old west theme, then a community of Pennsylvania Dutch, Indians, or a visit to Chinatown the location and short letters or pithy telegrams will suffice.


Date: December 22, 2002

Mr. Larabee,

I have arrived at my temporary accommodations without mishap.



Date: December 23, 2002

Mr. Larabee,

I have met with my current supervisor and the assignment is proceeding well. Am enjoying Atlanta’s warmer climate however the traffic leaves much to be desired.



stage view at Atlanta's Fox theatre



This postcard will probably reach you long after I have returned; however I thought it appropriate. My short-term conscription continues without major incident and I’m due to attend ‘The Nutcracker’ this evening with mother (at pictured theatre). I’ll be arriving back in Denver on the 26th. Holiday Greetings to all.

EP Standish


Ezra laid his pen down and reread the words he’d just written. It was a nice thought, but Larabee and the others would see right through him, especially since he’d arrive home before the card.


Sighing heavily he tossed the card into his brief case and reached for his laptop. Another email would do. He wouldn’t go into details, and at least this way he’d buy a little more time to explain the black eye and avoid being harassed for the lie about Maude. With his luck, they’d manage some way of finding out that she’d decided to stay in Paris for the holidays instead of coming to visit him.


Glancing out the window, he gathered his thoughts again as he watched the busy streets below. He couldn’t wait to return to Denver, to escape the hostility he was enduring in Atlanta…but mostly- just to get back to family.

Date: December 24, 2002


My assignment is going as well as can be expected. I’ll fill you in upon my return on the 26th. Looking forward to returning home. Please pass holiday greetings on along to the others.


Feedback is always appreciated

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